The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 14, 1872, Image 2

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SS ,1
llbaMB MSlfY.
Greeley Vtem of the lMW'iiWy.
Horace Greeley bus written a
ureatdeal in litstime, and much of it
,l,as been about the Democratic pur
ty. As the Democracy are intend
ing to support him lor the Preaideu
v. it mav be irood lor them to read
- -o--
tire following as a sample ot bis sen
:iments often indulged in concern
ing their party :
Hut jxiiut wherever job. pkse
tou cWuu distik-t which you
will pnmoaticeiiKinlly rotten, giv
en up in great irt to debauchery
and icc,whoe otCrs subsist mainly
by keeping policy offices, gambling
houses, grog shops and darker dens
ot intiwwy, and that district will be
found at nearly or quite every elec
tion giving a large majority tor that
which Styles itself the "Doinooral
ra party." Thus the "Five Points"
is the most "Democratic" district of
our eity : "The Hook" follows not
very far behind it, and so on. Take
all the haunts of debauchery in the
land and you will find nine-tenths
.f their master-spirits active parti-'
tans ot that same "Democracy."!
What is the instinct, the sympa
thetic chord whieli attaches them so
uniformly to this party? Will you
Dcmoctacv is, I know lull well, a
word of power, I knowthat it has
a .harm for the hopeful, the gener
ous, the lowly and the aspiring, as
well as for many darker spirits. I
know that he who aspires to tnmi
encc, office and honors, rather than
to ivseftihicss ami an approving con
science, will naturally bo led to en.
list under its banner, often drug- j
ging his moral sense with the soph. ;
istry that he who would do good j
must not himself in a position where
the isjwer to do good will most
probably attach to him. Jtut I j
know also that names must lose I
their jHitencyas intelligence shall be
ilirTusel more and more widely. 1 1
ktMiw that to la; tru'y Demx,ntlic is i
of more importance than to win and
wear the ad vantages connected with !
tlie i.amo. i
Of that Democracv which lalwrs
t.) protect the feeble and uplift the :
fallen I will endeavor not to ne
whollv destitute, while
of that j
of office ;
which claims a monouly
and honor, as the due reward ol.ts j
devotion to equality, I am content 1
to i ad judged lacking. Of that;
1 'emocracy which rohs the effemin-:
aW Slextt-an of his broad domains,
and racards with a covetous cvethe j
, A ,v , .. . ., . , , , I
last ol declining Spain s valuable j
possessions which ilants its heel j
un the neck of the abject and pew-
ertess negro, and hnrla its axe after ;
a J e i- .i... ) l I
inn uymjj loim w uie piuiwou,
liomcless and desolate iniiian mav
it be written on my grave that I
never was a follower, and lived ami
died in nothing its debtor.
Born In I Urn Ion.
Tt was our misfortune not to lie
born in Boston. Slur it over as we
may, hide it by all the artifices of in
sinoere inli(feiince, yet tlie Cut. re
mflliw and will every now ami then
break forth, that it vv&s not iu Bontoti
Uiat the light first met these eyes.
HOW vain aiid tusadoua are tla' con
solations with which, DO dismal days,
one comforts himself on this wh-:
The whole world could not lie horn in
Jlo-ton. Somebody to U; born
outside of this b'ossed center. Why
not I ? True, the lack can never lie
Hipnllcd; but by goixl eoiMluct and
'? if'iit endeavor, many men have
lived creditably who were Ixirn iu oili
er p'ax. Kverylaxly cannot be first.
'..wry one cannot be even eminent.
e;a sjir was not born in Boston, though
He is thought well of licre, especially
oi iironzt- and cameos and marines. :
Va l,o,l 1. lulO f.,i 1, I.Ij .rl..,-,-
, .. o,, o'i', oi m'i,
would liave Uien cnluuiced. If lie of
Id thlehem had been horn iu Boston.
there would have been 6r less dispute Xwentv -ix Kngli.sli emigrant, ar
i.lmut his divinity. Every good thing rive, m v, S". :. recently, for
is dlyluj in Boston. There have been ihe rurrpose of sc'ttllltg iu that vicinity,
i.iimberless names of great creilit to i r. ,lre gL.nti,.,,!, of character and
lie worhl born outside of this, celestial , distbtetion, several of them lieing ex
(itj : Uaute. i.uther, M- -Vngelo, Al- . ofiMxr1 in the British tirmv and navy.
