The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 12, 1872, Image 4

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    V. N. oaril Plr for rtng-on.
... .
r KlDAi . .mm. ra, rera.
Fnnrrnl of Prof, lonr
. "77.
The funeral ot IYotess.ii- .Morse
took Dlaee in New York on
e r.i, i., rn. (V
neral services were hell in the Mail-
. . Ik 1 . -l 1. I
,. ., , ..
Cvnt many failed to timl staurting
room m the buiMins:. Aniont: the
. ,, ., ,..
ilelecatioii present were ( mv, I loll-
3 ',
manamlstalt.acomm.tuv lom the
Legislature, Ihreeton of the N es-
tern Umou of N ew York ami New
V'oundlaml jfelegraphle Companies,
representatives from the Academy
(it Design, Evangelical Allianoe,
New York Common Council, and
other de'egations ot lesser note.
Rev. Or, Adams delivered the fu
neral oration, The pall-bearers
were William Orton, Livingstone,
Morse, Gen. Dix, Vtuf. CoTuell,
Cyrus W. Field ami Peter Cooper.
Lines of people thronged the route
aloii;; liroadway. Public offices
and buildings displayed flags at
half mast, and (he telegraph offices
were dressed in mourning.
Prof. Samuel l'inley liruse Morse,
was the eldest son of Jedcdiah
Morse, 1). D., and was born in
Charleston, Massachusetts, April
27, 1701. He was therefore eighty
one years old at the tune of his
death. He received his diploma
from Vale Collesro in 1810. II
the idea ofthe elee-
tiivf iviiMpived
trieil telegraph in 1832, while'com-1
ino from France to tliel'tiited States
on the shin Sullv. In 18'!5 and
1886 the first instrument wasexhib-1
iuvl in RuooeHsful operation in New
York. Congress was applied to
j - ifl.o
ofthe' eZZ
of tl c expnmg
for assistance in 183f?
the midnight hour
session, Congress granted him S30,-
4he saw the reali-
. i Uta ivrtpnt
ms in im i.iieii
000; and in 1844
ration of his hopes in tlie perfect
.. . ...
working o a w,,v forty miles long
constructed between W ashitigton ,
and Baltimore, l'rof. Morse's in-;
vcutionisthe simplest of all the ! ins from those papers and the party ; 'own, the equity iu ravnir ot
electric telegraphs, requiring only a ! 8" Pff tlliltw" Colo,"f nU t,ie
i t. v i 'lent can do no wrong. It is mcon- Tinted States, becomes even stroll
.agio w,,, and selt-reconling t0 supl that luuK-sty a.i.L ,an ip clajm8 of lll0
and self-priiitiiig. 1 he alpuaitet is dishonesty can go hatHi in hand ; or rvw
formed of a combination of short ! that the thief shall commend the ; M:lte 0
strokes and dots, marked by a steel
pricker uhhi a sheet of paK-r, un
coiled beneath it by cjock-work
mechanism. This system has Ixhmi
adopted in nearly all the countries
ofthe world. Prof. Morse has re
ceived many honors and marks of
distinction from European Sover
eigns. In fact, from the Nidam
ia Tuscany. Turkey and the Boly
l T . - i
See, showed their gratitude to him j g
tu....,.';ai m. h. nm. I
in a more
tenting him a collective testimonial j
of 400,000 fra..cs,as an honorary
rJ' J 1
and personal reward for his useful His name, however, has
1 " I
iar sound in every i
will live bright and
become a familiar
household, and
fresh in the memory of coming gen
erations. 1'eace to his memory
The mirrllrul KliYtlon.
Tlie news from Connecticut is
very gratifying. Keturns from all the
towns give Jewell 4,386; Hull-
bard, 44,445 , Gillette, 1,502 ; liar -
ris, 884. Jewell's plurality is If
940, and his majority over all is
300. The Senate stands 15 Repob -
, . . .
