The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 26, 1872, Image 2

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    p .... !
i.i.vr of rid Hirns
To tr A,umlr(l ill iln I. inn Ommif Mii'r
hulil nl llif 1'oir (iiuiutih, out mile
Seal "' AilflSJSa, Kephzutkfr
24, '25, 24, S,', 21, 8ji.
CLASS NO. 1 -Cattle.
Juhn (lorn; Superintendent,
No. 1. Shout Horns.
Bel bull t years olil and ap'rd
$12 00
10 00
8 oo
5 on
" " I "
Dest cull'
Dust cow 3 years
" heifer I "
hi and up'rd
$10 (in
.s oo
4 00
4 00
i--Hereford, No.
Mdtrnovs, sumo
" " ealf.
Nn. 2 Herons.
Avcrstiircs, and Nn,
u:n as No. 1.
Exhibitor! in ifos. ), 2, .'(, 4 and 5 must fur
nish satisfactory evidence of age and pedigree
in writing.
No. 0 Gkahei) Cat ilk, citoss breeds.
Itest bull :l yeart old and up'rd
" " 2 "
- i ..
" " ealf
$lo oo
8 00
5 00
3 00
Bet cow .1 years old and up'rd
.. .. 2 "
h'fer 1 '
" calf.
" milch cow of any blood
Ki i.k K. .r? ttoropetlttf
JS 00 $ 00
6 on 3 nu
4 00 2 00
2 on 1 oo
8 00 4 00
for premiums
ior me ooi ranen cow ot any Wood, shall fur
nish the Superintendent a certified statement of
the amount, by weight, f milk produced by
the cow entered by them, dnriiijr ten days o'f
the reason preceding the exhibition, with a
statement of the age of the ealf at the lime the
milk ii weighed, and kind and amount of food.
No. 7 Fat Cattle.
Competitor in this department are required
to file wild the Cnrresnoodinir SecraUre a Mat.
went ol the ago of the animal, time, manner,
kind, quality and eoet uf reeding, ami all the
expenses connected with the fattening.
Fat ox 5 yours old and upward $M 00 $4 00
Kit cow 5 years old and up'rd s 00 4 00
liest bull of any broad $15 00 $7 50
" u oo r 50
20 per cent entrance fee iu the above depart-iiient.
CLASS NO. 2. -Horica.
K. Calloway, Superintendent.
No. 1 Thoroughbred.
Jic-l stallion 4 y'n old an. I up $15 00 $7 50
3 " " 10 00 5 00
" 2 " 8 00 4 00
" " 1 " " 4 U0 2 00
suckling colt X no 1 611
In the department of thoroughbred animals,
ftiieilier cattle or horses, none will be permitted
10 compote but such as have satisfactory pedi-
No 2 Graded.
Rest stallion 4 y'rs old and up
Beit stallion 3 years old ,
Rest stallion 2 years old-,
Rest stallion 1 year oi l
Best stallion colt
$10 00 $5
s 00
6 00
4 00
3 00
4 00
3 00
2 00
1 50
No. 3 Sweepstakes
Rest brood marc and colt four
years old and upward
Best teldtug 4 years old up rd
No. 4.
Best span of carriage hor.-es
or uiiiics, owned by one
Rest single horse ur mare to
15 on $7 50
4 wo 2 00
$15 00 $7 50
5 01) 2 50
The above to be tested.
Entry fee 20 perceut.
No. 5.
Best span of horses for all
wurk $30 00 $10 00
Best span of drait borses or
marcs 20 00 10 00
The above to be lasted, and owned by one
pcr.-on. Twenty five per cent, entry in this No.
CLASS NO. 3. -Banning.
Board of Directors, Superintendent.
Banning 3 in 5, free for all; purse, $1,000.
1st horse sjrtio I 2r.d borse 83oii
Kunning, 2 in 3, purre $500,
lt borse $350 2nd horse $150
Kunning, siule dash, 1 mile; purso, $200.
1st horse $150 I 2nd horse $50
Burning, single dash, I mile, 3 year olds: purse
$100 1
1st horse $76 2nd horse $25
Three to enter and two to start.
Entrance fee 25 per cent on all purses in this 1
CLASS NO. 4-Trottinp to Rale. I
Board of Directors, .Superintendent.
