The l oniinittee on Foreign At- Many ietitins are before tlie kgl- o v.,,. j km "f Kentucky asking fir tlie nn iCTiuiuuiiur .l.lhlfin., f ll u'LLL-i- f...i., i I KIUIWVII tin. 11111- m IIMII I 111" r VI i. i ne i oniniuui -,vi"v m uirs have agreed maiming uie nnccixiiuunai release . snows a iteunnv growth oi teiuier uf Dr. Howard ami the restoration' j'1!" .th. ;,ft: rJ i vrvn-ini.i a HH.ti nunjiuirrt tun been con. Seker of the Senate i- ;i (;! Tein- I'TKNITI'IIK. ItlU liS. KTC MILMXKKV, DKKSS MAKING i. vm i:k sews. 11.e Ohio river was renoitel , S?1? w1? , n . j.. , nVatctl bv the SpaY.fsh ISoverti-inM Bve of the State Offloew imU rher on the !lh than it lias lcm r Uwuiiderablc iniuilier of the ineinhets The New York 11 ' calls for the immediate impeachment of Judges Canloxa and Bernard. for several years. The tributary streams were overflowing their 1 iain. The waters of the Licking swept down into the Ohio, carrying twenty loaded coal barges from Ihttebnrg and iifteon tivni other York Siw, the champion bhwk- oftlie l.eiri-lature Mon to tli- order. I Tlie Maine LegMarnre Imiug ml-j joiirncd, it is natuml lias been done hi the way nf 'robihi jbitkm! Several new provi-ion have . . , ..ix" : neeii mane. Micrins aim iNsirict-Ai- t hnrles A. Dana, ot the New tonieys are hereafter to oltev all orders. MILLINERY, CRESS MAKING, A Kit I LADIES AM) 4 IIILIHtl'V FURNISHING HOUSE ! !lit from tins tiovi tiioi- relating to the en- foreeineut anil exeention of tlie Uiunr laws not a erv efficient niece of the Conui essional la " -making, we ni. '"'t valasble , as showing that in Maine there is no testify as to lus retreating in respect to tlie Himire- : mailer of the world, has lieen Thirty-five deatlis occurred from , ,)t MvK te sraaibpox during the week ending Committee to on the loth, at New t oik. : charges a'liinst the Secretary otthe A bill has been introduced into Navv. lie stated that he had no hefor.' they can reive a lieen-t;. iiiii4 ... , . ,.ii, ,,i i, , ! g ve giino ano snnieieur no n the State Senate of New York in- pereonal knowledge of tlie truth of , s., ll0 illtoxU.ltill , ins charaes, tint i-aiu tiiat " They Who Have Nothing: for Sale are farthest from Market " sion of the ruin traffic tiiii-holilers. ob- naines he however refused to stive. This slanderer has reached a detail , , , in.' i n,iii-. nut iii i ii' creasing the salarv ot the lovernor , . , .? . ' ,. ,. .. . !v. 5 A . . Uineil Ins mlonnatioii livnn per: ti 10,000, ami other otheers iro- , , . , , ,. , '., . ! .' ' in whom he had confidence, wl Over sixty buildings were de strove.! by the I8ti 1 ake navigation is opened. (Jreflt. damaee was done bv r,M , , ,,. i.j . . ti 1 "y nianiiiaernrer. and agents mnv storra on the 15th, extemliug the, I he Repubwati candidate for Lieu- wjj mv wiue tor aMMuaftital pur- t lt:i r I rinks. Provision is also made for seaivhinir isons tliose who may iw suspecteil of eon- hose I eeallng Iifjiior nimn the person. I.iij- 1 uor-seiiers aim owners ol tmlHlhigs in which it toOk1, will be held linlile for an immages ny tntoxtnited pei-ons by fire in Tiffin, Ohio, on of infamy deejier than the Lowest j purchasing of them or in their houses, inst. Loss heavy. i(,ivr- I "j'?.tm! hielndwi ammg A very ringn'ar "issue" was up in , 0, f jlt. m ,7 IK)t (xtt,,1(l t0 ,.,. C. MEALEY, DEALER IX A. CAROTHERS & CO., WliO KNOW THIS TO flK TKl 1 'I'lIK I MiKHSN.NKH ItAxil KNKH V 1 new tm-k of ini!iiiici- trim minus. Mil's" and ilillilivn I'uriiiidilnu KomKofall kinds, of the wtr-i mid most lu-lil.umhlctitj lc, hi, li nil, otfein In the t In Jlt of Albany and snrroUHdinK timnto' ; ut I In- Iom . mi rutiw. In lti Dress Making Department I Riianwtcc entht. mtlsflulon. Cluutnn liberal. BPECIALTIKS t 'IoII,Iiik. Always on luiiidftfldles'Htid ehlldrens' ivndy made under ciotliing, , ebaiks, .in-!.