The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 28, 1872, Image 2

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1 10
' r, ...i.iii 1,iilr mirrWl wlv tteiteve tlie peimie in ii"i i'"i ii
rma, iuew vork MV1 ; A toii. lately "j Qovenmihit toiy party orobii
Hcrr A. Prtermni 0 hM l k,S3v ATh)W Bmi of men comp5 of too who
SmSLS tt&Su X fe : . mSS. every h
C"Z,;; mnK ftV.lWr K i
t'i.' nthe Xdrtil lHeimi
i... v P.. ir x-iiiii.
4aortoi of Uwju ejwlltK Is lw
the Austrian, to which the Kio
peror, tin- (jowtimenl iwthortttes, ll
War ami .Vlmir.iilY PenartnHmtS ami
.nil rjksjsw of society- in the Empire
have tersely contribotwL Tin sum of
175,000 florin was Hum collected i"
a very short ft of tlim. ami it ha
heen naed to such good prposa thai
(he exiictlitioii xviil'lv ready to mil by
ihe end of next month, the subject
of the exntlltloH to to make farther
iJ...iuu in tin. nni-rlwiKtwIv di rec
ital os the m which was illwsvetisl
but year, stHlalwtoesplOTirthe AMte j
Sea to rite north of Siberi. 'fl unr-1
ktton of tlw expeiRifca lJ Used at I
three year. It Ii ,v aeeomnanleu I
br a smaller one snder the tllrtetlon i
oVi'otmt WHt! whleh h
litteilowsi the Count's own eoA. Swe
den i;aln preparing a Polar tspetll
tirm n:iiler tapUiiti Not-'tenskioW,
wliiA uill pa- the vLtter In the
nnrtliiM n f-laml- of HnVitahersett. ami
theiKe, In the sjiiins of proowx'
iifirtlivvan! In eirrtyges drawn By rein
xleer. Fifty relndcei have beeti al
Wtdy traliieil tor thi- purpftie, and the
wnole eXlH'illtloll I- imiih i tor -iini i"
teudenee of the Swedish Academy i
ArleiiL'tfS. The tOWll of (ii)thenlmi
i, u i..niti-iliiitiil the iiiineioal norttoii
i,f the fund fortius 6xperiitlon. as it
did for thoe ofls;s and 1870; but
the State, the Swedish Academy, and j
various private persons also support it.
The two Norwegian expeditions, like j
the Austrian, w ill proceed in steamers.
One is iimler uapnan ' .'euseu. in i
Urammed. the other under the cole-1
brated whaleflsher. Captain Sevend
Foyn, and both will leave In the sum-1
nier, after the walrus fisliery is over, ;
In the same direction as the Ansttlatl i
expedition. Anotlier matter of great j
Interest to geograpliers is the progress
of the American expedition under Hall
and Itessels. which was to have passed
llie winter in the high latitudes, and
U now probably on its way still further
north. There arc also two French ex
rMiltrifiiw nno iindiT M.Oetavc FilVV.
and another mider M. Gustavo
From tlie Alaska Ilemtd, May B.
The Arctic expedition of 0 lave
Favej-, the liostdarlngand most prom
Idng of all Arctic expeditions, viill
start from San Francisco during (In
coming fortnight. Mr. Pavey rakes
with him Dr. Chessmore, of tlie army,
who lias pas?cd some six years in the
high northern latitudes of Alaska;
Omtain Micks, the daring seaman who
crossed the Atlantic ontbcrtllt Non-
Kindl ; ami Watklns. a celebrated
ockv Mountain linnter, reputed Hie
lst "shot in the wild region around
Laramie. He will In- provided With a
rubber craft, built like the Nonpareil,
which can be tninsportrd with ease on
the land, and yet capable of carrying
large weight on the water, l'rem
San Francisco a small schooner will
take the exiieditlon to Fetropolow -ki,
where dogs' fur and clothing will he
procured, and afterwards: tosouio point
on Wrangets tsiaiMi. woonce, ,
lclges. the iwld discoverers will pas
IJII in lliu l i:.i i i ,, i ' -
existence M. Pavey Is firmly convinced.
Launching tlie raft here, and wistiiig
the dogs adrift to Mft for themselves,
their intention is to make the best way
to the coast of Greenland.
