C: till LOC..L MATTERS. i.iss coram- wtwvBuria cost VEST! lost. In pursuance of (Ik- action of tin KqmMfcnh lenira! Onomttttt of F.lnii county, the tfepohlkttn County i 'mivenlloji will he held -hi (lie Court Hou-c ill AHmuv. on SHir,i,y, April 1Mb, isTI. ;i I u o'clock .. M.. for the tliepnr of iwniHating; (tie follow in.: ean i: hr. tor eoutity officer. to- !t : Kh RenrweWnlhr 1 1 ouaty Judge, ConmiHleK 1 Clerk. 1 KtwHff ! Ti l :-. ban sujii 1 Surveyor, ill ut. 1 I'icr. mntv Kt it tlie si vcr. A tail, U Mil ill, i.ieiu i sen ri! u i otiiity t prroihew wU ia sue! i Co: is (bum's! Albany i'd.ria Sin Browuv11Ie. . . . IhitsliiVee'k'.!; iVaitri.Ki ..10 .. 4 .. 3 .. 3 .. 8 .. I .SHl' I lilt liuiislairg M IWtTKe.; ... .M et Ibmie.. . k'rjinUiii Lniii; . 'ioMh-.umbar d I' J. F. BACKKTi Clir. C. Com mil -o BtmaiK6 ' oeiatloii has c for tli" pur; In Eict tlie M. K. pastor, tlon ha- the rear tin hurch rion hopes altere tlawm leisure uio kiiowledirc. rks ot blstoiT, lures This iiiiag Fail and ct calculated Infvrest t.i th .-. a:id t)) aild ' a!i tvjio have lUiuadty at h I rarv Assocbu interests tt'1'i.u I.v i st'iAi.i-jt. On last nlglit smiie per -on raised one par:"r windows of the .St. Hotel, p aired th - contents of of keroseneou tlie ieor. light ch and set the oil on tire, a e was iMtriird in the carpet scorched, ami tite wsuboard partly through, aiid the wall ibly blaekemsl by the smoke ie. The person committing ii i-t have been in a dreadful he left the empty bottle and if matches on tlie wltidowslll. ivhid nv, and went for blul, e ti-Uovv tfcjil, a:;d getting in ieeooxrrshophe wasiuiableto , Srowu says lie saw a light r'or, but supposing some one the parlor lamp-, lie jsiid no t" ir. It -e,.:iv tuc tire went iry. Des win 4 own acc a most forth" , instiince for Brenner and his ' nest' M s Day at Lidann 1 : - of Lehfinon have projected a , -diy party, wiiicti will doubtless enjoyable occadon. On Wed i i May l-t, ihc general public eabonts are hivited toassemble in grove adjacent to the village, tlie usual exercises pertaining .. l-ion-of this character, nclud the crowning of the (pft'cn of . will be had. Mi-s Benjamin i e the May Queen on the oeca- wish the citizens a real jol- i od time, ami hope to jjay tiiu ,re of being among them on the ' V, iKCUiKJij. -A day or two ago. First street in this city, occurred , A team attached to an empty il came tearing like mad up tlie a young man standing 0:1 the -ees the team approaching, and for tlie wagon instanter; while tors hold their breath in their iject e, .-xeitemeiit, lie - izes hold ot the j u 1 p 1 a- it passet ami iigntjy vatiu-s lutn if, -ei:s the linep, and with tluit ... !,. eomw.of -onr.Waial a will to do. he enntrols the deihorwnsed .mini d-. and soon bring-them liaek. iipiwireiitly gentle as lambs, with out d ang them, himself or other-i any lamage whatever. And that is all of this Incident. ,,. .... 111 air old frithd- Baefcenatos. of Pwt fcv d was tn tt city-011 V dnsday; Cake Presentation A Surprise. ! On Tlmr.-iLiy evening last Dr. D. B. Rlee ws most agreeably and pleasant- Ij lorprtted Uv tins pnwlltthli of a ii-tiiu-onie. gold-mounted, eliouy cane, lite cane wni presented. In a neat little - e !,. I v 1 ,-. Tate, and was intended a a pi tlUg tribute of the respect and high regard eutertained by the phy-i-cian- of Linn county tor one of the , o!de-t and ataM Mieteatriil members of ;ln- pr.ft.