The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 05, 1872, Image 6

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In pursuance of tlie action of tlie j
Republican Central Committee of
Linn county, tlie Republican County
Convention will be held in the ( ourl
llou-e in Albany, on
Salnnlny, April Mlh, 1X73,
at .10 o'clock A. M., for tlie the pur
pose of nominating Ibe following can- '
didatcs tor comity officers, to-wit :
Five Representatives, 1 County Judge.
2 Connni.ssioia.i-s, 1 Clerk. 1 Sheriff, 1 '
Treasurer, 1 Seliool Superintendent. 1 j
Assuuor, 1 Surveyor, and 1 Coroner,
and for the appointment of a County j
Central Committee, and for the train- ,
action of such other bwllnwi W may 1
come liefore tlie Convention.
Republicans are rmuened to meet i
at their usual places ot voting in tlieir
several precincts. hi Saturday, the i
Llihdny of April, LS72, for the pur
pose of claavsiug (kdegiites to represent
them in tlie Comity Convention. Tlie
several precincts will he entitled to
delegate in snub County Convention
a- follows:
Lnwiisville. ..
i irleaus
Brush Creek.'.
( enter.
I lani-burg
Sweet Home.. .
Fmnklin Butte.
.. 4
.. .1
,. 3
. :
. l
, o
. 4
.. :
.. l
!, .'
. l
. l
. l
Total number ifeV'Hes 13
Chr. C. Committee.
JfES AX'iio ArvKini:. In looking
for liU'nilr straightforward, tiiir deal
ers, always select those who advertise.
Invariably you will find the uicrchan
they ofler to be of tlie first quali
ty, just as they represent it. and tlieir
prices as low as fair prolit will justify
them in selling. Among the most
enterprbtjlig merchants in Linn county
we may mention the name. of Almou
Wlievlcr. of SheiM an indefatigable,
untiling "rustler," who is always
"i.u lime" with a house full of tlie
test in market, which be sells as low
as the lowest We recommend eiti-
ma In tlie vicinity of Sliedd to call on,
Al. inatsptty. as be has laid in an en-
tire new stock, eintiracing the tatest
and best of everything. Ri ad his col
umn in this issue.
Sotool Elwtiox. At tlie scImoI
meeting last Monday Mr. S. Mont
gomery was elected Director, and Mr.
A. X. Arnold. Clerk. By vote a tax
of two thousand dollars will be levied
on property in t he district for the sup
port of free schools during tWe year,
and a tax of five hundred dollars, tor
tilling up school lot, repairs on build
ing, etc. The Board of School Direc
tors for this District is composed of
the following named gentlemen :
Messrs. Allen Parker, Dr. t.irillin and
S. Montgomery, Directors; Mr. A. X.
Arnold, Clerii.
M'titK LltuiT. A large nuiubcr of
tmr Deiuotralic friendH refused Coolley
the mandates of tlie "old 1k (IrockerS'"
on Jlomlny last, but attended the
sciiool meeting :u,d voted for a tax
levy for free stlstol pnrjiose, The
old wardmrses wotcheil. bnt to no
pnrpose, W tlie lsvs declare they an1
too old to lie kept longer in leiling-
string". Some Democrats herwUimits
have taken the ring from their noses,
and refuse to obey tlie mandates of tlie
old-lime uitippi?rs4ii of Uw iwrty.
ArnnENT. OnSiiturtbiy last Frank
Wilson, a brakesman on the O. it C.
Bui In did. while attempting to get on
the forward part of tlie locomotive at
truiied to tiic gravel tmhi, niisscil
stays, and. hail onejfitut - seriously bi
jured by a car wheel naming ditignn-
ally across It. lie was taktti to his j BwW!t.-'IVl)WrM kcbool
Iknim iu StUem on.Smiday. and the j ,,, North Krfiwiisville. under niauage
ftmMm ys ttw WMital Is a pafoful ment ol Mr. Kerii. gave ail exhibition
one, bnt Ida pfyslAn thinks the foot j w Frkkwming-of Jart week, iu the
can be saved. 1 kImjo) liouse. The large school room
-. . - .1 ... i
e arn tint Anderson Cux. a gwiUenuii
well and Civorablv known rocitiwiis
of Liin conntv, died recently, on his ;
way from tbe I'elouse unnitry to h
htMM, iu Walla Walla, W; ti. of Ml-
ions wile. In former yearn I 'took
an active and part lljthe;
politics of Lhm.eouuty. He was
about sixty ymH of age.
