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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1872)
KITTVS STRATtUKW. Sueh a little witch an site was, this Kiity nv, of whom I write. She couldn't help flirting if she tried) and it wasn't her fault, of etmrse, if men were taken in by tlie round, childish face and great, innocent, blue animated fossil. Now listen to what I propose?" Then Kitty disclosed lier plot, ami .Idp listened approvingly, and the two heads were still betit close together lkw fWkJ ....11. -1 .... I - in .... ....1. 1 ! r. I"-.. XHIlIt ,tl' t.UMtl Mil llll IT ".' K '1, ' in ii ii i 1 1 i mill i'.ii ii in eyes, ror tla-v were. scores of taem ami Kitty went on lier way rejoicing completing their bewildcnnent hy lie shy look and smile, and U.i-lies, that really meant nothing, but were very cncctlve. iieverthule lint i she said young man. who had lieeii her shadow ior mourns. nk was., t in earnest, hut did it for the 'fun of tlie thing,'' oiwi ..I... .i ... i i.r..- it felt Ml nmrt." It resulted, ' "r ratniu-l,a,, -eriouslv. however, tor. in suite of ex- 1 ! ' "r . "ft'1' ' " P commands to the .outran, the i . ' " ' ' ' " '"'r ' m i .i.nv niM " frtr UII lini It" .11! Ilir time), tlu'ii slip chaiimM her ifRties ...-U i it ir . . .-. it.,,. I i.s.i i. . i.i... Ulf.i UNI ;illil UIMi f. "M) V(l .u.slv that iXM it-l iu.i.;,.,i rh . BW 1,11 lsll,n- after all." she MWfo tea. in. a comical imi. J tlZJ?& , , , Hon of v. ' ,' 1( "? l'xl'1''",",- "So I'm to tow n.y little boojekeet , S,f J JJft 'l1"' " er before long, an. l" questioned feffi'JJ ' '" credit to si-nificnntlv 1 shrillest and nol-iest nl viragoes. "Why mm what do yon mean?" ; I'l'lY' W?" 1f '"'I ,,"Pef?" and Kitty Wished scarlet j " ,f 'I"S Into the street as He is an excellent vomur man. and1 , Ihonght her soft eyes the son of one of my oldest friends. I alternative?" aogpeted be. "'Twon't ! was a mocking smile on her lips, hut be ao very dull at Aunt Dorothy', her eves fell beneath his. I've a college frieirf in the neighbor- "lo von think so" and. takinethe hood, and iiiii visit you occasionally." , mischievous little between his ' Poor Joe: llie kla of liaviug lier ; hands Ik scanned It closely. What all to himself was delightful, and hoi lie saw there was evldei.tlv satisfaeto walted for her answer with suUhied rv, tor he kissed over, and eagi'rne". h'ilty, though slK. resMed a little at Is that the only plan that has oc- first, finally suliinittwl v.ith a very enrrcd to yoti f " answered Kitty sar- j good gra.v. eastleally; "you Iwven't mnch luge-j ' "Pis well to lie off the old lore bc nnity if yon eau't devise some other ! fore vou are on with the new," whis way of g;tti.ig me out of this dilem-! Krel he, slyly. "Gilbert's done for, ma. rve no intention ot an anil I ve step.icd into his place DRUGS, Era MEW TO-DAV. Hut he didn't treat me iu this way,"' pouted .she. "I hope not. 'Twonld be worse for hi. n if lie hit.'