Michar of the Sultan, to tlie F"7 TI aIZZI t T il TliTZ S3 1 t t s s bow, howT CTn
Fmnh cross ofthe Legion d If,,, detestation of I who voted for the law In the first w wn , Qj
ftetff a'l the deoomtious of Conti-; tlie "" Xow however' ln t,,e ' ilista"r0- mf, ,lS I arc y" "lng i
uental Europe have been conferre.1 ofthe Et, he U lU "honest" ; reI, as tli law waa enacted by a ; '- ,,,, rtow, nml T
n.wo.liim At the instance how man, and President Grant and all . large majority, if we remember wept as if bis heart would bivak. pmr , &jamg
iilion mm. .u uu uiMuiav, nun- ili.vil' There, now. h i - "n to bed. JfflTgSsP&ES
everofNaWleonIIL,thenTresen- his supporters ai-e "rogues." Why rigid. 1 1ns action will lieregrrttol V'h.-U. you lunatie! I'll fflmffl-.
... . .t,:.. ..i. nf fiu.linir 9 1ft the lie evcrv man wild loves lnterrritv. lu.vur eliwit mv nvw till I know what .HJm3fWl
ttitives of France, Huss.a, Sweden, 7 T "' . ., , . ' . ,Hrt Wcn-iiw von f8S5Ca
!.: I I . lo.tvin Vnc ii l "'"."' I ' 7 I , , -f ai ili' I PRIl 14' VI HI L I til 1 . lint
ltcans ana o uemocrais ; ine House j ami is now annulling wim me ene
131 Republicans and 110 Demo- mies of the Republican party, be
cits; giving a Republican majority cause of hi feeling of hatred
on joint ballot of 30-
gain of 6
over last year. In this, as well as
in the New Hampshire election, the
eople have indicated clearly their
endorsement of tlie Administration
ot President (irant, as well as their
emphatic adhesion to the principles
of the Republican party. Hie same
effort and combinations which were
attempted so earnestly by the oppo
sition in New Hampshire to achieve
success, were not withheld from
tlie Connecticut canvass; tliey were
rtroniilv and i84nUvwwa,id
with like success, lint, rejoic-1
uas over the Republican victory in i
New llampliirc icarcely ceased to '
- i
lH.10 am0n' her "(iramte Hills,"
. .Kr,..1 StuW Habits"
' takes them up attain, ami swells a
..f vU.,rv the Ihisom :
.. ...
of a wntiin'iit. IfrpublicMW in Oiv
' -
tron, ami in
every closely-contested .
l r.-... u.l
arc iwpra. w.. - ' 1
1 .,,, .I- these waves 01 .
I tvui.le o
cheer ami their hearts thrill in an-
'. .
liripations ot coming conquest,
1 . ... . . M 1
DkiiiiHiiiiletl politicians in the Ke-
11 ....
'publican partv mav turn aside Irom
b , . ;
moei-acy, or other enemies, hvk i
overthrow the wise, jndicioug ami
humane policy which individualizes
and (listiii;;nishes the legislation and
administi-atioii of the Kepublieaii
party ; but the great pub! heart
of this pa ple : that heart whose in
stincts ami motives are patriotic and
honest; whose mind is intelligent
and discriminating, cannot nor Will With this object in view, it has
not lie deceived in its estimate of j been recently considering a memor
these men, in the interpretaiion inl, to Congress. That memorial
which it will giveto theiractionsaml asks "fjiicle Sam" to grant to"01d
measures. Motives of spite, sordid- Dominion" some fifty millton acres
ness, selfishness, or revenge, will re-1
eeive no substantial supiiort or en-: from the inU'llitreiit.
soU'i'-thinking American citizen.
