1873. SOMETIIIXG KEW. THE WALTER A. WOOD Mowing & Reaping Machines, FOR THE COMING HARVEST. C. B. COMSTOCK & CO., SPR1NCVIU.E & ALBANY, OREGON, Sole Agents for Oregon & Wiuftingtoii Territory, W. S. EWMUY, 'i'riiv 'linn A tlciiPriil A'viif, A! BAXY, ORIXJOX. rpiii'K irartx iwitah uamusi: akk kow i uexmmi. A in PrtMftht, Austria, Iluvnrfii. FiatiSpin, tinlniil,n.n 1 Xorili jiiul Soutli Aiturtetn Im-i Ikvnuuliout the whov HvIJwoi worH, imtlltiivo Ikumi hwur i.-.l t tic JIKW JMtttfU at rvn'v iH:L Ihi:1( in Kmfijk' iiH'l mih'i I'-n. Mnpf i iii- it ohm rjur :u runs in iwu, nuc un-ii nine mm! v r;mui :( iiuprdvi'mcniw Imvo bt'wi unuhl. Til ISTo-w One & Tivo-IIgtsc lioubMifoml Jointw! Flrxiblr Iter Mowers, neverelOR. Tlirv niv the WOXtlKR OK THK AUK for SirMKlll, fteirtltv, Cn jihcity and I.Hill iis Of itltAFT. SELF - R A til IV (J- REAPER, Willi Mown.;: Attachment, isiho most ('Oiunloto nnd deslmlilc I'c hht. either In KnnqwM Amertcii,nnil isu COMPLKTK REAPER nn In COJIPLKTK MOWER, being tvo sepemtc luucliiues, WI3 CLAIM ' FOR THE WOOD'S MACHINES Thnt Ihoynrc llic LltlllTKST ! I1AKT, 11m Qi'ICKEST nni BEST MOTION, ns well I! Hie MOST I d It A RLE. Tlint tlievlonvutlm IIIMil.lv- IN THE REST SHAPE, und tire tilt' EAS1EKT lIAMII.El) ofim.Y Mowing and lionping Machine eiiherin Europe ol' America. EST W'c Warrant the Wood's .llucliiiic lo be a -jt I c" Ileprcsenleil. Jt. A full itssoritiicnl of HX1 RAS constimtly kepi ul nil our Agencies, WE ALSO HAVE THK AdEVCY OF THE HAINES' HEADERS, with tlio WOOD Itll'IIOVKHEYr, hich renders il at Of llic BEST HEAD ERS ex'itnt. Il you bny a Hiwlcr. he snre yon gel Ihe HAISE Willi Wooih' I.nte Im-.rovi'ini-u'l. it.-? they were only mldcd in lS7l, AllXHIV, Mil sr. so 81, lS7i!-.T I'Olt DliSlHIPTlVn HOOK. P.C. HARPER & CO. A V' llK; MSave Tt cLt Tin; at Tent ion n(' tin im til v. ell el'tcd atot'h of tooiu' lu'rgc urn I GENERAL MERCHANDISE t'ongtlsHn;? of uVJc sivh's oJ hv latest mi l most fashion- DRESS GOODS! TKI.W.M1N4M, I,A K OI.I.AKH, NIl.tUIX LACKS. KHHROIItKRY LIlO Knncy Notions. In tlio Genllcmeirs Department uc offer the Intcsi Kfylos In (i.oTIIINO the liost in I'XHKRWKAR, Ihcnobbi ll TIES iiml st'AKKS, tlie nii-esl ULOVKil itnil (lAt'JjTtiKTK, nni tin- "ton" in BlXITM & SHOES. Millie onr NII.K H ITS HIV nil (lie rutfe. We keepcoiKuutlv on linni n lull a oiliuuiit of SHOT O-UKTS, GEORGE TURRELL HAS .I1ST RKTl llNKr) KROJI SAN rmnchu). il h il hiri'e nn I ixli'iwlv.. lililion lo Ills Still lin-r :ii Hie , uiiiebiu' I now h-I- suoT-ionrnEi (ilNTlilEs, MIOT-IIKI.TS, I'OWDEIt, POWDER. KI.ASKS, SHOT. CAl'S, in fret, everything in tin: liunlerV line. Our Mirrors & Picture Frames emlnnee nil sUes nnd styled. In Hie line of G"rn.oon3n.iii3s, 'roekcrj-, Olaaiwnre, Fruit Jnrw, P0CHET& TABLE (UTLERY, rvaiiii. Tobaceo, Domeiitle C.oimIn, A WOOD Ac WILLOW WARE, onr stock is full autl toniik'tc. ear cai.l axp examine noons. fMtcr Ball, Tint HI., Albany. LOWEST PRICES' His stock, in pin t, couslsts of : SPBDffi & S1MMKI! DliKSS tiOOliR, it Iiiric vui'letv. SPRING A SUMMER sj AWLS. . ..... Illllent sivk's.i LAHIEs', IJENTS' S ( llll.liIiKNs- LADIES', (iENTS & ClttLnBESs" V' Kid (iloves, (while, blaek Ji color'J; A I.ARCK ASSOL'TMI NT OK Triinmiugs, Fringes & EiWery. weviv ash nvr j CLOTHING ! UKXTV A BOYS" HATS riiI CAPS, I HARDWARE ! dm entire new stock.) I tools ami Mioin, U.Hkcto anil Woodenuare, GROOBH 113, Ac, o., &v., Ac., A,., All of which lie Is oiterin;; nt oxMettlns low nites. TO THE LADIES A CALL Is Ksl'El'IAL LY UECOMMEN LEI. Gif 1'iuiles furnlnhlng, ttiould mil noil see onr liuxe