VOL IV ALBANY, OREGON, JUNE 21, 1872. 'NO. 42. rTBUSmU) lAI'KV FHICAV, By i'OHX. VAN CldEVE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, ' Prri owl Krai Kmtt. TERMS IX ADVANCE. One VCflP Three W Six nionlhs single copies .. I'wip dollars. en cents ADVKRTtSINfi BATE! Transient advertisements, per squari f leu lines or If--. Ili'sl Insertion ucli mtliwiiueni Insertion 1. Uw; V''1; tinoinonia Inserted on the most liberal terms. .lill WORK. Itoving received new type, Stock Of col ored inks cards, n (joi-iloii fobbcr, etc., we arc prepared losxi-cntuullKtmlnol print ing Inn hotter manner. and fifty prt cenl cheaper than over before oflcruu in uns oily. Affcntg ' "!' Hrglsler. Tin1 following gentlemen are mitltortecj to reevtve and receipt for stiliscriptloiis, advert Isimr, etc., for Hie Hbbit.b: Hiram Smith, Harrlflmw. (. I'. Tompkln. Ilarrlabnrg. INcier Hume, Brownsville. W. li. Kirk, Brownsville. J. It. Irvine, Nclo, T. II. Reynolds, Salem. E i. Fisher, San Francisco. . I. Porter, she Id's station. Fletcher . Weils, Buctui Vlsta, Pol" ' " Chas. Nlckefl, Jacksonville. BMW BUSINESS HARDS. I j. it. Men in i.i.. ' N 31S'a'4'2!EI..S.i & DOL; ! ii Mil. Allormys and Coiinsrlorn n( I.nw, OOUCITOIISINCIIAXCEHY ASDPHOC n torn In admiralty. OHlco over the old ihisi ofiiee, Front street, Portland, Oregon. lvl 3, ('. HUWl U.. H-1N-S'- POWELL & FLI1JJ, Attorneys ntUl ('eaaMlom t Xl WILltTl'OBS IN CHANCtin II.. Flinn iiotniy public), iYioany, Oregon, uetionsaud conveyances t i n i .1 1 x id- ten.led tO. 1 K. II. rjBAXOH. N. B. ItCMWIRKV, Notary Pulillc. Attorney 'onuHeliorH nt Law, ALBANY, OHEGON. Ofllec In Pa irlsh brick, up stairs. 5v4 j B-:. W. CiiEIAV, E). 1. S., f RAl'I' A I E OF I IM t VJ lint I Dental College, tnnkes S r' nti AVirnarf "i- ,,n,r il ,S ii' .v vf I1"! ' - I'' lUMnl tnlll. IPSO. dOeS A1.I. work In the line of his profession in Hie host and most approved inelho I. ami ai as ! raasonahle mtos us ran he had elscwUei'C. j Nitrous OxUleadtnlnUtered lor the iniu- ! lowextnretlon of teoth If desired. Olllceln l'.m-isli iM'teU ll'ivek. Ill) Stall's. Kesi Ifllec ; Brst hoast'sontiioft'otigi'iatloiialehiireli, fronting on court house block. J7Wo HOIEEOPATIIIO rilYSIvIAN AFFU'E ON FlTlST STREET, ONI loor two V." wtsst. of Hiiiudiilliln. In Bnrktinrl stnrv brick up sin store. RksHiunck Melliodlst ehurcli, ps , m er 1 .1 First nous Allmny.Or. 'I'llli-e'l's WCSl oi l he I8v4 LEFSTEL & MYERS' SPHERICAL I 'I.I'M 138, Ami Uencntl Mill Machinery. J. F. BACKENSTO, Agent, Albany, Oregon. fllrj X, s. Dubois. v. ti. MVri.i.M u. M. S. sr BI? & ', HAVE ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY rceetvingn large stock of tJi-ocerl 's null I'rovisloits, Wood and willow ware, tobacco, clgftl, confectionery, Yanluw notions, etc., etc., wholesale and retail, ul lowcsl rates. Opixisllc li. C. Hill A Sou' drug store, Allsmy, Oregon, 8SV4 ALBA'V BOOH STOKIi. Kstahllslied In 1N3U. E. A. Ewflnnd, EAl.i:H IN EVERY VARIETY OF I I inlncellaueous liooks. school liookSi IN iilanlv ixtoks, stnlionery. Books Inijiortcd to order ul slion notice, Albany, Dec. :i, 1879, Tl'KMW - TCRL0, n V T AM PREPARED 'lo DO ALT, KtSWfl I of tnrnlng; kebpon liand and make to order HlwhiiiB-lmttomed chap's, nni Kiiin nlng wheels. Shoo mar tl lil''nollu Mills." .IOHN M. MK'i'ZI.Eli. Albany, Nov. 8, lwis-j ALBANY BATH IIOIJSE. mnS UK DEB8IGNBD Woi l.D UK A sped fully Inform thecitkoimo! Albany Md Vicinity thai he bus taken eiiargo oi this (jsttfiRSliment, mid by ktqnnji clean rooms and iinyinir siriet itttent ion q hurl ness expects lo suit nil those W'ho inay fn vor nhn with their patronage. Having heretofore nrrlod on nothing but 'lrsl-'I..H Ilnlr OrcHNltis Salooiw, He Aspects to give entire satiafaetlon to all. Children's and ladles' hail neatly cut