One administration like that of j enough. The "Northwest Terri
Audrew Johnson, is sufficient tor tor' which she originally ceiled to
a 1 time.
m... . ,M,.,l.
have no desire to see another such I
iuaugurated, by the election of a
man to the Presidciicy.whois ready j
to make concessions of principles for
or siinstitiue personal gion-
. . . -i 1
tication and selfish ambition in the
P of his country's welfare
!7 '.' ' ,. , I
l'he Alhanv HmnsTKii savs that' Legislature seems plansalile enough,
Horace (Ircelev. by li oppomtioii to
',a? U11 fL W I
the where res,t merges
contempt." Honest men were uev
ier vet reste.1 by rues, ami for
this reason it is not to be supposed
. ,
HUH Mi, ureeiey uiiuunuwu wmw
. Q ,
jstration at Washingkm will gam !
ftlr him Iriendshi,. and a kindlylel-
sherill for arresting lum. am
Portland Eft-
It has only lieen quite recently
tlmt the Km and ntlinr Democrht-'
ic journals, have become the ad- j
mirers, ajxjlogists and upholders ot .
Greeley, lint a little while ago,
no lanonage was acrimonious
enough, no words of vituperation I
1 las it departed from the
i .1 i i. ........
grand and noble purposes upon
which its existence was predicated,
ii i i u
P 1 1 ' l.i
the pursuit of wbh it has
aclueve-l so great success .? vw'
party , yp-,
. , . ,
from. that it a ways has lieea
" W Bopporbitteneral Grant;
not in the sense that "ho no
... i.,. i ,n wi ii. i
7 ' rJuT
the .r charges, for
i . i i.. ;
ailn mistakes, hut 1
wrong," as
(irant has made mistakes, but in
the sense, or faith, that he is incor
ruptible, honest ami capable in an
eminent degree, and unchanged in
J bis efforts, to carry out Republican
1 measures. It is uot
the case of Greeley. Actuated by
personal motives, be lias become
! most bitter enemy ot the President,
, . ..,
and rejmMjn tmmrds Grant.
! Principle has nothing m common
with such conduct. Honesty1 has
no more appropriate application to
Greeley in this case, than consist
ency hat to the Era. If we were
disrMisivl tn Im acrimonious wo
1 I . ..... ...I. I . . . . , ..... 1 1 mi I i tl.. mivinl Afoul, ill Kiifh imi'tuic Ii...,, ..ui Ma IfiitnL'rt'llli't' til hu KVIM . . .
. ..... '..i. n , iiiii iinf - .'in. red IU I trill I 'I s ' IHT1 UIHI IIIUI.ll IC'iuiui. ji- . , t I
mightsaythatitisnotat.lIstrange!a'W8WMjU8tal,"ltte Priciott"1
that traitors from tlie Republican
ranks are regarded with special fa
vor by tlw Democracy, It ia not
surprising that tho looseness of in-
tegrity, Ut larrcmmw of political
virtue, Inat iwklw disregard of
consistency which prompts men to
attempt to ruin because they can-
not rule, should 1 received with
, . . . l ... i
ojien amis ana enusic cuiogies hj
a nartv and party onrans. whose
st history ami present position
ami. v oualitv tliem to appreciate,
' , , .. .
1 IloiK'My ami dishonesty i-amui p
t. , i t
hand in hand very long, trail mo,
ami wliilo t.1u nn-at massis ol '.on-
"f." v
esi vepuuiawn ...o ,
r - .
(umiii! nearer ami nearer tocetiiir
tl, . , ,
m the supwt ot ,en. lirant, the
. , ,
traitor are being wnea out, and
,., . . , ,,
readily hml a home ami svnipnthy
fts fe
, .
l.nud Uranl Untlrrd.
States, as well as individuals,
should endeavor to pay as they go;
but when debts have lieeu contract
ed, they should be paid at the prop
er time by the projior crsoiis. V'lr-
ginia is heavily in debt, and her
Legislature wants to lift the burden
ofthe public domain to be used
Hauidatilig that, obnoxious debt.
