The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 12, 1872, Image 7

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    Republican Tfoket for irtj.
1021 VICE I'HiMBBr,
Presidential Electors,
A. IV MK i HAM-of I'uiattUo county.
W, l, HAltK. ol WsShlagtoa county.
J. 1". iiA.i.KV. of IkiHgku county.
Tor t'onifiiss,
Dintrlrt Attorneys,
A. 111
n. itm
ll. imi
nvetli. of Urntoii.
,1 . if Linn.
im,6f Multnomah.
. of Grant.
lUpsibiiotii pwwl'orin.
Ltl'AJi -T..Tr-ei.N hVlli'S A1 1'i.hH.ANli,
MAI.i II ii; it:?!.
li.ion l!.'in'"i
itiventioii, imhIv
i mrty of i iroson,
Ilk dtvimutinn of
Ml 'i'l' t ins ifnli
f lho l"nild
i'i t.v l- iiiiletl'inn'lils we inc'eii:
wo pltjum
r uiifiilterlutf ultc-w.K u 1 loil
vnitllfi Oliometier ; If Its I'm mm 10(011
nstriictloiaiuionfnrot'iulnl ottroonslnut
2. Tnftl tne snow
lionill Adllliiiisllni
!i" .lo'ii. iti'niuljliii
of tiio present Nc
linre'liielntrllH rni'i
imi oiiiiiiiii'iiitr mm-
i urn. u litiiiiv
every liriiiicli of pubjlo
ii v wul eflicloiicy, form-
u;liui' ivj1 h I'rimoiii
iuu uii'l i'i'"
lolvlllK I 111- 111
iving tin1 civil wrvlce,en
m n Ithuut tear or favor,
I.- liif nation's ari1 Willi fmioro
:f.insi I he eruoT avarice of sper-n-l
fi"aut, low uialntaitiing friendly lui''in i'owors, Ha-"ecu
;l ll'll-
itiiiiinil iii'' anpro mi ion oi
n of thii Aiiu'rii-'ii people,
ii i: in I he coalhlriiiw: itnti
of evorv tvno Repiiiiluiin.
ii,. 4i .1- in of nu rnHf ion-
nuiiiti i
.1 V.
ln :mi pompllaiieo vnn an ic-iu
ii 'n u n' CftMitprs cverywikT'',
.(eor-laneu rail itti iniu letter and
aniflji :
spirit of I's ri'iniiii'-iii no lunger a
Utiest ion in twite : litll llml wo imty l"i
. uty lorstoo i. wo denounce ail forms
iia i '!' ri't'i' oi repudiation of thai debt, m
aliirmed Iiy llie lieuiiicriitit: party and lis
ivmpnihl?oi'9i uniioi only nauonnl en'imii
i, ' ii jin.iiivc i ; Lttii's,and wi1 will never
nninent Ion sSjdjii&iiJli ol lack of honor or
jii": ic in it eoiiiiiVie n i 'fui'tiofi.
I. Wu ntUiilt ol nortistinKtloniilit'fwcfn
citizens, whothorof ttutlveorforetirn Mvtlij
ami therefore wo favov tlio (tmnllnfc of
tin! unmi'ioy to the peonloof those. States
taiolj in reliellioii : mill wo inn pledge
the nil mi 1 offfilivo proloction of our
i-ivii law flu nil famnii volaattU'Uy com
m ; '.'i or I'wijlhu. yl'oiU' taml.
, tVi i'umm I'n iiiihiamifoftitint of trail
roa h: hy the lionorfii f lOveniment of tbo
i iiitetintntea. Ami hold thai 60th (Usiio
nit ion siinuUi iKniiii le of the public inn U
ii'istutil Hooun' ihoMtiiit' to actual aottlera
only, i'i 'iiiiinliiii"- nol cyct'i' lin I'liuu'rc.