I-l race, trotting, Sin 5, free forallj Pursc,$50n. I
lt borse $350 1 2nd horse $151)
2nd ra. e, 2 iu 3, for horses that never beat three
minutes: purse, $300.
1st h.rse .t 200 2nd horse $100
3rd race. 2 iu :;, for borses that never heal 3::i0-
Purse, $100.
1st horse $75 2nd horse $25
4th race, 2 iu 3, for three year olds; purse, $lun
1st h. rse $75 2nd horse $25
6th, pac'iig race 2 in 3; purse, $160.
1st horse $100 2ud horse $50
Three to enter.
Entrance fee 25 per cent on all purses in this
CLASS NO. 5 Males and Jacks
Miller Morgan, Superintendent.
Best Jack... $10 00 $5
Best span work mules, Oregon
niaed 5 00 2
Best yearling mule 4 00 2
Best sucking mule 2 OO 1
Best JeneeU fi 00 3 00
Entrance foe 20 per oeot in this department.
CLASS NO. 8 -Sheep.
6. Froman, Pupcrii.te nlent.
No. 1.
American or Cross Breed Merino.
Best buck 4 years old or up'rd
$ 00 $1 on
Best buck 1 year old
Best ewe
Best buck lamb
Best ewe Iamb ,
Best pair lambs...
Best sample wool quality and
6 00
3 00
3 r.o
2 00
A 00
4 no
4 00
5 00
2 00 I
2 50
3 00 I 50
No. 2 French Merino, No. 3 Spanish, No
4 Southdown. No. 5 New Oxfordshire, No.
6 Cotswold, No. 7 (iraded Sheep, No. ti
Loicester, same prem urns as No, 1.
No, 9. Fat Sheep.
Best wether $4 00 2 00
Bert back of any breed for
wool and Button (I 00 8 tft
V: 10 Angora goaU. suae premium aa at
the State Fair.
Entrance fee i this class, 15 ft east
Buli 1. Those exhibiting sheep for preati-
bo offered for wool and mutton, shall exhibit
I tbc shorn fleece with (In she, p, tujfi-tber nidi u
, statement nf .the time of it growth.
Rl'Lt; 1 Tlit- committee hall take into cin
tMcratirla ihc nuilitv as well wel.-hl ,,f tl
Seeee, nnd quslit) o li age. a. Well as the weight
t ike run-.....
Class No. 7--Swine & Poultry.
Jesse Parish, Superintendent.
No, 1 Chester Whttk.
Ile-t b wr 2 yean old and up $lu. 00 nn
fi oo
4 110
(I 1)0
4 nn
5 0(1
li iu
sow I year 44
U OW 0 m's
" litter of pigs, nat leaa
than t; months old
$0 00
J 00
4 tin
2 ;,n
8 00 4
- flfe; No, 3, No. 4. Cross Ilrcds:
ami .No. o. I. ru led, same premium as No. I,
No. G. Sweepstakes.
Hct boar of py breed $0 00 $5 00
Beit WW f any breed 10 00 5 00
No. 7. PoiXTRY.
$5 00
4 mi
2 00
2 00
preuii -
Rest pair of gveinj
I'cst pair of '!uek-'...i
Rest pair of elrckcn
Re-I pair of guinea fowl
Best pair of pen fowls
Kmranee fee twenty nercent.
$2 ofl 1
2 oo I
2 (W 1
2 oo 1
5 00 2
Class No. 8.--Grain and Vege
tables. K. ftyatt, Superintendent.
No. I.
To be grown by the person competing.
$5 on
4 On
2 50 1
1 60 i
Rest 2 acres fall wheat $50 (Hi $25 00
Rest 2 acres spring wheat 50 i n 25 up
It st I1 acres oals 25 00 12 50
The above prodacta to ho estimated at the
market value nf eaeli variety. Sample of each
kind to be exhibited in the pavillion, not lass
than one bushel of each kind.
Parties competing for the above premium
are requested to carefully measure the ground
in presence of sworn w'llncssos. The. harvest
ing, threshing and measuring or weighing to be
done In presence of disinterested witnesses
whose nftldui'il shall be attaeheil to the I
lion for premium
Heat 1 acre of corn
Best I acre of broom corn
Best sample of broom corn
Best I bushel of fall wheat
Best I bushel of spring wheat
Best 1 l,nbel of cats
Best 1 bushel of buckwheat....
