The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 05, 1872, Image 3

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    lift 11, 1 , II-
A. B. MOKI"".
Huvf enitstnntly nvx I mini a turKCuntf VftTl
t'.il'ftMorttucni of
wlilcli they offer on tho niosi reiisonuiile
Also, on tin ml the eolelimted
Mitchel Wagon,
Lk'hl and heavy.
AtlVHiirv iiimle oh lir.iln, Wool,
nnil ilrtier approved meivlinudliw eonsUrn
v fur.suV her", or lor shipment lo Port-
lunifor sun KiunvJitL-ik
Taken ill Utore, or pitreliiineil ut the
est market priee.
500,000 pound of AVool !
For which We will make lilpcrul lelvuneeo,
unit pay Ihe hlgUenl marcel price in canh.
Alhaiiv. MrtvH I.V2S
iSiicccuHor of A. Cowan X Co.;
Lebanon, Oregon,
IValev in-
liKV iiisil :s,
nil tiw sile :it the liOWMt ftkm for Va .1 h
or 1'rtitl iter.
g-,r" All ixirwilis owing A. Cowan A Co.,
can -cltlc hv culling on lue ill l.ehnnon.
E. ). WHITLOW & CO.,
Importers and Healers In
Upholstery Goods,
rirwt-fit., ;t itoot wlow Connor1 ltiuik,
ai.kam', bffe:0,
Keeps lonslantly on hiincl fur sale
Black Walnut Patlov
and Chamber Setts,
Painted Chamber Setts,
Dining-room and
Kitchen Furniture
of all kinds; -
I'l 1.1 A K( KKK A UKIIS,
iuh kim; i H ll:s.
jii in: M S,
s r ?Q
In all It launches. Orders llllisi with
. .iniiipliii'i-nnd U"i(ilcli.
It e'pii i rl us; A iff ii ii ii fuel iirtiij;
done to order.
KSfiinrt itchtirl ionnyiyirt prthe tty
frif All our work win -muted. .5-;)
Give ns a Call nd Examine Mr
Stock. f
COf'Kl S mudu to oi lier on Hhort nolki.
IVhruaryli, T2-2J ."rvnj
C-l I palll fot VllKT. OATS, PllllK.
Ilutter and Kxh ly WHKKI.KK. nl
noimlalii BiiIiii.
CoI.Ih. or Mver ('omiilnint, the flAI.M
1-imaliiahle, as ninny iinve lieen resloii'd
ly Its piirifvlntf flRet on thu svstem
inatlV who have Im-cii (lled inciimhle.
lioeoiiimHDdWi It innnv phvuMiins of
theconiitrv.andftii siiluhy nil tlrn&tflsts.
rivimredandsol'l ly
J Hnoiissottnieiit, X m low
I.Kll.ul shedd.
by WltKK-
mmUkimlmmmmmmmm m i
r.wmr wast sewn.
Whisky dealers at PiimplireyV
l anding iiiive" lieen selling their
liiiids without license, and the law
is alKiut to cluti'h them,
.Marshal Winn is to establish one
ice house at Seattle and another sit
Olympia, to lie tilled from Sitka.
7'ho form of the fourth page of
the San Fram-i-co J&namiiHH't wn
taining the legal advertisements,
was pied on the h'Otli ultimo by a hours after the accident.
collision on the street of San Frau- : Two IiuihIuhI and twenty-one
eisco. I pupils have attended the Willa-
A Chinese burglar was caught in j mette University this year,
a drug store in Situ Francisco on George Cottinian ofFiigcnc had
the ilOth u t., with a box of opium ; his hand badly cut by a saw last
valued at a small fortune, which week.
he was in the act of carrying pfl Miss Ada Scrilier, of Salem, was
William Cullenaud J.K. Groat, i thrown from a horse near J.incolu,
convicted of stage robljeiy in Sacra- J on the 2fth ult., and Iter foot catch
nicnto, Cal., were each sentenced to ing in the stirrup, she was drawn
seveu years in the Penitentiary oil some distance lclbro released. She
the 30th ult. j 'as considerably bruised aliotit the
T. II. Allen committed suicide in ' head and person, though not seri
Sau Francisco by shooting himself j "iisly.
through the head with a pistol, on Baseball is the rage in Jackson.
the!! 1st ult.
