Ikmjj ficfi$tn. LOCAL MATTERS. Tffll COTKTV CANVASS LET ALT, 'h uv ClfT Is u-lll lip 04w.11 liv n ref- I 1 W ..... " vh ' creiiee to the list of appointment!) niIi- li-hed on the seventh age oftlie ltltt-i-i Kit. tlie county canvass commences Monday next, at Halsey. We w rite this to urge Upon the HeptiMi c.m voters of the different precinct'' where (lie candidates are advertised to address them, the necessity of coining nut to liear lia-m. ninl by your pres ence sIkov that vou feel an Interest In tlie success of the principles advocated ami carried out ly the great Kepuhll- iran party tlie party tliat saved the life of tills great nation in the hour of peril, and which has so administer ed the affairs of this Government, since tlie putting down of dydra-1 lead ed rebelftnn, n to oanse it to l hailed, all over the world, as tlie greatest and most prosperous Government ou tlie face ot the earth. Sliow by your pres ence that you are not only a Republi can in name, but that deep down in your heart of hearts there is an abid es love for the tenets and principles of tint party that leads yon to w ork aial lalior with all the will and energy you can command for their complete and overwhelming success. The Re publicans of I. inn county are stronger to-day in numbers, In faith, in a good and righteous cause, than ever before. There is more hojie of success. The limes are propitious, and if each man will put his shoulder to the wheel with a determination to do what I can for the success of the Republican ticket, we will win. We haves good ticket, a ticket tliat will compare favorably with any ever put into the field by our party men who are every way su perior to their Democratic opponents. Men of intelligence, men of solid attainments, men of large brain and high moral standing, who are deserv ing of the hearty support of their fel low cit iwns; men who, if elected to the Legislature, will honestly and con scientiously perform the duties assign ed them, without fear or favor. They are made of the right kind of metal, true as steel, and having a due sense of the obligations they owe to tlie 1-cople of this great commonwealth, can not, either by tin eats or bribes, be swerved by a single hair from the plain line of duty. J-et all wlio desire la purge our Legislature oi tlie rotten ness and corruption which character iceu its lasi session, mil la in eeimiii:; , honest and capable men to its liall to the end that the poor settler may no! be robbed of his home by "swamp luiid acts;'' tliat our State treasury may not be robbed by unconstitutional salaries to State officials ; that anoiher quarter of a million dollars may not lie given toa ftvorite "Ring" for budd ing locks with fur brush and mud; tliat uq more "litigant" swindle may I;. l;rpetratedi causing you to pay 21 j j'ji' uuiiees tliat, before its enactment, tiie same aper charged but 7 50 Am, r.nd to remedy other evils tliat have grown out of a licentious, wicked and dishonest administration of the affairs ef State. Show by your presence that yon do not countenance these dishon est acts, but tliat you stand shoulder to shoulder with the great party of re- form, which proposes to administer ' the affairs of our State iu strict accord ance with the letter of tlie law, and by economy and lionesty build up a great and powerful State. Once again wc urge you to come out and hear your candidates remember the time aud be tin re early. New Advertisements. See pio gmmme of tla? proposed celebration of tlie glorious 4th of July, by our citi zens, ou the Linn County Agricultural Siety's grounds, one mile south of Albany. , R. W. Downman, attorney, Wasb- ington City (D. C). Ims an ii.U-restlng notice to ixirties occupying lands in the Grande Ronde and Siletz reserva tions. See column ad. of the grand Rail road and Steamboat Excursion, to Portland, Dalles or Astoria, (as parties Uiay elect), on the 4th of July. C. Mealey's new ad. will reecirc at tention next week. Blah, Youso & Co. Are receiv ing goods by almost every steamer, thus keeping up the very large and varied assortment of goods with