immih coast news. Italian (Mttimeiion PugetSound are very wieeessful. Some of the Olympia preachers are praising themselves up in long articles to San Francisco jiaiers. "Self praise is half scandal."' A man named Constant Cornelier do Grandehamps was instantly kill 7" , 7,7 """' the 18th of March. He was work- ingnt a bank, which suddenly env- od uxn him with such force -as to crush his skull. The Olympia Tribune hoists the name of (leu. J. W. Spragne at the head of its colnm: s for I telegate to Congress, subject to the choice of the Territorial Convention, to lie held at Kalama on the 20th inst. Other Territorial papers think it would he a good and strong nomi nation, and that Spragne would ac cept it. 7'he silver production in Neva da for lsTl toots up 2,000,000, of which theComstock .Mine furn ishes $11,000,000, the liochoMt?4, (100,000 and the Eureka 52,000,. 000. Governor Goodwin a;l others are about to organize a company to build a p'ank road between Kala ma, W. T., and the Lewis ri Ver set tleinents. It is computed that the road will cost 20,000. The lloseburg I'liniKlenl-r says: A telegram from headquarters was .wived in town last week to the ellirt that the Hoseburg route hail Ikvii accepted hy the railroad com pany, ami that the road would be constructed through our thriving little town. This was indeed grate ful ii.tiilliimen, tn tlm .;;.yo.,u . .(' ItoacbnivrUio effect of which will soon Is' observable iuthcii crease of business and material prosjieii'y. Several brick buildings are lieiug built at Eugene City this spring, I lev. 1.1). Driver is reported as doing a good work in the towns and milling camps on Pnget Sound. California wine can be made tor fifteen cents a gallon. The new tariff of British Colnm- bia, which admits flour tree from ; duty, has gone into effect. hugene City was well supplied , with venison last week, the ruling price being eight cents. A daughter of Joseph Ledger- wood, of .Myrtle Creek, Dongas county, aged about ten years, died ' last Wednesday from the effects of j bums received the day before. Tlie child's clothes caught on tire from a ! spark from the fire-place, and in her frght slie ran out of the house, fol wed by her parents, and when 1 overtaken her body was completely enveloped in flames. The following is from thc Port land Hull ft in of the 22d inst.: We were informed by Captain Slier-1 lxnirne, one of the passengers by the Cussie Telfair, that a great ex- citement prevails at Sitka on ac count of thc discovery of rich silver mines within a half a mi.e of that town. The Captain showed us a siiecimen of solid silver which had ! lieen cut from the mines, aim! states j The snow on the Cascade monn that the silver is perfectly free in a tains is reported very deep reach- great many instances of quartz. He !,,,i,,ui. i-. , . , ... ' mg the saddle skirts m some nla also informs us that gold has lieen j , 1 found. A considerable quantity ot 0PS' ore has lieen brought down by the From the Portland Orcfonian G untie Telfair, and will be taken to ! we learn that George Carroll, a na San Francisco to he assayed. Some j tive of Norway, aged about SO, a of the quartz will 1 assayed here. , mymnm mot ,,ig ,k,t) ,ast Also this: We were shown w-!J-d .i,iu .v.:,.. t. ,.i, yesterday by Captain Sherboun some sieciniens oi agates and crvs- tals. which he believes to 1 din. I monds, whiph were1 found by him : at Alaska. 1 le intends taking ttiem with him to San Francisco for cut-! uns; nou iiunjj. iie nas also a ppectmoii of petrified cedar, which was fbu i id on the licachnenr Unera. and he says there is any quantity of li on me ocacn at mat place. The seeimen lie limcn he has he inteiulu luL-in.r to w,i, i. i c, 8 YV oixlu aid ( Garden, Nan Fran- j CISCO, Mm. Charles Ham of Dallas filled a lamp with non-explosivc oil on Wednesday evening of last week, and now the doctor thinks she may recover. 