The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 12, 1872, Image 3

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    4 ,
Minr coast sews.
The grass on the tiiot-liills iu P.a-
kor county is from four to ten inch
Ps hhrh
t.,1 , t . ,
.... vvtmauu iiawre appro.
the lorritory for the current year,
incidmg$8,600 for the Hoard of
Immigration, Did 64.000 in aid of
the Agricultural College.
1,800 pounds of strawberries
wore received in San Francisco on
the 3d, and 800 on the 4th,
7116 Legislature of tlie proposed
State of Dweret, met on the8d inst.
Hums Snow was elected President
ofthe Senate and T. i). Rfehsnl
Speaker of the Homo. Two '. s. :
Senators were to be elected the next
Ten tons of ore Croni the 1 'utter. ;
field Canyon mine, I'tah, recently
netted over $10,000 in silver an 1 1
Gold diggings on tke Colorado
piver, Utah, have been discovered
paying from f 10 to 20 per day.
i lov. i it-over's man (.i!!Voy is on
his wnv home.
General Davidson, the officer
who conimatuled Fort Donelson at
the time ot its capture, is in Port-
l' .1.. n
i iu... .ne tfrtymvm we learu
that Mrs. voilogi,', of Portland, was
oisoned last week, either by a mis-
take in tlie writing of a pre'
or in tho manner ot compounding i
S! p wns rAliuvml hv nrni,l. .... I
At Shevidau, M. T., oatsandbar-1
ley are felling fir 44j cents ;
Hour, m retail, a-d ?s wholesale:
bran 12 per bundled, and shorts j
.-1 PT hundred.
There is a brisk demand for me-
ehanics, especially caqieiiters and
!.-.v..i.. ;., ii.,i.. -."!.. i...
ii l ivtl llrt. M I J. "I II I . i- I
ing season has commenced and there
remises to be a gwd deal of it.
Anotlier sliglit shock of earth
quake was felt at Los Angeles, C'ah,
on the morning of the 4th.
Work on the looks at Oregon1
C:ty is progressing very rapidly,
favored by the good weather.
7'he housed Mr. S. Javks, iu
tho southern end of Clackamas
county, was destroyed by tire on
the s!8t nit. Loss about 81,100.
U(ica, Alaska, is where the ice
fumes from to till the ice houses at
I'ucct Found.
Heal estate continues to advance i
in price at Walla Walla.
Get), W. W. Miller has been
elected Mayor of Olympia, W. T.
Tiaee young ladies, Jisscs Mar
tyn, Sjielnian and Jnrphy, took
the black veil at St. Mary's hospi-!
tal, San l-'rancisco, recently.
7'he Eiiterpriw says two cliil-
drcn of Mr. Wm. Welch, living on
.'ill creek, about sixteen miles
from Oregon C ity, were drowned
in the mill race near his
Sunday before last. The two were
walking along the bank one about
three years of age and the other
live when the younger fell in,
dragging the other in after him. 1
Another child saw them fell and
ran to the house to give the alarm, ! Mathcw Anderson, ofSan Diego,
but before assistance arrived they , Cah, on the 5th, was assassinated
were drowned. Tho sad event has by a Mexican. The latter was ar
cast a deep gloom over the entire rested,
neighborhood. Tom Fitch was elected second
The County Treasurer's office at V. S. Senator on the 6th by the
Walla Walla was robbed on Wed-: Utah Legislature,
nesday night ot last week ot 20,- j A store on the cooperative plan
000 in county and Territorial bonds i is to lie established at Coupevillo,
and coin. The thief obtained the Whidby's Island.
key to the Treasurer's sale by enter-: The Xortheru Pacific Railroad
iug the room of the Treasurer, Mr. Company are going to build a large
A. Kieger, after he had retired, and ear-shop at Kalama.
taking his pants, in one of the pock-' Work on the new Court House
ets of which the key was. He then Ut Salem, has been commenced,
made his way to the safe ami ' it will be finished in a year from
complished his purpose. next fall.