which their shelves and counters are eon- gtantly filed, and their unsurpassed , benefit of water-power to run his ma CiAiliUes for buy htg goods eiiabletltem ' ehinery. He will continue his shop to sell at prices that suit all. We can assure our renders and friends tliat nowhere cau they do better, and cor dially invite them to call ou these geu tle;uen and "see for themselves." I . Jopw OlaT, We have had a fair run of job printing during the week. All styles of work executed with neatness and dispatch. We are in receipt of new tto. k. ink", eta, and are better prepared than ever to do food, work. CoUK on with yew printing. Letter from H akri'MUC. A let ter from Harrisbnrg, signed J. C. Suorignra, mailed to the Demoent with a request to hand to us if refused Insertion in its columns, lies before us. 1'be letter is devoted to Xesuitth's speech in tlmt place on the 17th. We i have room only for tlie closing para- IMU 1 ,rrll . ,, 'He denounced tlie whisky and avaricious ring in a sarcastic vein; said t luil tlie whisky trullic demanded every effort of reform, etc. lint just here Mr. N. relaxed his dignity in catering to tlie ear of tlie whisky ring; said tliat legislation could not. nor never kid, aided moral sua -Ion iu tem perance reform, and fed tlie perverted pas-ion witlia little false and truckling jest concerning tlie whimsical prestige of the State Temiierance Convention, ,,lc. j K?rn.i to thus speftk of so worthy a Democrat. Rut, sir. 1 am blind to the consistency of this parade about Reform, while we yet impugn tlie most eihVient means." Wimhis Kka I i i;- AND MoWKRJ the most wonderful Improvements ot the present age. The success with which the above jn tly celebrated liia cblnes have met With throughout the entire world should be sufficient guar antee to convince the most skeptical of their true merit. They, without a (pie-tion ofdoilhf, have received more encomium- by way of award-, medals, tir-t premiums anil flattering testimo nials from the press, in this and for eign countries, than any other ma chines extant. As proof of litis state ment it affords us pleasure to state, iu this connection, ih.it at the great field trial at Owatonna. Minnesota, b. hi in I uly and Aupi-t. IsTl. the oHicersof the State Agricultural Society being the judges; the competing machines at this trial were the t'launpioii. Buckeye, Met ormick's Advance, Excelsior, Ker by. LittleChaniplon, Harsh Harvester, Johnston, Williams, Ac, &c. a list of competitors that any one might well be proud to lead, at this trial like all others, the highest prize, the Grand Oold Med al, was awarded to the Woixls' Ma chine. Iu 1S71 the Japanese govern- inent sent their agent or commissioner to this country, and amomig the vari ous machines he examined be selected ; the Woods, as the most complete Rea per aud Mower, and took tlieni back 1 to Japan with him. The head putters ' anil deMit for these Machines U located at the warehouse of V. 1!. Conistock & Co., at toot ot I'.llswoith street. District Attornkt. Our candi date for District Attorney. Capt. X. B. Humphrey, is one of the most popular men hi I. inn countv. and will doubt less lead his ticket by many votes. In the social circle he lias few equals ; as a business; man he is prompt, hont and reliable; his ability as a lawyer is unquestioned, as those wlio know him best will vouch, aud If elected - , i..,,.,, ,ii,. 1 I' 1 J t e , v. uu .i.'iim wii tin .1 v . ii , he will make the most popular and thorough ofllcer the district lias ever had. Mentally, morally and physical ly lie is far superior to bis opponent. Shaw, and we fully and freely endorse him as our candidate, and predict his result in June as certain. Indians Small Pox. Quite a lit tle breeze was raised during the week, ow ing to the circulation of the report tiiat the Indians at Siletzhad the small pox, and tliat there were a number of Indians camped on the outer edge of the city who were supposed to have recently came from and belonged to Siletz. Our city authorities were ap pealed, to and we beleve did, at otiee inform the Superintendent of