Th nW alia uroes ui iiist.irieation
' p '
tor this large grant, seems specious 1
!. ITnttml iiot,w u-oc o mamilH.
cent and mttnifraeut donation, or
cession, four or live times larger in
point of acres, than she now a-ks to
have given hack, ami then the tien-
elits which the mineral Govefiiment
has received from this "Northwest
I territory grant, nave occ i ven
. .mi.ii he elnim nf the irniini
we say, from this surface view ; but, bvhtln, "when
wl confer tllfe that Virginia
did not wreathe control ot
'the Northwest' worn foreign Pow-
, i.-:t i .. i ii..
m. ailllOlien n nan ikvu icuauv
ColoDV sul(jcet to tl,e
4 . i L t ,
I1"011"1 rht of .t,ic hflf
The Illinois Legislature has gone
liack on the new linuor law recently
enacted in that State. This
done on the -1st ot march last, oy
more than a two-thirds vote, the
two political parties l)eing about
divided in voting tor and against
UAAeA .1 volioir l..r.,d a,ri .tj
; is a clear case ;o. demagoguery and
, im, ml nou-inhen
: moral cowardice.
! " . . . ...
i 1 "C 'Jreijontan Niys 11 is lear-
i 1 VIWV' ... '.-
; rf 1)em rf 0
; wJI1 not liave tIieassistanoeot Gov
f yw .or
i tlie tlat Iks W1 deUver notl,
, urc i .i-wii tint lie uiiiui.i.-i "vv.i-
. harangues on
that n8tfon h
S Plaved out. The Governor might
1 .
I do like a Umi county Democratic
stimix!r we wot of, draw the brains
and body of a speech from one in
print. Let him commit one of
Stephen A's; they are popular in
this neck o' tho woods.
RIkmIo lalaiid Election.
n t, . .in., i
full returns from the State eloc
' . , T , ,
i Hon of Rhode Island
give Padel-
ford, Republican candidate for Gov
ernor, a majority of 1,176, and for
Cutler, Democratic candidate tor
I.t. Governor, a majority of 140.
i Tlie rest ofthe State ticket has gone
j Republican by 2,100 majority,
i "l.ittlo Klioda" has conducted hcr
i self very well, indeed, except iu the
; voting for Lieut. Governor. She
Hay if $10 per ton in Powder
River VaHejr. fltja tin Bed Rock
,,,rM" "rk2!m'"
a si-m v imaWbbe kktwkkn mauk
Kilter Mark Twain and his wife, talking.
Mix. T. Mr. Twain. I am surprised
and gricv.b
Don't interrupt me. wa
.m. i. wuiii iin.-ii.." ..... ,
,., ,,. VIM, uMw I -you I
learn to skate : low I De wanting w
tellrwi skating I- an sceomplish-
mem u 1..11 on j .0 j ...... ..,. , ?. .-
niikM if'r-i.x. nnrl cviimwt I'l' fit fltriliv
xuhiiur H ohanubig to aw iita
.!..! I.. tt'i.l. .....Illiiiii ,xt lit.)
s': ' 'Z,h .Z- 1
. .1.1 1 ... .1... in.. .. i.;,.i .
" '
,...-.,...., 1 .
....hi n :m nii'lriK iiil' she can t 1
ion herself, and landinr in the very
arms ofthe very young man her father 1
don't allow her to know ami annua
away again and falling on her head
mil exi-ing hersclt to remain aliont
her earelesnes,
i Mrs. T. tries to speak, siying : "I
Mr. T. Mailain, lioal your tongue!
And always tnkliig cirv. t" fall when,
thai young mail Is eln-e liy to pick her I
up. Oh. Tt is cliaruiing! I'Ih v look
pretty, anil interesting, too, when they
are teaming -when they stand
still a long time w one place, and then
start one foot gingerly (shows how.)
and it makes a break for the other ide
Of tile pond. anil, leaves the hai
iiiii. ni'ihe irii'l sil)iiwliui!01l lliis-ide !
f!m you ! You lk and awkward
ami oismai unotigii in auj tiiiitsHiiu
when ymi are on skates you waddle oil"
a stuffy, ami stupid and a- luigainly,
as a bujtxani that's had hall a horse for
(Mrs.T. again tries to speaks) "Oh
Mr. '1'. I won't hive it. inndain!
