The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 05, 1872, Image 1

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    VOL. IV
NO. 81.
uusinkss gauds.
rii ii .si ami urn.
What nil Should linowltelatloim
til .tlliill mid Hod)-.
BY S. H. Ifflreil, M. 1)., HAMILTON, O.
0n yew
Six mouths
Nhiglc copies
ThlW (loiter.
Two dollars,
Ten cents.
Tnumicui advorUtwmciits. Iter square of
ten llpes or lens, drat Insertion ti wen
subSeqnenl htserrlon l. Larger adver
tiwmeuts Inserted on Hi' most liberal
Ilavlngrowlved new lypp, stock of-rnl-orod
Inks, car Is Gordon jobber, eOA, we
em prepared to eeeu:eatl kiwis of prim
ing In Mtttr manner, mill llfty pur cigil
clKupo than ever before offered III tuls
Agri-nts for Hie Register.
Tlie following gentlet i an- authorized
tn rowlve :m i rwclnt for milwcnptloiui,
idrrrlUliig. ete.. for the KkuisTKB:
Minim Smith, Hiirrlsbiirg.
0. P. Toiurtkln, lliirrishur;:.
Pelur Hnme, Brownsville.
W, II. Kirk. Brownsville.
,1. li. Irvine. Scin.
T. II. IfaiVIKthls, Salem.
I I'. Kis'her. San Francisco.
I), p. Purler. BbaWi HUUlaft.
Fletcher f: Wells, Btiimit V'lsla, Polk f 'o
Cluis. Kickolh Jacksonville,
Exchange Office,
check at sight.
Interest allowed on time deposits In win.
Exchange on Portland, !Snn Francisco,
mill New York, fur indent lowest rales.
Collections utitdea nd promiil i remitted.
Bef.-.M to II. W.Corbott, Peary Failing,
W. s. Udd.
Ranking I rs from s A. M. to l P. M.
Albuny, Feb. I, lSil-iSvH
Dealers in
Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs,
Head and Foot Stone.
i). n. kick, ml pi,
rtiyslrlaii mid Suit;; on. Albmiy. Or.
OF! It K i IN TI I E Mjl I I 1 811 'EOF MAIN
sun t. April. Is.-iKC!
mrli tag n AtgO tBk of
tJrorcri-s mid Provisions,
Wood mid willow ware, tobaeco, cigars,
cniifviimerv, Yankee notions, etc., ..
wholesale and retail, opposite B.C. Hill
sia's drug store, Albany, Oregon. ivl
j. ii. . .
JHTt'llELL & DOLl'II, i
Attorneys mill Counselor at Law, I
tors In H Intimity- Office oter tin- olil 1
post olHce, Front si rift, Portland. Oregon.
Alloi it. - and 'ounselort at raw,
J Fltnn notary ibllc), AlUiny, Oregon.
' r.tlkx t Ions and ounveyaiicos promptly u;-
tended lo. L
Executed in
3. II. CUAMilt.
n. n. RtrvnUBY.
Mitnrv Publli-.
Attorney and ounsellom at l.nn.
Ofllee In Pnrrlb brick, up stulrs. 5vl
si an 1 1 on band a full supply of
KO. W. OBAV, B. B. S.,
t BAIH ATK Or 1 1. l.x
Ll nut i Denial College,
makes Sct-rul Sti niicl Jm
pnml kuitnof VlttMfvf Ar
LtMitl 7Wih. HIai, does ALL
work in the line of bis pmltwimi in the
i -.1 ........ I 1 !.,..! ,t.l itt
11.L ,Z .t.' m i'ii.H.ii l iudUHWhere. ! Which will I of lb very best quality.
I hiwsand sbceji.
Third door west of Ferry, on south side
of First slree.t. . J.. 1LYRR1S.
Albany, Bee. B,187144v4
I J. W. Van Brn Bi-rsh HI. B.,
MY Jomt cxtK-rlepou i dlaeoacj cause 1
by WORMS, i-niiiot t Infpts.,! hy
any physician in Europe or the l ulled
sintcs. Oflluo itHims, Nos. SSattd :Ri, ocr
the Post oilUs1. Consultations and
cMiminnt ions .free of emrip- v4iiim
Miinnsiixiileadminisiered lor the pal
less I'M iHcthin of li i-ili it desired. Office in
Pun ish brick block, up smirs. Residence
llrst bouse south of t'ongn-.'ntlonul church.
fruttUng on court house block. J72-1S
w. c. joxes, m. .,
,,r liw,Hil,ilbin. ill Itin klnteCs two
story brick (upsluli-skoror Geo. TurrclPs
More KilliKM'K Corner nixiiianu re
rvslreeta, Allmny.Owgoit. (lfi-71
And Ueneral Mill MachlBory.
