The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 12, 1872, Image 8

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    An ExrltMl ElrplMnt.
Out at Twentf-wcond ami Bolton
streets yeateriay tmwjlrod miothw
lerrible eoinhttl with an iul'tii iatcil
heart In which a human life m near
ly sacrifice)!. At this phiie. ta onr
readers know, from the account in
Wednesdays V.v.s arc located the
Winter Quarter of A Attn Knre-
iKiuirh '4 nteuairerie.
an establishment
containing nearly every variety ol
liiiil and inM-t.
lesieruay morning air. uwrg
Koivpanirh. Keeper of the eeleorated
. . . r
eieolunt "Kotneo. who is annuo m
be the mo-t vicious animal ever pun-
hely eXlUMttW, ami wlio-e am anions:
showmen is the champion man - kill -
er." entered the building IW' t
attend to the want of In huge net
The brute was apiaivutly in the best
of moo-Is. and Mr. rorepuigh appre -
hem ed nodanger. However tin- tan-
lta! seeunty while peering llirougli
ll rtpertilrc at the perfttrilUUiee ol
-some member of the troop Who was
vxervidiig in the ring att.iehed to the
building, Mr. Korepaugb. was iv
miudesl of Koiueo's pie-eme and dan
gi'tvu instinet- b -uildenly finding
biuielf eneireled III the eoua of tile
trunk of tla- animal. In an iu-tanl
the unlucky man was hurled through
tlie air with treniemlous lorn, in hi
nseenl readilng the roof of the stable.
Fortmiatelv he fell on a pile ol blank
ets. But. he was in more i Inenl
daueer tlian ever directly under the
feet "and oompl tely ill ibe pow
er of the infuriated liea-l. A sing'e
tramp, one blow from the tenable
trunk and he was a dead man. In
this perilous situation, with the weap
on id' the treacherous animal raised to
deliver the fatal blow, relief came
from Mr. ('has. Forepaugh, who was
in tin- rear part ol the stable.
Willi rare presence of mind and un-u-ual
courage, this man deiited an ittt
use nlrcbfork. with which Itoiiuo
is occasionally tamed Into submission,
and dealt the mad mon-tcr blow after
blow. Writhing with pain, the brute
turned upon hi Basallatit, but hi
chains prevented him from reaching
him. Howling " iih rage, he essayed
(o ileal the neW-COtlltT a deadly blow.
I nt. alert and active, this gentleman
continued his merciloii thrusts until
the Hanks of the beast streamed with
blood. All the time Mr.tieorge Foie
iiaugll was crawling further and fnrlh
er away from hist portion. He was
piinfuily bruised, and inoveil slowly
ami cautiouly away, but finally suc
ceeded ill reaching the middle of the
floor and a place of safety. Other ns
sistauce then came, and additional
chains were thrown around tlie leet ol
Borneo and he was made perfectly se
cure? 'mt he ootitlnued to show signs
of rage for .-nine time, and his keeper
nays the tit may la-t for several day.
Borneo is kept chained by the leg
in a stable adjoining the department
Appropriate to the cages containing
nearly all ofthe lions, tigers and pan
thers.' etc.. and in one million of this
.table the oerforniiiiL' hores have
their sialls. This stable i divided
from what is called the iierforuiing or
practice ring by a wooden partition,
and the elephant is confined in a cor
ner or angle of tin' stable in Midi a
manner tlau lie laces me puruwni
tlmt separates tlie ring from the stable. !
I'hc Pre has more than once re- i
counted tlie bloody deeds of this ani
mal when incensed. Not a year ago. j
in a country village in Ohio, lie killed j
a man and destroyed a bouse or two. !
A tew yean back, when tl tablih-1
ment lit Tenth and Catlowhill was
used as a circus, he denioli-hed one of
the walls and assaulted some half
dozen people. Two year ago. while
quartered for the winter near German- j
town, lie got into one of hi- sulky
mood, ami when approached by bis I
keeper he seized the unfortunate man
with his trunk, tossed him into the '
air. and then placing tlie lifele laxly
under hi- hoof, trampled it into a
ahax-lc s ma.
After overturning a few cages he
was brought finally under subjection j
when briskly piled witha harpoon or
some other sharp Instrument, lie is a j
daugerou animal, and it is about lime 1
he w as killed. Pkiludiiljiltlu I'trn. I
Hervlua- he lrl in the I.I very of
(he Devil.
