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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1872)
1872. SOMETHING "NEW. THE WALTER A. WOOD Mowing & Heaping Machines, iron. THE COMING HARVEST. C. B. COMSTOCK & CO., 8PRINCVILLE & ALBANY, OREGON, Sole Agents Tor Oregon & WawliiiiKtoii Territory. W. S. fVEWBlBY, Trim tin & Urnernl Agent, Ai. haw, omxio.v. TnrsK JlwrliV POPITAB hv !iim:s auk sow i okxkiiai. use lii Russia. Prussia, Austria. IbowriH. France, Smin, Enxkind.and Xorili imil South America, in lad iliimurhnut the whole civilized world, mirt have Ihtii awarded the riKVt' l'lli;)IIHI)i lit every trial, lioih hi Euroc nml America, since I he WorMs Fair at Purls in W17, since which lime muily vlllnulilc lmpiim-mcats have liven adiUKl. Tlx Ngsjv One & Two-Horse liouiiic-ticnrcd Jointed Flexible Bur Mowers, never c!oa. Thev arc .he Wonder K TUK AiiK lor Strength, llcauly, (.' iwclt ami I.MiillXESS Of ItllAtT. THE R.A.KIIVC SELF u i li Mm inir Atlmlinnnl, is the most complete it ml (Wimble lie iimt, either in Kiimpeor Atiwritii, nud i" WMlLKTK UKAlKRuii(lnt'OMi'liCTK HOWKlt, CLAIM FOR THE WOOD'S MACHINES That IlievnrclhoLUillTEST I RAFT, the Ql'ICKEHT Knd DKST MOTION", its well list lie MOST hi HAIil.K. That thev leave the M'NDLES IX TIIK HK.lT SHAPE, iiml lire the EASIEST II AM '1.1.1 ) of any Mow inu- ami Reaping Machine either in Enroiiem America. t iT We Warrant lite Wood's Mnvliliica lo lie us J 2 Represented. J! 1 ;-t A full iissori nielli of EXTRAS constantly kept ut nil our Agencies. WE ALSO HAVE TIIK AliEXCY OK TIIK HAINES1 HEADERS, with lite. WOOD MrROVK.rtESiT, which renders ii one of lite REST 111; AT ERS e.xinnt. If you lilt' II Header, he sure yon yet the HAIXKS with Woods' IjHe lui ji v incuts, UStliey were only milled in l7l. SEND Alluinv, May $1, lfli-3' I Oil Dt st P.C. HARPER & CO. VtfK IlKli LEAVE TO CALL TIIK AT y ? tcniioa of the ptthlle loour large and Well seiccted stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE nm-istintf of thclutetfthtVmonl iiisiiiiu- uMr ( of DRESS GOODS! TKIHWIXON, lMf4 COLLARS, MIAWI.S. LACKS. KMIIHOIDKRV and Kanev Notions, In the Gciiilcnieii's department w e oiler the latest styles in t 'l.oTIIIXi; thelK-si in t'NIlKRWKAR, tlienohhl- c-t T1KS ami SCARFS, ll icest (.LOVES and liAl'XTI.KTS and the "ton" In HOOTS A SHOES, while our MI.U H A I S are all the mgi'. We keep constantly mi hand a fill Mirtuioot of SHOT C3-XJKTS, MIOT-1'OITIIES, OLX-ITIIKS, I'OWDKR, H.ASKS. SIIOT-ltKI.TS, I'OWKKIt, SHOT. CARS. in (ret, everything In n,, our hunter'- line. Mirrors & picture Frames embrace all sizes and styles. In the line of GROOERI 13 e , tVofkcry, tiiliiiswure, Trull Jars, POt KET& TABLE fl'TLERT, Kails, TolMireo. Donivsllr oods, A noon 4c WILLOW WARE, on- ntnok Is full ami complete. MT CaJJ, AXIt KXAHIXK (jlK)HS. JSQ rmmWrn ItullUtnif, Vint M Allmuy. P, Ci HARPER & CO. 1872. REAPER, III I'll VI. HOOK. SWUNG GOODS ! SPRING GOODS GEORGE TURRELL HAS JI'ST RKTI RXKlt FROM SAX Kranclsco, Willi a laine nnd extensive addilion lo lit- slock, w liicli lie is now sel ling at tin' LOWEST PRICES' His stock, In pm't, consists of : sl'RIXii A SUMMER DRESS fiOIMIS, (a liusfc vnrtety, SPRING A SUMMER SHAWLS. Ilatest stvles. l.AIUKS'.liKXTs'.t I'HILllREXS' lloslerv. LADIES' t;EXTS" A (TIIU)HEXS' Kid (iioves. (white, liliick enlor'il A LAEllE ASSORTMENT OK Trimmings. Fringes & Emiiroifiery. UKXTV AN BOYT OLOTHINQ! UKHlf A HOLVlIATKiuiil t VS, HARDWARE ! Hill entire new slock.; It.Mits nml Miocit, ihiskeis nU Wooden warr, anocER ies, Ac., Ac, Ac. Ac, .v,.., All