V. S. Olllrln! Pt for Oregon. FRIDAY. APRIL 19. 1871. F nil I M the RHiupoKc. The following local item, clipped from tlic Portland Ortgonim, is a graphic delineation of Democratic harmony, logic and enthusiasm : Tlie returning delegates from the Dalle8.'i.nvention,ndasmany more nf "imtarritiml" AS eould be Hot HtectKjuiaiKJ luioue rr, ; , , . r. .... hwrether. assomlutl ID trout ot the i in spite ot the most imlnsuious ei-, ?Ito, Utlta, t ,.., .. ?1 "0 t i(1,ctiol,s ui vacillations. They UUrtWy H,UU jave without a head, Uniterm pol icy, or h xed principles, l nsanecieu Republicans are influenced by- per sonal animosity to President (hunt, solely, and everybody sees it. They saw it over in New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island, and " ECONOMY IS WEALTH." NEW TO-DAY. CASH! a ill in' iid for a mi the hiuiiest mauket phut. it was no gonial we camuo.y con tiws tliat weiare unable to tell what kind of a meeting it finally re solved itself into. The first man called out was Xesmith, who made not a Kixwh but a haraiiL'iie. in Are Hie Mrii of 111 Tlmm Fucour Kglng to tin- n'inorrnr) ? , T'" ' ConmotioUUn bote!, ami mane an A 1 leniocratie ootemporary says ( forts on the part of the Democracy altPmpt get up some enthusiasm "llie signs of the times are eneoin- ! a,l Liberals, voted to stand by the j on the subject ot Democracy. Bu ... it. ... ..11 .i -1 I..,-, . I. ..-nu .... ,r. . A. ill lift I "X I it 1 It 1 . I'l ill" in" to-Pemocrats. io woum , jkiIicv ot rresmcui v.r.uu. n m:r nc g..-u . like to know from what particular ' Was the sign of encouragement hung i r general SGUiceof political devel-, out by those States? We look c pnieut they draw those professed arxnit u here iu Oregon. Where mill mv IniernaLorextra. : RepubHcaoa? We have yet the j which J-J-gJ neons sources, or arotuey smipiy mr . nrst one 10 hv. uj nc.mui.ui... aginative? Is there anything in De-1 party of Oregon will vote as a unit mocraoy ol itself, in its individual for the nominee of the Philadelphia, character and development, as il- Convention, whom we have not the lttstrated by the words of Don- least doubt in concluding will be oeratic leaders and journalists "unconditional" V. S. Grant, Prcsi lliroughont the country, to inspire ,iellt of the United States, confidence and cheer? Consistency I pnlArB. of practice, stability of purpo.se and j hannony in action are component I Tlie late Democratic Convention elements necessary to insure routi-' has enacted a very brief string of .U nco. Do these exist in tlie prim general ideto they call a idatfonn. j jtaiuj) tbat the audience was a ciples designs and nractices of the Asa whole the platform is very "dead drag." uieuawei muuiu iv ftiwU, Has it ex., mild and sniritless. entirely desti- fort Geo. U. Helm, the Awn ol , tute of the old, iKisitiv IS "TIME O N- E Y. 0 0 L , rti llvcr. il ;il SHED1) anrtiiji "tli wwon." A. WHEE1.K1I. Mitn-li tisSmiiJ SAVE YOUR TIME, And Aceuiiiiiltttc j ' . allusions to two people m our cii) who are not even known as poli- .'.... ! 