The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 19, 1872, Image 7

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    Kt publican Ticket for lT'i.
run vki: i'iti;MiFvr,
IVililentinl ElecWm
A. ft. MEACIfAM.of I'limtUla county,
W, i. II AUK, of Washington eounty.
j. I'. ;.i.iiY,oi iuUroiintjf.
For iiiitroi,
Prstii.t Ml.itti-J,
lt plstrlet,
J I 1 .11 lilt, F. A. KltcnowWh, of Benton,
;:i District, n. nnmphrcy, of l.lnn.
tin ilmci,i.H.lmrtwm,rMultiMiM.
Sili District, K. ' RyoPi of (irant.
Rcpnbllrnn Platform.
Bmobi'TioKH Anorrcn by the lturvB-
MAW II 20, ISjl
Tlie I'ntan lt.-piiMliiiti )rty or Oregon,
in 1'on vein Ion, lukin litis declaration of
ItH nrliH'lidc nitit policies:
I. To ih" I onuimtlim or tin United
SUtm unit all tt uinfinliucnt r iiMkc
our mi nun Tiiiir ii Hi's iam; tnitsnntliority
H nlllliiKolmrtii'iiiv: to It" full nil W
i. Tlint the success of Hie present Na
tional Ailniinistroiioti in le'lucinRtlic pub
lic dttht, illiiiinltliiniincl eqiutlbuiw ta
tion.uliiiliiUtt'rlnu every liraurlinf pniilic
ittlHii wiili economy mi l efficiency, forui
in ami ItiipmvlttK tin' civil ervfce,en
forcinK I ho lnw without fear of favor,
protectliifr the Minimi- wards with patent
mi iumtumiiist tin-cruel nvuiicr of raecn
Inllon nii.lioinil.nuil uinintiiininjf friendly
relation with Foreign Powers ha lawn
Midi n to eommmiu tlie approbation of
Hie irri'in majority uf Iho American people,
and justly en tit li; it in l ho confidence .wd
commendation of every true. Reimbltcat).
,i. Wercjoird llieimyinentofntiritattoti
til dcht, in full foiiipltaiico with all li'tral
iulljNllnn ft) our creditor everywhere,
ami in iiivotihtneti with the true IwteratWI
spirit nl il coiitrnctimr. a no lomrcr a
qtunalhiH In iiwucj'btit that wo inny lie
clearly iindi in nod. wo deiiiiunee all lornta
iiml dojjrciin ol rcittilluiion of that
affirmed In Iho liouioomtlc iwrly find its
'nuatUttscr, in not only national calHini
tlon. inn posilvocrltmw.anilwewHlievor
consent ton suspicion of luck of honor in
justice in i; etimutote satisfaction.
t. Wo itilmli of iiitdltinctlnn between
citizen, win ihet'tif native or foreign blrm;
and llrareitiN wo favor the (training of
lull amnests'to ilio people of those State
laielv in i'i ' '! I Ion : inul wo lion' plcdito
tin- full inul effective protection of our
civil laws lo nil permit voluntarily eotu
iny: io or roaldtnjf in our land.
5. We favor the oneouraifenftsnt of rail
roads hv tlx-1.. n. 'ml (Jovorntnent of the
I niled s.nii . on I hold Hint such dispo
sition should lie made of flat nubile lands
as nluill soiui'o tlio smno to not tail settler
only, htipnintitie nol exceeding lmincrc.
