Kdiuhlirua Tkktl fur 17. rOK I'HIIIIAT, U. S. GRANT. FOR TM'K 1-K1.M nr. T, SCHUYLER COLFAX fr Niil, nl l!l dors, A. 11. MKAi'tlAM.of Umatilla mnniy. w. l. HARK, ol Wlitiwloii county. J. F. (i.VZLKY, of Uoilgltn county. For 4'ourHM, JOSEPH C. WILSON, OK WASCO COCNTY. Ulxlrirt Attorneys, 1-1 liMrlct, -2.1 IrMrict. F . c'lii'iiowciii. of Kenton. .'lil District. X. It. Ilniiinbrev. of I. inn nli ninil.t. (;. n. Durham, of Mttltiminah sill nlntrlct, V, C' Hyde, of Unmt. Republican Plulforin. KKSol.lTlliNK AnolTKII BY TIIK RKFTH L1CAN STATKCliNVKNTIoS AT I'ullTI. A.N II, MA Kill 'ill, 1871. The Inion Iteiiiiblimn party of tin-vton. in Convention, makes WW uivliuntiim of it prlitcloto ami i : 1. To the Constitution of the united stutesHntlalltl MUwndmenls we nloibro our imuiltei'luKiilloVinuce ;) itsitnthority a willtngiilKidleneii: in II full met kltfHl contraction null enforcement ouruoiisrt&ut sniimrt. J. That the success of the present Nu ti.mal Atlininlstiiition in ivuiicIiik life pub lic del, iliiilliffsTiim: and conalizInK inxa l Ion, a'.lmlnlferin( every branch of uublie itllUlln wiih economy iimi clllciciicy, form lug untl Improving (lie civil service. en fnrclnir the laws without flr or favor, prolcciliiii the nation!)' wards Willi patent oil cure auaiiKt the cruel avarieo of sjiecn liithn uiiiltmitd.unil uinhiiaiuintfiVieiidiy relation wlili rorVlifi Power, ltan lieon Mich iii to coiuiiminl theunprolnillnn of I lie area! intljorily of I lie American people, iimi. Ill-it Iv entitle' it to I lie conlMonce und coinineniuitlon of everv tine Kcimblicnn. 3. Wcri'KiirUt be payment ofoiimiitlnn 4il delil, in full complfuniv with nil lentil oblijnilionmooitr erelitors everywhere, unillh acconlunce with the tme loiter and spirit of Its contracting, as no longer a iiiU'Mtloit in issue: but that we may be clenriy imnoratood, we denounce nil tonus ami ilugrenal of ivpudlatioitof Hint cleht.as ainrnicd by Hie Democratic party and il -vmpntliiser, n noi only niiiionul ca'ninl ' lei, hut positive erinies.'iind we will never consent to a, suspicion of lacs of honor in justice in Its ismipleio satisfaction. 4. Wcmlmltol no distinctions between citizens, whuther of native or fondvn birth: ami therefore we favor the granting of mil amnesty to the people of those R ates lately in rebellion : and we here itledge the lull and effective protection of our civil taws to all )"crnons volnuturily com ing to or residing In our land. .1. Wo favor tlio encouragement of rnil romlsliy iheficneinl lioverniiieiit of the I'ultcd Slates. and hold that such disHs sll Ion should lie made of I he public lands a-shall secure ihc same to actual settlers only, liuimnUticM not exceeding ISO acres. i'..' That while we arc in favor of a reve nue for the ntpimrt of the (tonommovein- llicnt, nv unties n)Mm iiiimh is, soioiu kui v rciin'ressiich adjustment of those dn tleson imports as to encourage the derol optiicnt of the Industrial Inicrcsts of the whole country; and we recommend thai HiiU-v of national exvtuwge which secure to the working men lilK-nil wanes ; to ag riculture ivninnentt,ivciuii'H; tomei han les ninl lnanufactuivrs an adeqnate reward for I heir skill, laiorand enlerprlso, and to the Nation Commercial prosixn-ity and In dijiendoneo. 7. Wo believe that popular education Is llie sole true liiisisand ItopO ol a free gov ernment, und shall ever oppose any diver Won of. or Interference with tin.' common hool funds or lands in I his State, for any oilier than their legltlmato nurposn, and we condemn the act of favoritism by the last Ixigislatnre Whereby two hundred tliousand dollars, taken Iroiu, the School fund, were granted to a corporation con sisting mainly of Democratic lenders, and party fnvorltos, for the eonstrnetlon ot a work which another copomtlon, entirely sound and responsible, offered loconsiruct for seventy-five thousand dollars less; and 1 hat wa are in tavor of the inssage by the Legislature of an efficient school law, such a-, shall secure to all citizens of our Siato a Kood common school education. s. We ftnd no term snlhVluntly strong to express our disapproval of those nets of I lie last Legislature whereby the sw amp lands belonging to this Suite liuve been taken from the needy settlers, and irivcn without limit or pmimr competition In price to the land grubber and speculator; whereby the emnlnments and salaries of Mate odlcers have been unconstitutionally Increased, and tlio taxes increased thous ands ot dollars bv- the creation of new and unnecessary offfrcs and salaries, for the pniiose of providing for