Indian Affairs of the presence of these Indians, and requested tlieir immediate remov al. We arc informed that tlie few In dians here at present left the agency liefore the prevalence of the dreadful disease, and are therefore free from the infection. The authorities should see to It that no more Indians are al lowed to leave tlie reservation until the small pox disappears. Inducing Indians to return to tlie reservation, when they know that small pox pre vails tliere. is almost impossible, as there is nothing more dreadful to an Indian than the small pox. Work. Disaffection in the Demo- cratic ranks is daily growing wider and wider. There are candidates nn- on the ticket that honest, conscientious meu cauuot support ; and if Republi cans will work with the zeal the gieat cause deserves, from now until tlie evening of tlie day of election, we sliall come out victorious sound, hon est, canalilc, reliable men will be placed In office ; the heavy burden of taxation which now hangs over us. will be reduced, aud tlie land will once again rejoice with fatness under Republican ruK Gone toJeefersqn. John Metzler has removed his chair factory to Jeff erson as lumber for ulailrs Is much handier at that point, and be has the In this citv, at the old place, where turning caitbe obtained as usual, ami any quantity of cliairs purchased. ...... 1 1 Attorney General Williams. As we go to press at an early hour on Thursday, It U Impossible tor us to give even au outline of Attorney Gen eral William's speech. Suffice It to say that It was a masterpiece of sound logic and anoiment, the effects of which will tell favorably upon (Ik vote hi Linn county hi June. OI HAKBUMtl MU uriTt.K. llARitlsmo. May 21, 1872. KbiTOti BllCWVta i A large (?) and ; enthusiastic (?) crowd greeted ex-Sen-utor Nesinith aud his body -guard. C. G. Curl, Esq., at tlieir appointment at this plan- on Friday, 'be 17th hist. Mr. Curl opened tlie "discussion," devoting nearly all his time to the "Lock and Dam Swindle." He said that the offer of the P. T. Co. was en tirely different to the bill which pass-; ed tlie Legislature; tliat while tlie present company, according to the terms of tlie contract, have to con Struct tlie works rhirjlftf "stone, iron and cement." tlie P, T. Co. proposed to build a slide or inclined plane, with a stationary engine at the top. Said the people wanted something more substantial than this, and hence the passage of this act. which "would con stitute one of the brightest pages iu tlie history of Oregon Legislation.'' , He gave us to understand tliat the P. T. Co. could not have done the work if they had oil'eivd to have done it for twi iWAiw uitd a half. Tw o or ' three attempts were made to cheer the speaker, but they could not -raise the wind," Until he set down, when they stamped long and loud. Xext came tlie Colonel, who said that Inasmuch a- Judge Wilson had failed todi-cuss Republican Plat form, he Would do that thing for Mr. Wilson, and commenced with the sec-, ond resolution. He compared Grunt's admiui-t ration to that of Buchanan's, aud said While under the latter, in one year's time, fifty-five million dollars were unaccounted for. Under the pres ent more than eiyltt:i Million dollar Aud&WH nbjlen. Under the present ad ministration the Indian Department alone costs the government two mill km dollars more per annum than any former administration had doiav.(ac-j cording to Ne-niitli. and that, loo. when the Indians are constantly de- ; en asing. and at the present ratio he contemplated with tear what the last Indian would cost, lie next took up 1 the tariff question, and sMke of the j protection it afforded to American in dustry; said lie liad visited the Cus tom Mouse at Portland, and there found Scott and a lot of big huskies sitting hi easy chairs, "protecting American industry." He told us what he knew of Robinson Crusoe, Christopher Columbus, Alexander Cor tex, etc., etc., but said tlieir names "sunk into insignificance aud paled tlieir ineffectual tires, on the altar of his memory, be fore such men as Scott aud bis great big huskies