The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 19, 1872, Image 3

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    Fred Douglass presided at the
Colored National Convention,
which Convened at Xew Orleans
on the 13th. A resolution was of
torred demanding the enforcement
ot the lawfc 011 tire subject of civil
rights, Demand equality in public
Conveyarws, hotels, ete.
7'hereajv nearly 2,000 rag-pickers
in the streets of N ew York.
7'l:e tax on paper is likely to Ire
Victor Emanuel has an income
of $3,000,000 per annum in gold,
New To-Dsiy.
Ill Hie I'iclil Again.
TK KADWELL & C( ). ':
ltd at'iti
lut st tniprnv. incuts. Him !
mum new line-
w i nu narvew m
rue Wo.Mi'4 iii.c Mowers
mill Wood s Imrv '! MII-HUKC
These matblnw am liulisputdhiy
A-ii lnrvi.'stor, the WmmIk Improved
.Hotter Is toufeaseilly wlthottl mi
. .1 ,1,., wuiMHH 'I'lifM' mil.
t htnes luive jieh Improved since tirsi In-
Irotlnitil, until tliey tire now iiltuost
llr.lj it uett miicliiiif . They arc. ninths
liv Walter A. Wood (the hii'S'' niiiini-
fticmrei' of I'ni'iiihiif Machinery m the
nitnii it iwiii u t.i i.. . m- it,. ...
tluiiisniuii1 wl) ""'i' IhiUiIh mill wllnoi'ei'
lu nli-lii l- I, !:' ! in I lie Woi'lilVl
1'riy.e MowelwllllUllHllv. II le'llhe werlil
ni the I'fti'la KxismI
IM'.T -ill. !'.
Tl... -.I'... l.t" 1...1
lUlU luis liinnil no J
Mower is
esiHsoiiiiiy hiuhhdiI in oivxou. ii lias a
...... I...... li I..... t. iili I. ii ml l -
.-r. Iwo.wbi'i'ln. siH'iii!ts3ilt,ftrt(iitiuie
i 1 1 !i: eiiiiri'li of m.illi iilili' Iron, liuri
s-SSmmwh? !
eil. i-nl iUli
(1.1,11 Hum l lit' oilier inn
hiNt the Huwer lor Oregon, in every
.. .. .1.1 1- Inn, ivv u :iv
liinniT u ill niv wlio mi one. .Met P' " '
iim i- from th lo fin li'sstlmli IsiwkihIkii'
iiti Inferior imii lliiic. Kirincr-. ill mi
niv Hint (lllfrivnie? Invwulwiti1 lit'wro
nil Imiv, uii i mi If von aw ifl'tii'W mi.v-
ilonK tin- iltnl r jn- Jit lor it U irtllt,
as mi Mini ereost iiinin to hullil limn 'iin's
Wooii's, SeUillont iiiiiilih!l Ix'foru buy-
"Buy llic Bent."
ltuv tin1 Wors Iniuruvvd Trix.'
U r oiler n!o I lie
l; Mm t) to U fei't cut, liupinvtfil lij Wulter
A. Wmul, linvitej: not only tttt Hie H'tvunt.
ii lesol'lhi' nli I Illinois innt-lllne, lull W I's
iiiiltritvuuwiibsuu lUi mmies Anjunt
nlile lie I.
,.v Nn other Himlnrhus tlU'Sii Imiiinvo
tn. nu-. anil no other iinle- sell iliuiu,
'I "ii". life nuelee-HK-eiuUy fur this ,: . hy
Workl, ni llooslek I-nil. N. V.
Tin- Kirb) cJ!-Jiako Reaper
mul Mower.
TUe-e miiehines tiro too well known to
iieedilesifinlli lsolhe"Kll(UVl'Ul.
l'Kli MOW Kit" mire .itlM" ehilX!sl
litnl for ninny inri'o-es (111! ht'rt III UlH
A3. 1. K1XEN
I'liliADWKU. .V I H.. Sole Agents.
