Stag f&pifS. 1. v OIKrinl Paper Tor Oi . KR1HAY. MAY S, Our i-k!iIii-'i Metaphor. e must express oiirnuniimuoii , at the proficiency displayed by our neighbor Brown, in the last num ber of the Demtkvat, in weaving his immense vocabulary of desonp. tive words mto metaphors. He seems to luxuriate iu them. hey drop from his pliable pen with as nmch ease and smoothness as water rolls from a duck s back. Some , might think he was extravagant m their use , but where the supplv is I 80 la.-ge, it would be niggardly to j rostra,,, them. Hk paper of last week is bloated with them They constitute the ribs, body and blood of nearly every editorial, squib and local. He portrays Judge Burnett panoplaid in impervious armor. In one place he has him armed with a ponderous battle ax, in another he poises and pierces his enemies with a loug lance, lie represents him as engaged in numerous terrific cmbats, is all of which he triumphs most elol'touslv. leavni'' the hatte fields strewn with the dead boilies of his enema's. According t" the Democrat, Judge Burnett is worse than a pestilence in stocking the grave yards of the State. These metaphors, we think, are very good and appropriate as applied to Bur nett. They bring fresh to our mem orv, (Tom our boyhood reading, the wonderful adveutures of his distin guished prototype, Don Quixote De La Maneha. Don has start ed out upon his selt-im posed mission of rectifvtng the wrongs of mankind, We sec him in his rusty, patched up armor; his helmet of tin; his long, wooden lame, and rusty sword. His legs hang dangling on either side of the wind-broken body of his steed, Kosenante, and thus equipped, be wends his way along the dusty roads of Spain in search of adventure : not alone, however, for behind ium seated upon his ht- tie jackass, with the provtsion bag, fo ows the devoted s,neo Panm ; (Brown can never be more faithful ; w uuiwiw, m" ..v Asthe valiant Quixote proceeds, the most insignificant trifles are magui- tied into events of great impor. tance; disasters arc mter)reted as conquests; defeats as victories. In his imagination castles are demol- ished ; prince and princes are dis-, eneiianteii ; genu are wipea out hobgoblins are gobbled ; the wrongs of mankind are redressed, and the slain of his mighty valor are counted by the score every trivial circumstance and every defeat being magnified by hisdiseased brain into ! these results, and the unsophistieat- .,1 Spore, Sanco, nincompoop ami j bumpkin as he was, accepting the 1 ton's version of them as correct, Don Quixote Uumett, seems to pos- sett a like influence over our good neighbor, lb-own. At least one of j Brown's metaphoric productions of j lat week would indicate as much. ; Brown is no nincomiioop or bump- uu' 1 1 " , ' , aiKl awtl"' m01 f namcs ro is ii r i i ' probably Uirth, who has wvived ijeinge ected to a grmthittht kin, but the idiosyncratic mind of tiic Bi(iealWeeping train-style, Mount Vesuvius is oik? of the Harnett, leading him, as did the and cling to the present cut. Why most celebrated voleauio mountains crazy brain of Quixote, to see in should a few milliners, of more wa-0t Europe, situated some six miles every defeat a victory has had its rice than taste, be permitted to reg- wst ot Naples, Italy. It is thirty influence mn the credulity of te the styles, anyhow? Ladies, nliics in circuit at its base, and is rmuenee upon me creuuniy ,rt ymr, your 3 949 feet i hight. Towns and Brown. Be, like Sanco, is strong fights, and don't submit to the man- villages