slock of Oarjpotis, Huge, OIL CLOTHS, BLINDS, CURTAINS, ETC. FOURTH OP JULY Excursion -TO ---4Mant: OAT news. C'rojis in llenton county are re IHirtt'd in a fplcntliil eonditton. Kisflily tbouirand liop jwlos were lately slopped fium Olympia to San Klickitat I'oaotrice lms been etiaiigcd to foldeiiilale, ami Win. .Miller pprlited 1'ost master. A recently discovered silver going with three others iu a sail ledge on Goow luike yields ore that bwrt to Milwmktt, 43nuday asfays $05 r ton. ! morning, was capsized atuWrDwn- ltuU'it H. MUroy of indiana has cd. His comrades were rescued. Ixvn afipointed SupcrinteiHlent of.1" Tlie Tdaho Worll of May 23d Indian AlVuirs of Washington 2er-1 says: "A fata' accident occurred in ritoiy. j a mining claim near l'iotieer City 1 Villain has a live seal. hut ?'huisday, resulting in the On Wednesday of last week, a death of a young man named Tat- POBTLAXD, ASTORIA, CAS CADES ami the DALLES. i:ii'Kntly f'aralNliefl Cars, KHOM ETJGE1TE TO NM W'BJ a m9 am Mi VII ON THE- FORENOON OF JULY 4. 1872. isfr Siecinl fnvors by Wily of comforts In nil delegations ol sixty mid over. . non and Scio charge will lie held on the Lebanon eauii-grouiid, com ! iiieiii'h'g .Im.e 13th, I A Montana town has a band of 1 Vigilantes wlio projnise to give all The o. A g IPwtt f.s-,,.!oio mel j rggu a taste of lynch law. Horse j thieves will he made a specialty ; Mr. A. Oliniwr, Krinsi five miles j south of Salem, was very severely injured by the tailing of a log ; which lie was loading upou Lis vagoi la-t week. A doctor named Poan has been eonvieted at Walla Walla of sel ling liquor to Indians and sentenced to the penitentiary for one year. One-third of the recent locations o' swamp lauds in l.ane county are lands settled upon and improved by homestead and pre-emption claim ants. The Good Templars of Dallas and surrounding towns have agreed to celebrate the 4th of July, at the ieteminimeinentsnreiilsoiiiiiiewi'li j Dixie camp ground, steamer icuvhiK I'ortiuiul on the , ,1 .... , inoniliigof July 5lli, for J!ev. (. II. limes has resigned the pastorate of the Oregon City At, h. C huixii, in c health. M. S. Hart convicted of fraud, at I'oitl.vid, moves for a new trial. 7'he Willow Creek mines are ! reimrlfil rinvtiior u-cll mttioml thousand men are at work. ! Harrison, Faulk it Co., are now working their coal mine, on Xorth i All Tickets M for Five Bays, fmpqua, somewhat extensively.! j 7'he coal is of an excellent quality. JJougias county nail a colt s re ; volver sensation Inst week, in which Zcke Smith figured conspicuously. He afterwards figured to the tune of SiiO and costs, before a justice of the pace. 7'he Hosebtirg Pkiinihafee Bays: Ti e camp-meeting for the l.eba-j column of sinoke uasneeoto rise rick Mcuiniie6s. A mass, proba- fronj tlie summit of Jount Hood, 'y several tons of the bedrock, says the Qnoiikm, j caved on him, covering him hlmo t 'Ar resiling Joe," is opina Wk e"t'l'lly "p, and inrlicting snchs1!-- to Missouri. ions internal injuries as to cause From -the 0',;vw,,,( we clip the ,,t,rl,n !1,Kmt ,:alt 811 hour after, following: "Tlie iron work for the Wa. light house tower MOB to be erected A Oakland, .lime 1st, in a figl.t atCaie Frnhveather is all com hoiww" ;i'"- Harris and a man pleted. 7'his work was turned out "a",c''1 Hulan, the fonner was cut at the Ore-ron Iron Wm-l-s in D.!. With butcher kniie in five drffer- oily. It inc'udes not only the iron used about the base of the tower the platform, bracket, braces and railings but also the iron stairway reaching from the ground to with in a few feet of the top, where the cut places in the face and left arm I the main artery and muscles be ing cut off. Harris is in a critical condition. 