A good story Ls told of an amateur
agent of tlie New Knglaud Bible Snci
etv wlio adonted a novel way of ad-
ely who adopted a novel way of
vancing the cause.
The Boton police came in possession
of a circular, dated at Malilen, Mas..
aigned bv lieutd &('o., which aroiied
.!... ..II ...... ..... ,
their su-'piciou that all waa not right.
It was very Ingeniously written so as
to awaken prurient curiosity. The cir
cular began by luforrafng tlie recipient
that :
We have a liook containing 501
pagen, handsomely hound in imitation
of morocco, wilh embossed cover,
sprinkled edge ; a very rich and pecu-''
liarly interesting picture for froutis-
piece, executed in the highest style of
Kreneh ait, in several color." etc.
Curiosity was still further excib d by
the information that the "hook -hoiild
Ik; read in vour own room with the
doors locked," etc., and then it pro-
cceded to sav : "Kvery bachelor should
read it just before retiring to his couch
for tlie night. Kvery married couple
lihoiild look it overtogether just before
retiring for the night, providing they
deck true happinesis. (JumnnTrd la
dies can read the book if tliey like.
Kvery one should keep it iu t heir trunk
or their pocket.
Notwithstanding that other books of
a like character ami sia- sell for three Second, tla- Xew York plan, invented
or four dollars. Messrs. Dennis Jt Co., by one of our tViend. The floor near I
believing in the "large sales and small , tlie rat-hole la covered with a thin lay
prollts, ""propose to forward this vol-, er of moist caustic potasaa. When the j
nine, --postage prepaid" tor tlie small : pits walk on this it makes their feet)
mm or wa cents. J la; circular spoke
of the impossibility of suitably adver-
li -lug such books 'hi tlie newspapers,
ami then attempting ttie Old dodge of
trying to convince Um- ntipieut that
wane of Ids "friends" laid given his
name to Dennis & Co.. and aked him
tliat flie liivor might be reeiproiated.
letters were directed u Denub &
I'ostofflce Box 101, Maiden, Mass. '
Oi-tectivespnar-edtsltoMalilen, and
liiuud that bos 101 was one of tlie larg-
est, arti) that the lessee was accus
tomed to empty it two or three tinier a
week. The nlm aho learned that
several months agoO. 1. Lin mailed a
large mmilierot letters to various parte
ol the country, ami in a little while
numerous 'otter' addressed to Dennis A
I o., began to arrive, ami were, taken
by Mr who afterward walled
hooks to ma-,y uerson. Further in-ve-tigation
-lioued that Mr. a
really laboring M an agent of tile Mi
llie Society, although tlw society would
perhaps oi je t to hU method' ol tulver-
.1... v ........... i.;.. I, tin
! ty.Lu ... ,i ',-.,'. ..,.,.....,,
dent- of '-Dennis & Co.," in acknowl
edgement of "85 eenl -" whieh each let-
twuiukuibto hr eon tail.) d.
, tn ,r, ,,. 0f ,j
Tl. ,.rtM .
ti , .-,.v, i v IwHr. "- or "am-other
,, .sno,,, v. , rfittriujK
1 , (a .n, wjl it is Mk. lv lb it
ot,w feelhws tlH the of devotion
j ,., ,,.,V(, ,?vU( ,:K. dj verv ofthe
i , , ,.,. ,. i,,:. , mid iiiesighi of
l , tjl. M,.w0,fw hnldhigthe inCttit .m
, ...mM M..lm,;v wve added to hi- de
I ...:.. ,vi .,, he -oicM for a -'rich and
inter, -ting plelure. eXcillt-
ed in the hhrbesl style of French art
A Mr. received many letters,
tlie Testament delivered tor the s3
cents did not cod more than 15 cents
he probatmhly m id.- a large nm out
o''his SjH-cuiatiiai. At the solicitation
of thepn'lee. la- promisetl to give up
the business. Tlds Yankee trick throws
the wooden baiiH and nutmeg- of toil
iiecticn! ijulte illto Ihe -liatie.
xKumr Minklii."
Tom iaii!eer genius, attll let oil'
some t ill one- occasionally,
lie visited u- the other day in onr
sanctorum with a
"How do V u do, old fellow?"
