The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 21, 1872, Image 8

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    wont out alone. Now, it chanced, A crie or snrpriM-s
that one .lay, while reentering A Vuull!i mfa wif0 ami ittje
clow to Ue ontpote, I sua. daugfitcr, reidh in St. Louis, bad
rleuty rained a SwetluA roWter tyng iU! romid (.xdto.neut one
on Uwgiwmdjnct m taut ot roe, (1av nwi.tlVi WWh) hu Wllt to
7'Iiero WM not a moment to lose; ,,la ot'l.uineSs she took her
he might Man up and pe ,th chad to llie wrk, awl while them
alarm. I drew my tVOIU. rushed M i,,,.,:..,, ..;.., st.ltll(,
that, iy every nation, some one per. j npou lum, ami at 0110 Mow out oil" maM Mie took to he her husband;
nonage, real of mythical is selectc 1 . his right foot" l)llt ,, j, up lo iim Mt)VftJ ft
as the lav (inure upon which all j ''louiool, cried one of the list- vi ,,',,. ''. ,.i,i,l.. in t-
"Xo, not ((;.( ." sheViiM, "hut
you are a . It is so different
fan I'w Even Sntimlnj.)
Rutsfnii Jester.
Jokes, like bills, require names
to back them ; and it will lie found
w. j. mi.i.iit,
SflfvejW & t'ivll Eiitfhiwr,
Is I'lil.l'.Mil li TO i.i.MltVEVINliiinrt
KtuptHWrin is!.m- sold itcl bj inuil.
In u lli. ll iMohiMt ntlenlion l ill Ik1 ml I.
Resilience TntMtnit, Una roomy, flirn.
Kou; Potoltlce n4lrei Alliunr. ttnM
popular jests are by common con
wnt displayed. 7'he English have
their Joe .Miller, ti e German their
Schiltburger and their TyU Kule.-s-piegel,
tlie .lruoricntiB their t'oloi.el
Crocket, the Orientals their Nasi,
reddin el ivltejah ; and in the same
way, the chosen godfather of l!u.
sian humor are Ualakiretf the jes
ter, and Marshal Snvoroff. '1 he
latter name has long since passed
into history ; hut the former requires
some introduction to iioii.Hu6siaii
readers. Popular traditions unite
in representing 1'alakireii' as the
constant attendant of I'eter the
Great, who figures largely in all
the stories attached to the name of
hisbuS'oon. Many of these stories
are probably the fabrication of a)
latter age j .out a fair proportion of
them boat marks of authenticity,
and, as fair specimens of national
eners, "you should rather cut on
his head.''
"So ! would," answered Ba'afci.
I reff, with a grin, "but somebody
else had done that already."
At times IJalakiivlf pushed his
Waggeries too ihr, ami gave serious
I offence to his formidable patron.
On one of the-e occasions the en
raged Kmjierorsummarilv banished
him from the court, bidding him .
"never appear on Kusgian soil;
again." The jester disappeared ac
cordingly : but a week had hard y
elapsed when Peter, standing at
his window, espied his disgraced
favorite coolly driving a cart past
the very gates of the palace. Fore-:
seeing some new j.'st, he hastened
down, and asked with pretended
roughness, " flow dare you disobey
me, when I forbade you to show
yonrsclf on Russian ground?''
" 1 haven't disobeyed you," an.
et and jestiug re
v.ite must find
humor, are worth quoting.
On one occasion Dalakirell beg- j swered Ualakirell coolly
tieil permission of his imiievial mas-' not on Russian Ground now
ter to attach himself to the guard
stationed at the palace; and Peter,
for the sake of the joke, consented
warning him at the same time
that auv officer of the guard who
ed an acuuaiiitance. however, and
they commenced conversation.
.Meanwhile, a friend
met him in thestr
marked that his
Bomethiuc attractive in the par
he always found her there, Siting by
jealousy the young man set out to
discover, lie drove to the park,
leaped from his carriage, and hur
ried on througji the avenues in search
of his dear ones. What were his
feelings when he saw what he sup
posed were the full realization of
bis friends hints? There could bo
no mistake; for sitting at the foot
of the monument was his wile, and
at her (feet a gcntletnan who was a
perfect stranger to him, caressing
and chatting with his child. With
a cry of rage and despair, he sprang
upon ' the invader ot his (ami y
peace, seized him by the throat, and
presented a revolver at his breast.
