The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 21, 1872, Image 6

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to r fc 0
nink berore the valuable Loot was tn
Ooi.p FiM'M IN an 0t BOOT. ..nven.l. This money or gold dn-t.
There Is a story current in our street ra buried eighteen y on ago, aiid
which runneth thu-!y : Many years thelialfbrwl wlio done the Job, sliortly
s during the Rogue Eiwr troubles niier ittespicart!! tbo spirit say he
a "good Indian." known m Inyu. , baQB by the nutli u-iiic . This
njcd to circulate among the pale Bice tmtf.brrctl, lnyu-by name, artliongli
of the Willamette and Rogua Elver dutmhig to be friendly to the white,
valley. It was believed by many, wa., believed to be chief of a band of
although there was no positive proof tbtevUig, robbing, murdering Rogue
that audi was the ense, that this " good Rivet imUnna Sometime hi H5i,
I rdiau " gave due notice to the Roguo j ym & Bacon's express messenger
River 81waiies of the intended passage vvaj yiled and robbed, om Scott's
through their country of any parties ji,,,,,,!,,!,,, 0f s-J;1.iski in gold dii-f. by
having money or stock, w that they . iKltans. l'nt till- awl thai together,
might waylay and rob and murder Lyj have the ground work for an
tlicm on the route, ami thus obtain 1 nblehoiilei(l,ttr.-t duss sensational novel.
tuev stock ami goiu. Alter inese in-
dlan troubles bad ceased, our
Indian " came into this valley, bring"
Ing with Uhn a vast quantity ot gold.
Variously estimated at from twelve to
tweuty-two thousand dollars, obtnlm d
in someway from these ''bad " Rogue
River Indians. From some cause or
other, after hi- arrival here, this
good Indian" deemed it his best
policy to deposil his money in bank,
which he did, having secured an old !
hoot, placing fbo gold lu it, and bury j t
Ing both dei p in tlie ground. Shortly ) j
;:t'ter making tilts deposit, this "goal ' '
Indian" was gathered to his Cithers.
As to the cause of his death, we liavo
no reibibledata. It Is generally agreed,
howen r. that he passed in his cheeks,
Icavii g the comniHuity al large none
(lie u i-, r a t to the place where he had
cached hlsgold. And now.h.iviug given
the history of this "good Indian." so
tar as we are acjnahited with It, we
hasten ou to the seirn1. The fact ho v
Ing gained cmlence of the burial or
hanking or caching of so large ail
amount of gold within a radius of live
or six miles of this village, excited a
general de-ire to find the hoot that
held it. and many were the prospecting
parties, under the names of "Hidden
Treasure Exploring Co.,'' "Old Boot
Cold Hunting Co.," "Boot or no
out over the country, digging ami j
scraping in search of old leather, I
... .
Hut as all these efforts proved una vail-1
tng, iu the course of time the excite-
meat died out, wot learner u, auu :
our people fell hack into the old chan-1
nel. and the memory of the "goixl
Indian ' had almost faded ftotH the
ininds of even the oldest h'.K'ihitants.
A tew days ago, during a spiritual
meeting, a medium stated that he saw,
in his spiritual state or trance, the old
boot, full ot gold, buried years ago by
the '-good Indian" Inyus ; that the hoot
win still whole, and the gold in a grind
state of preservation, lie gave min
ute directions as to tiie place where the
hoot and gold could be found. One
or more parties, who had faith in the
directions given by the medium, start
ed tor the place designated; and it i
no'.v stated that, following the direc
tions closely, they found the !oct and
gold as described ; and several parties
declare they have seen the boot. but.
we are sorry to add, we can find no one
who is willing to acknowledge that he
has seen the gold it was said to contain,
although they believe that the gold
was in the hoot when taken from the
earth. They declare that the reason j
all knowledge Of the goid is disowned j
by the party or parties finding tlie !
boot, is because the amount is so large
and tney are fearful the State will de
mand at lea t half of it from the lucky
finders a 'royalty 1 " Having brought
this narrative to a proper ueoou
UlCIir, we na.-ieu to uihe in uk
suliject, merely premblng that the
next time a treasure of the magnitiide
the above mentioned Is repen ted to lie.