cover the lower portion of in bis implicit faith. One of his date of this long-trail, dust-raising, tho mountain, and villas and luxuri most L'ranhic metaphors of last week, underskiit-soiling, street-sweeping, at frroves are Scattered over the represents a terrible hobgoblin or T : , . i '.'iii than pipe-stem breeches and bol iienu, M'hieh is denominated Cock- . , . i .1 i. rn 61 ! tailed coats, worn bv the other sex. eyed Corporal, engap!el in a most d'eadly comUt witli Don Quixote j imiirft claim.. Burnett. The coriwrai slashes the Some late dispatches have con yielding air with a glittering seimi. ; veyed the impression thatour Gov ter,or"checse knife," until Quixote eminent has changed its position JUirnett lxt-omes tired of the farce, j lipon t)ie question of indirect dam Then this renowned champion of ; ageS; but this is substantially with Democracy's wrongs, single handed out foundation in fact. The claims and alone, never deigning to j wil1 "otbe withdrawn unless Kng- Ar-..i.oi)' 1 i, : land grants the lwint involved m ".Marshal' a sing e "Democratic , . ,', . . ,. c 0 i the settlement ot the question, ho Man, with wrath iixm his brow we from the aieet Washing- as dark as midnight, "prodded his ton specials. Tlie Government of lance," says Brown, "straight into the United States never expected tlie bread-basket of Cock-eye, com- 10 damages from Great Brit- pletely letting his wind out." Dire JSJti? mishap ! Letting toiW out of a Zwori-basket is a most wonderful neliWotnonl. ITofl- ooilKI1r)fatp ! I Hungry as IuriK?lt is tot official tl- imot, teypMWind to solid food. His Siiire Hrown, liow. :rvor, probably looked closely nt'tor the "bread," Kaiico-Panza- like. Hut we can t help but suspicion that this contest termiu- ated, as did Don Quixote's with ; wind.mnl) ; j 1C fafa lire li'inK'riiU. That the Democracy in this ; comify m moxv ,.,,, usually n. as ,0 tlie prob,blercsnft of the ; .,,, elwtion mRJ. mfn.mX ,,y . ,,0 ,;i.e,,uous exertions which tliey : so early u, make for the pur- pone of kindling enthusiasm among tl,0,H!,oail(1 sinpw the party. Tl,e Mm mVM, fel, t)ie aW Urte mv,ssitv 0f putting forth every txcrtion to rouse the latent interest and energies of the fraternity, aState ; , M ww departure dodges, pas-j ,ivos(.,lomcs,knvl,01.o, and Legisla-; tive iniquities in this state had re-! ducdtliefeelingsoftl,efrty,aiidso t,Hy 0Tgallized t),(.i, clubs long ago, tieir meotings weekly for quite j , mtj, the stiimMrs aiid T spoutersthey had, hail completely I 1 41..... run out ot pomicai soap, ami c jUt. pm of no more club meetings now, and j have our doubts whether those that tlieir mipport ? The Democracy of were held.' never largely attended or I, im, county to-day are not the Dem of much enthusiasm, amonuted to (x.vats of twoyearsago in their feel much in infusing life and confidence j jg8 0f alliance to the party. There in the body of Linn Democracy. If s nothing to indicate that the: they did, the present state of that, body is one of reaction, as it appears deader than ever. Now the Re publican party has no particular need of such stii ring up. I he masses of that party are intelligent men, who think, ami reau, and enooso their principles lor themselves, and acting from honest and intelligent conviction, they need no coaxing or : Hwrnuinff to lie kept in the ranks ; but poor Democracy has a large ele- ment, which must he labored with i and worked over at every election, fiction and sobriety, is not above; to keep them from departing over j censuvc