uud Hhaiiiiifsied. Si't. I'j-ja JOSEPH WEBBER, FURS! FURS! FURS! TIIE BlflnEST PRICKS RAID IN CASH fcr all kinds of "l'HM,dv-, , RI.AIN, YOl'fiU &, CO. Albany, Feb. , VM-iir BUSINESS UAUDS. : JQHN CONNER, Ira n king AND Exchange Office, AI.J8VXY, onwios. DEIWITK RECEIVED si" li J KIT To chock nl sight. IntertMl nUowc-1 trotlincdmwsllslil com. KxchuiWc on I'i'rtliind, Ttat Fnmcfc'eo, and New ri, forsnleiH MwustrnleS. Collodions innloamliroiui!ly remitted. Refer to II. W. Coriwft, Henry Fulling, W.8. Ltutd. Ranking hunt from s A. M. tot P. M. Albany, Feb. I, !71-24v8 mabisli: works. BOaOE & STAICES, Dealers in Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Bt Stones, Executed in California, Vermont Marble. and Kalian AI.EM, OHEOON. HIAS:i SHOP AT ALBANY. J, JXJW. M. B.CBAKK IMttV & CRAKE, Dealers in Boots, SIiocn, and Findings AI.BASY, OBECMra, I SVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE pnhllc to tludr (nil suh-u of the laical tv es in iriiil (incu s ami yonin s i.uins i shoes, fliUcr,0.'tforil ties, etc., etc., us well ! iih to (he very latest thing on1 hi Ihe litre I of Indies' and misses' gaiters, IsilmomlB, I SDWlxirt ties, Antoinette husking, and litany oilier new and liuditonahle stylos, just rceclvcil ill lliei ll' imhm r.iun;,wnien they will sell us mpkm as they can lind iirilnusi-s who w isli nwl-class gids at ilieioost roaaoufthhi rules. They ii3S)io!t flllly Invite yon to conic ami sec their K.ock. Boots, shHis,ete., made or repaired to order, and all KErA warrttajrf, CITY BOOT STORE, 1'IIIST fTfREKT, First loor West oi' Bcg'lst alMtg, CITY MAI! K BT, FIRST MTRBET, AI.BAS1Y, OBECMIK, J. L. HARRIS, PBOPRIET' B, IT.E ENDEAVOR TO KEEP COX- slantly on hand a full sivjiply of A I.I. Ki!k'S OF MEATS, Which yv ill ! of the very hot finality, The highest market P'W Pn'"1 (IW beeves, hos ami sheep. Third door west of Ferry, en south side ol First street. .1. I.. HARRIS Albany, Dee. l i. 1S71-1.", 1 J. W. Van J i! Bcrgli 91. St., 1VWKM DOCTOR, SALEM : : ' OltEOOX. MY lomj experience in diseases cansed by woitMS, cannot he snrwasecd by any liliyslciim in Europe or Hie I nlle l S'aies. oiiiee rooms, No. IIS and 80, over the Posl oniee. Oonsiilialions mid examliuitions free of ehtifue. IiUWuM Albany Collegiate Institute, AS.II VNY. OBWJOS. 'JMHs ISSTITFTION WIU. REOPEN ON I Momlny, SeptClillHU' 4, 1871, wllhn corns of leaeliers cnjuiliie aii'l earnest. Instruc tion w ill he tiiomuKli ami pratdlcul, and tlie system of order unsurpassed. Forfar licului'siMldross I!, li. WARREN, A. M., Presldenl ; Or, itov.E, R. liEAliY, 1 1. f).,Albiiny, Tlic Eyes! The Ers ! DR. T. L. UOLDEeV, OchM t ami Aurlst, Albany', O.-eson. nlf. GOLDEN IS A sou of the m.ie I old opihalinlc docior, evi.'lletiee in I ri'al III;;' I 'i . ,1,1111111 ,1,! I, I, It I llle various (tiseuscii lo Wlllch I he eye uud ear are subject, and fee eouitih'Mi oi tri 1ilt entire sutisfnctlon l those w iio inay plaeotlieuisolVes under h cure. April 18, GO. DR. E. O. SBS'ITH, DEKTI8T, HA" LO! .111.11 IN AI.- mw" I'liny.aiid is now renity E-..'. '.. to wait on The cltliensof Al bany nnd v;iclimy,wl(ha new Invention hi denial work. It consists 111 supporting tlie plalc totheinoulh without covering ihe whole rof, us Inuvrofoi'o Those wi. hlng nrtiilelul teeth are requesi. el to cull and examine for themselves Also, plates mended, whether partially broken ordlvliled. Teeth, extracted with out pain. Office over Tunvll's stoiv. Ml w ork warranted. jx '4 Iapcruanglug, CaiceinEutng, Deeoratiisa:, &c, Jl M. WADSWORTH will t-ive firotntM . uttcuttnii to all orders for Paper banging, Calcenilnhig, Decorating, Ac. in tills city or vicinity, All work executed in the latest style, in die i'si niniiner.nnd at lowest living intes. t-rorders left nt Furniture Wurcronuis