IS'iT laurel, nuasesK'Hiv. oacoii. i
carte, Spinoza. Bonaparte, and a few
oiliers. But liad tliey been born in
Boston, it would have been better for
tlx in Hum it was, and is.
Oae may be poor and unlortuuati
butwliat lias he to envy in Hie rich
and prosperous, if only I hey were not
boro in Boston, and la" was. This is a
ptdriBKMiy tlt never can lie squan
dered. Every time one thinks of it.
it is as good as a new birth.
I am pleased, in spite of my secret
i.t.fis t.. aim littar uoll flu lull ml' ItfW
pie earrv llainseJve wlwm G se- i
:cted to lie Born in Boston. Jt is not
often intruded un you. Intloed it is
fug ii-'nally mentioned in your pres
ent. It would not comport with g
iiteuesg to bring home to you your Ig
noble birth. It is after you are gone
iliat people say, with genuine Chris
tian pity. "Did yon hear him speak of
. ts-ii g liorn in Litchfield? I wonder
whether be does really not feel tbe
misfortune, or whether lie puts on
that us iiflereucc as a way of braving
it out?"
Dear old LlM.fleld! I love thee stilL,
t ven if tbou didst me the despite sf
pushing me into life upon thy Mgh
and windy IdU-top! Where did 0e
Spring o cr ln-eak forth more Joyoorir,
1 ami sinp. at efuing (him Inter, as
tlje chKlreuor Wldkl when tig
, vrrinimV rights Mulam . l.:intol
""S " vuiory f u uere 1 hi uwKtrtro
which to cool its beams? Whtft. trees
ever hmrmiircl more ceiitly to .oft
winds, or roared more lihji-Hta'. wirea
storms were abroad ? y
It was there that wctorncd to Mi,
to ride a hone almj( tr ita tin1 turn
chores, to evt ais split wood, to listen
at evening Tn the cftMklnjt frog and
vliltliiffiYreetOAil, logo to meeting
and iro W slcvo. to fear holes in new
cloUrcs ; Uietv we leane d to hoe. to
, ,,.
wou u.:t iu hitu hmhiii. k
stir np irtlnfyerS horses with an nnti-Sil.-ll
speed when ridden to water;
theft we went a wandering up and
down forest edges cod along the
crooked hrook in llower-pietl ihwmI
dws, dreaming nbont things not to. he
found in any catechism But such
was (he blliikness of the heart, that
never In all those fourteen year did
we once think of Boston.
But must it he always so? Is there
no remedy? May not one' adventMN
cms imagination look forth to n better
Rite iu a better sphere? To the -lews '
Micro was Jerusalem, and a new .'eru
nalem. To the Christian there was to
lie a new heaven and a new earth, j
May It not lie. in thai Itnppy day.
lliat we shall find the whole world lie-1
yoiid named Boston a heavenly Bos
ton ami then all nations shall lie
gathered there, and receive eternal
consolation of their sorrow at not be
hizborn In Boston of Massachusetts?!
A Mrs. Bmdley, of New York, in her busba'ml for $30,000, and
she took the money when lie died.
She then became Mrs. Warner, a no
Mr. Warner dying she added $30,000
to her store. She w ill marry again as
soon as she can find an Insurance coin-
pany which will i
a policy on
present, the
anotlier husband.
companies to vhloh
he mak
cation are tu:i.
s tlse spirit of 1-ir.el Putnam
dead.'" is the way a Shawneetown,
Illinois, paper calb upon tlie reddents
to lise and slauglTer the Wolf which
has displayed abnormal activity in
eotupctnig with them iu the raising of
A curious accident is reported by
the Pall MaU Gazette as Laving
occurred at Fniryhouse races, near
Dublin. Two gentlemen wore gal
loping in opposite directions, when
the lieads of their ItorscR s ruck full
tilt together. Both horses were
ki led, and the riders were thrown
into the air. ( )ne of the gentlemen
had his front teeth knocked out.
The (A)ngregatlona1 Otiureh at. Kt.
S'ott. Kan-.iv ivu'iitly completed at a
li(HH). was ImiTieil on
1'he next ilav iOciirtien-
ters erected a Imiiiiini: 32x80 feet, in
which services were held on the 17tb.
Oil the 18th the pastor received this
toTKtionl Church
Vx greeting aiid 00!"