party favorites; and whereby the uitlxcns of our metropo lis have been deprived of and denied the light of controlling their police authority. And we equally condemn the administra tion of our stnteoffloers and lawsos extrav agant, reckless, illegal and destructive, and we rightly charge all those results ns the acts of the Democratic party- tt. We are In favor of the l ulled States giving to each honorably discharged sol dier who served in the armies of Hie Unit ed Stales to put down the reiiellion a wnr ninttora homestead of WO aeresof public hinds. in. That we demand the repeal of the sncallcd litigant aid, which was devised to the public extx'iisi!. . II. That the Kepifbllcnn "party of this support nanner is-mocmtic newspapers ni Slate are In uivor ot the uonenu iiovern mont extending tdd toward building a mllmiul from eorilnnd. Oreaon. to Salt Luke ('ity, not from .larkson county to lliinilsildl.aod wi' hercliy pledge our par ly representatives to the support of the saint1. 11. That the indiscriminate licensing of twrsons to sell sniritnous 1 uuors w ithout lieiug placed Mtler proiier restHmsibilitles for the abuse tncrcot. having men inuna by experience to promote the growth of crime an rsiuperinui, ami i nnm i, p s,i onsly tiicreas.' the rate of laxntion. the Kennbfioin party rWogltl.A the Mgnt ftnd duty of the lawmaking power to prevent unit limit the evils and abuses of such sale, so fur ns concerns the pu Idle good and Is inu u Lbe c consistent witn-iniuvmnni linerty, ov re fusing to license other than law abiding and responsible iiersons, who tun furnish sullleient sureties for irood conduct. Ivhftlnl liberty, bv re- 111. Thnt the Republican jnrty or Ore gon in in favor m ohtMntng assistance from tlie Ucneral l.ovornmctit for the con struction of a wagon road from the city of Portland to the Iiallcs, recognizing this as a most Important and necessary Improve ment for tlie Slate. 14. We affirm that the cotlnunnce In )mwer of the Republican twrty Is the only sure preservation of mil tonal peace and prosperity, und for reasons therefor we mint to its brilliant record In the late civ il war; to a complete nationality; ton united sisterhood of thirty-seven states; to our Territories rapidly warming Into State life ; to a tuition freed from the taint of human slavery; to an elevated and en larged citizenship; to our national stand ing at home and abroad; to the work of vigorous reform In all discovered abuse ol authority or triwt; toun nneimuled for eign credit; ton successful and solid fl iiiiuelnl svslem, and to the unralellod ponce and prosperity everywhere in our brand domain, and these are our pledges for the future. , U) We hall the "New Joprtn!o' of the lute Democratic party, taken by the action ol their t'onvenlton In eeven States, as an utttrmnt Ion of the principle for which the Jlcpubllcun party has contended for the last ten yours; and In . the "Passive I'oll cv" of that party, already assumed In sev einl of the Slulos, we recognize an tic knowledgment of their hoiMdeMneaa of mieccsH in the coming Presidential campaign. I". S, Oflictnl I'apcr for Oregon. FRIDAY. Al'KIL 8. 1S7 Tlie l.utc IjtrtlMinabe In I'nllfbriiln. The following are some of the MirtlculntK of the late earthquake iu Owens llivcr Valley, California: At lndcK'ndenee one man was killed and many more or less j injured. .Many buildings were ; badly strained ami cracked, and chimneys fti'd walls were thrown : down. Among the huildiags thrown down were the Exchange, Court Home, Harrison's store, and John Winder's residence. It is es- Miniated .that over two hundred buildings were thrown down in all. .Not an adobe or brick building is supiKtHil to have escaped destruc- Inyo, up t.. Wedresiiiy mimA lirouirhoul the county or tully one thousand uisiim-i shocks were felt. At 'I'ibbitts' ranch, tit teen miles from Indeeiidenoe, about forty acres of ground sank alsjut seven feet below the surface of the country. Owens Lake has risen four feet since the first shock, and Owens river ran over its banks, de positing shoals of fish on the shore. ! Through I.one Cine the earth cracked ; one portion remained sta tionary, while the balance sa k seven or eight foot, leaving a wall of earth extending over miles in length where formerly was a level plain. Innumerable cracks were made throughout the valley. Ki zer and Owens rivers turned and ran up stream for scl eral minutes, j leaving their beds dry The following is still later news from Lone Pine: About halt-past two o'clock in the morning the inhabitants of Lone Pine were awakened