.1. ... . I '..I if ... 1
The Gardiner, Me.. Journal, give.
th tnihiwim? uart culan of the won-
derftd "escape of Joseril Gla:ver. of
that city, from instant death. He was
examining a paper mill in Top-ham.
and while so engaged the skirt of his
i.i ;,, ii.n ,,,!! 1l i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i -
jqow v.niii. - - "
tely bethought himself to tlirow off
hi3 coat, but In doing so bis hand was
arawn into the roll. "I'll let it pull
my arm out, "he thought to himself but
as the merciless raaehinery pulled at
the stout muscles and tendons. Mr. G.
found tliat his arm would not pull off
without breaking bis neck. Just
thinkofsuiha situation for a man to
bo in! Coolly -ulnnitting to tin iaie
win. ........ ..--a i. "
he tnrniHl his head over on the fide to
aave bis r.ose. through the space of
about four inches lie was drawn to his
hlpf. He says as the rolls paaied over
bis bead It made a noise like jrrinlinr
coffee in a mill, ami tliafs tlie last he
remembers. Tlie blood spirted from
Lb eyes, cars and mouth so as to go on
t tiie dryer, twelve feet di-tant. He
ina.s tiken up for dead, hut strange to
v l. la runt Aliont tlie -tn-et . The
space lie went through was about four
hiches, we are told, lmt tlie upper roll
OOllld raise a little by what give there
was to an 80-inch belt. The Journal
ten" naturally remarks it hardly ."rem
possible that a man could be ground
through such a very small space ami
The IlBCNKAKP'i Will. I leave
to societva ruined character, a wretch
ed example, and a memory that will
Soon rot.
I leave to mv parent-, for the rest of
their lives, as "much sorrow as humani
ty, in a feeble and decrlpit state, can sus
tain. , ,
I leave to my brothers and sisters as
much mortilication and injury as I
well could bring on them.
I leave to my wife a broken heart,
a We of wretchedness and slianie, to
weep over my premature death.
I give and bequeath to each one of
ray children poverty. Ignorance, alow
character, and a remembrance tliat
tfieir tatlier was a monster.
Mark Twain gels oft- the following
J "Yniimr Author" in his 'Answers
to correspondents:" "Yes, Agassis
doe recommend authors toeat flsb, I
causc the phosphorus in It makes braius.
8o far you are correct ; but 1 can not
feelp you to a decision about the
amount you need to eitt at least, not
with certainty, if tlie specimen com-
position yon semi is a now your uur,
ius! average. 1 should say that, per
haps a couple of whales would be all you
want foe the present. KWW
kind, but simply good, middling-sized
m mi .
. . . ...
tlie linm-dletd of a fohhler In hiftr-
hler. sihI tlieu aR for ill eitli.iritoe
l ....
miA h ur. r
A timl t alitor Ays that the ser-
in.n ill :i nii.r i luring ciiirunai re-
iniml him WK'fardbTy of eternity.
A maiden la!ly Ik lug sdtetl why he
luid never liian'nil. replied that she
had never Keen the man for whom the j
'ten 'wining to gei up three ineaUa
thy ft:r forty year-.
'Come wliere my love lie drestn
ing.'" iwy tin u'i eonnrrv swain, aiel
jee how U: ltKiks with ihe wlnt off."
Tliieves "went throitsrh" a Fori
Wayne reporter recently, imi eame
out with time lead peneiK ft broken
eou!iatvl a dewWieail ettens tiikrt.
Paring an lllncsa of theedltoroftlie
' AlhujiR'npie hVrfn', hi- wife, whose
name t Leonora Mcwiuimo. semie
type, ili'l Hi" press-work, jrot everv
I Iwie of the piper iii goou mujk-, buu
had a bahj-.
A ihap out West who hail been se
venly afflietc 1 with palpitation ol the
1 heart, nays ! found uftant relief by
the applleatoi ofanother ilpitatlng
; heart. Anotlier trliiinjih for llomeo
1 (Kilhy. "Like wire Use."
j A drover w ho tell) hh cattle by tlie
wi-ifjiit, always Rive them a mm
water a- tlwy will ilrink below) ilriv-
inj; them on to the scales. "That." he
, raid, "ii what I uudenbuMl by 'wat
ering sttx-k.
llow tliil yon ;et rid of tint troub
lesome lover of your, Carrie?"
-I married him. and liaveuT been
troubled with his attentions since."