It. That while wo are in favorof aryve
niio tor the aupport iifilieiienemhioverti
nioiit, by dufloa upon Import, sound poli
cy roipifrcs such adjustment ol'those du
tli'son Inttairtii as to onoounmothc dovcl
opitiout oftho Imittstrlal interests of the
wholocoiuitry ; and we reeomtnend that
nnlley of nat ional exchange wliieh aeenroii
In tlHi working men ItlMtrai wages; toag
rtcultntc iviiiiinorativoHi'HvHtlnmoohan
ics and luaiuifaoturers tin ndoriuato reward
Inr 1 heir -'.ill. In lior mi d eiitorprlsc, and lo
(lie Nation ( 'iiiiinerci;il iniospority and In
UiiKindoi)oe. T. Wo iu'lii've lluit iinilar odiuatlon is
the sol true I'iisisanii Iuhh' ofn free gov
ernment, and slmll ot'eroppoM any diver
sion of. or Intorferenee ivitli the eommon
school funds or land in this state, for any
other tllah their legltintato oiii'imso, and
Mtwneonilenin theoet of litvorltisin by the
In-l Lojjisiattu'e vlierchy two hundred
thousand dnllni s. taken frnni the achiaii
futtu, wew granbal to a corporation cou
Hinting lu.ii ii of lHituocratif) li'aders, mot
imrtv fflviiiltes, Ibrtlie unintrnctiiin ol a
wora wh Icli another copomiioii'enttrely
sound and resjainsible, Ouered toeon8truet
for seventy-live thousand dollars loss; and
that we are in Uvor ol the passage by the
Legislature of an eftlclent solMml law. aneh
n -liul I mm nre o nil citizens of our Stale a
gfood enmtuon tHihool ednnifion.
n. We dud no term suiliciently strong
In express our disapproval of those actsof
the l;it l. i-iainre whereby the iwantp
l-itnts iM'longlng lo ibis slate have been
taken frotn Iho needy sottlors.and given
Million! limit or pto;vr oonipi'tltlon in
price lo the land grablicr and apecc.lator;
whercbv the euu))uiuent8 and snlarios of
Mute oillcei's have boen uiioonatltullotiftlly
incre.-isc'i. and the taxes IncrenaoU thoUM
iiuils ot dollars by the creation of now and
uunoceftsary ottitiW and salaries, for the
purK)Heof providing tor imrly favorites;
and where'iy the citizens of our inetropo
lis have Im'oii doprived of and denied the
riliJ of ciuitriiiling their io!ice aulhority.
And wooiniitllyootuleiiitijho rtdnitnistra
tiini i)i ourin'uolUcersamllawiaixlniv
agant, fiiiRlesat illegal and dent motive,
nud M'C rightly chargenll thosi' results ns
the acts of the Democratic jmrty.
H. We are In favor ol the I'nlted Slates
Klvlng to each hnnorahiy ilischargod sol
dior wlui served in the annlcsof tlte I'lilt
t'd.Htales to put down tile ro'ielllonn wr
mnl fur a Imincstcad of iuii acivsof public
III. That we demand the ri'ixtilof the
fuHiiiied litigant act, which waadevtaetl lo
tnipiiorl jiau r I N-iiiocnitk tiewWwiKat
the public expense.
II. Tluu lite Kcpuhlkan porly of this
Slate are In favorof the iienemi iim -ern-tnont
extending aid toward bulidlng a
railroad from 1'orlland, Unwpn, to Silt
Lake t'iiv. and from .Imkson comity to
Humboldt, mid we liercliv pledge our par
ty reini'sentntlves to the sutnxrt ,,- ii,
14, Thul the bidiscriiiiliiate lloimsbigof
iiersoiis to en sinrnnoits liquors wit imut
lielng plnO d under proper responsibilities
lor llie alnisc Ibercof, hnviua lieen found
lo exin'rience to promote tlte growth of
crime iinu pmqicrisin. ami tnerony lOBort
onsly increase the rate of Inxaiion, the
Ki'lHiliiiinii )Hrly reeognbsos the right and
duly of tic lawmaking power to prevent
mnl limit the evils and abuses of such sale,
so fur ns concerns the public good and is
consistent willi Individual liberty, by re
fusing lo license other than law abiding
iinil i esstnsiblc tiersous, who inn furnish
KUfttcient sureties for goiwi oondnot.