XfcW fjsxms. hir
kept busy as Inmm hniding the new 1
stocks of spring and summer goods re-
.t i. i i... L ;a:....v.. :..
wini fniv(ia?.si ,mj win (iictii(.inws in
L-.-.....I,.-. .1.-..
nun I nuiiji .x. '.m icnii(N(m lw.
, . i. i, ..
1.1-r.ifir hr (111 lllHcIl lavlviop stncltu rial.
P T :
usttuV, aml greater care la, bmi be-
noweu m tlieir selection thau ever
Isjtore. If business ln't lively witli won't be Ijeean'se tliej Hate
not the stocks to select from.
Good Xews for the Possi m. It
is announced that delegates to the
Possum Convention at ladles will be '
larriedon the p. S. X. Co's. boats at
Rkal Estatk. Transactions For
the month of Miti. i. 1SJJ
I. 11. Richardson to T. .T. Hidianl-
. son. $.m.
W. B.TlKSrttfey to B. W, llamil-
a I UHI, ii30.
lK-ury IrJi-v to
David Kirkuitriek,
J II. Harden, IV
0 ( iara Piper,
, f I0H.
.lolin ( ogswcll to
.lolm CMnwe4l to
! ' 'j MeCord
Crooks, s.r0.
to Virginia 0.
IS. W. Crooks m I
IC. Warren, (9,
i. Thomas et al, i
f. H. Iltteln t
J. M. Kecd t ftorid Fromau, $sM.
Sunt. ( ninmoii Schools to . A.
Irvine, $.si.
snpt Common
Sllpt Common
Irvine, $100.
A. K. Wlgle to
Win. Colwell :
I. S, Thomas .
John Beard to .
I.. Higglns to I
P. C. fcincs to
Walter Moutei
shoots to
Schools to
lltl Vernon, $1,-
and T.
.1. Beard,
I. Thomn, $50.
huh Kyrster, $'10.
'irginia Marshal.
to John Irving.
J. ,M. Mover to W
II. Anderson,
W, II. Auiidoii to
lohn McKliuiey,
I'. S. patent toT, .1
Joel Kclchmn to '1'
L-....IL ......
Jenv Driers to t. .r.
' jSKtl,
! ' X. II. Huston $:.7on.
' J.. FleK'l'uier to -.V. I.. Il.ll-ey. jtSoO,
J. Curtis to V- . I.. Il.ll-ev. ji.Vi IJ.
WHHToWk'ii!StoPiiuM lover, 30.
Joseph Snmmerville to W. I.. Ilal
scy, ftlHIi.
A. Vt". I,ameto A. L.( Pinion.
A. Kirk to II. lectors, slut).
A. McNe il to W, F. Barrows,
F. M. Hedtleld to Jolm Conner,
.State of "i 'ivig'Xi to Xiinrod l'riee.
State of Oregon to Julius Gradwohl,
V. S. Patent to W. II. McCulh .
T. S. SninmerS to W. and X. S.
Xixon. $28.
S. Covle to V. A. Patterson, $J.".
W, II. Welds to F. Probst. 1150.
J. Grtldwohl to J. Flelsthtier, 1.
M. Werts to Frank Parton, $l,(HHj.
John Smith to J. 11. Smith, 1,
Uijtgiusto V. ( hataiu. 15.
Total nates tor the mouth, $24.o08 30.
I 'ntBlTTT COtl.T PU0ClJ-:iiI(::
lowing is the list of causes passed uiion
by onr Circuit Cotn-t up to Thursday
iit.t :
Thainas Clemens vs K A Kdiiumson ;
decree for title to real estate.
Oregon vs.) X Smith; indictment
for assault with a dangerous weapon
lined live dollars.
A C I.iyton vst II A Hogtie et al :
deft demurrer to uHFs complaint over
ruled. Stitzel A i'ptn-i vs Weiss & Miller ;
jiKlgrmmr for plfls.
McAlexinKk'rvsShff Ijnncounty;
dccrtT of Injnctlon for pill'.