Ls found, the parties tlndlng it wiD
tlirow some ot it in sight without de
lnv. and thus gladden the heart. of
their brethren. The medium, at least,
entitled to a scad or tvro for giving
the requisite information.
Xott Bene. the place uhere the
Loot was fcund is among the foothills,
near the CortaUia and Tamplco road,
abofit foe miles iiorthvet from this
city, iu Betlton county. As soon as
enotiglt wilgoos can be got together at
one time, the gold and boot tvill he
brought to this or some ether place for
safe keeping !
The Very Latent H is now reported
that Mr. Simmi ron is the lucky finder
of the boot and gold. The boot, or
ratbertbe pieces, were found shortly
after they had been dug out from under
the roots of an old fir lite, hy our
miller, Blake. He put tbe pieces to
gether, and found that it was an old
fashioned miner's Xo. 12 bootihealso
tteertj that be found partkles of gold
dust adhering to the uiside of the leg
of the boot. lie c'alms that the boot
Ls now hi his possession. A night or
two tiller it had ken bruited about
Uiat Jlr. S. had obtained the om, be,
S., heard parties prowling about
bis premises, and quietly went out and
fired three idiots at tlrcm. A sealp-lo-k
was found tlie next morning on
the premises, showing that some one
tiftd received a dose slave. A number!
of persons have Wen out to examine'
Hie premises where ttte gold dost was
. taken from the ground, andthey assert
' fhat i kinm untntuw of hnliM wi re
t us hav
Extknskik. Tlie pleasure exeur
sion advertised by Rev. Mr. Shaw for
the 4th of .Inly, elsewliere 111 the RKG-i-iiu.
i meeting with tlie grandest
giicec&s. Everywhere people are go-
in ir
wds, ai
, that i
tud pro
J the:
will 1
i ratio
i- every cvi-
a grind SUC
lS are m iking
f Ihobreffon
fir a ba iket pi
In a tnignil.!
that little vill
a nuuiler of
1 1
. pun
etc., t'
of seat
up seals,
r with an
id dtiadtng
, ill he de
1 it uiagie
ieasnrea of
swn g-. arbor,
awning capabl
j 9t,fXH) persons.
I Hvcred, and m
ii, lim ine to lu
the occasion,
Orecon iv CaT
ash! V, ill le
lighten the
rallies gol
ifurnla Hal
dug over the
ill way, upon
step on the
be whirled to
: Portland, can (
the Central ami
Cms in a jiffy, enjoy the sights
there and on the w ay. ami return to
Portland in time to see the grand
fireworks, etc.. in the evening, all fr
1 "iC eheaper'u dirt. Parties who
wish to extend their excursion to As
toria or the Dalles, on the morning of
the 5th, are informed that the time for
which the tickets hold good lias been
extended to six days to the Huh of
THE 1" ui.'.mu NIK Through
politeness of Mr. rouse, we en-
a trip to the Linn County Agri-
cultural Society
j u- morning.
I grounds ou Mou
Wc found unite a
number of persons on the ground, as
well as fast horses. We noticed sev
eral fine horse- from California, Lodi
stock, in training for the races on the
5th and 6th. Mr. RoSS has two as
handsome animals as were ever ran
on any course, which he Will enter for
purses. The first. "Iflrara," sired by
Lodi, three year old a perfect beauty;
'Trifle," a Norfolk mare, four years,
old, that looked as though ?hc could
run like a Streak of lightning. Then
there was "Albany Hoy." a four year
old, owned by C. Cart wriht Emi
grant still; a trotter; 'Tlnwboy"
and Bncksk'm,'' owned by Win.
