0s y Aikht AVooi.. Since It husbeeome more probable that the tariff on wool and woolen will Ml l clMiigcil ;lt the present seesno of Congress, the disposition i:i Eastern market! to pars time the article has become more marked. Following are tlie prices tor wool juiiil in Boston, pet latent mail .laic: Ohio :iii.l rnnwtwna Plckkick..., s7 ..i M ( In nee XX rvfcu iff Fine X KM W Misi'mm 7 '.Ki n ir-e . Michigan . Extra at J6H W sin 65 v.. -.J 751 7 I XX. I ine Medium .. t. iiiiimmi. . Other 'l teln- riiteaial X Medium ... Oomuton. . . l'tilleii-Kvii-i . Htmerflnc . . No. 1 I'omhtng fleece. California Texas Canada, couiblni . -it I HO . 80100 . 80S 95 RM 'I" . :ch ."ii ltMUO Ill Mimn iKili. V'tnrttr. fratcn III!. SJ1 I...1...V, r.odife Death ha islted olir cnlv and .V. ai ,t sncli ailed tv.nn labor I ihment in the Or our worths an. I re feent ! brother, AMiKhsis C and. lViinn. grief for ternlrv h Lodge, 5S iNelf taint .1. : ftH'Hni deep itld the i'r.l tid deeming give espres- it it mil' (lute as Mi rtisfi sioti to our -Irnvr" sorrow for the removal of our hrotlier from among n-. and entertaliihn; the liveliest sympathy with the family of otir.lc euait brother fhr fhl sad bereavc- atm desiring to pertxititato- n tint" win rhc lo I of the re-net t and arteetlnil 1 i hi memory i re JetT l-eliill tli-. mourn hi then Tirilhy the. leiith of l.roth todge law io-t an earnest I hrotlier. the fraternity a -.1 and ialon Mason, and er I .'X. thh and faithlh 'winn-hear!. the eommtiuity ai lurge an active, en i rgi tic .i.i'l parrlotle dtiwn. '.'' That tha thanks of this I . Ige are roost cordially extended t. fie officer and menibersof Blue Motm t in Lodge Xo. 13, null Walla Walhi Idge So. 7. for their brotherly "ixl niiternaJ kiiulne, in aittng in the funeral servloe oottrdeeeaseii broth er, and ajing the lat offlee which the iiviiij; esui minister to Ibe dead, hy following his remain to the place of interment, and tliere depositing them with the ntaia Ibrroalltle of tlie Craft. ,' iri. l int as a testimonial of respect tor our ileeeaed brother, that the Altar ol this Ijodgeba dnsaed in inonrning. and tlu t the members wear tlie usual badge for tbirtv daj's. ' . That these resouttiotw be pon the Journal of the Lodge, e furnlslied the Alhauy R wi ll the WalLi Walla I'm id, hi -on a.' i and Wpi i- rri; ai public I V. ( RAWFiiR!). la U. !KX' VlN'i Cos etrijiloj It cc ;yi:i X KWS. 1'ltts Till. aiOflOO tioratives. s 20,000 a year to kec yacht. rale !:i ieu( liotcl. Cornel! has 7 can uow board at i stuilelits t titan last year, fee m Geneva Lake inohea thick. .'i!k mills have opened at Ilerk ley. 1'. 7'iiere were 19 executlonis in Ger many lat year. PittsiiebJ, "tiass., is to have n new jiora iouse. Chicago is putting up 512,000", 000 worth ui ii,tt 1-. Now Vork l.as 28 orphan asy lums, with O.ndil (hmatea. I'utlaial, Vt., is seadutg marble to Rome fur statuary. 7 ! new City Hall of Baltimore will cost fc.2,500,000. 7he Baptists of T.ynti, Mass., are l. erect a $60,000 cl.'urcli. 