W M Ketchnm vs W M Gearltart ;
judgment for pltT and foreclosure.
HI. ItutUl vs C M Lee et al ; jiKlg
ment for pltf, ami foreclosure of mort
gage. ()h"goii vs Dun Morris ; sidling liq
uor without license : lined $10.
Oregon v P G 'annichael ; jialg
meiit for pltT, and foreclosure of mort
gage. Oregon vs W Kelley : larceny; ac
qultted, Oregon vs A ll .leiiiiings ; ussanlt :
M II Wallace vs J X Smith ; action
tor dauiage; judgment for nllf in
W II Watkinds vs s A ( lark ; with
drawn by pill'.
Oregon vs M J AHphtii; disiuissed.
K Fox A Bro's vs Joseph Ha'nnon ;
juiknieiit for pltTs.
Lewis hester vs Amaiuia iyeMel ;
idivorce grant
Jacob llrngiiar v
Sophia Bruggar:
(iivortv graiiten. .
Ilepsabah Qneeuer vsJ II Queener ;
dtvnrw 'gijumiiL" ""
! CoVKTio Tlie Kcnnhlican
Pniiuty t'onvcution is called for the
Kith insiaiif -primaries mi the 13th.
To secure a full and free expression of
tlai Voters as -to clinicc in the Selection
of candidates for the various oHices,
tlie. pHinaries sbould li hirgidy at
tended. was packet) nm oi people, win) were i
. . .
ainpij rep.uu iiir nicir nine uy me ex-1
oeHeitt rrtat'atrrtrtleil by rim scholars !
rfti" sctamb- .Mr. k'w ba.giviithe j
PV of .NoYtli TJrXiwiisVie tlie best
j lf jstHHm a A teacher, .
j Mrs Mii.i.kk s Lia r, iiK.-Mrs. M.
Uj. MUte JlWgte the Court House
,, WeilifeAVcven(ng. on tlie'siibhl
; ..ia,hi ur...,o '
r. - . . j, rrwv cm ...... .,-
i tttre," to a crowded audieuce. Those
wbo were in ntteiiilance. praumimf i
flr PW t0 Wk ett',v t nf u'f
Mrs. Miller's eo-hilMirent who Iwm ait.
dtwsed AHbiiiv iiudieiiiis in the (tis 1
i r "
. r - . w. .
. . . . 7 . . " '
more LWHT. Jack Alphin says
aK.tmmi i,,.moet!llT vutl.j or fr,v
sclwl on iloiahjy hnjt wasthey have t
-oeeu 1h oammw tuxl tgnoninue long
enough," aid tls-y proHise noiv to '
go fi)r mote light" through the medi
um of free schools. .lack's head is
level. Lifh. rwi.t vnll...n i
of Oregon contemplate a Mg celebrate
lontlieitliof April.
r.v... n , . 1.1 ,7,1,1 r 1. I'm , I
Pkusoxai.. We were plained to
meet Dri Ballard, of l.elxuion, the
lint of the week,
S. H. Clangbton. F:si of Lebanon.
dropid in a few moments the lirst of
the week.
Mr. J. B. Irvine, ot Seta, smiled
Upon us Tuesday.
Thus. m.. Gata, late ot the Roseburg
I hnxfjH, itllll on luesday. By the
way, Tom. In been appointed U. S.
Assessor lor tlie fvmtliern Distr'u-t of
Oregon, sttcceetling Mr. F. M. Polsom
Gll to see that tlie fraternity are sue
cesst'ul now and then in getting good
Mr. W. W. Parrish. of Seattle, W.
T.. Is ijiemUng a few days in our city,
on lz. The many friends of Mis.
Parrish will be pleased to learn of her
; llliprovetl health since taking tip a res
idence in that Territory,
Rev. A. W. Sweeney and family
leave us for Waitsbnrg, W, T.. Satur
day, to tlie intense regret of our
jM'ople. Mr. Sweeney and his excel
lent lady, during tlieir short residence
among us. by their large hearteduess
and hlgli social ipialitics, have missl
up to themselves n host of true friends,
who deeply regret tlieir removal ftom
iinmng us. We wish lliein a pleasant
mil site tourney to tlieir new home.
v ! and congratulate the citizens of WnUs
Fatilkiier, burg on securing so valuable an addi
tion to their society.