'i.' Tlmt While w o nrir lu favor ol n ri'vo
n m for IhosUpjigH't on Iii' I iencml Uorern
iMnt. hy 'lull-- fifwn hnpwfii tainlii poli
cy reijulres such aiijnsfmenl oft how dn-:;'-i)ii
I'.ui'oil-n-:o t'licouniKti the devel
oinueiit of the tnilu Irlnl liitcrcsti of tho
wholuiiiuiitrj! aii'l wetwoniinend thai
policy of tiiitional oxchaii'e hlcli aeenrel
in Hie working lad' lilieral wasoa ; khi-'-ricniturc
rouinnriniivopr'nii. ; to mechan
ics uhn niamtflii'Tj'.fts An MmfmtWitiM
. heir sitill, .no' "i'l enterprise) and to
'li.' Stitton (jotni)ieri iulpi,oH)rity and Mi
di pondenco.
;. f iM'llevc i 'li popuinr ediicntlon is
the solo true lailiiiuid hnH) nfu ftvosov
(nuiiciit, n 'id 'mii wr opiiosi any diver
- on of, or hrterlercHce wiilillu) conifiioti
whiKit fnntLi nr lands in ilii- Stale, for any
oihortlian their lo,ltiiniite iiuniose, and
we condcinn the ad of fu'vorliisni iiy the
::i-t U'iatature wherohj iw.i liuiulrvd
thousand (fcdiii:. taken fwnu the school
fund, woiv irrantol to a corjioralion con
sisting uuiiiily of I'euiocratlc leadens and
parti th vorites, h it I he constmetlon oi a
work which another coporatioii, entirely
sound and respoiisilile, "iri re I (oconstruct
mi soventy-tivethoiisaiid doPaMless: an I
tliui arc in til", til ' ol I Ue lawfc iiy tin'
I,cjrlslatlirc nf in v'kh nt mjiptil biv, Iwh
n-i sTilill'Si'ctfi'ii to'ulH'ilfzi'ns of our Suiic a
nod coimiion ftcti Kilfeilneation,
-. iVe liiid rio tet'tiw sufficiently tuona
to cxirtHs our disapproval of those act of
':-: Leiflslnliiro wncii'tiy inc iwninii i
' tin- Sftl llHVi
ithi'll ll'lllll IllU IK
' iilimil Mnilt oi'
lit-o to tin liliiils
iiuri';. tin onto
mo officers buvi
ni'mmcil, nnil tli'
unlii hi iloilnrs Iiy
r l wttlerH, luiit Kivwi
"'.ii cOinietitfoti f;i
mtitMtr iui'l sini'iiiator:
mn'iits nnd xnlurli's of
In niinconlilti'ioiiuily
i ii x.'- increusoU tbon
ii enittlon ci ni! uiitl
iiniic i'-:ii y niii'c- nii'j (uliirics, Tor luo
1 uriioso nt provwititt for pnrly tnvoriti-s ;
mul wliem y ilioi ll Ixenci of our inetropo.
illtvc ''ceil 'c;u'i'' "1 of utld tlrllit'ii tin'
riijflil of ( no ii ill in-' Oi- ii police Htilhority,
, ii' I iv.' cijimiiy con li'iiiii the administrtt
. "ii ol niir.-t:eV'u"in i-smi'l lim mih cxt mv
aitaut. iiiiie. Ilfenl siid (itunieilve,
ttti'.l wo I'Ulitij timi'nul tlioc roaulta us
1 lie imi nt t lie I K'llKK'ltll le early.