J. K. BACK.ENSTO, Agent,
51 v3
Allunr, Oregon.
To introduce the (rlebnited
Barkcye icwing MM0lilnc.
n the oly shultle sewing machine In the
C lilted rit'atrs licensed to use the celebrated
Wilson feed sobl for less than III, ami ack
nowledged by till pi hetlic best fitinlly sew
ing ina. -bine," for light or heavy sewing, in
theainrkot- Ofcrtl frioj AddfrM
4 E, E. MINER A (jO.. Ueni Agts..
v3tr Alliurry.iireitin.
"Know ttiyslflf," tlie reciproeal rp
Intioiis of Ik'kIv mill Blilld, the liest
nieatis to jiresci-ye tla-ni intact, and t4
give Imlh Hie liiahcst CTUiU'ltloB for
health. einhiraiHis, hill tiseftilness are
AND ! the first tlniit.'s, and tlie foinnljttioii of
the ifliicnttou and t'tiltnre of every hu-
i man being. I arcnts anil eUHttttorf,
who devt-lop the nut!; Christian
I workers and preachers who mould the
j nionds; electors and statesmen who
regulate ami energize the nation : all
know and feel "the great study of is man."
I'lie liiiKitance of clcvelofting and
etlncatJng the boily and mind alike
and together, as the main hope (d true
manhood, on which attainment rest
hoth Church and State, and is no
new or modern likw. Milton. Locke,
ftacvn, ami others, in Kuglaud; John,
Acttennilii, Frank, and Salainoii. in
(Jennany: Tirsot. Kossfiitu, and Lourl,
In Kraiife: Kellcnhercr. in Hwiteer-
: land: Dr. Bush. IVoft. IJndlcy,
Jiitthcock, Mitchell, Harris. Maun,
j Hon. S. (J. Adams, of this, and many
more, in other countries, have all In
i sisted and pressed home this subject to
I the attention of the people, continual-
ly, the last two hundn d years. Vet
j it is sad to know how few realize anil
act in accordance with a correct ap
I preclatlon of it. To the mind treat
i tach inlinito value, and jtr-tl.v too;
' hut it is of little worth without a
j healthy and vigorous body. Can a
Iliad think without a healthy brain!'
Can he feel correctly with neves inl
and- Italian 'strung? Can he move promptly willi-
out muscular force? If not. common
I sense dictates to look well to the con
dition ol tlie brain, neves, ami imis
I eles. "An unsound body is Incoin
i patlhle with a smiud mind." was a
i maxim of 1'lafo. wliK-h. like much of
j his philosophy, has been approvid and
.. , 1 In titled by Christians and l'agans alike.
M. It. ( BAM-.. ,. . ,. , t . i i
-,,.., LSoesses m tood. drink, exercise, la-
KA , Jor abijtjnied fatigde, a hick of dw
recreation, sudden changes, a want of
pure air and sunsiimc, all produce
endless diversities in the condition of
the tiihtd.
When we make mental or moral
effort over a full meal, or when over
stimulated, we cense to wonder why
Plato located the soul in the stomacli.
Ammonia held under the tio-e. or wa
ter dashed on the face ol one in a
! swoon, awakens "the mind from un
consciousness. A slight, impression
made ujton a nerve, a sudden twinge
of pain, often breaks a chain of
thought, tossiug the uiiud in tumult.
Let a peculiar vibrati6n quiver iijton
the organs of hearing, and a wild emo
tion passes over the soul.
"By turns we feel the glowing mind
Disturbed, delighted, rai-ed,.ivlinel."
Strike up the "Marseillaise," in tlie
strei'ts ofui'rciich city, and the jatpu
laee are lashed into a fury. Sing the
"Baiusade Vache" to Swiss soldiers,
and they gush into lean. Any one
Iki can think with a gnat ill the eye.
or reason with the nerve of u tooth
twinging, or w hen tuiiiseateu, or when
breathing is oppressed those who can
give wing to the imagination wlien
shivering with cold, or oppressed with
heat, when worn down with toil, can
bear oti the palm and claim a victory
over tne common lot oi Humanity
At dlnercnt period ol hie the mind
j waxes and wanes with the body; in
childhood, prattling and playful : in
I youth cheerful and giddy, full of dar-
( lug, ipuck to see and keen to feel ; in
manhood. hrm.-cuUKigcotis, heroic and
persistent; old age, desponding, timid,
perceptions dim, and emotions lan
guid. When the blood circulates with
activity, the coward rises into a hero.