by an explosion, followed by a terrible upheaving and shaking of the earth from south to north. Col, Whip ple,vho was in the second story of an adobe house, states that he had hist time to initio from his lied and get away, when tlie bouse appeared to crumble U pieces beneath him. : tie. was burial among the but succeeded ni extricating himself I from the debris, euffering thm sev- j era! liaiuful but hot langeroiis wounds. The scx'ne which ensued is beyond description. ltruaiurnd screams were heard in all direc tions. Nearly the whole popula tion of the town were buried be neath the ruins. Cries tor help and screams ot pain from the wounded tilled the air, while those who escaped from the ruins were calling for help to rescue lathers, brothers, wives and children. The first shock was followed in quick succession by three others. Over three hundred distinct shocks were felt lietween half-past two o'clock and sunrise ; in fact, the earth was in a constant shake and tremble. For three hours a chasm was open extending thirty-five miles down the valley, ranging from three iiK-h-es to forty feet in width. Hocks were torn from their places and hurled down into tlie valley every where. Through the valley arc seen evidences of the terrible con- v sion o '7 Many buildings were ldly cracked, . r. . . '(Ml No and some few thrown down tiersons were badly injured. The Swansea works were totally de stioyed. liuildiugs all down to I the ground, and the walls thrown ' down. The Suiieriuteiident ofi Swansea sent twenty men to Lone Pine anil sixteen wee sent 'front Ccrro Gordo to assist iu extricating bodies from tlie ruins. All accounts agree uu placing l.o: e Pine over the center of the j commotion. lSefore each shock could lie heard an explosion occur red, Which sounded beneath the feet. Over COO distinct shocks were felt within 58 hours ' after thelm-st. There is much destitution among the inhabitants of Lone Pine ana vicinity, many having lost all but life. Col. Whipple was selected to proceed to San Frairiseo for the purpose of securing aid for the des titute. The explosions are described as of a dull, heavy sound of a camion fired immediately beneath their feet, which ran along the mountain range north and south until lost in the distance. It was rumored that a volcano in active operation was seen from the summit ot (treeii llood Mountaiu, but was not cred- ited. One-fourth of the Jews iu the country are in New York. Guarsano, the seed of a Brazil ian fruit, is a new rival to coffee, Smpevor William has celebrated his 75th birthday. aA i:uiii- t ruiiu . The Boanl of Alderman of the ; city of Chicago has uiuler consider- ation an ordinance intended to pro. hibit the circulation and sale of in decent, scaiidali'tis and libellous lit- erature. This is an example which every city and law-making body and cor(oration in this country should speedily follow. The tide of scan-1 immorality, lirentousness and crime, which daily flow in iuereas- j iug waves from this cause alone, ' should admonish our city fathers ' and law-makers of the absolute ne cessity of interposing the strong arm ot the law to stay its corrupting in tlueiice. What hope have we tor the correct development of the mor al of our youth, so long as t he most obscene of pictures, and the vilest of bonks and papers are left to be W on every open mart auA everv public place? Abortions, rapes, w 1 liictions, with their concomittants ot ! misery, destitution, murder and dis grace, already fill alarms-pace with tlieir harrowing details in the news columns of our daily press. How shall these virtue.destroying,misery produeing, suicide-inducing, youth corrupting, hell-deserving crimes and evils be lessened, so long as lit erature the most indecent and las civious is ioriiiitted to be sold in every place? Chicago has set a noble example. Let every munici pal and law-making body do like- wise. Let every citizen who de sires the welfare of his children audi, average of $67 92 per month, and good of society demiiM if. rss from Mexico. The news from Mexico is very much mixed. It tells us one thing one day, and a dispatch a day later contradicts it. On our fourth page we state that Oeneral Hoeha had been defeated by the revolutionists vtc, and a dispatch a day later says the capture is without confirmation - Last week tlie tiews led UJ to inter . . .... , , . t,,at iho kMI wasljcd on', nut nits ween u is in ag:nn a nve- ly as ever. e have come to the settled conviction that the parties engaged in the Mexican war are, like the Democracy in Ciude Sam uel's ranch, too much , given to "new departures." Like the little joker, you think you have it un der your thimble, but when the thimble is lifted up, the joker, like the darkey's flea, is "no longer dar." i The Mexican leaders on both sides, however, unlike lots and snarls of Democrats, are no "passiveites" they move, rush, straddle -around and fight too much. They have to be active to furnish material for so many contradictory dispatches. "Co it you cripples," hit or miss, "win or bust," is their style down there, as interpreted from the news. If they would only practice a little f wretch of "All quiet on thcl'otom- ..nt,,,,!