Some of the defoliates in the lien.
ton county Democratic Convention,
stuffed the liallot-lwx tor their fa
vorite tor County Treasurer.
Mr. C. A. Peed, ol Salem, has
been employed to paint a picture of
Mount Hood, the painting to be
4x0 feet.
S. A Morclaud has joined the ed
itorial force of the Qrvgotridit.
L. Goodman, an old and reflect
ed citizen of Portland, died last
Saturday night,
''he sills tor a new building on
Ilolladay's wharf at Astoria have
been laid.
Cement is lieing manufactured at
Astoria of a good quality by Mr.
I jiion county lias instructed its
Mate Democratic Delegates toxtt'
tor J Ion J. 1 1. Slater (or t bngiw.
Ex-Sheriff Carson of Piercecoun
ty has disgorged 400 the amount
overcharged in his hill Ibr transport
ing prisoners.
The real estate market at Salem
and hi the vicinity is "looking up."
The Possums are to rally at Sa
lem on the 30th day of April.
Professor .Ma;sh says that the
scenery on the Columbia river is the
most magnificent in the world,
A maniac named l)e Mange sue
ceeded in making his escajie from
the Asylum at Fast Portland one
day last week, and proceeding to a
house owned by him in the city, ic
eup'edbya negro and family, de
manded admittance. On lieing re
fused he resorted to stones and cur
ses, almost bleaching the inmates
white with terror by his violence.
Eventually a posse, headetfTiy the
City .Marshal, after several bruises
had been received, secured and
lodged the maniac in the Asylum.
The contract for setting out and
properly caring tor sliado trees on
tlie streets of Portland, has lieen
awarded to Louis O. ltiinder, the
contract to last for three years.
Elm, Kiplar, maple, locust, and
cypress ait the kinds selected.
A new ferry across tlie AVilla
mettc at Salem about, half a mile
below the present one, is talked of!
Eighty-five thousand dollars was
recently in the Custom House at
San Francisco for duties on Austra
lian wool imported on the steamer
Lizzie Harry trial to commit
suicide iu San Francisco last week
by jumping off tho wharf, but whs
resciieJl.r-rte1iws 'tlie ninth tin
sucwapt jtora that gave
witlun a voMj,
A Mexican officer in San Fran
cisco, iateij wiHvwf fiwn New
Vork, calliiig hiihself Francisco
Mei 10, so doeuly ivsuaibleh. 1 )ia, as
tobeUken fwr him by ,Veicans
generally, in spile of his afUons
d'the'swtiteli. ' '
Jeiorte from Lono Pine, Cal.,
March 29th, sua that town is
in ruins. 7'wen'ty-tlnw peoule
were killed and about thirty woun
ded from tlie effects of the earth
quake. There were five hundred
heavy shocks in three hours, and
about fifty bouses; wore shaken
dwuo tx c jt t o ss
Ueujln and liberal Mormons
arc getting" htaroiig mentor; at
Salt Lake, protesting against the
admission of I' tab. Six thousand
signatures arc oxieeted.
On the evening of the 28th ult,
lauies L'ogers, while standing
alongside the wood platform of the
Carson Bailroad, Nevada, reading
a letter, was caught by a starting
train and rolled and jammed in a
horrible manner, lie lived two
Jacksonville Times savs
that .Mr. L II. Zig-k-r in cleaning
up a portion of his claims last week
realized about SnS5 to the hand per
day. This week the pay is not so
good, as the licd-rock raises rapid-
Typhoid fever prevails among the
children at Jacksonville to a con
siderab e extent.
A little boy was painfully injured
in 1'ortland tlie other day by lieing
thrown from the railroad track by
the locomotive. The youngster
was on the track endeavoring to
see how near the locomotive emvM
! come to him without injuring him,
! and jimmied just late enough to lie
struck and thrown some distance.