7'he lamp, how. ever, is unrestorable, and it will cost many -dollars to repair the house. Arrivals from tho Lone Pine region inCalifbrnia.reporttheearth still shaking at intervals, with no severe shocks. m siting is very brisk and ful iu Utah. A .Marion county cow has given j ,,irth t0 fOT calvcs 8,1 o t,ic'" of a pure white color, and perfectly formed. A daily is to lie published by the Mercury company at Salem, com - ; mcucing tliis week. A San Francisco )iaper publishes the following telegram : ".I. Kger - ton Hogg, on behalf of a company of capitalists, has purchased the Kow)Urg 8IKl , l:ay Hoad Company, with their land grant in Oregon, amounting to 125,000 acres. Students attending the Willa- mette University rent houses and keep Bachelors I fall. 7'he first mill stone brought to Oregon is lying in an old barn near the Woolen mills at Salem. It is about sixteen inches in diameter. 7'he Salem Stntmit'tn hears complaints from fanners in that sec tion that wolves are ki lingotfquite a number of sheep, and suggests a grand wolf hunt. Salem has One individual who lias crossed the plains seven times. Yamhill county is plagued with caterpillars. Ochoco valley is filling up- with a good class of people. The pres. out year will witness quite an in crease to the population. .Mr. Thomas I'. Sheridan, of Douglas county, has received a pair of pure Angora goats, from Calilbr nia, says the Ettxiyn. A Committee consisting of one hundred members has lieen organ- j ized in San Francisco, for the pin pose of considering the interests of the city, iii resort to railroads and j "llu'r imPrtB"t " effecting public welfare. Ague-colored cucumliers have made their apearauce in the Port- laud market. Judge O, S. Jacobs, of Olympia, positively declined the nomination I for delegate to Congress from Wash- ingtou Territory. Tlie Seattle Coal Company have received nine mules for their works I whose cost aggregated J 8,000. D. K. Lord, of Vancouver) bad his arm bruised and smashed bv the falling of a girder while moving a house last week. G. Bullceu, chief machinist in tlie Fort Madison Mills, had his leg crushed, week before last, while making repairs to the mill, The primaries in Olympia and throughout the county have been carried against Oartieldc. -Mr. Wiliam Blantonhasdiseor. , ered a qtiary of genuine marble on j his place, a few miles south of Eu gene City. 7'he Dalles votes her new skat ing rink a success. Salem has a Zetagathenean so- Clety. It is intended to promote l'ie Iransmagniticanbaiiciality of its : members. James A. Waymirc, lawyer of ; Salem, has removed to Sacramento, a' of fa M t ftd Isd.iw of tlie stoam tug Heattluto Wlow luc hm 01 Mommn sireei, m uiai ii i . ir i5 ,i . .. citv - He had made one successful descent, but the next proved bis last, His death was occasioned by con- gtstion of the brain, caused by the stoppage of the supply of airfuriiish- ed him through the supply pipe, Portland ladies are making their ... . calculations tor t ie summer season A dump cart upsetting broko a boy's leg in Portland last week. South Nalemites are to have gas introduced into their burg. J. B. Foster, of Baker county, has captured a bald eagle full grown which has become quite docile. $14,000 is the estimated cost of running the municipal government ot Salem for the next year. Prominent citizens ot Walla Walla offer (1,000 for the detection ' and arrest of the burglars who stole that 120,000 from tho county trcas- nry. Kyger has resigned, and Ma- M0' lfc li' ltm 1,8S lu Treasurer in his place. 7'he gold diggings on Colorado river are averaging ten to twenty 1 dollars a day. Two carrier pigeons were brought Hp to Portland on the Ajnx, on her 1 last trip, .Miss Carrie Moore is on the "rob lers" again in San Francisco. The Oregonutn has a little ro- mance like this: 7'wenty-tive years ago, a couple married. Domestic "'""hies followed not long after and they separated, then divorced. In time both united tlieir destinies with other mates. Time passed on, and the mate of the gentleman died, a little longer and the mate of the lady "passed in l.iseheeks." 7'hen the divorced couple met again, re- newod their acquaintance, took a Sober second thought, and have concluded to marry again. The Idaho Ifenild has suspend- d publieaUon-i-erliapspcrmauent. v. Business of all kinds is dull at i iympia. Oregon City intends having a calico party soon. Father Herman, temperance lec- turer, is the oldest Jason in Ore - S" The upset ting of a skiff came very near drowning two young bucks of Oregon City, the other day. Some of the valley towns are al-' ready preparing to celebrate tin Fourth of .lulv. Washington comity has sown and is sowing an immense amount of spring grain. James 0. Watts, of Wheatland, has found