Best 1 bushel of rve
Best I bushel of barley
$10 00 $5 00
20 00 10 00
1 00
5 00,
' 5 00
2 60
1 00
I 00
1 00
1 On
1 00
i 00
HI 00
1 on
1 no
2 50
1 50
1 25
2 50
5 00
Ileal ( bushel of white corn
( Rest bushel of yellow eorn...
I Best assortment of grains.
I Best aero of flax
! Rest peck of timothy seed
I Best peek of eb.ver seed
Entrance fie 25 per eent
No. 2.
Best pock white beans
j Best peck peas
Best half bushel potatoe
Best bushel sweet potatoes
grown in Oregon
Best pumpkins and squashes
R.'-t onions
Best belts '.
Best curro's
Best parsnips
Best turnips
Best tomatoes
Best cabbage ,
Rest egg plant
Best exhibit of vegetables
Bet cauliflower
! Elannel 5 yds
home made .1 00
$1 00 50 : Frame shell.. I 00
1 00 50 Frame seed,.. 1 00
1 50 75 Frame photo
graph 1 00
4 00 J no ; Fruit wax I 00
1 00 5U I Flowers wax. 1 00
1 00 50 1 Flowers hair. 1 00
1 00 50 ; Flw'r leph'r 1 00
1 00 50 j (iown gent's
1 00 50 dressing.... 1 00
1 00 50 j Guard watch 1 00
1 00 M I Uloves h'ked. I 00
1 00 5n ; Gloves knit... 1 00
1 00 511 i " buekskip 1 00
1 00 1 00 ! Handkerchief
1 00 50 emb'd 1 00
No. 3 Melons.
To bo grown by the exhibitor.
Best specimen watermelon $1 it) 75
Bojt spc. iuicn muskuielon 1 JO 75
No. 4 Floib.
Best fifty pounds of flour $3 OO
Best fifty pounds nf corn meat 2 00
Best fifty Ihs buckwheat flour J 0
1 00
1 00
1 00
Class No. 9. Domestic Manu
facture. Enoch Holt, Superintendent,
No. 1.
Best 10 lbs butt, r not less than
4 months old $0 00 $Tfl 00
nest e bee re 5 (0
Best 10 lbs of lard.... 1 00
Best 4 pounds of candles 1 00
Best 10 pounds of soap 1 00
Best pair of bacon hams .1 00
2 50
2 50
2 50
2 00
2 50
Best bacon, whole hog 5 00
Best variety of blankets, ant
less than four 4 00
Beat doien of bruuuis 5 00
No. 2.
Best Oreg-.n Jeans, five yards $2 00
Best Oregon socks 1 00
Best Oregon cloth, all wool,
five yards 1 00
Best Oregon pair of blankets 3 00
Best Oregon pair of mittens 1 00
Besl Oregon pair of buckskin
$1 00
1 00
1 50
gloves 1 01) 60
Class No. 12
Flowers and
Joseph Frledly, Superintendent.
No. 1. Flowers.
I Exhibit of greatest varie'y an.l
specimens of flowers(in pots) $5 00 $.1 Oil
fuchlai 3 00 2 no
" monthly roses !! 00 2 00
" geraniums 3 00 2 00
" verbenas , 2 00 1 00
' climbing plants in
baskets 3 00 2 00
" mosses 2 00 1 00
" cactus 2 on 1 00
"sicrs 2 10 1 00
" balsams 2 00 1 00
" coxcombs 2 00 I 00
" dahlias J on 1 no
Best boqoet of roses 00 .Ml
everlasting fl'rs.. 1 00 50
" mixed flowers.... 1 00 (0
No. 2. Pickles.
Pickles, 1 00 50
" mixed 1 fli) jq
" sweet
No. 3. Buead.
Best bread, salt rising
" yeast
" soda biscnit
No. 4. Caxes.
Best assortment of cakes
I 00
3 no
3 on
2 00
2 on
2 on
1 00
10 00 i 00
No. 5 . Preserves.
Best exhibit of preserves......... 10 00
No. (..Jellies.