Ax Awstocbacv ok Muhderkib!
axk KomiKlts. Men who make ami
hhl under a license or ,aier
eoniinission issued 1'V tbe rovci iinwnt
(,H,er whlch lh(.v w,wt
wc eerin an aristocracy of murderers
and robbers. A democracy of mur-
d """"
men conduct this business without ht
w hindrance.
It seems lo lie contrary I
, ,1 . ,..,.. i ,,.,.('. ,
111 UK iiiiiu nr. HI ,'iu ii'iui,, i
eruiueiit to build an ai t-tocracy ot any
kind by law, to do right or wrong.
Wc are opposed lo aristocracy of any
kind built upon law.
if murder and roTihery are a legiti
mate business, they should beeonduct
fd upon the principle that one man
has as much riht to pursue it us an
other, and that without any hamper
ing legislation. Many of the Slates
by tlie passage of license laws, have
set ll) the aristocracy of murderers
and robbers, and they are singing
temperance peans to It, as die best
thing the world Iiha ever seen on the
subject, 'iliose holding Ibe license
think o. loo. i lieu will tbe days of
tempemtice uoodleism come to an
end. and ot win lorn begin ?
... , -
Many young men tire s,, Improvi-
dent that they can t keep. inytliiug hut.
late hours.
Wlien does l man have to keephi
word? When no one will take it.
A baby bad the misfortune lo swal
low tbe contents of an ink-bottle. Its
mother, with wonderful presence of
mind, immediatelv administered a oox
f,, - , .M.1H nill , ,MH!U f foolr-
' , . ,.
.n mup 'UK Hie ( ll ll ICIS leil VTtU
' I- I I
inside ever since.
Kdgnr A. I'oe was the author of the
phrase everything i lovely," to
which modern slang-users have added
i "and the goose hangs high."'
A Book Island lady receives a ipiar
terofa million love-letters
antiallv. '
The lobaii-o-chencr'
-Spit tunc.
favorite air
It matters not what kind of the
oretical law the femfierance reform-
t,r9 mav advocau- it will sure Iv fail
as an ultimatum unless, it is fountl-
rwi nn llio rtohta arl lnt rt i, i.,l hrf"' rltlzennhln; toouriiatlonftlsland
fM Oil 1110 IIIIU. atlj duty Ol total : nKat home and nhrnad: to the work ..r
almtilipneo It in nmuioiMn tn fait i
aoMHKiWt. il lb IIOIuvetlM! Ul UtlK !
timigraiuv and at tlm cam limn ' el,fn -"'dll; ton sncmwsftil and wilid tl-lemis-ntnce,
anil at Itie same time , naneial system, and to the iinmmleiicd
uphoM the (lriiikii r enstoiiis of so
ciety. The goal of the tcmjerance
reform is total abstinence, and let
ns not loose night of this essential
"Very well, come
in, Mr. Black-
NAlcfu KaM.s to UK. I tii.I7.K1.-
IhW It. l.v. of New York.
m m the water power of
; j;, p. roW)inpre air. and Hm'ii
....! I. 1.. ..i . -1 -
,, 'i-rli. Tamil r Alhanv. to he re
tallied In reservoirs, from which tanks
on canal boats may lie supplied. The :
compressed air is then to In- u-iil in
stead of horses as the motive power to
propel all canal boats. He says com
pressed air can le transported twenty
miles with a Iiks of only one per cent.
Men boast of their superior
strength and endurance, when com
jiarcd with women, yet whoever
hoard of a woman who, iu the pur
suit of her daily labors in the house
hold, workshop or studio, thought
that her system was in need of to
bacco or brandy to stimulate itdiito
renewed activity.
It is a anions fact that while the
tumult are permitted to go In the way
they are tltcAstal are expected to
jo in i he way they are tM.
Iti'puitiit'iMi I'ititform.
M.via 11 10, 1S74.