himself, or rather found out who he is, after remaining in ignorance of that fact for twenty- two years. He was taken from New Albany, Indiana, in 1850, and i brought to Oregon, lieing too young to tfpmcmber his genealogy, which lie has just succeeded in tracing out, Judge Wi'son visited the Uni- ver ity at Salem on Thursday of last I 0M the cve,,i,,g of tl,e 18th week "and addressed the students on j Tlie Salt'm StQfysmm protests the subject of Ed ucation. I le takes ; aai"st thc shallowness of the tbun considerable pride in the University, j ,1ation "ow bei,g laid for tlle 1K!W he was the first student of the school i who received from it the degree of Master of Arts. A fine M. E. Church is to be built at Cornelius this summer. The building is to lie 31 feet wide and 54 feet long, and to lie finished in good style About $8.50 has al ready been subscribed, though the subscription paper has only just be gun to lie circulated. l'Vom the Oregon City Enter prise we learn that Henry C. Bcr- ringer was shot by James Cordon, at Linn City, on last Friday morn ing, and died about 7 o'clock Chinamen enjoy a monopoly of the vegetable peddling in Los An geles. Wheat is bringing 2 per bushel at Missoula, Montana. 7'he went earthquake let the ! bottom out of the well of Josiah Rogers, near Nevada. The well has never been without water in the driest season, but since the earth, j quake shocks the water has disap- leared, untjl there is not a bucket- ! ful left. air. Warriner, of Payette, wasat i Boise City a few days ago, with eignty seven ami a halt ounces of gold dust, which he had assayed at the U. S. Assay office at that place. 7'he bar was Pi)7 fine, and brought 81,500 75 coin. Mr. W. thinks that this bar netted him a profit of $235 41, by the government assay, over what he would have realized tor his dust had he lieen compelled to have sold at tho old rates lif. teen dollars and a half per ounce. Efforts are being made by sub- scription to the necessary funds j , . I . . ! I 1 . , ..I....1. u 1 1 . .1... I to oiiiiu pi;uiK nnwi nioug toe : beach trom .Niattie towanls tlie Duamish river. Rev. Thomas E. Dickey has re ceived an unanimous call from ves try of St. John's Church, at Olym- pia, to become rector ot tlie parish, wllicl1 10 ,18 accepted. Kev. Daniel Bagley has donated the laud and building known as tlie Brown Church, in Seattle, to the! Spring is unusually late in Utah, j Frst S,rt,,odkt ''h'h, putting it .and mining operations are retarded into the hands of trustees for such me. The whole is worth about ijil.OOO. A liberal gift. The crops in Yamhill county promise well William M. Laughead oners! himself as an independent candidate for the oflice of County Clerk of Marion county wants to beat the Uepublican nominee. ' Cpwards oft wo thousand fanns were taken and improved in Wash- : ingtou Territory last year by actual settlers Gov. Woods says that eighty-five ! I'1' ecnt. of the one hundred thous-! !aid peop'e in I ' Uh are Mormons, seventy r cent, of whom are di rectly under the influence of Brig. ham Young. With this state of things the Governor thinks it would be disastrous for the Terri tory to be made a State. J'ev. Horatio Ktebbius is the llecche of San Francisco, ('alitor- nia, and successor ofthelate lament - I ed Starr King. 1 1 is present salary, is $10,000. Sarah Winnemucea, "Queen of the Piutes," has thrown herself away upon a young Lieutenant at 1 Salt Lake City. r.righam Young heads the peti- tion tor the, immediate construction j of public works at Salt Lake, A society for the prevention ot cruelty to animals is in a working condition at ilt Lake. Forty Japanese students for New ! York have lately arrived in San i Francisco. Japan is delighted with the re- ecption of Iwakura's Embassy in this country, 7 wo hundred hives of bees were received in Sacramento, Cal., on the 17th, in excellent condition. Two million dollars worth of old Jajiaiiesc gold coin was received in San Francisco, recently, to lie refin ed to the new standard and sent back for coinage. Mrs. Keeler, a widow of San Francisco, fell dead of heart dis- co,,rt 1,ouse m t,,at c,t'- (loose Lake tanners sowed wheat in January. A fine brick hotel is to lie built iu Eugene this summer. j Polk county has finished grain ' sowing. A calf without eves was found among the cattle ot