Ini Utle
with men; were yoa a woman you
would understand moat once. Now
perhaps you may smile, may laugh
at me."
"Helieve mo, noW," I Wliispered)
"I adore the beautiful, the true, the
pure. Let me know your sweet
She gave her hand. "I will tell
you," she said. "I have thought
of nothing else all day. last night
I lay awake thinking of it. I am
sure 1 must be right ; but if I am
wrong oh! if I am wrong, Edgar,
I tremble to think of if."
" J'of cannot be wrong," I said.
iS'lte gave me her other hand.
"Vonthi; k not ':" shesaid; "ab!
you cannot be so good a judge as a j
woman, I think 1 believe "
"Ves, yes," I whispered, bending I
nearer: "yes Angeline. ami
"1 am almost tffv,'' she said, in
accents softer than the ripple of tall-; f3 X S d p , !
for itlsDciMiia till dullirht-
immin l.enitli-:i in.; Iwverare, wo would
utnoooct! i Rumor pal runs, nl the
politic tfOTM'mlry,thal whtp fully hronntvd
uvin oar )! tlUMO e!e 'ant
Tufl'j Ar-:I' Fountains,
Willi i
Hi,' quality
s toall M il.) niav'i;
n nn-
. iu' us
Uut till1 IM'llllolKl Vlielaeles v. ill
preserve It.
ri: xow oFr'KK a i.i. s
If puMic wliii'h H )niuon;i
ini,' water, "almost sure,
that nine fringe Will look better on
my new walking suit, than purple
velvet. J ion't you think so ?"
Keeping ri.un.
" Not 0! Russian ground?"
"No; this cart-load of earth
that 1 am silting on is Swedish soil,
I dug'it up injv'iniand the other day.
I'eter. who had doubtless begun
There are thousands of young
men and women seeking employ
ment in citv and country. On in.
1 lie wife, 'innocent of any wrong, quiry, it will be found that they
! retained wonderfully her presence of ,avo mj ,,niV j,ut iavi. yt ,t,c.n;.
minii, ami iK'gecii, pieatieo and im
plored him to wait an explanation.
be delivered to finnl Ilea ordering tlirougb.
out tue city,
happened to lose bis sword, or to already to regret the loss ot his
he absent from his post when sum- jester, laughed at. the evasion, and
mo nod, was punished with death. restored him to his favor.
1 lie newly-mailc officer promised to
do his best ; but the temptation of
some good wine sent to his quarters
that evening by the 'zar, " to mois
ten bis commission," proved too
strong for him ; and he partook so
UoW IToi Iron Mny be UaadlcdU
About the year 100, one Lion
ette, a Spaniard, astonished not only
the ignorant, but chemists and oth-
nr mi, n i.f' ti.'i.iw'.. I.v tin. ilTHill 111 t V
freely as to become completely . wilh wnieh ,ie hnndlccl hot iron
"screwwl." AMnle he was sleep. Lj ,, ,,.n,i ,imm;i! ,,;i
iug oil his debauch, Peter stole
softly into the room, and carried off
his sword. Halakircff, missing it
on awaking, and frightened out of
his wits at the probable consequen
ces, could devise no better remedy
than to replace the weapon with his
own professional sword of lath, the
hilt and trappings of which were
exactly similar to those of the guards
men. Thus equipped, he appeared
on parade the next morning confi
dent in the assurance of remaining
undetected, if not forced to draw
and performed other
miraculous. While
fiats equally
was at . a-
i Time was thus gained, and thehu
' band's soU'r second thought came
: to him. lie would spare the stran
ger's life, but she, his wife, should
leave his house and home. He re,
i leased his hold upon the gentleman,
I and after a tew moments of ntibro
; ken silence the wife ventured to
speak. The husband listened, but
' only mechanically to her story, but
the little angel at his side broke the
i ice by exclaiming : "I dot two pa
pas; I found one in the park for
i mamma this morning !"
Rut the story is not yet told.