Intelligeut, sober Demo ' into the ranks of the opposition. ; cmts may we1 ,esitJite before they 1 hese exhausted sixuiters of J.mii, i i ti;o.w1v it diK-s not take .Hill IIV-llil .l il iioin nui. u.ii. ,,, , my al, tIi0y knoW) or ,,avt, committcHl,-,nust fill up with ing or other, it doesn't matter w,,at it is s0 it makes a m)ise, and , jry another rouna at warming up , t"e m,terrifled. t'ome, geutlemen, t t0 yjg anotlt.r iire under the Democratic pot, Wc read in an exchange tlt long dresses for street wear are j again uie 'or oFiiiiS I i- 1 3 .3' . C mer. As a inena ami auiiinci the fair sex, we can do no less than ...... ...v,, ,.,,,' Q ft&vlfl Si i i esprewuu. .e.s.v.- unc-omfortable to the wearer, as it must lie, aiai so ri.m-.uiou .w decent to look at, as it sweeps me dust, and mud, and filth from the side-walks and crossings m its on- "wf?iB "" """"'a fashion. '1 he present style of short dresses is both sensible and comlbrt- able, as well as neat and pretty ; and if the ladies would consult their physical comfort as well as looks, they would repudiate the arbitra- dreadful fashion-don't! It's worse , ll.n.. ,.; I ... nr.,1 1 u .1 for the purpose of lmving the ques tion seuicu I'nraiiJ'. Our neighbor of the Democrat jjy enatron to liklc his un- easiness as to the result of the com ing election in this county. It is true that the Democracy carried this county by two hundred majority two years ago ; but the Dmocrat kUOws that times have chanmnl, is sues have changed. The Democra cy of two years ago were dissimilar in their platform principles, in many ,,;,,,, rntm thnn advocated now. Tw0 nJ0 1, lhM tho vnl. I idity ,f tlie Mth and m Am01Ht. ! w,mit the stmnsjc inconsistency of' deiiying ()e rf ,,tof t)e Prefideut U) pnfoTO roi(,nal Wifiat;0 , them, They ,iavc q' na, improvement, 0 t,e xatioIial ! debt, etc. ; and is it not reasonable to wnclM(lo, that while change 1ms ,,w,mc M mwpeaMi a trait ln t,M cMcv 0f Democracy; while its i)(1(,,ltitv is j the multifariousness of its changes ; as its inconsistencies, and emirs, and follies, and. deceptions appear and v.v, in oniclf succession nnon the ! i political landscape, that many of . ..... . . uic iiwm iimiiipni nun uwiiti ion- Webearitiowsmemben of the party will lose ttAUr ami , it..: . a ... l ...M l the more intelligent and conseieii- their resneetfbr it. and withdraw party has grown stronger nun, eric ally, and there is much to show that it has grown weaker. Within the ( last two days we have heard two j )(,lll0crats express their determina- liolto ,v,PUliiato a portion of the Democratic ticket ; and if such is the feeling here, it may lie safely in ferred thata like determination pre vails elsewhere in the county among Democrats of like views. The Dem- norfltic ticket for this county, in x,ilt ot- character, business oualt- ,i,,t;. in,lta TW ,; 1 , . i t . , . . i lnvn lYiaaon to. rf announoed ucxt Junej i , L m M , a feir ,na. jority. fortius, let every Kcpub lican lalor. illaiiiit Vi wiiiiis Eraplinir. Tlie dispatches inform us that this polcbratcd volcano is in a most ter- bleHA well a sirrand state of crn p- Gn new mfm had tieen formed and streams of lava were pouring down the moun- tain sides in different directions. "-;,),, the 2lith, the eruption was m- j . - A ,K.Comi 1()1.e m,mxK tlluiM(i ,men,ut ua I-..,, . burned by tlie lava and flames j which burst from the earth under ! the feet of the inhabitants. The j town of Torra Del Greco was in , m wm ! N The i mmintain si(le were threatened, awl tmmMh of t,e inhabitants j j,aj fted and encamped on the fiehk j jK Wlie js described as sublime i.ijjher terraces, while above these . 