-in on the coast, now on the of hi- depart fti new field of r. ibc mfpriae of the recipient of cane, ami his evident etaibarraaa if at t'li, unlocked fur testimonial tteem t'.om brother phyakisoa ill iiupiv i he iriftaiul tin' wcca-ioii , indelllily upon his memorj', tlug tlie occasion one ever to N re iiJivd .ii:i olt-asiuv .mil a swelling i. it wai a .lea-ant occakm to lie participant, and will ever ro il gneeu in the memoir of each. in t A Cost'AHisos. Under Bepuhlicau rule l.ltiti oii'.ty taxpayers paid from Hvetoeight rent per acre las. on a Valuation of from S4 to :j0 per acre. Under Democratic rule they pay fVom lifieen to thirty cents tix. on a valua tion of from ten to twenty doHarsan acre. A- W i.'l lie seen, under the he- uign an "economical" rule of Demoo racj. as real estate increases In value So does tlie tax line. As our ! nev cratic officials hare proven suehioor financiers, is it not to the interest of taxpayers to try a new set men of more capacity and ability for the po sition?? It is a miestion of dollars and cents, nnd affects tlie pocket- ofeverj' citi ten to a greater or less degree. Bl nr.D to Award a Our I outitiV Commissioner IJiTBACT. i opened the bids for the new work, advertises: by tin in for the ten thousand dollar jail, last week. The bids fere 2,iS10, fLMii and $4.sia). Messrs. Frank Wood and Milton Hale sent in tlie lowest bid, $2,300, and t:.- Oregon tron Works the highest. Wood ami Hale are BepubUcans, Of course tlw bids were all thrown nit. Comnieut . It Loss OF i-i.i i). -' in l Alt' mw.i: THOBOt'oa reiKllrltig to the -'able on (Sunday morning, Mr. Wm. Gin font 1 a valuable thorooglibred colt, on which he set until -tore, dead it had cast itself nud broken it- neck. It wa-a line appearing, well inttscleil animal, just thirty ti-iineil for work, :1n ! gaVO evident; of great speed. Ghvl Miys be Would not have taken five hundred dollars for the colt Tire MissioxABY Coscebt At the M. K. t hurcli. !a-t Sunday, was nitu ntaily hiteresting. short addresses were delivered by Messrs. J. F. Back eu to. Or, D, Ii. Bice. dipt. X. . Ilumiihrey and Bev. Mr. Shaw, Mr. Clement gave u-a solo. During tin exercises the school Children sang nu merous choice pieces of music. Mi-s Alice Griffin presided tit the organ to the umprillflwl approbation of all. There was a large atteintance of chil dren, and unusual g'Hui order was tuahitalueil for large an assemblage. FKRSOXAL. family leave Agency 1. 'I -Dr, D. Ii. Bice and ii- for Lapwai Indian . . in a few days. The or ha rd- of friends in o!d Linn irn with sorrow that, to I eiieflt the health of his (UmUy, he grK- from among us. May. prosperity attend them. Mr. W. X. Smith, of Delta, W. T made ii- a plea -ant call on Saturday last. He Speaks highly of thf future prospect ot that portion of Washlug- ton Territory. AVrNTEl!l-H. The weather for al I'he good i mr).t ti,e entire week has been cold ! and Stormy just tlie kind of weather to give the doctors a chance. Its the kind of weather that don't incline peo ple to be very choice in their expres sions ?.'hon referring to it. judging from the weather remark; one bears ! on the street-. Dixir. Fkke School. Our Kehoo I Directors have rented the Tike houe in Itixie. and having secured the service- of KM Maggie Irvine, school will open on next Monday morning. The house haa been properly lilted Dp for the accommodation and comfort of the children, and a- tuition is fiee ! there will lie no excuse for children I hereafter going without schooling. Send 'em all. Wool. There ha- been no little ex citement in relation to wool, buyer eager to purchase and sellers eager to get the highest figure. As high a- rtA.. ft...- ....... 