Best exhibit of jellies 10 00
No, 7.
i 00
Best plum
" quince
1 to
1 on
8. Canxkd Facmj (ip glaas).
Canned peaches..
I oo
1 00
1 04
1 0
1 00
1 00
1 90
" blackberries
' plums
" pew
" tottatoes .,
itmthertiM ...... ,iuA i
BsstmMMt of raawd fralt....,
Entrance fee Ifteea per seal.
1 '
ClaBs No. lO.-Home Work.
Ji'Un Ostrander, .Superintendent.
Rihiblted bv the welter.
Apr'n br'ded $1 50
Apr'n euilir'd I 60
Afghan 1 nn
lluakct fancy 1 ml
Basket card.. I 00
Itasket h'g'ng
b'd work... I 00
Raskel h'g'ng
acorn . rk 1 00
Basket It Vug
cunework.. 1 On
Basket h'g'ug
3 wall 1 00
Ti Drawers. 2 no 1 on
7 Unndkcrelilef
6 transfd I 00 50
50 .leans 5 yds
in pome (Bade 3 00 I 60
ev o v.J
I-3 ou 1 50
Linen ipee'n
nh'd Ir'u'd I 00
Mai lamp I 00
w ,t.-l d I 00
:i oo
2 oo
;t on
2 no
1 50
' rl lloor I 00
50 Mittens li'k'd I "0
60 " I nil 1 00
Box shell I 00 61
BlVt fr in'H
" crochet, 1 00 b'd, 1 00
' im'tat'n
ouibr'd ; 2 00 I 01
li'u'et of crvs
talij'd gr'ss
ml I 00
1 anj Mowers 2 00 1 00 Oitoin'n civ r I (in
! Chemise 2 1111 m, Cukel watch 1 00
I t-'or-et I 50 7;, i, ,,,'a by
uirpct w'len. 4 00 2 Oo I nly 2 00
1 CO
' arpct rag.... 4 00
Coverlet d'blo
woolen 3 00
Cushion loil't
emhr'd 1 50
Cus.don sofa.. I 00
Cushion bible I Oil
nn (join white... 2 00 1 00
" putcliw'k 3 00
1 50
1 50
" taocy 3 00 1 50 .
wonted.. 3 no 1 50
Hug. hearth,. 1 00 511 1
.-hill, white.. 2 Oil 1 00 1
50 Mips, pillow.. I 00 50
JlliU " embr'd. 1 50 75
id " oroehcl. 1 50 75
511 Skirls, white. 1 60 75
" embr'd. 1 60 76
1 Collar tatting I 00
! Collar crnclCt I On
Collar eubr'd I 00
Collar trans
ferred 1 00
Cover crochet
stand 1 00
Cover euibr'd
table 1 00
" brant d I 611 75
" fcr Inft.l 00 75 I
" fur inf t
flannel 1 00 60 j
flu tine!
I Cover eroebet
pl'w I 00
! Cover emhr'd
I ch'rl 1 00
j C'lufrt rge't
knit wo'leu I 00
i for lady 1 50 75
in Suit for boy
plain '.. I 60 75
5(1 ' braided 2 00 1 00
" m'dehy
h nd 3 00 1 50
Counterpa ne
, eiubr'dorcd
I or'ebet 2 00 1 00
1 Cloak braid'd
intant I 00 50
; Cloak euibr'd 2 00 1 00
Cloak lady's
Suit, lady's
walking."... 2 00 1 00
Sto'kngi knit
cotton 1 00 50
" woolen. 1 OO 50
Socks, woolen 1 00 511
' eodon.. I 00 50
Set linen 1 00 50
" toilet mat
crochet I 00 60
' toilet mat
woolen 1 00 5(1
Cloak silk 1 00 50
Cap for lady 1 00 50
Cravat gent.. 1 00 50
Hress white... 2 00 I 00
marsaites... 1 00
Dress night... 2 00
Hress white
00 Shawl er'ehct 1 (HI
Sack jrocheUfOO
for infant.. 1 00
50 ' Idys hose 1 10
Hress braided
for child.... 2 00 1 00
' crochet
infant 1 IK)
Edging cf tat I 00
" tatting I 00
Emb'd w'istii I on
50 Slippers, em-
50 bmidured... 1 00
5i. Tidy worsted I 0(1
50 Tidy crochet 1 00
50 Tidy netted... 1 00
Vest made by
1 50 lady 1 00
s jj I Emb'd silk.. 1 00
50 i Plllbr'il lnrl 1 111!