. I'd about him in a minute ;" and Joe tried to look bellig erent, but failed wofully. Mr. Day was surprised the next i morniui; hy a call from Kittv's ate bin, that Joe's hpe again sank to suitor. The young mail Seemed ill at ' zero. Hut if he'd been sensible he'd ease, and stan.ine.vd a good deal in known that her einUiriiiiiieiit was makiue his crraud known. i ires accepted suitor went directly to lier father and tolil hi... all aliout it. Mr. heartily apiuvve your Choice, my dear." "He promised to keep the engage ment a secret," said Kitty in a vexed tone. "So he told me, but concluded af terwards to break his promise rather than act dishonestly. For it wouldn't liave lieen quite fair to have concealed tlie engagement from me."' "I don't know why. I'm sure. It's only a hit of my fun.'any way. I nev er meant to marry him." Mr. Day looked at lier sternly. "I'm not jesting." she added, pettishly. could flash so, or the lines of lier la ' sharpen in such a curious way she j really looked dangerous." I Had he seen Kitty latigh and clap her liands as she vanished from the . scene, he'd have been more puzzled I than ever. Tlie next time they met she greeted lilin with such a charming smile, and looked so naive ami unconscious that this little episode would have passisd from his memory if it hadn't been tor one circumstance. He accidentally W overheard a conversation Iietween her cousin and another gentleman. Kitty was the theme of the discourse. Mie s a .tear little girl, hut tl regular f.iuicii, ram .joe. "r.vervnonv s that I ing "Yes," and Sony enough I've iieen ior since. ' "Are you in earnest, Kitty?" "Yes, I am," and tlie 'blue eyes flashed defiantly. "Is it possible tliat a daughter of mine has so little feeling amf princi ple?" "Xow. papa, what is tlie use of lecturing. You know me of old. I'm iu trouble and want you to help me ont of it. "But you've given your word Kitty, and must abideoy it.5' "Didn't he break his? "Yes. and was Justified in doing so. lint you are not. Still, I'll give you a choice of twoeviK if you flunk mar rying young Gilbert one. Few Girls ! would. Either keep your promise 1 and make tlie best of circumstances, ' or break it and paw the winter in the country with your Aunt Dorothy. ; For I'm not going to have you play fist and loose with men's heart after ! this fashion. Kitty looked up in her father's face 1 disbelieving!', but determination was written tiiere; ami, illicit with sqtlueii dismay, she began to plead for a re prieve of tlie sentence, lint Mr. Day wouldn't listen. -You can stay in the city and participate in its gayeties on one condition only, and that I've mentioned," said be. "Was ever anything so provoking?" muttered Kitty," after her father had gone down town. "Aunt Dorothy lives in a forlorn-looking old place, mid it's a jierfect wilderness around her, and papa knows that she is the croMMt old maid In existence. But I II he even with him yet. 1 understand, sir. that insanity hereditary in your family," lie bwgau awkwardly, ''and -and "he paused 'and tried to collect his Ideas "that Kitty's aunt and grandmother died iu 1 a lunatic asylum. ' ! "All a mistake," responded Mr. j Day ponjpBndjr. "There never was a ease of insanity, either among my own i kindred, or that of my late wife." "Hut your daughter, sir, has a pecu liar disposition, and I liud it isn't suited , to mine at all. We slmuid be uii-eia- : hie together. I desire, therefore, to I withdraw trom the engagement." i "And have you told her this?" thundered his listener, white with ! I rage. For Jlr. Day really had a vie- ; lent temper, and didn't need to feign ! it' possession, like Kitty. "Dear me! the father is worse than j the daughter.'' thought the young I man. Aloud he answered. "Oh, no ; I came to vou first." (The feet was he didn't dire face Kilt v with any 1 sueh