On: Ftsil tVe went tlslilng afrer
lisli last Sftttwlay afternoon, and what
we caught was "nothing to iiotuxlv."
X'here were. two of lis ami a half in the
excursion, tlie half being a small liov.
Himm we look like. Our " eom
pnnlon, a penHuislve talker and strate
getical thinker. WM Qltr main depeiKts
ance for guidance and success. Most
wonderfully were our expectations
realized ill htm. The string of fish
that he snaked out we never inea-ur-cd:
hut anyhow, he wiw sure of one
good bite. Eyeu in tliat be was not
ahead of us. tor we had one bite, lib-
j st mtial, palwble. red-liot, to a little
degree on the baud. "Twaiul a fish.
! though, unless it were one quite small,
j that flew around above the water
; ready to thrust an awful hot "fut" III
' to one's hand, or or anywhere. It
was romantic sjioit, sitting there op
; thai hard log in the hot sun condu
cive to meditation and a loud pain in
the back. We were awfully afraid
trout or gome other kind of a fish !
would bite at our bait, hut they seem
ed to comprehend that it would lie a j
very dangerous proceeding they evi
dently perceived skill and dire intent
perched on that log and dangling on
both sides of it. and they prudently
desisted. Boys on the other side of
the river were pulling nut fish occa
sionally a very plea,siig sight tons,
us we peelfcd hi the siui and Increased
our Imck-acbe. Trout fishing Is ven
due Am. Onr Iowa IHeml left his
bite in tlie river, and we took our-
home witli
us. and will keep It as a
memoiial. We had a nice skiff ride,
toound have been still' in one arm
ever since.
Caterpillars. We learn that the
I orchards in portions C .Marion wamtv
are overrun uith caterpillars, in some
instances destroyll)g tlie entire trnlt
prosixjct for the season. They arc
said tolie niucb nmreairmieiohs Thiti
last season, and of course more destructive.-
Our people should take time
by ihe forelock, tlal take such linsi s.
tires as past xperiwici- has proved cf
fective in stning theil- fi nlt trees from
the atbicksof thes MastHfMWiVrrums. '
"A stiteh in time, "Ac. -
I'atvt BtTTOx-iirfl.E iVoRKERs. i
A. W. Webster A Co. have succeeded ;
iu inventing and patautHlg tlie most
complete butfou-hole worker tliaf we J on Monday evening next. A full tit
Imte seen. It is Simple ami easily I tendance is requested.
managed, ami is aflbrded al u very low I . " ,
nrire. Mr. M. IVrso., 1. fhf ITiV '"'AW.NC-llic dniw.l.g
side, and every owner of a .sewing ma- j
chine should have one.
Iron am .Steki.. Harry Kuhu, of
W. II. Kuhu & Co., has returned froin
Sat) Fmiicisw, bringing a large stock
of 'Spring and Summer'' iron and
steei c isc; wuicn ne is nowojieii-
lor the inspection of the general
public. Von can find tlcni ahuo-t
anything in the hardware line, and
you canmy it at fcire. -j
II.VI.SKY. The Oebathig Club of
rtalsey. it Its'last ineetfng, on Thurs
day night of last week, adjournx-d un
til tlie first Thursday in October. The
last tpiesfioii debated was on tKe&ul
Ject of female snfftnge, a ipiestion
wWehbnmght out tlw whole KtrengHi
of tlie Club.
t,. 1
the ,,IuuiK.In the ;
( - 1..1. n- .( . i ...
' larke-Uatkiiii sense, tiici ast week
' 1 "nr,l
after iHiring the Jiitlge's rha'tgemthe
mry, a bystander remarked: "Wat
kinds uma IS ml tunmploy lawyers.
when he retains tlie Jiale to ilefeml
New OiKiii.s.Blalu, Young & Co.,
have received an immense stock of
goods, among the rest boxes and boxes
a...k... ....i , .....
etc.. and men's boots till you can't
rr lie s :i I 11 .',11 f r..i s unnuu
Wkatueii Kkmkd Knr IIk moot a of
Mareli Uit, kept by J. It. Smith :
Mi ll. Mom. N'n. Sit. Tmn. Wtlir. Wd.