7'lie. Miaktrs of Massaclmsetts want to sinrz at the Jubilee. Beeclier's coiiregatton gaffe $250,090 to charity last year. ' 7'oliace i u-i r students arc ex cluded from Amherst College, riie tisli tiade of New Knxlatid amounts to 00,000,000 per year. A youiia; la.ly in llaugor wears a " oonie- over- ite tlie- Mayflower" It is said that no epidemic, not even the cholera, baa, within half a century, been as general or fatal in Philadelphia as the small pox, the j bills of mortality presenting an by- . t-rase of more than two hundred , d 4s a week during tlie autumn and winter. It Las raged durmg a ienod nearly ten times as long as did cholera, and has not yet ceased. W RieLard Wallace has given 7, 00(1 francs towards tlie establish- netit of Koup-kitcliens for the poor ot Paris. u'ven young women in Iowa liare started a manutaelory of bed finilts. . - More tban five hundred orphans are W provided for liberally by. IheGirard (lliiladelplna) 1 ..nest. 111 HOHOI'si. The best time to eitt corn Waen It ' aches, i. An exchange say there w once la.lv Who liisxnl a cow. Pshaw ! tint ' iiOthlhg. Tin re'- lots of young RR.He roim.! Viero who ki-n calve. A yonngsteT of literary tastes h? scrlN - l':i win as the man tvlm bellev- I iil we degenerated from the monkey. When i a -lip like a scarf-pin ? When to 1 on the hosom of a lieavy swell. What wjulrea more philosophy than taking ihinvr a they come ? Parting wiih thing- a lliey fin. "One thing,'' MM an old ti)ier. 'was never eo conilng through the rye. an' that's the kind o' whisky one p i- now-a-dsy.'1 A gentleman met another on the Street, who wa iM of lOlisuniptlon. and accosted him Urn: "Ab. my Irieiiil. yon walk slow ?" "Yes.'" re lie.l iiie luiiii. "out 1 am going fat." A la.ly ..m e Hllteted a FtS coach wWi . mneh'powder oti her Eice that !: blot up the .'.river. "Ih.'ert. cbuip'ire the adjective old. " --ii.1 a c!M,,ii!:iitcrtoan urchin. "Podtlve colli. coiiitMMtivecongti, sn Hii'!ativ ofuii." said the hoy. a drover who wlls hi- cattle by live weight, always air (hem as much wai i- tbev will ill ink before drivltut ilnii, ..in t.. ill. ea',s, This, tin says i wh it t umlerstand hy "wittering Ut.N.'k.'' I am ghul tliN coffee don't owe me j anything," sai.! an seconutiHtl at his hivakfist. "Why M?" iu.juiivd his wile. "Beenue ' I'm fearful that it never WOttld nettle," he an-wen-d. Ii':: poooft)l of yeal will raise fifty , (.nils worth of flotir, bow much will it ! ii,c to raise ftmds enougli to buy an- other barrel :- Answer may be buttled 1 in over ihe fence. A traveler stottped at a cabaret in France, v.', ere the Ilk hud two sorts ' wbrc. which he called first rahle" ; and "common table," The traveler. ! uie'i' trying tin-in both, pronounced tbeut "lumen-table." A ker : left i carri Shi;, ride mm. well tlon, mlgl ask t oliuer, id nttil wiii. was an inveterate jo sh r, baring had hi- nose, lirl a Iwrtloii of his chin eh. .1 away by a shot, at the battle of i.. was a -ked by some of Ida com if li.ey c. old do anything for "Boys" said he. c-iMug as a- ne . "1 sbi ty wel r it." ii.1 he I h in his mangled counl .I like a drink of water it' 1 only had the face to ng those chickens to your .. l et way ?" ipierietl de- i irttey. "X'o ! he bruiiif A tVet. r:i . ditor writing on church matters, say : "No velvet ctishions in onr j ew-: we don'l in for style, rile tiittesl p. rsou Ikls the softest .