'Tlli1 Hen'liev" Is tin" perfection nf till
i i.i. . i. u. in.. Ad ii Thi.liliiir I! inilli
Ihey Iihvu' liing ki nil others, until now i luWsiu Yamhill colliitv propose hav
, ..I..... '. fin, ..rn. r In lie tminu. i
Ttikun with the
Russell's Thresher,
1 lH'V JllllVe the tlinst ilee set of thresh-
iii nmchinery in tin' world, "The Kns--t
il."n-imori'1 e 1. rnnnot he euimlleil in
ihnenuntry. We ure sole tntenls forthe
.nleoftliesi' I'l'lelnnteil tlin'shers,atul have
lu I (hem hnlll e.Kiiresly for inlsinuMt.
Ask tiny funnel' win. has ii llu-seli Tluvitli.
or. what in- thinks of it.
MH'OMIIIck'w llcnper. Jone s PIOWR,
wiMii:s. ili-Hdi r TrnrhN, Uo-.s. 11
iiiKl Flmiet llunte PowerK. IlllJ
I'l'i Hurs, furls, N y tin s. Snntlies.
4'ultlvt4ira, Ac, Ac, Ae.
SUtdebaker Furm Wufrons,
ItUuea Horse Rukes,
.A new lot of several r ktti'ls, Just recelv-
iiii ni-o every .lescriptimi of i
Farming Implements
lllKltt fmSll SllK'l. of
n flush slot ol !
g-iv semi for ercti!nm anil (irleci
TRIHIUVi'll.!, A .,
Hen I nf Front st.
April llHOiid
Sim Criiiieiseo.
To the Citizens of
Brownsville and Vicinity.
1 itniimv thtit they mn INJiKt'ENIUiNT
I ' VMilliATKs fur tlie piiri lmse nf nil the
w O O Xj
tju y din get, for wliii li they will ) the
Iliuiii-sl MHrkcl FrU-e
In t'nsll orlinotls. Also, they have b full
rlis-k nf
4. K X K H A I. N KB t1 HAN 01 It K
mi Imml.wlilch thevollbr nt lowest niton
I'm r.Vsll or lUlOUt't'K.
KIKK, Hl'MK ft VO.
V. S. 'nll on us In lore cloning lor
3'our Wool.
Ilrow nsi Hie, .Mureli H, 1M0III8
.1 for nil kinds of I i its, by
ni. .UN, rouxu & id.
AHiuny,, Wttt
( 'niniwny. Ijinil I iert meiit, Portland
OrVKOn, April (i, 1SW. Notice Is hnrehy
Klveu, tlmt n vigorous prosecution will lie
instituted UifHhist imy und every person
who trespasses upon nuy Ituilrinil Ijind,
liefoiv the sutiie Is lloli;ilTof thvCompn
AH viMWit Lund in odd niinihervd whs
lien, whether surveyed nr iinstirveyvd,
within B dis'nnee of tlilrty mill from! tlie
line ot thv ronil, IwIoiiks to tho t'uiMwny.
MvlK Und Agviit.
The Indians are very troublesome !
in Arizona.
A hotel and several buildings
were humeri at .Nevada
the IHb.
(Jood hiinlxr is in meat demauri
at l.ewistoii.
Pour cents per pound is the:
freight on goods from Lewislou to
.Salmon river.
The Ifclliiigliam Bay Company
have nearly succeeded in pumping
the water out of their mine.
A little son of pollen Flournoy,
Rose-burg, says the Ensiyn, fell
from a stack of straw ami broke his
leg, Sunday before last.
A man was married in Salem not
longsh oe,aud the next day left his
wife at a relative's, and went to
Portland. Prom that time to this
no traces Ol nun nave ueen uibuvm
ywof blood on one of the
y'racesof blood on one
wharves in Portland, discovered on
last Sunday, excited suspicion and
lead to search which resulted in 'lis-
eovering the body of William Alex-
aiMer clinging to the anchor stock
' 1 .
of the brig Bl'OWStcr. A fntcturcri
(.knll and the throat partially cut.
togetner wiui we o oou u.n es
the whart, were sufficient to indi-
eate that Alexander had come to
iiis death bv violence
It is reported that Victoria Wood-
Iml1, c0,!ton,,,ftteS a visit t0 tIliS
(State this year.
Tlie school fund ot
icntoil eoun-
ty tiir this year amounts to ?2 50
for each pupil.
Pane county is in want of school
W was the o. money
taken from dames Dix, .s'outh Tun -
latan. Washington county,
iruised foot pails.
j Wheat is quoted at CO cents per
: bushel at CorvaJlis.
