DRY GOODS. ' DRUGS, KTC. PIUT.Si ETC, JOB PRINTING. TECH ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AND HAND PRESSES, IjUest and most nestrabla Styles of Printing Material, U mtonbtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOK Wlicu yon wi Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels-- Brrt why particularize, when itlg" ernlly acknowledged that we arc ON IT Wlieii It comes under the hetd of To convince yourself of the truth of tlie above statements, you have only to call (or .send n hand ac compatiled by three stamps to iniy return iwstagp) when we will astonish yon with the capacity of the Reo iff ei? offloe for doing Colored or Plain work, and the re markable ele gance exhib ited by tlie Boss in (lorrnllng the stamps for the same when finisher. When you have "biz" in our line, call. A hint to the sufficient Is wise m a blind kick1 hone, or ' word, to thai efifeot 0TSTKHS,SAItliINE8,RED ITEBIUKO, todlsl),et4i.,Jnst recti d by yti puBOO, MEW STORE, NEW GOODS! The undersigned will soon open An Entire New Mock Of DRY GOODS, Fancy Good, CLOTHING, BOOTH, SHOES, nATS, ETt'., ETC. AND REl"KST A CAM. TO EXAMINE their stock, before purchasing else where, assuring purchasers A Sin his of Fifty Per Cent In their prices. We have facilities for presenting the mot complete assortment of goods ever otfereil in litis nutrket.nt reduced ratwi nd have adopted tut our motto, "Vim Call and See for Yourself. KLINE ft CO., In nr. Tnte's Brick, Albany, Or. Kept. S3, TMv4 NEW STOCK ! JUST OPENED. GEORGE TERRELL i RAS NOW OPENED (it T. AT STORK recently neennied liy A. 'owan & ( ".. on Fir! street, Albany, ii new and well sis j i lectcd st(H-k of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GEN'Ts" CLOTHING, Gent' and Bojn' Hals, ! ISOOTS AMI N1IOEN, Weod Ware, Crockery Ware, i Groceries, Whieh he has purchased in San Francisco, ! for coin, and which he will sell AT THE LOWEST PRICES, Fort CASH on PliODUCB. All wliowant the BKNf UOOIIS AT MIWENT PHICE, Should give him a call. geokue Trmaxi,, First Street, AlUiny. Albany, Sept. 9, 18J1. SKWliNU MaCUINKS. T1W CBIEBRATKD Buck Eye Sewing Nueliine. Price S without table, $'i! PlVe IXlilXd.lOCJ. SOLD IN OREGON For the Year 1871 !i No Family can Afford to be Without One. The success of the BUCKEYE stands without a rival on this coast. Hundreds who now use them pronounce t hem to be unequalled for family use. EVER YIACIIINE WARR ANTED. The BUCKEYE makes the Lock-stitch, which will not ravel. They are slnipleand durable, and haw less liinehtnery than any other machine, therefore are less liable to get out of order. AGEXTS WANTED, To sell ihc BrCKEYE, tlie best nnd only tow-priw.'d uiachlnc that has any merit. Machines shipped to any part of the coast upon receipt ol price. Tor further particulars enquire or ad- M. HEAUSOX A CO., Gen. Agents for Pacific Coast GEO. F. SETTLEMIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to i. W. Wakefield), I'urrUirs ', nillMillK, FlrslStrecl, ALBANY, ORKOON. Dealer In DRUGS AKD MKPICnfES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted pure, and of the lK'st quality. Pbvstcians prescriptions carefully com pounded. Albany, let 17. lSKMitf till) V Kti, l'"l'r W. II. M'FARLAXD & CO opposite the hotels, Albany, Oregon, st'fX'ESSoHS To o. P. TOMPKINS & CO. STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift Pumps, LEADED IRON PIPE, Hollow Ware, hoi-kf. fi umiii hakwake, j rin, Copper and Slicct Iran Ware. MJIUtXr STOCK IN TKi: VAM.rv. Lowest Tiiccs Every Time. nepairing I'ropeiij Ilonc. 