The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 12, 1872, Image 1

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    VOL IV.
NO. 32.
Comr Frfry itn-t Vint V r-iU,
One year .
six moulha
Single copies
Throe itoHam
Two 'loi'ais.
Tl'll cents.
Transient :i Ivertlscinenl I, pc s(imiv ;'
ton line nr !--. llrsl
Milisciptem iiiscritiin :
ttiMJincnfs Inserted on
I. 1.
I lie
khi ?:: cm n
ir t"t elver.
LUOdt lilM'lllI
Exchange Office,
ALBANY, out :;..
.mil utnuc.
Having receive'! new tytx'.itocii
ore 1 ink", tin- l.-.n inif '"n .1"
lire inviiaivl in
In -x in n iH'ttc
Cheaper than
nf col
ic'., we
all kln'ls of nrlnt-
timiincr. nn I llttj' per cent
:vcr before offere 1 In till"
cheek m $M.
Intents! ulbmwt Oil timcileiMi.iiH in mlii.
l'.v lianu'c on i'lirilmi'l. Son r'ninrisco,
mill New York, lor mile l knretsl
I 'nlliv: ions lini'lrnnl pl'nnmlh remitted.
Refers in H. WYCoructt, Hcnrv Pulling,
V. s. Udd.
ILinkiii r boars frmn s A. M. to 4 I. M.
Albany, Fell. I, W7l-iivil
As'i-iiH for the RefrjMter.
Tlie followtlia jsimtlemon arc nuthortecil
In receive ami reeclpl for milmcHimolw,
aJTcrti-in;. etc., for the I!o;i.-tkk :
fttmtn Smith, lian'lslinrjr.
ii. I'. Tompkins, IInrr1bni",f.
Peter lliiine, llrowici ilk-.
W. 1(. Kirk. Brownsville.
J. II. Irvine, -cio.
''. II. Kcviinltls, Salem,
1.. I'. r'islier, Sill Kilinelseo.
1. I'. Porter. KlieM'ii Station. ,21
Fletcher . Wells, Bucnii Visln, Polk o
tlms. Nirkcil. Jacksonville.
p... Bjm v.ij.mmm'm . '
MAHlil.i: WoliKS.
! NOE!OII &,
Henleis in
Moninneiils, ObelMw, Tombs,
Ileiul tint! Foot Stones,
Til Story of Two Hoys.
I sat under a tree in the Park, read
ing a iHmk. one warm suimiier day.
ami two hoys, ten or twelve years old,
perhaps, wi it playing together Oil a
grass olot, at a litti'e distance. I knew
I hem hy sight, well. Ope was Harry
Walters, tin- -on of a lawyer; the otli
er Timothy (i raves, the son of a dry
goods iiiemiaut lit'th liriglit. inlelii
gehl lads, with ire h young faces, and
neatly clad. After a time, having
tired themselves out wllli raring and
jumping, and wrestling, they threw
themselves down upon the grass, mi
ller the shade of a tree, bill a few feet
from win-re I sat, to rest and elmt.
"i suppose yon are going away be-
lore lonir? I licaru itniry say,
, qlle-
added, -when a hoy has mh Ii linn and
line nlea oi right and wromr as Ham
hail, and sill liiseompauionVjeersoiilv
make him tinner. Im is sure to turii
out well. And when a dov show
preferemv for low things, and U-gins
io iaiK aiiimi rue oiti man. and atleets
the ways ot loalers. he is iireltv mm
to grow upa mlscrahle altliir, unless
Home strong, healthy Influence is
liroiiht to hear against thee hielina
"line, my Ineial said, "falwavs
feel sorry I luaranv Ikiv talking
admit Hie old man, when he means his
father: and if hoys only knew it. thev
id ways tall in the estimation of grown
ijcople when they do it. It is onlv
loafers and rowdies who SpDlml
iiiein. sum ii is rar netter to win Hie
approval of a true man, or woman.
than a rowdy. But many bov fail to
V young reiideis, never let anv
one hear you call your father the m
mmi or tlie ytrftrmr. Stah e.xpresions
are oniy nr tor rowdies; mmemuer
that, no matter who you hear use
Ezeunted in
l, I s.,
I'hJ siel.m "."I
nr;' on, Albany, Or.