proposition). "Well. sir. all 1 have to say is that you are a mean contemptible vidian, and if yon don't get out of my office this minute, I'll kick you down stairs," and before the worrit were fairly out of Mr. Day's mouth he started to make his threat good. l oung (iilhert made a hastv retreat, "They Who Have Nothing for Sale are Farthest from Market " A. CAROTHERS & CO., M. j. nil,l,KH, Surveyor &. C ivil Engineer, Is PRKPAttKD TO HOSfnVKVINCani Krurtneerlng. Orders ollelthl M- nihil, to n Ii tcli prompt attention will be jtiiU. KenMonee Tinwnt. I.lnn county, Ore (tou ; 1'o.slomce uadreas AlUiliv. !nn3t Arctic Soda. TT V'Vi'i sVDIIKD VASTI.V TO Ot R rr 'ii' ' 9Pling this rteU tlii ful unit henlili-srivlii ' hcvemni. wnaM nnonnoc to our former imtmn, and tlie Wouoiiemrally,tlat wearofiillT liremrud Irani one of I how; elegant , TufVa Arc:le Fountuina, I to sinmly .of the Ik'sI quality hi tin lluiuei miuiii; n irs to nil ,. i. v . ;i,i,i,,.,.ii. rr J m"" m SPECTACLES. WOEI CAN NOT BUV IT, POH SIGHT i3 PRICELESS 1 But the Diamond KprelnelrM will preiierve it. BOTTLED SODA ! wuo know Tins to be Tut e, j Sar sap fts ilia ! Are now feeepinr. nnd tl0 eonstuntly rc eniving additions t.i, The Largest Srot k of Goods USUAL TO THEIR TRADS wat, m'Bixa tiik SPRINa and SUMMER. I i bo delivered to ramfttng ordering tlirough ont the city. Healers Kniipllpd at Ubernl RnteH. A. I'AHOlrtKRfl 00., Wt SOtV OFKKH A (ll-ASJI TO TIIK public whhih is prononiui' l by the n.iwt eelehmted ontleMM of Hie world to he tlie most portal, inn mill. ,t i : ill, in I help to llie liunmn eve ever Known. They no ground under onr own aujiei'idatatl, al our own inanulHeiiM j . In New llan n, and lire so eonstrneted that I he eore or eenter of the lens oomea cUroctlJ- in lium of Hie eye, producing n ruun axi nmnsvt vim, As in tlie natural, healthy iluht, and liro" ycntingnU unplei.snnt aonMtloni, Kiieji as Kllmineiii.!,' and nuvorhn Of siiflit, ilbush etc., pocutlar to all oilier in use. Thoaeglnmosara uutlinftMurodfrouimt mite crystal pobblua melted logcthor, and derive thelrniime. Diiuium t on mi oimi of their imiMnessaiiil lii illiuncv. Thevaii- mounted in the linesl luiinner, nt our own manufactory, in nil Mylosof gold, silver, Hteel, rollbor, and shell fmines, of the liet i quality. Their durability can not lie snr I imwed. ami their nnlabjasnetl as will suit I the most fastidious. egeiiilueniileM I liearinifour trade-murk, slumped on every limne. i , f'nf ".lie by the prinefaial opllelana and j jewelers, tliioiixlioui the eoimtrv. Mauu I mOtUfUd liyj. K. Sneneei- & Co., pmcllCBl i optHMUM, 'en- York. For ante only liy I , , TiTcs imorniiila, ' Dealers In watches, eloeks. Jewelry, silver ABOVE PORTLAND, And Hu ,l,,- l,i,o.!-i,.l ,..!.. ....... ..!.. 'inigO, I at I was fairly frightened into say- i i11!'1 frM91 s,,e Bet? tetoone of convinced that not only Kitty, hut Mr. AT 81 CH PRICES That ner la III rums. MIC IIHt .lives alld ffets I liar nlso vai nortlallr loanno I on in a way that s nerfcely frightful, j Kitty listened demurely (o Ikt fitth- iiiieres a tamt ot insanity in the 'er's version of theatl'air.aud tlieanatii- j p,,--!,..