40vS FUU1T TKKE8. Frnll Trees, Grnpc Vines, eie. ! rpHK I'KDF.RSKiNKH INV1TKS THE I 1 itttentionofthep:ilJlic.tohi9lnfgcttiid cotnplotc stock of APPLE. PEAK, PLUM. CHEHRY , Also, fill APE VI "MnMKiSfao; innaniental Trees, siniius, nam-, i nr miiis. (i(xmdieiTl(S. straw'S'rrles, Hoses, lialiliasandlliilltf which will lie s,,'d as low as Urst-ckvu .-toi-h can be ntlbrded. Nov. iVUvf J. A. MILLAItP. 17HM8H KKt ITS. ppacbes, gropes, npplcs. pears, etc., by Hvi M imls. QOAP KANE'S COXOENSED. ill1 Hii' C'oldJi'iitcr llleachlng, undo SOAP KANE'S CONHEXSr.P. TII0M- ii ni'i' kinds. Slid liv " Hi I I i n. 1 1 v4 i Shedd. IIARDWAHE, v v w v i imp A H IV f IHJl. I W. II. KVHI & CO. """""UfflT IIARDAVAItE. Smdi as Farnicrx' A IHpfhflnlfS' Tools. ........... - , -toNsl-Tl i L lows, Ii loNstsTINi; OF ANVIl.s. VICES. iiiiiiiii-. sle'lM'es, pisses, i en is CtWS eitl and mill saw-; logeiuei nuiia - SSMIKTWEXT OF IROS AXOSTEKL, Kalis, sprinss, axles, thiml.kvskelns, bolts, A well selected stock of "Wagon Timber, kpokes, iiCBS, Bent rims, shafts, poles, hickory axles, etc. AH of which nro now offered to the puli- He at low rates. As we make tlie business n specialty, wo can and will keep a better! I assortinent, at lower prices, than any , house in this city Also tivlng and opening, a largo and sl ' - WOOD AND WILLOW WAtti,', Which we offer at reduced rates. W. H. KI IIN CO., Monloilli Bre-proof brick, First street. March 13, 7(W7 NOW IS THE TIME ! NONE I'OO POOR TO BUY IT The Cheapest Live Newspaper on the Pacific Coast ! THE Albany Register An Eljrbt-Pnre Weekly cspaper. CONTAININO FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS of matter, written and Delected to meet the wants and tastes of all varieties of people. The R150T8TF.H 1 printed on new arid elegant type, coiitiiins a carefully written digest of tlio news of the week, both local and general; Is plain and outspoken on all matter-' of political Importance, while iis columns contain n fair share of literary and inisceliano- otis reading, etc., etc, making it nio-t attractive paper in Iregon. The U150 ister i-otiered to nun-1 serilH is, from now until the cloJcof the volume, Fur the extremely low price of (T! Doixak Fn iyC'' iVhlch piitslt within the read, of all WnottherriendsofRFOIsTr-ltiAGRICULTURALMACHlllERY, ill not therricndsol the atmrm make a vigorous effort to pill into tin liaiaN of all their neighbors, a at the price it is theeheaiicsi newspaper pub lished on the Pacific coast '! DRY-GOODS k GR0CKR1KS. NEW STOKE ! NEW GOODS ! J. MILT. BEACH is now opening a Selected Stock of General merchandise, Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, r Clothing! GROCERIES, HAHDWARE, Crockery and Gla. Ware, ItOOTS AS(I SHOES, PAINTS ami OIlX ETC.. ETC., 1 Ml 1- vn is offerixo the ;is to ; A tin r ilicntpriicorrosntmdingwitli iiw nail's i A11kln.N of inecdtantaWepro lucetahen in .....i,.,,,. .. i m..'(Mi Come one. conic all. and examine prices, 1 nl tlr old !tani1, rorut(rlY inxntat-1 ey I'. . ,, ,, ,,,;,,. k.i-ih '. Iirlck.south Kiwi street, Altany.unumi, v tlKK'UniES AND rltOMSIOXS, in fall V I snpply.jusl received by i, . In I. ols. yiJJK ! EIRE! TIKE! I u :v I O N Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Xos. tin and 418 California St,, SAX FBANCISCO, CAl.IFOKMA. Sloekltolderi) Intllvklnnlly Liable. Cash eapital, in gold coin. - - 730,000 00 llelsil inOlVL'Oll. 5II.IHKHM Losses promptly nnd equitably ad Justed, mill PAID IN (SOLD COIN. flUIIS COMPANY nAVINC, COMPLIED 1 with the laws of Oregon, by making a deposit of fifty thousand dollars, is new prepared toetrwt InSnTsncosgftliist lessor (lainagc oy tliv. and also aminist marine