It: sol "I'll Ml Kor main
and Italian
oril. Is
'. X. ES5H
reirlvlnit u luote stock oi
Urorertva and. Provlalooa,
Wood and willow ware, to'iaflco, eltnirs,
coiifrs'lioiwry, Vnnkesi imllons, etc., etc.,
wlMiinsnleiiiul ii';hI1,oiikisIi U.I . Hill
Son's drn store, Alluui.v, oix-on. Iv4
j. . Mi r m i. i.. ' N- w.M'll.
Attoriiej -and t'omiacloiMi at Iw ITOIIs I N 1 II AM 'EU V AN I Plioi -n
lorsinii liniilllt.v. Otllee over tlie old
ihhi qlfteo, front atrect, Portland, Oregon'
J, C 1NAVK1.L. 1.. I I.INS.
1 1. is mid 4'oiniHt'lors ill Law,
Nil I lolt.-, IN
Kiinii lioiarv pulilicl, Aifany, o.esoe.
I'olleetiiniMiliil eonve.Mliloi's prmuimj
temled t".
K. II. OH A.Noll.
. n. llt'HFHKKY.
MltlirV I'nlille. 1
C'RAXOlt & Hi TIlPItilKV,
Attorneys nnI t'oansellor at Law,
Office In I'arrlsli hrlek, up stairs. 5v4
CSEO. V. UUY, it
l 1 KAIU A I I-: lK 1TM IN-
VI tin t i lletital 'oi.
makes S i- ,nl X wamt lm
tm it N ill' i til I'lu "' -1''-(.eid
Tilth. 111!, dma all
work In thu line of hi iroles(nii in
bast ami most nppiove l inetliot!
risisoaiitile ni es n uan lie lut-1
S'ltrouHO.xlleadiiilnlslered lor the pain
less ext met ioiioi leeth If desired, oniecin
l'urrish hrlek liloek, up flairs. Itesldeno'
ilrsi house mint hot I longiuaallonidclutrcli,
troaiing on lourl huitse hiock. j7Ms
i, now. ai'BAXB.
lien lei's in
Boots, Shot!, and Finilhi
1 pnlillc lo their lull k of the latent
stile in gentlemen's and youth's boots.
sluies, gutters, l IMonl ties. ele.. etc.. us well
us to the very la'.esl Ihlng out In the line
ot Indies' and misses' guild's, Imlinorals.
Newu't lies, Antoinette buskins, ajitl
many oiliw new and Btsluonable styles,
ui iwelvlKl at the City Boot Store, wlilch
tliev will sell us inpidly us they inn llnd
puivhnsers who w ish llrsl-ilnss jjisids at
the limit rcusouaiile njlcs, TIm'.v respect
fully Invite you lo nuno unit see their
stis'k. lino's'. slKKK.ete., minlbor tiqialrad
tuonler. mi l nil KW lOirmnfccl.
I'lrot door West or Hegisl , r llnllil'jc
. D.
stunt iy on hand n lull supply oi
I he
. lit lis
lsi' here.
W. . JO.XES, M. O.,
OKKU'E ox ratal STltEET, ONKdonr
west ol lliiMXitnin, in lliii'khiti'i's two
story hrlek (up stall's, over (Iwi. Terrell's
store. It ii IU..N4 . turner 8ixlh and Per
ry streets, Alimny, Oregon. iltr7l
Water "Wlxeolis
And tilencral mil Miu'hlnery.
! ItrlLL EX I IE A Volt
1 Which Will 1' of the very licit quality.
.' The highest market price paid for beeves,
hogs and sheep. -I
I'liird dour wen of Fern , on south side
of t'lrtll stns't. .1. U HAKHI9.
Albany, Pee. j. lsil-llvt
.1. W. Van Uvn Berttli H.
MY lon experience In diseases ennsed
b WOHMS, mnnot Is' snrjiasmsl by
anv pliysielaii In Europe or the United
s iites. tntiiir rooms, Xos. Wand 39, over
the list OllU-e. I'onsullatlisis and
examlmtl Ions rnr H thiirue. ttUXf mil
Albuii 'olUiiit' Inatilutc,
SIvJ '
V. BACKENS'i'o. Agent,
Aiinuiv. ureiron.