of ('has, Slcalev will mvive prompt at leu l ion. iuvi BUSINESS CARDS. To the Citizens of Brownsville and Vicinity. TpTtK I'NDERSIi.XEH WOI I.D N 1 noiinee Unit they are INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES for fte purchase of OU the "W OOL they can gel, for wllk-h. they will liny the CJIjhesj Market 'I'rlee InCnshortioods. Also, they have a full stock of : 31 BR AI, HERCH AXIIIHE 011 hand, which they offer nt lowcsl rates for CASH or PlioDt'CE. KIRK, HI'MK & CO. I. M. l ull on us brlore closing lor your Wool. Brownsville, March -J;i. '7--8i;in8 FttAXKLlM MARKET, m,:; VN V, OKKUOX, J. K. ItKlUUftN, : : Proprietor, 4U.V1X, VT TI1K iLU L'LAI'K OV Kronl Htn-i't, jnoiiOM's to turn isli atl w luiftTly with all klmlsoi' MKATs, nt the iuufsi markot ttiicfl. My stra-t nttntloil tn liusiia -s he hOK8 to rH' cia-ml KRtt ftit'tion tontl who iny favor ltUn with a dill, iiilarst mtirket prh pmW fbt 1'Ol'LTltV. J. Ii. HKKUOX. n8flv t SETTLEMIRE'S MtRER9 Six Mlkn SoutU ol Allmu;, , Mini Co., NEAR THE RAILROAD. ISODICIT TIIK ATTKXTTON OF ALL persons ihsirin-r to lmtvliasi' fruit trees to call ntnl tixamino my stock, wlllch is eoiimosed ol' the liiresl'aial iKWt selection in the Siu'e, consi?.iiiiK of apiilcs, puarH, (lieiTic-;. pi mid, prunes, inpes, hlaekln'r rii's, eurniMts ant ro-.es, A!so, hlatk ami whi'e wultiut, fcitffilsli walnut, hickory, p'ean, rtiloial, houe l(K-ust, haeklvrry, ami a number of n'.hvr varieties of lives mid plants too luunorons u iUtintion,All of w liieli ait oiieref ;it low rates. IIKNKY Y. HKTTLEMIRE. I N't". 17, lTivj wm. pi:ters, MAM l'ACrrilKll OF Carriages Wagons, Of Every 9esrrlilloii, ALBANY, 0SKX. llrASlTFACTCHES TO ORDER ANY und nil styles of Wagons, Carriage!., Hacks, Ac., at as reasonable mtesas the use of L-oo.l inatcrlul uud Hrst-clas work will jus tify. Reimtrlng nen!ly and expudil lously done nt low nttes, sbopon Ferry lielween Flisl ami Second siiveis. W.M. PETERS. Albany, Slav W. IStlMA DSi. VASCLBVJB'S Galvauic Abdominal Snorter AND ITERI5E REUIT.ATOU. TlIE SIERITS OF Tills INSTRFMENT . consist piincipally in the stirmorl it gives fn I he abdomen and spine. The Ik'II is lirond, suiqmrtod by suspenders passing oerl he slioul'iers, nml kept in shani.' by sel f-enei'.i! i 1 1, l in 1 nil icl'ialL'S, whit hyiv'e a plettsanl eniTCtit. The liegnlalor is also flnlvanlei its Cup ami Nozzle nre lllllde of Silver; lis stem, of CoiilK'raud Zine, is hollow, thai injections may lie-throw n .through ii. or into the neck of 'the Flcrus. It can he so rejjulaled ti iis thtuuisserew ns to meet any mal-posl-llon of Ihe I'terus, und is uneqiuilled in meeting am- form of female disease. Price, f.'j. Patented August Pi. VStl, by W. S. Van Clove, Contrullu, Illinois. TorrMory for Knlc, or will receive Roj iilty for innniiliiclure. For Slate or Territorial rights to manu facture and sell on the Pari lie Const, npply to Col, I.. VAN CEEVE, Albany, Oregon, " Notioo. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Company. Land Dcurt incut, Perl land Oregon, April S, 1S7J. No! ice is hereby given, tliut n vigorous prosecution will be Instituted against any and every person Mho tmsjiasset lipou any Railroad Lund, in cut ting nmi removing timber therefrom before the same is BOl'Uli'foflbe Compa ny AND PAID I OR. All vacant Land in odd numbered sec tions, whether surveyed or unsurveyeil, within a distance of thirty tnftes from lite line of tlie load, belongs 10 (he Company. 1. II. Mm iRKS, 32vltf Und Agent. II O T 12 L . Corner Front and Salmon 8(8., PORTLAND, OREGON. This new und elegant hotel, with Sew Furuilure Tiiroughoot, Is now OPEN TO THE PEBIJC tin Hi " ,oui for the HceomiuosiMlon of UiicnIm. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Come and Sec Ut. . , B. SPRKKUEK, Tropr. ihe Burning of Moscow. As Napoleon Bonn)Ortc was marcli htg his army into Moscow on Sejttem ber 15, 1814 tlie Uiissian antliorllles (letenniiuil id bDrti tlie ctty rattier than to allow it to beoccitpletl iy him, fhey aouoivllnglv tllstrlbuted eoiabiw tilile material fbroiiiruont tlie city, ready to be lighted sTiotild hi army enter it. IJ is entry anil ,'itteinted occupation of Moscow, and (he snljse qiient buttling of Ihe city by the IJns siiins. an matters of history, from which we quole tlie following: "On Wednesday, Septeiilber loth, lSli Napoleon took up his headijiiar ters in the Kremlin, ami on tlie same day the tire broke out in the Kital Oorotl. The night of (he Kith was 11 liliuluatAd by (he lire oi'a general cpa llagniliisi. The explosion of the bal loons 6t iliiine which were seen falling from Hie lops of towers showed the menus which xvero licing taken to fprcail the lire. A vast sea of Haines illuminated the horizon for mile, an nouncing to ihe unhappy Muscovites who still lingered neat the town, that their homes no lunger existed. The ditt'erent quartet's of the town took tire, burned and disappeared all at once. Heaps of calcined and blacken ed slones Indicated Ihe spot where !;oiises. had stood. The silence of ter ror was only interrupted by a roaring like that of the waves of a stormy sea ; this was produced by Ihe wind, which, driving with violence the torrent of flame, hurried far anil wide the des troying element, l-'roni time to time whole buildings fell with a crash. Wherever the eye turned nothing could lie seen but smoking ruins and devouring flames. Kver and anon Wis heard the mournful loll of a bell, which sounded like (he signal passed between one and another of equal des truction, in spite of Ihe vigilance of tlie sentries posted at the houses, the lire spread as if ii hail been driven by .111 invisible power. Although a great part of lite town was built of wood, it took many days of general conflagra tion to consume it. At last in most quartet's of the town there were left so lew traces of iiabttatlons that the streets could hardly be recognized. Human bodies half burned, and the dead carcasses of horses, cows and dogs, lay hi the midst of (lie ruins. ,OUO houses, besides a great number of palaces, were reduced to ashes; scarcely 0,000 houses were left stand ing. The private loss by the destruc tion of houses and their contents was calculated at not less than 30,000,000 iljlUK)0,000.) and this was prolmbly under the murk. Tlie first torch w hich set Moscow ablaze was said to have been applied by Count Kostop cliouc, the Governor of tlie city.'' A Pleasant Anecisitk. Itcv. Thomas Alexanderof ihe English Pres bytcrito Church ill Chelsea, recently died of apoplexy. A London corres pondent to (he Presbyterian vouches for ihe truth of the following anecdote: This winter Mr. Alexander observed a curate frequently passing his window in (lie cold mornings without a great coat, cold anil uncomfortable, with tlie look oi genteel penury which too often attaches To the poorly paid curates of the ISngllsh Church." lie went out to his tailor: "Cap you make a emit without see ing the man who is to wear it. ?" That was doubtful. "Can you make a coat If you see the man, without measuring him," The tailor though! he might. "Then lie ready when I call for you." The next day, accordingly, When (he cnralo was seen approaching. Mr. Alexander hurried out to his tailor, ami the tw o walked for some little dis tance ijehlnd the unsuspecting man. Xow, take a good look; make sure of your measure. Arc you satisfied t" "Yes." "Then, "said Mr. Alexander, "make that poor fellow a good coal, of good elolh. at once. Ascertain his home. anil send it to him: hut mind you.it you give him the slightest inkling that I sent it. you shall never do me another stitch.'