:i. Wi-are ill favor of i ho L'nite S;ntcs
tilvinsi tootii'li lionoiiCiiy dint'linrifvtt il
dlor wlio icrvt'i! in lim nniile ot the I'nit
,..1 smici i(mt tloMii i in- relHiUton a m'iiv
iunt lot a liouicsteii'l of 190 ncresof public
!" 'I' lint we dcinnnil (lie repeal of Hid
- " ii- i litiL'imi net. wliieli wan 'Ic vised to
smijvH'l imttiicr I'Ciiiocraliu newspaperaat
iM' jnil'iii exii'loe.
rtl. That the Kep'tWieiui pirty of this
S' ate are in favor or tne ftcneiw Govern
in.'til extendtuu ni'I toward building a
mi road from t'ortland, Oregon, to SnH
Lake City, nml lnow Jadtsori county to
Hum limit, iiml vve hftthy pli'iiso our par
ty lepreijeiilafive!) in the snpiiort of the
I.'. That the indiscriminate lieenainKOf soli RpilltiioUfl ii'inorsiivilhoiit
laiiiif plke'J nnder piniwr mtMistWUHw
i ir tin' ah:i-e tU' iv.ii. hnviii',' been found
fiy escixirleneo to promote the (trowlh of
crime nnd panis'i i-m, nnd Uierehy. toner!-..-!;,
increuHe the mte of tatalion, Hie
liepublk8 hinf reowibre the right and
duty of tlio lawmaking iower to prevent
..'i'i inn ii i ne v ii ii in i iiiinsesiii mien sale-,
so far as concern"! iia lo.iMic (rood andi
cinsisicni Willi in li'.IUiinl llln-rtv, hv re
liisliur to HeetiM' ii:l,"y than taw ahMinif
and n spunsliiie wrons, who n furnish I
sntilcleilt (HtretllM for good eondnet. 1
1 i. That the Iteiiii'dleaii partv of On1-1
..'Hi is in tuvor ol o unhung n'sslstanee
U'Oiii tlio (.enem; (loveiimii'iit tin- On. (.in- 1
junction oi a watioii rood from the city of
i "i i iniei to ine linnet,
i most important and necessary improve-1
l"i"l I r IUiiJ
nieiit lur the stale.
14. e nillnn that tin
eotinuance in
Ii"i ot I lie liepn Hieilli l nriv istlieoniv
- ire prewrvailon nf national ieaee and
I ' .'-I'ei ny, and In:- oiions llieiefor we
point to itsiirilliiint reeord in the late civ
il war j to a complete natlfliialliy ! to a
milted sisterhood nf thlrty-xevcn' states;
toom ierrltoi'lcs mpldly warming into
Mine llfoj ton natiiiii freed from the mint
ol human slavery; loan elevated and en
torged (liizenshlp; io our pmionnl smnd
Ingnt home and abroad I to the work of
vigorous reform in all discovered abuses
i it authority or trust ; to mi imeiiualcd for
elgtl crodltj ton siteoossful anil solid II
naiinlal system, ami to the unparalelled
IH iiei' and .prosperity everywhere In our
broad (loinaln, and these lire our pledges
for the fntnrii,
I''- We hall the "New lHipartnre"of the
late Democratic iny, taken by the action
ot their I oiiventlnn in seven Slalen, an an
afflrmatlon of the iirlnelples for which the
llepuolloan party has contended for the
last ten years; and In the "Posaivo Poli
cy' of thai party, already assumed In sev
eral Of the States, wi. rvwn,l.
knnwledgnient of their hoiadnwriMM of
surct'se In the coming PmidauUkl nut-
tag f jto
V. S. Ofieinl PnHr for Oregaa-
FRIDAY. APRIL 12, 1871
Houopoly Alarm t la.