1 I 1 1 . " " '", mKr' " '"h are very cautious, and will not con- ,V..V ",:""at W uiiiit rvnr i;i! 1 ntFiiroa ClfAXGK Messrs. Smith, Clelan A Young now own the draying interests formerly owned by F. M . Westtall A . F. M. Westfall has bought tlie truck and the fine span of bjacks. fornierly owned by Perry Spiuks, w ho lift sold rut of the draying business ohib-eir. (f Ir Magazine. Wood's Household ; NspulM for' April comes freighted with good things. It is still a mystery with tlie rrailtup public how so much i tir-t class literary fisxl can he furnish- !ed for to little money one dollar per : annum. - ... .... "eliavc forwarded (intc a list of subscribers to the raaauine, who. as yet, have filled, through the carets- . the mailing clerk, or some oth- er can e. t,, receive It We call the attantion i matter, i a Good Retort. From Dr. E. R. Oeary who returned but recently from an official viit to Kainvai Agency I. T. , wo learn tiiat tin-agency, un der the management of our late towns man, Col. !. I'. Montelth, is one of flie fij i-l nonrlshlng. .smoothest ru:i uing. and 'h'sj managed of the Pacific coast Indian agencies, lie fonud al' the sub-agents among tlmii Bev. Wm. Monteith, Kd. and PmnkBeach, and I. W'nldrip, enjoying gixnl health, and all w 1 aat'sfted with the ecu ury and future prospects. A iTKN itos. The 0. i C. Bailroad Company, by it- agent. Hon. I. 1!. Moore,' warns the public generally not to trespass OB anv lands belonging to said corporation, under iin of vig orous prosecution. All vauaut laud in otld tiunibercd sectioiis, guryeyed or unsumyed, within thirty mile- of said railroad line, belongs to the O. it C. B-B, Co, Bead the notice in thi-issue-. D am; vrss. For -.'do. all in good or der and In shape for shipping, a No. 4 pre- -, and long primmer and minion sufficient to set up a seven column pa per. Will be soid cheap, if applica tion be made -oou. Intending to pur chasea new office entire, will di-imse 1 ir present otliee, presses, etc.. at ftotire for cash. Beef. By severe and (wrsistent effort, .'dr. I. L. Harris has succeeded in keeping our market pretty weH sup plied w ilii a fair ankle of beef. Btef cattle have been and are still scarce and not easily obtained at any reason able figure. ( At LED. 1 handsomest y our foreman's the BeOI-TEB iirei or four of the mug ladies of this city j ,,IW.V, 0." M. Thompson, EM Carter : word for this), called at i 2d poll David Froinan, George Pat office on Wednesdav: i We. ion a- they declared they dil to sec the editor, we shall their name-. And thus it venge ourself. not come ; not give j is we re- Snow Stoioi in- Apkil. We were treati d to rjuitn a little -now storm on Wednesday morning, here in the val ley. The hills fringing the valley were covered with a mantle ol white, affording a wliiteri-h looking land scape, - ELECTED. On r.lTl.T-INTATIVKS Wednesday evening, Albany Lodge No. i. 1.0, O. F elected Messrs. J. . Eackenstn, L. Cheadle and Win, s. Newbmy representatives to the next Grand Lodge. N'EW Mi'-ia A beautiful piece of sheet music, entitled "Old Times," has reached us from Gray's Music More. Portland, through the polite- uess ot the manager. .Mr, u. D. Jje i rMi,a I'Vit- unit, iiui.te nv iuii.v ii lit. 1 rtrument., send to G. L. De Prans. porMa, , j ' , POSTFOSED.-The pmih Gift En- terprise, the prhicliai gi:t in which is ! 