50 Work, bur..
On I (HI
' shell 2 no 1 00
' moss 2 00 1 00
' leather.,,, 2 00 1 00
' bead 2 110 1 (10
ro.-k 2 00 1 00 I
' straw 1 On 511
' hair 2 0(1 1 "0 j
1 papier
tnirhe 2 00 1 00 j
" raised
worsted 2 00 1 00 I
50 Yarn, white
50 home made 1 00 50
Yarn, colored
50 home made I 00 50
Machine and baud work will net compete in
the above, as rlrst and second premiums will be
given to articles of the same kind, for the best
machine and hand work.
Velvet bonnet
Fancy bonnet
Lady's velvet hat.
Child's hat..- .,
Head dress
Lady's cloak
Silk bonnet
Trimmed bonnet
Lady's straw hat
Infant's cap
Lady's dress
$2 (Ml $1 00
2 00 I 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
2 IM)
2 00
2 00
2 On
2 00
2 00
1 00
50 1
1 00 I
1 00
1 00
1 on
1 00
1 00
Shirt made by hand $2 00 SI On
Patehwork uuiit.... 2 (() 1 00 I
Crochet work 1 00 511
Tatting 1 (a) 5(1
Knit socks 1 (0 60
Calico dress 2 00 I no
Apron 1 00 50
Bead work 1 00 611
Knit stockings 1 00 50
Pair darned woolen stockings... 1 00 50
Pair darned cotton stockings..., 1 01) 50
The same rule applies to this class as that in
Class 9. Entrance fee fifteen per cent.
Class No. 11 Works of Art.
A. B. Paxton, Superintendent.
Exhibit mechanical dentistry. ..
Oil painting on canvass
Printing, newspaper
" cards, etc
" posters, in colors
Painting, water colors
" sisn
" oriental
Collection of photographs
$: 00 $3 00 !
5 00
2 IK)
3 on
1 00
2 on
2 00
1 on
2 00
2 On
1 on
2 on
2 nn
1 nu
2 00
1 O-i
1 00
3 00
3 no
2 00
3 00
.1 on
2 nu
5 on
3 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
Drawing, pencil
" monochromatic
" crayon
" sand paper
Zephyr worsted pictures, needle
Kutree fee fifteen par eent
2 00 1 00
Class No. 13. Fruits 4 Wines.
Jos. Hamilton, Superintendent.
No. 1. Apples.
Ten varieties, 4 specimens each $j 00 $2 50
No. 2. Peabs.'
Ten varieties. 4 specimens each 5 00 2 50
No. 3. Pkaciies.
Best twenty peaches
No. 4. Plums.
Best twenty plums
No. 5. Grapes.
For the greatest number of good
varieties and best grown spec
imens, three bunches each.....
Best six specimens, one rariety
S 00 2 Ml I
o 00 2 50
3 00
2 00
2 00 1
1 00
No. C Wine, etc.
Best grape wine...
" currant wine
1 00
i eo
" eider vinegar 1 00 5(1
Best jar of apple butler .. 1 00 50 '
" pear batter 1 00 60 j
" peuclt butter 10 60
" plums 1 00 50
" tomato. 1 0 60
No. 8. JDhied FBU1T.
Beat 5 lbs dried applts...
2 00
1 oo
2 00
I 0
t 00
1 00
1 w
1 00
l oo
i oo
1 00
peaetaes ,
etirrauta ..,
sweet eon......
joose terries.....
pears 2 no I oil
" " tomatoes 2 OO 1 00
Bco- exhibit of .tried fruit 4 (10 2 00
Entrance fee fifteen per cent.
Class No. 14. Mechanical De
partment. James Kiulayson, Superintendent.
Exhibited by the 111 niter.
Express wagon.,.
Uaog plow
Sulky plow
Feed Sower
Reaper or header
Pelf of tine I is
Pair of eoarsu boi
Carriage harness.
