The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 05, 1872, Image 4

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V. S. OfBelal ri) r for (Infm.
Record of tbo Itipohltciin forty.
The record of the Kepublican
party since it catpa ii(tb power, is
one to which it rnaj ever revert
with pride and c.ihunv!nation. The
brightest pages of political history
fail to chronicle a (dearer typed
official wisdom, vlrtuo and sagacity,
than is now attested in imperishable telegraph lino from the Missouri
letters npon the voluminous pages river to the IVific ocean, thus rcn
of Republican history. The public dering that vast extent of country
measures and acts of the RepublU
cau liarty in the interests of eivili-
zation, for the protection and en-
largement of the blessings of civil
liberty, securing equal rights to
every inhabitant, without regard to
raee, color or condition; having
saved the nation from death and
infused into its vitality a more vig-
orous liia, a mow perfect union;
having rescued the millions of
slaves from k'artlcss Democratic
oppression, and given to them equal
vigltts ; having extended the hand 1
of legislative sympathy and encbur-1
agement to the laborer and the xor,
by opening to their possession and
ownership the whole area of the
public, domain, except a small poT,
tion granted to induce the construe-
tion of roads; these, ami kindred
acts of wisdom and enlightened
statesmanship, extending frtim the
development of the physical inter-
ests of. the country and people, to
the intellectual and moral culture
of the latter, and this, too, in spite
of the most strenuous and bitter
opposition of the Democratic party
at almost every step, all furnish
laml-marks to which the Republi-
can iiarty can point with pride, and privilege; it passed humane Indian
gather from them fresh inspiration laws; it passed a measure providing
to impel tliem to greater achieve- penalties for the illegal registration
merits. of votes, for frauds, false swear.
Think of the condition ot the ing, etc, and providing that here
country on tlie 4th of .March, 1861, after all votes cast for Representa-
when the Republican party, an
thorized .by the voice of the people,
first assumed control of the Halls
of Congressional Ixgislatioii
Sontliern States passing their arti
cles of secession and in open rebel
lion ; armed legions gathering like !
swarmillir locilstS miOll Soutliem i
plaina; Washington rilletl with I
traitors and spies; the nary in for- j
eign seas; the army in small de-
tacliments m KiBWieTn tort or nis.
1 ant stations; the annories empty; :
the national treasury bankrupt ; j
the whole country in commotion ; I
neighbor looking with suspicion
upon ncighW, and secretly arm
ing how inanspicions! What
portents of gloom and irretrievable
disaster were here to noiierve, to j
discourage! But armies were soon
raised, a navy was soon built, tlie ;
credit of the country was soon re-
stored ; battles were soon fonght,
victories won, and confidence aud j
lasting peace in the end secured
To accomplish these results, the loft
icst courage and ability, as well as
the trnest patriotism, were evoked.
The history of modern politics fifr-
nishes no parallel instance of such
it a i j ' :
uie ami grana result nowiug-owr
from circumstances so inauspicious ,
and discouraging. Tlie Republican
party, not only in its conquest of
the rebellion, but in ail of its re
construction and other Congression
al Acts and Resolutions, has ever
aimed to promote tlie best interests
of the entire nation, by striving to
render the condition of the whole
people freer, happier aud more
prosperous, With this object in
view, it liberated the slave; it
Itassed an act to protect all persons
in the United States in their civil
rights and to furnish means for
their vindication ; it " pasted the
Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fif
teenth Amendments to tlie Consti
tution; it prohibited tlie Coolie
trade ; it established the Depart
ment of Agriculture for the benefit
of the farmers of this nation ; it
enacted the Homestead law, by
which every laborer may have and
enjoy free his portion of tl public
domain ; it provided for the educa
tion of the children of the District
of Columbia, in public (dn4s
since tliJcloK or the rebellion, five
and a half million doflars have
been appropriated and nd under
the direction of the Froedmen's
Bureau, fdr educational purposes ; progeny ot the poor for whom or H0t doing. August Belmont,
and under the reconstruction policy they protess so much symjathy now Oiairmau of the National Demo
