The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 22, 1872, Image 3

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    KHIDAY, MAIM H S, If 8.
Had Lurk.
The Commit! ou Public IjuhIw
of the House ot Hepresentatives, at
Washington, has refilled a bill the
provisions of which are designed to
obviate many of the evils ami abuses
of the present system of disusing
of our public domain. Tlie present
hill provides that public lands ran
in the future be settled only under
the provisions of tlie Homestead
These Oregon Democrats are cv
idently having a streak ol bud lnck.
Governor drover's luau Friday,
. . 11. 1 i ... L.
Mr. t i ry, went to vi asnuion ui -
' Ji , Aet, and it docs awav with all ex
the capacity ot supreme swamp land ; '
1 1 .. ;Mmr tm.piiintioii laws, exec it n
amlsador, and in the process ot a
little time sent a booming telegram
that the title to swamp lai.ds near
Klamath Lake had lieen conti
Democracy- tcasted their hungry
souls on that information; their lips
smacked in tuken that it was good ;
they smiled broadly in selr-satislied
complacency ; but Attorney Gener
al Williams -smudged" the mlor
isting pre-emption laws, except in
the case of soldiers, who can secure
a title without having resided for
iU in a. , I'll
tinned i the stipulated time on their land.
I his is good so tar as it goes, i ne
public lands should be given to ac
tual settlers and to promote public
improvements. Too much of the
public d main has been thrown into
the lands of land speculators. Mil-
A terrible lioiler explosion occur
red on the afternoon of the 18th at
Cincinnati in the soap factory of
The President now has before
him for approval Sargeut's bill al
lowing all fcwa Jide mm pre-wnp.
tionists, who liave also filed deelara-
duriug the war without trial, have
applied to tlie Secretary of the A avy
Tin Gluten Umm, wioil
hotel of Iowa City, was burned on
f tlie 19th. Tlie Ole
.ppneaiourvwwrei,-y - - troupe were in the
to be reinstated under the provis-)""" . t witSotlrseseaH
Ole Bull himself
. , at. - w.-u. iu i mmse, a.s. iney w.w. "-i-
ions w ine an wnv? "i ' wjth difficulty.
Woo & Garrahan. Two boilers tionists, who ,ve ' h caVTheare reinstate,!, they SmdyTn , c'loi
exploded with fearful violet, re-! tory statements pnor to the WV b Uh a fiddle. LoC$25(000
suiting in tlie death ot two person oi ine act, one ,er w , &wrtfou i insurance $15,000.
at imams -Miinugcu im- ,
,r , ., :, ions of acres have been squandered
niatioii out etleetually, and with it ,
- in I Km U'ar , line ntwiriliraintltr n .M irt.
all the smacks audsniiles, by tele
graphing that Mr. Uiltry'a telegram
ill this way, thus encouraging a sort
of landed aristocrisy. Let the
IV ill din
1 . l.l .l: .1 ....I,,..
. . I III 111 I III' II t II M'1 I III III 111 1,1111 1 ml'
was not true. Democracy's there- ' ' '
, . u . t ers, WHO will IIUHWll niv ivmroi-
1(meter went down, down. Most
be coiiferml'tipoti substaiiUal cor
iNHutiotis, whose enterprises will
develop the conveniences ami ma
teria I resources of tlie country. Let
us have no more squandering of the
public lands upon mere speculators.
sjwedtlj did the fraternity feel the
stiHeiiing going out of their shirt
collars. Miserable luck.
Hut the campaign document late
ly brought out by the Legislative
Investigating Commission seems to
bo. the most ill-fated of Democratic
measures. It was evidently the
master stroke of Democratic strate
,rV the flan was. A Democratic
Legislature exhausted its liest tal
ent of strategctical invention to
brin" that scheme into existence.