A lady observing a sign over a tail
oring fttablLhmeut. hearlhB the in
scription. "Fountain of Fashion." ex
claimed : "All. that must be the phut;
where the irts come from."
ii, hi Riwlv ilm'sn't think wc
shall have many custard pies this year,
lie soys that liie costard pic-plant was
killed by the dry May weather.
"George, dear." said a lady, ju-t be
fore the ceremony. "I have several
chaps on my hand ; what sliall dof
"Show 'em to me and I'll kick 'em oat
doors." "Oh you bear."
'Get out of tnv way; what Rre you good
for?" said a cross old man to a nine
, -li.. I .1.;,, irhfl ll:llltl(-mil tO
oiim-cii'i ui.iiu". .. ..
stand in the way.
I'lm little fellow
a- lie teppnu one
ildo. replied very
...i 'Mint iii.-ike men out 01 MICH
ji, mil . ,i
; thing- a- we an-."
j Twenty-five or thirty years ago. Itev.
ClialesG. Flnley, now- President of
I Oberlln Col'ege.'was carrying on a se-
rles of revival meetings In some ea-t-i
ern city. Boston, we think. One day
i a gent&man railed to see him on bus
1 iness. Mr. Fluh's daughter, perhaps
1 .1. .. i.l.l answered his i imr. "Is
your father at homo?" asked the
Mmnzer. "No"' ri'plied the demure
maiden ; "but walk In, poor dying
sinner '. Mother can pray tor you.
Vn affecting Incident reported by
the Racine .lournal : "The other day a
ril,nr mul iin were dresshig a hog, the
tit'.her doing the chopping. By a inls
troke, instead of splitting the hog
open, he split hfc sou's hand. In ex-
..1... .u.... ,.r l.inv it liaimoued to the
WP PXeu liexl
I. ... . 'I ill,l It
, ; . , , t1mj
n was
. deeplv movetl. and was ueaiu w n'
! mark that 'he had rather have such a
j father than a whole slaughter house lull
! i if dead hogs.' "
! -Ki-smas FAIW.K4. Two dogs swore
j devoted friend-hip to each other, and
' loved, until a bouc was thrown out to
..nil ....
tnem ; mei uwj -
riiom- then thev tonslit. ine wonu
I is full ot Well lrieiui-stiip.
) The fox complained to the marmot
thnt he had been deposed from being
judice of the ponltry-yard. Ixdng elwrg.
',,!... iii, ,,,, i-iatiinr the stock, and
en nun ii',i"i n ' :. ' ,
bemoaned calumny and disaster. a.x
inir his opinion. The marmot said he
DM olien remarKen ( vn im .-
zle. Some onitials nave uown on uieir
i. iiineil of a man
,,vi ,.ii; insfMd nf oiviiur tiiem ro
.V luitui: ,1,117,. v....... - - w - .
s,,ii w -.v.. d - c . i aim nu, j
him. -In the autumn, be ate or tlie j m important duty m a measure for
crop. Men are equally audacious in ., t)ie suppression of violent ami treason-eritiei-ing
Provideni-e, though they sec , aWe onizatious in certain of tliir
not the means and ends. lately rebellious regions, and for the
protcrtion of tlie Inllot-bos ; and,
!, . ,1 . . HA . .11 til lllll I A lit. I , I 1 1 , I 1.
w TMI ii, RKPl'MtlfAJt PI-T-
AJoj,;ol h-j the .Varf'W Setmtitem
Cmrmmon at j'hm-M""". . '",
1S7-. ,. .
The Republican party of the I uiteil
04 naaiMmhlHl bi :lti(Hl!ll I Ill Veil-
tlon in the eitv of Philadelphia, on the
5th and (ith days of June, m. again
1 1 I. . ..1., n.wl muVI 1 12 tn ii ! Ill-t-
tnrv Riul :innoutK'0 its DOdtUHl UpOll
tlie questions before the country.