Dogs are dying off with some
sort ot epidemic in and about Mc-
Prom thirty to thirty-five mil
lions of bushels is the estimated
yield of wheat for this .state at the
coming hai'VeM.
"Rrsolrcif, That ginger bread is
lietter than fruit cake," was the
question for elucidation at the las$
meeting of theCarlyle Literary So
ciety of t'orvallis.
7'he various Podges of (Aid Pel-
ing a grand celebration at McMinn- j
ville on the fifty-third anniversary
of the Order in the I lilted states, j 1U1KJ ot- sm.cess 0f the admission
Tlie Dallas R, publican says the scheme.
Democracy of Polk claim to Ik- m Abraham Pike, of San Francis
favor of internal improvements, and c0 sues xyj,, Kanary, livery
yet, in their county, they defeated i
the only candidate they have who
favored such a system
The assay office of Charles Rum-:
ley at Helena lately assayed the
tnetl aud turned out eight silver!
. , , 1 :. en
oi'ieKs eacu weigiuug ou puinnis. i
7'he Helena Reduction Work
are in full blast night and day, am
..... :,. , 1 1 l,1t ni.rht ami ilfiv. sitid
j iv ....... - j i
tons of bullion are lxiing turned out j
every week
Salem jail had two occupants on i
the 11th inst.
Joaquin Jillcr has agreed to lee- j
tnre in New England.
A China woman, named, Ay 1
Socy, of Portland, recently commit-1
ted suicide by taking opium, super-1
uidueed oy the lmporttuiities aim
abuses of one Ah Iftn,
Yells, Fargo & Co. have estab
lished a new express othce at Har
risburg. 7'he Oregon Statesman says:
The preliminary survey ofthe Cor-
vallis and Yaquina Bay railroad
route will be commenced in a tew
days by a corps of engineers under
the direction of .Mr. George Mercer,
of Corvallis. It liegins to look ua
if something is to be done in this
important enterprise, and we heart
ily rejoice at the tact. It is a move
ment in which not only the Yaqui
na Bay country, but a large part of
tho Willamette valley, have a vital
A sharp shock of earthquake was
felt in Stockton, Cal., on the morn,
ing of the Uth ; also two were felt
ill the afternoon..
Ft is no jjositivcly affirmed that
the Me Xican reeently in San Fran
cisco who was thought to be Por-
tfrHj piaZ) watl tie very 0euticl
I (JUm
Fos Angeles county has had for-
I tv or tiflv tlmiisiinil oinno-o nml
llti,,. ,,..! ii,v.n,
y.( fMjlt011 0f'i.e 11CH. ..urt
house at A'alcm has lreen commeuc -
7'he Oregon Pity Lock Company
wants tour hundred laborers will
pay $2 'JO in coin per day,
Engleand McCormiek are in the
Clackamas county jail awaiting
trial for the Crime of murder.
A blast on the Iregon t ity locks,
reeeutly, threw n:ks into .Main
street, and shook many buildings.
Mr. Kdgar Foster, Kagle Creek
precinct, Clackamas county, cut his
hand nearly oil with an a week
before last. Will probably lose the
use of it.
There are two ladv novelists in
j TR,a BKJ 1(;o patients, in the In-
aue svi,im at j.;at Portland.
The Portland (hvaoniun says
the boiler of the little tug boat
Resolute exploded on the afternoon
uf the 12th, resulting In a total loss
,1f,i,eK(Mt. valued at 3.000. and
ildiug of the fireman, ami
s ightlv injuring of a Chinaman.
j M. - tho eiiwer was lifted
: froin his tcetand blown about thir-
tv feet 1 on the whart, though lint
slightlv iniured. 'I'he noise ofthe
explosion was heard all over the
city, and created considerable ex
citement, A bucksaw was blown
some forty or fifty yards where it
i e a h
' , .1(1 .velltthrouth,
I shoemakers in an adjoining room,
hearing the noise of the explosion,
and the window crash almost si
! multancously, went out of there
with celerity.