1.1. Tbnt the Kcjmlillinn purty of tlre
gon Is in favor of obtaining lissistain'e
from (lie Coneral Government for the con
st rnel ion ol n wagon road from the city of
forlliiiul to the llallcs, riieognlifilng this us
a tnosl iuiioriant und uooessary improve
nietil lor the slate.
II. We iiitirin tliat the collnuanco in
power of the hYpulillcuti imrlv Is the only
sure iireservntion of nntinnai poaee anil
prUKUOrlty, and for n'asons tliorofor wo
noltii to lta brilliant record in the late civ
il Wftri to n complete natkmality; ton
united sisterhood of thirty-seven states:
viour Territories rupidlv warming into
rlnle life ; ton iiiillon freed from the taint
ofhunuin Slavery j to an elevated and en
larged citizenship; to our national stand
ing at Imino and abroad; to the work of
vigorous reform in all discovered abuses
of authority or trust; loan uneqtialed fop'
eign credit; to a successful and solid fl
naticlal systetii, and lo the unpnmlolled
lieaceand tirosperliy evervwhere Ih our
broad domain, and those bid our pledges
for the future.
15. Wohalltbo"NewI)epartur!,'of'the
lute Democratic parly, taken by the action
ot their Convention In soveh Wales, ns an
artlriiial ion of the principles for which the
Kcimbllcan imrty lias contended for the'
last ton years;' and In the "Passive Poli
cy" of that rty, already assumed in sev-'
oral of tffo States, we rccognUe an ao-j
ktlOWloiIllllient of tllir llolleleswnekH nf
sum'ss iii the coming Presidential cam-1
V. M. Oflletnl Paper tor Oregon.
11)C rival candiilates for Con
grens met in debate at Portland
lat Monday uiglit, and before one
of the largest audiences that ever
assembled in that city, presented
their opposing political views. The
audience was attentive throughout,
each speaker Iwing frequently cheer
ed by partisan friends as his points
were strongly made. 1 lie main
points attempted to be made by Mr.
Burnett were based on the capital
ami labor question, the tariff, our
national banking system and Gov
ernment laial grants for internal
improvements. The positions taken
by Mr. Burnett on these questions
were ably and successfully contro
verted by Judge Wilson. On tlie
question of the tariff, he proved that
the Democratic party in its plat
form in 1808 occupied the same po
sition now advocated by the He
publican party of this State; that if
the tariff was higher now than in
1828, (as Mr. Burnett asserted)
that it was no burden as there was
forty times as much produce, etc.,
to raise it on ; and that more than
half of the Democrats in Congress
had always voted tor the tariff laws ;
that local or State interest governed
in that matter; that while the peo
ple of Illinois, who wereall farmers,
had instructed their Republican
Congressmen to oppose the tariff',
tlie people of Pennsylvania, who
were all manufacturers, instructed
their Democratic Representatives to
advocate a high tariff; that with
out a tariff there would lie a dearth
of labor in the mills, the same as
there now exists in our shipyards.
On the question of land giants for
internal improvements, which Mr.
Burnett most earnestly opposed,
Judge Wilson, in reply, read from
the State Democratic platform of
1870 where the Democracy call
ed on Government for just such a
grant as Mr. Burnett now so earn
estly denouced. But this was not
all. Nearly every other principle,
said Judge Wilson, enunciated two
years ago was now ignored, ami
many ot them utterly discarded.
This change of front, Judge Wilson
denounced as an e'lfort to gull the
people who did not think fid' them
selves. It made no difference, said
Judge Wilson, whether thea) rail
roads are held by monopolists or
not, so long as they do goal to the
country. If it were not for the land
grant to the Northern and Califor
nia railroad, monopoly as it is now
called, it would not Ih? built at all.
The position of Mr. Burnett on
banking was that lie though paper
money a curse, and National Banks
were only intended to destroy the
liberties of the jieople. 1 le thought
there was no reason why the coun
try could not get along without pa
per money, as it did beforfthe war.