of which he is nftVring at cxwedliiir low rates TO THE LADIES A ( AI.I, IS ESPKi IA.. l.V KECOMMENIIEI). t-ir Parties rhnilslting, Khould call And boo our augo atouk of Carpets, RuSs, OIL CLOTHS BLI.S, CURTAINS, ETC. HIWARtT PRICE Paid for 'un(ry l'rduc. Mdn Dellvtirm le nn) pnrtaftowa. CtiEORGi: TURRELL, Mvi yiUST ST., AI.1IAX Y C3Hl.uflLI&T FOURTH OF JULY " PORTLAND, ASTORIA, CAS CADES and the DALLES. The 0, X C. R. It. w 111 i nn a complete and ample train of Mcitimtljr 1 mil lIicl l'rt, KROM EUGENE TO OX TIIK- FORENOON OF JULY 4, 1872, SiHi-ial favurs hy way of comforts to all delegiltionH of sixty and over. I i Coiniileteaminaeiiientunrealsomiidenllh i tUemanterslttiivUwI'ortlonilontlio niDi'tim til Jiilv .illt, lor Astoria, Cascades, OK TIIK DALLES! I'lekets for Hi.' Rot Ml TRIR to any of lliOH! MIhI will ho mi rale ill all tlie ollkrs of the Railroad a'ioe I'ortlaii 1. All Tickets Good for Fire Days. . KATK OK CARE KROM AI.I. MIX'I ANU RKTCIIN : Excursion Portland Port- Asto- (its- I'aj. litnd. ria. (jides. lis. Krni EiwneSretm IM..10 Js.iki 9.5t) ' Juiietlon "5.50 s.ihi 7. in 9.00 Ilarrlshurg " 7.75 7.i s.7i liaise' " 3i00 7..10 7.nn jl.M ' Allmuy " 1.1111 'i.iii ( 7.50 Jefferson " 3.50 H.OO 5.50 ',00 Marlon 8-25 B.75 5. 25 6.7,1 Tntner' " :l (Ml 5.511 8,00 R.50 Salem " 2.75 5.2i 4 7 11.2) " ttrooUs " 9-. 25 4.75 1.25 5,75 " nervals ' 2.00 1.50 4. no 5.50 llnhharl " 1.75 4.21 3.75 5.2i Auroin 1.50 1.(1(1 S.V) ."..IKI ' OrouonC'lty " .75 :l.25 2.71 4.25 ' ("iiekunins" " .50 3.00 2.50 4.i) C-iT Let nil who wish heultli and real nieasnre enlov tin-si' n-touisliinirh- low ; , sucli terms w ill he otreiTdajrain. i-iO.s s .l.nil.'ll.'ss it u ill I,,, vimlsl ),,!. , made In i'mUlaml for the Miernoon ami bvenitiK of the loiirth.atiii nil wim u I ii ri lii't u 1 1 1 -: ' . I t'ti to, I In ' ett 1 1 t'i ot'irrt'ii ii i. m.w. ... ...,,. p.,. -,!..,.. i liehelH iiiiinI lie urenred l y July IhI C. W. SHAW, itlannirer. E. I). WHITLOW & CO., Iiujiorters and Doalors in PIIR NITIJHFI ' and- Upholstery Goods, ! Kirsl-Sl., ,1 doors Mow Conner's Hank, ALBANY, ottixov Kinips eonstautly on hand for sale Black Walnut Parlov and Chamber Setts, Painted Chamber Setts, Dining room and Kitchen Furniture lit all kinds ; SOFAS. EorxtiEs, Sl'RIXii MATRKSSKS, Pl'l.l .v Ul'REKA I1KIKS, RlH'KIXli ( HAIRS. IIEDSI'E Mis. TAI1LES, slAXIS. Ill REAt'S, WHATNOTS, IIRAIKETTS, RiHIK I s. SE RETARU-S DESKX, m IJpholistering' In all Its hmnclies. Orders (Ule l w lili liruiuntuess mid disimteh. Kcpairins' A JIaiiiiiaclnrlHl ' done to order. I fcdiKiiisdeniei-cdtomiMtartofiheeity All our work warranted. j?3 i Give us a Call and Examine our Stock. COKITXS mu le to order on shorl notice. E. 1). WHITLOW A CO. Fohrniir) D, 'ii--- n. n. jom s. n. DM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ALBANY, OREUOX. OFFICE SOI Til SIDE FIRST STREET, iin-slnlrs, In .1. M. Reach's stonsliiiMse. Rl(len) SiH-oml stntet, south of the CartwriKht warehouse. P T. W. UAKIUH, H. I'll) Nicinn mid urviOH, A I RAN V . OREIiOX. FFICE oX E lHMUl EAST OF TBLE V graph office, on Fli nt street. Kvnidence At Mr. A. Haekleiuaji's. 3i-4 mmt coast nkwh, j . T1,e I)ai,y M,!rcury of lem n.i (X'.iseu puoiication. 