? So the two parted. Mr. Alexander lived to see tlie curate often go by his window w ith Ihe great coat on, nil ex cellent lit. anil well buttoned up in welcome warmth. AMCSESIENT. Every' thing In Na ture indulges in amusement of some kind. Tlii! lightnings play, the wind WilistleS, (he thunders roll, the enow Hies, the rills and cascades sing and dance, the waves leap, the fields smile, the vines creep anil run, tlie buds shunt, and Ihe bills have tops to play Willi. Hut some ot Uiem have tlu ir seasons of melancholy. The tempests moan, the zephyrs sigh, the brooks murmur, and the mountains look blue. Yes. dear children, we older people know that you have your little trials anil troubles, your afflictions, your times of melancholy, like tlie elements in Nature. Hut we like to sec you happy. And in choosing your amuse ments, le slow in choosing, t'clect such as will elevate your moral Stand ard, reject such as will have a tenden cy to lower such as will be demoral izing and corrupting Hi their influ ences. Keep Yont Top Cooi,. Artemus Ward once, during a Journey across the plains, cU'eiisi a stage-driver a drink from his flask, which lie reflised In most deckled terms. Raid the driv er, "I don't drink! I won't drink! ami I don't like (o see any body else drink. I'm of tlie opinion of these mountains keep your top cool. TTiey've got snow and I've got brains -that's all the dlfieretice." Opium ns n .Stimulant I Competent authorities opium-eittiiig i greatly crease in this country. Dr. I-'. K. Oli ver, of Massachusetts, in a recent ar . lid'' says; "There are probably from eighty to one hundred thousand opium-eaters in I the United Stales. From 1840, the , Importation of the drug shows an iu , crease from 55,000 pounds to l.)i,s4i hi 1S70. anil there was a large Increase III 1871. The habit once acquired, is Willi Hie greatest difficulty controlled. ! If less marked in its Immediate effects ! than alcohol, it is far more suit' of its ; victim, A man of twenty who Lakes i opium seldom lives beyond the age of J thirty or thirty-six. it has been ostl ' mated thai about one in six of those j addicted to alcohol reform-', while ; among opium-cater success in such jau attempt is extremely mre. Many : aho have abandoned alcoholic drink ! take to opium, anil a Boston druggist states thai a noted temperance lecTur- er is one of bis regular customers for I this drug. In an adjacent town, there lis a man (hat lakes two ounces of ! laudanum daily. It is a singular fact that its u-e ill the Cfniltry is greater than in (lie large cities. One Boston druggist slates (lint the sale of opium preparations to the country is out of nil proportions to that of oilier drugs. Thousands who are addicted to this ter rible habit acquired il by taking med icines which were largely composed of opium. Women constitute the larger proportion of opium-takers." . . ASECDOTE of Tom Couwin. The death of Tom Corwin, which gives us all aprrOw, served to revive many good stories concerning him. When quite a young man he was elected a mem ber of the General Assembly of the Stale of Ohio, and early in the session he brought in a bill for Ihe destruction of the public whipping-post. He made an 'early speech In favor of the measure, (o w hich an elderly member replied as follows: "Mr. Speaker, tie gentleman Is not as old as I am, and has not seen as much ot the practical operation of the system of punishment which lie desires to abolish, iiiieul lived in Connecticut, if a fellow stole a horse, or cut up other antics, we used to lie him up and give him a real good thrashing; and he always clear ed rigid out. and we never saw any thing more of him. It's the liest way ot gelling rid of the rogues that ever was (rieil. and