1,a ..oi.nl .1,.,.,, ..1' t ii.lt IK I.llin 111 uto Hn..ai iiiw v. ,. term. This allusion was made in i ZJ" 33 j Xj T 3EZ , Nesmith's t lassic (?) style, but a sense of decency irevents us from' nMtrlffWV nioii tin' kl ilMfauinnnl what! 11Y niMVi v.un a T9 v . r . . : KoiuidK, Woodcock & Co Proprietors & M:imit'm'imvrs ot HDNTER'S Grain Separator, junction cm. Received the Diploma at the State Tair of 1871. PRICE RKPUCEn To FIFTY DOLLARS ! GROCERIES PROVISIONS, WnOLtSAlE AM) EETAIl CORNER CIKST BSOAWALMN-WB., ALBANY, ORECON, A. C. Iayton, proprietor. Thew Miirhlnmnrn wnrninlrd Milwlan- tliillr iimch'. nnil are nut In lw snvi-s.-.t r -iv l, mid miv fitiui ho said. He then went lack about j;' .;'!'XV'u.Ir'!viniH m Jus tliree thousand years, awl declaimed lf J J vlillliJ ' 'imS'innrimlerisanaw about the rights of trial by jury. M,l'KoWi!wiictv But that kind ot talk ma not sun , the majority of the audience and lie IT i 1 TAW V 1? V soon subsided, saying, as he left the HAUL H Alllr, T hue ALWAYS IN STORK A KILL icwUlirwront nd complete ror-ply of Jun. iioi s i s. wubncooK co., Jiuii'i inn ity. 01. isted within the last decade of years? It is well known to every ob server that inharmony has been and 1 ow b the rule, and harmony the eveeptioa. The shipof I 'emocweyi rudderlew. has been tosseilalwlit by , I , , ' I ' . ll V SI j ft A . , 1 I inn " uw lir.Mlrllt nut. who show- , rui" and ; ' !-l t ,nt ,0 w:rs not 111 a CU ilVVUVV. VM11V " amounts to but wry little, almost. ; 1 roaring' condition. His a m a nn .- j iv ,.1 -.,. t!. In. iv.. and !... 1 ..tliiolumwln nil of the M II 1 1 II !l S I . I 11 ' I 'i . ' i .!. ruiail i.w.,..iiuM... , - . w . mb W rrf it - ' JOHN SCHMEER, IlLAt.l'.ll IN - Groceries & Provisions, Al l AXYUliKCOX. sanguinary air a the stumpers in unter waves of policy evei A I 1.... l'l IL.I.,.. A.Mlll .iiiii... iv v, ime ol , 141 iso oi ien iiohbubv. ..i." this county, whom Mr. Helm holds a panoual from the lofty pretensions ot .letter-1 14aKtaUnSon toany politk ul (pies- sonian integrity and Jacksouian 1 1011) ijUt did pay that ho was a bct (irranessfttid independence put on by ; ter man than lien Holladay any day. the fraternity generally all over the ' After venting bis spleen the Lion .1 ,, ,1. "lint. Iiowunn ine sav ne lost naa o rewiiion sun w uom wie, unu u-.i """"r- ,...., .1,.. i laii, n,i ,,.,:, mi. her mast head in the torm ot Ku brter, would be pohitivo tn us nee .-i .!..-. c...,:it. i .: ,i;..;,...t .,1 IV 111 r:l I L ! ' I ,S. Hie null- .'i ar.HHHIS. ill'limi n,"i the n It is her pixjsc iitheni 'it- tin ion still wave- si nee it com bl ick from nVS-rt'sTOPRKBP WW SEW GROCER eiinliiislmieHl on eonierof KINworili I iniil Kir.: .mivIk, Willi n nvli stotl ol iiroi wIm, Vnn ili.ns. i Jtmllex, I'tairn, To lawiHi, Hi' , to wliteli he invitis the atten tion hi our ell Uteris. STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES! PH0V1SI0XS! Tobacco &0igar3, i lenly into the adjoining saloon, do- ana clear in lis .witrtl si dune on the counter, nil it ni opinions, fa Oregouhar- issues, and dotiant, nay even more himself ouUide of the value tuereoi . .v I .. i ... in wliiukv ami left the crowd. Jwo II. in ti l.ll