of a Kepublican Congress, even-' should grow up in ignorame, ,.,-atie Committee, I'omerov's aris-
! Srmlhern SUte has adopted a com-
mon school system, and multitudes
of children are now attending
school where before there were
none. The Kepublican party passed
an Act which residted in the build-jests
ig of the Pacific Kailroad and
convenient to homestead oecupa -
tion ; it donated public lands to
the several States and Territories, locks, and that, too, in the face ot a
which may provide-Colleges for ! bid from responsible parties to buiM
the benefit of Agriculture and Me- j the locks for seventy.fivc thousand
chanicarts; it formed a treaty with j dollars less. That two hundred i
Great Britain for the suppression : thousand dollars was intended l" :
of the African sluve-trade ; it pro-; be used for tlifl one sole purpose
vided a National currency, scoured of educating the children oT this ;
by pledge of I 'nited States Stock, J State in "orthography and syntax," l
and arranged for its circulation and j etc.; and the Democratic liOglRhV
redemption; it passed an Act tojture committed a great error, as
provide for the safety of" the lives j well as a palpable fraud, in thus I
of jassengers on bonnl of vessels j misappropriating those hinds. We j
propelled by steam ; it established jsumiise. however, that ttio fault of j
a Department of Education ; it es- j mwderwg tlie "King's English"
tablished a uniform system of bank- j is not confined to Republican,
ruptcy throughout tlie I 'nited platforms alone. It is said that !
States ; it abolished the system of j Ben. Harden,' Chairman of the '
peonage in the Teiritory of New j State Democratic Committee, in the j
Mexico and other parts of tlie j examination of Dr. Kelt in the case
country ; it furnished relief for the ; of Clarke vs atkinds, in this
destitute people in the Southern ! city the other day, asked the Doc- j
and Southwestern States; it im- j tor "it he had made a diagnosis of j
posed taxes on distilled spirits and J his (Clarke's) physiology?'' If the
tobacco; it issetl an Act to pro-j Republican platform contains any-
tect the rights of pnilbpt tiHj-lMiiaiwloly! mmmitti
American citizens in foreign conn-1 and absurd than that, we are '!
tries; also one to protect tlie rights j favor of revising the instrument.
of actual settlers upon the public
lauds ; it regulated the franking I
tives to Congress shall bo hy writ- j
ten or printed liallot only; it passed !
an act to enforce the powers of the ' moneys take their legitimate chan.
Fifteenth Amendment to the Con- j ncls, we will forgive tlieirbad Eng
stitution, to suppress conspiracies of lisli.
Ku-Klux outlaws, and protect the j
Wal people ot the South against
rrtMiima Karlrtanf aKassins . Tlimp.
alMl a great many other acts of the
Republican party, too mimeronsfor
m to enumerate, are splendid moi
uments, imperishable in their dura-
tion, which now, .and for all time
to come, shall attest the wisdom, !
the courage, the patriotism, the
humanity, which enlightened the j
mind nerved the arm, aud inspired
the sonl of the Republican party of !
this nation, to originate and enforce
them. With such a record before j
. wjtli tlie public debt diminish- j
jg at tlie rate of from five to j
twelve million doljars per month ; j
WltS( internal duties awl custom I
taxes heinc red need at the rate of a !
onarter ot a million rwr annum : I
with a I'reaident at the helm of'
State, who dares to cross the wislies
and dictations of political friends,
rather than violate his sense of duty
and justice, may we not increase
lealty to we party, ana wim
reiiewed energy (trees forward to
brighter victories T
Some of our Democratic cotem
poraries are very much exercised
over tlie "orthography and syntax
oftlte Republican platform," which
wm paused by the late Convention
at Portland. It is a healthy indi
cation for the interest of educa
tion in this State to see these jour
nals thus engaged. The record of
the Democratic party on the educa
tional question, in its relation at
least to Public Schools, is none of
the brightest, either in this State or
in California. Just at this time the
Democrats in tlie California Legis
lature are maintaining a position of
opposition to educational matters,
especially those which favor unlver-
sal education. The compulsory plan
is peculiarly obnoxious to the
Democracy down there, as it ap-
plies in its provisions to the colored
boy and the Indian as pertinently
41' I l 'I
as to the wh. Although the
bill proposes to wdticate these da.'