--,., oi. n . r, Jf - , bl.wl, yw know; her aunt and grand-; etnas lie hurled against her recivant nWMWH Shall be Salisfied, , mother dhil in an insane asylum." lover. Once tlmiiffh. dnrltur that nar. 1 luting uiincrt listened shuddering. . ration slie shook so with laughter lie looked inese wonts explained a scene that liari puzzled him before and awakened forelwdings tor the future. "You saw her father come down town last week with his head all bandaged hp, and iieanl him tell, perhaps, how terribly he's afflicted with neuralgia," contin ued .Inc. -I'oor old' 'twas Kitty did the mischief, for in one of her angry fits she threw the flat-iron amiss the table, and it liii (Uiiiiin iiierempte. lies anxious ! "mrry ber off. and I hear Gilbert's i be the happy man." I That Individual turned a!e. He remembered Mr. Day's eagerness in ; forwarding hi suit, and the wish lie had expressed that his daughter's marriage shook! lake place at an early date. Though his lore tor Kitty was strong as his shallow nature was capa ble of feeling, a vixenish wife would be unendurable. But wasn't it passi ble that her cousin was mistaken, or had colored the picture a little too highly P He resolved to wait for fur-tla-r developments. They came speedily. A week later he called on Kitty just atflu and was ushered by mistake (?) into the li brary. Tlie iloor khveert that and at ber suspicioudy. Hut she put on at once such an air of wretchedness that be ascribed it to wounded pride. It was not till two yens afterward that be learned the truth, and Kitty was married to Joe. who. I forgot to say, was not Iter own cousin, though she called him so, but a sort of distant relation. Mr. Day re ceived his revelation irood-humoi-edlv i foe had always been his special favor- i dit-uiiinc Iluiiirti Headers, from In to LI feet cut, made by Waller A. Wood, at Ifoowivk Kalis, X. I,, will! all his Imiuovenienis. an I huvinu ulsii Noam 's Patent Adjustable Keel. fcrXo other Headers have these in., pruvements. Take none hut the Maine's improved Headers mu le by Wood. IttiHscU'N Thresher, as improved, ii the nrrfectlon of the Threshing Machine. We have them from .in to in Inch, with new feed table, lame Shoe, double. lim, elevator, double ills, charge, otc, made eapeclalh' for the wants ot thia coast, after years of study. It lias Krcatorcleanhiu capacity than ttnv other, and isevery way perfiwt. bir N 0 oilier machine lia.1 ever eqoalleit the "ltussell"; none inn exei'l it. I 'Hi: I) v. 3:1.2. A to., San frnnelsco, April l'Mfinin Entered aeeordinjt to act of fomrnw, in I he year 1SI8I, by .1 K. Snenose A Co., In fho elerk's otneo ot the Histriet Court of the I nited Slates, for the Snuibcm Histriet of Nework. gnyg SASH l-'ACTOKY. BUILDERS. ATTKXTIOX ! TIIKNKW FAMILY SIXQ-XJH SEWiNG MACHINE, WITH ATTACIIMF.NTS FOB ALL KIHD8 OT WORK, to ! ttC'. and was ready enough to lausili to I With the rest over the way iu which i he had been outwitted. A .Haaonic Story. Tlie next mornii.2 Kitty announced lier intention of rctualuins in the city. "JSut. papa, if Mr. tiilbert himself man than anything els. should grow tired of the engagement, 1 you 1M you wretched alter knowing me better, you 11 not punish me for that, will you:'" and her eyes trembled mischievously. "Certainly not, child, what a 'I nest ion to ask." But Kitty had a motive iu it. A plan bad suggested itselt to her ifiiud for ontw ittiug both fatlier and lover, lint sl dhln't mean to hurry, and lieipiii to pave the way for its success j cautiously. As good luck would have 1 it, who should call on her that morn ing but Cousin Joe, the firm allv and tiw .iii. , 1 ; .! ,1, . woman's