i IX- t ni. . n i.loT in :l lii'lii I I t'V''"' .1 1. . .! i t .ill I 'I 1 1 hi 1 i lk'i .1 ' A lilnl in U' ..... racy, claiming loftily to be of the "strictest sect," make broad their ; lactones" of pretension by rly ii g a Jeffersouian llag, though their ,,vi ce is anything but consistent. At thewhiirvesofthc"i'atherol Waters " and along the numerous seem to have been on dress parad men then helped lien llaydeii on tin. istaiiil and be soon l nit the very allot this time. They limire( WOrst kind of a danisT. on the lit much corn, but have only produced j tie funny feeling which N'esmith's the cob The general terms in ' jokes had excited, for Ken talkul which tlicir platLn is laxJS . , , Like Helm he didn't sav anything leave them tiw to take advantage ot , , . , lit ,., , , , . . , . r .... , , any or ail ot the new issues or com- ,jjnt 0 afu.,. ;ol) Hollailav, but rivers of the East, a passive d.-. plications which may l dex-elopea he went for Grover in regard to his nothinsrism bom of "lKjssnm stmt. hn the future. In this they were! action vetoing the so-called Port- oav, which, like McLwuner, only sl,arp. In the present com " ., .. . .1... 11 ... v .in,.' hi ir in u i i. p. .o i ii'iiiivnii'v r lev eui u ii"l im" ilifUn nf lad Subsidy Bill and opposing the Lock and Ham swindle, urn wan wans tor Boineiuii'a w i..,i. , H-hiik-i.u- u j I evidently out of humor ana ne snr holds itself in readinevl-seizo upou Jmie otherwise and been prudent I prised us by speaking so plainly of i v h ver to lift iudl iiiL"usyer, is j who knows what the N ational J his Democratic '''''.'. He said the Democratic ensign. In this, and , 'onventiou may do? It is beat to j he had voted for the subsidy bill j , ', . .,....:.,.,' . .in . i which Mr. Helm had so vehemcnt- mneh more, there is lacKo. nave a piauorm una u. a"y I . .l,.,,...,,.,.! INi i, sf.al rem v M ,. T. 1 IT lllllUlll'IV'l ' " t ' . ' . II.. t,. v.io t no same wav arain. in i . . ..l ... .i. '.i r. puqiosej there is no narmony, wiiere or e-erywnere, mej win . jousiteucy, and hence, there can be 1 apeaks about the Constitution and no substantial confolence. How j state Rights, of course, tliough in such a state, such -signs," pm- a very lack-a-daisical sort of a w,ay. a i it. ia nravMM to comiotioii. certain- i " -I i j !v ! everywhereas was illustrated Rt : most clearly by the dishonesty, cor- Am in the mind of Democracy tbetinff of enconrasment ? lint then is there anything . . .1 ... r. T 1 live warrant ui me ,Tiint laws and the swamp an indulgence m : swindles. It is m tavor ot a tariu HlH A r-1 H w (Ml f'tf II i l I I 211 B n H WWeh I win " for .... w low as l lie R H II ? H t! Q I M a b -1 H In eimnee-I.m Willi tlioston-llowill kicn iowe-t, or uxihiuw for nil -kheU 01 iner- riBPM I bin 1' P ns.-r.v. , I win i.nvays livy.... Hand a ,.tom..