protecting I American industry."' But your space will forbid me following the speaker through all his remarks. Strange to say. neither of tlie speakers touched on the so-called litigant act. Tlieir efforts were lioth very weak and futile, and will not add much to tlie cause of Democracy in this precinct. The I'uiotl Sunday School picnic, befit last Saturday near llalsey, was a very pleasant affair under tlie circum stances, tlie exercises being conducted in i he open prairie, without any shade, except the canopy of heaven. Able addresses were delivered by Dr. Marsh, ot Forest Grove, aud Rev. C. W. Shaw, of Albany. The exercises were interspersed with music by the different schools, during all of which the liest of order prevailed. About noon the great Crowd, which was va-. riottsly estimated at from 1,0(10 to 8, 000, repaired to tlie creek and divided off into little squads, and then partook of dinner iu regular picnic style. Af ter dinner tlie Harrisburg Base Ball Club played a short game ; then tlie people were again called back to the stand, where each school sang a few pieces, which concluded the exercises. We think everybody must have gone home feeling satisfied with tlie day, and tliat they had been to the picnic of ihv season. Geo. Cunningham and J. M. Shelley were last Sunday fleeted delegates from tlie Harrisburg Sunday School, to attend the .Sunday Scliool Conven tion to be held at Albany, on the &th inst. K. C. li. Consulting Room. Messrs. R. C. i Hill & Son have petitioned off a neat j little consultation room in the soutli west end of their drug store, for tla; use aud special convenience of physi cians and their patient.-, which fact will be appreciated by them. Tlieir stock ol dings medicines, etc., is full and complete. Kntekitose Ourgoabead and stir ring druggists, Messrs. A. Carotla;rs A Co.. are the lirst to employ female assistance in tlie way of clerks. They have in I heir employ Miss May Hannan who waits upon all who desires a re freshing draught from their refreshing Artie soda fountain. Holi.owat'8 Pills are a sure remedy for all sexual complaints and may be taken by females of all ages who are suflbrlug from a disorganized system, or those distressing diseases in particular which frequently occur (from Inattention) at tlie turn of life. They are so mild that the most deli cate female may take them with safety. 16 cents per box or pot. t he Unuwrnry nu t kwaltow K. N. IlAliltisi'.t lit;. May 20th. 172. KiMToit Kkuisikh: In your issue ; of the 10th inst., 1 noticed a commii- ideation from Mr. Snodgrass. of this Dlace, iu which he has something to ! say about the reforming candidate for County Judge, IdsdoUy renewing the pledge. Ac. Since tliat time Messrs. Tandy. Hoult ami May have been laboring aye. 1 might say lmjiinij Mr. S. to get Mm to publicly retract what he said, iu the item above'' referred to. and have at last succeeded In getting him to agree to send a statement to the DnmttCnA to Hie effect that he was. to say the lea-t. too hasty in making such statements; thereby leaving the public to the belief that Judge Tandy neither drinks nor gambles1. But l think Mr. Snodgrass w ill lie too care ful of his reputation to come out and say that w believes any stich thing. Bttt w hy do not Hoult and May "rise to explain," and make au honorable showing ot this matter? Will nV.v dare say that Judge Tandy is not a drunkard and gambler? I hereiitBriu, and am prepared to prove every word I siy, tliat tii ( Inili; and further, that he has been known, more than once, wlien he has tout a bet, to make the party refund the money, by threaten ing to replevy it. Xow, I appeal to you. fellow Dem ocrats of Linn, is this the man we are to elect to the most Important office in the county ? I say no. I am a Dem ocrat; advocate the principles of Dem ocracy, and believe in voting the straight ticket, as a general thing; but when such a man as this wines before the Democracy, asking their suffrage, I, tor one, "lieg leave to be excused," and I am satisiicd that many others will do the same, if they will hut in form themselves upon this subject. 