The husoandaud wile both insisted
p'es, he attracted the attention of "a geuueraan snonid accom
Professor Sementem, who narrowly lv l,iem to their residence, which
jll his operations, eudeav-1 re OM. -ttcr an apology on tne
watched all Ins oiieratioiis, ei
oring to discover his secret. Sem
entem's efforts, after jierfonning
several experiments upon himself,
were finally crowned with success,
lie found that by friction with sul
phuric acid, diluted with water, the
sktu mi'dit be made insensible to
the action of tie -heat of red-hot ' misbanil rose iijmi Ins tect, and in
excited manner and apparently
his weapon. Rut I'eter, who had ftj j heeame siwii'n.', apin-ared ' laboring under great excitement,
doubtless foreseen this contingency, t0 )C Rtj murc tffafafti Alter I looked the guest squarely Hi tlte face
instantly oegan storming ai one oi ; ,, ,.i,ii rts u.i.i,.i, and asked Ins mother's name.
bustiblc, with hanl soap, he dis-
t i i i1 i
covered on ti:e apiuieation ot not
the met. for his untidy aparance, wac rW . yj (, im,om. kpon the announcement of her name,
and ai ieugtu laceu riunii upon , ,ai
akia-ff with the stern order, " (.'apt
- t 1 ,V 1 -1 1
uaiSKiren uraw vour snora ana (i,, .i' :;u:i.;i;M. I,
rot that sloven down ! ,J creased. He then determined on
lhe por jester, thus brought . the rts ,tl,
fairy to bay, laid his hand on his , am aftci. ti; fmJ that ,lut iro1
hilt as it to obey, but at the same ! ,,. r.nJ.,n,i n; i
time exclaime.1 fervently , " .Vcrci- tliat acluaiv did not burn the : murdered, and at the same time
tul Heaven ! let my sword Ik: turned
inio ood . , professor applied hard soap to his
A .! . r'i iron f 1 m trooivin lm I .. .
. Viet tliiu, nvi'viij i".
exhibited in very deed a harmless
hair. Being thus far satisfied, the Wastetl the future of himself and
lath, l.ven we presence oi tne
emperor was powerless to check the
roar of laughter which fid lowed;
and Balakireff was allowed to es
cape. The jester's ingenuity occasional
ly served him in extricating others
from trouble as well as himself.
A cousin of bin, having fallen under
tongue until it became insensible to
the boat of theiroil : and after hav
ing placed an ointment composed of
soap mixed with a solution of alum adventure, went tome i acmccoast,
. .. r..;i...i ......4., l rt l .
oi in" oil did not burn it. l" " musuiik,
upon it,
and, in many cases, before they can :
: get another situation their money is
expended, a d then the temptation
is strong to fall into evil practices, ,
which too often end in disease, dis
grace and crime. It rarely happens
that a person is discharged tor em
ployers are averse to change, and i
often keep iersous who have glaring
faults and detects, rather than risk
getting worse ones. It often occurs '
that worthy and exemplary persons
are dismissed for shortcomings of
which they are unconscious, and j
only need their attention called to
the subject to have them promptly
rectified. To that vast multitude
of persons who work for others, the j
following suggestions are made :
1. Whatever you attempt, let it
be done in the very best manner
possible, and each subsequent time!
try to do U tter than before.
'J. Beat more pains to do a thing
well than to do it quickly.
;!. Whenever you are asked to
do a dung, do it cheerfully and
4. Do whatever is required of
you, whether it is in your line ot
duty or not.
6. Act always in the interest of
your employer as far as right.
l. Ho what is wanting to lie done,
without waiting to be asked to do
7. Never say, "I forgot it;" that
is insult added to injustice, for it
really means that you "did not
s. Never stop when you have
done a thing which you were told
Li do. if liu iloin" mom. vmi fan do
imily. The storv of the separation 1 o more nerfectlv
r- i I i i
U. .Never refuse to lend a helping
hand in emergencies,
10. Aim to do as well for your
employer as you would do for your
self in all things.
A strong reason for attending to '
pan oi we nusoaiKi tor ins rude
ness, some wine and cake were sot
out and discussed. I'jion the stran
ger giving his name, the host was
startled with a seeming nervousness,
and instantly asked his father's
given name. It was furnished. The
neuters Supplied m r.lhernl Itntes.
Genuine Undies
Hinders, from 10 to I.i lee cut, made liv
Waller A. WihkI, nt liooslok Kails. N. Yl,
tt'llh all III- iiiiiit'iixemelils nil I llavlliJt
al-u l.'nune'-. I'alenl A-ijil-aCiie IIit).
Nuoili.-r Jli-eli'i''. ltavi ill,.-.- tin
iiniieiucnts. Tttku none but Itui llubwVi
Improved Iteaik-n' iua le by Won I.