Hut when the circulation of the blood is
depressed flowing freely along, the
very hero sin If s iuta coward.
Equally smlilen and effectYw are tlie
cliHnges produced by tlie varied states
of the mind upon the Innly. The ex
pression f the fiiee b iniial risible.
The cfntHTim oCshalnt' ft tiytiV'1ar;
fear hlauclies in, joy illumes it; surl
prise electrilles till the nerves, ami
the whole body aglow ; delirium gives
tiie fins- iu tutprtistiion of ntae, bifuscs
glgimrtc enetw, and often Mllaise
ueforo helpless with wasting disease
the mind's volition commands, nni
Dialers in
Boot, siiocs nnd Findinga
public In their full slock of the hUcsl
styles In gentlemen's and youth's iKSits,
, shoes, guitcrs, i Ixtord ties, etc., etc., as well
as to file very latest thing out in the line
' of ladies' and misses- gaiu-rs, bnluiomls.
Newport lies, Antoinette buskins, and
: ninny other new uml tushtonable styles,
ust receive 1 nt the Cllv Boot SlOre,wnlcb
J they wtll sell as mpfrtiy M Jiiey ian Hnd
imrl-lmsers who wish llrst-cltnis gomN at
the most reasonable rules. They respeet
: fullv invite you to rente and sis- (heir
' stock. .Boots'. shoes.elc.. nuulcor renalred
to order, and aU vnrk tmrraiU. U.
first door West of Kefcistcr Hulld'tr.
C I T Y il A R lv Ii T ,
give way he leaped from his litter;
ndlled his punk' stricken troops, rolled
back the tide of liattle, shouted victo
ry! ami tiled Instantly, Orators liave
expired suddenly, eltiier hi Impassion,
cd hursts of eloquence, or when the
doej) emotion which gave rise to them
had suddenly subsided. Messrs. Pink
ney, Emmet, E. Webster, and many
oilier- art! example!.
Ijignive died when he heard thai
tlie musical prize for which he con
tended was to another. Mr.
Hill, of New York, apprehended for
theft, who was tried and convicted
through mistaken identity, and Hie
mental agony of which induced such a
rush to the betid, that the blood guli
ed from his nostrils am! destroytillite.
Climate, in all its extremes nf rigor
and oppression, can be home with im
punity by a well-balanced mind and
body, when directed by a wise intelli
gence, as proven hy llavaril Taylor
and many other travelers. Hut com
pare the uncultivated isitives the
timid, Indolent, enervated, and irrita
ble of the Torrid, with tin; phlegmatic
and stupid ouesof the frigid Zone.
Consider the tact that the world's civ
ilization and culture is nearly all in
cluded within the Temterate Zone.
Sec how the state of our minds are
modified by the different periods of
the day. sudden changes of the weath
er and seasons of the year. The larg
est nunilierof suicides occur during
rainy and gloomy weather or in the
night time.
Daily expi ritiice demonstrates that
every pVniiciou- habit lowers the pow
ers of the mind and body. Whatever
debases the one injures the other, and
what exalts the olie elevates and enno
bles the other. Manifestly a scrupu
lous care of the body and mind alike
Blld together is the foundation Of hope
and health. lurpplllCSK and usefulness ;
the only means through which to
maintain lite, accidents excepted, to
Its proper limits. In this manner our
own destiny is placed under our own
supervision, and we are responsible
for the momentous results. In view
of this subject the truth comes home
to us Oal. vi. 7: "Be not deceived ;
Hod is not mocked! for whatsoever a
man sowcth. that shall he also reap,"
Albany Colls-glate lnatltulc,
1 Mtindav, September 4. 1S71. with a corps
of teachers laiwide and earnest. Instruc
tion will lie thorough and pmctlnil, and
Hie system of order unsurpassed. For pur
tlculnrsicli1jfs tit f
II. K. WARREN. A. M., President ;
Or. Rev. E. R. GEARY, I). D.,AII'iuiv.