Twenty-two regular w rviccs are ! The share of the indebtedness of
held every week at tho Taylor Clark county which has to be paid
street M. K. Church, Portland. j bv wltx is $4,382 24.
There are ten whisky shops to j S, P. McDouald, late editor ot
one church in Portland. : tho Vancouver fieyister, is to take
An ambitious chicken in East charge of the Olympia Courier.
1'ortland has two wings and four The island of San Juan has a
I population of 350, not including the
Portland has her usual quantum , military, which if both camps had
wjfieit of burglaries. j a full complement of men would
It is rumored at Portland that swell the . whole number to 550
the ( Jregon steam is avigation Com-;
pany has sold out to the Northern j
Pacilio Railroad Company. :
U. ft Marshal Young has arresf-
! ed M. S. Hart, the railroad contrao -
tor who left Portland some time
aim without mine bis men. m San
1 . ' " '
! v t uiwu tw : ...
during n Sacramento.
ftrmers ot Lane county are com
plaining of the ilry weather.
. .... , , ,
all ot Dallas, out several days aud
... l .i .... .. .
Tn 1 ...) JV...., I,4.
cai;uiv.l all ot two deer !
Dal as voted to have free schools
for six months.
lie .Masons at the Dalles, have
. . ,. .
in contemplation the building of a
new hall this summer.
: itching horse shoes is the popu-
lar amusement at t'rvallis.
TheChcmcketa Hotel at Salem
; will be opened to the public on t
i first of Jnne.
Salem has the "calico ball" te-
Washington county school dis
tricts have levied a tax sufficient to
keep up school from six to nine
months during the year.
! -v 1Aue county denizen says that
' t'"-' wport circulated that he was
killed by a tree, was gotten up tor
political effect to keep him from be-
'"8 nom mated tor Nicritt ot that
county. He feels indignant.
I !v !?
jir. .I. .. ( essnerannounces hini-
self as an independent candidate for
j ,llt' "n'ce of Sheriff of Marion coun-
A little son of Louis Fleischner
piavea with a large kmte, and now
liaf lw" m,Sera a"d a thumb on his
Ieft 'l811t1.
Fwm the 0r':"" we learn
,!':,t a little SM ofMr- K.EaVn.of
Portland, aged ten years, was
,Ilwned by tailing through a hole
the llooring of tlie wharfat that
city, last week.
j Portland boasts of ten persons
who have' not tasted liquor or to
i baceo since New Years Day have
been in jail is the reason.
The Portland llidletin says:
tompulwry education and com-
puisory vacci-'iinuon are now the
leading questions ot the day. Hut
is something vicious in com-1
puis, ry education, because it strikes
nt the vitals of the Democratic oar
ty. We must have a Democratic
party, if only for contrast. It is
healthy to observe the influence of
organized ignorance.
The Oreyonkm snystyphoid and
oil lions fl.'ve.-s prevail in the country
adjacent to East Port'and.
A dead infant jweked in a can
dle box, has been unearthed in Port
land. A broom handle factory is talked
of at Oregon city. Look out, hus
bands. 875 was the price ot the cigars
Utolcn from a Portland Brewery the
' other day.
On Thursday evening of last
week the "tire fiend" consumed the
dwelling house of Captain Robert.
son, Corvallis. Loss 81,800.
; The paint-house in the California
State Prison was burned last week
causing a momentary panic. Prison-
ers were so frightened they wanted !
to "skedaddle."
souls. The number of farms taken
in is alwut sevontv.ftvo. some of
are In a kd'Wndition ofi
ciiitivatioii, 'with good buildings,
-;..t' - , .' ix.. i
1 orchards, and generally well stock -
! ed with cattle and slicep.
i liash bouses in .Montana chniw
. . . .
a swet tho boarders furnis h hw
! u. ku-t ' . Z.
... ...