Russell's Tltresher,
a- fmproviwl, is the perfeellon of tbe
'I hre-hiiiLT Macliini'. We have tlieu, front
:ia lo in iueli, will) new l'eed la'ilr. i..-se
rtlloc, double lan. elevator, double (Mm.
elmrue, etc., nuvie edievUiIly lor (be wams
of tbw eoiwt, after yean oi study, II Inu
greater eleaiittig eupttotty ilum any other,
nndiiievery way iieri'ei-1. :r Vo other
nineliiiie has ever eipiiUlud the "ItuusoU" ;
none ean excel II.
San Kraiu'isto.
April 1S-331113
TO Tin;
t lv Ihii
t (i-lr'uiilr I oplU'iOtiX of I In- worM to
bothomnm ix'rfcct, rmturAlttiriiUclu) holji
own ituiiiuuutnr . in Ni-u UuTi'ti. hihi aru
I so con-inii'K'tl liiaT lltv -oi'c rr t cult r tf
tlie Ifiin coiitoo diivctlj in fit ui I of ilit fjc,
producing n
As In flu imtunil. IwaKby uitlt , and vny
vvntttiK all UMpUn'iui fKMisttloiitt, tuicli sa
jfiimnn'nii utiu BiTruitf oi J!'jrfit, tMzzi
iu'ss, I'lu.. lHt-iiliai" to til) ot iv in fljQ.
TlKftefrlii'eDait kmimiHutnnvl tminiut
nuto cn'Hlul iK'iti'it's mtUietl toyrethcr, unit
tliTiv' UHslriutIIHwpttUtlotifi,otl acrouiit
oi Ilit'ii- liiuvlm-ssiorl iriiliaiu-y. Thoymtj
mottltteti in tllO lint'-I nuinncr', a: oni ow ri
inaniHucfory, in 11!! ii. -Jol f(Iil, slJvor
Hteel, ruWwr, nmt KhoJl ftiirww, or tin- hr-t
qnulity, Thcli dunibillty win not ! sik-.
ji-M'tf, tm 1 1 llti-ir finish is siu h ill s u f f
tin1 most lasl i Moil-. None ;;i'iii!iin' UnlOJW
boating on r traflo-iniirk, o Ktmuix'il on
every ftuuiiN
Koi-wili- I iv tin iMincinril ontfctAnfl -oi l
Jewelers, Tlirouvhuul tin t-ountry. Manu
tai'turcd ty J. K. Snciuvr iiM nnurflcnJ
opticiani, ' W i'OTK. Kin-Uctmlx tiy
TI l'C's niEOTHKKs
IK'ah'iM in watches, vloclus 'uv!r silver
Entered amirclin to;n t of f'onivss, in
the vear lsit, Uy j. rwiieer V ( o., in tlio
ck'rk's ofllee ot the District Court of tlio
United Statw, for theHoutbeni Obtrict of
Xow York. 50va
8A8U i?ALviOKY.
a. jr. Aj.THorsi-:.
.!. I'. RACKEN8TQ.
I.jc Ntrerl, on (lie ltlver Uimht
the hiihaiai tell with a cry ot joy
upon the neck of the stranger, cry
ing, "Brother ! In-other!" It was,
indeed, his long-lust brother whom
he had been peparated from since
childhood, ami save but for a se
ller, second thought he would have
ami are
was not at all new. In boyhood
they had lived in an eastern home,
and one, seized with the sj-irit of
While the oil remained on the ' eie, ucqu
tongue a s:i"ht hissin? was heard, i l,tllCr l"'"UlC1' ino we
,!miUr t.. iUt nf lint, in ilirii'if i years after, and fettled in St. Lotii
into water; the oi! sooneooled, and w,'"-re 1,1(1 fil brother wandered
was then swallowed without dan- a"pr son ewnai eventiui exn
to tin
family. Tin
.... .' fllU.ll Oil, 1 till' 1'. . '. .ill lilill.l fat. it I ll .1 . .
- . . 1 ' i T' . I ....III .1 1 ll. 1.1, 111 IQVII I ' , Wll- IVIU.II'LII'.I kWA 1'n.v.v.
the dlsj.lea.suro of the Cmr, wan 8Uccewl-ull reted the cx. It is unless to add that the mLs
ftlxmt to be executed ; and Balaki- .,,.;.,,,.,..:...... I take of the child proved a source
T lu S 7 lriment of Jtrotessor Sementem
retl jixfciitel himselt at court to 1
jXJtition for a rejwieve. I'eter, see- ' . ..
iug him enter, and at once divining
of great gratification to all. V.