That period, "liefore the war," is
not so long passed, but what fbme
ot us can remember whether there
was any very great destitution of pa
perinotif jr t Uiat time. Weivinem
ber seoing a good del in circu'ation,
we think, issued under I tanking laws
made by the different States. We
hlM'viipt .fiTgottori hdv insecure
s4Se of i was, how often at a . dis
count, and how liable to break at
ajjy rnp. ' Contrast the pajicr
ntotoy issued by these State banks,
(EVild cat currency" much of it
weut by the name of), their insecu
r with our National Bank paper,
its sicurity based on tlie credit of
the Nation, and what is the con
clusion ? "In regard to the home
std law, Judge Wilson said the
only veto President Buchanan ever
gave-was to that law. Ju regaixl
to corruption, he challenged the
Democracy to name one on their
side who had ever been pun
ished tor any crime. Ho spoke
Jw $12,000,000 defaulter ami
tlitef bt NW York, Tweed, being
l$f Mutate Senate by 12,000
maiorttv after tlteaa frauds had'enmn
to'ljgU Them arB-sorae the
prominent points made by Judge
Wilson in refutation of positions as
sumed by -Mr. Burnett, as we read
them reX)i ted in the daily press of
Portland. As these gentlemen will
be with us this evening, let every
one attend and hear for himself!
A large mass meeting was held
at the Brooklyn Academy of Music,
New York, on the night of the lOlh,
at which resolutions eulogizing the
Administration and urging the re
nomination of Grant and Colfax
j were adopted with hearty applause.
I Henry Ward Beecher was the prin
cipal speaker. He snke in high
I terms of the honesty and success of
j Grant's Administration, and said
I that Grant had fulfilled all the
promises he had made in his letter
of acceptance in 18G8. lie said
l that though a military man, Grant
was the first President to treat the
j Indians with humanity. Jle consul-
ereil the Administration, as a whole,
, a noble success, and lxdieved the
! old Republican organization destin
ed to la? led to large victories m tlie
future. He said if he thought the
Cincinnati Convention should force
j the Philadelphia Convention to take
a purer and more advanced platform,
he should be glad, but he was op-
i posed to so dividing the Republi
cans as te enable tli? Democrats to
get into power- He said that Sena
tors Sumner, Schiirz and Trumbull
could not make a new party.
Governor G rover, so far, in his
srhemes and plotting to secure his
nomination to the Tinted Slates
Senate, has carried a full hand. So
slyly and vet expertly has he man
ipulated the cards, as to deceive !
some of the "very elect." He played i
a trump card even in the house of
J Nesmith's friends. He played double j
'on Slater, on Helm. He mado
promises to Burnett's friends. Hay
! den, it seems, was the only aspirant
j whom he had not tickled. We
: know not what Helm, Slater and
, Havden may do, for these Demo-
F i
'erats are peculiar, but Grover
lias "skunked the trio.
New London, Connecticut, has a
doctor who has adopted the popu-
lar method of going about from j
I house to house hawking his nos
i trnms and his medical skill like an ;
' old tinkejLof debilitated wares. He i
I opens the door and sings out,!
"Anybody in here gut the rheunia-1
tistn, coughs, colds, neuralgia, heart J
i disease, small pox, or anything
else?" On receiving a negative
answer he retorts, "(Had of it,"
; bangs the door and moves on.
All the universities and colleges j
! in the country will have to stand I
from under Stephen Andrews' Pan-;
tarehftl establishment when it once
goes into working order. His uni
versity, which has been registered
for corporation at Washington is
to teach everything from shoe-mak-ing
to astronomy. It is to have
nineteen first class and ten thous
and second class professorships, It
is to lie hoped that this discrimina
tion is not made in favor of second
class education.