M 10
I Ml
1 00
4 Ml
3 Do i
2 50
8 (lit
s .11
0 0.1
5 on
5 00
5 10
3 HI
15 II I
2 ell
2 (in
5 (Ul
,'1 Oil
4 00
3 lei
5 00
2 mi
I 50
I 0.1
1 00
2 50
1 50
2 00
1 50 j
2 50 I
I mi
5 (HI
5 1111 1
Team harness
Sample ot leather...
lo no
Grubbing machine 111 en
I Hitching uinrhir.e in 110
' Straw cutter ;t un
: Fan mill 5 no
Cheese press 5 en
' i hurn. 2 00
1 511
2 50
2 50
1 00
2 CO
I no
I 00
1 50
2 50
2 50
1 50
mac Ksu.nti worn, 4 pieces,.,.., 4 on
Tin work, 10 pieces 2 00
Casting, 5 pieces 2 on
Revolving wind mill ;l ,
Rest stove made in Oregon 6 on
Beet exhibit of cooper work 5 00
Best washing machine 3 in
r.ntratice la per cent.
Class No, 15. -Plowing.
H. M. Cook. Superintendent,
I Best plowing $n no $5 Pn
Plowing match to commence as directed by
the judges, and to be continued i- such a man
ner as they .shall deem best for a lair un.l iui
parlial trial.
Entrance ee 20 per c. nl.
Class No. 16.--Equestrianism
and Foot Racing.
dnhn Thomas, Superintendent.
Best nqnestrienne
Best foot race one fourth mile
(entrance 50 cents) purse
Class No. 17.-Farms
$10 no
I0 to J
A. Cowan, Superintendent,
Simpson and
S. Fromau, Committee
Best arranged and conducted
farm in I, inn county in no
Two to enter. Entrance fee 25 per euitS
All farms competing for the above premium
u...... ,.v Du.erwu oy tne nrtt .lay ol Sei.tembcr so mat tne I'oiniiiittee can examine
thein j
prior to ti.e fair.
A. HACIvfcEMAN". I'rc-i.lent.
A N. ABNiH.H. .-'e-retarv.
M.AHTIN M'PEI!. Tr. a "urer
JASON YVHEEU'.'lt, Chief Marshal
The President on tlie -'2.1 trans
mitted to the Senate a copy of the
counter case of the United States in
the matter of claims against Great
Britain presented to the Board of
Arbitration at Geneva. The case
sets out the question from the fourth
article of the Treaty of Washington,
providing for tiling tlie counter case
by each party, and in accurdancc
With which tlie United States riled
their counter case, with additional
documents, evidence, etc. It pre
mises by saying that they -lo not
consider it within the province of
the document to discuss all proposi
tions made or the pisitioos taken
or the contestations of matters of
fact in the British ease referring to
the OTigilwkease of the 1'nited
States for an expression of views on
these M)ints, and preferring to leave
their discussion to an argument to
be prepared by them, and a sulr
mission under the oral article of
-the treaty, and to such oral argu
ments, if any, as the tribunal nitty
hear on the acts of the Flori'tta.
Alabama, Shenandoah and Getw j
ffia, and calls attention to the lact !
that claims growing out ot tho acts 1
of other vessels named iu the Amcri
can case arc regarded as embraced
within the terms of the treaty, and
in' fact they are so regarded. Fur
ther, it must have havelx?en known
to the British Government Wore
the Joint High Commission was ap
jwintetl. The Commissioners, while
they wished to hear, reserving their
rights, they ask the attention of the
tribunal to some of the main points
of defence between the two cases.
Washington intelligence says that
inconsequence of the representation
of the Hritish Minister, President
Grant has consented to co-oxratc
with the Kritish Government in the
suppression of the slave trade in the
Persian (iulf, by a treaty with
Britain. The Inaum of Muscat ex
ereiscs the right of transporting do
mestic slaves within his own terri
tory, 'lie first United States ves
sel of war which visits Zanzibar or
Muscat will ask a termination of
these provisions of the treaty.
The Republican State Convert
tionat liichmond, Va.,onthe 18th,
adopted resolutions re-affirming
the great principles of the Repub
lican party, commending the patri
otism of Grant, urging hig re-election,
and proposiivg Senator I?wis
as a candidate toTVice President.