-, iiimii, i'U liri-sn TrlniuiliiKTi. In extensive va I rlety of silk, satin, cotton mid U'ttoleli 1 drvss triiuiulnrts itlM;t in -inrc. ioHlffli,jr. Iloney-eoiubaistraebiui and a'ater-proorclothj ot the ih-i (tuiiltties. Curs. i:c. jidies' aml ehlldi'V.u'sieniie the Uhoilclslaiidelivtion last week. fiietiire and sale of ti mlteMred eider ny ttio inainita.tim'r. and agents may MAIlUr AUTUncR Are now kre'in, and ali c.nftantly re- Plejo sets of fur and swimdotf h, of latest ci'iiing adililinuM to, tenant Governor was defeated on Pea A good storj- is told of Stephen Oi-1 entire length of Lake Michigan, through the Mates of Illinois and Wisconsin. H IB re Tieu inai, i.nv, i iiimr , . m . , ,. i , i iieni urje uiranic irvni ua tun J ... t c , l0 wl,fn PlV0 "V"," ,k-a,,rtJl i He orie dar broachwl the snbjwt has written a letter to senator .ie,.i. e n chamv. and the iuelBn fjimni im.'l t with rim wb Triimhnll avowing his intention j to support the Cincinnati move-, inent. account of his cotinection with the business of trap-lishing in the hay at rani, whose nepbew had heen with , Newport TraiUishint; wasa"mon- ; "") mm years, ami expeetl to m GOV. Palmer . , , ' ., ,1'.uli. 0,.ji:1u. I '"erit a large tortinie lroin Ins uuele. to lt'lititT. the Largest Stock of Goods Of was made an "issue" in the elec tion. Horace Greeley waa elected I "res tire ooonrred in Shamokin, Pa., i,ent of the I ibenl Club at ew 1 decided to learn coopering. The next , ni'M iinii; iiniiiti in iii. nmi on, o'iink; i beside other ap)reiitiees. For a year f liaven't any money for you, young man. I want you to learu a trade. Tlie young man had toogondveuse to demur, and after some consultation FURNITURE on tnc mil, miming a nowi anu lime dwellings. Loss, j ii.i.iaiu. York on the evening of the 12th The taw lioat iktmnnnti ernlrv- ' he worked faithtblly, when, one day 7'hirteeu families were left home-: i n . t' ;t . ...i ,. according Co wonest. ha weaml be- .led her boiler when opistte the fon. his Vmele with a first elass barrel USUAL TO THEIR TRADE ABOVE PORTLAND, Jess. Hon. ErastU8 Cornelius, of AI hany, X. Y., is reported dead. An iiKjucst was held in Xcw York on the 9th, on the body of Dr. Woodhull, husband of Victoria C. TVoodhnll, and returned a ver dict that an overdose of morphine accelerated an attack of pneumonia, , ( iinard Docks at .lersev City, on I ' ,m nw" niakmg. now young, L, , , .. , '. , I man,' aaiil Oirard, 'you are rich wlth the 11th, killing thccnginecr, three : ollt nie. i & BOrfortitne von ' lioat hands and two boys, I have a gixxl tnide bv which you "can ! : Conch, the alleged "hlaek-mailer ! ""W1 yff- Now yon are tit to ! ! , share sonic Interests with me. ot New York, was committed to : : the city prison on the 1 1th to await ( For the consolation of the young ; trial. " ' hearts grieviil by parental iuterfer- T. . . , ., . , ciice in matrimony, we revive a It is reported that a coalition has , rf ,lijitorv . J Mftmoh.u i.i.i .,ij .... l...i..... rl" : : . ..... producing ueain. cuwwu unwmi lauimany ; I'untati, the Itev. Mr. Smith, had t is now reported that Senator J and the Apollo Hall Democrats, two daughters, Mary and Abby. Sumner has aunouueed his inten- j and it is said that Sheriff O'P.rien The elder married ; and her father ti f supporting Grant, it he 1 ! will be the candidate fbr Controller, I l''f a Iron, nominated by the Philadelphia I). E. Tierma.m or Hobert A. With- i 1 10 xt i ,, L 7 i i Convention. ams for Mayor in ease the charter h About S113,140.000of thc.,.,1 1 are held in May or ft Jjgjg j bonds have been redeemed, leaving i A large papar collar factoiy was her thtll(,r objected fbr a year or I only nine or ten millions yet out. consumed in New York on the 13th : more, disliking her lover," young j The Massachusetts House by a ! 