1 SO M & Si
t .vt ,vi m rs
ft m tit w aw
I 54 M M ,v,
3 IS M 4S .VI
II 41 .13 Bfi 4!1
"i SO SI At
S U J tS 47
0 44 33 41 4f
la a'i Hi 4.1 41
II 44 44 4:1
li 41 IS ti 43
Kl 40 ; 41 if
II 40 H 47 4!)
IJ as 50 40 41
10 40 W, 4H
17 m :.4 so 4il
is W M S7 4!)
in 31 M St :l
M 41 m S3 S3
41 4", M SI SO
JJ si ot ss .so
s:t 9) oo .vi so
21 4i 61 SS
i M Ml 05 .Ml
M '40 0-2 SS 5,1
27 47 ol SS M
U 47 61 M 54
20 :!l m 57 50
30 40 50 55 S3
si 33 m m si
0 H
el n
c ti frst
II list
a ii frst
e ii
c n frst
01 II
el 11
cl ll
Otear n
cl n
el n
eld' s
cldy s
Menu tcmtienrtnre for Hie lii'Oilli, 49d
screes. IIiu'liel temiiemt tiro on tlie ikl,
SO; lowest on the liHIi, 41. IlktliuM leui
iieniiiire iluriinf the niotilli on I he 10tli,.v,i:
iowent on the '25th, 30. Cleai dajli K,4lOW
ery 5, luin 3. Wind south 12 (toys, soul h.
wesi 5, north it. FtYWty uiornttiin is.
Cm TiiKAStTiER's' Hi:i'(iiT. Mr.
C. C. Kllhii, City Trensiirer, has kind
ly fnnilslied lis the following financial
statement of the city for the quarter
eliding March list, 172 :
1S.2. ( ityof Allwnv,
Jan. 1 To rash in treasury .
" 1 " for saloon licenses.,
" 1 " -for team licenses...
" I " for iii 1 1 in i.l ...
" 1 ' for hotel " ...
I 0 3S
ilil 10
52 0(1
l i on
20 INI
1 no
10 no
10 00
"1 " for iiim inn u . . .
" 7 " .showman's ' ...
" i l whartlnmir's ' ...
" for violation of citv
OrilillHIK.' SS SO
Total, Inotodtag msb in tramlry,,.449t ot
Contra t'r.
Ily ensh i.jO'l on orders1
for i he (jnarter 370 38 870 r.s
Aiut. In trenniry, April I, ls7 S3 m
Lmi of I.tcrfKits .Remaining in
the post-oJllce at AHwny, Oregon, on
the 1st day of April. 1M72 :
biles, j I) Rrlnuau, ilfia
Bhrrtnf, Jos Briev, .1 ! I'
lin he, tleo Blald, Mtiry K
i l Udiis Jcdiii C Cruse, (;,.('
t'lWknt . r II ( rocket, M.I
inter, K M, MH Dounell, Allen M O
lK nnis, itis Km Furrow, Isaac tV
IreuaS MWH A tiny, K s
Itiiinlltoit, isnm'l (loodiTeli, Mrs K 5 1
iliin. (ieo W llnlliind, Jiihn
ItnhlierT. Alice Hullcrw .1
Umir. James
More, Patrick
Plaster. John s '
liichurdiiou, .Inhn M I
Mmley, Simiiel
ltav, Jllllll
Bohert, M K
s.ivlnr, snnih
So roue, K
liader, A J
SltuileV. W
Shettd, Win W
stvers. Win J
SlIeK, I'helH)
ShllTlll, 111
Smith. .Insenh
saiiin, Hon Jonn llenrv
Whitney, .Jntnej tVllUnnio, ilenrv !
Wimdrurt', T V
A St PllKMK Jt'DOE AS IS. "Old
Fatty." as lie is familiarly called by
the h'hoys, Andrew Jnckson Thayer,
as he was probably christened, tilled
Judge Bonhaui's seat on the Bench in
this city during a portion of last week.
A party, tried and found guilty of as
sault with a dangerous weapon, was
brought before this dispenser of "even
handed justice" for sentence. Old
Fatty, not lieing able to rise above the
tact tliat he had been raised by the
votesol the Democracy from a. I. I',
to a seat on tla) Supreme Bench of Or
egon, fined the aforementioned party
f3 tlie smallest line a .1. 1', can in
flict. Asa profound jurist Old Fatty
leads Doglierry two lengths.