A full delegation to the Philadel
phia Convention was selected and
instructed to vote tor the rc-nomi.
nation of Grant.
Urigand have almost bloeJtadcd
the Greek capital. .
ni,u.Kin',.:ss making
1 now sttm-iv uf ii.'iiin, ', , PVNI'-n A
mi",' ...! . iJ. ,l''"'K trim., f 11!! kinds, m il,;, , "ll'Hlhhliig
. in... iii"ie slvies
. 111 ill.- Kiweal intes. ii.
hliHwof Alia,,,, ,"! i ' " ,.V .''- '"- Urn
Dres. Making Department
Hrs-sw TriiiiiiilnKN
rli'ty of silk, sun,,"
"IX-ss tllllllllil
s. ulvv
u.vs in atoru.
t urn. Ktr. Ladles' unit e1ilM.w. ,
incut. '
il.O'K.s,liuSK, Kir.
Mv (It-'erillitoif inn ... . -
Hon In atVV , .,1 sfttislne.
.. . .1 I'liiin, ot
i" V' ". ws a -nil ii- ot
v un at store
Opposite A. Carothers & Co.,
tirst atreot, Allmn
-tins. ir. ii, fjontEY.
Agent Mea nM. ..
nit ATK.l Hhk-s M.M.n,, 'Sov. t, TNI, ,
Self-Opening and St-lf-Cloiing
I CJ A T E .
patented nv joirx dickasox
dune 4, 1867.
j I when the vehicle upprotiehon It tho
I Wheel on one side m V,.,. .
connected In the g. hinrt Kirm
thus open ig flio KBtoVorv on and ! .'
eiilng it open, ifnerdng- rauth the
earrtnw pauses over u ainiTlur hww aim
' roiinwteci win, niemtehlnw. wVTff
triltt. 11 Its e.l.,ti,. ...7. . . . nm
and uMtcn. ' wmm "
Wo Getting Out of Your Vehicle!
No Raising ol Latches 'ur Puilfutr
f Strtitjrs,
Except the
"ribbons" of vrmr team
"lieu eiille.l
And a
" Open and Shut."
K.JSLffe gUmito ,ii ItaoonatrtirttnB.
-......! iiiiniimi ,v, woi'k.mitl not Hks lv
owtoul of order, if , , , eSi m J
H .-mil. it my be llmtIu ii,.h . ;'i
wir.SL?." i '"M'-fonrth "h
" f. 1 ,a'""',v "'l- mte. The !!.
are now in pittetlenl usu
.oiinin-iirouoii ,s,, t,'i-iiiii ii
ol u-tliiionlniiisini) bo give,,
Huvinir pttrehaiicd I ho
RlttlH nr Linn o., Oregon,
Ihr Z'Z T !J5S"? ,V,M '""""lio'lnre
eoiiilu.;ls the lri; i,.,- f ,.,. .tj !
(tes from iinmiln. n, fm-nicra in nil narta
of tin
ooiiiur), now In uiy hamls, wUl
Of All Description!,
On hand mid manufactured to order.
ittaektmltbliig and Hcpalrlng
Done to order nl most rcnaonolde nit.n
shop t.-ot of Perry attwt.opiioalte Bench
Stontelth t o.'s ftonrliiB mills '
, TIlu.M s j. sAKKoltl)
APimiy. Oet.'.'S, ISTMvt -""nji.
STO V E8-1 X8 I'M A NX'K, ETC.
Penler In
Of the heat put tenia.
also i n?j, NiiEK-r max a vp.
And the usual aaaoitiiient of Turnlahlin,
, gmala to ho ohtalnod in tin atore.
ltennira nwttly nnd promptly exeenhal.
on reuaonahlo terms.
Wror t rorkonlogra nahe lonsf friends,
t, iwitN rtmr titsm
t ,-M'H-.'J
-'SB Tti': v.
aiihwiMSiaW aaoTta
Aim AND IUJIS.asnltndld lot sons.
tOoy Iri Dt'BOU
Owl and miMt
(Aii Oxhrnal Vs
"iKm and w..i..o
11 fill) iiwairt-
work hiiA
public inttitniugu,
It la
l lie RHtM
vemi of tbo
'. nnd plenty