William Byliee, Jacksonville, recently. It was a Democratic calf. 7'ip. Plymale, Democratic can didate tor county Judge of Jackson county, had a head put on him on Tuesday of last week, by Wm.Cen tors, a Uepublican, says the Senti nel, East Port'and will soon have a new hotel in operation. A. J. Moses, of Portland, was ar rested in that city last Monday ' for toSW' Xo particulars as-vot- The Bulletin says there are a greater number of mecrchaum pipes ,,orlta"d, according to the population, than any other place in the WorM- Thomas Brown and William Divinc,thieves, broke a hole through the roof in the Portland jail and succeeded in making tlieir escaio last Monday night. Three other prisoners were Iu the jail, and could have escaped, but refused to do. 1 urown ami umne are old oltcnd - l -ii , i , , , en and will probably be captured. A burglar attempted to break j into tlie residence of Mr. Kearuv ofP,,H.I,M W ! - .'....., ''iiipiiij IIIUIIIIII, ;ibou OI .nut ivcaniy Heard the I - t V.... i . . , noise at the window, took a pistol, j Alii sii'iiuu ll at tl.., lull. .... 71.. did mt g0 ott- bllt Ul(J bu . . . O .... . v vii, hiiim,, J IH- Ooose Lake Valley is reported as a great graxing country. About 20,000 cattle were kept there dur iug the past winter. An unlucky turn in stocks has been the ruination of Stephen C. Massett, lateMeems Pipes of Pipes-ville." by the deep snows in the monn- ' tains Kolokamonowilokouowinovich is the name of a waiter in a hotel in Kan Francisco. An undertaker in 'Frisco lately receive,! an order to a i.Uin redwood coffin, to be covered with plain white linen, ami unadorned with plates or other funeral gim cracks. A Spiritualist, mother of the deceased, ordered the coffin, professing to have received sjiecial directions on the subject from a tVieisl in kingdom come. A mustang valued at about 825 ran away on the streets of San Fran cisco lately, causing five other ran- 1 awayS) aggregating a loss of about eifino. 7'he Coast mountains west of Lafayette have lately lieen visited by a heavy fall of snow. E. W. Beynolds has announced j himself as an independent candi 1 date for the office of Sheriff of l!a- jker county. Douglas county had a rainfall of i inohes during ihe month of '.March. Ruftis Moore was badly burned at the Pioneer Oil Mills, Salem, re- oetitly, producing temporary blind. ness. Mr. Nathan .Conner, a highly respected citizen of Polk county, j ftn nripppleotio fit last Satur- day evening. Hopes of his recov ery are entertained. John 1. Kennedy, an old and well known citizen of Sun Francis, co, was arrested on the 22d on a chMge of au asMalt to commit J, rape. The Dallas Rejniblkan of the 20th says : "On Wednesday even iug Mrs. Charles Ham lit a kero sene lamp, put it upon a table, and left the room. She had barely passed out liefore the lamp explod ed, blowing fragments across the room and spreading the oil over table and floor, .lrs. Ham, hear ing the noise, went back, and, see ing the state of affairs, endeavored to get the table w th its burning contents outside. In doing so some of the fluid communicated with her hand, burning her severely. 7'he Tacoma, W. T., mills turn out 50,000 feet of lumber per day. A Vancouver dispatch contra- ,licts 1,10 telegram ot last Monday which stated that Gartielde had 1)Wi" defeated in the County Con- vciitiou at lympia. Tho Indians of Lnmmi lleserva- tion, W. T., are rexirtod very in- dustrious, their crops comparing fa vorably with those of the whites m that section. John J. Jcssup has lieen appoint ed Superintendent of the Board of Education at Victoria. His salary is 82,000. The Seattle tUspate says : Ed win A. Sherman, DeHity Insjiector general ot the Mipremo Council of ; the Ancient and Accepted Scottish uiieoi rnx .'iiisonry lor uie vjiuii- t 1'.! P.i . .... . eni.iurisiiieuonoi me i niuxi Mates, completed his labors on Puget Sound by constituting Washington Consistory of Sublime 1 'rinces of the Royal Secret of the Thirty-second Degree of the Scottish Bite of Ma sonrv, iu this city, and installhii! its officers. He has communicated the degrees and organized no less than j fifteen bodies of the Bite since his arrival in Washington Tcrritoiy on i the 0th day of March last, and his i labors have lieen arduous and unre mitting from the beginning. "There are but two parties