The New York Smi utters a
hopeless sneer when it says that the
Philadelphia Convention will be
"packed" tor Grant. Of course, it
would like to see the Convention go
for some one else ; but as that is
I'nder the specious plea of promot
iiitf tho pity s?0"11 bJ e,ll0,i8 honle, as itr has failed to
errors and crimes committed by for- i nu an yppogjtion in the party of suf
iiier servants of the State, and by J ywt m8gitude to "pack" ill the
auditing pul lie a-counts, it covertly i,ltvr,.st of "any other man," it vents
aimed h bring out a campaign aoc-; its disapiwintmeiit and chagrin in
. . I . ...M C. I..i llui SitfltP . . '..! .. I- ln
iiineni, 10 oe pmo "j ,
to pi'omote the interests of the
Demoeratic party. Well, this la
iKuxtl production has apjieared, said
its tremendous, long-winded say,
and nobody pays any very particu
lar attention to it, except it may be
il.ii nlnii-a ini:ii)iintion. If the He-
publicans of this glorious Yankee
Nation of ours choose to instruct
their delegates to that Convention
to vote for General Grant, good tor
them, and with what consistency
can the Sun, or any other opposi
instantly, and iu the injury of two
others slightly. Tlie most terrible
result of this explosion was one of
the most singular iu tlie records of
casualties. On Haymiller street,
over half a mile distant by map
measurement, in a lice line, three
little girls in a trot it yard were
jurnpiugarope. A section ot the
boiler was hurled all that instance,
over the toiis of houses, and toll
upon their heads. Two of them
were killed instantly, and the third
mortally wounded. This piece of
boiler was a perfect cylinder, 14 tlt-t
5 inches long, 'J4 inches in diameter,
and weighed a ton. Persons who
saw it say that it looked like a stov
pipe sailing in the air. The root's
..rimlliliiiis were considerably dam
aged. The cause of the explosion
was not known.
HMntaliilng Bis Popularity.
It is Incoming more evident every
day that Gen. Grant is maintaining
his- popularity throughout the conn
try ; and while this is the ease, those
renegade Hepublicans who are try
inr so hard to weaken his influence,
are losing theirs. Sumner, by his
ill-natured and foolish -course, has
forfeited the sympathy of that very
class of Hepublicans who stood so
staunchly by his side in the San
Domingo question.
Mi-psrtrd irllu.
It will lie remembered that the
Emperor oft Jermauy was selected to
act in the capacity of arbitrator on
the San .Juail boundary line lie-
tween Washington Territory and
Hritish Columbia. It is reported
that the Emperor has decided in
favor of the claims of the United
States, riving to her the island of
San .Juan, ami superior advantages
of sea room.
and payment.
Also, tlie
Mormon delegate
whole tfme suspended.
A majority of the .Massachusetts
(Hooper) introduced a bill granting I Legislative Committee have reKirt-
Hri 'liam Vouiiir'ii I tali Central
Hailrnad ( mnpany the right of way
for railroads to Southern I'tah.
Acoiiiitinn bill was likewise
ed a resolution amending tlie con
stitutional law so as to allow wo
men to vote and hold office,
insurance $15,000.
VVm. T. Heed accidentally sliot
his wife in New York on the 18th,
killing her instantly. He became
a raving maniac.
Another delegation from the
Committee of Seventy, New York,
till ri ill iiiw 1 liv Culc. izraiithur Mini-1 ,.itAJ l dm (UhtwiiMf sciih1:i1 : A
i-- .'.-i .. . , . Vlooiulor li lljil.l- ill ..'V-w Vnrtr
Alexander H. Hald
w. -
will, Loiiis Goldstein and other
l alilbmiaiiandliuropeaii capitalists,
with lermission to build siorth-
U'!l I'll.
(V'i lui's bill for Commissioners I olie moniiiui about 2 o'clock.
to ar'nitiate between Suscol rancu j
nicrican circles iu Paris are ex- j have gone to Allmny to eft'ect the
..... a i ..-.v ..t'lLi lukitr JiaWar
WNSlt; Ul WIT iv n uiBiiv.
Ust Sunday, at IxwklaiKl, Ohio,
a negro, in a tit of jealousy, beat his
wife's brains out with an axe.
The entire business portion ot
Tans, ne is auiucieu logaiininiig. i - - .
t. i , u : ImhIL ud., was burned on the to his room IU Vm j! V ,h hot,s
1 ... . lll"lll. 'l VI1V
. I . . . . f , . ,, , ud: I 1 K 1
famous tor the fortune he made by
the sale iff patent meuHoCuea, was in
Paris. He is addicted togambliug.