- tll I rltU-1 tli.jt t.uil- tSw ff ivimi vnnv wv'ix wmv i wooden guns at Manassas, or play "Possum" for a little time, it might afford us time to dissect the contra dictory news down to skeleton facts ; but that is a volcanic, earthquake country, very sulphurous, and the devil's red-hot strategy just keeps them girine. Tlie Salem Men-nry suggests i that the Democracy nominate tlie Cardiff Giant for President, as an offset to Grant. As an exponent of Democratic lieart and brains the "Giant" would be eminently appro priate to head tlie ticket, Tly could not select anything more pas sive and brainless. We suppose, of courso, tl Mercury has no rcfer- I eiKJc to rpton, the Cardiff Giaut of Oregon. Some of tlie woman suffragists arc very much exercised over the tyranny of the Almighty, In having ; the Lord's prayer begin, "Our 1 Mrficr. who art in Heaven." They it ought to commence, "Our i Mother, who art in Heaven." j Corn has beeii so cheap in Iowa this winter as to lie used place of coal. 111 the Joaquin Miller contemplates re turning to Europe soon. The Carson Miut is engaged in coining ten cei t pieces. Jaekaaa Unxcnli. The democratic County Convcn- tion of Jackson county, according to the Jacksonville Timti version, was anything but harmonious, and the result far from agreeable to the Tumi. It seems that the Phito faction, headed by one Owen, irnc- ceeded in out-generalliug the rest of the factions, ami procured the se- lection of J. H. Neil, candidate for prosecuting Attorney, for delegate to the State Convention, instead of one llanna, whom the rest wanted. The 77c thereat devotes a long editorial to the Owen faction, in which it charges them with violat ing their pledges, and resorting to "low-down chicanery" to accom plish their purposes. The"Hssum" game seems to have lieen very ex pertly played down there by the Pinto faction, and the chagrin of the reti at their inability to win, ls put them in a state of mind anything hut "passive." mony is refreshing. Such liar- KAKTKII SEW. All explosion occurred in Potts' i colliery near Ashland, Pa., on the evening of tlie 20th ult.. by which ten men were burned, some it is thought, fatally. Michael Mayes, the murderer of i O'Donnell in IRfiG, was met in New York and recognized by a brother of the deceased recently , and his arrest was immediately procured. lioston nays its female teachers pWton SG4 54. The Japanese Embassy were vis- ! itiii" the extensive iron works at j i)aville, Pa., on the 28th tilt. It is rumored among politicians in Washington tltat Judge Uavis will decline to run as a Presidential candidate if he shall not lie endors- ' ed by the Cincinnati Convention. ! The Assistant Treasurer at New , ' Itcen aut iionzeii w put ! chase $1,000,000 of bonds on i eac Wednesday, and to sell 81,U0U,WN u J' Tmm,ay (lul.iu j .pi-ii H j ;lvat awlesslness is reported t exist tlir0tidiout the entire State c Mississippi. It is not all ascrilied to the Kn Klux organizations. There is a bitter, resentful spirit in every portion of the State against the Federal CJoverument, and even ml, nn ii'ull sntirwutoil bv rpcnlfll troops, the authorities are defied and tlieir lives threatened bv des- i peradoes whom they are constantly ; called 011 to arrest. The two U.S. j Marshals and District Attorney Weils are the authority for this. 1 ii- 1... :.,. a,..! 