The Demncratic jtarty in Oregon,
in their jounmls and public npefch
t's, are making a hue and cry lont
monopoiiet and monopolista, Tliey
ix?al to the people in the most, pa
thetic latigunLTo to be guarded
against them. They pretend to see
in lieu Holladay a most gigantic
monopolist compirator against the
material interests and prosperity of
the State. He is represented as
"grinding the very life and soul out
of the shipping business of Oregon;"
he, assisted by the Kepublicau par
ty, is toTurn the people over body
and breeches into the grasp of a
railroad monopoly, and thus en
slave the people, absorb all of their
lands, pocket all of their monies, de
stroy all of their temporal interests,
and, jiossibly, send them all screech
ing like so many lost spirits, into
l'luto's dark dominions. He is
rej 'resented as having gulped down
the epublieau party of this State,
body and brains, and now it speaks
only as he dictates. All of this is
simply transparent bosh and bun
combe. He neither owns the Re
publican party, nor is he working
atrainst the interiste of the State or
people, if what he has done in the
past may be taken as a criterion,
lie has certainly dono more by his
railroad projects and financial
schemes to develop the resources of
Oregon, than the combined iullu
ence of many, if not all of these
would-be alarmists. While he has
oieiied to thecities, towns and farms
of the valley, safe and speedy trans
portation of their goods and pro
ductions to and from the marts of
trade, at a reasonable com peneatiou,
thus increasing their value, and the
value of their property, these same
alarmists, these same Democrats, in
the Halls of Legislation, have en
acted laws by which a favored
"ring" could pounce down upon the
poor mail's little possession of
swamp land, and sweep him from
its ownership ; they have conferred
the right upon a few select Demo
cratic journals of the State, to ex
tort from the "hard earnings" of
the yeomanry thereof, a price for
legal printing, which is from two to
four times more than it is worth.
It comes with ill grace from these
"Litigant" monopolists, to be
shrieking out "monopoly," "con
spiracy," "treachery" and all that
sort of thing agaiust Holladay, or
anybody else, while they are fatten
ing from the proceeds of the most
unjust and tyranical extortion that
was ever pa'med off on a free peo
ple. It looks well in Democratic
orators and writers to be mouthing
out "sordid autocrat," and writing
such epithets as "mercenary trait
ors," while all of them uphold, and
many of them, possibly, claim pos
sessions under the "Swamp Land"
monopoly, which takes away the
little pateh of land with its years of
labored cultivation from the poor
settler, and turns him and his family
out to poverty, and maybe beggary !
Don't it look well for snob men, for
such a party, to "cry out and spare
not" against monopoly, while they
SI wpUMngmal eajaity waiting
fdr tliftj. iit4t. K pfJuSico
down like hungry . cormorants and
rob the poor etyler of his home ?
The assertion that Holladay dfctat
cd the platform of the late Rennb-
.. - . . . .
hcan Convention, and controlled its
action, is utterly without founda
tion in fact. There never lias been
a convention held; this State,
where the action was mora free
from dictatidn, arid where tho re
sults gave greater satisfaction to the
who ie party, than was the case in
fie recent 'Portland convention ;
and this charge, that the Republi
can party in Oregon baa placed it
self at the roeroy of Holladay, wstnt
ply an electionttsring trick o Ik
. 1 nu. ' ''I
7'be MiaHMMt hlftm n tmm to
Keokuk Z'
Sclmri CullnpoiuK.
Carl Schtin! is taid to lie a higi-
toned gentleman. If so, egotism,
, . , . , . -rt-.c 1 IT-, "iiv vi ii'fc ivw.iv ...... ; i;in-il'.-i ht:iiwi nvm vo I i .i"liU,
domination, selfishness and vanitv Potosi, Sacread and Durango are . . , , ,. ' . , , . . '
.. . - i f ,u n- . F' '""". showing that the e-hm-; ;ls nxvivtsl the nomination for
must form the principle constituents. aram in possession of the Oov- ' e . , . , ,
Such a being must I very seusi- ! emmet. The revolutionary cause ! Pf ombk for many Co.lgreiS at the hands of the Den,
tive ; and if sensitive, the"ehagri is again thought to lie hopeless. As military d.stei-s, hasatiy ocratio Mat. Cation. e
of this high-toned German, just at ' a result of the revolution, most tei- M ' . I were in hopei. the 1 ortog Ln ol
this writing, cannot lie very intini- l rible anarehv exists throughout the i My 'i the Engirth , Li..rKouM rweire the noinumtioi..