separately, yot these "Cursed be
Canaan" Democrats, prefer that a
: large class of white childreu, the
rather than iavor a measure which
will educate a'l children alike,
j Here in Oregon, a Democratic Leg-
Mature possessed such a high a-
prec iatioii of the educational inter-
ot the Nate, and took such a
I deep interest in the woltareot the
)eople's children, as, without the
shadow of a law to justify them,
to appropriate some two hundred
! thousand dollars of the Public
i funds for the purpose of building
I he tact is these same Democratic j
critics are noue too wise in their j
knowledge of English grammar.
We might quote passages from Pron 24,921,000 j Roman
some of their journals which are j CjU.i,olicS) 15,594,000 ; Jews, 490,
palphle violations of tlie plainest 1 000 . Minor christian sects, 114,
rules. Jf they will only take & m. Greek Catholics. 2.900 : Ma-
step farther, however, and come '
out in favor of universal education,
and, in the future, let the school!
nh Tnxoa.
Tho aasortion ttiat tKo '
T . .. ,
j can party in its policy ia no friend
of the jwor man, is unwarranted :
' by facts, aisl comes with about as
much semblance ot consistency j
from the Democracy, as an asser-
tion or pretension to truth would
.come from "Old Awk." It is a t
matter of Congressional record that j
every attempt which has been made j
by the Republican party in Con-;
gress with a view to reduce taxa-
tion, has been opposed most ear-
nestly by Democratic members ;
but notwithstanding this persistent
opposition, the Republican party
has, by its own inherent strength, ;
expunged from the tax-lists some
tvdve thousand artkk. thus re-!
paling direct taxes to the amount j
of over $80,000,000. The public
debt is a Democratic legacy tlie
cause of these high taxes and the
Republican party are paying that
' i - -
n. . ucr 1
lkm dollars per annum, while Dem
ocracy stands off and sneers at it.
Four villains went to the house
of a farmer named Shetle, living in
McCraken county, My-., and render
ed him insensible by forcing him to
take an opiate. They then entered
the houe and attacked the wife and
daughter, the latter aged fifteen.
Tlie women resisted and the daught
er was knocked down three times,but
Anally both were tied down and out
raged. Two of the perpetrators of
this hellish act have been arrested,
and the exasperated neighbors are
in search ot the others. If ever
mob law were justifiable, its exer
cise in this case would be appro
A St. Louis girl lately fired at
and severely wounded her father
because he endeavored to prevent
her elopement with a negro coachman.
J r'MM" " "";
i T,,e leading Possum have been
.holding a )ow.woir at Washington,
recently, for tlte purpose of swap-
,jj, i,i(as on the question of doing
tomt, was there, awl about forty
of the leading I)emocTatie possums
0f Kith lirancliesot Congress: Such
om M ( ass,.,. V( Frnifilc Blair,
Stockton ,) Bayard shot oft' their
n,0fjls ; 0piKMttrnv to holding a
Convention or indicating any policy ;
or position until after the meeting
of the Cincnnati Convention. They
were all agreed that a coalition
with the Republican "sore heads"
was an absolute necessity as a meas-
un, 0f strength, but they were1
ifornjst" yielding any of their Dem-
wratic pritHUphS! They thought!
Wouirl )10t Imprudent for Demo-
,.rats to participate in the Cincinnati
Convention. They were prudish,!
verv ,,hy, about endorsing Judge'
)avis. They talked atwut the (
(aaibtlities of nominating Trum-1
hull, Brown, etc., and in all of these
proceedings, they well sustained
tht.jr ponsum proclivities.
