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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1872)
JOB P151XTING. THE! ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AXI IIAM V It E S S E S Latest Midmost Desirable gtylCs of Printing Material, l? undoubtedly min? litt:d i XTfl TO iO Poll When von wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels But why partta1ariJ, when it Is gen erally acknowledged tint we are ON IT When it conies under the hcul of To i convince yourself of the truth of the above statements, you lwve only to call (or send a hand c companled by three stamps to lay return postage) when we will astonish you with t he capacit y of the Reg ister office for tloittg COLORED or Plain work, and tlie re markable ele gance exhll) Ited by the Boss iu Corraling the stamps for the same wlKn ilnished. When you have "biz" in our line, call. A hint to the sufficient Is Wise as a blind kick's horse, or words to tliat effect. XYSTERS, SARDINES, It EI) HERRING, ' Jf jddah,eW.,Jnt received by ' ranting DBUGS, ETC. EO. F. SKTTLF.M1L11, DRUGGIST, (Successor to D. W. Wakefield), Purrlsh's New UnlMing, First Street, ALBANY, OREGON. Denier in DRUGS AND ME1MCISE8. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC All article warranted pore, and of the itcst quality Phvsirians prescriptions carefully com poun'ded. Albany, w. i, isos-mf NTOVES, BTO. W. II. M'FARLAXI) & CO., Opposite the hotels, Alluiiiy, Oregon, SUCCESSORS TO O. P. TOMPKINS A CO. STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pump. LEAD AND IRON PIPE, ECollo-OT "Waro, HOI SE VI KNIMIIX; IIAItDW ARE Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. I.AIM.I VI NTIH K IN THE VALLEY. Lowest Prices Every Time. Repairing Properly Done. 40vS FRUIT TREKS. Frnll Trees, Grape Vines, Ac. HTI1E I'NDKRSKiNED INVITES THE 1 attention of the public to his large and complete slock of APPLE, FEAR, PLfM. (II Kit It Y and other TREES. Also, GRAPE VI Es lestiu the State: Ornamentul Tree-, Shrubs. Plants. Cm rants, (HtoselK'rri' ?. Si raw I terries, Roses, Uuhltas and Uulbt which will he sold a low a" llrst-class stoek can be afforded Nov. it.Vh.v4 J. A. MILLARD. HARDWARE, NEW FIRM! W. II. Ki ll & C O. Have Just received a large and well select ed stock of HARDWAHE, Such ns Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, CONSIST1NN OF -ANVILS VICES. I1EL lows, hammers, sledges, saws, planes, cross cur and mill hows; together with a large ASSORTMENT OF IRON ANO STEEL, Nails, springs, axles, thimble-skeins, bolts, etc., etc., etc. A well srlertcd Hiork of Wagon Timbers S POKES, III Its llcut rims, shafts, polos, hickory axles, etc. All of which are now Offered to the nub llcut low rates. As we make the business a specialty, we out and will keep a letter assortment, itt lower prices, than any house In I his city. Alsoreeelvhnr and opening, a largo and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we offer at reduced rate". W. 11. KtJHN A CO., Montelth dec-proof brick, l'lrst street. March li, 70-47 BLANK DEEDS, MORTliAOES, ETC., on hand latent at lea -Mid for sole low, at this office, SOW IS THE TIME! XOXE i'OO POOR TO BUY IT The Cheapest Live Newspaper on the Pacific Coast ! THE Albany Register An I iiibl 1'hkc Weekly Newspaper, CONTAINING FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS of matter, written and selected to meet tlie wants and tastes of all varieties of people. The REGISTER is printed on new and elegant type, contains a carefully written digest of tilt! news of tlie week, both loeal and general ; i plain and outspoken on all matters of political Importance, while Its columns contain a fair -haiv of literary and miscellane ous muling, etc., etc, making it the most attractive paper in Oregon. Tlie REGISTER Is offered to sub scribers, from HOW until lite close of ilie volume, For the extremely low price of ONE DOLLAR, Which puts it within the reach of all. Will not the friends of tlie RKOISTEH make a vigorous effort to pnt into die hands of all their neighbors, as at the price it is tlie cheapest newspaper pub lished on the Pacific coast ? DRY-GOODS & UROCKHIKS. NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS I J. MILT. BEACH Is now oiening a Selected Stoek of Cieiieriil Merchandise, Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing! GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Crockery and Glass Ware, HOOTS AND KIIOKN, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC.. ETC., , t ND IS OFKKRINH THK (i()DS TO J the public al prirjescorrenpondingw ith the times. Wll kinds of merchantable produce taken iii exchange tor goods. Come one. come all, and examine prices, at the old stand, formerly occupied by D. Reach A Son, opimsitc Foster's brick, south side First street, Albany, Oregon. 