tesimai His liH.-tonol estimate ' country. The resolutions in the l rkets at twonty-live cents ajueco. , t,,r the?, then) would have been
of his own "greatness .n-andeur and I S. Congress created no sensation in j They are used in gardens to catch S0lll,thw:, to defeut-hut Lurnett,
glorv," lead him without hesitation, the city of Mexico. The wite of j Hies and clean the shrubs of insects, fongh! Hut bring on your Krm
to arrogate withiu the purview of j U. S. Minister to Mexico, Nelson, j lom Yeddo, JapanVarch 26th, , mejl if they are the Wt vou have
hisotvu wnlrolling the entire Oer- i diet! suddenly of heart disease on i a dispatch announces that an at- j ,sl,aw, of Jarioi. county, received
man influence of the country. His j the 22d ult., ina railroad car, while- Jt has bcerMade by a party of j the nomination lor District Jtlor-
canaeious lavket had but to be i
,,,1 and tl,o fewman ballot
n uui'i tour in uiiMHiii.iij , iv t
to nonr out at his own pleasure,, or
caprice. However, this tremendous
wiml-bag which he has Mowed up
for himself, is being punctured very
rapidly, and if he does not perceive
the gas escaping, every body else
does. Mr. Hessing, the leader of
the Oerman Republicans of the
Northwest, gives tho lag an effect- i
ual cut ; when he says : "I do lie- i
lieve he (Schurz) is making a very
great mistake in opposing the Ad
ministration in the manner in which
he does. We cannot afford to be
delivered over to the Democracy,
which I believe will be the final re
sult of the course he is pursuing,
That has been our opinion. I do
not mean to say that 1 think that
will be the final result of hiscourse,
but merely that that is the tendency
of what he is doing."
This was published in the col
umnsofthe 7W6iW. This, how
ever, is a "mild-mannered" cut in
comparison with the tearing rip,
rent in the bag by the WetllkM
Poet, one of the most able and in-
Iluential journals m the country,
which is published at St. Louis.
That journal recently had this item : a large amount of money. It is lie
"A Goon Axsv. ki!. Among ! lieved that he has come to this
eighty answers to a prize question I co,mtry.
ot tne i.veoum at . uncus, iirwu.
Who As- the mmftlh? las.;
ner Mtimer won the prize by the 1
L . .ii i
following definition; 'He who, un-
der the mask of a friend, insinuates !
himselt into ll:e eonn.ieuee oi
nortniti nartv ilisoovei'S its secrets.
family all'airs and sores, and then
makes a weapon of them in
order to keep in check that party
which gave him its full couu -
lei ce ' " i iiippB iiianuiavbiiiv, vi iiiv i-ainv
. ,, ,, , ' calilier as those used at Fort Yala
The "iiiikindest cut of all," how- ,
' r an diinnrr the war. Straslionr?
ever, and one which seems to our
thinkins? to let that wind-bag of
s , .
egotism and assumption down to
the limpness of a shirt on a bean
pole, was received, by Ins high-
I ' ' J B
toned exeellciKry, while on the
French --Irms committee. He was
there asked to translate an editorial
from a Germau paier printed in
Berlin, which he acknowledged was
the official organ of the Germau
Government. The editorial set
forth, "by authority," that the Ger
man Government "takes no inter
est, or at most a negative one, in the
question Mr. Sumner has brought
before the Americaii Senate." In
other words, the German Govern,
ment has no complaint to urge
against the Americau Government
for permitting arms to find their
way into the French nation, and
has no words of thanks to offer
Schurz, or anybody else for trying
to kick up a fuss between tlio two
A Uonc UohIIhr.
Trurnbnll has recently written a
letter to his brotherin-law, Dr.
