The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 24, 1872, Image 7

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    Republican Ticket for 187.
Prraldrnlinl Hectors,
A B MKVIIAM.ol mm! Ills county.
W l. HARK. "I Wa-hlniflon i-ounty.
J V. UAZXKY, if Iwurjai county.
For 'onrre,
UWtrlrt Attorney,
1st llis'rk-t, , ,
1,1 district, f. A. IllicnowetU, of Benton.
31 nlsti-lci, K. B. llumiilirey, of Linn.
4th l)itrii-t, (i.H. Mulinoninli.
sin. Jiistrlci, If. 0. Hyde, of Brant.
Republican Pluirorm.
Tlie rnlnn Kciiulilictni trty of Oregon,
In loiivcnllon, makes (Ms declaration M
its principles nml roHflon: ,
1. To the (Sunlit in ion of the 1 nltcd
Slti;csRiiilnll its ninciiiliiieiits c ttiQUM
iinrimfoltcrinaalloiiniv; tnitsuutwirlly
n witting obedience: to lis full and local
must ruction anil cnfoivciiieiilourconslant
1 Tlmt tire suircss of tlie present Nn
tlonal AdnilnJtmttnn in ivilm-iniM he pu!.
lie 'ht, dlmfn lolling and equalizing titxti
tion.n InilnWcriiiK every branch of pnlillc
alEi'trs villi economy mid efficiency, form
lua nnd iniiimviiii! I he civil service, en
rhtctng ihe laws without fear or favor,
Vroteetlns the nation's wiirilswithpatern
l cure nsaiinst the cine! avarice of simu
lation nndftiiiul.ati'.l umlntiilnlnir friendly
relations with Foreign Powers, has liecn
such as to coiiiuuiiiil ihcunnmbatioiinf
the great majority of lire American people,
nnd justly entitle it to Ihe eontl leniv and
commendation of every true Republican.
3. We regard the payment ol our nut ion
Ill debt. In loll compliance with all legal
obliirations to our ere liters everywhere,
und In accordance with the true letter ami
spirit of its no kingcr a
question in issue: but Hint we may lie
clearly nnders nod, we denoumr all forms
and dojireosof repudiation of tliat debt, as
urliiuicd by ihe lieniocratle niny and its
svninuliisvrs. as not only national calami
ties, hut positive crimes, ami we will never
mnsunt to a suspk-ion of luck of honor or
jusiice in its complete sstislitcttmi.
4. We admit of no distinctions between
citizens, whe'lierof nativ eorforei(n birth:
and therefore we tivor the nrantin ol
full uiunestv to the pmvileof I hose Suites
latelv in relK'llion : and we here pledge
the full ami ctttoctlvo prom km of our
chil laws to all persons voluntarily com
ing lo or reiddlni? in our hind.
ij. We favor Ihe eiiomintsemrot of rall bv the General Movemutunt of the
I nited "States, anil hold tliat such ills
sil ion should lie made of I he public lands
as shall secure the mine to actual settlers
only, in(iiantities not exiiT'llaitltiOacres.
6, That wliik1 wean' in favor of a MV
mte for the support of the tiviiomltiovern
inent, by duties upon imports sound poll-
v reqntres such ndjustnient of those dn
tieson imports a to enniuraxo the devel
opment .of the industrial Inlerests of the
a link' Country ; ami we rccoiumend that
policy of national exchange which secures
to Ihe working men litH-ml wages; toaa
ricoitmv remunerative prices 1 to mechan
ics and iiKiiinBictnrersnnadeii!erenl
for their skill, lalxirand enterprise, and to
tin' Nation Commercial prosierlly ami In
deiwnrlenoe. J, We believe that popular duration Is
the sole true Iwslsand liniie ol a free gov
eniment, and shall ever oiuiosc any diver
sion of, or Interference with the common
school funds or binds in this state, for any
other than their legitimate purpose, and
we condemn the act of favoritism by the
Inst Legislature whereby two hundred
thousand dollars, taken from the school
fund, were g ranted to a coriiorntion con-si-iiiiK
mainly of Dctnoenittc leaders, and
jwrtv favorite, for i ho construction ol a
work which another coiomlion, entirely
sound nnd ntsiionslble, offered toconstruc't
lor seventy-five thousand dollars less; and
that we are in lavorof the passage by the
Legislature of an efficient school law! such
as shall secure to all citizens of Ottr Slate a
good common school education.