His i .j ,,. .:..,:,. ..r. destrov-
i v illlH Hff i
Uinlk iMa mil in llmir lmliriiur roolll. I .! !.. ioil ,ut ntliAr houses
IU ill III Li iv yrvTi .-v. . ! Hill n ' nw .1. ...w.. .v.-.-.q-- 1 illlll HIV JHH
claimants against the Unitwl States, ; ut )kC kiiew where she was to lie , damaged. Fifteen houses were
. .. . .. -.ii:.. in 1 . . .,1 .. , ..r Wiir.iwl ImniiloM a number ot stables
proposes aiuitrat'.oii at "1K:J" " : found. fo lie went to me noiisc wi " - .
the moutl, ot August. Mrs. H and found that lady, his ! W "HP tiSX
1. , 1...... cnili ar,Li 1 . - ....... I. "r"
11 is riHuoiw iium .iui u.i,i 011.1 rwo en unviuu i.ii'
Una that Henry Herry ot the Lowrv
gang ha recently shot hunselt
cidentally, or that lie lias Hett
country. i certificate of two or three 1 remii ...,., ,i, .,
, t mill! ir, iai iii, uun iii.,j -
lilivsifinns. who had never seen her ! ... . ...
i"v ' j rapiuiy spreauing 111 America.
nusimiiu, loiH iiuij; ma -
playing ca
I The New Worker flew, i.te ;a Uiwor- q( h,
f iing rage and upbra.dt.l his Wife. York ontlie nisrhtofthc 18th.
M t,ie Next morning the wife U0fari AVoikIIiuII delivered an
i certificate of two or three hremh ,i.krinff that thev were
The Internationalists celebrated
A tleslcrate fight occurred at
President's Island, Teun., March
17th. Deputy Sheriff Hodegau
went there tor the pHrxscot arrest
ing a icgro named John White,
who fursoine time has lieen a terror
i.m iawm ... --j i ; til II VIIV'"j ""J i i
to smile at the tBMisparency of tlie Ljwl jonr,ttlf 0r any opposition hi-
. . , Inl .amvtI run' . i .1 rlll 1 ... ,l,..,.i
iru-k lemocraoT na muu,w wmj m mi am r 1 nev nine l""
linrd, and a mouse is the result, j a cod) from a sickly
i.... MUaMlnUi luck, it isn't tlie : ,, .. rnlUitnndod. healthv lie. to
.1IWV UlinVIIIVI. ....... KyJ Kill-.'!. I
first time that too much gabble has prevent it, now let them show their
f Powdsr MUI.
killed a iiroiect
Then comes this Sam. K. May
matter. What a tremendous fuss eilC0
and snort ami howl they have been
making about the "thefts" and
Wroii" which they say he com-1
brecdinir. if they have any, by gnaw-
ing the nails of their chagrin in si-
jtHNHMHinl '
llie ApjHWtionment Bill,
The powder mills ot the Austin
Powder Company, situated about
five miles south of Cleveland, Ohio,
blew upon tlie-afternoouof thelOtl
with a series of heBvy explosions.
II. l.iJuwn PudmaillW nt" T)'l.
11. V1 l'',l'l "l 'i-lllIMl- V"
1 1 .111. . i- 1 :.. .1... I.. snouw ue pia u. , m witl,
rnue asylum. Armed with this si L. Mhn ((f (iovorll.
went to Mr.W ashburne amltlirougii miMlt tmitjs If 0wl Democrats.
1.;., intnrvMitum made the liolice ! i, v..i...... ,ii;., M
WHO hJT SOltIO llllir 11111 i"--ii uir, uiw-i iv i .in, .irimm, umi iTum!
to the negroes liviiigthere. Hode- J arrest the huslwnd and lodge him s,t Silica his wifeonthe 17th,
gan was met by a larg3 tssly ot ' in the madhouse. Jeanwhile Mr. ; bcamse Nhe refused to remain with
armed iie-Toes, who proiwsod to ! Washburn grew uneasy at the ' him ami submit to his drunken
assist in SkiHg the arrest, but stat- i thought of the responsibility he had j He also shot himseh
ed that White had bnrricadeil Iris assume.1, and next day sent an Amor-1 ' ' , ;
cabin and would make a dosjierlte j lean doctor to sec him. The doctor 1 fohmuH mm.
light. Ibslegan approached Uie i discoverwl thai ne was sane ..
cabin and demanddl the snrreiKler was liberated.