The Union Kepuhliean (inly of 'Oregon,
In fSiBventliin, makes iliis Utmut ion of
US prineinles 011(1 polfciw i
1. To the Ions; inn inn of flu' I inlet
States unit all its aiuiMirtinentd We plwtae
cmr unlulteriinrttllUitlliee : I itsnntniu ity
u n llllnn nlietllence ; to its full ami Ural
wnwtrnctlonandenfoweruent ouloanWaiu
2. That the -nceess f the on-sent Na
tional Ailniinistnition In IWUUcinatllC illi
He debt, ttltnlnWihitran'l otiiwIteliHl taxa
tinn.a'imlnisterlna even lraiieliofptt!lle
affairs wi;h economy tool ellKneiiey, nirln-
i ing and impmvin,
file civil service, en-
forcing t lie laws wi'hotit fear or tavor.
ptotentna the ntCinnV anls Willi tsitern
nlniri'imainst the cruel avan.-o of simvii
hit ion ontlfraatt.and malntaliilli(tfrlenuly
relations with roreiitn Poweiw, lias Iwen
sneh as to eoniniaii'l I he aiMH'oliat ion oi
tliDjireal mnjorlty of Hie American people,
1 andjlWtl) entitle!! tOtlie isinlhlence an I
comuionilH ion ei' cv.'i v true Keputiliitui,
a. We reffarvl t he eay merit ol i wr pal Ion
hI (iel)t. In full eooipliauce with all leual
nWliattons to our ere linn s every where,
anil in uiMirJanec wlih the tru.- letter an I
I spirit of lis cent raet ilia, as no lonaer a
(luestlon lit issue : but that we may lie
clearly uPtlersiooa, we denounce all form.
' ami (lenwiof rejiielittUon of that debt, as
atlinne.l hy the Democratic part j and Its
sympathisers, as nol only national calami
ties, but positive crlmes,nnd we willnever
. eousenl to a suspicion ol lack ot hduor or
justii-e iii lteoinpliCe saflstaetion,
i 4, We admit of im distiiictlmistietwecii
elt izens. whet herof native or foreign birth;
and llicrefore we favor the tfiuuting ol
full iiuinestv to the people of thos8!ute
lately in rouelllon: an l e here pledjre
the "lull and eifeetive protection of our
civil lausioull persons vuluuiarllj coni-
: ins to or resldintg iu our land.
i 5, Wa favor trjoentounifftment of ral!
' roods by the General Government of l ho
United Slates, and hold that snch disjio
! slllon should be made of I ho public lands
a.s shall seeure Ihc sone to actual SeUlnrs
only. 111 (tuantltfcM not exeeediaa lftttoeres.
t). That while c are in favor of a n'vi
' nue for thosutiport ofthefiancralGoveni-
incut, by duties upon imports, sound foli
! cv i-eiiufn-s such adjustment of those dit
t tiVson Imports us to enoounnte the devel
opmeiit of the ijidnstriiil Interests of (he
I whole country i ami we rueommenil Jliat
I policy of national ojchnnsrc which secitn-s
to i he worhina men liberal waaes! toatf
' rtcurtnre rcmunenitlvepricesi totueehan
I les and inuiiufaflurersan adequat reward
for their skill, ialmr and cntcinirlse, ami to
the Nation IMiumeMdHi pros)iertf' and tn-
7. We iK'lieve that lMipiflar education Is
' tUB sole true Iwslsund hois' ot a f ee my.
I ernment, and -hall ever otaKXie any diver-
sion of. or intcrfcivncc wil h the ctunuuni
school funds or lands in this State, fur any
I other than thulr leltlniale pttrpose,tuid
we condemn file act of favoritism liy the
; last boaislatUrfl tt hereby two hundred
Ihonsand dollars, taken from the sebooi
fund, wen granted to a corHmtiofi con
; sislibtf mainh of liemiH'nilie headers, and
pany lavoriles, tor the construct Inn ot a
W'OIK w nicn amaner corsinc eiiniei
sound uiid re-Kinsilile, enerc'l to i (instruct
for seventy-rt ve ilimisiiii 1 iliillnrile : anil
liini we are iii tavor of the passaife hy the
i.eisl:iture cf an efficient HellOOl Iiim . ucli
ic- slmll secure td nil ultUeilS of our finite n
lifMrtl coiiiiniin scIiihiI cdueiit ion.
S. We liini no lerms hiitlleieiiily fttronit
to express our ilisnpprovnl ol those net- ol
the last Legislature rliereny the snuuip
hinds belonging to this S'aTe hnvc lei:n
token from the needy settlers, and given
without limit or proper compel It ion in
price to tin: limd scrn'ilier and Specu'ntori
whereby tlieoinotunionfs nml claries of!