X. We find no terms sufficiently strong
to express our disapproval of those acts of
the last Legislature whereby the swamp
lands belonging this S ate have liecn
taken from the needy settlers, and Riven
without limit or proper competition in
price lo the land grabtier aad speculator;
whereby the emoluments nnd salaries of
State olflccrs have linen unconstitutionally
Increased, and the taxes Increased ihous
ands ol dollars by the ureal ion of new and
unnecessary offices nnd salaries, for the
purpose of providing for party favorites;
anil whereby the ell liens of our metropo
lis have lieen deprived of and denied the
rlirlit of controlllna their police unihorit v.
And we enally condemn tlH- administra
t ion of our S: ate oithvrsand lawsas ext rav
uuaut, reckless. Illegal and destructive.
and we rightly elinrge all those results as
the acts of the Pemocratlc party.
0, We are In favor of Ihe United States
giving to each honomhly dlac.liargl sol
dier wlio served in the armies of the Unit
ed States to put down the rebellion a war
rant font homestead of lilo acrcsof public
111. That we demand Ihe repeal of (be
socnllcd litigant act, which was devised lo
supimrt panjier Detnocmtic ncwsmis ix at
the public expense.
II. Tliat the Republican party of this
S'atc are in favor of the General (Jovern
inent extending aid toward building a
railroad from l'ortland, tlregon, lo Salt
lake City, mid from Jackson county lo
Huiuisildt, and we hereby pledge onr 'par
ty representatives to the support of the
II. Tlmt the indiscriminate licensing of
persons io sen spiruuous liquors wttnout
iHdng placed under proper rcspnnsihtliltes
for the abuse thereof, havina been found
by experience lo promote the growth of
crime ami niupcrisin, aim tncreiiy to seri
ously increase the rate of taxation, Ihe
l!epiiblkn fttry recognizes the right and
duly of the lawmaking power to prevent
and limit 'tb.! evils and abuses of such sale,
so far aS concerns the public good and Is
consistent with Individual Ubortv, by re
fusing in license other than law" abiding
and responsible persons, who can furnish
sulllcient sureties for good conduct.
13. That the RcttiihTlcan party of Ore
gon Is In favor of obtaining assistance
f rrim the tienoral tioverament for t hn
stinclion of a wagon roa-l from tln dry of
rort land to t he 1 alios, recognizing this as
a most important and necessary linurove
ment for the s. ate.
14. We affirm that the eoMnnanoe In
power ol the Republican party istbe only
sure preservation of national peace nui'l
prosperity, and for reasons therefor we
point to Its brilliant record in the bite civ
il war; to a complete nationality; to a
united sisterhood of Uilrty-eeven states;
to our Territories rapidly warming Into
State life ; to n nation freed from Ihe taint
of human slavery ; to an elevated and en
larged citizenship; to our aatlonal stand
ing at home and abroad ; to the work of
vigorons reform In all discovered abuses
of authority or trust ; to an uneqnaled for
eign credit ; to a successful and solid fi
nancial system, and to the unparalelled
peace and prosperity everywhere in our
broad domain, and these are our pledges
for Ihe future.
, B. We bail the "New Departure" of the
late BeiBoorotle part y, taken by the action
ol their Convention In seven States, as an
affirmation of the principles for which the
Republican party baa contended for the
" years : and In the "Passive Poli
cy" of that party, already assumed In sev
im T Jtbo S!ea, ws recognise an ac
knowledgment their hopelessness of
mxrm nv UM coming Presidential
I'. S. Official Paper for Oregon.
FRIDAY, MAY 24. 1S74.
For ReisFeacntHtivea M. ('.
K. KI.MS. J. II. SMI I'll, It. W.
'o. Jntlffe S. O. IRVINK.
rommiaiionern J. LAME, X.
'lcpk-C. P. IlOflUK.
Jihcriir- II. M. BROWX.
Treaurcr-K. B. ITRDOM.
Aaacaaor R. O. CU81CK.
Slipl. Ncliools-.l. KOSIIA.
SnrTC) or-('. CLIXOM AX.
Coroner R. Ma'l.ntK.
Publle apeahlnx.