A correspondent at Heaver, Utah,
reports a most shameful speech, de
i livered there a tew days since by
i Elder ''.Mussel'," Mormon telegraph
Superintendent. The speaker said:
"Kather than surrender a single
principle of their re igion they would
( burn Salt Pake City, tear up the
railroads and telegraph lines, and
destroy millions of dollars' worth
of other property." I le denounced
in vile terms Judge McKeau and
President (i rant, and made outra-
geoU8 1(.marks in reference to the
President's wife. There is but little
rtai,i0 keepere, for $0,000 damages
tor furnishing him with an unman
ageable horse which ran awav with
i im ail(1 m wm0 out THiim, in.
jHrh ig botli,
,hii Pennon, of San Francisco,
. , . ,
was vaneutlv arrested tor assaulting
a woman on the street with the bl
t l.,. 1
trillion Ol oie li;iiil nui s:ipvn. n
js uow dangerous tor a woman to go
out alone upon the streets of that
0ity after
The stage between Preseott and
('nrap );ltc Creek, Cal., was recent-
y attacked by Indians, but a tierce
snow storm at the time prevented
ti,P gUMS 0f the attacking party
frora (j,.;,,
m (.,h
are in a great state of excitement m
regard to an inevitable invasion by
Mexicans beyond the border,
A century plant which has been
standing tor years in a garden in
San Francisco, latterly has sudden
ly shot up a blossom stock like a
gigantic asparagus sprout, eight
inches in diameter, aud as tall as an
ordinary telegraph pole, and is still
going up at the rate of a toot per
Jas. Gamble, general superinten
dent ofthe Western Union Tele
graph Company's linos on the Pa
cific coast, was thrown from his
carriage between Piedmont and
Poker has taken the place offaro
in San Francisco, the law not inter
fering! unless conspiracy to cheat
ami defraud a particular jwrty can
be proved..
A man named Pierce, at Red
Bluff, Pal., on the 14th, shot
through the window of a house of
ill-fame, five or six times, killing
Xellie Brook and wounding a man
named Perkins in the leg. Pierco
Limn Hmt AfW rotiimiml in n
I .i., .;, j .,. w al.,i i.;n,i
Oakland. cal.. on the 0th. and bid -
1 ly bruised, but not dangerously.
Earthquake shock were still felt
1 in California at Yisaliaonthe 10th.
I Much anxiety wis felt for the safety
of Owens' Valley. 7be general
directioifof tlie shocks was from
south to north. A slight shock VMS
felt at Stockton on the 10th. j
The deliiiijiiei.t tax list in dose- I
phine county amounts toonly 63S1.1
The county is entirely out of debt. I
7'hc pupulttidb of Josephine
county is increasing rapidly on ac -
count ofthe expected coming ofthe
"iron horse."
The miestion ot moving thecfiun -
ty Kelt ofJosephnie county to Slate
Creek orApplegate is being agitat-
rd much.
little boy, of Portland, playing
at the toot of Market, street in that
! city, fell overboard, and would have
drowned, but for the exertions ot
two men, whom the cries of his
1 ...ijMv tn tba ntu
r. A. S. Hall, with an Indian
al,d a French Canadian, crossed
shrnherd Mountain when the
j snow was Mrty i,ct ,lecp, covered
wjtj, a )iav,i oriiit, Oil the top of
wUoh t.hev walked.
The Jacksonville Time was
showed a tine specimen of coal
taken from the .Meadows in that
locality, by .Mr. .Murphy. At a
depth of twelve feet the strata was
some two and a half feet thick, and
I iccomes more solid as it bears into
the hill.
The Jacksonville Timet is in -
formed that the Modoc Indians
! Iiovn wnnrnt. ointssarips at Work
among all the different trhVs of
southeastern Oregou trying to in
duce them to attend a grand pow
wow east of the mountains. They
are circulating superstitious stories
of meeting all the dead Indians there
in council, in order to work on the
credulity ofthe icaccably disused
The .Modoc Indians of Lost river
have kwrne quite troublesome,
killing cattle and being very impu-
i , . . ti wl,itos. y'roops haT)
mit jt0 t,at 1Vgion t0 regu.
I itt,
Portland hotels are well fil'ed
with transient guests.
Within two weeks there were
over twelve burglaries in Portland.