The ptpolation of the German
gjr,jre jy j.,st C0M:in. we
40,107,42. The pres.
ent confederation includes twenty-!
five (Hnct jn.iejH'iidcnt. States, 1
wvcn distinct nationalities having
lately been amalgamated bv Prussia,
The population is distributed over'
area of 9,91 f srpiare miles. I
BaSWtefe ewtitRfl txtejres8irta I
. and Riech-i
sta two bodies somewhat aualo-
mm tft otir Senate and House of
Representatives, in munliers pro-'
1)()rti0lied to ponnlatioii The reli-'
. . donB. Mh j
hommetlmia , fonfuci-an s,etc .,0 ,000.
"'nrjr Time."
Tlie Eugene Guard says the sit
nation has liecome very interesting
since the arrival of the instruments
in that place for a band. Of an
evening he hears E-flat murdering
cm. !,! Ll. -x
rsnainus t nnen in onetjunner 01
the town, the R-rlat screeching
TaK;e me Home" in another, and
m on . aiK tlien the (hiard tries
,anr at a "flat " and succeeds
most admirably in getting one off
when it says, in snlistanec, that a
few lcpnblicans in this State are,
beginning to experience a growing
interest in the Convention to be
j,ej at Cine:nnati. Democrats are
the ones who are playinc "Possum
p a g,,ra 8tump " "sharp," on that
Convention, but Republicans
Tiuu" "Hui.-
Democratic journals here in Ore-
Son generally expend their amuni
on 0,1 RejmMkan game; but the
Eugene Guard, in its last issue, j
takes hold of our neighbor Brown's j
"snot-horn" in the following style :
The Albany Democrat wants to I
uu i .k... ,.,.; !,.... ,.r v..
Mi"T ii inn uruimr uniiicw, vi r.u
won't pmich him in the siioot
If such thiol should be done the j
smell of the whisky that has been
concentrating in that snoot during
the many years that Brown has i
been a walking sign for a gin-mill
would be terrible worse than the i
breaking loose of forty lodges of
Good Templars.
. Tlie revolutionists of Mexico are
I rerrMJU "V" " 8",u mmuKT
. J i : :. 1 .1
v iciory. j lie .i tiansi urcc.s uuuer
"Gen. Rochahave been entirely jitt
ed by tlie forces of Generals Doncto
and Guire. The latter pursued aud
routed the army back to Zacatecas.
Tlie victory has produced great re
joicing in .Monterey and Camargo.
"Madam," said a cross-tempered
physician to ft patient, "if women
were admitted to paradise, their
tongues would make It a purgatory."
"Aiid some Miyslolans, If allowed to
practice there." replied the lady,
"would make it a desert." The op
pressed one bad him there.
There is a family in California nam
ed Wliiskev-rieh. There's a good many
families who do not hold but better de
serve the name.
A m nn: highest mahkkt price
l. will In- for
AY 0 0 L ,
delivered t shedd during "the season.'1
March tMoniS
KoUlldS, WlMMlctMk &. Co
Proprietors A Manufacturers of
Grain Separator,
Received the Diploma at the State
Fair of 1871.
Thcw Machines an wai'mutci siilwtnn
tlslly mode, and are not n iw nucpeiwil
in clctuiiii Wheal lor need, nml Are i"nal
ly an koo'I foreleaulng ihiik.
s n'l in mr 0i1erS,and we will warrant
satisfaction. Address.
Rotntrji, WOODCOCK A V,0..
Juuottoii t 'itv.or.
Jan.-iB, lSTi-21m3
Groceries & Provisions,
establlslimcut on corner of Ellsworth
ami First stm-ts, with n Inwh slock ot
Oroeortes, PrM'tHlons, ('andies, Chmrsv To
bocco, Ac, to which he invites tho atten
tion of our citizens.
In connection with the store he will keep
n Bukttry, and Kill alwaj-s have on huml a
full supply of fresh lreud, crackers, Ac.
liiS" Call and sec me.
February wi vt
Mis. BriflKefUrinvr
of Albanvand vieinitv, that Ml-s M.
M. JOHSSOS has taken charge of her
Millinery mid Urrm-NMlilMir More.
Siie is iiropared to do all kimlt of work
in that line.