Snake river is still too low lor
steamer navigation.
J larrisburg lias the amateur-theatrical
Joseph lliitchings, of Boise City,
1. Tj was found dead in Slater's
Creek, says the JIkmIiI. lie is
supposed to have had a lit was a
native of Manchester, England.
There is small pox in I' tali.
Quite a large number of cases have
Koseburg is smiling broadly at
the awkwardness of beginners on
her new skating rink.
Jacob Couser is an mdejicndent
candidate tor sheriti of Marion conn-
Mr. Ernest overturned his hack
between Salem aid JSethcl la4
week, and had his leg between the
ankle and knee badly crushed by a
grave stone, which he hail in the
hack, falling on it.
James Dixon gets a year in lim
bo at Olympin for lwrrowinga shot
gun without lenre.
Olvnipia is to 1 supplied with
water by a main from Tumwater.
Some rather high proceedings
have taken p'nee at i )wyhee. On
the 20th ult. notitws were posted
over the different mines notifying
John Jewell, the foreman iu the
Mahogany mine, to leave iu twenty-
1 ,,..,.,1.1 l, fl.n
lour noms ut iikiui inraiu ,,,v i
pna'ty; signeiby inany miners,
Report says the objection to Jew
ell is his tyranny over the miners.
He, however, doii'l propose to leave,
birt fortified himself with ftvo brass
cannon and many rilles, andprojios.
cd to staial the bovi a siege, . 7'lie
-i.ri i ill i IB' 1 1 f lirlil :.'l.vl
miners, banded together and refused
to go to work in any of tlie mines
as long as Jewell was retained as
foreman in the Mahogany. They
offered no demonstration.
A sash and door factory is soon
to lie started at llalsey
c, i
Aioolmastor, iianwd lvellogg, I
was iineiiim-iiijt veuii5, nvv Vfp
since at Canyouville, for a brutal
assault without any adetpiate' pro
vocation upon one of his scholars,
an orphan girl, some eighteen years
of age, says the Waiudtofer,
In the recent uuinieial election
at Yreka, Cat, the whole Republi
can ticket was carried with the ex
ception of two Aldermen.
i 1 . 1 IU.... .. I . . n
A. v....i. ... .v. ..a a
jxv, isnaiw nny nooui rt.M-
five men aro engage! in the ojnter
business. j
At the Laftyeite County Con-
vehtion, last week, the l)oimcraey j
refused to endorse the doctrines of
the "vital eighth resolution" of two
years ago. I6moeraoy never clam
ges, never !
h'ev. J, L. Fairish offers to do
nate a full Mock, 330 by 370, val
ued at $'2,000, in North Sa'em, as
a site tor the Deaf and Dumb
The boarding school for deaf
mutes, at Salem, under the charge
and direction of Professor A'mHh,is
meeting with flattering success. An
exhibition given by the school a
tew days since, according to the
Stitti'.vmnt, showed market I prog
ress in the attainment of knowledge
by those unfortunates.
The Salem Htuteinuin says,
shaking of the operations of the
Lookout Mountain Mining Com
pany of the Santiam District, tliat
arrangement have been made to
send out a large force at an early
day, ami the work will bo pushed
vigorously forward. A smelting
machine will also bo erected very
soon, and all necessary implements
lor its full development will soon be
! put forward. Prospects are very
I flattering, and the incorporation are
confident of ultimate success.
The Vancouver Btgixter fays
they have had an earthquake there.
James Magee, of Portland, was
run over by a wagon and seriously
injured last week.
lieraoving front gates is the latest
amusement in Portland.
Eleven prisoners were in the coun
ty jail at Portland last week the
1 smallest number at any one tinio
for a year.
The Otvffimiari gives a case of a
German and son, livingaliout seven
miles from Portland, on the Pow
ell's valley road, attempting to rob
another German residing near them.