shrill voice reached him from , f"(',taill,y e KM lace he saw thence. lv,i; it Kitty's ? ' I that ot his enemy, who Yes. he recogtllwfl it ; he liad bean! it once before, jiitri.ed in the same high key. "Don't tell me you didn't mean to," tie screeitiii. more like a mad wo- "Vott did, little imp!" I hen there was the sound of a heavv blow and the shriek of a child. "O; don't .Mi s Kitty?" wailed a pitiful voice. "It was so dark I couldn't see when yon run against me. ami then I stumbled and fell and the pitcliergot broken, and I tried to keep the niiTk off your pretty dress, but couldn't." "You stumbled ami fell," mimicked Kitty. "Well. I'll teach von not to another time. Take that," and that. mil that. irtvUig the child blow after abettor of all lier childish mischief, I blow that resounded through the room ami as reatly to help lier uow as then. ' Stop yonr sniveling, too. Do you I "Oh ! .foe. such trouble as I'm in," hear? Til make yon if you don't.'" and she clasped lier bands with a pret-. Tlie sobs were" huslied. and Kitty j ty little gesture of appeal. went on : Wliat: you, Kitty? Is your canarv "'Twas the prettiest dress I had. ! bird fmctlorts, or is it something about i and it's spoilt completely? and all The worshipful master answered a new dress or bonnet that don teqinl through vour carelessness, you little "one" your expectations?" fttnp! Oh! if I'd only a 'cowhide! mi .1 Kitty looked at Mm MrnravxMillv 'twould do n. .'u .,,,.1. 1 was nothing more to fay. tlait lie was sobered In a miiuite. a 71ie initiate extended his hand. . . a. r . 1 :r r - j v . . - Two men had been fast friends, Tn an evil hour they quarreled. They did not speak, and had not sKiken lor years. .M'jjual friends tried the art of lvr-onciliation iu vain. 'J hey Were avowed enemies fid- life. One of thorn became a Mason after the estrangement, and it happened that the other remain, cd ignorant of the fact. ( hie even ing lie too was admitted to a lodge. Almost the voice he hoard, and was presided 1 over the ceremonies of initiation, and was obliged, according to cus- j torn, to address him by the title of I "brother." 7'his was a peculiar ' situation and a severe ordeal for ' both. After the lodge was closed, ! the apprentice sought the master, j and without any preliminaries, the following colloquy ensued, com-! menced by the newly made Masou: i i "An you a member of this I lodge ?" I 7'he answer was. "I am." j "Were you present' when I was elected?" ' "I was." "May I ask if you voted ';" "I did." "Xow will you tell me how many votes it requires to reject a candidate on ballot tor admission ?" Besides a Large Stock of DBrCS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, Paints, Dye StaflMnd Oils, They keep Yankee lYolioiis, Confe otion ory SASH, BLIND, AM) DOOR PACTOBY, S. II. ALTUol SK. J. V. BACKKKHTO. W. KETTOTX. ALTIIOr.SC & CO., Lyon Street, on the Hivir Bnuk, Al.lfANV.OliEflOX. Keep on liand v fall assort inent, and are prepared to Fl ItXLSII TO OKIIElt, Doors, Susli, Blinds, loldinys, nnd Siu-l. as fROWX, PASttX, BAX & KECriOX M0UO, Of all sizes. ; IVIXDOW AM) DOOK FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, -And - All other UMdaorilulMlBit Valeria, "lcll uieall alioitt it" whUnoml Ik, ' r engaged." aial if ahe'd been announcing her own Oineral, she coukln't Imve done it iu a more sol emn voice. Joe fluslicd up to the roots of