Tlic ReiMiblicnii aia! Ik'inocnitk'
caiiilhlatos on th- comity ticket will
wklrcss t lit ir fellow-uitizclis of Linn
county t (be following times anil
places. sK-akiug to coniuicuce at one
oVIoek P. M.1
llalst-y. Ueaday, May 27.
Ilarrisinnw, Tuesday, May 2S.
Brownsville, W'ctlnc.l.iy, May 39.
Lebanon. Tliurstlay. May 30.
Scio, r'riday. May 31,.
Allmny. Saturday. .It'me 1.
A general al tendance is requested.
Si. smith" Fpcecli.
Ex-Senator N'ei--mit!i let fly kif
poUto-trap in tliis city last Satur
day afternoon to tlie great patis'he
tion ol tlie seaker, it' nobody else.
I 'e complained of having a tad cold
Ht tlie outtct, but we thought lx?
fiire he had finished his harangue,
that badness was characteristic of
the man throughout. His allusions
to Attorney General Williams," in
tended to be facetious, were prompt
ed more by a spirit of spite and
chagrin. It was quite modest in
him to try to convey the impression
that Williams was afraid to meet
himin debate! Tlie conijarisoii
which he instituted between the ex
ienscs or running the Government
by the present administration
and those of the jst administra
tions was skilfully, though unfairly
presented. While lie showed the
exieiisesof tlie present to be enor
mously in excess of Buchanan's, he
neglected to tell how, and by what
party these iiicreascd expenses were
.brought upon the nation. He stated
that the stealings of the present Ad
ministration were about eighty mill
ions per am nun. He might have
put them at three or four times as
much, and the "gudgeons" in the
audience would have taken the in
crease down with the same ease.
To amplify on that head without
scruple, is peculiarly a Democratic
art. He said that Trumbull, Schura,
Greeley it Co., left the Republican
party because of iti corruption. As
these gentlemen are now enjoying
the sympathies of the Tammany in
innoccntx, and are beginning to be
regarded with favor even by Ore
gon Swamp Land, Lock and Dam
and Litigant monopolists and swin
dlers, that looks exceedingly feasi
ble! Exceedingly. He thought that
Greeley fe Co., when they left the
party, took the "brains" along
with them. As Greeley has be
lieved in nearly every ism, and has
been as unreliable and changeable,
and as full of new departures as t he
Democracy, we can readily account
for the above opinion. Tlieir char
acters being alike in vacillation,
congeniality is at once felt, and
coalescence will follow. Reasserted
that tlie excuses of the Indian De
partment were iu excess of what
tliey had been, and as a c'incher to
substantiate this mere assertion, said
that he had been in the service three
years. This accounted for his opin
ion, lie judged the financial man
agement of the others by the one
he had to do with. He pitched
into Amnesty roughshod. Said on
this question the Republicans were
insincere As the Amnesty bill lias
within the last few days passed
Congress by a two-thirds vote, we
can't believe him. His n marks on
the negro would have suited an au
dience of slave-drivers and traders
to a dot. He said in substance, the
negro was inferior, low and debased,
and if Democracy were elevated to
power, he would be turned out ot
office, and. placed where he belong
ed. He said that it was an infamy
for a roan to be punished by pen
alty which the nature of the crime
did not call for. The penalty
against treason is death, and not dis
franchisement. Tlierefore, tlie rebels
should have been hung and notdia
graned by being disfranchised! And
so lie went on, "lippiteciit,"' "rip
snort" until lie had finished. It
could not be expected that a man
of his polital reputation could lie
anything but unfair. To misrepre
sentand misstate would naturally
be expected from him, and disai
Kiiiitment would follow unless he
did. He fully sustained his repu
tation in these directions on this
Democratic politicians pretend to
lie dreadfully afraid that Hen Hoi
laday will get xssession of the
Canal ami Lock improvement.
7'hey make that a political issue.
7'heir (ear, however, is a big sham.
7'lie Oregon ian says "that at aijy
time during the last eighteen
months the 'monopolist' could have
bought out the Canal and Locks
Company ; " "tliat a majority of
the stock has been reiatcdly ot
tered for sale to .Mr. Holladay, and
such an oll'ci' has been made within
the lat tew weeks." 7'his fact
shows how ridiculous is the plea
urged, that a Democratic Legisla
ture should be elected to prevent
ilolladay trom monopolizing the
Locks. 7'lie company has an ele
phant on its hands, and would
gladly sell out to Ilolladay, to-day,
if he would buy.