Louis Republkdin.
A Woiwiu'a Ii-enms.
Josh BiUintrs savs: " Menny
his errand, shouted to him, " It's J Ko.le s;end their time in trying to
no use your coming here : I swear tind out the hole whar sin trot into
that I will not grant what you are the world. If two men break j She sat alone in the moonlight,
going to asl: !" through the ico into a mill potid, her beautiful cheek resting upon
(Juick as thought, Balakireff they Cad better hunt for some good her baud, so soft and white and
dropped on his knots, and exclaim- hole to get out, rather than get into dimpled. You could tell, as you
ed, " Peter Alexeievitch, I beseech !a long argument about the hole ' looked at her, that her thoughts were
yoti jmt that scamp of a cousin of they iell in." far away, and that she was think-
mine to death!" I'eter, thuscaught 7- ! iug of something beautiful Her
in his own trap, had no chance but i ATS. aw"!plit ls 'vp'-rted by : cvt,R wcr0 wif,UH . t10 (jinne j
to laiHi, and send a jiardou to the tlic ''"' MrfUMtette as vlng j,er cj,u jwjned, that little rosy
offender. I fcufre(1 f '"i'.vhoiso races, near cjeftj tiat impress of love's linger.
During one of the Czar's Livon- i Pu,bh": 1 wo g't nci were gal- sl0 was es, glowing than at limes,
urn camnaigns, a iiuck toa trreatiy ,1 "fi- ' " v; , out none tne less loveiv. 1 tiiouglit
I-last wlnnlmr favnr in the honrehoW, ns
Hhnwtl by tlie miiiillv increasing sales.
lile of a nini;e and wiriely of work sneh as
wtinoncd tnoiitflil impnssili!e to tertcitm
lie inaeliiiM i'y. We elHlliI unil ean show
that It Is tiki cheapest, mosl heniitlfal, del
icately RrftMWHl, nicely HdJUHttHl, easily
Ofienuod, an-i Kinnotllly nnn'iinir oi all lite
FaiMily Sowing MnclilHCM. It is rmiiark
ntilc niil onlv fur the tnilKO anil variety of
its sewing, lint also for tlie viule.tyninldlf
I rent kinds of texture which ll will sew
with eqnBl ftiellity and rKrfeetlqn, using
silk twist, linen m eolton I lueiel, line or
nurse, uaklnatlH) liilcrliH-Iied-elimikf
Wages to the . Mllrti.njike on both Mdo of Jl.efol.rle
very utst cent, am in wiiatever lie sewn witii giat strengtii iiwt unitorui
...m'll ,, t:,;i nF Bnn .Inio i ii v of si iieh ; anil, in a moment, tMa wil-
. uit.ii n..-ji.iv Jim v ; linr iuiil lievel'-vycarvlMg Instnnnenl tuny
t several ! tlicsc suggestions is, that your cm-
pays you your
i gan He or gos-
liim v.,n liiil nf piimnonsfitinn tn lie iidlnsted for liee work on a
.. ' J, i snn.e'r tisMie. nrtlietiiekingoftnruttai
rnillliiig, or almost .my
obstructed the movements ot the
army. At length a pale watery
gleam Ijogan to show itself through
the mist, and two of tlio Russian
officers fell to disputing whether
this were the sun or not. Balaki
reff, liappening to pass by at that period, wear
momeiil, uivy ai'n.'aiuu w iinu iaj
decide. " Is that yonder light the
sun, brother?"
"How should I know?" an
wered the jester ; " I've never been
here before."
At tbe end of the same camiaign,
ieveral of the officers were relat
ing their exploits, when Ualakirefl'
tepjxid among them. " I've got a
gtory to tell, too," cried he boast
ully ; " a better one than any of
" Let us hear it, then," answered
the officers; and Kalakireff began.
" I never like tliis way of fight
fhg, all io a crowd together, which
they have nowadays : it seems to
me more manly lor each to stand
by himself; and therefore I always
the heads of their horses struck full
tilt together, Both horses were
killed, and the riders were thrown
into the air. One of the gentlemen
bad his front teeth knocked out.
man can, for any considerable
one face to htmsell
to myself as I looked her that she
was nearer heaven than we coarser
mortals, and I longed to know
whither her pure heart turned it
self. I approached her ; she did
not hear me. I sjioke ; she did not
answer. I touched her softly on
... . - ...... - . ,11 11 1 ,, .
and mi! itlior In the multitude with, i l"0 arm snc loosed up and Million
out finally ' bewildered as to I I'ai-away smile, such as au angel
J a
which may lie true. Jfnrthorm
Nbver, my friend, never strike
sail to a tear. Come into jxirt
grandly, or sail with (iod the seas.