of White, who refused, saying that
he would be murdered by the ne
groes if he did. After a turtlier , ter
St. Patrick's anniversary was ob
served throughout Ireland. No
.m i. . ..f t Miii-iirn
. ., i.i i -l .iu. i disturbances reported,
he da meeting at the Globe 1 hea-1
,T.i . ,..,. diui JhoIiondoiiyMwaarg
ter on the 17th lust. Some 4UU f
argues, against
ernes it he nni. -viwr """iteroii ine -jiui iom. i , ., . 4l , ,.,.
p . i ,, , . , . State railways, that the discover)
iwrley oik negro approached the , persons, mostly trench, Geimans : ,,
1 . y , , ... 7Za i.., veutm i i . ' ...... . of .mc contrivance, such as passeii.
cabin and was shot dead by White,
who rushed out, secured hisgun.aiid
in a few minutes shot another. He
was wounded as lie retreated to his
cabin, from which he opened a sharp
fire, wounding four others. Hode
gau, seeing that it was impossible
to dislodge him, sent to the city
for assistance. Deputy Sheriff Co
hen summoned a posse, who went
over and proceeded to take meas bum White's cabin. On
with a series o, i.eavv l. White surrenden.l. AC
Three hundred kegs, or about tour
... i ... . r, . r. ifl
mittiit; and yet, of tlw five indict-! amended hy the ellate .iimuwy
ments ireterrcd against him at Sa- j Committee, makes the following
1,-ui the other day, their Prosecuting : provisions. After the 3d day of
Attorney couhl'nt sustain "one on i March, 1873, the House ot Hepre-
Democracy's ill luck is most sentatives shall he composeu oi
members, to be apportioned among
i the several States in accordance
with the stipulations of the act, as
inti wnly concatenated.
Mr. J. M Fro Trlrkml.
,r t nvn-. ...I.,. u-ill l.rc' follows: Maii.e 4, New Ham
memberedby our readers as the slure 2 ermont 2 ,M :s
Imanwholeetnreil herein op,K. ; 0, Ulnsle Island 1, ( ona-t,c. 8,
Htion to woman suffrage, has laUdy , 1. " ;p " '
tricked the jwople of Victoria most
egrcgiously. She gamed their con
fidence so completely as to buy n
goodly stock of dry goods, etc., on
time. Atter she had sufficiently
replenished her wardrolie.and con
tracted numerous other debts, then,
on the plea of visiting a sick son,
sylvania 22, Delaware 1, Maryland
5, Virginia 8, North Carolina 7,
South Carolina 4, Georgia 8, Ala
bama C, Mississippi 5, Louisiana 5,
Ohio 17, Kentucky 8, Tennessee 8,
Indiana 11, Illinois 10, Missouri 11,
Arkansas 3, Michigan 7, Florida 1,
Texas 5, Iowa 8, Wisconsin 7, tal
" """ ' ! O f. 1
she took a sudden departure for "orn.a , .un.ncsou, ... .v
San Francisco, )envi..gbcrcredito f irg. ..a.e-oa
to whistle tor, their money. Her j 1, Nebraska 1, provided that any
agent, MV. Macking, who passed new State be admitted the
tor her uncle, city resi- l?iipl 'Vr the iassage of this act,
4e,e in Victoria tor f-3,000, and a the representative, or representet.ves
farm for 815,000, fyji small of such new State shall be added to
tons of powder were find. Two
men named Leonaril ami Sherman,
ter his arrest it was with the great
est difficulty that the negroes were
" . , ..,.i 1 OI some contrivance, soon pnir
and Scandinavians were present.
ger balloons or electric engines, nia
The election ot State Sena tor in m h them, thus ruin the
the frtl. District, Philadelphia, on iwm(try that 0,VI18 tliem.
the 15th, to till the vacancy c-aused aobt inV&mh Urftp
by the death of Stevens, res.ilUsl in j - ilwlxwingj 8IHi w,en thepres
the return of Waddell, Hepublieen, j tl improvements have
by 500 majority. j ont, will amount, it is
Swiss capitalists are about to con-1 g wl)ile thc a.
struct a railway to the summit of ! tioilB Uel,t of the United States
Mount Yesnyious, similar to that W1,y g60 ,iea(1) ami jg
at Mount Washington. faMM,
J. H. Dillon, Stvretary of tlie So- j meeting was tolw held in Lon
ciety for the Suppression of Ob-; jollf g ,t St George's Hall, to
scene Literature, is in Washington I eommemoiaU' the anniversary of the
.. , ., .. i 1 . . . , ' ii-.
for the purHise at naving uio ( ominuiiist uprising iu runs.