Carl Schtirz, in consultation with
the Missouri delegation at Cincin
nati, previous to tlie nomination of
ii'reeley, said that lie was the
weakest candidate the convention
could nominate ; that while he re
spected Greeley, that he was not
the man, with his habits and lack
of administrative ability, to receive
the highest nomination; that he
was a weak man among the (Ver
mans of Ohio and Illinois, and no
one who could not secure their suf
frages could be elected to the Presi
dency. It was noticed that in the
closing address of Schnrz to the
convention, he uttered no words of
commendation of either ticket or
Xeauilth'a Npeceh
"Figures wont lie," is no longer an
axiom,sii:ce Ex-Senator Xesmith has
begun to financier. He said that the
exjienses of the last year of Buch
anan's administration were 55,-
901,000. The Portland Herald
some months since said they were
J 58,469,780 08. It will be observ
ed that the discrepancy between
these two Democratic authorities
amounts to over two millions and
a ludf. The real fact in the matter
is, the expenses of Buchanan's ad
ministration for his last year,
amounted in round numbers to
77,000,000. If Nesmith would
misrepresent in this particular, is it
doing him an injustice to suppose
that he would do the same in his
other financial statements ? 0 those
one hundred and sixty wagons of
gold! Bah! Why didn't he make
a Tammany computation in wag
Mr. Nesmith in his speech here
last Saturday conveyed the impres
sion that under the provisions of the
Fourteenth Amendment, certain cit
izens of the South, late in the re
bellion, were disfranchised from
voting. This is not correct. The
Amendment simply prevented them
from holding office. Jen". Davis
and the rest ot them are only
deprived of holding office.
Jeff Davis is said to be in favor
of the coalition of the Liberals and
the Democrats. It is not surprising
that he should be in favor of a
movement, which, if successful,
would favor his return to political
Attorney General Williamsspoke
at Eugene City last Monday to
one of the largest audiences ever
assembled in that place. Much in
terest was evinced.
Grant expects to get at least half
tlie Democratic vote if (reeley be
his only opponent
The Republican State Conven
tion of 7'ennessee, which met in
Xashvil'e on the loth inst, consist
ed ot three hundred delegates, who
were unanimous ami harmonious
for Grant.
Small-pox is disappearing from
Washington, D. C.
In the course ot a year the Treas
ury Department and its brat ches
consume nearly fifty tons of writing
paper, six thousand gross of pens
and one thousand gross of pencils.
Bishop JeQuade, of Rochester,
Xew York, forbids the presence of
more than 12 carriages at a fune
ral. Tlie Webster place in Marshfield,
Massachusetts, is advertised to be
sold at auction for non-payment of
Of the sixty liecvcs slaughtered
daily iu Mataumras, three-fourths
are stolen from Texas. It costs the
Texas' cattle raisers 8339,500 per
annum, to feed that one -Mexican
Greeley has positively determined
not to accept of any invitat'on to
speak on political questions while a
In Washington county, Ky., not
long since, one Lovell gave his son,
seven years old, a pistol and or
dered him to shoot an idiot sister.
The boy missed the idiot and
wounded another sister.
A paer mill, five dwellings and
a railroad bridge at Chatham, X.
V., burned on the morning of the
The Republican State Conven
tion of Michigan met on the 16th
and airielvg other proceedings, pass
ed a resolution in favor of the re
election of Grant.
The right of way to the I' tali and
Northern Railway jiassed the House,
at Washington, on the 16th.
Col. George W. Dougal, of Cal
ifornia, died at Washington, I). C,
on the night of the 10th, from pois
on which he had taken. Suicided.
A special message from President
(rant,- accomanying tlie correspon
dence of the United States Senate,
is as follows : I transmit herewith
the eorrespoiidence which has re
cently taken place resiecting the
difference of opinion which has
arisen between this fVovernmentaiid
that of Great Britain, with regard
to the powers of the Tribunal of Ar
bitration created under the treaty
signed at Washington iu May, 187 1.