-eat, ami take- ii out with him at the close of serviei's." , A oitug tnan who attended a lecture tin :. "Are we better than Our father?" started fir home savhiir "I'm going to set the best of mine somehow, anyway.". Two uleiui' Kali girls having but i one lover between tliem, drowned tlieiiisi ive.i in a graceful hut determiu-1 i-d m.tnn.'r. Olil maids shottl'1 ilw.iv o to the f theatre before the rU . licc.m-e then there is of the curtain, a chance of an overture. An agricultural exchange, who 1ms 1 evidently satatflie feet of Greelev, ! rreniatte: . little attention to the I liens !i"'.v. glvinj; them milk punch, oyster shens, red ;'j.ni' anil other j stimuhuing itompomidf, will set Uiem to layhig like cven'll.h.g. ronti MOtner "jojiu, .10 look at i: cjiild : ii ha- vour catch in it i imutlt and will swallow it.'' John Is a tweheior iTother-iu-law and Ve: e t'on.l of fvthles "I Hi. ilon'f he III.. least alarmed. I've got hold of tlie i chain. It can't e tUr." tTablean,) ! limy was reading the JUinie very attentively when his father came into :ii. rtwin and a-kod hitu what be had found that was so iutere-tiug. 'Vhv hoy. looking iii eagerly, exclaimed : I iiflye found a place in tlie Bible wiiere thev were all Methodiats." I "H'.w s..;-" riuUlred the father. '"Be eaitse," sabl lie, all the people said 'Amen '.' " .u illiterate fitrmer. wishing to elite:- -. .mo animals at. im agricultural ex hibition, wrote to the .Secretary as follow-: "Also, enter me for the best 1 jacka-w I am sure of taking the prenii- j I uni." ' "Putty-eyed monster. ' Is what ap (.cared in the pnier of Tennessee -Hlitor who wrote with respect, "pretty aged mbiUter." The iniulster's sons int. i vie ved" tlie editor tlie next morning with a shot-gun. 1 d;:i' day the surgeon came to the side Of an ague patient in a military hoSpltnl, and anxiously inquireit how he feit. In tlie midst of a shivering chili die reply wa-: "No no t a hit ht-t-e-r." "I'm sorry; hut your e is.' 1- a very peculiar one and hard to ! jret hold of" said the surgeon svmna- i theticaiiy. "Ye-yes." said the shiver-1 ! ing soldier, 'tha-ts's so : th tli e case sha hakes o yo you can 't ' gi get a hoi d of It tali." He re- j covered. Samuel Jackson, President of the r,liversitv ot Pennsylvania, died at , . . , ' , , llls rMuleiloe on the monZ t,,e 6Ui, age.1 eiglity-five years. Hall' fare arrangements have been tnaile'witli nearly all the railroads, for attending the Chicimiati Jon- voi'tion. 'H e Senate appropriations for the California Indian services are 886, 000, ?I0,000 being for the Mission Indians. Constantinople imports matches from America. Snbscrilxs'lbr flu- itwits-ff-rt." DltlT.S. ETC. " They Who Have Nothing for Sale are Farthest from Market " A. CAHOTHERS & CO., WUO KNOW THIS TO BE TKUE. Are nuw kepplnj, inJ also cmtantly re coi.iuj tJJitiooa to, The Largest Stock Of Goods DSUdL TO TEEIU TRADE ABOVE PORTLAND, AT tWCn PRICES That Pure hesers Shall be Satisfied. Besides a Larfe Stock of DRtUS CflEiHICALS, PATENT MEDICINE8, Paints, UreM, and Oils, Thaf keep Yankee Notion, Oonf 00"tiOIlZy Finest Tobacco I Cigars WOSTENHOLM'S CUTLER SPICES, PERFUMERY, tAll ktodt), TOILET SOAP, Ever y tiling U9UAIXY OBTA158D IS A HTKICTLT First DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. NO ABTICLE HOLD Bat what la Guaranteed To Be JUST AS REPRESENTED, adjust 1e Arctic Soda A. CAROTHERS Off Ol K TtMPERAM K t OI.l MS. A KeiimrkMble TnMpenuiM Lrrtar. j