A Syracuse genius has discovered
a method by which a water wheel
can be run without water. For
water he substitutes small iron
balls, which run into the buckets of
the wheel, and being discharged
Mow into a receptacle provided for
the purpose are carried up by an
elevator propelled by the wheel, to
do service as long as the turning of
the wheel is desired. 7'he boys
will do well to watch the success of
this device, as it may show how
they can elevate themselves to any
given height by the straps of their
boots. And then, the use of balls
once successful, water might be used
in the same way a plan of great
importance to many mills in a -dry
People may cry "hold ! enough!" I
till their lungs are exhausted, but '
the crop of Presidential and Vice
Presidential candidates bids fair to !
grow no smaller. William Allen, j
of Ohio, and ex-Governor Knglish, '
ot Connecticut, are the last reckless
champions to slue their castors in
the arena.
Kentiickians can not understand
why their land, which is as fertile
and conveniently situated aslsny in
the United States, should advance
so slowly in value. Let them rub
the mould of decayed political ideas
and institutions out of their eyes,
aiid they will see clearly itoongh. '
Nevada has extensive and valua
ble Iwrax fields.
Clams and crickets furnished a
feast tor Puget Sound Indians.
California is conceded to be
"great shakes" now.
Diamonds have been found in
California recently.
Cyrus W. Field is back from his
long Kuro)eau trip.
The celebrated Father Gavazzi is
coming to this country.
Baltimore's new City Hall will
cost $2)00,000.
Boston, with a population ot 'J,ri0,
000 inhabitants, has "27,500 houses.
Tennyson is said to lie dreaming
away bis life in a cloud of tobacco
A Petalmna belle eats onions for
the purpose of discouraging the aU
teutions of an infatuated lover.
Queen Victoria and the Prince of
Wales have lieen invited to attend
the Boston Jubilee.
A Wisconsin editor speaks of a
wind which "just sat on its hind
lejrs and howled."
Lemon-aid Queen Victoria has
given a pension to the widow of the
late Mark Lemon, who was so great
in Punch.
Tennessee hires out convicts to
work on the railroad, which is
thought to look like ottering a pre
mium for them to make tracks.
Horace Greeley projioses to write
an essay on the proper time togratt
saddle trees. They can only be
successfully propagated by early
A minaturc steam engine, built
of gold, set with diamonds, and
standing on a three cent piece, is
one of the attractions in the Schen
ectady Jasonic Bazar.
A Richmond man writes to tlie
Dwpttkli) of that city, that the re
port of his death by drowntng,wliicli
it published, is "extremely inaccu
rate." They have some ancient houses
at Hock Island. A lady there
mourns the loss of a ring which
had beau in her family for 527
N. P- Willis used to object to
water on the ground that "ever
since the deluge it has tasted un
pleasantly of sinners."
Swindlers tried to seduce a wes
tern man on a railroad train into
betting tliat he could not open a
jiatent padlock which they carried
about. He took the liet and open
ed the lock with a sledge hammer.
A writer says that more than
150,0(H) acres of the best timber in
America are cut every year to sup
ply the demand for railway sleepers
alone. In a single year the loco
motive's ot the United States con
sumed $00,000,000 worth ot wood.
Geii. Spinner has received steci
mens of the new safety check, the
face ot which is printed in fugitive
ink tints. Any attempt to alter the
writing, either by mechanical or
chemical appliances, instantly re
moves the tint and discovers the
effort to tamper with the check.
7'he Buffalo Connnrrciol thinks
it is strange to see how Democratic
journals fry to make us belicvethat
there is any such thing as the Dem
ocratic party alive. We think our
Buffalo friend must mistake for an
attempt of the above description
what is only intended as a demon
stration of respect- tor the corpse.
Jr. Klerck, a merchant of San
Mateo, Ca!., was shot by an assas
sin, and killed at bis own door on
the night of the 11th hist. Traces
of the assassin have boon discover
ed. JuelRndiguation and excite
ment existed.
Knllipaoha, a Turkish nabob, is
cutting a wide swath in Vienna so
ciety at present. He recently gave
a fete at an expense of $40,000, at
which, among other things; num
bers of cold pheasants were served
the eyes of which were picked out
by the assiduous servants, placed on
the ladies' napkins, and found to be
real emeralds.