iu this contest," says the New York Her. t,e Democrats and the He- ; publieans. Anv third parly is an ir 1 i ; 1,,,." The 1erald takes a I right view of the character of the twrd jiarty, but it is a noteworthy 'act that Democrats, which it lies .inv...l-..S v, ...v i.tudhw t ,i, mil u wiiirv mm of tluttvei, i n.n i,o- nnmei-onslv eh.vk ! by jowl with this intrigue, aiid ready , t., ciimtrt Its liotlllliiM, w cj -j.',v Agassi, says tho falls of Niagara will bo worn away iu about eleven thousand year. The oplo about Niagrateel awful aliout it. A fife thirty feet long is being manufactured in New England tor Gilmore's next jubilee. Lowell, Jass., m (14,01)0,000 invested in textile uidustriva. rOHEIUS NEW. Juarez, in a message to C 'ongress said the rebellion is crushed, but he still clings to his dictatorial pow ers, and asks for the exlention of his ample facilities. M. Bornero, Minister of Finance, says the Juarez administration will be the last independent Govern ment of Mexico, Juarez will de liver the country to the United States before permitting the - oppo sition party to rule. The Archbishop of Paris ami several other niemliers of the Cath olic clergy having issued decrees promulgating the doctrine of Papal instability, a iiumlxT of newspapers in the city declare it illega1. Nine hundred Mexican cavalry stationed at C'ortiuas' headquarters revolted on the 20th, and attempt ed to kill Tortiiias, who was res cued by the Fourth regiment. Sev enty of the cavalry escaped to the revolutionists; It is reported that many Alsa tians have lately voluntarily enlist ed in a regiment of German lancers at Strasbourg. A Paris letter declares by actual count, about seventeen in twenty of the ladies seen in the streets ad dressed in mourning, 7'he population of Switzerland is said to lie gradually diminishing, principal'' by emigration, Bio Janeiro advices of the 2d an nounce the arrival of the Emperor, Empress and Duke Saxe, on ti e morning of March 81st, amid gen eral rejoicings. The largest rope in the world has been completed in Birmingham, it is live and a quarter Inches in di ameter, and weighs over sixty tons. Geo. P. Marsh, American Minis ister to Italy, is seriously ill. The rep li t that the relations lie. tween France and fermaiiy are in a critical condition, is pronounced a pure invention. Two more Communists were sentenced to death at Paris on the 10th. The Emperor of rVermany wa suffering on the 19th inst., from a sprained knee. A decree has lieen issued at Ma ! rid, Spam, annulling the concession of a telegraph line to America, via the Azores. 7'he abolition of the pasn nt system by France, which now ap plies only to Eng'and, is being do mniided by other countries. Gen, Sherman, Lieutenant Grant and party on the 18th, were to leave Constantinople soon for a tour in Bussia. The North German OnxeVe. pos itively denies the truth of the State ments made by the London 7Wc- rfrixph in regard to the relations lie. tween Germa'iy and France, and denies that any grave complicatiui is exist. An earthquake occurred on the 27th ult. in Oxacano, ilexico, which destroyed many ehure'i dwellings and lives. Gen. Sheridan has orderel two companies of cavalry to le-occupy Fort (Jibson and drive out the murderers iu the Indian Terr'tory. Secretary Delano joined the St. Louis excursionists to Nan Francisco at Junction City, Kansas, on the ..h i il. Sommerville, Mftss., has lieen . ited by a showerof worms or grubs, which laid so thick upon the snow that they could lie taken up by tl e handful. The New York Timet says tl "the Democratic party iu tfiatSt? where it was strongest produc Tammany." Very true. wi said ; the highest development modern Democracy. at Democrats in Oregon are quite elated over the statement thai Burnett was Uirnin Missouri. !':ir ,., ani , . , .. .. , , lew nukes are so I igniy H' is eil. ' ... Sehtirz has introduced a bill to regulate freights and tare on t! e Pacific Bailroad. ' T. 111.. ,., "vWOCl.US.lCTeaieilt.lie Collom' JWV education liill iu the California a-v-,. laiiuv. i A larger German emigration than ever liefore is expected this year. KIngStung, China, has the oldest as well as largest chain bridge in the world. 7'ho memliers of the Japanese. Embassy are joining the .Masonic fraternity. The year 171 began on Sunday and elided on Sunday,