UY EUZABKTH HKi WOOD. The Kev. Thomas Itainhrldge. a pi ous and useful Metliodist inea'clier of former times, ami also a very interost iil2 lrt liirer on tempci. ace. Usui to tell the follow ing as one of the pa into ! ex- i IKTleiiiv coiineetist wun tlie Hitter work. On his way to an evening ser- vice at the scliuoMioue. a few miles thnn home, he saw lying by the side way a man fallen in the deep deep of , the drunkard. It was a cold day in I December, and be called to the man I to awake, or otherwise he would feeze i to death. .Making no impression, lie: aliehtcil and triiil to aniiis,- lino, but; with no Utter success, lie then rode' on iinlck'y to the village tavern, a lit- j tie distance oil", and ealting out tlie landlord, said fearlessly to him: "There i some of your work a little way oil! One or your cu 'turners dead drunk by die roadside! I hope you: wfH go and take tare of him. for" he , will -non freeze to death on such acold night a this." I'll attend to 111111.'" said tlie land-1 lord in a surely tone,. Then do so at once.'" said Mr. B. persistently. " would go back and j help, hut I have an appointment to preach at the school-house, and sliall j lie late Ifl do not hurry; but I would rather miss Ibe service than allow that man to sutler any harm. , "i . I will certainly attend to him!" said the landlord. Does Mr. Bain- brklge think me a fool?" Unite satisfied that he would do what was necessary for tlie poor stu- i petied victim of his odious traffic, Mr. j B. rode on quickly to bis appointment, ! for it was beginning to sfinw, and the' weather was piercing cold. At the ! close of tlie meeting one of the mem bers of the little society invited him to stay at his house all night, and he glad-1 ty accepted the Invitation. In tlie 1 morning he set out for home through the snow, not thinking of tlie incident i ot his journey the night before, till he eamo hack to the place where he had ; seen the poor drunkard lying; when all j at once, Ills blood ran cold, and his heart ' seemed to stop beating, for in that par- j tlCular spot there was a ridge in the j snow that seemed to lie the sh:iie of a ! man. Could it lie possible that the! landlord had lieen false to his tru-t! Alas! as he pushed aside the snow the ' (lice ot the dmiik.tnl was open to view, j lie hastily remounted rode hick to tlie tavern; and entered tlie barroom with j his face nearly as white as the snow j out of which iie had stepped, and start ling the idle group, who had come for their morning drain, with the words: i (.'ome with me! Von first, "address- i ing tliejaithless landlord particularly; "come and see the effects of vour hor rid triilllc!" The startled group rose to their feet i hut refused to follow, seentlmr i-nnt.xl I j to the sMit hy the horror-stricken look. ; and grieved tones of the faithful mill- i I isrer. But he was resolute, and short I ly all followed him to the sit where j lay the companion of their carousels in his death-bed ot snow. "And there." said Mr. B.. "over that man 1 preached my most effective temperance discourse. 