Hallo. Tom." said we. "where
have you been so long?"'
"VVh.V. sir. I've been down Oil Sev
ern Hiver, in Anne Arundel county,
Maryland, taking shanghai notes on
Ibe chills and lever."
"Ah." said we. "Are they
Very bad down then' '"
'Bather liad." said Tom, drily.
"There Is One place where they have
been attempting to build a brick house
tor eight weeks well, the other day
as the hands were putting up the
bricks preparatory to finishing it, Ibev
were taken with ii chili, and shook the
whole building completely down, and
kept on shaking liil the bricks were
dust ofthe tlne-t (piality, .lust at that
juncture, tlie chills came on with re
newed force, and they commenced
shaking with such gusto that tiny
were entirely obciired for hour, and
the iieoplcof the neighborhood thought
the -un a- in an eclipse."
a las ."' -aid we.
Nor al all." said Tom.
"Why, I was sixteen miles further
down tlie river the nther'day. and saw
four men iiirrying a big pirn lug from
on Ixiard a schooner In I he shore. The
chills ciiine on. and they shook the log.
w hich was thirty feet long, all lip In
pieces of Ihe proper length tor fire
wood, and then taking a reshake of it.
split and piled it up. at the aine lime
shaking all the knot .mt of ii !"
"Can't believe anything like that
"It" a fact." said Tom, and lie re
sumed "there's a farmer down there
who. in an apple-picking season, hauls
his niggers out to the orchard, and
sets one up against each tree. In a
.short time the. chill comes on. and
every apple in the orchard is isshaken
off tlie tree onto the ground. "
Incredible." said we, holding our
side will) both hands.
Fact." said Tom. "They keep a
man alongside ol each negro to take
him away as soon a the fruit is oil',
for fear that he will shake the ta-e
down !"
Tom continued :
Mr. S . a friend of mine, and a
house carH'iiler. wa engaged a tew
days ago in covering Ihe roof of a
hou-e with shingles. Just a lie was1
finishing the chill came on. and he
shook every shingle oil' the roof.
Some ef them are supposed to he dy
ing about yet !"
We tls-n prevailed upon Tom to de-si-t.
who did so w ith tlie niidrstaudlng
that he was to give us ibe balance at
some other time.
Person who think of emigrating to
Anne Arundel county will please take
To Writ e BuIa Away Without Polwtn.
We know of three mettioiis : KirsL
the Old French plan ; ibis is followed
chiefly in Paris by men who make it
a speeial business. They take a deep
tub with water on the Uittom. and a
little elevation in the middle like an
I .1 1 - I I. i 1
lianii. on which is only a place 101
just one rat to sit. The top is covered
and has a large balanced valve. oieti
ing downward? on tlie middle of ibis
valve a niece of fried iiork or cheese i
fixed, anil when a rat walks on it to
get lias elieee, tlie valve goes down,
drops tlie mt in the water, and move
back in position. A road is made
from a nit-bole to Ihe Ion of the tub.
by means of a piece of hoard rubbed
with cheese, so as to make the walk
attractive for the rats. In the course
of a single night some ten. twenty, or.
even more rats may no down, and If
tlie Island was not there they would I
be found mo-t all alive in the morning
(plletly swimming round : but the
provision of tlie little Island saves tlie
trouble of killing tliein. because their
egotistic instinct ot self-presenalioii
causes them in light for the exclusive
possession of tin; island, on which in
the morning the strongest rut i found
in solitary iMHsctuou : all tlie others
being killed and drowned around him
sore ; tliey lick with their
tongue, which make their mouth-
mm; ami tlie result is that tlaiy shun
fids locality, not alone, but affljedr to
tell all tlie mt-' in the iieighborliooil
about It and eveulually tlie Imiih is
entirely aba uik used by them iiotwith-
Ktamliug tlie Isiim, aroiaal; mfiv be
teeming with has. Thlnl, the Ditfch
methosV! tht! is saH to la; ued sm--
eeasfiillv hi Holland; wo have hawev-
er, never tried it. X nuuihcr v( fifts
! are left together to themselves in a
very large trap or cage, with no food
' whatever their eraving hunger will,
at last, cause them to light and the
weakest will be eaten by iIh- other-:
; after a short time the tight is renewed,
ami the next weake-t is the vielini,
ami sii it g()es on till one strong nit is
! left. When this one has ,'iteii the la-t
remain of any of I lie others, it Uaet
loose: Ihe animal has rtfiw ae 1 1 fired
sm li a taste for mt-ttesh, thai he i the
terror of ratiloin. going round seeking
what ml he may devour. In an in
credible short time the, premises me
abandoned by all other-, whieh will
nut iimie hack la-fore the cannibal rat
has left or ha died.