r:JrTiiit.iiwi' sWnn voftM of U
1- 11 -"i vwvv----r -
!. 1..- . uli .yr'ltu
IMT-Iliai j in w " " r,
ii,,. ci.lniiui ilntles ofthe tune
iii't it iri ii ii;l. lAt.u'iiii'U ? im
'.I I . ,.l tll tlINO
It suppressisl a gigantic rebellion;
emancinted 4.tKW.0(0 slaves ; decreed
tbee.iualcitUensbipofall and cstab
lislied tin! versa! suffrage. Exhibiting
unparalleletl magnanimity, it crimin
ally ponUned no man for (wlitical of
fen'ses. and warmly weliwnetl all who
proved tlicir loyalty by obeying Ihe
laws and dealing justly with tlieir
neighbors. It lias steadily decreased
,. ii...., l.iml tlie risnltlint disor-
llllllll II,,,. ,M...... ...V -
oiders nf a great war. and initiated a
1 I!.... Aiirnwlj tlui finli'lli; '11 II?
I acitlc Kailroati. anu similar ii our
terprise". nave neen geneniuHiy iuu
prise-, have been generously anieu
and sncccssfully conducted. 1 lie pun -
r... f,-,.,.lv- mvnii In nntnnl set
III. lllll. .3 I l V.-.J ft. - vw
tiers ; Immigration is protected, en-
couraged. ami tlie full acknowledge-
incut of the natural laed citizen's rights
lias been secured from European now -
ers. Tin national currency lias ini -
proved in regniai.ion aim me tuntinuu
twlit luis been Mistalned untler extm-
i:iTT,lll I " ....... , ...nn. ........ .......
..wilieirv linrdi us. and new IkhicIs have
lieen negotiated at lower rates. The
MyM lvive lieen eni-pfllllv enlleetl d
and bonc'tly applied. Despite tlie an
nual large reinations irom tne rates oi
taxation the public debt Iws lieen re -
duced during Omnfn presidency at the
a if n,m llllllllnul tllllllotl dollarSUCr
year. A great financial crisis has been
avoided and peace and plenty prevail
througout the land. Menacing for -
etej' dfnniHie-i km lf ii peMfftilly i
jiim noiioniniy eoinproiiiiH-ii. uto
iwiiui.niij niiiniroiiii-i '
A........ .....1 .......... ,.f tlu. i.-it I ,, i .'K
Wen kept high tlirouplioiit the worhl.
Tin- gloriom record of the Mil I4
ivirtvV lu..t nliiln fur I tilt 111 i' '
- v . . . ,1...
Si-e.inil-rmniilete lil ei lV ailtl exacl
equal!')' ku the nijoyuieiit of all civil,
political and public rights should lie
estalei-hedaml elt'eitually maintained 1
throughout the I'nion. by efficient and
appropriate State ami Federal legll
tinii. Nritltt-r the law or H adminis
tration bmld admit of any discriiniu
Htionln i-'-peet to citieu-. by reason
of raw. creed, color, or previous con
dition of sevvitu.
Third -The amendments to thcA-3:
t lot inl Constitution shoukl he ennliully
i sustained, because they are right ; not
1 merely tolerated because they an; la :
i should In' cnrrletl out accord
; ing to their plrlt by appropriate
legislation, the enforcement ol whini
can be rifely trusted only to l he Vtrty
tliatseeureil the amendment1,
i Fourth The National Government
, should seek to maintain an I irable
peace with all nations, protecting Us
eitiens everywhere and synijiftthihig
with all people who strive for greater
liberty. ... ,
Fifih Any system df civil service
1 under which tlie subordinate positions
of tlie Government are considyred as
rewards for mere party al, is fatall)
demoraltKiug, ami we therefore fiivor
i a reform of the system by laws wbieli
i shall abolish the evils of patronaa tmil
I make honesty, eftlclency and Hdclltv
: essential qualifications for public p"-i-I
tion. without practically creating a life
tenure otutnee.
Sixth We are opposed to furthet
"rants of the public lands to corpora
tions Mid monopolies, and demand
that tlie national domain shall be set
apart for tlie free u.-e of the people.
I Seventh The annual revenue, after
paying the current expenditures
should furnish a moderate halonce for
the reduction of the principal of tlie
debt; and revenue, except so lunch as
may lie received from a tax on tobac
co and liquors, ought to lie rated by
duties on Importations the scale ol
! which should be so adjusted as to aid
in securing remunerative wages to la
borers awl to promote (be Industries,
giowth and prosperity of the whole
Kightii Wc hold in undying honor
the soldiers and sailors whose valor
saved the I'nion. Their pensions are
a .-acred debt of the nation, and w id
ows ami orphans of those who died for
their country are entitled to the care
of the Government and the gratitude
ofthe people. We favor such addi
tional legislation as will extend the
bounty of the Government to all our
soldiers and sailors who were honor
ably discharged, and Who in time of
' duty became disabled, without regard
to the length ol" their service or the
cause of such discharge.