CiiK't'tT coi'RT. On Wednesday
(lie Foster-Monteith ease come up in
the Circuit Omit. There are but two
more cases on tiie (locket, and they
will all probably be attended to and
l ' I adjourn for the term on Satur
Comim;. Twenty -seven men. most
of then! with families, ami all of them
"Black ltMibl leans," Siect to start
from Tazewell coiinty. Illinois, the
prcent,iilonfh, for Oregon,- Let them
come the more the merrier.
I.IBKAKY Meetivi-TIic member
of tlie M. K. Library Association lire
nspiested to meet at tlie M. K. (Mmreh
In the Omaha lottery scheme will not
transpire until the latter, jwrt ot tlie
present month.
Caiciit. ft is iwwrted tliat I jnlor
ette, the prisoner who escaied from
onr ten thousand dollar jail a sliort
time since, lias iN'eu caught, ami will
reach here in time to he tried at tbo
present term of Court.
Pl'SHWfl Ahkak. Ilallett has re-
ceivl oiiler. to .finsh the work lively
on the O. & C. ltallroad, and Hallett's
the 'boy fe obey Wders right Hp to tlie
handle. ,
Mori: Uaii.roah. Holladay. hav
ing purchased the Butte Creek Coal
nmtesr-wttf proceed to build a line of
railroad to I hem. ". ..
i --
llKUoiois.Kider -fohn A. 1'uwell
will iircacliit tlie ("otirt House at 11
o'clock A. M., on the 7th instant
next Subbath. All are invited.
Let !
Ksvx jtniKNT Meet to-uigiit .
theif be a lull attendance.
K a i.ik kr. L JI. Beach has some of
the prettiest ealiker hi tlie city.
Financial. tiold In Xew York
H0'4. Ugaj tenders, KOiSl 'ay-
Xo market to speak of this week.
llL'siues o-so.
Ti.MrKitANCf. Ln-n ke. Father
I liarman. (Jrand Leetnrer for the I. . i
HftMl mtm&iM ttie M. Br
: hiirch in this city on Tuesday even-:
ing. Hie house was well tilled, and
I the lecture well received. We were
! not fortunate enough to hear him. ;
. owing to press of hussiness.
Divonptp. 'Ilinee dlvoreea were
I granted by the present term of our '
.Circuit Court.
DIstiiKT Sf'lliKii.. It Is tttiderstood
: that Mr. Foshay has breil employed
as principal of tlie District ScIiikiI In
place of Mr. M. C. fJeorge. resigned.
WkathWi has lieen siiS'rsplendid
during the week.
Forwariiiii& Commission Mcrctiaiit,
Agent forthesaleol'tlirrolelinitrd I1AIN
WAUOX.aud all kinds of AGHK't'tTTR
Conslsfiunents solleilcd.
TIWX LOTS, In Hie toM M of Sliedd, for
dk. va m:. in iti, ii
InnilllMc Worm Styiup.
Its viilitciitreiiinvfuifiiijisscsnferudilics
from tin? stoinncli uii'l howelxof children, 1
even where worms ifonot exist, cannot be
t(Mi lllxhlyestllllilled.
Keveramt ..iie. IVmono Ixvotulinr dc- !
btHtntisf liy the pi.Ncnee of wonns in I tie j
stimineh or bowels, are niniv liable to Imve
ti prnloieted tiontno Of chills mid fever,
'CJie worm O'lnedhs have lieen known to I
c ure when nil Other rune Men hav e tailed, j
6(neelaliy in ohilUien.
Vov nolo by a. Carothom .t to., wholesale
alio retail anumstti, AHfiinv, dr. rrlw
one. iloUur iKi uotlle.
. llioJimi
iiopk roit Tin; ait im ti:,.
siKH-dv relief and enro for Clironlc Ids.
enses, by Hie new and eclenlillc treatment
as pmcttcotf ly
lr. Aborn.