- ......i.s; u.e jmsi
The Kalama fledcon says : "A
, . .
wen Known am i)i(jm;iirnt , at
1.,,r.l, .... .....1 . . I. . 1 . I
..uTmUJ 8 w
j a C hinese cook, but John waseonal
... . ....
to the emenrenov. and rliimr I, is
-v . - - o
! would-lie master liv the hair, at the
same time brandishiner a hatchet
L u i i . : s t.i i
new., sam j .iei:can man
no saw; mo, you bet. ,le make
hashee vou vellv soon" third
tartv steniwd hntwomi the nirnhnr.
ants and i.ostoiiod results, or by
! this time we would have a grave
marke.1 sacred to the memory
.,'....:.. T. ...l
i vi niiiitiu , who was
I r. ...... i . i .., i
luuiiv inurueieu oy a iieaineu -m-
noe.' "
n f v
.Mrs. Carrie r. loung has gone
east of the .Mountains to lecture.
One hundred logs bored endwise
and called water pijH's were lately
shipped from Tumwatcr, V. T., to
Hearts from Eastern Oregon are
favorab'e to an early mining season.
Tumwatcr, W. T., has no young
men without any visible means of
A man lost "a purse containing
8580 in gold coin between Marion
Station and Neil's saw mill a few
days ago.
The J''iindmpr thinks the dis
continual C3 ot the Post..fiice at
Hermansville a serious mistake, and
ho)os it will be re-established.
The Washington correspondent
of the Salem Staietman says that
Lcroy S. 1 )yar, who has lieen as
signed to the Klamath Agency,
Oregon, will probably be appointed
a full agent.
The Koseburg Eimgn of last
Saturday says : "The merry clang
of the engine bell will soon greet
the cars of Douglas county residents;
I ami the note of the locomotive whis
tle is the note of enterprise ; and the
1 ' I
cars are coming, ijraatng between
here and Oakland is rapidly pro-
grossing, and according to contract
is to be finished by the 1st of Jnue.
The road is completed nearly
through the Pass Creek Canyon.
So rapid its progress that graders
and bridge-builders are pushed to
keep ahead of the track layers.
Wake up, ye 'forty-niners,' and see
what is Cuming."
Clark county has paid 811,819 of
her debt in the last ten months.
Seattle Coal Company is turning
out about 81,000 worth of coal jr
A mail route between Port Town
send and Whidby's Island has been
The Odd Fellows of Vancouver
are to celebrate on the 26th hist.
Indians who -should be on their
reservations, according to the 7w
patrli, are prowling around Seattle.
The Northwestern Stage Com
pany have changed their line of
travel from Wal'a Walla to Wal-
lulu so as to run by SchueWy's
place, at which is Whitman Post-
It is jiroposed to apply all the
money realized from liquor licenses
in Clarke county to the erection of
a Court House and jaii. 7'lie poo-
pie will vote on the question.
About two weeks ago a youug
lad, the son of Alex Vincent, a far
mer of Dungeness, W. 7!, while
out duck hunting, accidentally shot
himself, and died in a few intimites.
Salt Lake City has now a popula
tion of about 30,000, and there are
scattered throughout Utah some
three hundred small towns, settle
ments and mining districts drawing
their supplies from that city. It is
prophesied by those familiar with
the country that in five years the
population of Salt lake will be 100,
000, and that Utah will contain
500,000 people
7'he Columbia river is reported c . . mt 8 mraent,
to lie slowly rising. tteMd tl gra.ry,
mi .i ii u i closely followed by the lantern of
7'he inquest on the "old horse ! 1ig J
de corps cost the city otPortlaiKi )nmpUid J JJ
, , . '2,- tance, but on his return the thief
7'ho Oreyonian has the follow. , had absquatulated, leaving the hor
ing descrijition of au ingenious life j ws untied.
pi-eserver invented and used by tne .
Alaska Indians: A half grown ; Horace fireely say : "Shawme
seal b token and killed, and by a drunkard that don't use tobacco,
some unkbo'wn process ,th flericilid 1 aiid Pll show you a white black
bones are all taken out without urd,"
1 breakiwr the skin anv nlace. The
1 hide U aresaed aud a small wooden
H,w "wwa m one oi tne nn-
v,ha nam. tK i ;.i...n
, . . " " "
i tno work ot a momeut at anv time
I tl,e. work of 4 momeut at y time
U) ,nrtate the skin by an application !