Jayne, of Springfield, Illinois, in
which he fully commits himself to
the liberal movement, and ventures
the opinion that the nominee of the
Cincinnati Convention will be the
next President. Senator Trumbull
has now placed himself unmistak
ably on the incline Which ends in
political obscurity. It is a broad
incline, which many haro tried be
fore him, die broad road of dema
goguery, self-beforo principle, party
or country, and ends almost without
a perad venture in loss of influence.
The Speaker of tho Lower House
of the Mississippi Legislature is a
colored man named Lynch, only 27
wars old. He was born in Louis
sana, but it well educated, and poc
mmdot excellent natural abilities.
He it a thorough PteliMMtitarfc
, ,TT .i
Aews from Mexico on the i than-
nounces that the States of San Luis
on a pleasure trip.
French of the city of Mexico have
tha nav. i
-, - ,
ment of the trench indemnity
rouEius m:s.
The Queen ot England returned
from her visit to German; otp the
The General of the society of
Jesuits accompanied bv three mem-
0 society, has left Rome,
iumor say8 he goes, on a mission
from the peop'e.
Pcre Juangnane, editor of the
Republics, 1" ranee, at the confer
cice at Rordeaux on the 6th, de
livered an address against the dog.
ma of Pajial info! .ability. 1,200
were in the audience, including
many priests.
Internationalism, says the Lon
don Ti k'jrnph, has been dec'ared
by a German .lury to lie mgn irea-
son against the German Empire.
The strike of the Loudon, Eng.,
compositors has been successful.
They demanded an increase of wa
nes and limitation of a day's work
to nine hours. One hundred and
fortv-one firms conceded it.
: q116 piery) hank cashier ofLim-
erjct Ireland, has absconded with
disorderly. In allaba numerous
... . ., ii ... I
bloody conflicts, followed by fatal;
between partisans,
;. , .... , ,
I u mc mi " -
j io,,s1-.v injured,
Prussia is fortifying .Met, with
L,ormoUR mmon 0f steel, of
1 -
i . . , . . , 't
' ,o 1-w.mrr niildrirrsl bo that limtotlil Hi
I n" n .
! 90,000 troops she can contain 201),-
A canal is also being made
ftnd M
' . . . . .
oiinmlAIII Knsin llir sllUK VlltllllllO
from Maunteim and hc North
A council of war at Versailles,
France, has sentenced the Vicar of
St. Elcer to two months' imprison
ment for causing tho arrest of a
number of persons by illegal means.
Prince Arthur, of England, will
shortly lie promoted to the rank o!
Major, and will go to India for
. J
two years.
One hundred and forty-three
Goyernment, and ninety-four Con-
stitutionalist Deputies have been
elected to tho Spanish Cortes.
At Santiago, Spain, a priest ap
peared at the polls with two revol
vers in his bauds and attempted to
vote-was arrested.
A convention has been signed
by the Maintenance Construction
Company of Great Hritain with the
Government of Portugal to lay a
cable from Lisbon to Brazil, via
Magria and Cape l)e Verde.
n 10 authorities of the towns in
the provinces of Badagos and other
places have coalesced in the intro
duction of measures for tho restora
tion of Gibralter to Spain.
7'he election for members of the
electoral college in Spain on the
2d hist waa conducted quietly ex
cept in Cordo Via, where slight dis
orders occurred. Full returns have
not teen received, but as tar as
known the Ministerialists elected
550 President and 2,162 Secretar
ies of the Electoral College, and
the Coalitionists or the opponents
of tho Government 272 Presidents
and 1,281 Secretaries, Madrid was
carried by the Coalitionists, his
Opposed that the Ministerialist
party will have 250 Deputies in the
lower branch of tha Cortes.
it i5 again re.'rte.l that a great
I Honaiiartist reaction is now in pro-
gress inrougnoui r ranee. no re
-i, If ,-,i ., r......i, cnit. e.rminst.
tu' vt ii,irii;. tit afto.ii:-ito tho !