1 C I 1... - i succeeds a region 01 aosoiute wasio and sterrilitv. The apex of the mountain is described as having the appearance of a truncated cone deeply covered with ashes, the ex treme top presenting the character of a narrow ledge of burnt earth nearly two miles in circuit, enclos ing the open crater, which has a depth ot 5550 feet. The bottom of this is a flat plain, nearly half a mile in diameter. Tho first record ed eruption was in 76, when it over whelmed and buried llercnlaueum, Pompeii, and Strabiae, and proved fatal to Pliny, the naturalist The ashes on that occasion were earned as far as Africa. Many eruptions have occurred since that period. The most remarkable of these were in 1036, 1779, 1822, 1889, and 1855. s r5 V IS WEALTH." TIME IS 3MT ONE TT. w SAVE TTOTJU. TIME, And Aeriiiiiiiltitc wealth:, BY BUYISO Yont DRY GOODS. HARDWARE, GROCERIES, S Q T J Q JNT CROCKEIIY, HATS, BOOTS &SK0E3. PILLh, LINIMENT, PAINTS, oils, IN PACT ALMOST ANYTHING! Vol MAY HAVE OCCASION TO CSK, UNDER ONE ROOF. H.ESA1DY PAY, ; -an li proupt PAinx; SHORT-TIME CUSTOMERS, WILL FIND, AS HERETOFORE, WOKE OF THE M BMHIIUJI, At Times, A Good Assortment of the BBST aOODS -t the- LOWEST PRICES ! ALL KINDS OF- Merchantable Produce ! bought. A. WHEELER. Bhadd, Oregon, April 5, 1S7U1 Clothing I KEW TO-DAY. CASH! ANH THK B1GHK8I MAHKKT l'ltPJE w ill ix; paid for W 0 0 L , delivered a, siikdd during "the season." A. WHEEL. EB. Uart'h IMOniS Rounds, YodfM-k & Proprietor & Itttnufiujtureni of HUNTER'S Grain Separator, JlXtTIOX CITY. Received the rjirlomn at the Stato rairofl871. PIIICE BEDtTCED T FIFTY DOLLARS ! ThoHi SBtchtacR aiv vvarmnfed Bulwtsn tfBtr"niBTEr,Tmtfnrn mil to ,n' -uiw''l in rfntnlnx Whfiil ftir w I. and are 1 1 nn 1 Iv itsno'l for ohitniiig Out. ' Sunfl in your ordi'in, and we in warrant ;ti itac ion. Address, HOUMIS, WIMUMOl K A CO., Juiu'liim City, or. .Inn. 3(1, ISTMlm JOHN SCHMEER, DEAI.KK IN - Groceries & Provisions, Al.l'.AN'Y. ORKGOS". UAH .11' KT OPKXKD MIS XKW GBlX'EB oHtnblUluiiciit mi corner of Kiiunrtli 1 an l First -Tfi-i-. Willi n fresli HtwU of liroOiH'kwi, ProvlHlons, Ctmdici, (Mgnin, To. liai'co. Ac. In w liij li he inviu-r. tho uttCU lion of our rttfxoiW In t'onuot'lion ivith tlif store hewill kwiji a Bakory, aad will always havo on liand a full HUppl) of fmsh brcua, erueker.-, ,Vc. ( all mul i 1 nie. JolIN S( IIMKKIt. February 10J4v4 Mrs, Jr(t!eJ;rnior TirisUKS TO INFOKM THK . ill I t of AllMnraiiit vlclnitv, tlmt Mlsn M. M .I01IXSO.S Imslitkei, cliureof In r Milliner' mill llrPNS-.HnliltiK fcUire. Slil'lsnrcparodtotlo all kiinN of work in Hint hni'. S! IM.I. AND SKK. Allmtiy, Jan. Ill, lsT.'-iO, i HABDW.MIK for llullilors, for Smillis, Siidfdr Knrrnen i,d nv iMIKIHi. ' v4 i I lit inc t e Trn u -1 Mill ;-. lion Company ! teife UROM AND AFTER DATE, ('NTH, NT farther notice, flio I'miiiniv will ills putcu a boat ftom Alluny to Corvallbton TnCNdny mul Frlilny of Knrh Week. i Also, will dispatch n I mat from Allmny for Portland and intennoaiHte iilnn-s oh j BUtnfl 'lays, l.iavlng Cutnittock A Co.'s ! wharf. J. I. BILES, Doc. 18, 1871-16 ; Aiivnt. Improved Band Whrtrth Planer Mottling Mwhinm, Mnrti r, and even dosoripl ion ofW I- working MachlniM-y A Planiuu Mill "ii nlloi. A.l.lro. IlKRli Y i'l, ACK, .Mlli llilli'l' Ilt'iinT. I'.liini it.' i 'allfnrnla-St., sun Franclw.'0. HOME SHI TTLESEWlKlj MACHlNKS, Plows, and