1 7'here is to be a meeting held on the Ellendalc Camp Ground, Complct llii' Astcria, Cascade, OH THE DALLES ke's for the ;nlMi TRIP lo niiv of ! tiles,' luiin's w ill lie on .uln .,r till the ottlcusof Iho Ral,rei iCioi e I'ori tan I. revolving lantern is to be placed. 1olk county, commencing Friday, This flight of stairs, on a direct 1 no dune :Sth, at 11 A. M., under the is'abotit 81 feci in length, and winds fampices of the Dalles Circuit M. F. ... '.-11.. i. .M: -l-.l f...;t. I sinniiiv i.ioiii one snip or me ins no ' m..... ,i. nan ui nn-lunei. i ni'io u.einu sections of the stairs, tour of which At a political meeting at Ash compete a half circle. The work- ", 'st WeeK, Mr. lay objected manship displayed in the manner to some remarks made by Mr. Neil in wfiicli eaclC separate piece of , j,jg tp, drew Ills deiring. casting is formed and put together- rP, u i e " ... 1 er. riiere beinsr a number of men will compare with any work of the i kind we have seen on the coast. All between them, the fight was post this iron work is now ready for ponod. !nnaniPi..ofiIl , Bliipmciit. The entire cost of the A four mule team and wagon .diiMipiinu oi in , . tt.,.i . ; cn too ' ""'"t" """""i'" to,., loadci with Hour backed off the Small jmx has disappeared from (l,ri.y,oat at Mc.Vinnviile, last RATES OK KAHE 1'ROM ALL PolNTs AMI RKTl'RN : Port- Asio- ( ii- Liit- SPRING GOODS! SPRING GOODS! Fnn EngeneA ret - ilimetloii llnrrlshuiir Ilalsey Allmiiy JefA'rsnn Mlitlnn " 'I'liriier's saiem Hrooks " oervais Hnlitjnri " Aui-orn h Oregon l'i:y " ClncKllllUIS Inni lilies. I,. 1.00 J.S..-.H s.no (SI.SO i..',n h.iki 7.-i0 p,(K) .r, 7.7'i 7.il s.7.i B.IJO 7. Vi I.IKI 8.5(1 ' :i VI (1.00 ' .'lil 6.71 :i no s.:.n J 7i S.i.'! i.r, l.7"i 00 (."i:i ' 1.7 4.-.i luSO 4.l .-1..V1 ."'."2 ."..mi l.-Ji 4,il 8.71 s .ill 7..W 7.1KI j-J ! The sound of the hammer and saw H;" , is now heard in every quarter of the town.' .-) ;l mi -.'.in the iS'iletz Indian l'esenation Flk meat at 1 laker City sells for ten and twelve cents per pound. Fane county has 2,877 children between four and twenty years of nge. Union county has 1,046 chil dren. The County Clerk of Marion county issued fifteen marriage licen ses in the month of July. Indians are prowling about, Ore gon City and the Mayor don't like it. O ti e Indians from Ktigene week, and scarcely were the mules saved from drowning. The flour was spoiled one-half. Benjamin Smith, foreigner, was killed at Xorth Fend mill, Coose cmnty, last week. Supposed to have been caught in the machinery. . Whisky caused two men at 3c Miunville, last week, to break each other's heads, and two to Ik? bound over tor assault with dangerous weapons. The terminus fever has broken II wlm wish iHiilfh nni real plinsni-e enjoy these ii-tonlsiin','ly low lutes, as. donlitless It will he vein s liefofo such lariun ill i' omiivilajnua. 03" Mii cnilicenl nnnn.iri nieuts will Ik made In Portland for the Afternoon mid Evening of the Kourth.nnd nil who go further will siill enjoy Iheentlreprormu lnc nt Portland. Tickets must be enrol hy July InI C. W. SHAW, ItfuiitUrer. E. D. WHITLOW & CO., ttnKrtPi flitU m-alors hi FUHN.TURE ! i and Upholstery Goods, Flrst-St., ,1 doors la-low Conner's Hunk, A LB AM, OREOOX, Keeps ooilfltantly on hand for sale Black Walnut Parlor and Chamber Setti, Painted Chamber Setti, Dining-room and Kitchen Fnrnitnre of nil kinds: ! SOKAS, LOUXliKS, SPIllXi; MATRESSKs. Pl'H' EliiEKA HEMS, lKK'KIMl CHAIIts, llEhsi'KALs, TABLi:s, STANDS. JHREAIS. WHATNOTS, ItllACKETIS. HOOK CASES, SECRETARIES HESKS, ETC. Upholstering In oil Its hranclios. Orders tilled wi;h nroniptnessiini dispatch, Rcpafrin;; A Maiml'm'turiHg done to order. 