And yen get under a little precious
headway, and then, put your feet to
gether and drill along stooping on your
fieail atal shoulders Nicavs howl and
hold your arnn mil like you exrct. d
a church would lad on yon : it aeirni
Vntes the life out of me! And Tues
day, w hen I was ass enough, to get 011
skates myself, and kickiii the iri-l
(iiant'seye out the first dash, and lil
nil HIV head and cr.ickei I I he ice -0 1 In I
it looked like the sun with ail its rays
had dropped where I struck, and they
fined me ninety dollars for mining the
man's pond. 1 was terrified with the
conviction that I had gone through to
the inside of the world. heiu.-e I saw 1
the punllels of latitude gliinmerlii all
around me; and what was it hut you
I" your awkwardness fHteliing up over
... S v I . w.ui'i-nnfikioiili'i! "liiti'i-" nil '
I stand lite pew rent, and I will
Mr. T. Mr. Twain, I am uurp
. -f. Hold vour clatter. I tell
you. you suau't bring odium uponthej
S "tour
liig fee. like a - Jw ploughing her way
idwnliill in stinnerv weather, rsimw
how. Maybe you wouldn't Ihj so
liamly almiit displaying those feel of
yours if you knew what occurred
When 1 took your shoes dow n to get
""?."W.e n-i . , i n
Mrs. T. What was it? loll me
what it wai this minute! I ju-t know
it's one of vour lie
Mr. T. -Ob ' don't mind : it ain't of
muell consequence ; go to bed.
Mr. T. But it is of coiiseiiiieuce.
Yon have got to tell me: yon sltm't
aggravatenic in this way: I w on't go to
ln-il till 1 know what it was.
Mr.T.-rOh! ii wasn't anything!
TUhilng away.
Mr-, t. Mr. Twain, I know better!
You're just doing this ti drive m to
dntractlohi What did that slmeniaker
sav aliont mv
Ihk-? " nat did he do.'
JftrSSj U, t0 wtth
Mr. T. Well, if you must know, lie
-he li'iwcver, it's no eonseiinence.
Mrs. T. Mr. Twain. Shaking her
flat in his face.
took it and gazed
' . I. Ti Vll,
i long time in silence, and
I -'H 1
-Ob, it don't matter.
Mrs. T. Mr. 1 wain, if you say tlt.l
again. I .say I'll iiwke you sorry for ,
jt. What was tnai iiiiiiiu-khii crying:
U. 1. O.H U.l- III u i .'
Out with it.
lyoi. wai.t nu. -u: JI.raStaW
to Twain! I'll
, 7f vw &Tas laid Z e ion
knhj UI VfHI
of tjiy lialw
i wi
-Well, be poor fellow be
doted on his grandmother fair-
cj ...
'y doted on her. WW had nursed Mm,
! vou know, because Ins mother was so
, f,.(.,i,., and so-well be came to (lib
. ... .
country some tineen years ago, and
first set up in the vegetable line, and
got along prottv well, nml was apoilti'; a,M, ' ,..1.
to send to K-gland for the old lady, f . RA'1'N8 &Th
I when hard times come and be got
broke. He went into fruit, and alter
that into milk into all sorts of things, 1
you know ; but he got disappointed
every tune, till this present business
! fetched him all right, and he sent off
i Al .l Ill 1 11
! ior uk oiii woman, one lanocu iicru
j foUr wt,,.ks ag0i ,,llt aicd t,1K wry mm
night. It was hard, very hard after
all ins waiting anil oiling tor tureen
years, to get her over here at last and
have lier die on his hands. lie lie
well, he was disgusted, However, be
laid her out, and lieaud Ills friends slit
up with her. and by-and-by the mcino
ries of her virtues softened his bitter
ness and turned it to a tender grief a
settled melancholy that hung aliont his
spirit like a pall tor many flays. How
ever, by patient Striving to keep sad
twtijrfit!W of.hls rabid, he was Una -lybSlnnine
to regain some of his oW
time elieerfi.luww. when your shoe re
mtodwl him painfully of Ins poor,
Mrt:!T.k at, you -brute!