his hair, and clasped and unclasped his hands in a nerrons sort of way, hut didn't ay anything. Kitty watclied him maliciously, "It's to that young 1 filbert. Ile's'a splendkl fellow, and hits great dark eyes and tlie dearest little mon-tache. You know him, don't yon:-'" "No -yes a little," stammered .'oe, to. the delight of his listener. "But what's the trouble about? Won't your father consent?" and he looked so utterly wretclied that Kitty, with I "Kitty, let that child alone." said a new voice ; and Gilbert recognized It as lier consin's. "I -hull do no such ting! Get out of the way, and mind your own busi ness: ne shrieked, and there was something that sounded like a botttle which was warmly grasped by the other, and uttered with thrilling accents, deep emotion mellowing his voice, "Friend 1 Brother 1 you have taught me a lesson I shall never forget." This is a little rav Finest Tobacco & Cigars WOSTENHOX.MS CniLEB SPICES, PERFUMER Y, (All kinds), TOILET SOAP, -A.N'Il- E UeUAUT OBTAINED IN A STRICTLY First Class K t'lUt Willtltll" AtVApfn (lw !..,. .,. .... slmwu liy the mpHiy lneveaiiur wles. ' ' 1 lliisVKWI'AMIt.VM.M HIM; u w wc ut a nuiKo and variety of work aneli as t wwonce lliouglil Ihlposslble to perform )i machiner'. We claim ad can jbow tin t t to the cheapest, moat iHantiftlL del-! Ufltcly anatufud, nicely a li'mtml, easily i OjK'rated,ai)(l sniixithly running of all t la ram! v HBrbu Mui iii-oo 1, L ., . ... i .... .. ior .ucraiiKC nun variety of nssowlruf, but also for tin- variety anu'dlr iviit ktnds of teature which if will sew Willi oanal facility .mrt perfection, uslmr '!twtof, linen or cotton llnvad, Hue or coarse, making the laterloekcAclaaUp. Mltcb.allkc on tioth i.i,-s of thefalirlc wwti lluw, Isnver cloth. or leatlier, may fvoZl11,' ESTC s,,'t'1"-'", 'nid uniform ,',. ., ,tth: "n'''ln tt '"""I' llt, this u il- w i :;v'i'-i''',,ryinT 'ran.c,.t n,y nne work on iraiizo or go i- 11 1 n"''' 1 '"' tn!kl,L olutan, or 11 lllintt. oi almost any other work which ltet finders baveVn known lopS Apply to A LSf): PREPARKn Ti) iki MIM, work, fnrnlali nhabAi' ftina MfM, shakers, suction funs, drlvlnn pullojn of any klnd.nt our factory on I.von street (011 the river lauiki, next lielmf Marklinm's warabonsa, ai,tiioi'k a tx. Albany, Feb. 10, IHffiMt S. II. t LAI Illo, AO EXT FOB LINN COUJiTT, LKrlAXOX, OKKUO.V. AloaMlieDrnK Store of A. CABOTH- f.. .imany, uroaon, MayMsTanSi HE Y IWIa CHINKS. JATIES Ii. C0WA1V, (Snoccwior of A. Cowan & Co.) Lebanon, Orejcfon, Dialer in- GEXERAL 111.111 111 Mil SKI nan s groan was heard distinctly. " L'u,J"ci". as inu sneni iiirooiii.ig : "Oh! Kitty, how could you?" j of a lieartfull of joyful tears. While t,u m i ur-iii. ramrucnniuy DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. THE CELETtltATEl) Buck Eye Setting IHuclilnc. Price 45; without lublc, 3S WILT, KEEP ALWAYS OX HAXI) A full stock of PRY UOOUS, (inOCERIES. ItAKDWAftB, 1KSITSASIIOES, all for sale nt the Lowest Prices for f.' , h or I'rtttl urr. All )MKin- owlmr A, Cowan Co.. w'- wiin v 'hiiim:: tin un-II J-OIIII l-.iiiiion. JAMES Li COW AX. New Bitrber Shop. NOTE TIII8: HAI.E BACKENSTO has opened a new Barber shop 0.1 Flrnt si root, ihraj doom west of Conner's Iaink. where he will be pleased to k-c all la-rsoiis needing his services. Staying, bair-oiitling, alinmponlng, etc., floiia in the moat, sattofiuitory manner. Albany, Fobr.mry 