While attempting to force their
way into the cabin of the latter at
night, he was aroused from sleep,
and gathering his clothes ami mon
ey noiseless y slipjied out of the
back door into the brush. After
fruitlessly rummaging tlie house for
valuables, they started out in search
of the hiding Gorman -' The terror
of the latter may well be imagined,
when he heard them express their
intentions on finding him to kill
him, take his money and then dis
pose of his body, so-and so. As
carefully as possible did he make
his way out of the underbrush in
which he was hid, and the time oc-
copied iu making his way from there
to Fast Portland was well imnrov
ed. His goods were removed to
Fast Portland and the matter is
now in the hands of officers.
Every dollar of the Masonic llall
stock of Portland has been paid
over to the Treasurer, a-id it is suffi
cient to coiiipfete the building.
Nine horses were stolen from
Mr. Arheaiix, agent ofthe Diamond
H. at I'enton, Montana, not long
since, by the Piegan Indians.
The Montana Ikrtihr Blackfoot
eorresK)iideut gives the following
jjli 0fjhe doings of tlie Hlabk,
feet and other Indians: "A few
days since a tight occurred iu the
Piegan camp, a tew miles below
here, on the Teton, in which fight
i . ..' 1
tour Indians were
killed ami one
fatally wounded. Mountain Chief
(head chief of tlie Piegans) was
among tlie slain, and his oldest son
mortally wounded. An Indian well
known by the whiteR iu this part of
the country, by the name of Aapa,
was also kil ed. Gilpoieh and Jack
W ade, white, men, and 'Cut-lip
Jake,' Pete Coliel and Baptiste
Muslia, half breeds, have lately
been killed by Indians iu the same
Mr?. Anderson, of Portland, was
! liadfy burttctl last Monday by her
lollies taking hre
A Uirlcsque uiilitarv commny,
UrLfl llri.le" w
litTPT"" r OfTiv i -
been organised in Portland.
Bouquets arc only 81 in Port
land. . . , i
A steam ferry is aliout to be start
ed between, Vancouver and the
Or,..... shorn of th rohonbi"
-B-T- ----7 -,
T. B. Odeneal has iweiveil his
comiuission as Superintendent of
Indian Affairs. ,
--o- I
I nc Oregon ami aiitomia nil
Mv wwdKis-iMwmileill loug. i
norhnanv talked ot at
fa Grande. ' . ,
Marion county 1 )momt0 arenot
pleased with Jake Conner's nomi
nation of himself tor Sheriff iiiter
teres,with their proposed,, indepem
dent" ticket.
Mr. J. IbH-kersmith- living on
Dry creek, raised two turnips last
season, one weighing fourteen and,
the other fifteen jiounds. The lat
ter measured three fret in circumference.
Dilring the month of March there) Assembly, intimated that Wash
were eight interment in the drt j bnme and some American officers
Fellow's cemetery at Salem. 8jrfP,i t,e Prussian spies during the
The Walla Walla Land Office j lnto .,.
in tour days last week filed 131 j a drouth prevails at tho lhwi
pnvemptioindaims tor 17,000 acres, ' foi hhvh. It prevents the corn
all but ten leing in the county ; also fcfofa,, of mad
titutcii homestead applications lor i , . T
1,280 acres, all but one being in the j A " explosion has recently occur
county. . red at a coal mine at Atherton,
Two prisoners made their escape j, by which twenty-eight men
from the jail at Walla Walla re- J were killed outright. Fleven M ere
cently, by cutting a hole through ; re I, but they werd feaWWly
their cell floor. Their names were
Alexander Lynch and W, Johnson. '
They were assisted from tho out
side. j
The Wal la Wal la f ai r grou nds are ,
to be sold by the Sheriff. Tho
Statfitmn thinks that rascality j
has lieen itrael.ieeil hv the Ai'i'ionl. !
ttiral Society in refusing to pay their
The Democracy of Cove Precinct,
Union county, met not long since
and employed one Hark, who could
read, to read one of Slater's speech
es for them. The speech was read;
tlie meeting ssed a resolution
thanking Slater for making such a
speech, gave three cheers for Slater
and adjourned. So says, in sub
tance, the Tteil Rni' 'Vim(kf(it.