Oird, runners old favorite; "Mary
Eva Crottsc," a fiur year old:
Hone," a -even year old, owned by
J. Z. CrouM a slashing trotter, with
whom Jack pr KMi iei to go for (he (100
pur e. "Dolly Vtirtlcu," "Emma"
and naraelei, all young animals,
owned by Montgomery. There were
quite a mimbei
the grounds wll
obtain. The
gpleiultd condil
t ofner animals on
3 nam we failed to
ck seem to he In
and stand
will he re
lerally put
Will 1; lifted
built, ami the
hi readiness, f
nn. bootl
grounds gen
r three day
! 4th and end
mth, The pi
i on the 5th a
course will
fun, com -
n II:
t m
Oth ol in
es oftcr
1 6tli are
t tract a
cd for tin
Bberalt a
bie crow
id of
I. Hurrah for tlie fun
KnxEJ. Tho folloivl
count Is taken from the Qi'tijonian
Mr. Sullivan was well known lu re:
A man named Sullivan was run over
by a train of ear on last Sntnrilay,
and instantly killed. It appears timi
he had been engaged in this city hy
the Superintendent logo to the front
and work on the road. He took pa
fiagoby tbeSaturday noon train for
hi- destination. IVIieii the carsrcai li
ed ltrain'i station, about halfa mile
below Eugene, Snlllvan cot off. The i
cars again started. Ih' ran for them
and attempted to get ou the train
while it was in motion. He was not
tUCCetsfill in getting on, but slipped
nild fell between the ear, two of
which passed over hi body, cutting it
entirelv tbrouzh. Sullivan had no
relatives on this COM
removed to Kugeftfl
wa a native ol il
about 33 years.
Ills body was
d burled, lie
Utd, and aged
Ol it Next SkHATOK. GO to furriu'
dirts if you Uriah to get the news from
home. The Olympia (W. T.; Stand.
,( says-that Dr. B. H. Oeary is the
coining man, nnd will doubtless occu
py a seat in the Senate of the United
State in the place of Mr. Corliott.
This doubtless will be news to Mr.
Geary, as he is not now nor has be
been a candidate for the position.
Xot Annioi'S. Our millers are
now offering 80c ) cr bushel for Wheat,
but are not anxious to purchase at
that figure.
Mt Minnvh.i.k, Jam U, 1S72.
Editok llr.t.isTF.ii : The Central
BaptjA Awotfatlon held their annual
meeting and transacted Im-imss with
a dearer of harmonv that nromi-ed
good hi the biborsof the ensningyear.
After the Introthietory discourse by
Elder It. C. Illll, tffleew wereekctedt
i'.Mer UtuHuVvr, Moderator; t'. II.
Muxsmmi, Clerk; A. W. Slanar.',
Treasurer.' The Association inatig-
united Initiatory measures to have
ministers sustained as Evangelists
that more effectual gospel labors may
le performed. Suitable arrangements
were made to facilitate and eucountgc
tlie enterprise lor tlie endowment of
the McMiunvillo College, with hoH"
of success in making tlie College an
enterprise of mutual interest to all the
denomination in the State and Wash
ington Territory. 'Hie Association
endorsed the labor of the agent for tlie
school, and directed and authorized
him to continue the canvass till tlie
endowment was seenral. Ills success
being satisfactory, he is cordially com
mended to the people iu the College
The ICKHtlouof (lie College in Me
Mluuvllle is eertahily very appropri
ate. The village, surrounded as it i
with a ridi and benutWW country, set
tled by industrious tariiH-rn. possess
ing flae estates and lilrtil hearts,
ready to ii--i-t freely in building up a
good sihool In this healthy location,
where the young may breathe pure
air and hive all the advantages and
facilities 6 securing a liberal educa
tion in connection with sound health,
and decided moral and religion- intiu
euces, The school, under the sniwrvislon of
Prot, llobb, has been of a character to
i give general satisfaction; and iu open
I ing a school of this character, with its
seoresof intellectual apd orderly pu-
; iils givinj
ucouraiEiuz promise of use-
I (illness hereafter, we are partial to the
conclusion that these matters should 1
rest deeply, in the sympathy of every
christian heart, a,. d that none but a I
cold heart, a dull perception, a pom
i pons ooueeltof former associations and I
j contiections would fall to perceive
to appreciate in the youths of I
, our countrv.