110.000, has been wsfiioiied nnH May 30th, when, the managers a.ert. ; the drawings will positively and with-! out fall occur. Fpke S..L7wrtrlet School. ! free to nil. o,! o In-t Mo.l,. I with the house full of little one-. Mr. Fo hay. principal, and Miss Belle !ird and Miss Sellna N'ew. nan, assist ants. SCARCE. About as scarce an article as we can mention at this time in this city, i' firewood. The Winter supply i- exhan-fed and the Summer supply lias not reached licre. Hkaltiit. AfiSnjr- m healthy and relisbable drink as can be made during the warm days of Summer, is lemon ade and tills reminds us that (jus. Layton has mine large, fine lemons. jujt the article for lemonade. Fi'LL. Onr schools arc all full and running over they swarm around the school building like bees, and tlie great wonder is where in the nation did so many laverlc- come from. Sioht. The Titus Brothers have recpivisl a new invoice of those splcn- I inn diamond spectacte-rflU article that Is invaluable topenom liavlng weak eyes. , , Cioars.Giis. W'lieeler says lie tends to always keep for sale tlie vjry best cigar to be obtained in tlie city and he"!! do It. Try one. FOOT H-dTi-o.-Mr. Jolm twins, while -pliitUig wood on Sunday morn' Ing, acvideutally U timt'ttit infft his left toot, ikiog iiW44mit Cheap Music. Peter! Mtilatl ' ; Jfeatftly is certainly the cheapest mu-1- ' ml MbOcatioti in the world, and we have yet to hear a single person say any thing against its Varied r,,,) eharmlnf selections of Vocal and In- strmnental Mu-ic. The publl-her . . . .. manage to keep clear of the vile, trashy .-tuff with which the country b flooded, and bv giving Judicium seiee- Uotn from the beat master-, haa made 1 iW. JuVfcif .,M, a welcome Vts- who have heretofore been unable to i cultivate their mu-ical tastes on ac ! count of the high priayif music. The April number, i n ice 30 cents, contains ten pieces of made. The publisher oners a trial trip January. Febuary, March, and April numbers for $1. Address J. T p, ter-, 600 Brwdwajr, Xcw York. American Homes. The April num ber of this brlllltnt and successftd il lustrated dollar magazine, marks tlie clo-e of the first volume. The maga zine is eminently adapted to every home in America, since its splendid stories, sketches of travel. Sabbath Thoughts, songs set to music, fashion notes, jokes, article- for Boys and r Girls, farmer, mechanics and Free Masons and all secret society men. ! m " " '' 'J reading which must -mi everyootiy. it is nuea every month by popular writers. All who subscribe get nearly OKI pages of read ing and an elegaat engraving for only $1, and all who buy it of newsdealer get a rich collection of amusing and instructive literature for only ten cents. CUABLF8 H. TAYLOR A CO., of Boston, are the publishers. Jt iKits ok Election. Hie follow ing judges of elect Ion have have been appointed : Scio T. A. Pennyliaker, ,T. B. Irvine. John 0-trander. Franklin Butte Richard Pollard, Joiui Bryant) Isaac Arnold. Santlam B. Burtensliaw, Henry Derthick. A. 11. Griggs. Waterloo!. YV. Mack, Francis Bel linger, Hiram Smead. Sweet Home John Gllliland, M.G. M.jss. Nathan Bussell. Lelwuon loseph Balston, Boliert Miller. Samuel Xlckersoii. Syracust Dayton Siuer-on. K. N. Miller. C. Farlo'w. Alltanv 1st fieofn T Tin 11- lirieans n in. jicunue, jos. iiam lltoll, Joseph Yates. Center 4. F. Crawford, J. Fronk, Alexander Brandon. Hal-cy S. U. Haley. D. P. Porter. Frank Shedtl. Ilarrisbnrg-II. B. Holt B. B. Grime-. Jos. Summerville. Brownsville VV, II. Smith, O. P. Co-haw. . . Kirk. Brush Creek Timothy Rigg-. C. D. Miller. Miles Cary, CliiCl it COnrr. Circuit Court ad journed last Satnrtlay. Following is the dUpositiOU of cases not heretofore rcnorted: Oregon Thos. Ladorette; three year- in penitentiary C. M. Cartwright'vs