1 vThe Sl-f7ood Temn'ars ar stilt anxious to find Ihe address of John H. d'oug)', so as to obtain his services tor the 4th of July ! Powder river is high enough to float a steam! welt. , Judge J. . Lewis "norates" at ; Walla Walla on thc4th of July. Waitsburg, Walla Walla county, j is to have a Methodist church erect ; ed soon. Four million dollars is the value I of the assessed property in Walla ; Walla county for 1872. The man McAllister, sentenced t at Walla Walla to seventeen years j imprisonment for murder, is report ! ed to be worth $40,000. Mrs. Elizabeth Cummings, of i Kansas, aged D2 years, is on her i way to visit her son-in-law who ; lives in Washington Territory. The Kalnmn Bmrxm gives the following account of the result of a man's rashness : "On the 28th n't. a man named ,ohn C. Frisbio was drowned in the Cowlitz at Pumph- rey's; It apiears that Ihe deceased and several others were conversing about swimming, when he boasted j of his ability to swim across the ! . . . ,..n ; river at that place, ami a small wager being made as to his accom plishing such a feat, he prepared i , : , ,, , ,. ,, . and entered the water tor the object . . of winning the bet. lie swam wttU .... ...I an.n anil lioar V f.O Ti i.t" i .., u ,. IZ 1 , . ., ,.,." I nnmmmuj Mmmnn; v-- j ..,,, tlmt ilrnu- him into a whifllli'' 1 eddy which his swimming power. ...... 1,1 nnl . I nml lo sunt- ! I nipt ii'. i. , '1. .iiv .. ...i i :i.u, U. WIR'IU It wn no H.ISS1UIC wi;iici i At Clymiila a man named Shaw ; was severely injured recently by the earth falling on him from an em- j bankment. Me had just arrived Gershall Wanlell was found by an Indian woman, last week, near Seattle, hanging on a small cherry tree, dead. Suicided. The Dallas TieprMkmi says : Two ladies, Mrs. P. C. Su.hvan , and Jrs. II. Ilagood, presented! themselves at tie polls in l!a!las, fast Monday, and amid perfect ,..!! 1 .. .Y..1 .1 ................ I t sue new 1 .11 1 est i(. ci.1 in ic 1 hii iniviii en 1 1 i nose aruuuu, uiesenieu iiieir toics, ' h ami thev went ut ion the records un i - 1 , ...... i 'ti ..,.if challenged. Their votes were not 1 ...... ...,.! I... .. iM.lwia 1.1, ti'o mi. ' UUU1WIIUCU, l livll uiv iuic iivji j ?., re u ,t o niiv iiuui,,1. mo, Z. ,. .1 i i .i :.,i. ..c i.. .... ,..,i lll'IMallu Lliu tiot "i iiiuivr iv tw is to Ixi tested in this instance. Tlie Salem Watoiwan gives an : account of an accident which oc- j currcd at Eugene City, by which ' Sir. McLortiOCk. formerly a mem-' her of the legislature from Lane icouniv, was killed ana Ins wile i I , iaililtvul ttc "i (ftoin I'tmiil HIT : 9n.av ;i,Jtllcm ftL throwimf them : J .. , ,r , I out ot a buggy. Mr. Jctcriiack , , , . . ,: lived but a very short tune, and his wife was not expected to live at last accounts. Rev. J. Dickson, junior H'sliop of tlie United lirethren Church, is now on a tour, visiting the. ('alitor nia, Oivgonand Cascade t'onferon- ences. It is reported that lion. 6'eorgc W. Julian, of Indiana, will stump 'nliflimi.i liie lliirnee ',. I , , , -i ; Mongols kvn Iwviniio oil llom e III ! Los Angeles. 7 wo hundred cases last week. ' 7'he leading hotels m San Fran, i cisco are tilled with strangers. I 'panthers are very troublesome at , 3fctchosin, J!. ('. Have killed lambs this spring. The increase of the vote in the State for the past two years is about ,"- j Lane county 7eachcrs' Institute meets in Eugene on the 25th inst. Two Japanese youths are being ; i educated at Forest (irove I'm vers- . itv. 7'hey are said to be apt, ami . i ... i . .1 1 will reflect credit upon the mstitu- . ... . ! I he son ot Judge Honham lost: iliwiA .xi 1 iu t.t: i on h I'ulav Infct i while DlayiiiL' base ball near g Kill The fruit crop of Jjh county promises above average. j A half-breed boy was shot and j . fc W dangerously wounded at. Olympia last week by white boy., A daily mail is agitated between Walla Walla ami Lewiston. The rush of travel