81vS (1ROCERIE8 AND PROVISIONS) In full T supply, just received by 3v4 DfllOls. FIRE! I I 851". ! I I It i; ! A Ntlteh In Tlura Have Kine." UNION Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Nos. 416 and 418 California St., SAN Flt.VNCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Klorkhohlcrs ludlvMually Liable. Cash capital, in gold coin, -Deposit In Oregon, - - - - 750,000 00 60,000 00 Losses promptly and equitably ad justed, nnd PAID IN COLD COIN. 'I'HIS COMPANY HAVING COMPLIED 1 wkh the laws of Oregon, by ulaklng a deposit of tlftv thonsund dollars, i now prepared tqottfeel Insurance against lossor damage by lln', Snd also against marine and inland navigation risks, on lilicml terms. HL3TAVE TOl'CHARD, President. CHAS. D. Havkk, Secretary. J. C. ME NDENHALL, Agent, Albany. Allauiy, 187MS DRUGS, ETC. Murder In Albany TTASNKVER YET BEEN KNOWN, AND 1JL no threatening of it at present. Death Is n tiling winch sometime must befall everysnu ami daughter of the human fhni ily ; and yet, At the Mid-duy, ; Of your life, if disease lays his vile hands upon you, their is still "ti Iwlm iu tdlcHd." by which von may he restored to perfect ; hinlth, and prolong your days ton miracu- ! Iniu extent. Ity culling on It. C HILL A. SOX, With a prescription, Where you inn have ; it compounded by one experienced In thai pari leular line. Also, constantly on band ii irood assortment of trash draft, patent medicine-, chemicals, paints, nils, dyc- i siuuh, irusscs, etc. Agents tor l ne i Celebrated I Ilk Weed Reined) , Or, Oregon Rheumatic Can); Dr. 1). Jayue : A Sons' medicines, eta Spruce's Positive and Negative Powder ! kept iiwotoek. Also agent n the Home Minnie Senium Machine, One of the most useful piocea of household ' furniture extant. Call and examine. It. CHILL A SON. Allmnv, June in. 71-WvS KOCXDKY. ALBANY FOLXDKV And Machine Shop, A.F.CHERBY I'roprielor, AI.IUVV, OREGOX, Mamifacfuies Steam Engines, Flour uiul Saw mill H-liiu- erj, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IKOK AND BRAM.H 4 AS'IINUN. Part leular attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery, 4lv3 MISCKI.I.AXKOl'S. '. M. ( AHTWKirJIIT. ('. WESTLAK F. A. B. Monms. CARTWRIGIIT, WESTLAKE & MORRIS, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS ! ALBANY, OREGON, Have constantly on hand a large and vari ed assort ment of Agricultural Machinery. which they offer on the most reasonable terms. Also, on bund the celebrated Mitchel Wagon, Light and heavy. AdvnDCca mndc on Urnln, Wool, andotliernppi'oved merchandise consign ed for sale here, or for shipment to Port land or San Francisco. GRAIN and WOOL Taken In store, or purchased at the high est market price. WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL 500,000 pounds of Wool ! For which we will make Hlicral advances, and pay the highest market price in cash, CARTWRlOirr. WESTLARE MORRIS. Albany, March 15-48 SAX I'KAXCISCO- AGRICULT'L In the Field Again. TRE ADWELL & CO. with the old standard HARVESTING MACHINES so Npular with all California farmers, with all the Intent Improvement, and many new oucs for t he Imrvest of "72. The Wood's Prlasc Mowers and Wood' Improved Kcir-Rnke UenperH. These- mac hines are Indisputably THE ISEST IN THE WORLM. Asaharves er. the WmmIh Improved Prlae Mower Is confessedly without an aqua) yet before the country. These ma chines liave lieen improved since first In trodnwi, un.'II thev are now almost en tirely n u ::w inwehlne. They are made by Walter A. Wood ithe largest manu facturer of Farming Machinery In the world) -a man who keeps "up with the times, " and who now builds ami sells over twenty-live tlLoiiNimd of the World's Prise Mowers annually, it led the w orld at the Paris Exposition, and has found no poerslme. The World's Improved Prize Mower Is esis-ciallv adapted to Oregon. It has a