To Introduce the celebrated
Buckeye Sewing Miiehliie.
llti'tili- Nlnillle vewin-j inuilliur 111 the I
I'nite l sluies licensed tonne the celebrated
Wilson feed sold for less ihnn $40, and aek
iiowlelKef by all to Ixithe liest family
in iiiuelilnel for liuhl or heavy sewhiK, In
Hie market. Out lit five. Addivss
K. K. MI NEK ft I'll.. Hen. ..gts..
SOv.'lif Alliiniy, oiegon.
L Monday. septemlH-r I, ls"l, with a corps
of tenebers eapanie mi l enrnesi. insiriu-.
Hon will lie lUOTOIwh und pnu-liral, and
the - M -in or order imHiirfiuiiscd. forpar-
lleulnrsa Miwm
It. K. W A It It EX, A. M.. President ;
or. Boy, E. It. (IKAKV, Dt !., Albany.
The Eyca! The Eur !
DU. T. L. diOLDEN,
Oculist nud Aurist, Alimny, Orcein,
FtnbllNh( d In I Will.
K. A, Freelaud,
1 laisceilanuoits IhmiIim. school hooks,
blank Ismlis, stiitionery. Books hiisirte;l
to order at short notice.
Albany, Dee. S, is7o.
TijiixrAG - Ti'Rxixci.
son of the noted
old oplbnlinle doctor,
S. C. Hidden. 1
Dr. (iolden bus had
experience in treating
i the venous ni'Siises io
I which tlie i'vr tout em-are sutiieel. and feels
eoiittdent ol giving entire mulslaelloii to
I hone who may place ibeinwlvct under bis
care. April K OH.
of turning: keep on bund and make In
order rnwhldc-licttouied chairs, und spin
nlng wheels. Shop near the "Magnolia
Milk" JOHN M, MMzft;il
Albany, Nov. H.lislW vSJl
Inny, und is now ready
to wull on the ell lens of Al
lunviind vlelnltv.witlianew
Invcutiou In dental vork. It consists In
suisiit log t He pin n the innnt hull bout
...i i iiiii nit: n iiiiiu nun, iv iici'uh,mv.
Those wishing nrlltlcial teeth are regnest.
ed to call and examine for Ihenimdves,
Also, piutes moiuled. whether partially
broken ordivldod. Teelb, ext meted with
out pain. OfMee over TurrellV slore. All
work warranted. 7v4
V M'.. w,"WOBH will give prompt
I . allciilloii to all orders for Van
liuiigliig. laleemlnlng, iHxsimllng, ie.. In
nlscttv or vie hilly. All work executed
In the West style, in the liest manner, and
at lowest living rales, ftjrorders fcft at
FuraltUni Wnrensinis ofCha. Menlei' will
receive prompt attenUoo, J)Y .
tioniulv. as they sat down.
Timothy shook his
sau I he.
"o:'M echoed Harry, surprijetl.
"J thought you snltl, a few weeks a'o.
that you were ffoiiif! to visit vour cous
in in (,'linton, this summer."
"I tTttl, bill the old man thinks 1 had j
better j;n to school this sununer you
know it lieglns next week and make i
tny visit next 611."
"Who thinks so?" queried Harry, t
with n lixik of wonder anil surprise on
his round fresh fair.
Timothy lauglied a little pout peons- j
ly. "Why the old man or the old ,
yKHlltuimi, I suppose you think I should
say. hut I can't always stop to tie so
particular, you know.''
Still the look ot wonder and surprise ;
did not leave Harry's lace. "Hut
what old gentleman do yon mean?''
he asked. "I didn't know there was
any at your house.''
Timothy shouted. '"Ha, ha ; ho, j
ho!" he cried. "Ain'l we green, j
though! Why, 1 mean the. yocerwtr, I
my hoy. if you like thai better. Xow, I
do you know?"
"The governor!'' Harry repeated, I
slowly. -I have hoard that young :
horse-jockey, .hick Jones, call his fath-1
cr that. Is it him yon mean?"
"You are Just right it is." Tun re
sponded, shipping his knee, as he laid
seen older hoys do, "I mean my res
peeled daddy, and nobody else."
The look of wonder on Harry's face
changed to one of unmistakable dis
"I would he tuiJIomw to call my fath
er any of those names," he said.