. 'i v i v. viuviio " ' iihiiiv i
Mikado of Japan,
Theetlurt was
niisuwiesstul. The guard of the
Mikado arrested two of the party,
As a result of this, orders wore
issued forbidding foreigners from
going beyond the city limits of; lately stated the theory tfiatjhe
yeddo, ' feftfftd dlseasti of small pox origi-
Disrael, in a rmnt speech at tos ftrn an excess oi albtiuwiious
Manoliester, Eng., referring to the j matter in the blood, and that thin
Alabama claims, condemned the I 's to be prevented by the adminis
eonrse of the Gladstone Ministry, tration of common salt. It is far
admitting that it was impossible for i ther added that he hojds views as
America to recede in regard to the follows :
miestion. Re thought Ministerial I Tlwhnlttts of cmklreii in iininlg-
i'.Um.nruU n,m.M !, xi.U ho ! "'Si i'VCr flVt'ly iii SWOCtmeate is Olio
l. ..n: -l ...l.l l....
t-v-s.."..... m0it 0( enmmen, ami wtlee ami
the principle of indirect claims must , tr!ti if highly sngai'ed, tend a'so to
be fraught with the utmost danger! excite it in adults. An organic
to England. Earl Derby and other cid,snch as lemon juice, is the
, ," ', best means of freeing the blood
prominent men followed in similar j , , , , , , ,
' wnen clogged up with too much
suc s. Iftlbumen, and by taking these sim-
Tho i-toi. Ki7t.7iw;,!t!.,n m. ! pte remedies in the way of precati-
" V.,..,..,,.,, I
j cently ro'envd to the Committee oi
Territories has been printed. It de- j
clares such terms, ii any, as may bo
prescribed by Congress as a condi
tion for the admission of the state ;
of I'tah into the Cuton, shall he !
subject to ratification by a majority '
of the people. This constitution
guarantees the free exercise and en-
joyment of religious professions and
worship, but liberty of coiiscieiaw is
inn, to in' so ('iiiisiinoii mi to excuse
acts of I'centionsnesi
ir other crime,
or justify practices not consistent
i with the jieace or safety of the State, i
T)ie xCw Orleans Rjwywnesavs
. '
that the supreme nuiiiM'-onat ion ami
, 1 ....
fop in !.ou,s,ana is ,
o,,m u,.,i, u. i.' i..u,
.,,, ,,. , , mimliov f Nitrtll.
evn Kepiiblicans whocottnton fiov, '
Warmonth to eavry the State for a
Kepublicau- Deinoeratio. coalition
'residential ticket, and for himself
in the coming election.
Jmong the resolutions adopted ; sheep and 8,000 goats,
bv the Kansas Kepublicau State St- l-ui cluitus an increase of
. ., . 40,000 in popalatioii since the las!
( (invention was this ; "hat we ' 1
hereby denounce any man in public : yu. world is -aid to use 250
llfe who will dare to employ corrupt (iooioo iwiiodsof tea eaoli year,
means in polities, and will set our ftmi 7 18)00,000 pounds of coffee,
laces steadfastly a.'ainst all such, ( flmtislms hearly all the tea,
and will endeavor to make the fu
ture of Kansas pure and good,"
The New York Herald says:
The case in a nutshell was stated
the other day by Mr. Nye, of No-
vada, in the Senate in these words :
"Formerly most everybody thought
General Grant a great and good
man. hut that was befiire he had
j removed anybody'
r.,lat; , fi',.m
I A San rranciwo husliand was
whipping his M-ife recently, when
she broke from Inm and juniKft out
of the second story window into the ! charitable society in the West
street, receiving severe injury to ! has a novel ami most agreeable
herhuibs 1 method of raising money for vari-
J .. , ous beneficent objects. Ji.y man
7'he St. Louis Democrat says sufficiently blessed with rtmrag.'ni.d
there is no division in Missouri in I ready cash, takes his seat in the
,,,, , i (r . middle ot the room and pavs ten
the Hepub scan ranks, and that . ,, J
' ' I cents into the treasury for everv
there is no dissent from the general j la,iy tlmt )jissi ),;;, ( m'couih-
accord of the Republican press of j the devotion of the ladies to tho
that State. In the birthplace of ! good cause is measured by the nuni
the sportive possum, that animal is-1 iber of smacks that the man gets,
practically and as really dead as it I and the "cause" must take all tin
pretends to be, credit and all the blame fi r the
7 he New York (mcssavs: "In
his declining years Mr. Greeley ap-
pears to think that he has "squelch -
ed" an adversary when he baa given
him a nick name, more oriesschild-
isli and absurd."