I.vpi.CeVce is to be measured,
not by the extent of service it
covers, but of its kind. Cluum ing.
Evkry lie, great or small, is the
brink of a precipice, the depth of
which nothing but Omniscience can
fathom, CluuiiA Rcade.
Thousands of men have been moral
ly ruiucd by drink who never were
might have given.
"Yon are thinking very intent
ly," I said.
,S'ho answered, "yes," in a sub
dued tone of voice, as though that
which was on her mind was too
holy for discussion. Uut I persisted.
"Will you tell me what your
thoughts were ?" I asked.
Slip shook her head. " You can
not understand," she said.
"I could try," I said humbly;
"I am coarse and rudeJ know, but
I could strived to comjtrehewl."
She smiled swoely, but still with
that far-away look in her dark
him for the money jiaid you.
Orniit lMMl;e Uootl Templars.
Tlie following tacts are shown by
the Grand Treasurer's report :
ItlvCKii-t s lVr W, li. Ou ter, $21!) ;
for dues, f2.110 85; fur supplies,
$372 Hi: total received and paid to
Grand Lodge, $2,ti()7 1)5.
DlsurusEMEnTS Sundries, $2,122.
37; balance in band after paying all
orders drawn, $S2:i IS.
ASSEIS Cash in hand. $f29 13;
supplies jier invenloiy, $1H2; duefbr
I.otigi's, 8130; due for personal ac
count, flu j ofneo proportr for in
venloiy. (50$ 12; total, $2,11)0 GO.
r,l Ai'.ir.lTllis Amount due Lodges.
$15 2."..
Btat!8ti The following Items nt
Interest rebttlng lo the Order are tak
en from lhe ;. VI. Scemtary's report!
NmnlK'r oi' Lwlzos reported last year,
sii ; number of Lodges organized, l'i;
number of Lodges ceased working, 15;
present number, si ; initiated. l7-171 ;
admitted iy caul, 153; reinstated, XI ;
total membership, 1,605; cards grant
ed. 10; resigned, SW2 ; suspt uded,
KI2; expelled, 120; dcatlH, 7; total,
1,112; increase as per Lodge reporls,
5s3; total membership, April 30,
1S72, with 30 Lodges in hear (Who, 2,
313; estimated membership, 3,313.
A California obiiuary: "The de-cea-ed
wi)s a talented man, of roinan
llu nature. Heplaood the butt of his
gun in the lire while bo loketl down
the muzzle and departed hence spontaneously.-'
lier work l.ieli
lime been known to (jeiv
Kee.p on hand a fall noaortiucnt,
prupariKl to
Doom, Sash, niii:!i,
Sneh as
Of all size.
Flooring, Nldins;,
A1I other kimUol'HiiiliiiiiK Hulorlul.
work, fnniisli Hhllkel' Inns. rJunui
sliakein, hum loll fans, drirluff pulleys of
any our fnotoi'J on Lyon stti-et am
tho river bank), next Imlmv Mnrklunu'ii
waii'ltonse. AI.THOl'SK & CO.
Albany, Bob. in, nsu-i-l
iSneeessoi' of A. Cowan Jt Co.)
Lebanon, Oregon,
-Dealer in--
(tolleutu ilngeri
Apply to
S. II. CLAl fiillTOX,
I,I H Vi, OKt'XiKIX.
Alsont (lie limit Won.' of A. CAJIOTU
Elts & d ... Alliuny, Oregon.
Mny 3, ln7in
ion ax
KorxPATiox I'ltixcii'i.E?. Instead
of being a valuable adjunct lolbcincd-
ii iue-siu'it, alconol is one cj tlio most
prollile MMirccfl oi dfeeue.
It is banlly possible to study tbe ac
tion of alcobol, In .8 purely scientific
lint of view, without feeling-that en
tire abHtineuee from it is in ncrlect ao
cordance with the law of heaJth.
: n.iiiinn.
i.'.. N..I.U.