Ninth The doctrine of Great Brit-
i ain and other European Powers con-
eerning allegiance "once a subject al
! :i -nliiiM-t ." Iiavhnr at la-t.
through the efl'orts of the Republican l
' party, been abandoned, andtbe Amerl-
i can idea ofthe right ofthe Individual ;
to transfer his allegiance having been '
neiHii.tml hv ttti, tCiiMineail nation, it is 1
the 'duty of our Government to guard j.
with ie-ilnns e.ire the fhrlits oflUtODtell
' citizens agalust the assumptions of un-
autiiorizeil claims hy tlie,ir tormergov
ernmcnts : and we urge the continued j
and careful encouragement and protcc
tlon of voluntary iinmlgratlpu.
Tenth The frinklng privilege
ought to lie abolished and a way pre-
pared lor a reduction in the rates of
postage. i
Eleventh Among the questions
which press tor attention is that which
concetli? the relation of capital and i
labor, and the Republican party re- j
cognizes the duty of so shaping legis-1
latioii as to secure full protection and j
amn e Item lor canm nu e r la
Imr. which creates for capital the larg
est opiiortunities, and a ju-t share of
mutual profits two great sen
ants of civilization.
i i
Twcllth ve noiii mat congress
i .i ,i
l'resiilent have only lultilled
inereiore imy aic ...."v ,u
ui in.
Thirteenth We denounce repudia
tion ofthe national debt, in any form
or disauiso. as a national crime. We
..1,1,., iiatlnn
witness with pride tlie reduction ofthe
lrincinl of tne debt and of tlie rates
... , t ........ tl,,. liahinee .'mil we
,,i,i,.1,tivv,M.t that our excellent
01 IIIUMU-I llWli un. 1
eontideutlyexiiei't tliat our excellent
currency will no pcneeieu uj me
siiecily rcsuuipiion oi me sjiecw pny-
Fourtnth Tlie -BcjSHlar KcpitWi-
.ni i, rtv U mimll'lil (4' it OblllBltlon
, .! nttV -f- "
' .1.,. icimeil nf lMi'l'lc:l 1(H'
- in nir jtrtiti rvvncwa
louie mi. ii "
their noble devotion to the cause of
freedom, Tbfiradgitaioii to tweftil
newla recelwl wW wrttsfactlon, and
the honest demands 61 ally class of clt
zensfor additional right's should be
treated with respectful consideration.
Fifteenth We h&irtlly approve of
the action of Congress in relation to
the rebellious States, and rejoice in the
growth of peace and fraternal feeling
throughout the land
Sixtcenth-The Republican party pro
poses to respect tne ngtira rescrveu oy
the people to tliemselvcs as carefully
i as tne jwwers neiegiueu hkh m
try ineni loint
i swe anu iiTi imrBii uti inucn.
, state and Territorial governments.
1 it disapproves ot any resort to uuenn-
i . t ,,ii.n , I lnit-4 tor the nnrnoSe of re-
piiuilivmn " " I I " " "
moving cils by Interference with
rights not surrendered by the people
to cither the State or tins National
, Government,
1 Scventecntli It is tlie duty of the
, (ncrat liovernmem 10 auopc sncn
mea-ures as will tend to encourage
I American
commerce and
Wo belicre that the
- modest patriotism, the earnestness of
j purpose, sound judgment, practical
1 wisdom, Incorruptible Integrity, and
, Illustrious services of I). aGrant, have
i (VllnmniMlsJ lilm 1a Ika lifiel rf f Iia
i American people, and that with him
nt our head we start to-day on a new
' march to victory.
v 7
Of all T.lrx&f3
Oi' Every Dici sISon !
Picture Frames,
CHAMBER SDITS is every style.
of Substantial
Every Atyle known ti liie rriiile;
0"CTP130ja.X?.33.,S ,
China. Closets,
W ash Stands.
In endless variety ;
AU Stylet and Descriptions,
all Of which will lie o, ltd at tlio
In all their branrhce,
Done to Order, nnl
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
I bare on hand a supply of
Ready - made Coffins,
unliable for all tee dunuintls of this comr
m Unity.
Also, 1 have a neat
for tlio use of ray customers.
Comer Broodalbin and Flrst-sH.,
"The? Who Have Nethicg for Sal
are Fsrth?it from Slarkct "
in,l nil" 61 nu
ml-iili -M t",
e ii ins
The Largest Sloi'k of Goods
Pure liascn Shall lie Saiisfled.