1 mortal emery lias urivcu other company of cavalry to be placed on duty there. A slight shock of an earthquake 0 was felt at Paducah Ky, on the 2Gth ult. The Centennial Executive Com mittee at a recent meeting in Phila delphia, proposed to organize a stock company ami proportion the several thousand shares among the different States. Senator Wilson declines presid ing over the State Convention at Worcester for tlie election of dele gates to tlie Philadelphia Conven tion. Ex-Gov. Clifford will be in vited to do so. Gen. Sickles goes to Madrid, Spain, April 15th. Massachusetts State Colored Con vention has chosen deleuates to the Central Colored Convention to lie held in New Orleans on the 30th hist. The bark Mtitrod was burned at sea near Bermuda en the 9th ult. Of seventeen persoiM aboard, ten were saved. The vessel was loaded with naphtha and kerosene. An explosion took place, and it is believed that the captain, his wife and daughter, were in the cabin at the time. Charles Edmunds, Commissioner of the State hand 'Office, has been impeached by a resolution of tlie House ot Michigan Legislature. On the 28th ult, a delegation from the House headed by Senator Ham ilton, waited on tlie IVesident this morning in relatiou to Mexican dep redations on the frontier. The del egation represented that recently . . .. 1 forty Itegulaf Mexican troops it. uniform U the Bio Gratide at a point above Brownsville and ar rested the United States Custom In-spec-tor, together with employees, and held them until they had cross- i into Mexican territory, ami drove otl'000 or 700 head of cattle. They further represented that dep rwta'tious on stink alone by raiders from Mexico into Texas, i:t tlie last ten years, will reach from six to ten millions in value, and that the system of'brauds prevailing in Tex as will enable sullerers to establish a legitimate claim against Mexico front various county records. '1 he President said that" it had boon a matter of one communication to the Mexican Goveriiraeut, which would no doubt willingly atfoMl relief, but seemed pwerias while internaldis turbanees continued in N'ortheru Mexico. Commercial pbascsofthc question were also .liM us,-ed. It was suggested that the order ui the Sec retary of the Trvii-ury. prohibiting clearance of vessel-. tVnm Rints above lirownsvillc, was a virtual blockade of the 1 tio iirande, ami therefore illegal. The i 'resident took notes of the conversation and promised to bring all the matters before the Cabinet. George W. Stevens and J. H. Wentworth have been appointed Assistant Assessors of Internal licvenue for the Fourth District of California. It is reported that Col. Forney is to lie Postmaster (16110011 or Secre tary of the Navy, just as he prefers. .Mr. Seward has promised to de liver the address at the inauguration of the Lincoln Monument at Spring field, III. The Lowell Co ), says : "Vice President Colfax says the happiest days of his lile were when he was a a printer. Come to our office Schuyler, and you shall have the old family joy at '2" cents a thous and." A severe storm passed over St. Louis, Mo., on the evening of March 30th. During the storm a tornado struck the Centre Market House on "th street, a large brick structure, and leveled it to the ground ill a twinkling. Heavy timbers and most of the roof were carried across the street, knocking the fronts out of several buildings. Six persons were known to lie seri ously injured and twenty or thirty j slightly. Two will probably die, 1 A bill for the relief of lloss I Browne has passed the C S. Sen j ate. The bill granting other lauds ii lieu of the Miranda grant has gone . to the President for approval. ! Charles II. I !ana was arrested on j a train from Washington to New ; York on the 'J8th ult., it is said i on a criminal wan-ant at the suit of Win. A. Kimble ami Samuel H. Moore, of Philadelphia, for alleged ; libel arising out of strictures of the X. ) . aim upon lrauils. Professor Morse was unconscious on the 30 u t., and his death hourly expected. From testimony before the .lu- v-, VA ,i ; diciary Committee at New Urk . appears that nearly two hundred of : the very lowest criminals have been 1 : r...., : .i.L released at various times from Black well's Island by Judges Cardura and Barnard hi violation ot the forms of law. Ex-Commissioner Walker, of Wisconsin, died suddenly at Mil waukie 011 the evening of March 20th of apoplexy. The small pox hospital at Brook lyn Xew York, is crowded to over tJowing with jiatients. The Warrentown hotel, Va., was destroyed by fire 011 the 30th ult.;. also five adjoining buildings, lss, $80,000. A tire in Boston, Mass., on the 29th ult., destroyed the entire building belonging to Hudson, Dores Co., wan coutenw, taiuw ! at Sl'20,000 tincGov. Brewster, of I-oms- iaua, made a speech ou the 29th ult. favoring the re-nomination ot Gen. Grant and acknowledging the Pack aid Committee as the legal head ol the party in the State. Iowa has a mile of railroad lor every 870 inhabitants. Chicago lias a case of garroting in which all the parties are women. Ground still wmroauds fair price ; 100 by 150 i" tlie burnt dis trict hi Chicago, was recently sold tor 