'..'ill, 1 1IU1I.J
f Iki) l.ileln,
1 tSil fj'tfllli.
r tlmn it
ril lul Ly.
Af! r t n rrrr.V trial on Oi'sConfit lms
! i!io t jily curative ir r. ct,rtlU'jflM
wiWifWUiiCcd ty jmdt' :tl r iai.lUion-
Bf.LoE&a's mm vumt.i
OtTffCfl Cmirr lllwl rtrl ii i'ontl t'f i" i", Rerrscii
tl: : I.-. r f: lv; Sdrn Ears, Kym, N. HO, le.;
(i.p'xi'.n! r. .1 uiaifH . !.). liUu Onlanh,
r-i m 'I S "i", ta 1 ell TY.a.: 17 :. rn.nif Hi.-ilisci.-I:a
.wa ir, t-yniali. . I. cc, v pit Uit.
rur 'RjrtUfy, Sttt-fMtfKinti f yi
ttsn:, r.itiiH i.i Via JJuii's, k
ceraift Sr-i T;tr-rf, fjjl.Hit:
all I tiitlrtrt.' 1 rif, Mil '.nf 4
::! wadlcat s rll illft u e ft
wbtbct ciu'l b ht-M, rtii'
Tiu;rcury l-'aT;Ti tho 1 lot -I yv
1'iico, Z yT LjtU' vr iw U r
Of.LsBfchaa'jiaiEH iUMll
li.l'iie, tir I lie Carft ef Clbfinorlittft. 01 rl, Irrl.
tttlon, Unvil, cm! rll I'rinwy ir UtSiU)
dluMfUSMloUM. Trice, 12.01 fl r isjlile.
ji.tlin, n wjsh Mill lajifll.-. f rtfvrmrssu
ot U inncrh't'i, Iial.'.i.nitt f. ry OUt, Mrirfnns
i.n.l all ibmwtet tw RUieJ "ill Ll:.JUir.
tim, t.Mpii bat!.'.
Ak!) Anats fur Pit) I C EICIfAVS C07DW
PILL3 for femhw! V.uii.. -. Mi;l.t Iniln.
btoJW, Zintioti lli y, tilnl f !l ':.s. I si irlt frri et
Ma-t iir!iiiioa 'lie 1 1 . . i v. ll.tts i.
p. r li.ltl.. TIki AT' n uliio Ooun.N Talh.ui U
put lip only iu Iwttli .
On r. ii.t of irl'-i', tin mi nn,)i. lnr I!J
be (Riot lo nil psrlH et the imtly, ixpri.
or mtUl, tWetnulj laulualioit Urn -run. vliKr-
Tftiuill. Mule Ai'lilu,
c. r. nirtrArtDt co,
XTIimIkusIa an,l Il.l'til 1 1-.,.,, rl i a
Clu'iiiMl. H W. cot. Cluy 'k i'liatouu
blKitU, bu ttuciua, (M.
HA.X1) A
full Hi nek of
till OCEItl ICS,
tii tors ,? isniiiN,
nil for lc nt the Lowest Prltnw for Co ft
or I'r or u e i.
f& All ncreonft owlnit A. Cowan A Co.,
enn siittle liy eallhlg on tne al Lebanon.
Hft'W ISarlitT KIio.
oneneil ti new llarlier siiu'i on Eirst
street, throe ilo.irs sut of Coulter's Hank,
where he will In- pleased to see all punxnut
nec4tnff his sia-viees.
Shavins, lintiH'tittimr, (diain)ioolit(t, etxi.,
done in tlie tno-t sniislaelory niunner.
AHwny, Eelinmrj' liWIv I
j Y i
Every Man Ms own Physician.
rpitr Inimfnso doman'l for HOLLOWAT'S
1 T 1,1-S r.uil OINTMENT Hb tempted
nnpniinpM putivs tucouuterfeit thwevalu
ila ltcliclqw,
In or..Vr to protmt Ilie public nml ounlW
4 h IflintMia new " TriMta Mark," oonilt
ingof nn EvyptiRH tiirle of a torpent, witn
(.li-lttfHinttieet'ntre. Every box of
n.i.owiT'l PtUJ and Oiktsiemt wlu
Hit a Ibu traae aval ou n ; nous "
llhnut It.
f. X. Onioeit Co., Sola Proprietor,
71 MM Ibo NW Yo
4 nitlC.UAM,
Hun Kmnelseo, CSi
(1) autaisuntu for the J'netUc (Jottot,