A Kalrli to lll. krnss i'Ml Boy.
The Louisville .- ';-. of a late is
sue, contain Ihe following strange
ease: About the middle of fanuarya
Herman named .Jacob W'ilhartz hind
a houe and Opflttwl a general fili iii-h-.
hnj store mi K.iinleeiith .-treel.
near Portland avenue. Hi- -lock of
goods wa well selected, and Wlllmrtz
had Ihe !ippeara"nce of an iiiditfriou
and re-neelahle gentleman. It wa
soon li.itlctil. howevir. thai hi Store
wa Ire ilently closed up for several
days together, and. during the-e Inter
vals, liharti! was never seen. Then
he would suddenly make hi nppear
anee, oien the -t ire, and atleitu lo
bttsines for n lewdays. IPs singular
conduct attracted attention, and stain
h. came a subject of comment in the
neighl'orhond. and suspicions grew up
that something was wrong iiliout the
Ufflver Slater, of the Ffairteeiith
Street Depot, beard of ihe case, and
went to work with hi usual vigor to
investigate it. Hi- investigations elic
. ite I the following fact-: iVHIltrU Is
erbect to remarkable periods of soni
nolenee. Hi landlord stated that at
one time hi- hoile had been closed for
sixteen day, during all whieh lime
Wiihartz had not left hi hotle or bed.
The landlord called -. vend lime for
hi rent hut found the holW) c!oed.
the windows and door securely biltei',
and wa unable to gain admi-ion.
Filially, by pounding upon the door
and windows, and making a great
noise, he succeeded in arousing the ,
occupant, who live; entirely alone. ;
Wiihartz Came to tlie door muffled up
in a long strip Of carpet, and presented
a most sleepy ami bewildered apjicar
ance. lie paid his rent, and again re
tired to bed. w here he had been for .
m arly a week before being aroused.
OlHeer Sliiterstntes that during these
Intervals of somnolence he has careful- i
Iv watchefl the house of Wiihartz. and
is certain he never left Ihe room in
whi. h he sleeps, jie has now been
asleep nearly the day, and at tlie
hour at whieh this is written he still
slumber its profoundly a if he had
only been in bed a tew hours. During
these -pell- of somnolence the sleeping
man. of course, partakes of no nour
ishment: and how his life I preserved
during such long periods, of fa-ting i a
mystery, and the mo-t remarkable tea
tuie in tiiis trill v remarkable case.
lie is said lo lie iu excellent health,
and rather improves physically during
his long naps.
A Man w ith a IIaiuy ToxtJUK.
A reporter of the Cincinnati Ek'uirer
ha discovered a negro with a hirsute
tongue, at Covington, whom he thus
describe: '"On opening his mouth he
protruded a long tongue, on which
hair over half an inch long was grow
ing thickly, 'i he color wa a sandy
rial. and. a the hair sloped backward,
It gave him pain while .speaking. At
the runt of each hair tlie flesh was
blue, lie ha no hair on bis face.
'th'Migh he savs he i fully forty years
old. Hi wool is like that of any oth
er darkey black and kinky, lie i
perfect hlfc'ery limb and feature, ex
cept hi toiigtv; and wlait l iiIo re
markable, he ha grey eyes. n ipie
tionillg him, he give the following
fact' : He was born in Xeuia, Ohio, of
a white woman, his father lieing black.
Oil the breaking out ofthe war. lie en- 1
tend a colored regiment as corporal. ,
He was wounded at Petersburg, and i
at Ihe end ol the year returned to
Ohio, from whence lie eauie to Cov
ington about a year ago. He has
none of the idiom of the negro, ex
cept a certain thiekness of speech,
caused by the growth ot Irniron his
tongue, hi- pronnniiition is perfect.