The Kyos ! , The ;. Kra !
. :stitllisil In 18(16.
E. A. Frcclnnd,
iiilHccuumsms IsHiks, is-bnol Issiks,
blank Ijoofcfc stationery. Books imisu-led
lo order nt short notiei'.
Allium. DOB,, 1S7U.
oiiler rawhlilodiettorued vbnlrs, iiml spin
T ol3fii it' v l 31lTff3 niiflf?
Orrfflst n.r rii Aluauj , o...
I son Of l be noted
Dr. Golden hns bad
expertenoe SnniUng:
the various dlscast-s lo
itMch MiaeMaudcararasul)!
cfmtldeht oi irKlng entlrl' Si
thqse who mux J)lllCV tbcmsi-lves under
II Sy, snd Is now tciuty.
in wan on the cimens oi ai
Ininvttnd vieinltv.wlthitncw
Invention In dental work. It consists In
supnnrliUK t In- pia' e to tlie mouth u i I In in t
iiiveilthf tM-rloiASiif,A (MrutsSoru.
Those wishing nrtllieial Icelb are m-ipiesl-ed
lo cull and Hxatulne for tbeniM-lves.
Also, plates jncniled, wins hgr pnrtliillv
broken ordlvldisl. Xs,'h.ex'melel w ilh
out pain, oniis-over Tuiti-ll's store. All
work warranted. 7,1
u-t.aud fuels
rlsniilfon to
ot turning : keep ml hand and muke to
nlng wheels, shop neur the "Miignnlla
Mills." .lolIN M. MKTZLEH.
AJJiany, Nov. 8, lsns-1
Decorating, A
1.1 M. WAItSWORTII will gh'i. prompt
F , nttentlon to all orders for Pamr-
'iiiiikiuk, 1 aiis-niinmg, iss-nnt'ltig. Ac, In
thlseity or vicinity. All work cxcenlcil
ill the latest s!vle. In the besi 1,1,11,11..,' mill
III limesi living rates.
htuithvds ot itttts les spring to execute.
ikitf new s weakwis Hie lonv of tb..
Js-art's action ; oppresses tlie brwitli-
mg, uestroys appetite, stops digestion,
anil partially suspends every lasllly
function; relaxes the skin and allows
a cokl s-wwit to ooze .out upon -its
whole surface. 11 immlV WnTerliif
may Ik; so intense, in tlie highly intel
ligent and refined, as to open Hie
pores and to allow globules of lilood to
exude, and thus actually "sweat
hliXMl." Hence Plato wtis accu-lomeil
: 'fW M ot (lie discuses of; tJn- htsly
UM9W 111 11 uii sofn : - tui iwiiim. ...
. . - - r---,t
id the nuiid and soul synonymous
terms. His gn at sagacity and do
observation convinced him that tls
mind controls the functions and wel
taro of the hisly lo almost an unlimit
ed extent ; which the interesting and
iiw.artaut senaicr iil'imatoWsjjsktl
ogy. ami tin" pnfiaifVl Hri(1.fofMl
ogy, both medical and surgical, with
their great modern facilities to arrive
at the truth, also confirm.
" Is there a vacant place in this
hank which 1 could till?" was the in
quiry of a hoy, with glowing cheeks as
he stood before the manager.
"There is none," was the reply.
"Were you told that you eowu obtain
a situation here? Who recommended
"Xo one recommended me, sir,"
calmly answered lis- boy. "I only
thought I would see."
'l'lRire was a straightforwardness in
the miimicr. an honest determination
in the countenance of tlie Isd, which
pleased the man of business, and induc
ed hint to com nine the conversation.
He said, yon must have friends wlsi
could aid you in obtaining a situation;
have you toitl tlieni?"
The quick Hash of the deep blue eyes
was quenched in the overtaking wave
of sadness, as he saiik though half mus
ingly: "My mother sail! It would he
useless to try without friends;" tlitni
recollecting himself he apologized
for the interruption, and was about to
withdraw, when the gentleman detain
ed him by asking hiui why he did not
remain at schtsdl a year or two, and
then, enter the business world.
"I have ihi time.'' was tile ropiy. "I
study at home and keep up with the
otla-r Itoys." - . -
"TIhjh voti lwvea place already,"
said the interrogator. -"Why did you
leave it?" "I liave iwt left it auswci-
ed tlie boy. quietly.