Thomas Day. steward on the
bark Samoset, jumjicd overboard
and was drowned durimr a m?nt
passagc from San Francisco to
get Souud.
The President has appointed ex -
Governor Francis 7'homas,Minister
to Rome. 7'he New York Even
ing Pout says the appointment is
an excellent one.
If Itnokalew re-
fnto'i; candidate fortheDem -
tuses to nt ( flllt,mua. rf
ocraiic iKminiiiHW" vw-.-
Df Wlllt SitaU' omt num..
Little Johnny lluniett, of Htn-
ton Bounty, acc'.iriling to tin- dis.
. i . .: -- 71..... .1...
. ,, f ... tl.n.i P-iwf r -i
Aaue, Oates and Helm are the
Presidetttial Electors.
Pbetbstios ok Ssm.i. Pox.
A German physician is said to have
j b ' 1 ill I. ! II VI llll., IIIIIIKI- Vlt I1.IU I
i'Ml, I.' liil, 11.11 lljill illd 'O IrtllV
: ve.ns. t'',1 or taken no his
ah,e j the most postileiitial small
pox Hospitals oi iMirooaiiii
America with entire impunity,
The ooal betls ot" Missouri
said to cover an areaof2,700 so
miles, mostly in the north west.
Tho Louisville Daitji . ; r
has just given up the ghost, after
sinkiiic (Kim SStiOlM) In i- W.OOd in
Turks ten Greeks, six
ol1l,g. and live Sandwich Man-
tiers, have an existence as cttiaoiis
of ( Chicago,
7'h.e Califbrniatts Are luxitrifitiiig
in strawlwrr'K
id ci
'"here are .ver 20,000 Chinese
now residing in San FreuoiHco.
7'he marine looses of the Fnitcd
States tor 171 amounted to 819,.
Col. Kino;, of Fexas, lias aliftle
i farm nt' s4, 182 aev(w; stocked with
65,000 e.Ut'e, 10,000 Imrsos, 7,ti
and Urazil over one
lalfof tho
7'he Chicago Pout says tint
7'weed expects to go to Saturn
when he dies so that he can join
one of the rings.
, ' "M . publicly announce
: J ,Jf un ' '"
Mr his 1na1.nge1.1ent , w.l support
( reuyiuumnon an., u
1 GlWlt.
A wretched old bacliehd' snv-.
("After all, a Woman' heart-is the
sweetest thing in the world; it sa
perfect honeycomb full of sells."
a very nice arrangement
1 .. j,;f,; K,i,MhiHtv. '
"handsome and agreeable man now.
! we imagine, must needs I well
j fimiishcl with dimes at these fairs.
I Japanese auctions are copdiieted
on a n0V(, pbrtj but one. which
i of the noise nnd
confusion whtd
ID ,
attend sxicn saie
ach bidder Writes
i America.
I.:. .id i'i nil, Ml !l s mi ot l:l-
; ( . h pIaot,s in ft (k v.
i When the bidding is over the m
is opened by the auctioneer, and the
, ,iwaa.a tlie property of the
highest bidder.
The population of tho State of
Xcw York has increased by 54S,
988 since 1865 ; and in this increase
! M go to tbeeredit of thecities
of the State. 'IV farmiiiL' ho inla-
itionlas scarcely .idva-.ceil at wJ.