He I employed by Wick & Phillips as
a coal beaver, and any one wishing to
do so can see blip and his tongue. He '
ha- no liesilatiou in making laces for
those who call on him. Very few ier
sons in Covington know of this free
show. i
1 Ioraee (J rcely iays : "Show me I
a drunkard don't use toliacco, ;
and I'll show you a white black- j
fv To-Day.
To the Citizen! of
Brownsville and Vicinity.
rp 11 K IXIlKltSIIiXKI) Wlifl.I) AV
1 nniinierliat tliev ure INliEl'KNIiKNT
( ANIUIIATKS Tor (lie pnrcliase of all Hie
they 4U gut, tiir which tliey will pay the
Highest Miirtu-l Price
In (tasli or floods. Also, tliey have a full
stnek of
U V. .' KRAI. II K It 4 II A D I N K
on hand, which they oil', r ut lowest nilus
for CASH or PSODUfK.
P. N. 'nll un im before rlnlng for
your Mm.I.
Urowrisvflle, Martin m, -TJ-ShilS
llieeonurlm'rslihi heretofore existing
between W. J. HilluMdcl and IMvkt An
dfows, is thin day dissolved by uiiiliuil 1
. nii-.ii. W. J. II ill., 'ii I,. imyUia all dutils
and iceiavinnll inon.Ts due mi id Ann. I
W. j; illLTAIII!KL, i
liuili us I
Allwny, Muttliia, Wlikjy .
XW Kartirr Shop.
VfOTtf THIS : riATfe BACKrfrto'laa
1 ojwaod a;. ay liUrbrr Hnf oaiVUst'
sinri, iiu-ee .loon, west of I jnincr's ftink,-r
nee Mnu Ills si-rvCs'S.
MiavhiK, Iwir-tultli, HlmnHwoinnic
done in fli most sulistiu iory inuuner. '
-Vll'ttiiJfrWluruarj iHU4i vT .(T'4
jf. c vin wuinuT. c. wkktiAKE.
A, ll. MOHRIS.
'.and a lai
:! uienl oi
,'e and viui-
wlitrti Ml.'. I
Al-O. o'l 'i;
i.r on the most itMtOatblc
1 1 he celebrated
Mitclisl Wagon,
Light ninl heavy.
Advance mini.' n tirnln, Wool,
an 1 ode
e I for sn
Ian. I oi" .
.roved merchandise constate
iv, or tor Klitptount to rorl-
an I
Taken hi Slof
, or jtnreha.' 1 at the
.1 market price.
500,000 pound of Wool !
Fur which we will make liiieriil advances,
an I pay llie hitthunt market price In cash,
A MUll It W,
Albany, March IMD
L. C0WA1,
(Successor of A. Cowan A l o.l
Lebanon, Oregon,
Dealer in
rll.l, KKKP
full st.h-k of
)RV (iiiiiliS.
all for sate at Ihe Lowest Prices for Ca i h
or 7' lie'. M -
er All ncinons owlna A. Cowan ( o.,
din -cttlebycalliii',""! meat Lenanon.
Iiaimrtcrsaud Heaters in
Upholstery Goods,
Eint-st., 3 doors lielow Conner's Hull it,
Kui')S eonslantly on hand tor side
Black Walnut Parlor
and Chamber Setts,
Painted Chamber Setts,
Dining room and
Kitchen Furniture
of all kinds;
ItorivlM. HA1US.
In all Its branches. Orders lllled with
luniupLness and dispatch.
Kepalrinff Mamiruetiiriiig
done to oi-der.
fciTliood ilelivorcd t n any rl of I lie city
UiTAil onr work warranted. jpj)
Give na a Calt and Examine onr
COFKLNS uuulu to order on short nut In).
Kebnairy 9, "It-it
CASH paid for WffKAT. OATS. IHIttK,
Mutter und Kgg, by W11EELEM. at
Sliislil. llv
, rf ,, , . ... ..Ii'.ia; s "
Mountain Bulm.
I 1 Colds, or Liver ComPUln'i)l,,;I''A!:
i u iviuabl, im. maar bivo tW.-i
1 l.i' I(u ...irll. I
ra-ant.aeiii .i i w MUUtmiwm stT'Mt.
MiM Yui n Sti u s.-Among the re
nlies to advertisement of a mnic timi
mittce for "a ciudid ite a orgud!
music teacher." e a vacancy hav
iug owurcd by the organist's re-igua-tiou,
was the following : "iicntVnien.