t"nldliif'.orointodl tmt with lliilld l"V er, two wlieclN. spring seat, and Is made almost, entirely of nmllenlile iron, bard wood andatei'l. It isiev.v,lrougand ilurnl) le. and though compact and power ful, is of lighter draft than the other ma chine of canal weight, it Isovcryway tint Hie Mower for Oregon, as every farmer will say whohasone. And Its price l nn it fr,,ni ', to tll les l tian is asked for an inferior machine. Farmers, will yon I pay that (Utterance? investigate before j vouhuv, and sec If you are gutllug any ihlpg for that fjtropnjfil for it It ptotlt, as do Mower costs more to build than dot Vok1's. Send for a pamphlet before buy- " "Buy llic Bcsi." Buy the Mood's Improved Prlac Mower ! We oft'er also the GENUINE HAiNE'S HEADERS, from 10 to l"i feet cut, Improved by Walter A. Wood, having not onlynH the advant- ages ofthe old Illinois tniu nine,oiu wihmi s Improvements, and also Oonnc'H Adjtisf -able Keel. tj'-No other Header has these Improve ments, and no other parties sell them. Thev are made especially for this cixist, by Wood, at Hoosick Fall. N. Y. The Klrby Scir-Rakc Reaper and Mower. These machines are too well known to nitfl desert nt Ion, A Iso t he "K 1RR V ( 'LI P-oi-'K MnWKM" nrlce t7 Ilie cheaiM'st and for mjmy purposes the best in the I market. The Headier" Is the perfcvtlon ofthe Portable Engine. As a Threshing Engine they have long led all others, until now scarcely any other is to be found. Taken w ith the Russell's Thresher, (IMPROVED) they make the most complete set of thresh ing machinery in the world. "The litis aell," as improved, cannot lie equalled in the country. We are sole agents tor Die sale of these celebrated threshers,and have had them built expressly for this . east. Ask any (Sinner who has a Russell 1 hrcsh cr, what he thinks of It. Mrt'oriulrk's Reaper, Jone'x .flows. Wagon, H. a.lcr Truehs, Russell and Planet Horse Powers, Hnj Pretties, Forks, Sieythes, Nuullies, fulilvatom, Ac, Ac, Ac siludebakcr Farm Wagons, 1 1 lim it Horse Rakes, Anew lot of several car loads, just recelv- il ; with also every uesaripuou in Farming Implements mida fnsli stix'k of HARDWARE, HOPE, NAILS, MINING GOODS, MILLMEN S and FARMER'S MACHINERY & FINDINGS. KT Plcac send for circulars and prices. TREABWELL CO., Mark, I situ Francisco. Head of Front St. ( April I'.KHmt To tike Citizens of Brownsville and Vicinity. Til E CNDEItsltiNED WOCLD AS nnnnce that they are INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES for the purchase of all the "W O O Xa they, can get, for which they will pay the Highest Market Price In Cash or Hoods. Also, they have a full stoelt'of F. N CHAli MEKt I1ANIWISI. on hand, which thev offer at lowest rates for CASH or PRODl'CE. KIRK, ni'ME CO. P. ft. Call on us before rloslnc (Or your Wool. Brownsville, March 96, 72-30ma mm fjjr SuhseHbers finding an X after their nainesare Infonned thatthcirsnbscrlptlon expires with that number, and they are in vited to renew It. Terms-- per annum, Inadvnnee; six months,!; three months, tL tiT Lvnl fenders received at par from snltscrihrrs In the Eastern S'.ateS. A Doetar'a Yrh-fc. if we have any eross-eyed boy read ers, perliap they will like fo re 'ad this little Ineitfent wbieh is related in tin; Ecniny Mail: A Mirgeon of this city was ooee driving DOUie, with a tnediciil friend, from one of the large np-town hospi tals. He had just been performing :i eritieitl operation upon the eye. As he passed one ot tlie villages of shan ties tliat we have ileserlls'ii he notictxl a company of ragged children playing upon the rack unkempt little roseals who gnmboJled like so many wild goats upon the broken ground. One of tbenl was cross-eyed. The surgeon east a professional glantv upon him. and Immediately oonoelved tl Itlea of playing a scientific joke upon the youngster for his licitertt. Belittling up his horse, he said : "See here, my boy don't you want to have your eyes straightened, so that you will look like the other Istys?'' "Yes. snr!" answered Mickey. "Then jump right up here, and I'll straighten them for you In a half a minute." 