'nst- It P"' five hundred girls out John Adams. 'When he finally L..l . ' ,. , of employment, ! yielded, and asked his daughter to ,te..t,, ys to loh nays, refill at , clu a text lor the inevitable sc.-, to order the woman suffinge bfli to mon, alic suggested : "John came, I the third reading. I M" 0n the uht o( neither eating bread nor drinking lov. Palmer; of Illinois, refuses ' 14th mst' ,U'str""" tefn j wine, and ye say, 'He hath a devil."' j to identify himself with the Mis- j P t,,e clt" s,'voral ; cause.1 her father's consent : . , , . , UwelliiK's. Loss, 102.000. to w retracted, but she married. sottn liiK'ia s. aim nun i wain to tie I . . , , i ,Mvnrt,ai .w1 h,n, !., i tltC ' vuvlvii'j . uvvmiil nn, n itv j I ol one 1 resident ot the I nited Cabinet Ware, And A T M i ll pis m i; That ...,.i;,i,o I'v.oih.nt- W.., A Ii iv at I ottsviiie, I a., on 1 Irtll'llMHU IVI M IV .-M' n ii he is a personal friend ol General morning of the 14th, destroyed ten t i rant. tenement houses. Loss, 515,000. The Supreme Court of theUnited j A man was run over by the engine Mates has refused to issue ainanda-, billed. mc to comool the Nvretarv of the At Worcester, Ma treasury to pay the Kentucky war : mst., a oiuck containing the largest w -"- preuw opposnaou States and the mother of anotlier. It is by no means probable tluitthe young hearts grieved as -aforesaid, will make their lovers Presidents nthc l Hh j by marrying them, but they can laims. buildings in the west and a large The following States have al- boarding house were totally destroy ready declared fbr the re-nomiiuv ' ed by lire. tion of President Grant: Pennsyl vania, Indiana, Xew Hampshire, Maine, Georgia and hio ; and the ! breath of Ift he will be doing some ' . . 7 , i . , I thing lor himself, his couutrv. or pos- States of Ohio, North and SouUi terify. Washington, fi-iuklhi. I low Carolina. Kentucky, Tennessee, Ar-; anl. Young. Newtoit, all were at Kansas, Virginia, West Virginia, ahnost to tlie last hour of their ' AI-11T1I1, . IL I" .1 LUUjl.-,!! llllll Ol HC" lievethat we must lie down and die .It st So. A wise man will never rust out. As long a; he breathes the Maryland, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Xcw York, .Massachusetts, Alabama, Louisiana, Nebraska and Missouri, will doubtless insist on his re-nomination. A Democratic paper in X'ew ( Irleans says that the colored jieo- ple of the South last year produced may be misjudged. 7'he Xew Haven litaixtir (Democratic) says that Judge Davis is the very weakest among the can didates named tor the Presidency. It prefers Charles Francis AdanK with, perhaps, John Qniucy Adams tor the second place on the ticket. Than is nothing like keeping things in one's family. The X. Y. StaiutlM styles the Cincinnati Convention that is to be, simply because we are old. The man of energy 1- not old : it is only he who suffer his energies to waste away, and j m,r,,; ... u rt.t Ms lite to become . . ? i. , isapi enoiign. i,ui no oeiier mooe i of working oil their spleen could be invented. 