-,. h 9 J ft R il N I" A EL L fun ippl 1 '1 1 ivi.ll iireii 1, cmctotH, .0. WdVliynuuiiy L mm PRODICE ! I ji inn s,'iiMKi:l:. CROCKER! , : '' '"' 5 .llecdveilanJ In store hinjo ,......,.. ; ' IS LS SALT, Si'. sti'Ki jriiH 'liter T I" 4 rIV lI'lsllES TO IM-'dilM THE I.MUKS wliiell I will i ell Kt'Iliui ever ta' lAlBi . nf Viin,vim.!v!e!;)ttj tlm'MlM. nsltntUlx narket. v- 7 M. JilllNMIX lmtuWeneliillfenfier Mllliner.v iiml Drim-MiikldK lore. - ifcl ! Hivl 10 do all ktml ol work I , , . ., j,,, , .) ,oa -j BOOTS i SilfiKS. f3s3f, Ngs'SS HUUiU illK Sat llullilers, for'Smlths, 1 enuTimt'iii nivJW , and for Fur soldliy wtawler.at .,',:",. " PILLS, Si- "H:;'-T:r'-" - j . gK LINIMLNT, (:, juirr, U Willnmctte Transportation , .i . (. . i.. 1 1 1 1 - a Tvmo Jrsi-iL-53fi,n."V ! ! . OLMi?, lr: hdA 1 i T-MMM SKU cal.l that. Crnver couldn't near Ik the next 1'. S. Senator from ( Iregon. He, Hayden, would see that the i thing was not perpetrated, at all almost axytiuxo you may hAvk hazards. He also said that Polk oucasios TO vsn, county was unanimous in the favor j of the Portland Subsidy, but that j two ol hia Democratic colleagues in UNDER ONE ROOF. the Legislature who couldn't read , oppsod it because they were told it .. llnlloilov ca.liomt What WHS a IMJH UUII.VllM PV..w. M-TKl! DATK, rNTIL . I 1 , I 'l 11 I, I '11 11 V Will in AltioilV to l orvailis on BluckiniKUtiig General Repair Shop. Tuesday mill Flidny of Knell Week. iu -mmt t iKt fram Alhanv T"K vM'UM.ai.i, ii. um. hi. . ' . . . . I 1 n rn i 'i III I' ,:l 1 1 I Internieillate nlaii vinu CoinstiK'k Co.1 for I'ortliin mini, days, wharf. Fare at Reduced Hates. this dead issue had "to ao with the present we couldn't see, unless Hay den was trying to show that Helm drna WTOIKT. lillt 0116 thill" ml'lU'll work, outside of Democracy, among nlption and injustice practiced by the opposing elements of the He- the last Legislature. It is down on imhlfcan nartv. who characUT, ; m,,noiX)lies as seen in the Liti- i iti acts and sucees Dtimiwrnev Ibr cheerful auticipntior.fi of coming tri-1 but of that kind that discouraged nmnhft? tan i Vim-erncy hoi.e to , home industry. Is m a UOTlDie . ,TatlAi,'a sneeeh I - I , IMU ill! tlll.Mi-n . . , win through the Liberal Heptibli- j state ol alarm lest the t.eneral Uov-1 a(l tJat was tj,0 fact that he is to" cau movement? I lie leading ernraent succeeds m putting down rilly sore over the doings oi tneiate I beralsare "sore-heads," Their the Ku Klux true .to its old rebel Convention. After llayden, the , , to the Uepublican party Umpathies. It thinks the is inspired by hatred towards Gen. 0f the people are superior to the in-1 SmiU BlI1Tnester, If. J. Ln.ld and pise. 1 hey terests of ineorjwratious a oaseiesi j q Work. All these iBrties re- inslimafiiin intended to nreimlicc ! snonded. but thevall simed to lack against enterprising men, especially the spirit necessary to excite lice. i, i Grant, and nothmg else, ibey fully endorse the fundamental prin n1 n nfi.lip nartv. but Oetl. I rMt v.i-.v , AMI PRO.WPT PAYI SHORT-TIME CUSTOMERS, g S( i-Iii S. . BILES, Agent. Improrei Band ; SAWS, I tr,.it"M 'i PlaiirrM i MMIvg Mtrhiif t, il ,rnT, rtinl even ilesei'iplloti iifWoon worlilu r MiiGUiilery .t Pianiaa Mill mns raBEiiiivs n.Ai'K, f M..hl.,..