R. C
Wool. Considerable wool
made its appearance in market during
the week.
iuyers are mov paying
"' Pr 1
lind. Some weeks ago a
high as Me was offered, but very little
could be contracted for at that figure,
as those who had or expected to have
the article to sell, apprehended a fall
in price about this time, ami didn't
want buyers to lose so heavily, as they
would certainly have done hud farm
ers contracted their wool at 63c. Con
scientious scruples is what's the mat-,
Gekeral Chop Phospect.- A gen- j
tleman who has been taking a tour j
through the western counties of Ore
gon, write the Oregonwn : We every
where observed what we regiuded as
toketn of Industry. The breadth of
grain sown seemed to he much great"
er than we had observed in any former
year; and the early or I'llll -own
grain was well grown and character
Tzed by a very healthy green. So, al
so, were many of the crop- sown hi
February and Martli. And yet, as to
Inter sowing, the farmers (bared that
w it hunt much more rain they would
be short.
JapaKesk. Friday and Saturday
nights of last week, at I'arri h Hall,
large audiences greeted the Royal Ty
coon Japanese Troupe. These Japs,
little and big, old and young, per
formed well, dolus a variety of tricks,
1 n,TOljntu feRti etc,( Cut were entire
ly new. They gave the best of sati
taetiou here, and that is more than we
can say of the generality
I.K.vvi'.s Us. Our efficient Sheriff
for the past four years, Robt. A. Ir
vine, now supplanted In office, has
purchased a farm ot three or four hun
dred acres, near Lebanon, and this
week moved his family out there. If
Bob makes a good a farmer as be did
a Sheriff, he'll do.
Thanks. -The office-' owes a
token" of thinks to Mr. John Luper
for a present of cherries' also, for
soino of the finest pie-plant of the
I.AIi'ltXY ATTENDED. The eatlip-
meeting at Lebanon was largely at
tended by our citizens on Sunday last.
i The meeting was dtsmisscdon Mon-
y, -e are informed.
STHAWPEBUfES. We are Indebted
to Mr. Harry States lor some of those
superb straw berries raised ou his place
out on the Santlam. They were hard
to excel, either iu ize or flavor. (lus. Layton has re-1 J'i.ati oi;;i. Tho Republican Xa
eeived new potatoes onions, straw-' uonai platform will be found on an
berrles, etc., besides a large Invoice of j oiiKt pugli of t,js iMle, It,
groceries and Drovisions, which he is
furnishing to customers at low- rates.
Lost. Between Albany and my
farm, a lady's gold breastpin. A lib
eral rcwartl will be given for its recov
ery, as It lias a apecial value to tlie
owner. EDW'D II. GEARY.
Hauky. From Mr. IJoycs we learn
'that Halsey is going alieail lively.
Conner & AlHngton have tlieir sash
and door factory about completed, and
will soon lv ready for business, J.
: M. Morgan i erecting a fine building
for a store. Mr. Boise is 1'iuliimg
an addition to his !n.M-:!l :) feet.
11 feet high which will eive him a
roomy and elegant Iwtel building.
Kirk. Hume & Co. are erecting a
large warehouse, 40x00 feet, two stO
lie-. Mr. Uridgefirnn r, late Bridge
farmer A Dixon, has sold his Interest
In tlie dry goods establishment there
to Mr. Rust',
A Chop FAiLimQulte a number j
,if tanners have assured us tiut unless
we have rain soon, the wheat crop of
Linn county will not he an average i
one. For weeks past the atmosphere
has been unusually dry for this valley, j
with little or no dews falling. With
out rain the grain Will not All, and the
yield will he largely decreased. O, for
a good healthy shower.