5" And the doctor slyly opened his case of Instruments, taking care that the little fellow should not see what he Wits doing. Mike approached the carriage with the suspicious step of childhood, but the commanding air of the surgeon magnetized Mm, and he liegau to climb the steps of the brougham. Just then he caught a glimpse of the glittering steel and endeavored to re treat, but he was too late, The two doctors seized their struggling prize atyi pinioncil mm between tlieiu. lho other youngsters looked on. a ring of horrified spectators, as in a twinkling tlie sharp scalpel Mashed in the lace ot the captive. His screams were of no avail; the adventurous surgeon in stantly made the necessary incision-, and in less than sixty seconds he had performed, somewhat hastily, it is true, the operation for "convergent strabismus, " had straightened the hoy's eyes, against his will, and had set him down among his playmates ag-tln. T-lien touching up his ponies the doctor whirled off ar.und the cor ner before the Indignant parents could arrive upon the scene. The Urent Mission ol' Wouuiit. Blackwood's magazine, one of the most popular literary publications that emlnate from tla- press of the Old World, thus gives its estimate of tlie work assigned to woman : "(Jreat indeed is the task assigned to woman ! Who can elevate it wot to make laws, not to lead armies, not to govern empires ; but to form those by whom laws are made, armies led, and empires governed; to gnaiil against the slightest taint of bodily lu hrmity, the frail, yet spotless urea tares, whose moral, no less than phys ical being, must lie derived from her; to inspire those principles, to incul cate those doctrines, to animate those sentiments which generations yet un born and nations yet uncivilized will learn to bless ; to soften firmness Into mere", and chasen honor Into refine ment ; by a soothing care to allay the anguish ofthe body, and the tar worse anguish of the mind ; by her tender ness to disarm pas-ion ; by her purity to triumph over sense ; to cheer the j scholar sinking under his toil ; to be j compensation for friends that are per i lidous for happiness that has passed ' away. Such is her vocation. Tho i lOttch of the tortured sufferer, tho j prison of the deserted friend, the cross i of the rejected Saviour these arc the atres on which her greatest triumphs, j have been arliicvetT. Such is fier ucs ; liny ; to visit the forsaken ; to tend to j the neglected when nionsrehs aluiu i don. vlieu counselors betray, when ' justice prosecutes, when brethren and I disciples lice to remain unshaken and unchanged, and to exhibit in this low er world a type of love, constant, pure, infallible, which in another we are. j taught to believe the test of virtue, Fob Charlie's Sake. "Sonic years 1 ago, in war time," said Mr. Moody, "a well-known Judge, who interested himself for the welfare of the suffer ing soldiers, resolved that while a certain case was pending, he would turn away all applicants for charity, that he might devote himself wholly to the duties ofthe profession. One day a soldier came; into hi-' office, poorly clad, his fiiee bearing tho deep lines of suffering. Tbe Judge, pretending not to notice him. contin ued Ids work. The soldier fumbled iu his pocket for a long time, and then Iu an uncertain, disappointed voice, as though he saw that he was unwel come, "I did have a letter for you." The Judge acting against the promp ting of a warm, generous heart, made no reply. Presently a thin, trembling band pushed a note along tlie desk. The Judge raised bis face slightly, and was about to say, "I have no time for such matters as those," when he dis covered the writing was that of his own son, a soldier in the army. He took up the note. It rend iu sub stance,: "Dear Father: the bearer is a soldier, discharged from the laispt tal. He Is going home to die. Asi-t him in any way you can, fur C'ltmitYn sate." All tlie tender emotions ot his soul were laid open. He said to a friend afterwards, "I took the soldier to my heart, for Cliarlie's sake ; 1 let him sleep in Charlie's bed : 1 clothed him, aftd supplied hint with every comfort, for the sake of my own dear boy." My friends, God will never turn the needy away without a blessing, for his dear Sou's sake for Jesus' sake ; and a believing prayer, offered In his name will ever prevail before the throne." Honest anil courageous peopi have very little to sav about either courage or honesty. The sun ha no need to boast of Ids brightness nor tho moon of her effulgence,