1 believe the time has come, when we should vote for men, for such Offices, instead of voting the straight ticket, regardless of who may be placed there on. S?MAXSFIELD. The Km ten i at Ai.baky. Our people have determined to celebrate the coming fourth of July iu an ap propriate manner. Tlie Albany Brass Baud has been secured to furnish mu sic through the day, an oration will be delivered, and other arrangements will lie made to secure to all who come and celebrate with us a good time. The celebration will transpire at the grounds of the Linn County Agricult ural Association, which will be fitted up specially to entertain the vast crowd who will attend. Everybody, far and near, w ho wishes to enjoy an old-fashioned fourth of July celebra tion) is cordially invited to be with us then and there. Following the cele bration of the Fourth, the race-track on the Fairgrounds will be thrown open, for two days (the 5ib and 6th), to all desiring to ascertain the speed of tlieir horses. Liberal purses w ill lie offered both for racing and trotting. This fact will no doubt attract a large crowd, and lively times may be ex pected. There are several line horses training on the track at present, among them some of the finest Cali fornia horses, and more are expected. More ok What Horace Knows Anon' Farmine. Xoodlcs should he planted on moist soil the moi-ter the lietter iu bills four feet apart, a good healthy male and female to each hill, r.nd covered with a Mackinaw blanket. TIk: usual yield is about a large pit full to the hill under favorable cir cumstances more. For soiin thev are ; gtf mftM,. to le f,,,,t c iles.M;,lke oysters. No other food should lie used. In my inaugural 1 shall de mand that this lie made the national diet. My Oral official act will be to plant all the swamp lands to noodles, from Which may he exmrted enough to pay the national debt iu two years. besides furnishing subsistence to each family in tlie Union gratis. At the end of my administration they will ' have taken sih.Ii a hold msm tlie popu- lar stomach, that the people will clani ! or for my re-election and as a public j benefactor, how can I refuse? General Aitleoate. We learn tliat Gen. 'Ltdi Applcgate will deliver a speech In the Court House in this eity one evening next week, doe no tice ot which will be given by posters. It will lie one of tlw most entertaining speeches of tlie canvass, and of course, no one will willingly miss listening to one of Oregon's most talented orators. Will not Make the Canvass. We are Informed that Judge Cranor In all probability will not be able to make the canvass, as he is still very weak from recent illness. We liave heard the names of both Asa Jones Esq., and Judge Johns mentioned as the persons to take Judge Crauor's place. A Bell From New York. We learn that tlie members of the U. P. Church iu Brownsville have a church bell, weighing some men hundred pounds, on Its way hither from Seneca Falls, New York, where it was cast. Jt'DOB Boisk. Hon. R. P. Boise , will address tlie citizens of tlds city, at j the Court House, this (Friday) even ing, on the political issues ot tlie day. We Iwpe to see tlie house crowded. Especially do we hoie to see tlie liar lulls) of our eity Iu attendance, ( mv all, and listen to an able ami interesting discussion. HAIL, Glouioi s Sl'ltlsti : Articles I urcsuuciicu ny me etmor nt tne berrb. An article on Spring chickens, for instance, would i lie acceptable ; anil if any one feels a delicacy in undertaking the task, let him or her present us with the pullets. and we will graciously write tlie arti cle for him. Grand Excursion ox thk Foihth. Following are the rates of fare to all points and return : Port- As'o- Cm- lnl Inn l. via. in U's. Us. Frin raicenp ft ivtni ftl.OO ts. .1 s 00 fM .linir, ion llairtaliiug llulscv Albany JetreiNon Marion Turner's Rnloih Brooks l Nervals llu'ilmrj Ampi I ire-inn City CUicknmtis M0 " 5.S) a.HU " 4.(l) " .1 .VI J-.'', :l IK) t.'S " i i' ' -loo 1.73 " 1.50 .50 8.08 T.TJ 7..0 ti.'iO n.m .1.71 5..'S) 4.71 4.0 4,5i 4.00 8.2i Sim .11 U.llll 8 7 7.110 li 11 5...0 fi.ii .r.i 4 75 i.K 4.1X1 .1.7.1 5 TO i.7.5 2.10 8 'SI 7.50 7.00 6.7 i ..