JfoncE.-lt is highly necessary for
all who Intend going on the excursion
ou the lih. to conclude and report by
July 1st. To accommodate this tie
cessitv, aniiiigeliiotits are made with
Mr. E. A. rreoland to receive the
i name:
Will s
I ticket-
' I)on't
1 will l
! wa r i.
of all
ivo l!
fail I
Wil ) ile-ire to gi. i in i
necessttv of Mirchashig
lunrniu ot the 1;
oil early, because it
advantage in many
Clivses Friday
tlon of classe
morning, Ia
June 2-ih. Examina
commoiices on Tuesday
eture before the Literary
L'n on on T lmrsdav evening, by Kcv
fir. Llndsley, of Portland. Literary
exerci c by the students Friday even
ing. Sl'RtXO WAC10X9. -For a Vo. 1 ve-
i.i , , .,, ... . ,
liK-lc. With or without siirmip, two or
four horses, home manufacture, made
of the very best material, at low rates
for cash, go to Mr. Peters' shop on
Ferry street. 'all and see those new
wagons without tail.
Additional Attractions. It is
now reported that the ancient order of
, Hoiioriiicabilitudanitatlbustpies, or I',
i i'.'. hive concluded to add to the
attractions of the 4th at the Falr
' grounds by a general turn out, We
hope this rumor may prove gcuulnc.
Faumiso Imh.ement?. Messrs.
Main. Voting A Co.. c-.ill special at
tention to their stock, consisting of
Pitts' Challenger Thresher, Endless
Chain Threshers, Haine's Headers,
assortment of combined Reapers and
Mowers; also. Mowers, Horse Hake.
&c., together with the celebrated Bain
Wagon, which for general excellence
can not be heat.
o .
Oregon State Fair. We have re
ceived the list of premiums .of the
Oregon State Fair for 1872. The Fair
will commence on Monday, Septem
ber 30th, 1372, and continue through
the week. We shall mention this
matter more at length hereafter.
Jist From Fni.-ci.Mr. II. I).
Godley received a new invoice of
latest style millinery, etc., from Ban
Francisco on Thursday, to which the
special attention of the ladle i in
vited. .
Markets. Butter and eggs both
receded hi price the lir-t of the week,
but advice- from San Francisco stiffen
ed the market and we now quote:
Butter, l320e per pound j eggs, 18c
per dozen.
IIOI.I.OVVAY'S Pn.ES. In all crowd
ed cities, malaria and fogs are
breathed over find over again, till the
stronge-l lung are incapable of pro
(liteinir mire blood, hence the sltimtlsll-
of similar n,i,, 0f mnj ail( Dfjy) tlie weariness
and irritability of many persons dur
inir this -ea-'on of the year. These
medicines neutralize these impurities,
and give vigor to the head, heart and
Etomaeh, ii cents per box or pot.
Gone Soetii. The first of Hie
week, An. Mar-hall, with three hacks
and eight horse. Started south with
the Japaueso Troupe. He will proba
bly hike them as far south as Jackson
ville. P. O. Address. The P. O. address
of Mr. John A. Ambler U Klma, (,'hc
balis county, W. T. Persons looking
after vacant land, or wishing surveys
made in that Territory, should apply
to Mr. Ambler.
Another. Mr, Wm. Rice has lost
a valuable gold telegraph badge or pin.
Tlie finder will Iw liberally rewarded
upon returning it to him.
Tr.MiT.itAsn; Picnic At Browns
ville, transpires to-morrow, i will
doubtless prove a pleasant occasion to
Aju-jij'.r.ii.M. v uniiueiicus ui.i,uu-
ert's Bridge on the 27lb next Thurs
day. Wheat. Buyers were offering 80c
per. bushel ou Thursday. Price in
Liverpool, 13s.
PKitsoNAL. Mr. J. Dow, of tlie
firm of Dow & Crane of this city, is
confined to his room with heart dis
ease. He U very ill.
Mr. Johu Lnper and family have
gene to the mountain-.
Airs. Wakefield, of I'ortland. has
lieeu vl-iting friend ill this city dur
inir the week.