'The men shook like aspen leaves, and the landlord looked more dead than alive while I hehl forth in language too strong fori tears. The whole village Has ii roused, and never was tliere so a fleet lug a fu neral in that place as over the dead i drunkard who bad been hastily seized i by the king of terrors." Many hearts were softened and tun ed to tlie Lord by theterrihle lesson .The neglectful landlord was the especial subject of tlie convicting power of the I Holy Spirit, lie sold out his netiirl ous business and became a sincere ( Christian. Said he to Mr. B. after wards: "I never forgot that awful lecture in the snow. It ran in my ears till I h:i nearly districted; for I felt as if the ! mercy of God were clean gone from me. But I found then: was a Savior not only for., the penitent drunkard, but also for the truly repentant drunk ard mamf, The Riii Iter's Proaoanl Devil. to the Dkab Sns : I hare openef? ajiaii ments. fitted up with all tlie entice ments of luxury, fiw tlie sale of nun. branily. gin, wine, beer, and all tlieir compouuils. Onr otijeets tlnmsli ilit ferent can be best attained by niiited action. I, tlierefiire. prosxe a eopnrt-nei-ship. All I want of men is their money. All else snail be yonrs. Bring me tlie indnstrious, tlie sober, tlie respectiible, and I will return tliem to you drankHrds, panpers and beg gars. Bring the child, and will dash to earth the dearest hopes of the father and mother. Bring me the father and the mother, and I will plant discord between tliem. and make them a curse and a reproach to their children. Bring me the young man, and I will ruin his diameter, destroy his health, shorten his lite, and blot out tlie high est and purest hopes of youth. Bring me the mechanic or the labor er, and bis own money., the hard-earned fruits of his toil, .shall be made to bring poverty, rice, and Ignorance to his once happy home. . Bring me tlie warm-hearted sailor, and I will send him on a lee shore, and make ship-wreck of all fond hopes forever. Bring me the professed follower of Christ, and I will blight and wittier erery devotional feeling of his heart. I will corrupt the ministers of religion, and defile the purity of the church. Bring me the patronage of tlie city and of the courts of justice; let the magistrates of the Stale of the Union become ray patrons ,- let the law-inak-ers themselves meet at my table and participate in violations of tlie law; and the name of law shall become a hissing and a byword in the streets. Brim; me, above all, the moral, res pectable man. If possible, bring the moderate temperance man; thongh be may not drink; yet his pretence wDt countenance the pretexts ander . . . . . , . .. wMea tnt tNwmeas Bring hhn to oar hiisM sal Iim bnawif t be masked; storey cyster. and hotels, ana of oar Tfetims Will tiNtjititsr wlrhoot ftlarw. FURNtTUKK. C. MEALEY, DEALER l. And. MANUFACTURER Of FURNITURE And Cabinet Wa?e? IJEDDI'G, Kte Corner ot First and BroadaibUi Sts., ALBANY, Oil. Particular ATTENTION PAI TO ORDERS OF ALL Mm IN" 2EXXS ITNTS. JUST RECEIVED FROM 8. r. AND TOE EAST, THE LARGEST LOT or New and Elegant FURNnHRE, EVER BROUGHT TO ALBANY! Come and See it I MILI.INKRi', DRRfc'8 MAKLN'tf MILLINERY. DRESS MAKING, A3i D ' LADIES' AXD ClflLDBEVS FURKISHIWCi HOUSE! 