1: wiv4 l'ATKNT MKDICINH. cut my clR-ek terribly; see how moon nms;'' Gilbert didn't want to bear any more, but fled from tlie house, resolv ed that he wouldn't marry such a vix en, though slie had the lace and form of a Hebe. l'he front door had no sooner closed "You j this kind of cement is used NO in our the morn! ralihV-n chnnlil it t.,, ..... ...... . ,'U1(IV. iv iiuj, in v 11- during ?Mmo)uc Trou-d. SOU) if Other People's Time. A com mittee of eight gentleinen bad align iwhitinent to meet at twelve o'clock. Seven of them were punctual, hut the I eignt uatne WUHIllg 111 with aixilogie faint twiuse of remorse, hastened to on him. than the arfnri tha niw, icll him the true state of tlie case. He I tlramma went off into pasm of mer-1 for ""-''"g "'l'laiter of an hour behind brightened tip wonderfuUy. "Then rimeiit. Kitty sbssl reveahsl in the I tilne' 'r,,e said He, passed von 1 ma 1 mie u.e man iuicraii,' lie gas-ngnt witli dress uninjured: there """J """oi.i my netiig aware ot it asked. was not a cut to li 9i.ii .r'u c,... ' bad no Idea of its heintr so late." eh- , ,. r . 1 . . k . . .. .... - .... ...... in v - . ... .... .. " t-M 1 full 1 k-itrm' ;iia iiijii'wii tlw. , . I i. f . . - - " ..., .,,).., lik ' a., iiuiM.cre Vl-IIJIe. meditatively. "I never looked into the matter much. I suppose he's as good as any one, hut I m not iu a inarying mood at present." Oil I Oh! 'twas to fiin.ic'" misnol Kitty; "tliat whine wnld rave de ceived anybody, 'twas so natural. I i aianeu myself, thliikiiiff 'twas loe's countenance fell again. "Will 1 really a child's voice inatend of you tell me just what yon want?" Vou deserve a rewaid of merit for slid lie a little sternly. snob splendid acting." -Now don't be cross. Joe; you're "Oive m one. then, and let me the only friend I ve got iu the world," choose it myself," whispered Joe. and Kitty raised her aoit eyes iwplor- "Well, what will you have?" and higly. she looked up archly. lie was mollifte.1 at 'Wnr "YOomlif'' " no) tweak with GUtrtai "WN, modest demand!" There 1 nm not sure tliat we should ad. I mit thy excuse. It were a matter of regret that tliou shouldst liave wasted ! tliine own quarter of an hour; but there are seven beside thyself whose 1 time thou hast also consumed, amount tag in the wliole to two hours, and I one-eighth of it only was thine own1 prujieny. 1 If yon let the cat out of th h er try to cram it back again: It onlv make matters worse. , . . ARTICLE But what ("iiaraniced To Be JUST AS REPRESENTED. And Muot too Good. Arctic Soda ' A. CAROTHERS & CO j Five "ELxLtxtSLcexX SOLto IN OREGON For the Year 1871 ! No Family can Afford to Without One. be The success of (lie BUCKEYE afanrta without a rival on coast. Ilnmlre-lH who now use them proiionnou them to be niieiiualled for family uso. EVENT MACHINE WARRANTED. The MfCKEVE maltea Die Wk-sfitch. ! which will notrarcl. They are almple and uuraiilc, and nave less machinery t nan any other machine, theroforaan) las liatile to (fet out of order. HOLLOWAY'S IP VLui Wttl f.;itj n itymn or KIRSTS W A IVTKD, To Mil thf mjt'KJCrK, too hnt and only Jkiw-prlceU; max-hloe I hat has any merit, MaCh I ncs ablppod to an y part of t lie coast aponro4tfprfc)ooT in - sftoTTTntftii For further narMAMUftf-iriMWliik M'idK. OA.XJTIOKT THE immenM demand for HOLIXJWAT'a .rtator. tooonBtfMt tbo 1 u tASE, A.n wiDscrtDe for the Beustkr, m h; A IC7!) ', :