I respectfully invite the attention of
the Senate to the proposed article
submitted by the British Govern
ment, with the object of removing
the difference which seems to threat
en the prosecution of the arbitral ion,
and request an expression by the
Senate ot their disposition in regard
to advising and concerting to a
formal adoption of the articles such
as proposed by the British Govern
ment. The Senate is aware that
consultation with that body in ad
vance of entering into agreements
with foreign States, had many pre
cedents in the early days of the Re
public General Washington asked
their advice upon a pending ques
tion. The most important recent
precedent is that of the Oregon
boundary treaty of 1846. The im
portance of the results hanging upon
tlie present state of the treaty with
Great Britain, leads me to follow
these former precedents, and to de
sire the counsel of the Senate in ad
vance of agreeing to the proposals
ot Great Britain. (Signed,)
Senator Sumner is reported as
thinking the Cincinnati platform a
fair, admirable, statesmanlike series
of reactions, lie is especially
charmed with the tarift' plauk. It
the contest is a personal one be
tween (V rant and Greeley, ho will
supx)rt (Vreeley.
(r'ov. Walker, of I'irginia, has a
kindling ambition to become ihe
Democratic nominee at Baltimore.
The Nebraska State Repub'ican
Convention on the 16th, passed res
olutions endorsing the Administra
tion, etc., and instructing to vote for
fVrant and Colfax.
At Lansing, 111., recently, in a
htmily quarrel, a young man named
McCracken, was fatally shot by his
ft the.
A Young Mar's Christian Asso
ciation haa been organized in tlie
city of Mexico.
It is said that Congress has eighty
bank presidents.
' The Texas Republican Conven-
! tiou on the 16th, instructed for
raot for President, and Governor
Davis for Vice President.
Ten thousand cans of milk are
said to be carried into New York
city, daily.
Iowa has ample capacity for a
population of9,000,000.
Five thousand persot s are em
ployed in the New Orleans oyster
trade, and the sales amount to $1,-
250,000 per annum.
From one acre planted in pump
kins, by a Pennsylvania farmer, forty
tons were harvested ; from these two
hundred quarts of seed were saved,
which brought 50 iu cash.
The clieese product of Ohio for
1870 was 41,881,038 pouisls; but
ter, 43,020,554 pounds.
Sir 7'hoiuas Dakin, ex-Lord
.Vayor of London, arrived in New
York on the 20th.
A fVreeley and Brown ratifica
tion is to lie heliPiu Union Square,
Xew York, on the 28th inst
7bn thousand emigrants arrived
at Castle Garden, N. Y., iu one
day recently.
7'he proprietorship of the New
York World has changed hands
It is now owned by prominent lle
pub'ioniis. It will oppose the nom
ination ot Greeley at Baltimore.
7'l:c sale will not lie made public
I until after the Democratic Conven
tion. I G'eo. W. Atkins, who diet! from
i a self-inrlicted wound at Philadel
phia recently, had visited the
Morgue previously, and asked if
there was a slab there to suit him.
His bod was soon after brought iu.
Andrew Johnson reiterated re
cently his refusal to run for Con
gress, and at the same time em
phatically condemned the proposi.
tiou for the Democratic jiarty to sup
port the nominee of the Cincinnati
A Democratic paier in Troy sag"
gests Clarkson N. Potter as its par
ty candidate for President.
7'he Philadelphia Pre says that
after a careful reading of the utter
ances of several hundred journals, it
is impressed with the fact that
Greeley, instead of diving the Re
publican patty, lias rent the Democ
racy in twain.
7'he ruling of Vice President
Colfax on the amendment to the
Army bill, compelling the Pacific
Railroad committees to pay the ac
crued interest on their bonds guar
anteed by the Government, was sus
tained in the Senate.
It is reported that Congress will
adjourn in two weeks.
1 he RepublicanJState Convention
of Arkansas met on the 18th, and
passed resolution endorsing the State
and National administrations, and
instructed delegates to the Nation
al Convention to vote for Grant.
Philadelphia horse railroads
earned 4,131,757, last year, and
their expenses were 82,820,177.
7'he striking carpenters of New
York now number two hundred.
William S. Groesbeek, the Cin
cinnati politician, holds a tract of
170 acres, called "Burnett Woods,"
which is within the city limits and
two and a half miles from the cen
ter ot laishiess. The city wants this
laud for a public jtark. Grecsbeck
asks $51(5,000 tor it ; and yet, until
the recent valuation of 140,000, it
had been taxed for only $76,000.