Allmny. Jan. 1, I87J.J0II
HARDWARE for BnUdors, for Smiths,
and for Fanners sold by Wheeler, at
SHKDD. . Iiv4
Willamette Transportation
Company !
further notice, lhe(.'miany will dis
pateh a Umt from Albany to ( orvalllson
Tuesday and I rldnj of Earn Week.
Also, will dispatch a boat from Albany
for Portland and intermedial places on
same days, having Cointdock k Co. s
Fare at Reduced Rates.
1, D. RILES,
Doe. 16, W71-16
Impveu Band
H'uodi'WfA Flanm,
Moliiing Mm hint,
Mutton, and even'
description of Wood
work i ui; Machinery
X I'inuiui! Mill m
plies. Address
Machinery l)eiot.
112 'allfornin-St., San r ranciscn.
Plows and nil kinds or Agricultural
Muchincry, sold by WHKEI.KR, ot Hbcdd.
Trl-Weckl' Stage Line !
rpiIK l'.N'I)KliSl(!NEl I now running a
I t rt-weekly slane from Ibnnon to Al
bany, carryinR (ha t'. H. Malls, leaving
I.ehiinon every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday morainus, and returning, leave
Albany at ioVloelt P.M. of middays.
l'nssenuors railed for In any part of tbo
city. All orders should be left at the St.
Charles Hotel. Albany, for paHMtngrn or
freight for Lebanon.
Puckafies aad Ibfht freixht punctually
delivered al low rate. All business en
trusted to me will be promptlv attended to.
W. B, DONAf'A.
Lebanon, Feb. Is, 72-2 lv
CANDIES, SUT8, I1AISINS, etc., frwtl
and cheap, by 3v4 Dt 1H U.S.
For JgaJLo, I ,,
undersigned, six miles south of Alba
Jan. 6, 1872-lStnJ
esl of G. W. Young i,, the
Ocllvrrj Business,
lam prepared to do any and all kinds of
lobs, on short notice and with nnlck dis
patch. Terms rmmnahle. l"ackages de
livered tri any part of the city. E" - Look
out for the KAY TEAM and JOB WA(M)K.
ihl A. K. ARNOLD.
0 S4 Dtllois.
m. f. jonbsT
A. C. Layton,
and complete supply of
Tobacco & Cigars,
WlHcli I will sell for cnnti as low as tbo
lowest, of exchange for nil kind of uiur
cliantttble t0lTRY PRODUCE!
Ueccived anil In store a large quantity ot
which I will re rheaper than ever befoN
otl'ered in this niurket.
Cirl extend a general invitation toailja
tstTpeopic in ihis and adjoinlnjjj
t-iTeounties, to rail and exani-jpg
Itjj-inc quality and prlcesjM
t jTof Koods, as 1 ferUpj
t-iT eontlilent of mv
, 6sT5
General Repair Shop.
L turned (o Albany, and taken his old
shop on corner of Kllswnrth aud Seisind
si rei-ts, aunounoes bis readiness to atuuid
to alikindsof
KORir.Ky, ETC.
Also, haa on hand and for aale, tbo
Straycr Forco-leed
and other PLOWS,
which ho 7111 sell on the most rwwonaUe
All work eutrnsted lo me will reeetfe
iiroinpl attention, and he exewuted in the
U'St Msslble munner, with good material.
A hare of public patronage is solicited.
Carshopon corner Ellsworthand Second
sttvels, opposite Pierce Eerrv.
10v4 'E. WOOD.
Lard Oil & Soap
1 pleletl and put in good running ordur
I heir new
Lard Oil and Soap Manufactory.
In the city of Allmny, are prepared to pur
chase, at the highest cash rates, all the
Hogs, Raneld Butter, Koap
Grease, cVc,
delivered to them in Hits city.
They arc now manufacturing and hw
on huud
Fancy Toilet and Common Soaps,
In great variety, warranted on,tial to th
best in market! which I hey offer to tlM
trade t the most reasonnhln ran.
Orders reaper! fully aolicltod. ttitisflks
tion guaranttsjd.
ftjr Part lea having Hogs, Itnncld Hut ter,
or i reuse of any kind, for sale, will do wu4
to give ns a call. t
Nov. 11, W71-10V4