I of the mouth U) the tube. When)
! mled with air it possesses sufficient '
' tn .t . mo i.
: '""V"'"- "" ""
Iw lield in the arms in such a man-
, tho hvail aml
; will not be immersed in the row.
et sea.
7'he Oreyonian Rays Professor
Marsh, of Va'e lolleire, has ac-
I L'itnviMl0fvi thp mvint. i.l a uir aI
; . " . r - - -
w . :.
1 u u '"""o-j
' ,l0". fitted birds peculiar to our
I western waters, a nmnber of weap -
! ,l,,s' s)ccimeii8ot workmanship, and
Jo001??' the Alaska In -
"" -w
mndMIM Which warn sent. t urn
i j "
1 1 iv I'hailos V, I In l!.,ie
j ..r.,v. . ,
! about two months ago. 7'he ac-
knowledgement was accomnaiiiol
by a fr a handsome sum of
I money, aud expressions ofirratitica -
A carpenter named White, of
Portland, was knocked senseless,
and almost killed, last 7'uesday, by
a timber striking him ou the fore
head. 7'hey are beginning to talk of
picnic excursions in Portland.
Another nymph lu pave, of Port
land, attempted to curtail her ex
istence the other night by taking
ninety drops ot laudanum. By the
aid ot the stomach pump, she still!
The wife of I'rcsident Scott, of
tho Pennsylvania C'eutral li. P.,
I 'hi ladel ph ia.has presented a church
iu Kalama, W. 7!, with a bell
which cost 8500, weighing 800
I pounds. The Beacon is grateful.
Eggs are 35 cents per dozen at
lien fruit is a scarce article in
A Mr. Le'aiKl has appeared in
the list of temperance lecturers in
this State.
7'he farmers are getting 52J cts
per pound for their wool iu Polk
The Oreyonian reports $22,-
933 31inthePortlaud city treasury
on the 1st ot April.
Miners in Maiden's gulch. Raker
county, are reported doing we'l.
Marion Fleming was killed on
the 5th inst. in Grant county, by
the fal'ing of a horse upon which he
was riding.
4ii .... r-.-l.- , ii .
... j -. -"""-n
along the basin at Oregon City,
last Sunday, was seized with an
apopletic fit and fell into the Basin.
Ho was very soon rescued, but
.1 IIM.1T IIBIVL I' VIII II wn t- h-r
breathed only once or twice after
being taken out.
New postoftioes have been estab
lished at Loon Creek, Lemhi coun
ty, and Clear Creek, Nez Perce
county, Idaho.
Table-tipping and spiritnal man
ifestations arc being revived iu Sa
lem. A fine steer was killed by the
train for Portland between Marion
and Turner's station last 7'uesday.
Hon. Edward Tompkins has been
unanimously re-elected as Regent of
the State University ot California.
Thirty-two Chinese gamblers
have been convicted within a week
in San Francisco, and pay $40 each.
$2,500 have been paid by American
gamblers in the meantime.
Small grains are suffering from
drought iu the region of Los Ange
les, C'al.
A woman named Laura Clark
eaicided at Coriuue, Utah, on the
night of the $th.
During a drunken row in a sa
loon at Hamilton, Nevada, on the
9th, a man named Thompson struck
another named Fisher a heavy blow
with his fist,jii8t below the ear,
killing him instantly.
Mr. Neuters little" boy, of Jack
sonville, says the Time, severely
wounded a finger and thumb of the
left baud, recently, bv dischanrinir
a metal cartridge by striiiug it with
a rock.
1 he hired man of Mr: John Orth,
of Jacksonville, on entering the
bihoib ounaay evening before lat,
was assaulted bv a man who mil.
deuly emerged from the stall Tlie
EAitTt3t. skwm.
TkA VAm V...1. If ..7 7 1.
. . . . . , , -
m t ie hono that the Cincinnati
. ""..' ..- .
i t onventiou mav & bane tie luture
j Convention may shape the future
unities of the country ; Directors.
T. . ,,,,,:,:' ,! sixte. hundred Pre immi.
.-..liii iWassachusotls winch ooise.l
1 resident Lincoln, is iww.tue quw
.. . . ." .