Hut you wish lo leave, what is the
matter? '
Koran instant the child hesitated;
tlicn he replied, wilh half ivlnctaut
frankness: "1 must do more for my
Brave word! Talisman of sweess
anywliere, nunrhera. They sank
into the heart oi'tlie listeiK'r, recalling
the niduiut piisf. Qraspiug the hand
of the astonished child, lie said, with a
iitiivering voice: "Mv buc, h.u is
your name? V 011 shall hate the hist
vacancy for an apprentice that occurs
in tin) bank. IL uieantiiuc you need
a IriemU come to me, But now give
me vow confidence. "Why tk) you
-wish to ihi more lor your inotiatr."
Have yon no father.'"
lears tiih-d his eyes as be ivpheii:
"Mv fatlier is dead, my hrothers and
sisters are dead, and my mother and 1
are left abate to help each ether. But
she is not strong and X wish L Like
care of Iter. It will pJwanj her. sir.
that yon have bevo so kind, and I -am
luuultobiicMilurtiu." NiN-iviog. the
buy left little dreaming that hi own
Dobfcuess of character luul Ik i-o as a
hrigfjt giaiae of siinsltine into that
busy world he kut sit tremblingly en
tered. A boy animated by tlie ilesire
to help his mother, will always find
i rs-i
Be tme as steel. You wiU la called
upon Uy luiuiy tu forsiike mr Unk-r:-
von will be told of IU weakness, that
Its object is fkuatidsm, and that it can
acoouilish 110 gootl. And should our
uueBiiosaiLuuite and secure the ser
A ThrlllluK luridestt.
The world of fiction liardly coutalns
a more thrilling chapter tlwn an inci
dent which marked the life of tlie kite
Rey. Mr. Lee, Preshvteritm minister
of the village of Wate'rford. Jr. Y.
Mr. Lee was sitting in his study
about midnight, preparing a discourse
to deliver to his congregation, when
he heard ,1 noise l:hiud him, and
ennie conscious tliat some one was in
the room. Mr. Lee exclaimed:
"what is tla- maltter?" and. turning
around in his chair, he beheld the
grim face of a burglar, who was siint
iug a pistol at his breast. A ruliiau
had entered the house by a side win
dow, supposing ail tla; occupants were
locked in slunmer.
"Cive nie your watch and money."
said he, "and make 110 noise or 1 will
" You may not down your weanon.
for 1 shall make no resistance, anil you
are at liberty to hike all' tla: valuables
I possess." was Mr. Ue's calm reply.
The burglar withdrew his menacing
pl-tol, and Mr. sudd :
"1 'will conduct voti to the place
where my most precious treasures are
placed." .
He opened the door and pointed to
tla; cot wliere his two children lay
slumbering in the sweet sleep of inuo
cense ami peace.
''These," said he, "arc my choicest
jewls, Will you bike them ?'" N
He proceeded to suv tliat as a minis
ter of the Gospel he had few earthly
IHissessions, and tliat ins means were
devoted to but one object the educa
tion of his two motherless children.
The burglar was deeply and visibly
affected by these remarks. Teal's lili
ed his eyes, and he expressed the ut
most sorrow at the act which he was
about to commit.
After a few remarks by Mr. Lee,
the would be criminal consented to
kneel and join in prat or, and In that
lonely house amid the silence of mid
night, tla; offender (toured finth his
remorse and IWIiltetWe, while the rep
reeentaitve of re'lglon, of peace, and
gissl will, told him to "go and sin no
under a column ot a hundred or more
feet of witter for infiltration which it
is impossible to keep out The Arabs
dive to tlie bottom, remaining not more
than four or five minute-, and bring
to the the result of each trial
only a few pounds of sand. It is evi
dent tliat often many years are Heeded
for the completion of these wells, un
der such circumstances. The French
have come to the relief of these unfor
tunate luhabiUlits, and have sunk ar
tesian wells in various parts of the l)es
ert, some of which furnish more water
than the famous well of Crenelle.
iMiFNiors Spy. It was customary
with Marshal Bassonipiere. when any
of his soldiers Were brought before
him for lienious offence, fo say to
thein, "Brother, yon or I will certain
ly he hanged ; which was a sultkaent
announcement of tlieir Kite.