S lite officers have b"eu uneonstiturionflllv
increnseii, and tlMi tuxes increased thon
andsof (hillam by tliucreatloii of nc and
uniieci'ssnry ofliees and salaries, tor the
purpose of providing for party (iivorites:
and whereliy the citizens of our iiictrnpis
Its have been d( prived of iiiel thnifcij the
right nfeontrolUng their iiollccaulhoiitv.
And we equally condemn the irtiuiuistnt
tion of onrHiateornwrsand lawNasextrav-
agant, ns-kies.., illegal and de-f riielive.
and we rightly chargeall those remit.- us
the acfn of Hie Deniocmtlc nrty.
II. We are in favor of tlie lnltcd state.
....' I'll ll. lll.,l.,l ll lll.l,UW..Ul ...I
dler who served In the armies of the fait-
' I milled to nut ilou n I he relu'lltoii o mk.
mnt for u homestead of tio aeresof nuiijlc
10. That we deiniui l the Wpeal of I hr
stsalled litigant act, wlilcli was detlseil to
supisirt iwurn r Deinocratlc newspuiieniat
thr piihiie expense.
It. That the Iteptihllcan party of (hi
State are iu favor of the Cenenil liovern
nienl extending nld toward huildlng a
rail roii I from Portland, Oregon, lo San
jjilie Uy, and from Jaekson county to
llunihohlt, un I we hereby pledge oar par
ty rcpresentntlves to the support of ihe
14. That the Indiscriminate licensing of
persons to sell spirUuons Ihptors wiihoui
being pliu'ed nnuer proper responsllslitle
for the abuse thereof, having lieen found
iiv egperhfoee to promote Hit; growth of
crime and panperism, and thereby to seri
ously Increase the rate of taxation, the
Rimuhltcan party weotrnbteatite right and
duly of the lawmakiiig potrer to prevent
and limit the evils and iiluewttof such salt',
sofnras concerns the public good anal
consistent w llh individual IIIhtIv, hv re
Inslng to license other than law abiding
and responsible ) rinns. vhoiiin fiirui.-h
snfllcient sureties for good ((induct.
1.1. That Ihe Repuhilekn tnrtv "f Ore
gon is In favor ol obtiiiiiiug assistance
from the iiaieraMio'erniiieiil for Oh eon.
struction of a wagon roiul from the cltv of
rortlanil I" Ihe laules, recognizing this us
a most inniortniit and necessary improve
menl for the State,
ll. We affirm that the rollnnance In
power of the Keiublicnn party ts (Tie only
sure preservation of iiMtional peace and
prosperity, and for reason- therefor we
point to lis brilllunt record in the late civ
ll war: to a complete nationality: to a !
united sisterhood of thlrty-sevetl shitcs: i
to our Territories rapidly warming Into
State life ; loa nation freed from the taint
ol human sjivery : to an elevated and en-
vhfOrinKi rcfonn In all discovered abuses
of author Ivor linst: to an im.., t,i ZZZ I
pen' and prosperity everywhere In our
broad domain, and these are our pledges
for tlie future.
IS. We lull the "New IlepartmV" of t he
late Democratic, party, taken by tla" action
of their Convention In seven States, nsn
affirmation of the principles for which the
Republican nrty lias contended for tbe
last ten years; and In the "Paorfvo Poli
cy" of that party, already am mod in my
cral of the States, we recognise an sc
kiiowlcdgjient of their hopelessness of
sncoewi ia the coming Pnxidantlal campaign.
Of all Tglrtclfit
Ol' Every Dccriitioii !
Iiotnro Frames,
wfXDOYt skade:
CHAMBER SUITS in every style.
of substantia;
Kverj Style known U (lie Trade :
China. Closet,
W a s li Stands,
In viidlcs vuriity ;
AU Style and Description,
all of which will he sold at flic
In all their lirnnclies.
Ilir lo Mrilt r, and
Satisfaction (juaranteetr
1 have on hand a supply of
Ready - luade Coffin,
. . , , , .
snld.t.le for 11 tee i inlands of tills com-
Also, I have tt neat
for the nse of my cntdmnerg.
Corner Broadalbin and Flrst-sts.,
imi:is. etc,
'They Who Have Nothing for Sale
are Farthest from Market ''
Arc UW lirriin, t ml also' cnnrtuntly W
euiviog additions to,
The Largest Stuck of Ms
PurohasfN Shall bo Salisfiod.