Timothy Inuidied iijiaiii, boister
"1 suppose you would always, say
my AoHoiW wrtif," he sneered. "Yon
would ; oh. ye
"Xo. shouldn't say that," Harry
gait), calmly. "I should say my nffar,
or just father; hut I would sooner al
ways call him an honored parent than
to use such words as, uld mun, or joe
rwr," "Oh, to he sure you would !" Tim
responded, a little Scornfully, "But
you see as Imys that hoys grow old
er, they get over such notions, and fol
low the fashion. Tlx- lahion is. now.
to say Hie i, or Ihc old gsin'oidtl,
or the goreruor. You call hike your
"Well, it's a mean, low fashion,"
Harry cried, spiritedly, "and just (it
for jockeys and loafers to follow; but
ti boy who has any self-respect, or any
respect lot his father, will never sneak
of film in that way. I know. never
would dare look anybody in the face,
lifter I had spoken so of wg futlier."
"Oh, well, you arc green and spoon
ey." Tim said, disdainfully. "You'll
aet over such girl-notions, maylie, un
less you're a regular muff. For niv
pari I think it sounds a great deal
more manly, to hear a Mlow any the
governor or the old gem'man,' than
futlier urn papa, 'flint's for girls to
"And I'm very glad I'm girlish
enouirh to keep from being a rowdv,
.1 ' t.l S.J, ...
iiicii. ii.iiiy n.,1,1. jjlOUIIiy. "
would sooner lie called a mutt, any
time, titan a rowdy, anil that Is what
any hoy is, who calls his fattier the old
Tim Itmglieil, w ith an air of affected
age. as he sprang up from tlie grass.
"Oh, well, old fellow, we won't
tight over that," he said. "Yoo can
nayfatlitr all you please, and I'll any
the old man. Xow. for another race."
They were off like (he wind, forget
ting hi a moment their little nilsuudor
stniKlitlg, and pcrtiapi neither of them
ever thinking of it again. But I did
not forget so easily. I determined to
keep tnick ol these boys, ami I did. T
left tlie city soon alter, and did not re
turn for ten years. One of the first
questions 1 asked on retltriihfae was: on to ilewn .....i. ...... ........ i
. . . T I vi oa .riin i n i inn tin tiiii'i'
" ; '?"" .,":"y ers wilb kilometres in the Crimea, in
La njrl table Munderx orwrltera and
The amusement afforded hy IikII
crotM typhographleal errors wiil he ill
exanstible while printers are fallible
and editors write with abominable in
difference to legibility. One of Ihc
urns astonishing blunders of this kind
was committed some years ago in an
editorial in the Bulletin. The writer,
wlio had cautioned his readers against
"casting tlieir K'.lrls iH'fotv theswhie, "
was amazed and grieved to perceive
that the compositor had warned the
public against "eating pills before sun
rise." 'I his was corrected lit the proof,
hut the reporter who declared of a cer
tain new store that had "sixty fancy
windows," was. even more Indignant
than the rtotvkeeuer when he saw In his
paper tlie statement that the establish
UH'lit contained "sixty faded win
dows." And then there was tlie poet,
in Muncy who 'sought to smooth the
wounded feelings ot a bereaved family
by publishing in the local paper a io
etlottl tribute to the deceased daughter,
Kinlly, in which he declatvd thai "we
will hallow her grave with our tears."
He was pursued next morning hv Kmi
ly'i) extispi-nited brother beuuise the
printer insisted that "we will harrow
her grave with our steers."
The poets suffer most deeply. Noth
ing could I worse, tor instaiiee, than
the misery to tin; banl who asserted,
in his copy, tliat lie "kissed her under
I know how girl bovs I the silent siars" only to find that the
' eoiopositor compelled him to "kick
her under the cellar stairs." A cer
tain Jenkins, also, was the victim of
all aggravated assault, because when.
In his report tfa wedding he decjtired
that "the bride was accompanied to
the alter by eight bridesmaids." the
tyis's made It that "the bride was ac
companied to the alter by tlaltl brltles-
oi.iius. i nese iniiigs tire peculiarly
uiipleaaut when they occur in remark's
upondcjith ; as in the case of Hie editor,
while writing a sympathetic paragraph
obicrvedthat "Mr: Smith could lianl
ly Itettr tlielossofliis wife." only to
tintl that the printer Itad made it "Mr.