who was discovered In hlVuimu was
atklressed In this language: ami next
day. as the wretch was about to be
liii to the gallows, he pressed earnest
ly to speak with the marshal, alleging
that he tuid smnewhat ot importance
tiicoimiiiinicate. The nuirslsil being
made acquainted with his reoiiest slid,
ill his rough manner. "It is always
the way of tlae msiwls : tbs-y pro lend
some frivolous story, na-rely to re
prieve themselves for a few moments ;
however-, bring tlie dog hither." Be
ing intriditccM, the uuirslsil asked him
.k-lTuf lu. I1.11I In nr "U'lic mv hint '
Water in tiie Desert. Under the
saixlofthufireat Desert there is a liquid
IshI which the inhabitants of the borders
of Sahara liave long been in the habit
of reaching by means of wells. With
rude instruments tliey penetrate the
sttecuesive hiyers of sand, gravel, and
clay, till they come, lo a schistose or
gaty si 1 at 11111 at a depth of one or two
hundred fathoms. This last covers
tla; the precious fluid, and in penetrat
ing it, tlie indefatigable workman are
often overwhelmed hy tlie sudden as
cent ol tlie water hi great quantity, made, nothing appeared to me so
.Toi icittm-stmne ueiis arc completed U.xtra.irilll,aiV as till" immense rC-
A DcllaiiM'nl Hide.
We have tnouf us a man nam
edlet us say Smith who is moth
er victim oi railroad monopolies.
A few nights turn Ira got in a shsr-ii-ing
car at l'itts'mrg, ami slumrjerwl
peacvfully for two or' three hours.
About, midnight lie thonght he
would get out upon the platform a
lew moments to hrvntlio tho fresh
air and enjov tho delicious moon
light. He iiil so, ,'iiitl slantmod the
door alter him. in a minnte or two
Ikj had breathed enough fresh air
and gaztsl fjufficietitly long upon tlie
moonlight. Tin: door hail a spring
lock upon it ami would not open ;
and although lie thumped and
pounded with rigor, the isir-keeper
did not hear him. So that detruded
Smith, dressed in a night shirt of
ridiculous thi..ui's, sat down 011
the sUtps while the train went dash
ing over the Aileghaniea. l'roba
Hy in the WJiolp refiltq of nature ft
more disconsolate and melancholly
Smith than ti nt shuddering being
on the stops cnnld not lie fomai ;
ami ho was mad, besides. When
the train teached Downington he
was discovered. He retained his
sitting posture when he was carried
into the car. and even when he got
home. And now lie sits in a chair
with bandages uppp his head, tallow
on lis nose, mustard plastard on his
back, his lift in hot water, and with
enough rheumatism in his bones to
go around among the -ntire Smith
family ami make each member mis
erable. When interviewed upon
the subject of sleeping cars and
moonlight, Mr. Smith" now uses
language respectablb )ta
per can print without endangering
public niurals.
Seas. Nothing can lie more sur
prising and lioaiitiful than the sin
gular clearness of the water jf the
northern seas. As we passed slow
ly over the surface, the bottom,
which was here in general of whito
sand, was clearly visible from twen
ty to twenty-five fathoms, During
tho whole courre. of the tonr t
what he had to say? "Why. my hud,
said the culprit, "when I first tad the
honor of your conversation you were
plea.snl to say. that either yon or l
shotiltl is' nangtsi ; now 1 am come 10
know whether It is your pleasure to he
so. iH'cause. if ymi wOii't. I nmt ;
tlsuj's all." The marshal was so
pleased with the fellow's humor, that
he oidcml hhn to be set at Itbert'y.
..r.t . .0 1 , ..
cesses ot me ocean, iiiirumeit hy tne
slightest biwze, the gent lu Rplaahiirg
ot the oars scarcely disturbing it.
Where the bottom ivas sandy? the
different kinds of esterise, echini,
and even the smallest shells, up.
peared at ti e greatest depths eou
spieuous to the eye; and the watei
hi'ihini. in siiine measure, to nave a
magnifying power, by enlarging tho
objects like 11 telescope, and bring,
ing them seemingly nearer. Though
moving on a level surface, it seemed
almost as if we were ascending the
height under 11s, and when We '
passed over its summit, which rote
in appeflnuiee to within a few feet
of our and came again to tho
descent, which tin this side was sud
dculy piniieudiciitar, and overlook
ing a watery gulf as we (Missed gen
tly over the Htint of it, it seemed
almost as if wo had thrown our
selves down this pneeipiec; the il
lusion, from the clearness of the
ileep, pnsliiciiig a midden start.
Overwhelming emotions of the mind
often susiHMitl IsKlilv vitality instantly.