The effort of the Democracv in
j this State to array labor against
capital, is wrong. There is no nat-
uralantao-onism ex Ktin between the
two. Thev are naturally depend -
cut, and equally necessary to the
health and well being of society,
I Ins position, of Democracy is in -
tended to pander to the prejudices
s . , ,. , i ' '.t
of that class ot mind, who, either
' '
tun ignorant to understand the nat
ural relation which renders capital
and laltor so necessary to hu
man happiness, or who desire
sire something for which they have
no desire or ability to return an
At the sitting ot the tribunal for
the settlement of the Alabama
1 claims on the 15th, Great Britain
and the I'nited States were only
j represented the former by Lord
Tenterdeu, Taylor and Bernard, the
latter by Bancroft, Davis, Cashing
and Barnes. Documents were de
livered to the Secretary of the tri
bunal for transmission to the arbi
trators. How inconsistent and brazen for
Democracy to lie prating about
"one man power," one man influ
ence in coutroling the commerce of!
the State, at least in the valley,
when they alone are responsible for
it, if it exists. Pomeroy was right
when he said that "Democracy was
j on the road to the devil."
7'he late Horace L. Kent, of
Richmond, Virginia, a staunch
Union man, who had a daughter
devoted to the "lost cause," re
minded her of some of the beauties
: of her devotion by making the fol
; lowing liequest in his will : "I give
! her the following, viz : 7'wenty-tive
J bonds of K., I'. & Co., $25,000;
I eighteen servants emancipated hv
! secession, $10,000; insurance and
bank stocks, $1 5,000 ; all my claims
arainst the so-called Confederate
against the so-called Confederate
government for the wanton, cruel
, and wicked destruction of my iiroi-
: erty on the third of April, 1HG5,
i 200,000. I cmld continue the list j Convention adopted a long series of
to the extent of more than half a regoiutiotl8 on tlie 16th avowin
million of dollars, but the above!,,.,. . , ,.
i will suffice. She will see what the j nJel,ty to t,,c Republican party,
effec ts of secession has been, but tor endorsing Grant and Sumner, thank
j wliieh, I could have left all my j ing lioth for their efforts in behalf
.children a handsome competency.' of tlie colored race, especially com-
- I mending the appointment of exdor-
I Sjteaking of the coming Conven-; ed men by the President to Federal
' tion in Cincinnati, the New York ' offices, and asking him to make
Erpreis says: "7'he Democrats j more of the same kind.
are warned to keep away, and we
! trust will keepaway. Let the Con- Mrs. Emily 1. Lloyd, a respect
i vention le in the hands of those who J able lady, of Lcesbitrg, Va., is stw
desire honest men for office." It ,1 0f liavjllg poisoned her win le
win iuiiiin me; i nil n."i it i iu neaii, tvi"
! . i-i
are sure, to see sucn an innuendo
' against the honesty of the Demo-
I cratic leaders from the pen "f tlie
able editor of the Jiefirm, His
l .11 t r -1. .11
. couoagi .'s in i e i m ini'
I mediately can upon tlie Hon
orable .lames to rise and explain,
The liosebnrg Plmndeakr is
turning vellow. The Dalles Con
vention, or something else equally
indigestible, has torpefled its polit-
ical liver, evidently. If it grows
yellow now, how will it be Wore
the campaign ends?
Sir Charles Dilke, the English
Republican agitator, recently imi
tated Lord Bantam in the severe
simplicity of his marriage, going to
the church alone and on foot, and
meeting his bride there. The pair
returned home arm in arm.