imiu Inland navigation risks, on llln-nil terms. . a I a'tT 1 V iVTT,iII 4 T, I, ?!...., IVIUVD.UUI, I 1UMUV1II. Ciias. D. Haves, Secretary. J. C. MENDENH ALL , Agent, Albany. Albany, 1S71-W Murdcr in Albany HASNEVEli VETBEKN KNOWN, AND UO (iirmicning of it at present. Death Is a tiling which sometime tnitst liefull every1! and damrlitcrni the human la to lly ; and yet. At the lld-duy, Of your life, U disease lays his vile hand mion yo'i. theiv is siill "a Imlin In Ollead," by which you may he restored to peffbet health, and prolong ymir duysloa uiintco lous extent. HOW ? By calling on y R. C, HILL & SOX, wirh n prescription, where yon tun have U compounded liy. one cxpi riencud in that particular Hue, Also, constantly pit l s -1 a good assortment of fresh drags, patent medicines, chemicals, (taint, oils, dye stuffs, trusses, etc Agents for the Celebrated I nk Weed Itemed., , Or, Oregon Rlicuinntte Cure; Ur. D. Jayne ,t Sins' medicines, etc. Sjienee's positive and Negative Powders kept in stock. Also agents far the Home Shuttle Sewing Machine, One tf the most useful pieces of household furniture extant, Callund exumine. it. chill S)N. Albany, June 10,71-tOvH ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. v. i'HERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, MaiiufiHli.rcs Steam Engiiifji, Flosir and Saw Will Slnehtn -A , WOOD WORKING And And nil Kinds of Ilt AMI UHANN t'AWrnNW. Pan iea'ar m mid ioreairne.'nii witliin the limits of an Indian roser ; kinds of iiiaehincry, 4 1 v:i vat ion, In 1 805 everal severe en- r.-"'-i-. . L-i ; gagements wore touglit with the " I RSalU j Sioux, Cheyennes and AiTapahoes ; by a military party which penetrat- ! SETTLI'IIKE'S 75'RSERV, ! ed into that region ; and the con. i six Nile Ronth ot Albany, l.lnu Co., clilstou is almost certain, that NEAB THE RAILROAD. j nny iiicui-sion of miners into that i t sodicit the attention of all j 'tioii at this time would precipi. : ::;ti'fZ Indian war. To pre- ' TX'X ! TCllt this as well as to protect the , r!r;tn1!!,,ls,,!,-.r,;V:;;: rbfand - white walnut, t-wnm waimi . in. io. y. iM'fiiu, hidlMtd, honey locust, !iai-kiK'n. I :i iimiii'ht of oilier varieties of ire mid plants too numerous to mention, all of u bleb lire otferiHl nl low niles. HENUY W. 8ETTLEM1HE. lie.-. IT. IS70-13 Tl!l (SS and MEtdi'INES. PAINTS nn 1 Oils, (.las mil Putty, sold by Wheel- it. at slIEI.Ii. 1 "Win il. si I wi.s. long and square, plaid j I and si striped, for wie by wiiEEi i.it. shedd. i .jux-mk.m. paper. ai.i."si.ks,.ivst K received and for sale at tlUaofileM, low for cash TJ; IN WAl.'E, 01. ASS WARE, l.'tH'KK - ,er . l.aniiis, Sc., &c sold by llivivr, nfHEIUi. iVonmini'd'at'es't wj&wnlV ln,v . at I lli- oilier. ! .-! ii, i ice i i V Ii Hi iT I.' I - iuiujh.'o mm em JC. r irf T Td? 'Xfiili JL &13 1? BAi& II O T E I. . foWWFrOBt Md StllBOB 8tS., . KKssnii FORTUKD, 0RE80N. rhisnowiindelegtmi hotel, with Vow Furniture Tlirongliont, is now OPEN TO THE PV1I1.H'. Ilutli oin lr Hie neeoiziiiimlnlkiti i OUCKtoi FREE COACH TO THE IIOL'SB, Come mid See I's. J. II. SPEESOEB, Propr. Oct. T.Tl-'.vl OYSTERS AND s. muxes. xi'Ts xtj Ca Hi lies, and nl lu'V knicksknaclts, sol I ; by Wheeler, al SJIEDI. Ihl v.hv -rrr.T: ; I.ltEsil 'E( I'. I A ol.r.s, 111 1- IH llo'is.' I i BATHS. KTC 4H.BWV BATH HOISE. is ti. tii n Tf K. ,r1IK.1.,..' v., 'Vibrnv : ,f tiiai be lias taken charge f ! ,, . i! ilfrhi i m t , and by keeping clean ul'" . . , i,i,. .ii'teniliin to bu-i !' , 'L,.,',',, siTii all those who may fa- , "' ,Vi ' ni, ihnir IHitronnire. orrled on nothing lait , ., lss Hlllr lr'!Mlllg