An Indian squaw was seised by
some young fellows at Jlfarshall
town, fcwa, the otlier night. They
took her into the woods, split her
head ojien with an ax, chopped off
her feet, twisted one arm out ot tlie
socket, Slie has been repaired and
has taken Iter old place iu front of
tlie cigar shop.
The ctlect of Governor IIoffinan'6
veto of the new city charter for
New York, will bo to retain io
office all the present city officers,
several of whom it was designed
specially to get rid of.
Tlie master masons of New York
have agreed to adopt the eight
hour system on July 1st ; wages $4
per day.
The Journeymen cabinet makers
of New Y'ork have struck for eight
Independence Hall, Philadelphia,
was visited by 450,000 persot last
A revolt oceured u the House of
Refuge, New York, on tlie 17th, in
tlie shoe shop. The foreman of the
shop was severely cut in the melee.
Twenty-six boys were arrested.
A special of the 18th says that
the ifenate CAnmittee on Foreign
Relations, it is understoood, has
agreed upon the following :
itvloed, That tlie Senate advise
tlie President to consent to the prop
osition of tlie British Government
contained in his message of the
13th inst., for an additional article
to tlie 3"reaty of Washington
Jlfay 8, 1871." Four Senators are
iu favor of the resolution, and two
in favor ot returning the proposition
to tlie President, and one iu tavor
of modifying the proposition.
Col. N. B. Brown, a wealthy
stock raiser residing just outside of
Kansas City, was assassinated in his
yard on the 16th by an unknown
person, supposed to be a young man
whose sister Brown is alleged to
have seduced.
In Chicago, May 17th, a Mr.
Simmons shot and fatally wounded
his wife, then put a bullet through
his own head, falling dead. The
wife had taken steps to procure a
divorce, which is supposed to have
been the cause of tlie tragedy.
Friends of Greeley and Brown
have established head quarters at
the St Marie Hotels Washington.
Honry Ward Heccher, iu a reoeiit
sermon, said that in this unanimous
rising of the laboring classes he re
Coginizcd one of the most promising
signs of the times. He thinks the
striker's demands just and reason
able. 7'he New York Internatioi.a's
arc threatened with a split
Four children were burned to
death in Memphis, 7'enn., May
18th, by an explosion of coal oil with
which the eldest was kindling a
At Lawrence, Jass.,over 14,000
persons are employed in manufacto
ries. Three 7l'xas gentlemen have
made arrangements for inclosing
115,000 acres of laud in one body,
for pasturage.
A six-story granite building in
Philadelphia, occupied by Leisur
ing's large printing establishment, a
number of book binderies, etc., was
totally destroyed by fire the other
lay. 7'he falling wall crushed the
five story brown stone building
adjoin ng, occupied by the Vvu
merciul List newspaper.
A fire at Flint, Mich., on the
18th, destroyed $150,000 worth of
property, including twenty-one hor
ses, consumed iu lively stables.
Specials dated on the 18th, su'.e
that a fire, covering territory seven
miles iu extent, is sweeping over
Pike county, i'a. 7'welve large
steam saw mills and many dwelling
houses have been destroyed. Lum
ber camps containing severaal mil.
lion feet of lumber, w?re burned.
7'hc lumber villages of Carter and
Gould arc almost totally destroyed,
only three houses remaining. 7vo
places in Sussex county, N. J., also
Snlliv an and Delaware, N. Y.,and
Minnie county, are still being
swept by immense fires. Losses
are estimated by the millions.
7'he wood carvers, cabinet
makers and upholsters, ot N w
York city, have resolved to strike
for the eight hour system.
Jennie C. ( larlin has applied for
the Colonelcy of the Ninth Regi
ment, N. Y. Sho thinks slit oan
supply the magnetic influence over
the soldiers which their late leader
English journals rear that the
exigencies ot the Presidential elec
tion may cause tlie rejection of (1 e
supplementary article of the Treaty
of Washington, but hint that when
politicians ofboth sides have finished
wiw ine treaty, iiie people or tin;
two nations will take it iu hand and
effect a satisfactory settlement
Tlie Ptince and Princess of
Wales lately visited tlie Pope of
Rome. His Holiness desired to be
remembered to the Queen, and f c
tually praised the people of J&w.
land for piety !
Eleven Protestant chnpelsare now
open in Madrid, Spaiu, which ire
atteuded by 4,000 persons.