. i i i . . . .i . ....
men named l.eoiiarci ami .,iri iii..,i - . . -:..
were blown in pkces, fragments of j from sioo V reganling this subject amended, so j A coal train ran off the track on
.. . . i. ,.; ........ ti.nmtonme to s (oi me on,- - ,
as to have jienalttes more severe. , t1P lOtli near Carditt, bng., killing
Ray. Dr. liddy entered the pnl- H railway guard, wrecking thirty
pit ot thc Metropolitan Church oil (Mra Ml& demolishing a cottage near
the 17th, succeeding Dr. Newman, the road.
their bodies being thrown hundreds
of feet away. were at work
in one of the mills. Three other
men at work in the vicinity were
more or less injured. The mills
were blown to atoms, ami the ground
for acres around was strewn with
fragments. Hie concussion slwok
nearly even building in thc city ami
created quite a commotion among
the inhabitants. Iaiss to tlie pow
der company is about $15,000.
Colfax, on the 16th, presented to
the Senate t he resolutions ot the San
Francisco Board of Supervisors ad
verse to the graut of Goat Islaml
even threatening to shoot the offi
cer if he was not delivered to them.
White was brought to the city jail.
The earnings of the Frie Hail
road trom November, 187 1, to date,
15th, are reported to be 52 1 ,000;000,
agaiust $17,000,000 for the previous
There is much disappointment
among merchants iu New York at
the failure of Collector Arthur, of
the Custom House, to inaugurate
The Jaianese Embassy were pres-
nnt .biriiur the morning servicf
The liondon Otntermr states that
:it a meeting ot the ttinet on me
v..v M,....g r? " r?
seated mar the seats occupied by j jjith, the American reply to Lord
. . ... i .,... i . . .... . .i i
the President and vice newueiiii Umitvtue'a note was rec-iveu auo
and their families. Sentiments I nun
the shaker in reference to their
progress and mission were .liter
al House. U iiiaimuiaw; i " , . . .
in n,...r. 1 ,.., I., them in a low tone
reform in the ge.ral order mm, i
lllC.iew I'licaii" i-t. yvf
mittee will not be ready to maki
their reprt for some ww ks yet
Tlie police of New York arrested
Dr. Charles Want lies, Hicc &
Co., ami others, for dealing in ira-
ilixcussed ; that it produced a favor
able impression.
A telegraph cable between Cuba
and Mexico will Ik laid probably in
The Fenians were to make a
Brand demonstration throughout
It is stated that fully twelve i Ireland iu tavorot general amnesty,
to the Central Pacific Hailroad j mon articles, on tlie 16th.
Minis on each, and then left tor Pu
get Sound.
in i .
Tlie IM.we.
tlie numlK'r 248. It also stipulates
that no new State shall lie hereafter
admitted into the I'nion without
a larie enough inundation to entitle
While Albany ami vicinity were ; it to at least one representative, ac
enjoying a pleasant day on the 17th ! cording to the ratio of representation
inst.. the people of Maine and New j named in the bill. For a State to
Hmnswick were suffering from the deny the right to vote to any eitbien
ctfwtsofa heavy snow storm, at- of lawful age, at any election named
tended with a very severe gale. A ill the Constitution, except for re
telegram from Bangor, Maiuetates j hellion or other crimes, reduces the
that on the European and North apportionment of such Mate in the
American Hailroad the snow had ratio which such number of male
drifted tearfully, some driits being citizens lwar to the number of male
twelve feet deep. 1 of iu
such State.
It is rep.u-U'd that Gen. Nckies
has prepared a letter resigning the
Casserlv introduced a bill in Con-
lias pi. i'i.'. .v..v. -n o
Spanish Mission, and having taken gross, by m,mt, Wsiug to pur-
Frie railr.d lumi., which is Wl
enormously lucrative, 1 fclaNW.