Beside a Large Stock of
Paints, Dye Stuffs, and Oils,
The keep
Yankee Aolioii,
Oonfootionory ;
Finest Tobacco & (Jgars
All kinds ,
First Class
But what i
Uiiaranteed To Be
IMCvUBt te Good.
Arctic Soda '
LADIES' Wit Ml hint EVS
' i new stock ot' millinery goods, trim.
miters, indies" mifl children's rtirnfsblng
tools, of nil kinds, of life ,'nicsi mill most
! tiishlniiHhlc styles, which she oilers to i lie
indies of Albany uixi surrounding country
; at the lowest rates, In I he
Dress Making Department
I rriinnnitis
entire RlftstllCtiou. I iiin-rcK
M tteterniftitttion lieltttf to.iriye satlsfHc.
lion in nfyle im.l qiiHllty ol !rk mi l
priei's I iik : -.imrc nf iul!llc imtrmiajtu,
I nil ai si oixi
Opposite A. Carothers &. Co.,
first street, Allitiny, i micron,
Mils. It. i. (iOtll.KT.
EST Agent fur Mrs. Canwnter's Cii.r-
1IKATKO DllhXs Mi.llH.. X(IV. 4. 7l-!lc4
Self-Opening and Sdf-Closing
G A T E .
.I'.ine I. I,7.
I III' IIATK is so ( (Tli( Ti;irn,,it
when tlic veliiele iiporonelliw it the
' Wl Is on line slill' mss over il lever w liieh
is rnnncctcil tn the tntfc llne hv ro,!,
tlniKOiHinltw the witu before von uiid liist
etilna it open. Aflcr fjoinif 'ilir,iii)ili, Hie
eiirriiiire ikibw-k over :i slniiliir lever, iilso
coiiiKvled iili ilictfutu Iilne, diiisiiiK i lie
-'inc. iii it', ro.iitioii, in shut Ik'IUikI mhi
uii'l fasten.
No Getting Out of Your Vehicle !
Xn RaislllS of Lair lies Xor Pulltnir
; ul Late lies Xor
of Strings.
Kxcept Ibe "rl!
'inie." of your temn.
illen mile I
It 1-
And a
! "Dead Open mul Khiitv'
This gate is simple in Its construction,
iioth ul iron uiid woo I work, and not likelv
timet out nf order. If a lleilt, chcnii mno
is may lie limdellglit, with three
I tru luirs nl wood and one-fourth inch
ire. neatly curve l at the ton. the lower
end hi t in the bottom liar, w hich is the
si vie of a fnetory made gate. The ga'cs
nto now in practical use in several nf the
eoniitiesnrniiiiil Nm Knuiclsco, nndilenty
; ot testiinoiiiiialseiin lieglvvll.
Having (nnvlltksed Hie
RiglM I'or Linn Co., Ore gnn,
Has now on hand. and will ninnufiieture
tl Isive described gate. Wherever It has
latin use I it has received the highest en-
comiuiiiH, us tbe large nnnilKT of ci riui
eules from luiiinlnciit fanners In all jirts
of the country, now in my hands, mil
Of All Descriptions,
On hand and manufactured to order.
Hlarksmilliiiig anil Mcnairins;
i ;(,(((' ki (irniT ai mi,si i"easun:i:i c rici
hull IVhi' Of reity strect.dhliosilc Ileal ll.
Miuileilh A Co,
Itiiiii-ine ,11 s
J. 8AFF0HI).
Allmny, Oct. 58, isTi-dvi
I 'oiler In
ll A N (i E S .
S T O A' 13 S !
of ihe la st patterns.
And the usual assortment of furnishing
goods to lie obtained in a tin store.
Hepnlrs neatlv nnd nronipllv cxciuled.
on nHonahle terms.
sihort reckon lugs ninkr long I r lends,
25W I rmcn
Sold Yeafly!$110
Made by Waltor A. Wood, (the largest
miintifacturcrof farming machinery in the
world! with Idldilm liar, two w heels, anil
all late Improvements. It led the worlds!
the Paris Exposition, and has found no
mur slnco. Is (-(unmet and nowerful. nml
Just the niaehlne hir ibis coast, as every
farmer will suv wtio has one.
fcrr Every niaehlne Is guaranteed an wp
resented, lluythobest. Buy the Wood's
Improved Prise Mower. Sold by
Old stand. Market streot, "Jan rranciwio.
April 38mJ
! Dei