Mrs. W. If. Bracket! and Mrs. Dr.
Fivelaml, ou a visit to friends in this
city, left for the Southern portion of
the state ou Wednesday evening's
Boise, Esq., ' Halscy, gave us a call
on Wednesday. Reports Halsey as
growing finely.
Steamboats V Islt us as usual, al
though, the Willamette is anything hut
hank full.
Ox to RosEBfnO. Trains will le
making regular trips to Rosebtlrg in a
few days.
New Potat !:. Mr. Bnrres, we
believe, brought the first new potatoes
to market this season.
i;h I.-;.--The new county officers
elect' go into harness next month.
Those not elected Wait tot a new deal.
Wool. Quoted at from 43 to45c
per poilll
is an excellent application for
hard, dry and cracked hoot. It sort
en and penetrate the hoot', and gives
a bright, clean appearance: it also
closes the cracks. Once mod the host
ler will never be without It. Apply
once or twice a week.
Salt iu; Tom vio Plants.-A
market Burduc: ol Lake Co.. LI., says
that he ', the most remarkable suc
cess, ol the lle of dt upon UU tomato
iilnnfj lie nnnlles it :it various tunes i
i , ii ,
during tlie season ; and m every case
its effects are marked in the Increase
growth of both plant and fruit. In
sortie cases he lays the roots'of back
ward plant hare, sprinkling them
with a tablespoon fill of ordinary liar
rel salt, and covers with soil. Plants
ordinarily treated in this way take an
Immediate start and develop the fruit.
Drv Earth the ur-T Disinfect
ant. -In the course of a recent dis
eussion before the Lvcecm ofXatural
History upon the subject of disinfect
ants, in which Dr. Eudemanii, Pro
fessor Joy, and others partieipated, it
was stated that, of all disinfectants,
dry earth was the most satisfactory.
I ir, Eudcmmm had tried all the disin
fectant sold Iii the market, by com
posting blood, decayed meat, and veg
etable garbage with them in boxes,
and leaving them for six month- iu
the best condition for a fair test. At
the expiration' of the time the only
-ample that remained absolutely sweet
and inodorous was the one made up of
dry earth and jK-at. As the re-ult of
numerous experiment- conducted hy
himself. Professor .Joy stated that
he fully concurred iu the statement of
Dr. Endemaun.
Uiiu matism in CoWfi. The symp
toms of rheumatism are swelling of a
join, or joints, as for htstauce the fet
lock joint. The swelling is accompa
nied by lameness, gnu the disease lias l
a tendency to shift from one leg to j
another, or to affect more part- of lite f
ImkIv than that In which it tir-t ap-
penred. The most frequent causes of
rheumatism are damp, badly drained
stnliles or cowsheds. exnOSCU to cold
winds; and an important item in tin
treaUucul of the diwase is to protect
il 1 1 fw,,, - ,.l llin ,,s
ine nni iri troiu auv ol tin
mentioned. The swollen lolut
-llollld i
lw gently robbed with camphorated
spirit, and half an ounce of carbonate
of potash given twice a day iii a quart
of tepid water. Diet should be of
rather a laxative kind.
SovndAVind in ItOKSES. A horse
whose wind i actually broken can
hardly be mistaken, the short, vibrat
ing cough that accompanies it being
ipiile peculiar. The breathing is
greatly hurried by exertion, and Is
made up of three' separata motions,
in the fust the breath is drawn natn
mllc. tliii flanks dtstendinif as usual.
In the next the flanks rise with a slid- j
den, momentary, spasmodic effort, j
In the third the abdominal muscles
are slowly and forcibly drawn up as if j
to expel" the air remaining in the j
lungs. Brokeu-winded horses are very j
eager for water. Tlie malady may be
temporarily coticeaieu, out it is tw
llevcd to be incurable. Thick or oth
erwise defective wind cannot always
lx; detected without Spending some
time with the horse. He must lie
watched in reference to breathing high
after moderate exercise, on a change
of position and temperature, and after
drinking. Note whether he coughs
when drinking. Roaring may he de
tected hy forcing the horse to a brisk
gallop, the ear being placed on tho
windpipe osteon .'. lie is pulled up to
make assurance doubly sure Vhris
tian Union,
BiiEAKiNO Oxen. The education
should corami lice at one year old.