333,000. Lieut. Gov. Fisb of Kentucky, is said to have cut loose from the Democrats, and declared for Grant. The privilege of selling newsja person the Kentucky Central Hail road for 1872 has been sold for f 1, 400. , v- W; 1 ' ! ,,a.s b' HM & Gov. Geary, ot 1'enusylvania, saie or giving away 01 liquor uunog e oetiou days. A gang of burglars, eleven hi number, were irettinir on finely with a bank sate at Manchester, Ohio, a few lta g, when their keg of powder exploded, killing two-, wounding one, and somewhat dis couraging the others. . The Weel fy Standard is pub lished at BiWiios Ayiw, South America, at the following rates of subscription : "Sttliscriptiou, $0 per month. Single copien, "Cireulatioii,f,000." ft is irintel in Knglish, contain eight pages of five small columns cach40 columns in all and is in its eleventh year. An exchange says : "The real au thor of the 'Beautiful Snow' is now driving a fish-cart in llattlelioro, Vermont." So Ik- exchanged his )tegnsus for 11 donkey, and instead pf scaling the empyrean heights, ho scales fish. The " Labor Reformers," who are in the field with .ludge Davis for Presi.lent, polled 310 votes in New Hampshire, on Tuesday, out of a total of over 00,000. Swans have lived three hundred years, and an eagle died at Vienna at the age of one hundred and four years, while crows are believed to attain to a century. The Mobile lifii-iU f thinks that Mr. Belmont and the Democratic National Committee are miming their "masterly inactivity'' into the ground. Kverv railroad in Kfiglaud has a stairway or platform, or some other means of! crossing the track and such persons as disregard the prescribed way and step upon the track are im mediately siea.il and fined $'2f). Andrew Johnson's was the last examp'e we have had of a "mixed" Administration. It was very much such a one as we should get livni a President elected by Democrats and disappointed Kepiiblicaiis. Under Johnson's Administration, during fifteen months, sixty-seven millions of dollars less taxes were collected than during the same time, with the same laws, under Grant's Ad ministration. Do the people like the contrast ? Gen. llichard Stoddard Kwell, one :f the most able Confederate Generals in the battles of Gettys btirg, the Wilderness and about Uictimond in 1861 died in Jaury county, Tenu., January -0th. In giving directions regaining m tombstone, lie laid articu!ar stress iism the tact that he did not desire any word employed in tlie inscrip tion that could reficct in any way ukii the (nivernmeiitofthe United States. Gen. Kwell was Iwm in the District of Columbia in 181K, graduated at West Point in 1840, and resigned his commission as Cap tain in the United States Army in 1801, to take up aims against the Union. The editors of the various journ als in the city of Mexico recently formed themselves into a society, one portion of whoso constitution hinds them to abstain from mutual personal attacks in future, when (lis cussing politic oraiiy other matters. There are some editors in this coun try whose conception ot the courte sies of journalism is such that it would probably lie vastly improved by a visit to Mexico and member ship in tlie society aforesaid. - A Georgia physician has given nublic notice to the saloon keepers of the town in which he lives, that he is a confirmed inebriate, and that if saloon keepers sell him any liquor they will bo prosecuted under the law iu such cases made and pro vided. His method of proceeding is to be commended to all conscien tious inebriates. A 'big husky" attempted to cane a California editor the etlier day. His physician thinks he may recover, but will have one glass eye and a gutta percha nose and a set of false teeth and a patent lower jaw and a Wotsleu knee-cap to make him presentable to the ontwde world. From tlmKied River country a German writes to tlie Illinois Ntaat Zei'wu that, on the banks of the various streams of that region, German settlements arc springing up like mushrooms from the. earth. Flourishing farms now cover the ground but lately a wilderness. : , u. i Albion, Iowa, is charged with an educated hog, wlw can p'ay eu chre, stand erect head downward, drink whisky, and turn a tuner sanlt. Ballarat, Australia, had a goes, whose gizzard panned out 2 dwt. 1 gold, awl a turkey whose gizzard turned out a lot of white and green topazes. .'-' F'orty years ago nearly the whole of Ohio was a dense forest ; now a resolution is introduced in the Ohio legislature to encourage the culti vation of forests. A Detroit thirteen year old t y owns and "runs" a liquor saloon.