-I uolUvd yom-a lveitiaMiicnt for or
gailM, and iiiu-ieteaeher, either lady
orgeuttemin. Having been both for
several year, loll', rou my service.
Si.w lU-U.VV
isFURS! runs;
rpHK BltilKT I'ltn lis
runs !
lor till kinds
i i i lls. nv
lll.MN. Vl It Nil Jt 111.
Albany, Keli.
KMIWIM, tliem-elv.
l l,..ii.. tit .! iinfli.iMl 'ii.- I Att, ri
ilesled lo.llll nil I lull'. .' eio lie-Ill vvillmill
ehiv. MRS ItllllHiKFAIiMKlt.
All o'iy, Man h s, i-ri--.'7
But Ihe Iliniuoiiil pi eiii. I, s
(truivrve it.
, lirK NOW pri't'.R A I5LA3S TO THK
?T niClic whieh is nrououueed by tlie
j most .ele'inile 1 ontie'uiis ot the world to
tie tlie inosi perfect,, iirllltelul help
I to Hie hmnatl eye ever known. Tin y arc
ground mi I er our own sillxsi'vUlon, at onr
own auumfaclory, tn New Haven,aiid are
so eoiiflruelc I Itial IllO eore or center ol
the lens conies ilhvetly in himt ot" tliecyc,
producing a
As in Hie mitliml, healthy slirht, and pre
venting all Ulipleiisaiil seiisaiions. stieli a
iJlimiH)rhia and waverhtw ot -i.:lii. .'.izzi
iicss, ote., (H'eiiliar lo all oilier- in use.
These glasSOU are lUHlllttlU'tlllVfl Ironi Ulb
nufe erysial peliblis uictted t.eltier. and
lerive tlieifltllirte, "lltttniond'oii aeeoutu
of their liar liies-un l l.rilliuney. Tlie are
niotOlteil in Ihe ine-t lnamier, at our own )
iiianntact.iry. iu u I Mjlesnf cold, silver,
steel, rutilier anil shell friunes, of iliehe-t
.iiuiity. Their UntahiHtyvnu not Ik' sin-j
nasse.l. and iiieir llnish in such as will sull
Hie niiist fa-li'liou-. None genuine iiuiesf
hearing our trade-uawk, stuinped ..n i
(iverv frimie.
I t'orsnle by the principal opticians and i
jewelers, thrntwlinnl the .ountry. Maim- i
! fitctarod hyJ. K. ! A Co., practical
opticians, New York. For sale only by i
Tl l l S iu;. 1 1 iii.its.
Dealerfi in waleti. -. elocks. jewelry, silver
ware, etc., Albany, UlVgon.
I Kutered lurordlni; to act of ( 'onxii'ss, in
I tlie vear 11!), I .1 K SeeneerA (' tlie
i ierk".s oiliee ol' lie' llislricl ( ourl of the
f t'uifed Slates, for I he Southern Iiistriet of
. New York. My8
SAHU I'Wi'lOtiV.
SASH, HUM), AND 1)001!
F A. C T O K V .
i. e.
Airiiorsj; a o.,
I.yon Street, on the Hiver Hank,
Keep on liun 1 a full assortment, and are
prepared to
Sa!i, Blimla,
Such as
i icon n. v si:t n.i & miction
I Of nil sles.
Fluorine, Siiliiit;,
All otherkliKUofKiillflina- Material.
work, furnish shaker fans, ri-.'nv
shakers, duel Ion fans, drivlnt; pulleys of
nnv kind, at our factory on Li on nit ion
the river hunk , next lielow Markbiuu's
I waodintise. ALTIIOl'SE A CO.
Al Miiiy, Feb. 10. IStfJ-U
i'A I'KX f JlKlili INK.
' Sj"
E?ery M aa Itts owi Bynciai
oentn. ETWylXMor jn-
, ow'W"
.TthtiirMl, Sua oa it ; none jihuuh
wlthonttt. .VMHOOfl
ft. r. Caamcit Co., fcJ Pwprtotora,
nan minajcj,cafc
JIJ Bole A(feni ior me ntcuiwrnamw -r
DRY coons.
L.UIaiu. N. E.TouiiK. J.Bonawa.
k CO.,
Wholeaalc and Retail
Agcuta for All Kind of
And the
Celebrated Bain Waon !
& CO.,
First Street,