A suitable yoke and bows are provid
ed! the tails are tied together by the
lull, tbftt they may not torn round
and reverse tlie yoke. A rope is fast
ened totlie near hoi not each steer;
these ropes unite in oner, slwit dis
tance from their bends. They are al
lowed to stand in the yokeoften, when
not iu exercise, and are exercised
daily until Ihey arc familiar with the
different motion ', and words and
signs used to control them. They arc
then yoked lo a pair of wheels only,
and exercised with them. To teach
them to back, strike them qn.Vk blows
on the now with tho palmot your
hand, using at the same time the
proper word. Quietness nnd'gcntlo
uess should bo used during tlio les
eous, and a little wilt will paeslfythem
should they become unruly. Never
unyoke them wlicn they are excited ;
let them cool down first. It should
lie borne in mind Unit whatever Is
learned now will be remembered, and
lessons should be given with tho
greatest care.
Makkkts. Xo cliange hi market
prices. We quota :
i Putter Per pound l320c.
i Eggs Per dozen IjtC.
Bacou Sides, buying. lVxe
linu' He. Shoulders, hny'mg. 10c; sel
ling 12'... Ham, buying. He; sel
ling. Me.
( hidteito From $2 BO to 1 do
j en. .
1 Wheat -Miller-paving &V "' tm-.i-
Oats Still quoted at 50c pbnsliel,
Wool UfferhiB from hi to lo V It'.
Baiigalns. For bargains in priufj
ing material, call at tin- office iiniiie
diatcly. WILLIAM DAVlfiMMLV,
It K M. BTATR DAt,Ktt,
So. tft Front Street, Portland, or,
RKAt BSTATKiathisC3Tfiuil t-As't
IMKTt.ASIi. In Hie mol ileslntlik) loenll.
ti:.rtii-!-'l:i'( f MTH,HAt.K HI,i'Ks,
nn I i;:.r,'K-, llal'SKStiml STORES; also,
pnlitvnte 1 1, AN
I he STATE for
IIS, !(v!
mi'l vtdnatilo
a in a i.i. nn-
ItKAIi KSTATK, and other piooi i i
nurcltivov I rcH'ooia'iwiwindejUj'.lii li.'-i ll'V
nnd tliroiKlioul Hie 9TAT8 and TEftfil
TOIHVA wltli -'rent (MIH R'lJ on tlie most
' ttOI'SKS !! ST'Utt.s ' t, I.DAXS
NKUO'I I mil, .ii- l I l. '.iMSW LJ, OK
W'ltllTtONS I'K' ',- I. A L'CiI.I.KCTKI):
ami n gyneml Ki.v ANL'lAl.aud uKNCV
BUSISES5 traiiMictel.
ACKVl Snf ilili Ot'FItUS, 1" nil Hid I
TiKs.ct 'fOWNS in ii"- KTATK, Will re.
HL-ivo tkwerlolloiis of I'AU M I'UOI'KliTV
nn. I Corvrtvrd lUe tame to the u'love n t
arest, rs
!)ni'i Trimming's.
el 1.1 Mtlk. Kill III. I o
extensive rn.
met vuuieu
Uv-s trluuuingit, nlwiiyj
C'hiurnons. Ijitesl
tiand, ui low tl'tuv.s.
onsuwtly on
of nil grades and
-Lhitiifts an 1 findings
ipiiuiiie-, u lull ii-aort-
DIAl'EK l.l.Ni:N, Kll AN li A 1.1.
OT II K It AltlliTlES HK
gwvku, hose, my.,
MltS. n. I). COPLEY,
i Albany, May ti, U7tl.
liirailili' Worm Sjrup
It- value in tetUOvillg IllftSSCfl
from the stoiiiaeli im ! bowels
even where Worms tlo not oxi
tun hlglll) e-l iliulle I.