Besides a Lirjc Stock of
Paints, Bve Stuffs, and Oils,
Thcv kecj
Yankee Bolton,
Finest Tobacco & Cigars
All tines',
First Old.190
But what is
Guaranteed To Be
IMCvist too Good.
Arctic Socio.
- , n
ruRNi3Hir;o eouee:
iik vwm
am - th-li nt lilUt
luiiun. belted' (in I eji
,ro. t
enl mid iwn 'i
imV'-i- tu (M
: mshi
imiM" siyles
or ahwhi ai
Cress M
Opposite A.
othen fc Co.,
it. n.fiODt.KV. lu-i.-
A rent for Lt-. Ci
i i,r
n I
Sclf-Ofcuinnnd Self-Olebi.ii;
G A T E .
l. Is
lit: (i.VTE IS Hll COXSTlirCTEDTIiat
lit-ii tin- vehicle unniuiielies it Hi"
.1 I.. .... ...-i.i- ,, l..v , r hirll
ei.nnei el In tlie gate hliiW h)' a rwt,
illilH iiiM-iiin the i::t!e Ih-I'iiiv you ttnd et-l"
eultiK It i i n. .tftcr gohi) iliifiiKli, the
eanlajti' im.-'WH over m shulliir lever, :il-'i
uuineeteil wlthtlieftate hlturo. cttntnjr tli
(jtute, In is rotation, to shut behind yu
au;l l:e :en.
No Getting Out of Your Vehicle !
' No liaising el Latches Jfor Pullluf;
of Stl illfT,
i Kxeenl the "rililmiii," of mr U am, li !
And a
'Dead Open aud .iSkiil."'
! Tuls mite. Is slnitiie in Its eOnnfruotlefc
! bothol Inmiiudv i Kid work, mul not likely
I toaet mil nf or ler. II a neat, ehnei auto
liidcshviUU nun in- inadi-ltitlii. with turej
I ero Imtw nt woml and oue-wurtli lurn
i wire, neatly curved at H- t"!,tl' l""
end Id I In tilt- bottom bar, widen i- tun
style of :i fui-tiirv inn le (tale. Tlie l''H
are now in piaetleiil use hi seveinl ol tlm
eomitlesamnud 'mi I mnelseo, and pleu'y
of teatlinonlnaliiciiu la. Riven,
llai Ins mirehiwcd ilw
Kffffit rr liinn !.. Orcson,
Iltia how on hand, and will matitifiietitn
the above (lenerlticdiratp. Wbeivverll has
, been nid It has riTi'lvwltbulibflirHteii.
I'oiidiims, uii the laij!e iniiaiicr ol eei1lfl
rtilMfroiu piwnlnenl ftnmera In i ll parts
of the coiiiilr, now i.i it. Intel', l
I testify.
Of AU Dese.-ip'.loiis,
On hand and manufiK'tnittd to oi deo.
lllaehsnii'.hius and Itepalrluff
i lnno in order nt iiei-t renitialile rutin,
j sti(,i i'hiii ,ii Kerry treet,otilMnlte r ndw
I Menteitb ftl'o.'s tlonrhiK initln.
TIItlMA' J. -vimiKU.
Albany, Oct. S8, la?Mv4
- " -rrrf
Prater In
R A N (i E S .
S T O V E S !
Of the best pattern
I'lvX w AK1,
,l... MoMal i,l nt furnihhlnii
gooda to lie obtained in a tin mure.
nnvinlra nxaflv Mini nrmniillv excCQlOdi
on rensonablu terntf.
Short rcekonluKN make Ioiik frlendstr
lice. 5, li-l
2&009 I PRICE
Male by Walter A. Wood, (tbo larttert.
nmiinliietiireior fanning iimiblnery in ths
World) with foidiiiK bur, two wheel, and.
ull late Improvement. It led liu- world at
lilt' l unn c.ioniiiiiii, nun lmt, louilll no
Merslnfle. iHcomraotand lmu i rful, and
Jiitthc niafbimi for Ibl enat,as every
liiimrr win nay wno imone.
tijrUvery inai'hne tmiittiitue(tnHrer
nwnted. liny (be !est. liny the AV cod's
liniirovi'd Prize Mower. Sold by
Old Htnnil, Market si reel, Snn FranclMA
April l-33m3