XhIooiis, He exeei is to give entire satisfaction to all. I hil' tree's and ladies' luitr neatly cut and siianiKM'ii. sept. Hsya JOSEPH WEBBER. tjr Snliserlliers finding an X after theii nnmesare lnfonned that theirsnlweriptimi expires with that nninlicr.nnd thcyarc in rtted to renew it. Tenns M per minimi, inadvanee; six months, ,2; three month, "ft45 Legal tenders received at jmr froui snlwrilKTsIn the Kasteni States. A niwalrons Explosion. A most di(tastrcins ami terrible steamboat explosion occurred re cently near Brooks' Point, thirty miles above Cairo, Illinois. The steamer Orranu exploded lier Iwil er, blowing Iter upper works almost entirely away, after which the wreck took tire, burning to the wa ter's edge, Tlie lxit bad forty cabin and thirty-five deck passen gers, making with the crew about one hundred persons on board, alnnit eighty of whom are supposed to have been lost. The effect of the expiation is described as terrific Iie yond conception, the whole Upper works lieing lifted up lxxlily and falling back on the boat and in the water, completely shattered. Harry Tripp, the pilot on watch, and Ca tftin Heeder were buried in the de bris, and were heard calling tor aid, but were both burned. Ten or twelve clung to the wheel, but it dropped before help reached them, and all but four perished. Some were drowned by the capsizing of a stage plank on which they had plac'd themselves for safety . Some were found dead Moating in the river with life preservers on, snp iwsed to have been chilled to death. The bodies of four-women wereseen I rloatilig past Watson's landing, but i were not recovered, Tbe Illack IIIIN ot nnkotii. The discoveries of gold among . reMilted in exciting a strong desire I among old miners and prospectors to penetrate into that region. The Illack J I ills, however, are included 1 hhn in hia reservation rights U i0 veriimoiit has pre hibiled exiwli. t i lions from going there. Jut alas tor poorLo! It mineral is there ft sullicient Cfuantities to make it a source of profit to civilized enter- prise, it will not 1)0 long Until tllO miners pick will 1k heard resoiind- ing among the Hills. t'jirtliqunkcs. C'ahfiirnia, since the late disas- l ,,.,. ,.!, !. Q-,.01 I "VW(I yl(.livuivvn, w, uci , V(n- , 'in. i ions to arrive at the true theory to ! lor their origin. The opin- I ton of W. T.Stewart, ot San Jose, ! that the earthquakes are of electri i eal origin and intlnenced bvmetcor- i nhimcal eonsiis Si i noifli ;l. rflvlfll'Oi .. with the old find uniformly ncci pled theory of the central fusion of the earth as the ultimate cause, very pTOpery ft degree of illfjuin niry ! oh this subject among Califoruiaiis I w, licll KJific im. I tion, and will not beappcnscd with- out it. A project has m started among property-holders in San Francisco, says the Chronkltto send some scientific exjiert to the how Pine region, where tlie late dis aster occurred, for the purpose of making a critical examination ancl preparing a full report ot all tie tacts connected with the Venrfder there of last month. If the theory of Stewart is susceptible of proof, it. comes within the range of science, at oast wit!iin the possibilities, of (liH'overing appiuiiiuve ui tuvain , -i ..('.,,.ti.. ,.,,1... , WIUCH WW IWUllcuv v. wuju.... mav le prevented, or their ii.tlu- i enco counteracted. It is at least a tact that quite a number of our load ing scientists, including lV 'lessors Lyell and Hopkins, now refuse to accept the theory of the molten con dition of the interior of the earth, as correct. A sure way to lose your health is to keep drinking other people'.