A half-breed courtef-in of Port
laud, known as Mary, attempted
suicide last Tuesday by taking ar-
sonic. At last accounts she was j arbitration must stolid. British ati
thought to lie hopelessly poisoned, j thority says England cannot cancel
Utter recklessness of, and disgust j the treaty without the consent of
with lite, the cause, says tho j America," and if England refuses to
gottiqa, ! j,,jn issll0 with tlie arbitratirs on the
The OretviiJit gives an account i .Uabstmaquestwn, the Fnitel States
of a youth, sixt?eii yean of age, be-1 eau rightfully treat the agreement
imr nrrfistl in tJmt citv; mid rhiftl i 8S Gliding oil a' other points. The
V-O -----rT , Jf-
$a for attempting to thrash a rival
who was striving to gain the all'ee
tions of his girl. 7'lie "green-eyed
monster" spares noither the young
nor the old.
The total receipts of the Young
Men's Christian Aswiciatibn of
Portlaml during tlie past year ag
gregate isl,!)i0, and the disburse
ments the same.
A Postofljce has lieen establisliwl
at Beavertop, Washington county.
A broken ringer was the result
of a boys' light in Portland, recent-
I)'- win m
Tho newest style of coffee jiot has
a little steam whistle attaciicd which
warns tho folks when the coffee is
IrtiwNrrrT tiik IVasc on tfie
authority of two persons of veracity,
a cortespOndeflt ofthe Allsutv Jonhm
tells thw:
I'Tney S,w a wtup riding on a
jjrecn wonri otic aim n liali inches
long. . I low far he liM riiMcu I hey did
not know; lint after they saw him
they watched hhiiiuitil lie !md riililen
all of twenty-tief fet. Oaiisioually
I lie worm would stop, lie motionless
Iw though WP wift (U'liil, when Ihe
wasp, after a little, would spiu- him
up, and i lien ihe worm Aiiuld go on.
TIk' wasp would keep the worm In as
direct a course an ho iwuhl. After a
while I lie worm s, topi hi I, a in 1. 1 lie ivasn
(iisinouiiteil and ipiieklv van .mil uim"
wl a little stene or Inee; ol ;gnind
fllxMit two inches from ,wiere the
worm lay. ail Hieti selrfng'the worm
hy the headdivw Iuim into tlio hole,
lyesentlv tin; wasp came out. V"1 tla;
gravel over the ttifc" 'entered tire
stone over, and: seemed to lie getting
ready to fly. when they killed it, and
then dng nmnrafiMt two IiicIks aisl
dnjtoitt lie worin, iiiadi iviwifemb"
Ufaiiy reiVort iiilreferente tfKufclux
Outrages have hett denied, lull occa
sionally facts connj to us which cannot
In dlilthmmilmmilHIiMlJ )iviense, i
however artllilly cunt rived. Alamt the ;
1st of Maruli Gen. trWn, C. S. Dis
trict Attornvv for South! 'aiiilinn, made I
an ad lb-' iif! Sr.-ificl ester. Ve
llanijliire, in tlie course of which be
said that, "inany negroes hjnl heen 1
ninnferetT iillil tllSt floiVleo)h-' of York
county alone bmj been lihttally xvWp-1
ped lor ainli.uing.vvun Uepuhlicjns.
It !i,also (liifierai1 ('orliln ojilnion
tlt,Uav sr tgiven to the
liaoeie ermr n.iu ieinrsi o, iniimiisii
llie Kuklux olltraifM. This u-sliiinniv
conies fiDin a mfarter that Is lieyond
niiesfinn. SdcfaMmii Vnion:
ij i if 'inoiinBii ' !
.lerst'y City (X. J.) during tie rule :
of Tiimmaijy, was one ofthe ouhmIs
of that mriW Democratic ilvnastv.