Labocatoiy, Coimalthya nnd Oneraimit
AirtltKaits, corner of Third and Morrison
st o e s,
No ebiiic fiir consiillutioii. Tcrnis of
livotineiit i( asonalile. Taniplileis scut
free. vlnHlnii
j o. HI Fronl Mml, Portlniid, Or
ItEAl, ESTATE In thlsnTViiiid EAST
I'dltTI.AMJ, in the most desirable loeall
lies. eonsisthej of l.dTS, IIAI.E IU.(H KS.
and CLOCKS. norSESand STOKES ; also,
IMPHOVEH FAltMs.and valuable nu
cultivated LANDS. located In ALL urtsof
the STATE for SALE.
HEAL ESTATE, and other jirnpcifv.
pui'i based fnrromspondonts. In ttdst IT'Y
and tbrmurhont the STATE and TKIIKI
TiillIKs, with irreai rue and on the most
HilI'SES and STORES leased. LOAN'S
sctapnoxs promptly collected;
and H acueral FINANCIAL awl AliKNCY
Ilt'SISESS InmsiM'tCTl.
AliENTS.rf this OFFICV In nil the IT-
TIES u lid TOWNS In Hie STATE, will re
ceive descrlpi inns of FARM PROPERTY
and forward Hie siaic to the iilwve ad
dress, vj
Hoi.lowav's Pills axd Ointment.
' S wfula w unconsidered fiWMraMc until the
I -'real discovery of "Hnllowny's Pills and
I ointment" flashed upon the world, m.
''as'., w liieh lialtlc the skill of. the incdiml
sebool. readily vleld totlHiHrles!rriii-
edles. Scurvy, ErysiiielmsSoilrlieuni, Iti h
and all cutnncous eruptions iiivcunible ity
inein. -ii cents T mix or .t.
I Apiil .1,1, 1. Sda, at (he residence of
' Rev. John Ostrander. near Scio, Uev.
.lolm Ostrander oflielatlngi Mr. W. X.
Simlur. of Scio, t4)Mi Ida B. Moss.
of Washlligtofi Territory.
We congratulate friend Snyder on
bis good luck, and wish him and Ins
I handsome bride all tlie pleasures that
1 flow from tle pinup of two loving
hearts. .
i ii 1 1 ii.
i Iii Ilanislairg, oil the auth mt.,
! (icorge Vanosterji. of pneumpnia ty-
, l""w,ft! ,n ir'fu 3'ir ,'f'lSt'-
liie iliHTs(,t was lihrn hilaucoek
county. Virginia, lie le.'ivo k wife, a
step-child, one brother MMUUter to
mourn his loss. He was nXlnd hus
band and father, a gtHHl citizen, and
leaves behind him niiihv warm
friends.. J. II. Muniiis.
To the Citizen of
Brownsville and Vicinity.
4. noiinre Hint tliev are IN I K1'KN I iKXT
CammbaTbh, m t acntuviiiait of nil tfte
o O X
they can get, Tor which they will pay the
! sm'ff?M;r?!:'I
In Casli ortioodd. Also, they have a full
Block of
tl Kit KRAI, xkrchasiiiike
on ni.l. wWeh'fheitn.. ( MwW'Atei
for CASH or J'lKIJifccii.' .
KIkk, nt'MK CO.
I. N. Call on iu belore rMHlMg lor
your Wool,
llrowiisville, March i, 73-.IUIU3
tticvoimrlncrshlp Inwintore mfMlJiR
Iwlweim W. J. Ulltnnnioi anil imvin .111
draws, in this day dliwolvud by iimtmil
miiHeiit, W.J. Ililtabldel inylnit all debts
and lweii iiiinill moneys dun said Arm.
A I' I illll' tt!Illl,'l
Alhnnj', March U, IS7M1I
cw Burbcr tsltop,
(iiwncd a new liarlH.'r li(ip.op First
sir"'!, three doors went of Conner's RatiK,
wheni he will In- plinSed to see all iieMons
Shnvhiit, hslrs'iitflnir, Hlritnipoiiliijf etc,
done, In thouiosl satis.iu'torv manner.
Alliuny, i'cliniary HMKI
Aixl .tconiiiuliito
E A L T H ,
itv tit vim; yoi'tt
H 0 T I OU S,
-AN 11-
S'l'OHi; OK Till: NI'mtniUKH,
At all Tlmea,
A tiood Assortment of the
Merchantable Produce
Hhvdd, OMgoa, AprU S, U-U