rSlans hiSflieel. And you dare to come
hMkfcar I'll kit you out gain. You
ifeflradedoM rufflan! Out of tlie house
glJtSlt; leading Mark out
CAStl !
A w iil ! Itki'l for
Y 0 0 L ,
(1,HvTrei at SHKim during -thv ra.'
Jtareli SViMnS
Round, Woodcock & -'o
rnvirii'NMK I Munnftrturcra of
m a ci I
Ifl SPTfl.TOT.fn
A '
Kcccivei we uiFicma av iac ouk 0! 1&71.
Those MnrhliMHiirn wnrnmti"! milwtan-
linllv 111a lc. mi I inn n Ihj surrawwl
in cl'cioilic Wheat lr see U nml are e iml
fa in aoo I for eiennilijit (Jut.
' nmci in your or Ifrsiuni hi warrant
MltlaAuM ion. V i In
June! Inn City, Or,
Jan. SB, IS7Mliu3
- -IlK.M.KR IN -
Groceries & Provisions,
c-itu'Wt-iHtn-iii wriMM ni KlHwurtli ,
an I rii? sMwtS Wit'Ji ti fn rfocli of
l'lici-o. Ac. to wliicli ho Inviti's tlio attrn-
ttoii uf our- cilixeiw,
In coMiioctinn with tUflfltoivliP WllI kwi
a Ilakcrv. an 1 will a wa- huvo on Tain I a
lull supply ofl'resh Itl'ulI. cmckois, Ac.
ECnHamJ bco mi1.
juiis si tiMi:ut.
'iRiarv l'Mvt
Mr, laridgefitnner
isili:s TO INKOItM Till'. LADIES
oi Alhanv anil vteloltv. thill Mis-. M.
U. JonvsoN lintaliMiehawof hei
Millinery llilU ill -i M-TCilhliijJ Man'.
She l llMUWl to do nil Winds at work
in Unit line.
Atiwav, Am", is, uiMoti ' ":
ITAuiiwaim, S SS,iC
mkiw. rrmmM "y
tV- CAI.I. AMI st.t..3
IWiiluinettc Transportation
Coxrxpa.3ay -
ma ajpongM
'fc. i.1 ?:'.' V.
fiti'M am xrn.n oatk,
r fnrtl
tiler nolii-e, tliel itiui'anv will ili-
patcbabont from Albany i Ocrvallwon
I 'in sil:i j nad fridaj f Sneli Week.
Al-o. vtUUISpAtCh a bat from AUiany
for Porllaml ami hlterniediate plaeefl on
mime. (lavs. leaving Coinatovli ft lo.'s
Fare at Kcdnccd Rates.
nee. ts, wri te
Improved Baud
H'mltmrth f'hnrr.v '
hforlfoif, and p(r
ilf-cript on "i VVdO'l 1
woiktDi( Mucli inory
A I Nan In k Mill ii-
f:i!-hintTV I-'ciMtt,
ll2('iillfonii:i-st., Kan rruncinco.
iowumi nil ki'i-u i.t AtrlfitKuml
. MaoWmj-, mid by WUKKI.KR, at shill.
I. i, Wtll, !
Trl-Weckly Stugc Line
im.- rrunfnci.'.vt'ii t ,..
I iSLaiUlii si H .'i' r,', I..-1. i "m.
Mails, leaving
i h.
Wi'ilnrs'lnv iitlil
Kiiday inondiwH, and rutinniiWi leave
Albany at io'i loek 1". M. ot said days.