Smith could hardlv hear such a boss
lor. tt with."
Kven more deplorable is the injury
to the journalist who complimented ii
ccrtiun caudidatc witlt the ohservatiiMi
tlwthe Was "a nob!,, old burgher,
proudly loving his native State.'r Im
agine the indignation 0f tlie candidate !
anil the horror of the ,..ntr i,,.n the I
lwijer the next day contaitierl tlieasser-1
tion that tlie said burru r was "a noli- i
by old burglar, prowling around in a
naked state.
Hut printers do ot make all the
mistakes. We remember the laughter
and comment provoTted by the state-:
ofa provincial reporter, who !
called tlie attenti0 pf the constable to 1
the tact tliat "o Sit.idav last some
twenty or thirty mu 0.,V,.rte (H the
hothir-lmk f Thinaru. UMini ,l :
I lie Aea of the Prealdeula.
As so many of the yonnp; men of
tojlay aiv luipiiig ami striving to
achieve greatness and poNtibly as
pire to Kuli liigli places in the land,
it may 1g ofintcrett, if nut gmitive
ly consoling, to know that those
who have held the noblest position,
known to our form of government,
attained it late in life. Particular
ly is this true ot President Harri
son, who was the oldest of the Pres
ident, Iteiiig sixty-seven years of
ago when he was elected. That
courtly and elegant old gentleman,
President Huchatifiii was sixty-live
when lie Uvame Chief .Magistrate,
and next to him in point of years,
was Zachary Taylor, the hero of
lincna Viskt, andtheeleveirth Pres
ident of the I nited States. John
Adams, Washington's successor,
was sixty -one, as also was Andrew
Jackson, anil both .Madison and
Monroe and also John Quinov
Atlams were hftv-i'ight when they
attanicti presidential honors. ash-
lligton, .letlerstin and Martin an
Bnreii were each tity-sevcn, and
James K. Polk was forty-nine.
Franklin Penrce was next to the
youngest, being forty-elgllt, while
the present incumbent, U.S.Orrtnt,
was forty-seven at the time of his
inauguration. Of the three Vice
Presidents, Tyler, Filraore ami
Johnson, tlie former was liftv-one.
the latter fifty-nine, and .Mr. Fill
more was fifty.
Tim f Ait i' i: nik it's Diikam.
A poor man was a canicntcr ; ami
he often said to himself ami others:
Mf I was only rich, I would
show people how to give."
In his dream he saw a pyramid
of silver dollars till new, bright,
and beautiful. Just then a voice
reached him, saying :
'Xow is your time, i on arc
rich at last ; let us see your gener
No lie rose from his seat and went
to the pile to take some money for
charitab'e purposes, lint the pyra
mid was so perfect that he could
not war to break it. He walked
all around it, but found no place
where he could take a dollar with
out spoiling the heap. So he de
cided that the pyramid should not
be broken ! and then awoke. Me
awoke to know himself, and to see
that he would lie generous only
when comparatively jioor.
WWfwH'i fight i
ig during the whole
Mediums' back must
have been uncommonly birse.
imring tin- Kranco-Prnssianwara
givtit deal 0f f,m was pokw, !lt ,
.ev Jersey editor who read in the
cable dispHtche that "Bnzalne has
moved twenty kilometres out of Metz."
lie thereupon gat down and wrote an
( il'i'L'" Khku 1,0 ?"W I was de
liglrKar that all the kilometre"
had been ,,,,1 and the Iniimwit
people Of Mete were no longer cn
fiigew!t1 ),y the presence of those dev
wm engines of war sleeping upon a
vohtann. ,,s it were. And then went
A Gt'tLTV Consciknck. The
eccentric Lorenzo Dow was onoe
approaching a place where he had
an appointment to preach, when a
stranger complained to him that his
watch was stolen from under his
pillow the night before. Dow as
sured the victim that the watch
would be restored, and picking up
a boulder that weighed a pound or
so, hid it under his cloak and enter
ed the jut' pit. After preaching
zealously for half an hour or so lie
suddenly exclaimed : "A man's
watch was stolen in this neighbor,
hood last night, and the thief is now
in this house. I sha'l hit him with
this stone." He made a feint of
throwing it, and one ofthc audience
ducked his head. He was instant
ly seized, searched, and the stolen
watch found in his oeket.