I'uper-haiiKlng, l'Hleemiulug,4Ckilo, Diogones, and Sophia-les died
Cjoy at dm hfeiu giinu. The mrh
of defeat, killed Philip V. One of the
popes died of a ludicrous emotion. 011
on seeing his mit monkey rolled hi
iMintitieials, ami occupying the clsdr
of state. Muly Molock was carried I
vices of lukewarm friends ami traitor-
mis Templars,. ud (kivs of darkness
mint) and our Order appear in w hat
some niightegU a widowhissl.
desert l:r npt. Display the heroism
of that one who- uaine is Co von a
wiint of power, and. wkb Ulo Unler
livuaiid iIUh
I'm mat! 1,1 In 1:1 11 s. a great main
people buhilge' in serious appreliet:
siousofls'ing tairieil alive; and. in
dcisl, no idea tan he more horrible.
About ten or fifteen vean ami, thi
French Academy of Medicine took np
the subject of premature burials. ,m,i
finding to their astonishment, that no
infallible am! speedy test was known,
offered a premium' Af titty thousand
Aitncs to any peffton 'who shotiltl dis
eover lira'. Afterseverd years othi
visitlipitlon tltV) were tbiH.ij', and a du
jiliwte rewanl given:
1. Hold the finger of the supposed
tleceased to the tlameof a caoilie. aial
.i-oiisHT-wiu ns. .niier a tew mo
metiK nniictnre ft. and If water e.
ildiw. llfr still remains hi the hndv: If
only air fills tla; blister, death Ls 'cer
tain. If the hand nt die patient, when
held between the observer, mda strong
light. Shows rtaltly between the fingers,
life remains; Ifcolnrless, or if a whit
ish Itiwe. death lias supervened.
BisilAW K. Aneidutes about Prince
Bismarck may not be quite soscasoim
ahk as anecdotes ulsitit Prince Alexis
but good ones shout either tire worthy
of note. Xot long ago Kiirue-t,
ofS:ix(-Cobui-S-(iolb;i. confplaintsi in.
Bisintin's presttnee that rhe linn
Cross bad been distributed Ust freely
and indiser'uidnately. "I list not know
about that," replied Bisumrvk; ' the
unler Is uouferred on two classes of per -sou!,
first tt tliose wholiivc n-allv dis
UiigniNftial Uiemselves during the War;
aim scwtiii, as a matter or courtesy,
High wont go into tf and have
liiut-li ovenjivtbhia left over. Menny j actual wariiut.
, iniu iciici mr. nanut'iui tins -iiiii
r'wtALi; Sncwv. What Is it that
makes all those men who assot'late
babitiKillr with women supedor to
thoe who do not? Wliat makes tltat
wonian who is ;itvutOimd and nt ease
in the society of nieii, snra-ror to her
sex in general? Solely because' they
are in the habit of free. gmceAil. con
tinued conversations with the other
set. Women in tills way losellieir
frivolity, their faculties uw'tiken. tlieir
delicacies and peCnn,uriti'o miMd all
tlieir beauty and inptlcaiioii In tlai
snirit of intellectual rivalry. Anil the
men lose tMr iiedanlk'. rmh-. dechui-
atory. or sullen manlier. The eoln ig'
tlie " unilcrstanding. ami tla: heart
ubailgcs cixituuially. I heir asei1t lea
rc rubbed off. tMr betU-r natures
polished ami brightened, and their
richness like the gold. Js wrought h
to finer workmiinship by the fingers
of women than It ever could tie by
those oi unto. The Iron and steel ot
'their characters are hidden, like tiie
clumicter and armor of a giant by
stud, anil knots of giiofl hud preelmis ; to men as your highness and my-
stones, when they arc not wanted in
ivirii.-.i...- t.,r .0 1 .1.. " .... . tj -"( w " .. .... . ............
Kurnitiiiv Wafuroiinis otChm. JfiiteVwlM ' "J t." m mtw '." n I'""'")' mnnttrmifilittk W-truiingHo g,t a iiiiui-, ue WW mm . mru uoi w
I. 1 -r .... -i.uj tin cm uuiuer i. 0001.
receivu prompt ultcntlnn.
10,1 1
. iiv - r,.- - ,
' afraid to ask I11S wages.
.11 ..-!
There lias been jj,l 0f talk
alsmt die New York cite fw-asi..-,- 1,,,,
!u vd