7'he Oregonian has this : 'I'he
fo'lowing good story is told of a
bachelor, who does not reside more
than two miles from the city. He
had frequently been taunted' tor his
"single blessedness," until human
endurance could bear no more. He
called upon a maiden lauy oi ms
acquaintance, when the following
sententious colloquy took place : 1
Said the bachelor : "Miss, do you i
have any inclination to change your
name oi' condition V" '-No," she
replied. "Neither do I, Miss." j
So he turned on his heel and walk- ;
ed away muttering, "Thank beav
en, I've got that off my mind a't j
last." Tie has not attempted to
perpetrate matrimony since.
7'he Republicans elected theii
entire ticket at San Jose, Calitbr
nia, a few days ago, by large major
ities. The spring races have opened in
Jackson county.
All the houses in Hil'sboro are
occupied and the demand tor tene
ment houses is good.
It is reported that there will be
considerable emigration trom Peim
sylvania to the Fmqiia valley this
The proceeds of the late concert
and festival given by the Good
7hmp1ars at llillsboro were fifty
A boy named Dnnlap was run
over in Portland last 3onday, and
so ljadly injured was he, that am
putation ofthe right leg may be
necessary, says tlie Jhdktin.
Sngar-cured hams are beginning
to make their appearance in Port-laud..
Portland seem to be literally
alive with burglars.
The Portland BitUvt'H says:
.Vany ot our city Wholors who
eanuot afford to tret married live in
M::te of Oriental niagnitiiwree that
! umnlrl nttrmiell their ladv friends.
n., .,.. MUt them omimMa nhoiit
j thifir comfort lssrooo. In any ofthe
: ru-tv looking blocks around town
I eaulre found suites ot rooms furnished
in most extravagant manner, where i
these suffering men recline upon
silken cushions, listening to thesil-
-ver music of bourbon Hilling tronC
the jug, and wrapt in the sensuous
delights of a merschaiim pipe and
Pananns in Portland.
Voung onions are detrimental to
calls on the young ladies.
confined hear got loose in
iwer portkui of Portland last
Tuesday, which, on meeting a ea -
nine, killed and ate it. He was
j emed liy the aid of ropes and
i dubs.
Oen. L. Applegate will speak
on the political 'luestioiis ofthe day
i at Eugene to-morrow.
Sam I!. Irwin has lreen appointed
Deputy Postmaster at Salem.
Stamp your papers when you
! mail them, or they will not go.
i ,, -,.n is U-inr bored
t Seattle
i Clothes-line thievea infest Seat-
i Wnshington Territory has four-
teen convicts in the Penitentiary.
I'he Stittenman oeuics that the
chiekenpox is had about Salem.
"Whisky Hrown," of Salem,
did not suicide, as reported.
.Vary P. Sawtell, of Salem, grad- j neva on the 15th inst., but will not
uated nt the New York Medical regard this act as prejudicial to its
College fiir women, March 29th, jKjsition in opposition :to the Ameri
New York City, An M. O. she can claims tor indirect damanes ;
now is.
1 The case of Handlcy, of the
WiW fyi'fr, against Upton, of the
i ffmirier to restrain tlie latter trom
' ' '
doing the printing for Yamhill coun.
ty under the Litigant aci, nas oeeu
dismissed at the plaintiff's costs.
Mr. P. S. l)yar has turned over
the Grand Ronde Indian Agency
to Mr. P. H. Sinnott. He will soon
start for Klamath Agency.
Olympia wants more hotel ac
commodations. The Mahogany mine, Owyhee
. . . i . i i
District, is turning out fifteen tons
of ore per day.
A rich strike was made recently
in the lied Jacket tunnel, Owyhee.
The vein is nearly a toot in width,
and very rich in gold.
The applications for railroad land
at the office in Kalama, average
flirty or fifty )ier day.
The Black Hill gold excitement
is a humbug.
The Aja.v brought up ten fami
lies from Denmark direct, recently,
wdio will abide in this State.
Gen, Saxton has been ordered to
the Department ofthe Columbia as
chief Quartermaster.
roRKiua sits,
Prince Bismarck read the
leror's sneech at the opening ofthe
Heichsrath, Berlin, on the 8th.
General Sherman was in Con
stantinople on the Oth.
The revolutionists of Mexico un
der Trevins and Qui ruga, "2,000
strong, occupied Keynosas, forty
miles distant from Matamoras, on
the 8th. General Palaeios declared
martial law in Matamoras.