I'ntirv of CiiAWTKit. Over the
beauty of the plum and apricot there
grows a bloom and beauty more exipiis
He than the fruit itself a sort, delicate
flush overspreads its blushing cheek.
Xow. If you strike your hand over
that, and it is once gone, it is gone for
ever; for It iievefjrrows but once. Tlie
flower tliat hangs in the morning, iin
M'tirliil with dew. arrayed with jewel"
once shake it so that the bends roll
off. and yon may sprinkle water over
it as you i ilea ;e. yet it can never be
made again w hat it was when tlie dew
fell light ly on it from heaven! On a
frosty morning you may see the panes
ofiduss covered with UtttUmpet, mountain-,
lakes and trees. Iilemled w ith a
beautiful fantastic picture. Xow lay
your hand iiimii the glass, und by tlie
Watch of your linger, or by tlie
warmth of your palm, all the delicate
tracery will be obliterated. So there
is in youth a beauty and purity of char
acter, which, once' touched and defiled,
etui never be restored fringe more
delicate than frost work, and which,
when torn and broken, will never be
re-embroliiem). When a young man
leaves his father's bouse, with the
blessing of his mother's teats still Wet
iiK)n hi fnrehend, if he once loses that
early purity of character, it is a loss
that he can never make whole again.
Such Is the consequence of crime. Its
effects cannot lie eradicated; it can only
be forgiven.
All Rioht. -We have frequently
heard these words when on the railway
train, spoken by the conductor to the
engineer, when the train hid Stopped
and was just alkint to start forward
again, The careful engineer will not
move On until ho hears the exclama
tion from the trusty attendant, "All
bet in think; these words mean a
great deal, if we will make a wise ap
olictitiou of them to our course of life.
How Is tliaf? Ail-we on the right
track, and are we sun- that We are
moving on safely?
Many of the tlioiightlessand reckless
are nphlng Info evil and sure punish
ment, till from the want of Inquiring
liefore they start. If all is right. So
has many a youth been drawn into (Imj
ways of tinnsirrcsslon. not rcali.inir
that he went there but to saerlHee his
ha meter mid all Hint, made life, worth
possessing. very hour we live brings
before in stu b fearful examples. All
is not right at the starting noint. The
beginning is made in error, and ealaiu-
itv and destruction come.
Young render, look out, and see
that in all llfes undcrtak'niir; von start
right. See that you keep "till ri,r)it''
a?yon move on. And then von mar
he tuiile sure of coiuinir nut ri"bt in
the end. lie not deceived. Solomon
say-: '"There Is a way tliat seemetli
rijlht unto man. hut the end tliereof
are the ways of death."
Take heed! Seek for the right wav.
Pray as did the Psalmist to Ootli
"bead me ill the wav everlasting.
All is right there. Myrtle.
sup Timothy (iraves f
"Oh. they are Largo boys, now,"
laughed my friend. "Harry Walters
was twenty-one a fctr days ago, ami
was admitted to the bar. He is an
uncommonly fine young man, and Ms
liitla-r Is very proix-rlv proud of Him.
There is no young man in the City
wilii finer prospects."
"Ami rim r"
My friend shook his liead. "I Can't
say as much lor lum. be said. "I
wish I could: but he's a spendthrift.
and a ne'er-do-well. It is struma, too.
He and Harry went brought tip to-
irciher, almost. Koth mid good,
steady parents; they attended the
same school, ami had the same advan
tages. Vet Harry went up, and Tim
down. He seeks loafers and rowdies
for compinlons. and has almost brok
eu hi uarents' hearts with his outs-
i "4 knew It would be so' I oricrii
Kv friend looked npraHs.iwdlngir.!
;"Howlid vou know it?"
I- .4 MM him the conversation t neaf l
Between the- two !)'. ten years fao
fore. "I iMcrvr kuew It tat taiV" I
w hich ooo of them exnhalctl and blew
a frigate out of tlie water.