without expense to the State." Mr. Corwin, who never fail ed to carry his xiut by a Joke, if the argument was against iiim, inly made the brief reply : "Mr. Speaker, I have often been puzzled to account for the vast emigration from Connecticut to tlie West, but the gentleman last, up has explained it to my satisfaction." It Is almost needless to say that Mr. Corwin's Pill passed by an overwhelm ing majority. A W ord to Boys. Boys, did you ever think that this world, with all its Wealth and woe, With all its mines and mountains, oceans, seas, and riv ers.' with all ltt eamboats, railroads, and telegraphs; with all its millions of groping men, and all the science and progress of ages, will 80011 lie giv en over to the boys of thg present age hoys like you .' Believe it, and look abroad upon your Inheritance, and get ready to enter upon its possession. The presidents, emperors, kings, gov ernors, statesmen, philosophers, min isters, leaeliers, men ot (he future all ai-e boys now. A Broadway dandy, whose elolhes were as (nigra nt of musk, cologne, and oilier perlumes as though they had been dipped in a tank of extracts, was exhibiting himself oil the steps of one of our hotels, when a Yankee from the country came out and stood beside him. to bis great annoyance. lie showed his disgust in many ways, and filially d ied lo raise a laugh at the Yankee's expense. The Yankee took no offense ; but said to him : "I say. shall I tell you how to take the smell out of tllOUl 'ere clothes ? There is no use of carrying that 'ere smell round, You jit bury them "ere clothes about a foot in the sand, and in a week they'll smell as sweet as mine.'' Our dandy has not since ken visible to the naked eye. Kiaora Falls to be Utilized. Mr. Horace II. Day, of New York, proposes to US0 the water power of Niagru Falls to compress air, and then transmit it in pipes in stations along the Erie Canal tn Albany, to be re tained in reservoirs, from which tanks on canal bonis may be supplied. The compressed air Is then to be used in stead of horses as tlie motive power to propel nil canal boats, lie says com pressed air can be transported twenty miles wiib a loss of only one per cent. "Excuse my left hand," said wigglns as he shook hands wiah a friend. "Certainly, I never take umbrage at nature." was the reply. Referring to Kedttslatlcs x, the text Is, "A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart Is at his left," and the consequence is that they have not spoke since. Font Good IIahits. I'unctuilify, accuracy, steadiness, and dliWtcl(. Without the first, time is wasted, Without the second, mistakes the most hurtful to your own cmlit and interest, and that of others, may he committed. Without the third, noth ing ran lie well done. And without tlie fourth opportunities for ad vantages are lost which it is impossible to read!, It is staled that all (he lawyers in fst. Louts have agreed to put on gowns, state that ! after the manner of their Kngli-h breth on the in- reil, As a general ru'e it i not of so much importance, says the ew York TriiiHm wllflt an attorney car ries on his back a what he carries in liis head. It (be gentlemen of (la: St. Louis bar please to wear a uniform, we believe (here is no law to prevent, them from doing so. We notice that Ihe steamboat waiters upon some lines of travel have done the same thing. It is nn( uncommon for princes, and people of that irresiionsibJc kind, to be married by proxy. But it was reserv ed for liepubllinu Gotham to bit upon Ihe extraordinary notion of putting in to proxy, not Hie bridegroom, nor yet Ihe bride, but of all the people in tlie world the parson. The newspapers chronicle the happiness of a young .rnnitc Joined in wjHjlf. ag tile no tice ran, "by the Bev. S. II. ryng. Jr., representing