() fi.i". 5.7-. S.50 5.25 5.110 4.J1 4X10 DOLI.Y VaupESS. For the latest "Dolly Vardens" go to Mrs. fit. D. Godley's, where you will find a neat assortment of the latest millinery of all kinds. Mrs. G. w ill be in receipt of new goods next week in fact every two weeks witnesses new additions to her handsome stock. Esl l.t IA1.LY iti k Ladies. -The la- cles arc especially invited to attend the meetings and listen to the speech ' es of the opposing caialidates for the i Legislature. They will be warmly i welcomed. Come out. bv all means. Rase Ball Match. -The two Base Ball Clulis of Corvallll and the two of this city play match games to mor row, the feather-weights in the morn ing, and the firsf-nftiers at 2 o'clock P. M. Rare sport for the boys may !c expected. ReIH'CED. Frank Wood has made a great reduction iu the price of horse shoeing, etc. Call and see him. Pahaoramlet; -Slight rail i fa II on Wednesday night. Frank Redtield and family Lewiston, I. T., iu a few days, go to to re- side. Mart. Brown is able to lie out again. II. M. Brown. Republican candidate fir Sheriff, was in the city Thursday. Read the new advertisements. Our schools are prospering finely very largely attended. Judge Baber is building a fine resi dence on Ills farm five miles south ol this city. Strawberries are ripe, and said to be plentiful. George Young is on his pegs again after a severe illness. Messrs. Warner and Roberts are on ; their way home from the East. Dr. Hire and family had arrived at Lapwai all right and hi tine spirits at 1 last Recounts. ; Mrs. Anderson Cox and daughter, j of Walla Walla, arrived iu Albany. I on a visit to relations, on Tuesday. We hear of scores of Democrats all ! over the county who refuse to vote for ! Judge Tandy. Frank Purdnin, severely hurt at the ! fire at Corvallis last week, is about again. Our colored school is largely attend ed, aud is in a flourishing condition. W. H. McFarlaud A Co. are iu re ceipt of many novelties in the line of stoves tinware, etc.. which should be examines) by the public If you wish to purchase one of those superb Singer Sewing machines, call at A. Carothers A Co.'s. 'Vlwy liave, also, a second-hand Grover A Baker for sale low. Judge Powell, who liad liecn unwell for some time past, last week Started for the mountain to try the bracing air aud pure water to lie found there. A large party of onr lioys start on a six week's hunt iu the mountains im mediately after the election. Fverybody wears Dolly Vardoji liats alio1 it this time of year. Oh, fashion, fashion ! No special change in the market price of produce. The rains that have fell occasionally in the last two months liave done the business, and wheat has fairly jumpi d out of the ground. Tlie prospect for large crops arc magnificent. Milt. Beach has removed to Buena Vista with his elegant stock of goods, instead of Lebanon as at first antici pated. Frank Wood has for sale the cele brated Wood Reaper and Mower, Seed Drills, Plows, Wagons, etc., for sale at his shop on corner of Ells worth ami Second streets. Hon. B. P. Boise addresses the citi zens of Brownsville on Saturday. Give him a rousing tarn out. Window shades. Chinese matting, kitchen safes, liook-cases, hat-racks cupboards, china closets, washstaials, lounges, Window cornice, picture frames, spring beds, bedding, aud cab- iuetware of all kinds, at low figures, at Clias. Mealey's, Gils. Lay ton has moved into his new store, and lias arranged his wares in au attractive and tasty maimer. Iliu groceries, provisions, etc.. fresh and cheap, TheCorvallls Base Bill Club. Ath letic, and the Albany Club, (JUickstep, play a match game in the city to-morrow, commencing at 2 o'clock P. M. Blain, Young & U0. have another arrival of new goods, "i'p to the tiiiie." is no name for it they're al ways ahead. A large and enthusiastic audience in attendance at the Const House on Thursday to hear Attorney General Williams. Buyers are iwyftg 45c per pound for wool. Mr. Clement, one of our baseball ers, fell and hurt his rieht arm severe ly, while playing the national game, on Tuesday. D 1 K It. Iii this city. May 17th, 1S72, Racficf, Wife of John Briggs, aged ."d years. Mrs. Briggs was bom hi the parish of Hunslet, borough of Leeds, in the West Killing, the county of York, Kuglaml, She was au exemplary Christian, beloved by all who knew U:r. She leaves a large circle ol friends to mourn her loss. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, RKAI. ESTATE DEALER, Xo. 61 frvut Street, Portland, Or. REAL ESTATE ill thisCJTYuinl EAST PORTLAND, tn Hit- most i)siltt IikhU ties, coasisilti'.' of LOTS, BALK HlAH'KH, and BLOCKS, IKH'SKSaut STORES ; also, IMPROVED FARMS, and valoa'ilenn euliiviue l LAX1-S, located tn ALLrarlsof Hie STATE tor SALE. REAL ESTATE, and oilier property, rimvlltlsoU t'orcorrcsjioielf nts. in thMTTA iiml lliroafttioiil Hie STATE ami TERRI TORIES, wiili urea care and on ilie most ADVAXTAOEul S TERMS. HOl'SEB and STORES leased, LOAX9 SEfiOTIATED, aud CLAIMS OF ALL I E BCRIPTIONS I'lhiMPTl.Y COtUSCTKD: and a uimuml FINANCIAL and AGENCY BUSINESS I nin suet t il. AGENTS of tills OFFICE, in all tlie ft- TtESaud TOWNS in tlie STATE, will ir eelve itesertuifons of FARM PROPERTY and I'orwiii'd Ibe same to the aliove ad dress. ti 3 A. WHEELER, OREUOX, Forwarding & Commissioii Merchant. Agent for the sale of I he celebrated BAIN WAOON, anil all kinds of AORUT'I.TI R U. MACHINERY. Consiipliueiits solicited. TOWN LOTS, tn the town of Sheilil, for sale, R. VAX HEX IIKIMUI-S Infaltiblc Worm Syrup. Its valne.hl nmovlnu: nuissesof cnulftii-si from the stomach One! bowels of children, even wlien worms do not exist, (iiiuiot lie loo highly estimate 1. Fever hikI Agile. lVrsmis liococuiiifr do. btltfa'ed by the presence of worms in (h stomach or bowels, are more liable lohavu a protracted course ot chills ami fever. The worm remedies luvvc Uvn known lo cure when nil oilier rcim-lies have faffed, especially in rhlMren. For salebv A. Carol Iters ,t Co., wholesale and retail urnicgtsts, Albany, Or. I'rkie One Inllnr)irr!xlllf. V4na0iilll Sew To-Dny. URAXD FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION TO BK QIVKN BV T1IK CITlKE.Ms OF AB.lt AM, AT TIIK uxx roi'Tt FAIR GROUNDS 1 oxiu:n OF EXEMIHEM t The jiroeesHlon will be fonneilatQo'eloelc A. M., in front of the t'omt House, ill the. following order: National Colors. Allmnv Itniss u,md. ORATOli OF TIIK DA V, (C.(J. Curl, Bsq., of Snieni.l RKAIIKK OF TIIK IIR I.AKATION, I apt. N. 11. Ilinnpliivv.l Aiinou Fire Depart uienl (in full uniform). The Various Simdny (XhoOls. Invited Ouests and CUiaens, I'pon arriving Bt the Fair Grounds, the Ilouiaralfuu of indopendeneo wlfl be rend by ('apt. N. B. Humphrey, and 1111 oiiilion delivered by C. tt. Curl, Ksq., of fuleni, afler wliieh Ibe festivities ofine dny, con sisting of Music In the ruvlllon, Dancing, Croquet, Ruse Hall, clc., will commence. Marshals will lie appointed to nrcoerve order, mid no liorse-nicing, dniiikeniiess, or disorderly COWtttel will lie tolrrntKl Oil the Fitir (.rounds. Atlrahslon to the Ursmiifct rrre. BeftaataWBta on Ilie fnlrUronnOVi. On Hie Flflh nnd Sixth days of Jnly, a nnine of ssm will lie eoul;Hte.l for, nceoi'd- in; ng to progniinnie. C"A cordial InvMiiiion In oxlended to nil. SOTM'E. Parties who were weiipylng huuU in the "Unind Roudv nnd sile'z Re non'es," In tlM-Slate of Oregon, In theyeum isvv'ii, nod hud to tiimmton tile seine In ronwMpieuee of snlil Rvwrves having liecn w.-lecteil by tlie C S. lor the sell lenient of ti' Uogue River Indians, will please mad their addresses, loi'f.irlhorcorrcsiioiii'.ciic, to K. VC. DOWN MAX, At t'y, lk.x HI,, Washs Ington Ciiy, II. C. ;nt4 SVIH lAIi IKS : Itrewi TrtaMmlnffii. -An exf cnidve vn rluly of Mk, sullu, ititton mul woolen dress IciwDilngs, iilwiy in stwrv, CklRnon.-ltct Mtyhw ceir?mitlT on hand, at low figures. MlwrllaniiMM. -I.rnbigii and fliidlngs of aU gradca mid qualities n full ushhi. ment. JACONKTS, Ml SUNS, KMBROIDKEIES. DIAI'KR IJNKN. Kill AND A IX OTHER VAR1KTIKS OF GLOVKS, UOSK ETC., AT PRIME CONT. MKH.IL IK GODI.KV. Albany, Hay , MR.