V. H. MeCord; continued. J. 11. Foster vs Walter Monteith et al : taken under advisement. w. n. Zinnwaltvs Samuel King; decision of Clerk sustained. The following persOIIS applied and were admitted to eitiaensldp: VVUIiam Ward. Daniel More and Tliouias Tay- ,r. IIANOE is I"olki: Mattees. At thelait ,1,c ,Jit' Cnmf a dange was made in tlie police de- partrn,. of the eitv. It is now made the duty of the Wry Marshal totake entire charge of this matter, he being empowered to employ all tbofbrceon the police staff that inay be neeesairy o perfi-et older, and the quiet and security of our citizens. The old night M U ,,s"c",,c,1' "d1 ,vhp,'r one will Ixiappoiutetl remain, to be seen. - - 1 Come to See I s. Parties who arc Indebted tons will confer a great favor by imyiiig up immediately, Hereafter when payment of a subscription is delayed six months we shall charge SO for the pajier; if delayed one year, the price will be iM- Please bear this in mind. Prompt paying men succeed best in every community. - m ' Veoctabi.es. A. C. Dayton has a new supply ot potatoes, onions, aj- ples, turnips, lemons, oranges, bacon. cheese, grixries of all kinds, canned fruits, line cigars, nuts, etc., at his store on corner of First and Broada! biu. Climb in and svrap with him. Cobb Wood. Perry Splnltt ha men engaged in cutting cord-wood across the Willamette, and will soon be ready to supply all who want wood. PmiiAiUKS.-Tlie Republican prl- maries for Linn county occur ttMiior ;rw. Tlaiy should, and we liope will ' be generally attended. ' 1 '. new snnscnoers we In-jure Indebted to various friends throughout the county, during the 1 week. All have onr beat bow. . , .--. ! .). We liave had several sprlnk- les during thc-week, Jiwt enough rain !WM,1 1,y- - , y. Fi.svp.irtt, scirec; and sellluiii' 90 a!idr V-L, - nBWEPOXD't'E. i Airillsf 1872. ! " nwwm w. 1., Apri 1st. Fditok REGISTER ' I send vott , . , ... ' '. . wrcwith Jor publ aitloii. r""tl0"s Mai,'"nrg J'0"?1, No ' ' , ,ud A' M- to llf mo,,nor5' of Anderson Cox. fiwmerk ol Ailninc. i . ., , ,, ... '. 1 ra,"" " ' - '!.?T, iry. ! " ih m (" ykad ? 'A,ta county, iorcy nines iroin nomc, aim ten miles from anr human habitation. on the open plain-. His disease was ; bilious colic. His son, Phil., his daughter. Mrs. Smith, and Doctor W. 1 IV, Gray, wlw reached him but an hour or two before hi- death, were all that were with him when hi- death orenrred. His wife and several of hi children reached him a few hour- n!'-; tcrward. Yours Truly, J. V. CRAWFORD. (See resolutions elsewhere in thi issue. Ed. Markets. Market prices are still unsettled. Butter commands 40 "t aiK' per pound ; eggs, 25c jier doeu. Vegetables in fair supply at .previous i quotations. Brsr. Our farmers are still busy putting in crops, and as a consequence business In the city langiti-bes. LEOAtTtSbERS. Quoted at 90,' a-ii 01c. Gold in N'ew York, H0'4. MAMUED. In this city. Thur-dav momiiiff. April 11th, 1873, at the residence of the bride's iireuts, by the Rev. Mr. Butcher, Mr. Loins V. Stmclnneler j and Miss Flora K. Cbeatllc all of this city. They were married in the early 1 morn, and after partaking of an ele gant wedding breakfast, took the cars ' tor a snort bridal tour. Our kindest wishes go with the happy jwir. Hoi.loway's Pills. The mot Kwerftll existing medicine for the dire of female complaints. Flftv j years experience, Inooutestably prove these remedies unrivalled tor tliedi--i orders incidental to the soller sex. i Xo family should be without them. I They may lie taken by young and old. I as they will re-tore health when every other means prove unsuccessful. 