the Bev. S. 11 Tyng. 1). D. Cheehfii. Temperance. It Is' known to every army officer that good discipline is inversely as drunkenness, but it is not so well "known that when debarred from spirits and fermented liquors men are not only better lie haved luit. (hey are far more cheerful; (hey are less irritable, and endure bet ter the hardships and perils of war. Dr. fortes. A blacksmith was lately summoned to a county court as a witness in a dis pute between two of bis workmen. The judge after hearing the testimony asked one why he did not settle, as the costs had already amounted to three times the disputed sum. He re plied : "I told the fool to settle for I said the clerks would take their coats, the lawyers their shirts, and il they got into your honor's court you'd skin cm !" The total number of hogs packed in the West Cor the season ju-l closed was 4,820,355, against .'I. h'ii.j. i'i I tlie previous season, being an increase ot' 1,120,304. Of tlw number packed in Illinois, 1,579,527, Chicago packers making returns of over 1,200,000. The Emperor ot Japan having in vited the late Tycoon to come out from his retirement, that dignitary has acceded, and has accepted an honorable appointment under the Government, with a highly compli mentary title. Nothing on earth can smile hut hu- mni It.tt.t.rd l.'i.ni: mm' It, 1st, r.ifl,F cd light, but what is a diamond flash to a mirth flash ? A face that cannot smile Is like a bud that cannot blos som, and dles.npon the stalk. Laugh ter is day, and sobriety is night; and a smile la the twilight (hat hovers gently between both, and more lie witching than either. 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view. An old Dutchman, who some years ago w as elected a member of the Canadian Legislature, said in his broken English style: "Vcn I vent to the leclllslattire, I (ought I would Hud clem all Solomons deiv, but I soon found dere vas some as pick tools dere as I vas." A qarrelsome couple were discuss ing tile SllhJcet 6f epitaphs and tomb stones, and the husband ssldi "My dear, what kind of a stone do you Sup pose they will give me when I tiler" "Brimstone, my love," was the alloc-' ttonute reply. It is stated that Dr. Livingstone has not had any breeches to speak offer four veins, the merchant tailors of I 'Jill refusing to credit him. With a little paint, however, and a segment of lion skin around bis loins, tlie" Doc tor has managed to keep the w olf from his door. Twenty-six English emigrants ar rived in Raleigh. N, C. recently, for the purpose of settling iii that vicinity. They are gentlemen of character and distinction, several of them being ex OlUccrs in the British army and nave. One nee give your mind up to a snspt i and fear, and there will be sure eh Ul : to lie loud enough for it. In the still est night the air is idled with sounds for the wakeful car that is resolved to listen. Youth and age have too little sym pathy w ith each other. If the young would remember that they may Ik. old, and the old remember that they have been young, the world would be happier. He who should conquer in battle ten times a hundred thousand, were Indeed a hero. But truly a greater hero is ho w ho has but once conquered himself. BmidAa, It is pretty well known bow alcohol can derange tlie functlonscf the body and dostroy life, but no one has yet found out flow it can cure. Our brightest moments are frequent ly those which arrive to us from tlie bosom ot care and anxiety ; the gems that sparkle upon the (lark ground. Temperance and labor are the two best physicians of man ; labor sharp ens his appetite, and temperance pre vents him IVom indulging to excess. An editor of a Western paper seeing two washerwomen quarreling, quoted Tennyson to them, sayine. "Wring out, wild belles."