'j'llt: CKIiKIiSlliNKD HASOfhSEIi A 1 new - .1. .. initio, 1:. lies' HIlU cllil.li'. t.'s ;':ti'i: ir-h.in J Kno ts of all kin. Is of tile t&ttMl iiiul most tusl,loi'iti!e stylus whkli she olR'rs "ni IhiUm of - M'lni v in. 1 -tii reim.iiiij ef.unlry :.i the Unreal rales, tlw Dress Making Department viiumniee enttW sill isliiel iwi. ('liui'ea (SPBCWULTlESt I'lottiluK' Always on lniHlj lii'Utw'nnd elilMtvnS teieiy iiinue, iiiuler tUaliinifi 6ttieks, -a 'k-. u)iroittf ote. Urew IrlmiHlwic. An . e. ii-i'. -v rle'y ol stlK. imijn, eoiier. eel i.ooleii .in'-, I riluUlintfSi :l! s i:i i i 1mltiiitf. H..iiev-ei!.'..a-!i'.i.-iii. nni win. r-'!. ..i etolli.ol the W'i ymUtlieii, Furs, r.U: lAdfM'aad children's com. plotc si-: - t.f tins nud swandou a. ol Juti'si styles. (IkljrnoiiR.- Lniest stj-les constantly on MhieelliiiieoiiSi Liuirni. find nndlniia ot an nr.ides and qmilltlei, n fall assort ment. JACiiVKTs. MfsIdXs, EMUKOIDEIiitSS 1'l.VTKIt l.rSKN, KII AM' LI, ' Ul' H !: II VAItlKTIEf V i.i.'H l. iiisk. ETC. Ify . dctennlnai (on liettur to irivc sntlsfiie. tl.iii in Wylc nud qiniHt) ol work uu 1 prices, I nsk u share ni pnliUc iwuniinue. l Ul. Ut s.div Opposite A. Carothers & Co., Kind street, Albany, Oregon. HItS. SAKaji i;. uoDLKy. !. A'.'en' for sir, carpenter's Cklr. Ba.VTIli i'iiis.- ?. nil.. Nil.-. 1. 7.;ii ' I'ATMNT GATE, EX. Sclf-CHcning and Srlf-Ciosing G A TE . PATENTED BY JOHN' DICKASON, June I. 17, 'J'HK OATH IS SOCONSTRl VTKli That I when Hie wak-lc KpiHuiielieii it tlio wiieen mi sl.liMmw over .. iewrwhit'U h oiiineeted to the nttu hliiae tiv ro.1, iiiusoimHiii the ute lietore voa ah '. tat miln;i ii open, After Koliw'tlumngii.titB oiri-uwc iwtwei. met r similar U'T-r, also eoiimit'teil Willi the 2aiHtitnin..r'Hii4inv ti.. . Ht,lii It. rOMtion, to shut behind yon ami Muni Ko Gotf ing Out of Your Vehicle ! No Raising nf Latches or Pulling of !l rings, Bxcerit the "ribbons" of roar teem, it l often (Illicit THElAStV MAX'S GATE,'' And a ! "Df.n! Open am Shut." . Tills sate l simple m Rsemistmrtlon, iKrthol lronaiiilwlivoi'k,iiiRtHot ItkcJv toael ontof or.ler. If nest, elleiip ifat'o is i Ii sire I. ir ma lx' niiele lilit, with three , eroM Iwim oi w'.j and natsfomtli Inch wire, neatly ritrvel m tin top, the lowei .'Mil III. I ill Ihe iKlttOUl liar. Wlljl'll ii tin: i si. vie ot a faetor iiimle The fales lire now in (unci ii al w. In Hecenil of the roiintli!nKinl San Franelseo, and plenty of tost liuonfiials can tie jlven, THOMAS J. SAFF0RD, Having imivUiiswl the Rlglit for I.iiiu Co., Oregon, it;i nn- on hnml. anil will maniifnctnro the uhme (loscrifwl (futc. Win rover ll bus U'eii ii-u-i it has iwlvivtilielilliesten ooinfiniis, as ihe latxc nimiher ot eertui cates from prominent fanners In all tunn of the country, ,KIW in niy limuls, will tustuy. CARRIAGEfs VXD WACOXfS, Of AU Descriptions, On band and manttfuctitrcd to or.ler. Illarksmlthiiig and Repairing- I.e.' to outer u' m..st reasonahle mtes. sht.p fnnl of reiTV si reet, opposite Bench, Montvith A Co.'- Rnnrbig mills. TtftlMAS J. SAIfOltl). Albany, (Kit. 28, Is71-dv4 STovKs-ixsruAXOK, etc. THE OLD STOVE DEPOT. JOHN BRIGGS, Healer In RANGES. COOK, PARLOR AND BOX, STOVES! . Of the best patterns. ALSO : TIM, SHEET IRON A.D OI. PEK WAKE, Anil tlui usnal assortment of fiirnUtliliia goods to lie obtuiucd in a tin utore. Rciirs neatly and promptly execnteiU on roaaonablo terms. Short reekonliiK make Unit Irlfnda, FHCWT STRKET, ALBANY. Dec. 5, lww-i I Altll AMI ItAMK " splendM hit om iU7,ht J4 VllHW