(""' "ll"iu w tmi " "mK "
in.. ills have leell tolllll I aiRiHlSI Its otIU
rials. Tlie ( 'omiptlon tihtl Bmymt of oltlCiaJs were ill llieir
smaller field R tlwe or Taiii
nianv mater. The'Ciiiilimiitl Con
veiition intend to orni a comhloaiion
with tlie luirtv wiucll pnmuceii smn
itNU!ta.thee. Iii onWtn reform ami
purify tlie (ioveriuuent 1
W In n 1 cmnjlit lier by tlie arm. niv
nUe ey.lJ&e. rjw: "Ux
sc. ."""- v ,'".'i "v,v , i ;"rr'r
rvmuux sews.
-! !Uh
Notwithstanding tlte printers
strike in Canada, the newspapers
apjieared on the 26th ultimo.
France lias given final notice of
theatmigation of the commercial
treaty to Belgium,
lutes Ilavere, in his testimony
before the Committee of the French
hiirne.l, and nearly all will die.
Great excitement existed m the
vicinity of the mine.
A shocking accident has occurred
at Cniwa'l, Eng.' By an explo
sion in a fuse manufactory, seven
women were killed and several
I ! injured.
I'here is an absolute dead lock
regarding the Alabama question.
The American Government persists
in its determination of maintaining
the case hitherto proposed. Eng
land persists in referring the claims
for consequential damages to arbi
tration. Except for England's
course our Government could have
honorably suggested that the pre
sentation of cohsequeiitial damages
was necessarily important. Our ar
gument ofthe whole case before tie
I j . ,
hazard of war involvesu'xtrome ner-
il to England, whose commerce is
her life. So grave does the W
consider the situation, it advises tlie
British Government never to pay
enliseillloiilial ilatimtroc: iiiulA qi.v
! (.irt.limstaces ; but to let the Artier:
lean ease go before the tribunal of
arbitrators unamended, but under
Tlie French Academy of I me
Arts are jMrnderiiig upon the eligi
bility of women to the membership
ot that bxly.
Louis NaiioWi is said to lie en
amored of a young English lady of
mnk, residing near Cliisolhuist, and
Eugenie is proportionately jealous.
A seeial conveiition was oou'lud
tl on the 2lith Uaween Prussia and
Ifoiaee fJreeley says that nitlliagns
are not indigenous (o H'esiern farm-.
A Durtyiiii pig can root a liiint hi
in shout fwli minute. Thev ctei
lvt on a sandy loam, especially tlie
I red-haired tiita, wliien Isneeiistomeu to
1 sea-weisl mid intense cold. In mOttli
! taiimus nountrles (hey grow fast, and
I ore ti-od pt'hiripally tu fatten yeaniw)
and dome-tie ifiRtllrttniiinift, In planr
; iug. a Singer sewing uiacltine U as
good as any. tlioiigh an iron-toothed
I rake will he tound 'sprrieeahle. Plant
iu rows and prune once a month with
a hroad m. lie careful iliut you don't
make a tni-fake and get turnip seed,
1 lor all kinds of ri'HN. Iiv
lil.AIN, KOt'SVl & CU
Alttthy,, rt-!ll'
ffl PKftS( KNOWIXi; tliemsvw
fndeiite.l to the mitlerslioied are HV
inttel lealliHl nuke hiiviiient without
delay. Mils. millHil.i AUMKII.
Alhny. March S, 1S7M7
Evsry Man bis m ttimi
I'll.:.' u 1 1 ii M V ...
l'i in i
pitliprt I'lPfnS if -j ..I nth ij.
Ii wi.s'i..; mi, w I oi ', M.n "..ii-i-i-r
J 1 - -ill Kiv.i'iuo 'in'io el q 9t ',-...',
l. i -t Hi- ilu MtiiM. V. 4. 3a -..
es Hir nrvt' I'ii.ik ami (lt irr iri!
iVH (Ills ! ;...' I .... . .1 i . .. . : lii.'ll'.' II :t i . ,J
aim'jtit. '
'. v, ffinrusM iwt 8n -vi- ..
" 'L---f:,.:i....t..,e..,N'..i.ii
t-KAMK A llKliillAM,
, . Sun Knnieisi o. i 'at
l 31 ! Sole itjents t"r llie IHn itlei ,a-i. ivt
v iUSi fs as