nil kinds of Atfiicutlnnil Machinery, sold by WHEELER, at Klicdd. I'. S, MA 1 1, t TrhWcckly stnxv Line ! rpin: rxiiKnsu.sKi) u now running a A trtanxikly Muge from Lebanon 10 M buny, currying the r. 8. Unite, leaving Lolinnon every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ranrnlngs, and rotumtna, leave Alhiiny at i o'eloek I'. M. of -aid .n-i. HajwiiiL'ein nilli'd for In any part' nl the city. All firdore xlimild las left at the St, ('hat-Ion Intel, Albany, foe pmmgmoi freight toi' Ijiliauon. I'aekaKeii and llghl freialil punctnnlly dellvcii'iUl low rates. All Imsinew rn truJtM tn me ill lieiinnitpl Iv attendiil to. W. It. DONACA. I.''lninon, Fell. Id, 7'2-24vl 'IAN OIKS. NI TS, BAlsrNS. etc., Sesli V.' and eheap, by 3v4 IH IUdS. For Sale ! 1,000 BUSHELS OF (IIWH'E WHITE CHILI CLUB WHEAT FOR SEED. CAM, AT THE RESIDENCE OK THE undersigned, six miles south of Allm ny. MARTIN UIl'Elt. Jan. S, 1872-181118 JOB WAGON. HAyiM! rntCHASED THE INTE1I cst of G. W. Voun in the Delivery BiiMlncstt, I am prepared to do uny and nil kinds of obs, on Short notice mid with iiulek dls jmteh. Terms reasonable. I'm'Stiges dp Iivered tn any part of the city. Cir Uxik out fortuc BAY TEAM and ,)()B WAGON. Mv4 A. N. ARNOI.i). WEET POTATOES, per last steanier.liy Sv4 Dubois. HI. F. JONES, Auctioneer, IS HAf.SKY, OREGON. v4 GROCERIES PROVISIONS, WHOLESALE ASI) RETAIL ! CORX KB niWTl WJOA P ALBIN-8T8-, i ALBANY, OREGON, j A. G. laton, Proprietor. 1 rtAVE ALWAYS IN STOBK A KI LL and COinplulc SUip!y of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES! PROVISIOXS! Tobacco &Cigars, Which 1 w ill Ml lor msh n low iwthe lowciif or exchange for all kinds of iuo ctitintttlile COUNTRY PilODCCE ! ttccetvod and in itlori' :i larjvc quantity ot IS AMI SALT, whlchlwlll wllehcain rilian oeer befbro utrvrvd 111 1 liii- market. Hir " sencml Invlmtlon (onll.ij C'r ixniile in !ti. anil iiilioiniii:.'., .-. coiiiiImw, lo call and exam- M tV.'ine quality and prlecKJM tt"of kooiIs, as 1 fwdlW I. H conHdani of iny4 twrtdillll) In give ,'3 t-r,lii'r"i,li..'-3" ..I'.-jf UT'll-t1-3 ISaTJio3'i 4vJl A. C. LAY TON. BlAckiniithlng AND General Repair Shop. rpitE rXDEBSIflNEll HAVDirt ItK L turned to Allmny, mid taken lii-t i,l sliopon corner ol Ellsworth and Second i stiwta, iiijnotineo. Ills lwadlnos to attend 1 to all klmlsol Ll)I,ACKSMITm.(i, MIl.I. .fJlACIilNE Fumi'.NU, ETC. Also, has on hand and for sule, the COQUILLAKD WAGON, Straycr force-teed GRAIN DRILL, STAR MOLINE, C. STSTEEL, and other PLOWS, wblehh rOI soil on the most rcnsonaldo terms, IVK ME A CALL. All work pntmsted In me will twelve irotiirjt ntteulion, and In enletl in the lies possihle niiiniii r, wild nnd innlerliil. A share 01 public ttn :, i solicited. t i'- shop on oornet'EllswortnandScooiul siriTts, opjiositi- IMcrtvN I'errv. "Iv4 F. WOOD, ALjBAlWSr Lard Oil & Soap MANUFACTORY. j 1 - ' :i 1 id nut in -.w.i .-i..i ...,1.... their now ' 1 8 Lard Oil and Soap Manufactory, in the city of Albany, are propnrod to pur chase, at tho hlghusl cash rates, all tlie Ho, Itiiiicld Butter, Sonii- Cri'e, &c, delivered to them In this city. They arc now main, tact urliu luul have on hand Fancy Toilet am Common Soaps, In great variety, warranted oqiuil tn tho best in market, which tliev offer to tho trade at the most reasonable rates. Orders respectfully solicited, Satirttae Uon Kunranteed. 64ri'ai-ttc8 having llogs, Kaurid Butter, or Grease of any kind, for tk will do well to give us a call. CAKTWRIGHT, WESTI.AKE ft MORJUB. MOV. 11, U71-10V4