loTtah is re ported as increasing. Hundreds ar rive on every train. Protracted meetings are being held by Jlorrnon missionaries in different parts of the Territory of l tan. The crops in Clark county, W. T., were never more promising. Robert 11. M lroy, of Indiana, is the new Superintendent of Indian .Vfliiirs for Washington 7'erritorv. A school for girls, under the aus. pices of the Episcopal Church, will soon be opened at Vancouver. The Rtisebiirsr 1'lniiitlxtkr of last Friday has tho following : The giading on the railroad track north of this place wi'l be finished in a short time. The track is laid to the trestle work at Smith's hill, seven miles from Oakland, which work will be finished this week. On last Saturday, Dr. Cozard,of OaklaniL assisted by Drs. Yenable, Dimock, Plummet' and Royal, per- fLrmed an operatioji on a step daughter of Hen j. (irubfiir necro sis, removing almost entirely the larger bono of the leg. 7' lie Roseburg Plauideakr mfH the Overland Stage Company is now winning applause from all its i natrons. heir coaches, which are ! 1 .' nil hrtitf n t ill Um l nnciiintOf liver. " ' ...... ,:i,. t, ..i...:(t ' ' stauding the very lieavy mails pas- ' sing' the line. Tho roads are in good condition, the country along the route has on its prettiest dress, and fbw makiiiff the overland trio w . would exchaiKfu its treasures and c i conveniences tor those of a steamer U'K f.ate visitors to Pierce county say that lire and smoke are plainly to lie seen issuing from near the sum mit of Mount Rainer. They ap pear in jets and clouds, and are j ,l"ty. "Otifie the public not to, distinctly isible, on clear nights, j trust his son Joshua, who has left There are a number of entcrpris. ,lis llome without his father's con ing men from California now pro- j -M"'" the old man's cuiiua their outfits in Seattle nre- i 'jrow with a chili and then went to KCtt;illsr llpou ,,,,1,1 ,fMt arc tlinied t0. wa,,s t!ie ska(,it riv01. (.aW88dro in the . ... , . , . ... . ., i .1 . ISth lilt., bv the SW.IIll 1)111'' Of the , r oit brry boat in which he was cross- r... 11 I he Montana Tlmtld represents . . ,, ... i i j a ld'osperous state ot allans in Ida- i ho and iVbiitana in mining mat ters. 7'weiity-three logging camps are at work for the Port 'amble mills. None of these camps are cutting off of lands belonging to the company. Tluitiirli i.Iintrnwn tons of thinisnials . . . Ct. . . , nr nei'i's nt too I Msf nf fun her :un s " SomHl' acK is mni religiously for the future. L , , . ., ... it'll. ."Herman an vises me vin ., .... ., ,, . , ,r , slitting bull, black Moon, and ., .... , . ,. . , other ot the eton ehiels, are mthc .... .i ii lii vicinity ot beitholil, and declare nepat iiueui inai me rMUii.v miner their intention of stopping U. progress of survey ,, work on the , Xortherti Pacific. 'I he Helena Hn'nhi. 1nv Sflth. i .... ... , i sues "tin Silitihir tuv, ntii tititii. 1 ed Goo. Owen and Hanks, were en- camped in the mountains, six or 1 ' seven miles south of the ( row , Agency, when one of them was kiled and their horses driven offby the Indians." 7'he Phi indtiikr desires a wool en manu'actory established in Doug- j las count v. Wool was ;it; cents in Salem on tu, i,iu I Thev have Sunday matinees in , Sa'em at. the (letiot. 7 he ratification at Portland last Saturday night is pronounced bv the i ., , OfegoiHitn as one of the largest ,,,..1 ......i ..,,.....('.,! ........ i . i.i : . ! INU 'tine. .tUUlVWn Hl'IV IIKl' y ..j,.; Hon. .1. II. Mitchell, Hon. ltufus 1 J ' 1,10 01 iiiompson who was n t 11 i- nr I drowneil at Oregon City some ; 8M, P recoverw. j tieorgo Wharton, lately from! San Franci'w, was drowned iu the j 1 L i Columbia river at Oak Point on the 4th. Jefferson Bay liss, residing below Rainier, attempted suicide last week. He placed a heavily loaded shot-gini under his chin and dis charged it. The nwtsof his tongue were carried a way audi the nuiscles of the neck severed. At latest ac- .counts lc was alive. The Salem Murtxmj is said to have died of a broken heart. Wyoming has rive men to one woman. The Jacksonville Time says Mr. Wni, Ray has a colt two months Okl, which weighs 381 pounds. It 's fivim the Percheron stfK-k. j -v ww s)stoftice has been estalt- ! llsllt''1 at C'uttingsville, with .Vai- well Ramsby postmaster. The Oregon Penitentiary has ninety convict". The water in tlie Columbia was reported on a stand, on tho 11th. i on anu nas tier city election next Monday. 2'hc body of Peter Robert. I 1 1.-.. -I . drowned near Milwaukee on the 2d, was found floating in the Wil lamette in front of the residence of Judge Strong, Portland, last "Jiies. dav. Mi S. Hart, of Portland1, convict ed of fraud, was sentenced lastTues. day to six months hard labor in the Penitentiary. "Prick Pomeroy," a trotting hor-e stolen from J. W.Miller, of ! Jacksonville, was found at Yreka ' in possession of an Indian, who was ' arrested on a charge of Iwws-steal- i l'- s-1)ist,itt Attonief Rates left i Slilt , i,kc K,r Washington, June i 1 to confer with Presiitent Grant and Attorney Genera) Wil liams relative to indictments under the act of Congress 18(i2 against polygamy, He obeys a call from Washington. Jacob Noitheiintner, of Jackson J away, and the cruel parient is get- j ting even by advertisin Josn. I The Jacksonville 7?W p'aces at the head of its columns the : ,,nmes of "George II. I'endleton, ol Ohio, and ex-SeniUor I'uckalew, of Pennsylvania, for President and j Vice Presiceiit ot the United States, 'on a bed-rock Democratic plat ! form." I Mr. M into, of Marion , count; ' has lately shearotl his Hock of sheep, getting an average nf six and a half pounds per head. He has three bucks which will yield from ten to twelve pounds each. Kdith O, Gorman, an escaped Nun, is now in San Francisco. Farm hands are in demand at $50 a month and Ivard at Stock ton, Cal. San Francisco received the first peaches of the season on the 11th. ' , from JiarysviIIe, ( al. ,. ' 1 wo t hinanien were burieii bv a ,,.tim v.aiiou ii ,,t, in, ill ,vi, li :v ill ll ll n. tin, .....t ..t' t ,. . . .... i l , . t...i. ., ,i,.. ... it. i i. .it- Mil inv; k.i.-v si, i,. vi un ii, , i ,. vii- , . land, last I nesday. rhere are now -to female and 1 lf male patients Doiitinnl in thef ln le patients oonrlin ;oii Insane Asvluni, A man named John Flcisohner ,1,-'u siiuueiiti ii, issiiposeiioi iieuit. i 1.1 i.. :,. l i . disease, at ancouver, last Sun day. A Mi. Doland, aged seventy ty three years, was fnind dead our ! in his field last Saturday afternoon, near Vancouver. Cause of bis death "ot known. The residence of RufUg MoLean at ewpwl, iu the Yatpiitna, was totally destroved by lire on the 27th ult. Tl.ww. !.,.. ..)....:.... .:.i, ..i... . , ' " ignnat Olvmpia a few days ago. . ;. . suoi an Italian just to see how he would jump. 7'welve shot pierwd ..." h,s abdominal vira aod there is ! sira "mi LO w ' v totie iap.,y imlitiJ, rroullri , i : . i i .1. t- It is reortcd lively at Kalania now. Those w ho are not si akinir ... tha ,mw ftW mvjl.,r wk u " -a " hj,ls U) m o(ihe wal, , Small-pox hs disappeared from the Silos Indian Kewrvation 3.o,.