. .
j John Tyler, sou of ex-President,
has foresworn the dogmas ofDem-
ocracy and announces his belief that take place in 1874, visible only in
national safety and prosperity caii it)e islands of the South Pacific,
only come through a perpetuation Government is asked for an appro
ofRepublicanism. j priation of Slf0,0u0 for au expedi- Johnson is given as au- 10 ob8efve
thority for the statement that the
President regrets that the claim for long before the English people are
consequential damages was put in j called upon to choose between men
our case. It is conceded that one archy and a republic.
side or the other must recede within ! , ,""": ,.
the next two months. Comixtors m the New 'ioik
. . . ! Tribune office are fined ten cents fi r
It is suggested that the reason each profane word uttered on the
why the Democrats arc so badly premises. 7he money is given to
"busted'' in this State, is liecatise
they drink too much "family dis
turbance." Ten thousand inhabitants of the
city of Richmond, Va., one- fifth of
the population of the place, are
members of the Baptist churches.
7'he French Government will
take the census of the country on
the first of May. ' U''
The following are the amoitntsot
the rates fixed by the new Tariff
bill of the W ays and Means WW
' mittee : Teas of all kinds, 10 cents
1 per ; coffee, 2 cents; salt, in
bulk and rock, 8 cents lier 100 lbs. ;
salt, in bags and other packages, VI
j Wltli T jqo pounds; pig iron, jfli
1 per ten; steel rails, 1 cent per
j pound; rails Dftit.tfwU d1"1.
iier pound : all wools, the value ol
.A ' , ,
wliieli nt. t.lio tHirt. when! exported
is 32 wnts, 8 cents per ponnd and 9
cents ail valorem, and where the val
ue exceeds 32 cents where exported,
10 cents per pound ami 8 cents ad
valorem; manufactured cotton, un
bleached, not exceeding 5 ounces to
the square yard, 2 cents per square1
yard; bleached, 2V cents; colored
and printed, cents and. JO per
cent, ad valorem ; suh1 thread, .'
OBHto Bef dozen and 24 cents ad
valorem ; burlaps, and all other
manufactures of flax, hemp or jute,
30 cents ail valorem; books, and all
other printed matter, bound or
loose, except newBipers, maga
zines and periodicals, I2t cents per
pound ; newspars, ctc.,s x cents n
R)iiud. The following principal ar
ticles, arc added to the free list :
Chalk diamond, undrieil fruits, gold
lieater's skins, upholder's curled
hair, hides and skins, lard, lime, oil
cake, paper stock of every discrip
tion, pa rati no, spermaceti, tar, tal
low, pitch, manufactured teeth, liees
wax and whalebone. The total
amount of duties rein, , veil liv the re-
vihed fRH; ljst i(j abullt mif a mii.
ion dollars,
! 7"he Tinted States Supreme
Court has rendered a unanimous
decision in the Mormon case of Clin-
ton vs. Ettgelbreeht, reversing the
judgment of the Supreme Court of
Utah on the ground that the jury
which tried the east! was not select
ed in conformity with law, and that
the summons were invalid, and it
follows that idictinents against Mor
mons tor lewd and lascivious co
habitation arc illegal and all pro
ceedings against them must fall on
j "f ,f ".; . ' 'j0 "
i tp'nsthe position taken by District
Attorney Bates of Utah.
7'he National Colored Men's
if., , , , '- i
i family husband, four children and
i '
J 811 oWcrlv f,,naI relative. Arsenic
; was found in the stomach of a child.
and another is to lie disinterred and
; examined. The removal of
cles in the way of a new lover, is
supposed to be the cause.
7'he Spanish Government is re
ported as williim to release Dr.
, Hmvan, as a filielHjly Mt t0 t,(.
United tfttes, btit is unwilling to
admit that the least -injury has been
done him by the Spanish Govern
1 nient.
A great revival has been in pro-
gross in Lawrence, Kansas. About
eight hundred souls were convert
ed. Some people are always brag"
ging of their ancestors, and their
! Sroat descent, when the tact is, their
j great descent is what s the matter
, of them.
7'he next transit of Venus will
John Bright hopes it will Is-
the poor.
Mount VomviOtw is again in a
state of eruption.
Mazzini is to have a monument
erected to his memory in Home.
Wild pigeons are abundant in the
! forests of Colusa, Cab
Miss Cushman received (1,500
for an hour's reading in Chicago.