6-(ioods delivered to any fin ti of the city CSf All oftr work wawanted, j$ Give nt a Call and Examine onr ock. C IKK1XS tnadc to order on short notice E 1. WHITLOW A CO. February , e vera I new buildings are 4 imiiig erected, I 7'lie Vftrcmiver Rfghtkr says : "Wp have just learned that (Jen. T. .1. MeKinney, has been snperced ed as Siiierintendent of Indian Af fairs in the 7'erritory, and that 1!. II. Milroy has Ix'on appointed to the p'.aee. The following business was trans- i ,, ' . ,, .. , u , ... mother at the tune. acted at the I .and Ullicc HI an nul ver during the month, of May. Original homesteail entries, 1,720 j HAtiad lii il 1 l. ,niik I om 1 1 '.'II ,..,,. MVIVi . Illilll II' IIU.'HilK,", l." iitii-." , t . . t- . . ' , I he Columbia at pre-emption. i,oii acres; donation certificates, 800 acres : land sold at j , ' r.A 1 nia''i;. rtnt-ua nnlri' 'if(I aonu . . ,. , . . 1 wo ( hinamen i no protection oi tne .nzona out at Mukilteo, V. T. . Frown has been collecting , , , AO moveiiiciib towards ct'ieouu- inn llio roiirll, of .Ttllt) t.nl...,v t:i.. . - s "lu'i'' i" ine .ui-i-. le.sei , utioii. I, , . , , , ..... , been made in San I- rancisco. il is uiougiit that i ainluli will has yet 7Tlio e'f yens nf I utrtii omiiit.v nee e readied this summer hv the west , , , . ' it. ,iil (.. Intii wdilis In t ii'ifi in-yii nn siile railroad. , . , , ,. . , Agricultural Society. On 1-ridav of last week, illie i , , , ", , t . ' A new town has lieen laid out at Aoble, youngest son ofOriu Xob'e , . . ,. ., . , ' " . . ; Foint Flliott, . J . oi i.aue county, ahotit nine years old, in attemgtirg to get over Delegate farfielde is reported lantreronslv ill at Washincrton ancouver is ! seventeen feet above low water Mr. Carrie Young is lecturing rt to the noonV of Idaho on the one-. ferce with his smn, discharged its ,. ,.. ' n tion ol tenierai;ce. contents info his head, kilbng him r, n- , e n .i i , ' n . Z. O. Hutchinson, of 1 ortlainl. u.i ai .1 i , . Ill il il 111 PimiL ll JUS ' , . i . , ., .i i I'll iii.iii. niiwu liiuisi 11 flllVUSCII the hand last Tuesday. The efforts to recover the body of Peter Roberts, of Portland, drown ed last Sunday, have so far failed. Phillip Phillips, the celebrated singer, who visited Portland last year, has accepted an ofler of five thousand dollars xt year to lead the singing in the Central Presby- ind .Vunday School. 7'wo women voted last Jbnda;, in Polk county. The lwttom of the reservoir of the Salem Water Company "bust ed" on Monday; so did the De mocracy of ( hfgon. Ihe General Conference of tin collided with knives on Kettle Creek a few days si'ttli'l-s troiri i ml in ii "i,fi . i-Mv,.;. m ... .. t auuuallv nearly seven hundred dol- T ':'C " U. U .T! torian Church, San Francisco . , 1 mg. tlis friends "sunk a slink lars a head lor every resident in ' , , , . . u that teiTined I erntorv. I he ques- ... ,,ft , , , , 1 1 Oats were bO cents a bushel and tion is whether it wouldn't bc'i,0,- . . : c t i . i . - hav 8Io a ton in Salem last week. cheaper in the long run, as we as ; ,., . ... . , ' .. b . ' . i 1'iointhe !