Another Aiitnr crlpptsl from an ex
.cltjmge an obituary tK'm, which he
sent to the axitposlng room, with some
iiitrtaluetory remarks. He said: "We
paKshh below a vetv touching produc
tion from the pen of.Miss M . It was
written hy her at Hie ik-afh-fHs! of her
.sAlOtexttllotboi-. iHHl it overflows with
f IlKH nVIINidjbvnJ . , f II!..1 ..(!'....:....
which the natural outgrowth of pure j 'ric"tl w,me old Wllie nroi out
iiiitiitonxtgenliM tlutt litis Oevelotetl a very small quantity. The latter,
fHMieathtWMetVrirtg loflnenee of a ' takinl' the ulass and holding it
"Why," said once a fox, walk
, ing on the river side, ami seeing
. the fish merrily playing along the
' watery element at times, and hastily
taking to their flight at others,
I "Why do you Hec V" "We flee
the nets that men spread around
! us," was the reply. "Why, then,
; tlo you not come up here, on dry
t land, that we might play together,
as my forefathers, in oldon times,
I were wont to do with your tore-
fathers ?'' "Subtlest of animals."
j rcp'icd the lish ; "If in our very
clement of li'e so many dangers
threaten our lives, how much more
have we to tear out of our ele-
A close-fisted fellow, treating a
motliers love. Tlie reader will observe
".VW&lUm wfth ardent allec
Hon and fendcrest mrret."
CI I 1 . . . . ... . .
aoiiicuow, in aiiaenitig this Introdlic- I
abovo his head, remarked, rather
skeptically : "You say this is forty
veais old ?" " Yes," said the host.
tion to tlie poem, the editor turned up "Then'' reioiiiod his friend, "all I
.i Z. . w have to sav is that it is very smaii
tlie conseniieiiii. ma Ik. b, tt.,.. "",c w '
lwl tlie reader gently Into an article
njion "Hog Cholera in Tennessee." It
wa rumored that tin- relatives of Miss
M wa seen prowling around tlie
office tlie next day. armed with shot
guns, but this has not been traced to
ny reliable authority PhtlwMpkla
Sprkadop tih: Word. The Bible
is read of a Sabbath in all the lo.tlllj
pulpits ot our land. Tlie sun never
sets on Its gleaming page- It goes
oqiwdly to the cottage oi the plain man
and the palace of the king. It is woe
en into literature, and ir colors the
talk of the street. The hark of the
merchant cannot sail rosea without it.
Xo ship of war goe to the conflict
hut the Hihlc is there. It enters
men's closet : mingles in till grief
and cheerfulness of life. The aching
head liuds a softer pillow when tlie
Bible lies underneath. It blesses us
when we are born ; gives names to
half of Christendom ; rejoices with us;
has sympathy for our mourning;
tempers our grief to finer issues, it
is the belter part of our sermon. It
lifts man above himself. The timid
man. awaking from his dream of life,
looks through the.glasjof Scripture,
and his eve grows bright. He does
not fear to stand alone to tread the
way Unknown and distant to take
the death-angel hy the ha nil, and hiil
farewell to wife and babes at home.
Men rest on this, their dearest hope.
It tells themofOod, and of hi beloved
son ; of earthly duties and of heavenly
-. - . - . ...
Alphose Karr, the gardener poet,
has offered a but) mat to the World. He
wtts lately present at a banquet given
by the disciples of Hnlineinaii. 'roast
'.'ere given to the health of every me
dical celebrity hy everybody, when
the President remarked, "Monsieur
Karr, you have not promised tlie health
of any one." The poet rose and iiiikI
estlv replied, "I propose the health of
for its age."
A toper sneered at a young man
for wearing spectacles, when the
tatter said, "It is better to use glas-
over the nose as I do, tliati un-
' dor Uw nose as, rondo!'1
A saloon kectternt questionable hon
esty went To a lawyer to cwtMilt him
altottt commencing an action of defa
mation against a fellos-townsman.
"The scoundrel," said he, fiercely,
has robins I me of my character.'"
Ah? has lie ? are yon sure of that
fact?" replied the attorney; "if so,
for heaven's snkelct him go ; for It is
Hie luckiest thing that ever happened,
to you."'
A Maine gentleman once called on.
President Qdeoln. He had shaken
hands with him observing: "Don't
be scared, Mr. Lincoln, 1 do not want
on office." "Is that so?" said the.
President; "then give iw another
Mrs. Partington says she does wish;
they would hurry up and pass the sil
ver service bill iu ushlhgtoii.
They say female compositors get
through tlieir copy Viry rapidly, beuisr
anxious to get the lat word,,