7'he people who will go . BEDDOG, Etc., Purchasers Shall be Satisfred. Coi'iicr of First and Broatialbin Sis.. iriixTr ti AJjDAll I , KJll. j Beside a targe Stock of OKIUS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, I Paints,Dve Stufl,and Oils, They keep i Yankee olion, t Confectionery Fhiest Tobacco & Cigars WOSTENHOLM'S CU1LER SP1CS, PERFUMERY, (All kind), TOILET SOAP, 'hh;iioiiN. I.nte-t styles wnstimtlj on llHIIlt, al low llxu li's. MlMvllmirous. I.inini.'w mill llntltiijra ol all iriwlm ami inuUltlcs. a lull nanom ntrut. JAroNKTs. MI'si.ins. KVIlltulliKKIKS. lil.M'KII UINKX, KII AM) M.l, OTIIKIi yAltlKTlEH OF liLO'K I10SK, KTC, My iletermlnalion lielna toalvesatisnie tiiui in style, ami (pmlltj: of wink and price, 1 ;isk a sliare of pnulia ptttNMMge, m Opposite A. Carothers & Co., first st reel, Alliany, Olton. MI1S. II. D, (lOIitKY. CV-U'cnt tin- Min. CurppnterVi t'u.E RRATKO ll;l.s MoDFI., Sn. I.7I-IHI PATK.VT OATK, ETC. Seir-Openin; d Self-Closing (i A T E . F ATENTtI) BV JOHN Dlf'KASojr, June I. .,7. 'I'lIK tiATK I- Si) f'ON'MTHl'C'Th'I) That I when the ehiele apin-ondieM it the j wheels on i nide pus m el ;i lc er whleli I i" ronnoctcd in ilie aate IiIiikvIi a rml lliiisoncnlnKtlie mite Iwrorevmi hl ftrnt' enlna it u)ien. Aiiei- itolint 'ilinmith, tlie earrlaife pumpN over n hnllHi- h'ver l-.i eoiiiieeteU It li tlu'diile liitraii,eutHhi)(tiu (.'ale, in its rOtHtlOtl, (0 -lull I., llilul VOU ! ami lumeu. No Getting Out of Your Vehicle ! No Rlltiiigef Latches Nor Pulling Except tin1 THitions" of your team. It N oftun called Particular 1TTE.TIOi PAID TO ORDERS OF ALL kllS I AT HIS XjI3N3"IE3. THE " LAZY MAN'S GATE,'' Ami n "Dead Opeii and Nhuf.'" Tlii- sate is Kltnplo In its eon-linctinn, iiiitlini Iron und wood work, Htitl not llkeiv I to get out of onler. li a neat, eliwiu nt' - Is iliwiretlj it may lie mmle li-jin. with three croi liars ot wood and one-fourth im-li i wire, neatly curved at the tnji. the loner end 111 1 in the liiitt.mi har. n hi, li is lie style ot a rileton made ante. The fgrftm ! are now in iructlial use in several of the countliisiirouml sun Kntnctsi-n, imdpientv ol testiiiKitiinals Ian he aiM.-n, ; THOMAS J. SAFFORD, Hiu lug pnrc d the permit- the SprlliK of hi motionless, on w hoso hamls the hours ilr.-ig hiifivily, ninl to whom nil things wear the vestment of gloom. There are seoi that wi JUST RECEIVED -AND- Kijslit for Linn Co., Oregon, I Ihisnow on linn. 1. and will iiumtifncttire the above desciihe I rale. herevcrlt has I iws'ii used it has received the holiest en- COmlUIU,(ls the liirge iittiulier nf eei-ti!. I fates from prominent fanners in all part, ol the ootmtry, now In my luinds, will I testify. CARRIAGES AXI WAGOK8, Of All Desoriptions, iln hand and manufactured to order. Illarksmlthing and Kepairiug- Done to order at must reasonable nttes, Shop ii n nf Kerrv street, tipnoslte Iti ncli, M.uilelili s Co.'- Ronrllig mills. 'I IKIMAS J. SAKFOItli, AHmny, i tot. 48, IsTi-.svt would pryfer in any import I ent( II wl milliotifi ot (kdi.'irs. a tew vears own approach, ami turn i Kruy nrams living iMiay thwe are naturallv inclined to: growling. What we riroixwe to rlo fRO.fl at V AfllW llifc fc.lMi , , . . i ii : i . i it i - ,i u .i' 1,1111, ir .r..i it Mien nun ami in.-Niiiir " ih'H -iiini- i j -v vi l-i.t.. ngo the Mine journal nsexl to argue i flr3t hxr'h wdprdUTcourajfhigfroxvn that they wotihl never work unless i way at the i No harm can cunje of it, and we suspect much good will result. a lash was laid upon their backs three or lour times per day. Abram Linn was killed and rob bed of 8800, and his body hid hi a mill sink, at Baltimore, Md., on the 10th. At a leap y. ar party in Atlanta, on T wo thirds of all of the I'resi. the 0th hist, the voting ladles showed ' ,i0lltS and tbroe-fburths of all the 1 in. ii malum.