-v Ihiiv.' Ifdrnlii-St., sjn Kinicliico.' ME sIll'TTI.E SEW1XU MACHIXKS, I'iows, inul all klinU of Aurtrnlliiral .Inerv.MiM hy WIIEEI.EII.ni Sliedil. iii'.i-n lii ntil i.r.i,...i Nimiir nt l ii-unrili anil Second jitreulH, iiiinoiinee hi- raadlnciiB lo HtUmd loall kinrtsof DULCKSMITIUN'a, M I I.I. A MACmXt Kolto'M., ETC. ANo, has on luinel and for Kile. 1 1m; COQUILX.ARD WAGON, Strayer Foroc-lood GRAIN DRILL, STAR M0L5NE, C..STSTEEL, anO otbor PLOWS. Ulsellbii the inoal tttiaoualHe M lliv'll lit ierms. anv tit l -i .i , , i,,,, -lu,. (ux'ree oi ei i uiMiisin,iiii'i int .vi- , ; j t0 Bppinnt every man to of- thos&engaged m railroad eiiterppfen. , JJJJL Wo' ,,avc Ht. a v whom they recommended, j They fail to produce an instarice of mny )W:ti(1,j meetings in Their defection from the party, j wIicre the rights of the people are Portland and elsewhere, but, ean- a ig en pareonal ground, ami molested by tlie interests or exact- didly, we never, not in tlie days of In this thev are self im 0f incorporations. U m lavor me reu-iuon, ..,,. Um liltill'I HI LIU' wn.i. rrsn, as iiebxtofouk. r. S. MAIL ! Trl-Wcckly h".ij;e Line ! -AT TIIK ' 1 n i-ivi-el,!;, ?-'e not nolitical isli, nprincip1ed, r.ibiuaty and of oppropriatii reokk uie n'1"1 ,,. ii .... . .!.... .i ... . .. w-. r.,.n - . liievwiii nt.i uoaiusw, iruin me saie oi anio uomm ' , Will loll. i i not raise a corporal ll.ll'l iuisnii: - 1:4. i il.:,. .... iMiintv. see a uonucai kwhibiuim nu ntterlv destitute ofanrnment or log- .. -i ...... Mi:. v,..i.i,j,iiv 1.1. ' ;,.in,.oi ;m..tT.vnmoiita niul eom- l.. !,rt nf tlin MN-akers. or. t,J ani.t ; J.oOilie u on i '. .'-."'.',"-- j lliiA-iua. iiiipv.v-Mv mini uiv j - ' , cause they are willing to have the mon scliools-as this fund is not enthusiasm on the part ot the peo-j tw.1 . ,.1 v e ovate them 10 , oi, hn-some ten vears. mis triisn in 1 r power, Hence, tlie "passive" ywr sentiment will hardly atone tcheme. It proposes the "wire-; for the wrong tliey committod in bad-" to gel up a platform and taking two hundred thousand dol- ticket for the Democraey to endorse Jars of tlie school fund to build and vote. Will Democracy dothis? bx-ks. The remainder of tBe plat- A portion says yes, another portion form approves the building of the says no. Leading Democrats down locks at the Kails of the Willamette, South pay We would rather vote for and then places its cunning fingers 1 hunt, than a '-sore-head." Oreg upon the head of Gov. Grover and Democrats say, give us a clean says in substance, "Well done, good ticket. Other Democrats protess and faithful servant" thereat the to hold themselves iu readiness to whole State grins. vote for Trumbull, orany other din-1 affected Republican. Now in all I "What shall I do to get warm?" ' . . , akl a fasbioiwlilv attirwl lady of a tins conglomeration ot loose ends, Qlinker who was riding in a carriage prompted by seltishncss,anu tricucy NTURK OF Til!: VHSRIIIEB, Jk.t all "X'ixncis, A i.ivii Assortment of 11m mornliiu IIOW ri JI 11 1 o ; ;l hum 1111011 to Al ii. S. JinlK hllvllIK idiiy, We'lntmfnv and inline, leave llllllllVK. I,-1 for i - any purl of loe islioulittic left ;il tlie St. Alhnuy, for iwtwtigdts or uiVE nr. a am ah work BtltWstral lo me will rocdvi' nroinpl