Gambetta, of France, announces
that the whole country is a unit for
the defeat ot the suppler of mon
archy. ' Fuller returns from Spain give
the following results of the recent
election: Ministerialists, '-'1; Had
ieals, ty ; liepublicuns, 42; Carl
ists, 38 ; Opinion Conservatives,
Forty-seven thousand women of
Alsace and Lorraine have addressed
a petition to Bismarck asking that
their fathers and sons may lie ex
empt from service in the German
army tor a tew years.
Prince Gurtchakoff is to succeeil
(Hone, as Russian Minister to.Switr.-
A meeting of Internationals at
Madrid, Spain, on the 10th, was
dispersed by the police.
Thiers, of France, has abolished
the passport system. Hereafter
travelers will have no tax levied, as
! heretofore, nor will they Ire subject
to the scrutiny ofcivil officers while
m the country.
John Bright took his seat ill the
House of Commons. V.m.. on tin
night of the 12th, for the first time
since his protracted illness.
.Miss Nellie (hunt, daughter of
the President, arrived in Liverpool,
Eng., on the 18th,
Thiers gave a brilliant reception
at the Palace Plyspe, Paris, on the
13th. Nearly a thousand persons
were present.
The Pope gavfi an audience t'
many eitisons of Home oil the PUh.
also to four hundred person from
i foreign parts, lie gave his bene.
diction to the countries represents
: by visitors.
! The jury in the ease ofO'Oonnoi ,
the jierson who attempted to assRs.
si nate Queen Victoria, was satisfied
j ofthe sanity of the prisoner, and
rendered a verdict of guilty. The
prisoner was sentenced to twelve
months hard labor and twenty
A revolution has broken ont in
St. Marie, EJaytl, Troops were
massnereing the insurgents on the
11th by the Wholesale. Citizens
were protected by the French Con
sul. The Ano'hman,of Path, Maine,
ti Hindered at sea on March 11th.
Seven ofthe crew were lost.
The Loudon 7??es, in an edito
rial on the Alabama claims contro
versy, savs the British Government
will deliver its counter cases at tie-
if the United States shall not, lie
fore the tribunal is ready with its
award, have abandoned the claims
tor consequential damages, (Jrent
liritain will withdraw her ratifica
tion of tho Treaty of Washington.
Hear Admiral Coote has been
commissioned to succeed Hear Ad
miral Arthur Paripihar in command
ofthe British fleet in the Pacific.
The French Transatlantic Tele
graph Company have concluded a
contract with the Telegraph Main
tenance and Construction company
for laying the fourth line of tel
egraph cable between Europe and
It is announced that Lord Chief
Justice Cockburn, a representative
of Great liritain in the Geneva tri
bunal, will not attend the meeting
ofthe Hoard on the 15th..
-Mexican advices to the iL'th an
nounce that Querrora has been re
captured and is held by the Govern
ment forces, and that Pnaro I a
dredo was being besieged by the
same forces.
The . Imerican Consul at Port-au-Prince,
Ilayti, has been imprisoned
at that place for having given pro
tection to General Pattella, the
leader of the inisurrcction, who es
caped from the custody of his
guards and took refuge in the Con,
sul's bffice while on his way to Is
imprisoned. The American Minis
tor, it is understood, will apply !"
his release.
The London Observer says Lord
Tenderon and t'aleb Gushing will
present the eases of their respect,
ive Governments at Geneva on the
sitting of tlie Board on the 15th.
This wjll lie very brief, dishing.
Davis and Kverts, counsel of the
American Government, will pro
long their stay in Paris till June
The Board of Arbitration isbouud
to adjudicate the Alabama claims
after delivery of the counter cases
even should one of the litigants
It is reported that the llaytien
Government will probably declare
war against BacH, who is charged
with an attempt to overthrow Pres
ident Suget.
A Western orator thus winds up a
definition of eternity: "Why, my
friends, after millions am) millions of
years had rolled away in eternity,
It would be a hundred thousand years
to breakfast time.
A negro who was suspected ot sur
reptitiously muddling w ith his neigh
bor's fruit, beinit caught in a traiifen
-by moonlight, nonplussed his detectors
oy rinsing Ins eyes, clasping his hands,
aud piously exclaiming. '"Good Lord!
dis yere darkey can't go nowlietes t,.
gray any more without being dlstuts