--- in iitivnii; ilie nniiiii- ing niottoe. Iii eousjiietious places: "We mean hiwfness," "Now isuur eliauec," "IVaitiug is tedloiw." A dead man beine toiind at T.a ' Crosse, Wis., with seven stalls in his VAw'm Vnrrokt haslipou vorv sick hack, the coroner's jury brnndit in a . venlict of "probable murder at Boston, but is now recovering. The bridge over Saddle river i r , , .1 T s ear llacketisacK, on tnc .cw .jer very cautious jury. In Russia the doctors live thirtv or fortv miles apart. The Russians are a eemtaries of State, have lieen mem bers of the Episcopal church, 7'hey have been discussing the question, "Was St I'eter.ever in Home?" Father (iavazzi said "No," the Catholics "Ves," and each claimed a victory in the argument. THE LARGEST LOT or The Trov Whiii stivs it eannot he ,, 1 Milla,l roileoarl nut Mltfcy peWM. 1'ut this and that to- j. denied that the lwttle in Xew Jlarun sej od -Mid and railroad, gave t)(,; 1 Wnm lotf wuarely upon the away on the 10th, precipitating a iiftssfietiger train mto the river. J he A hotel in Hrape street. Synicuse, merits of the Aihiiiuistrallon. That Is what the IXmiocratic journals he- brakesman was killed, the conduc-: "UkU l,."'re "J'"'; wsterln8 , !'ur Cg1' ' befieve waa the i i . . , J, ... . ri : trough. lun a sign bearing tlie stigges- issue, hut as the smoke lifted from Hie tor badly injured, and twenty-hve . tiwe,mU. .. .wn',8 Retreat field, exposing the DertoVratlc ront. or more iwieiisers more or less in jured. The water was very- low in The identical collar of the golden theriver, or none would have been lSA l'ue,' ' ago has lieen given hv King Atnadeiw The N ew 'ork Pout da-lares the to the Court ot r laiiders. relorm legislature to lie a failure, they plead witii ingenious candor that tliey must Have been mlshikelt as the Administration has no "merits'' to fight ripon. Conning -little joker,-' tills Democracy. Regarding the I'lttsbunr W. Va.l In what, w .-iv docs a liulv ti-eal a man movement, which Is smmo.ed MltaWn ine uiuiau Armropnauon win ; like a telescope? hen sue puns mm ; oem set in motion tiy judge chase's basuassed tlie IIousp of lionrosflii. mt l0- 'ma through, and tlien shuts ; friends, the Irenton Tew Amerintn tatives. ' i "P- 'lhe l iberal Bcpublicans t! Why is tlie early grass like a pen nrtti, . . . knife ? Because tlie spring brings out V ahhington now talk of nominal, : the blades . ing Logan, of Illinois, for Presidec t, and ex-Gov. Curtin of I'emwl- L.Ai vffT1 rT' TV fi ar Some other M'shows that arealready rain, for Vice President. 3 ' Sffl J,Wt mt 0,1 " ,,ind''g" i rebeau.g nnder the Paeiidenthil can- (democratic) says "it is not to he de nied that the platform is composed mainly of sound planks, but is a plat form without an organized party at its lack." Be tliat as it may, this Parkersburg party may do as well as vass. New and Elegant ; FURNITURE, EVIR BROUGHT TO ALBANY I Come and See it! Everything USUALLY OBTAINED IX A STRICTLY First Class DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. NO ARTICLE BOLD But what it tiua ran teed To Be JUST AS REPRESENTED, And TULVLett be Good . Arctic Soda A CAROTHERS & Cf 8T0 V ES I N8U H A NGE, ETC. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Dealer in RANGES. COOK, PARLOR AND BOX, STOVES! Oftlieliest patterns. A i ao i 1 1, Mii:rr my ami iw. i'kh a iii-;. And the usual (ntnoTtinnnt of hirnlnblna good' I" he (ll)luliied in u tin lltoro, Iteinlrs neidly and promptly OTCoatedi in ri itsemilile Icrmn. Short reckonlHipi mnko long friends, FllONT STREET, ALlJANY. Doe. 5, T Aftp AKI) HAMiS.ii splendid lot conn- 1j try,y avt Dubois