-a em tiitmiiini) we pleasanter tor all parties concerned, : , ' to remove the white settlers some-1 leflr" ,, at Fr('ial traio ,0 nl where else, and allow them a small Attorney General Williams to Au- iiicome on condition of their staying i rora from Port'nnd, being off of awav from Arizona. r,. ;,. nhn,. ... ;..f i..t 1- tlllii , III ll Vii I I. Ill I I It" l I U ' t j r i i j . , Xffn Wrn ,nl ttmv. Vr. Itnliom n ....... ..... hurch, HOW III a-ssion at ,. T ...... j, r.,, siitiuiiii" on me iracK, oeiontr- ing to some section hands, tossii u Frooklyn, X. Y., has favored the Ground Com- i. t.t .i .' . , tion of a HooV Deijosltory at urouiiu om-1 it completely over the smoke stack. ' -,- , Ti , ttal arraiiffe. Upi- in i . i Portland. It proposes to donate lieu arrange- This CiroiimstaiKW did not slacken i e0 Ann . , . 88,000 to purchase ground, and S L OW towards a building to be con structed on it, leaving the city of, Portland to raise an eijual amount towards the building. Hooks will IIIIOKM PHII'K Paid for ntmlr.v I'rmliice. UoodN Oi lin red to any pnrlof Iokii. GEORGE TUKKELL, Ja"FiiwSi.,Mllt 33M n. n. JiiMix, n. n., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ALIIANY, OKKOOX. OFKICK- SOCTII WOK KIltST STREET, up-stnlrs, in .1. M. Ileneh's store-house. Residence Second sliwt, south of Hie ( art u rLjht warehouse. 37vl ' t. w. Harris, n. n., Physician and Siirtvoii, ALBANY, OBKOON. Beshlenee -At Mr. A. Ilacklomnu's. 7,f of ihe M. E. Church, member ol the Conference Camp mittce, has consummated omits with 3r. Dolladtiy in res- tno nmi o( t)ie train 8 1,, pect to a ( onterence lamp (round at Canby, Clackamas county. Air. Holladay has donated a large tract of land to this purpose on the most satisfactory terms. The situation is a delightful one, and . the liberality of Mr. If. in this matter is notably worthy. 1 he .Salem Mercury says : A private dispatch received in Salem from Hon. A. .1 .1 inius tne situ new s oi niu urain ui iioscourir i twnut ui:r. i ., i , T o nm and Ins Iiv.ii u.i-1 1. his brother, Mr. Harvey .Jeaeham. ' The 7tynVw says a doer Ui-tf ,T. Li it . , . .. . v. 1 , ,, the timber engaged m bulla 112 a he dispatch states that Air. M. j caused considerable excitement m 1 f.'nce, workingashortdistai.eeaiart was killed by a falling tree at Lee's 1 Dallas on last Friday by running ' Mr. Meachain cut down a Iargi Kiicam)ment, in lllue Mountains, I through the streets. j tree, which, as it fell, struck a dead May 29th. No further particulars A youth at Vancouver was fined ! V"66' 8,aiKli"S Httlo distance $10 and bound over to keep the , r .1 c,, Tk' Wltl . ,v " . such force that it fell, striking I lar eace for one year, Ukj other day, j vey njwn the top of the head, frae becauso he gave his old lather a : turing the skull. He did not 'move thrashing. I or speak after he was hit, and. r From the Orcqoniw we learn ! "Wffl to ' l.ouBrif, aioiuiur, 01 1 oaiano, wtnie Small pox is reported in Port land, A HoseburgFuttcrrly was caught t... ... ,. . ii.oiii 11. u..n on iiiiiaiJouii'i.i ., 1 ... ... , . , . . , 1 be furnished, which will rciiune : coat, and was jugged tor it, last , , . ., ., , ' J 33 ' total outlay on the part of the Con "'".I ., , ,r , , ;ft'rence of some $30,000. eke Smith, of Myrtle I reek, 1 7'uc,u... : .. , ,.,,.,,, , 7 he following particulars are lv was recently lined fifty do lars and ' , . . , ' . ported concern nsr the death nf Mr costs, for striking Hans Weaver j M . m . . 15. -Mraeham, con-1 over the head with a revolver, says A fi , y R have been learned. A Detroit man turned up in Salt I.ake ( 'ity the other day. inquiring about mining stock in which he in vested years ago, and found to his surprise, that it was worth about two million dollars, happened. t t(ii