Fever and Xftm. li r on lx
litUtatcd in Hie presonceof v.
stiuiiiieh or ttowi i-. arc more ii
a protraol&tl course of eblils
The worm retnecUcs tun c beei
if emOltUte
f ctttldren,
.roriDS '.it the
liable to liavo
l-i and fever.
UU known to
lire when nil other remeilles have Hilled,
gpectally iu ehilUivn.
For sate by a. Carotben . Co., liolesnlo
net WllRlI llnttflfUfH. All'illiw
One Dollar per bottle.
Forwarding & Commission Merchant.
Agent forthe siiteof i be celebrated IlAIN
j Vi AliON, and nil kinds of AOIUCUITUK-
At, .MAI KIN Kit V,
Ooiutigninonui BOlicfloil.
ir.ti.'V r.tftia In ,!, Inum nt Clw.,1.1 f, m.
Jievr To-Bay.
1 tins Albany & SnntUmi water Hitch or
t'aniil I'fltiiwuiy aru roauemeil to incut at
the Conn Iti.u'e In Albany, Jlily 1". I -7'.',
ui i o'clock, for tho pnrpow ot oivanlzmtc
naltl Comnany. A iti'J mien lance of ihu
Ktix'kbolilenilii ri'nueatoil, for the purponu
Of elect tng the necessary olllwrsforsalil
Company. '. tXKIxs,
June li, 7441 Order of liu-orporalora.
oiie'ts ail nereotiMknowlntttlicmselvii
Indofitiil to bun, eitber liy note or book
nccoiint, totnakc immwHato riiinnt io
lleach, MontcitliA Co., al City Mills Alba
ay, in whose bands be has lefl Ills nooks;,
notes luul :.l! itivoioils J. M. llEACli,
Albany, June 7, 18TW0
ill UitJdil
TO lilt OIVFM BY 'I'llll
at tub
Tlie nrocestlon will bo forineclat9o'elock
. m., in front cf the CpUVt House, in tint
following oi'tlcr :
Natioiuu Colon.
Altmnv Itiiis- liiinil.
OltA'lDU OK 'lilt: OAT,
10. (J.Ctirl, ol Salem.)
tCtipt N. II. Homnliwy.i
Albany Flro Doitartmcul In full uniform).
The VRrhnut Sttndny Selioois.
Invited CciHts and Citizen.
Unonatrlvliiaat tbe lWr awnnd3,th
IwCapt. N. U, Unmpbrey
,i;.i,e.e l hy C. U. Ctu-1
lifter i. hie, ti e foatlvltlt'
sint'ue, of Mdalo in H e Pi
Croquet, Base Italli etc., i
Dei l:iral ion ol t"1
will Ik veail
, mill tin oration
ICho., of saicni,
of the day, con
vtllon, llani'ing,
,iii eoiumenoe
Miirsbidt will ba upiM.inl.etl to orescrvo
ordoe, ami no hoino-ruclng, diiinltcnnciiH,
or dlnorderly conduct will be lolem'edou
the dafr Hroanda.
AdmlshCou io llic ;t'unth Free.
ReirrKliiucnts oa lite rnirtiroiimfei.
On lite Filth nnd Sixth day of July, a
muse of tMO w in be couip itcU tot, uceord
ing to jiuigrammc.
MP JL anrdkt Invitation Li extended to
MOTWfV Pattlea who were occupying
liinils in the "iirond iiouite and bileui llo-
servt h," iu tliuHtntc OtUrug n t lie year
lsM-'iS, end hud to abftndnn the minic In
consequence of Willi UoaorVtm l.ttVlni lMton
aeleotcd by the IT. S. for the -t 1 1 lenient of
the Kogue River IiuliiiHH, will pleaae sond
tlieir aMrowen, for fmi tier oorreanondano,
IngtonClty.D.C. 4M