'lection oi
President (irant.
The friends of Senator Sumner
: think he can Commit himself to the
Cincinnati movement in a tew days.
The flouring mills of IF. Yager,
i oi t t . .i ...
ou l'"s ourue'i on the ujgut ol
1 the nth. Loss, 50.000
; C0liisio 0I, the
night of tlie
.is, between a
1 4t) g(. yttiUum m
. r , , , ,
li.Mll Oil lilt 1X K.ol I, i iot : s !..!.. 1
. .....
i & M. Louis ItAiiriuiil nml n ii-n'i, i
, (
0,1 the thicago and Alton railroad,
I resulted in tlie wreckius of the en.
pines and the killing of a fireman, j
1 "''s accident ocourred where the
roaus cross ai a very acme angle. ;
A tire at Loudonville, Ohio,
ou theStli hist, destroyed nearly an
ei.tire block. Loss, ISpjOpQi partly
Isaac C. Day, of the firm of Day,
" '
Allen & Co., wholesale grocei-s ol
Chicago. Illinois, committed silicate
on the -1th by shooting himself with
a pistol, lie had been
n .poor
Texan rangers are reported to I
preparing to retaliate and reso
their cattle from Mexico.
A Columbia, South Carolina,
special says there was a riot there
on Thursday evening of last week,
caused by an attack oti a Republi
can precession to celebrate the May
or's election. Troops bad to be
called into requisition to suppress
The railroad bridge at Topsham,
Maine, was burnt on the morning
of the 3d. It cost 30,00(1.
The dwelling house of Charles
W. Felt, at Cambridgeport, Mass.,
was burnt on the night of the 3d.
His three-year old child was suit' ,.
cated. The death of the child has
. . ...A 1 " t 1' 1. 11
prosiraici ;urs. i-eit, ana her Uto is
despaired of.
President (irant was in ew
York on the 3.1 to see his wife and
daughter oti' tor Euro".
A procession of 4,000 colored cit
izens celebrated tho anniversary of
the Fifteenth Amendment in New
York ou the 3d inst.
Slater's bill, granting the right of
. . ....
j way through the public lands tbr ii
raUroiut from Great lslt Tke City
to Portland, Oregon, passed in the
: House on the 3d.
of Iowa instructed tor (irant and
James F. Wilson, for President and
Vice President. Ohio instructed
for (irant and Denison.
The Supreme Court of Massa
chusetts has decided that, when a
jury onoe separates after retiring for
deliberation, it cannot again deliber
ate on the case.
Field Marshal Sir John Bur
goyne, who died lately in England,
aged 90, was son of General Uui
goyne, who commanded the British
forces in this country during the puny s Directors nave voted to is
Revolutiou. sue $15,000,000 Iwnds for the erec-
Thc Black Hill, gold discovery tion of a new building in New
sensation, is pronounced a swindle.
The Workingmen's Central Un
ion Lalior Hcfomi Society Com-
j mittee, in New York on the even
i inn of the 2d, repudiated the nomi
nation of Judge Davis to the Presidency.
The prosecution of Mayor Hall, of , " Brooklyn, N. Y ., on tl e 4th.
New York, has not been abandon- ; Wm. B. Astor has given 8100,
ed. 000 to the Astor Library to relieve
Jack Hollissy, a member of the its present wants,
swamp gang, threatened a bar-keep- j b isk's personal friends have made
or in New York on the 2d for re- ; a heavy subscription for a mohit.
fusing him a drink, and was shot mental coiasert on the largest scale,
dead by the barkeeper. A prisoner before .fudge James'
The Secretary of the Treasury Court in Williamsburg, X. Y., on
has decided that the income tax on the 5th, was (bund to l ave the
the salary of the President and s'al' l"1. Tlie prisoner was tho
Judges of the Supremo Courts is hvtomto leave the court r. mm.
be refunded and not hereafter i.u-
utaoiMt tut ona . and the same w ill
pott, 1 he jewelry store ot Lllmanos
Generals Sheridan and Augur j Kakert, New York, was rehbed ot
have been directed by an order from 825,000 worth and jow
.i nr n v-lry on the night ol the 4th.
ordinary efforts to captuie and turn
OTer to the civil authorities for trial
persons ho have raided frem -Mex
ico into Texas.