Paamnucraciilled for in any inirt oftlH
clly. Allonlei-ssboiildlw left at the St.
Chiules Hotel. Albany, for poajamgeri or
i - l - i a - I.'.- irwitii
trem tor Letianon,
Packages and litit
I "T"J?" "tR"
i inmtrltoitiewill m'ui-i
frrUht punctually
Ail biisliHisn en-
ltod to mewlll lpron. sdgd ,
Lehanon, Feb. us, iisusi
j and (dieap, by Svl DC IK US.
For Sale 2
ClIX AT THK KUluuia nr inr.
frndcrsfirnod, alxmllw "outb of Alba
uniiersia MAKTIN LUI'ER.
Jan. a, 1872-WmS
11 csi oi ';. W. YomiK in the
Delivery Buslncaa,
I am prepared to do any and all kinds nf
jobs, on sliort notice and witb nnlck dls
iaitcb. Term" reasonable. I'ackajres div
ilvered lo any rtrt of tho city, (yr ,ook
out for the BAV TKAM and JOtl W AIM IN.
tJWKKT POTATOES, per laat atenmer, by
O 8v4 OpBOia.
1. F. JOKES, "
18 I1A1SEY, OBEOOX. v4
X ikllBiEW
A. G. Layton,
and couiplotv supply "i
Tobacco &Cigars,
WttWi 1 w ill -HI tfir fash us Inw n-1 ti
loveiit, wawfamga for all kintt ot mer-
Eiiteivnt amf in -tniv a lar;c tenant It y ol
atiieft I will w"ll rhmiH-rthan ever lieforo
iittriXKl in litis iiiyii.el.
f-jV 1 extenrt u ueneml Invlliillon to all. .7-5
Wis'ople in Uds and mlJolnliii.J5-?j
eowithni, tm-ali anil ex:iin-3
Ui"; ine t,imlitv anil prices ;T-ii
to-jrot jowls, as i fucija
V,-v coiiii leu: of ni.v.-3
t-if iiliiiiiy in 1,'lvea
l'-r's;ltis- i.J'
U -lai- -3
r jmi 'i
- ND
General Repair Shop.
'piIK I NliKI.'sri.MJI flAVtMi RK-
L tunie't to Atlauiy.aml taken IiIh oirt
aliofi oti cerncr ol Kllntt'OCtli and Second
I sin-els. uiniooiiees liis ivadinesn to atteuil
to oil ktitdftof
ni.ACKsinTtnsii, mux a machine
KOltli'.NIi, KTU.
Also, has on bninl ami for nle, Hid
Straycr Forcc-tecd
and other PLOWS,
irhlch In. Till sell on the moil reasoimlJu
uitr. ui; a hi..
All rk rut rusted lo me will rwrlv
imiiiinl iiltrnl ion, and ! '. iiIihI In I lie
, rm pomtblc nuiiiner, with matrrlai.
A ibaro of public patronai is solicited.
BiTSliop oncornnr EllsnortlinndSoonnd
si ni'M, opposite Pici;e'.s I'errv.
1Uv4 t. WlXIl).
Lard Oil & Soap
1 nlc.ed ami tint iu good rannlng order
Ibelr new
Lard OE aitd Soap Manufactory,
In tho city of Albany, are proparod to pur
chase, at tlie highest cusb rates, all I lie
IIo(s, Rancid Butter, Noup-
arcane, Ac.,
delivered to tliem in this city.
They arc now lnanutac.luriug and hov
on hand
Fancy Toilet and Common Soaps,
In great variety, warntntisl prpinl to th
lamt In market, which tliey oirer to the
trade at the most reasonable intra,
Ordera reapcctfully solbdtcd. Satisfiio
t ion guaranteed.
SWT Purl les luivlng Ilogs.ltancld llnttor.
or tlraaw of any kind, for sale, will (lo wH
to give na a calf.
Mor. 11, wn-lOvl