ntleation.iiud In1 executed In lite hesi xwslnle iiiutiniir, irltll umi'l iui.n ii.l. A llltirc Of Hililie mirtttlIliJIIj i solieil d. Ull'l I. M. ol , Krlij APmnvni -o, i raweiifivnii Icliv, AUorde (liiirliM Hon : t.... ,i.i r..., i : PftekRied aiel ii.'lit frelfhl linnetnally deltvOTeu Si low rates. All hnslness en-trn-teil tODW will lieinoinwllvatlenili il lo. W. Ii. DOXACt. : Li niuioii, fell. Hi. 72-MV4 sli . i.n ii :1ml Siyiml t, WIK)I. BEST OOODS ( ' ' ', N 1 TI li.U.SIXS, ele.. fnisll 8v4 UllJOlK. -al tlio ti... (Nire. where is there a sensi- ble man in either jarty but wliat looks upon the whole thing with suspicion and contempt ? The De mocracy have weakened their own strength by their numerous contra- 'l.Ui. In .Min-lnov. with her. lit the same time shivering .Ih 1 !.... 1 A I ...... in iiei i. u i- -ii. i w i .inn iiriiiusiuu in i.iw elry. "I don't know, said tlie Qua ker, solemnly, "unless thee puta on another breast-ptu!" An Irish inaUtran-, censuring some boys lor loitering In the street, said : "If everylsxly were to stand In the street how could anybody get by f" IJrigham Young and h is associates : will certainly fail in their efforts to ' obtain admission for I' tali into the Union as a State. The whole LOWEST PRICES ! scheme is too transparent tor any one to lie mislead by it. Although the effort has been made to create the impression that the Constitution recently enacted prohibits polygamy, there is nothing in the instrument to iustifv anv such interpretation. Tlie plan is simply an effort of Drigham and supporters to icgauze hn Mnrmoh church, and perpetuate hi. own Dower.andthe power ot the Mormon leaders. Tlie woman suffrage clause in tlie new Constitu tion' will admit otno other interpre tation. M then accepting all as being unobjectionable, the popula tion of Uteh is too small. For Sal I 1,000 BUSHELS OF CIIOH'E WHITE CHBLI CLUB WHEAT FOB SEED, OK- Merchantable Produce BOUGHT. A. WHEELER. Sbedd, Oregon, April 3, 187M1 CAU. AT TIIK RESIDENCE OF THE iuuleiitrneil, six miles south of Alhtt nv. 14 MAKTIN MJl'KE. 'Jan. n, J87S-1in3 J-0B WAGON. HAVIM! Pl'MCllASED THE INTEII est of (;. W. Youni,' In the Delivery Hnslness, 1 1 am iweinninl toilonny ami nil kinds of (Oils, oil SIHII'I Illlllin linn mill iiiiii'i. ui. tmten. lerms ituwniiiiiue. i iu-khmi's ui- fi 1. ,.(.,. tljmr 1 ....1. ineieu oiioii iniii'n iiic.ii,. i.it.,i. out for the BAY TEAM nnil Jull WAMiN. auvl ... ... .lll.'-'lil.'. (J W KET POTATOES, per last steamer, hy j v DellOls. Auoti on o x , 18 HALSEY, OREGOX. v4 Lard Oil & Soap MANUFACTORY. mDi i viii.-i!sii:m. I) ItAVlNG CXlM- 1 iitatedaud pul In good running order tuelr new Lard Oil ani Soap Manufactory, in llieeitv of Altmnv. are proifwrml to ;ir elmse. at Uw ltlglKl cash noes, all tilt) llo;;, Ranctd Butter, Sup resc, Ac'., lellvereillotlieni 111 IlllSottT. ' Tlievni'c now limmifiiolinlni; fttnl have on hand Fancy Toilet and Common Soaps, In itreat variety, warranted eqnal to tlio best In market, wliieh tliey offer tn tin ,iS,haVl,,irr.r.naneHnnt OrTJHMM of any kind, for sale, will do woU rTwni! arr. westlake mm. Jiov. 11. 187M0V4