The planters in tlie interior of
Texas intend to put iu an immense '
mitf notion this seaon. i
The funeral obsequies of tho late
General Robwt Anderson took
place in N'e York on tlie 3d inst,,
and were very impoei&g.
1 Tn the irvltWim nt si I
, , ... t ... .
: uw vwnoeraw eiectd
i u.i... ...... e ... ...
""" ' .wue..u.i.i dim o ouuji .-
! 'n iwm .usaeeaim Lorramu ar-
I nveo in Aew lork during the
week, destine! west. All appear
to lm in ffocd circumstance.
There w-'re three new ca'Sffs of
spotted fever in Xouark, X. J., on
the tith. It is (pared the ilfease
will become epiMetnic.
Mi-s. Amelia Maiming (ifRrook.
lyn, . V., pi. the 7th, was held to
await the action of thogmbd jury
for liritig two hots at her hiTsTMnd
:Vom a revolver, on the MoSdaj l.o
fore. lie had abnd her.
James Temp!.), a tanner in Mc
Crocken C o, Ky., formerly Hector
ot the Episcoittl chnreh, ibot a ne
gro named John Smith, hist week,
putting thirteen biHsksltot in his
body. The negro ran a hundred
yards and tell Temple thou went
lip to him, put the ni;i-!e of
the gun to his head and discharvd
; the other barrel, blowing Lis brains
..... 'i i... . i. i i
"s in.- l.-iu ii.ii.i lepixeu
around of having criminal ootlie
lion with the will? and daughter of
r '
i eiiip e was b
in the sum of$5,000.
A special says liiforrmttron BsS
been received which leaves ro doubt
that the Spanish GrA-erfiment will
panlon Dr. Howard, and relieve
twnon the request of the Ametieati
Conklin, the defaulting bank sec
retary, is supposed to be in South
America, A gentleman who .ailed
for Hrfwil received instructions lo
c 'UM .his arrest.
Secretary Uotitwcll befbre the
' Committee on Ways and Means
urged the passage of a law permit
ting him to regintor I'nite I tates
bond and pay interest thereon.
The Ways and Means Commit,
tee of Congress have voted to fix a
tax at 65 cents p-r gallon on whis-
1... .1 :i ....
linn .i nun-1 in o. o cents
1 .. .... ..... 1 .1
pe -ouiki on umacco,
i'lio bill granting
the rid t ol
way to a railroad from ft'alt Lake
to Portland, Oregon, passed the I'.
S. Senate on the olh.
A memorial service to the mem
ory of Professor Morse, under the
auspices of tho National Morse
Monument Association, is to bo held
in the House of Representatives at
Washington, to he participated in
by tho Soiise, on the ICtb. 1 he
House i.s to assemble and the
Speaker is to preside.
Tbo Chicago relief bill has boon
signed by the President,
i 1 'ri,lw'
f the
nese Embassy, a
suite, loll for Fur-
e on the
iiy his
Chief Justice Chase is .aid to re
gard the prospects of Judge Davis
for the Democratic nomination with
much jealousy.
The Tammany Ring stole not
less than 12,000,900 in building
and furnishing the New York
court house,
The Y. U. Telegraph Corn-
1 oik.
Mrs. Grant, her daughter Xettie,
ex-Secrctary Boric and family, sail
ed on the 4;h for Europe,
About 80,000 worth of obscene1
liooks and pictures, and material
for their manufacture, were siezed
l,K ,w " '""
" ere u, a hurry.
Mrs. li'osa Gil more has obtained
a verdict of $5,000 for the loss ojf
her husband by the Wc'jiht dis-
There were nineteen new eases of
small pox in Xew Yotk ou the,
4th inst.
Hon, S, Galloway, ofCwhunbus,
Ohio, died at ls resjdo.uce, on tlie
5th iustv