2" cents per box or pot. A. WHEKLEB, SHED0, OKEGOX, Forwarfiim & Commissioii Merchant. Agent forthcualcoftheeelcbrateil n.IN WAOOX, and all kinds of AURICTLTl'li ! AL M VCHIXERY. Consiijiuiipnts soliciteil. TOW LOTS, ill tlie town of 9tMXld, for sale. OR. VAX DEN UERUirN Inrallible Worm Syrnp. It- Value In rcinovhid innsw" of ctoIIi1- froni the stomach ami hovels of ehtldron, even where woniMito not exist, cannot tic j too hitfhiy e-i imntci. Fever and Ague. Persons becoming du-1 hlltlatotl ly the presence of worm- In the stoninch or bowels, are more Ibible to have j a protiwtud course of chills mid fever. The onnn reiuedles have been known to CUre when nil other remedies have fulled, esKVially in children. Forsah'hyA. trotber4Co.,wholesale and ivmil drw'L'tsis. Allmnv. or. Pri l'rin' Hue lolbiriierl)Ottlc. v4n30nifl i HOPE FOR THE AFFLICTED. (Speedy relief and eure for Chronic DIs-(use-, by the new and MrlentiSc treatment in practiced try Dr. Aborn. Lalmratory, fonsnltlnif and Onei-stine Apartment, corner of Third and Morrison Str, e s, PORTLAND, OHECON. Xo charsrc for consultation. Terms of treatment reasonable. Pamphlet seal free. v4nJ9irU. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, RKAL ESTATE DEALER, fo. 04 mat Urcet, Portia ud. Or REAL ESTATE in this CfTY and EAST PORTLA N'l), In I lie iiioDt dt-xlrahle locali ties, eonnistlnu of lAXIII, HAUjl IILIK'KS. and flLIKJlUS, HOUSES and STORES; ali. IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable nn cnltivated LAlfDSj located in ALL partsol t he HTATK for SALE. REAL ESTATE, and other nmnmsv pnrcluispdforeorrqMindent!i,tn thisCITV nml rliroughont the STATE and TEKlil TORIE1S, iih mi care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. HOUSES and STORES leased, LOAN'S NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL IE SCRIiTIOSS I'KOMPTLV C'ULLKtTED; nnd a Keneml KIN' AJiCXiVL ami AUENCY I)USfNESSlransacto9. AC.ETTS of this OFFICE, In all tho CI- rSlllIWi TflU'VV In tho tiTlTV ..til .... WKSanU Towns in tlio STATE, win . - til 1 lie CTIAsUj n III 1 XT- eelvo descrlnlioiiB of FARM PROPERTY and forward the aanw to the above ad- drcsH. S2v8 ffoi.LowAY's Pill akd oiKnrKST. -Scrofula win considered fneuniMr nnlil the Treat discovery of "Holloa av'.s Pills and oiniineni" tin-hoi! 11 the world. Din eases which haftle tlie skill of the medical schools, readily yield l t licne neerlew rem edies. Scurvy, EryHlpelaa, Salt rheum,Itch and all etita 1 icons eruptions are cnrahle hy them, Ucentaiierhoxorpot. fw To-Day. xerotic o. OHECON CALIFORNIA RAHJtOAD i'oinrny.In!epiia,Frtland Biven, tWa VlitaroM praatamfon will be rnntltnled against, any and cveryryrjion tnHi n ixjv uniiras m lumiiu u-lwi tnSlhaSaeii hyuiittmgaodTOtrpvlngtln) . 1 I I.. n,A - npun any juuuwi Mind, nnoerincrumim vi tbecomisb. All vacant Land In od numhemd 'sce- r umturvcye,!, miles froiii the the Comp&hy. r., Agent. Hue of tlluruiadUAKaJo "ECONOMY IS W3DjLXJ"r2-r." 6i STOTT3E1 T I And Accumulate TJV S3 A la T i: 1IY KCYINi; YOt'K DRY H)018, HARD WARE, GROCERIES, 2T0 TI0I S, CROCKEBY, HATS, SQ)Q)TS& SHOES, PILLS, LINIMENT, PAINTS, OILS, XN PACT Ai.siosT Awrmxi; voc may have IX'CASHIX TO lli I UNDER ONE RfXP I WIlWBn VI1K IWJSjr PAY, AND PROMPT PAYING SHORT-TIME CUSTOMERS, WILL FIND, AS IIERETOFOHE, NTWRK Of THE KlIIM'BUIEK, JLt All Times, A tlood Assortment of tlie BEHSKF GOODS -at the- LOWEST PRICES ! VTiHi HXNX2& MerchantaMe Produce ! A. WHEEIJEK. ! kO'iiwi :. ..-; .,! ' ' StM, Oregon, April 9, USTM1