If Suscol lands were subject to
pre-emption, and tlie claimants had
settled in good faith and fulfilled
the requirement!) of pre-emptiou laws
prior to the act of July 23d, 1866,
and their claims were sold against
their will under said act, tlie Com
missioners are to award judgment
against the Government tor value
of land and improvements, less $225
referred to the Committee on lublic
La mis
During the wrformancc of a play
at Newark on the 15th, ill which
many little Iwys and girls jmrtiei
ami gins iininii- . .
.. i i' ..... in.,i..U t,t lie
,Uh1. the dresses ot two of the little ! tired i on, me . -
f ..... . ! ..i.i. ,., Minov the nght.
-rirls caught fire from the stage
.. : ihu .,.-.1- i now under i on St. Patrick's Day.
miliums in iaivi. .... .. i l
the control of Jay Gould. Halfof: The o ( ologne has
it is said to be his owu ,H-ivatepr..p- .vconnn.i.m-ated 1 'rotess. ,,-s Il.lgers,
, . i i.-...u-lt Tnmmi and Hush, ot the
ertv. lie is reK.rtei to nac re-, ,
I utveiMiy oi noun, iui ira.ii ivjit.
tion of the dogma of Pajial intalli-
thts. Wild excitement ensued; Heveml nainlwrn ot the Missouri
fbr a time : but the lire was extin-1 U-gislature have Iceii indicted for
guishel, and mitoiieserioustybuni- playing "Keis..
e,i i 7'he famous
n mnfidentlv remirtfl that I Grambv, Connecticut, are
T'harles Sumner wJuld atteml the to lie reopened. Tliey have lieen
Cincinnati Convention ami presum cited tor several years.
A sinrial from Matamoras, Mcx.
ico, dated the 16th, says General
! Mkria. Mexican Minister ot War,
7'l.e famous copper mines ol -nhsti Zacatocas
shortly ,.., ,.
on ine ii-n. wm iwnw
Dftiuial telegram twin (ieneral Ho.
1 eh, dated in Zacatccas, On ap-
Onu thousand men are employ- ,r,ac.,iu the city ,l !ocha encounter-
a :. i..i:i,,nt;,.i,t lull has sim-C
over its iieiuiv-iiivivi.-, i vIIW lliousnuu ii.i... ... .-,
-been dcnfcdi Sinniwr says he will wl b.. cv.jS) Oliver & Philips, t)ll nmtr Trevino on the
..... i ,. ... .1... ...I, .ii, I'ii'Iii i.. Hi .... i .i .. f.i... . .. i
I llisuuiii, in me- - lulls in rnc vici.iuy 1 1 ine ciiy, ano
routed them, capturing all their in
fantry, artillery train and a great
number of prisoners. Their oavah
eK'aped. The Government tones
were in pui'suit.
More of Tammany's thefts. -A
New York dispatch of tlie 5th says:
"The rejiort of the Finance Com
mittee of Alderman last evening
Bhows that during the past three j ,eJJ May 22d.
years, sums varying from 8200,- j Harvard school house at Charles
000 down to' $1)0,000 have 1ass m mTm on the
been )iaiil to Tweed, Sweeney "J i5th. Loss, 40.000. At tlie time
ii.;,..UiMiiv entlii-torsof the Asse--! .u- u, . took tire then' were
mout Bureau. None of them per-1 320 eyMrcn n it. but by the pies- with trade all over
c i .... viwlees for the Hureau. i , ..c,;,i teacher', all es- Mat'.
I . . I . it i i.iij ipv-. i viks ui linn.. .
'iw Itnms are 65.023 to .1.1, . ,i,iifh some were badly
"I . . 1,1 ., ....-,-
ffehr Admiral HogT 7'avh.rliHs
The Hcpublicaii State Central ,.,., H, agricultural niachim
Committee of Illinois has dptermin- j j, wrought hinges, etc, 1,
cil to call a State Convention to l mo, tons of which are produced
daily. They have in store oyer
two millions of these articles in tons,
note and kegs as, tbr instance,
enough end rods for 25,000 wag.
Tiik HirKKKKsCK. The crime oft
' ine iMKir is well rxeiuniitii d to-day Iu
ons. it is an enterprising firm, N'c Vorkfit-. w leicauotori.imiiiiir-
HIV I luuil
Tlie Pen. sylvania Legislature
ki.ih o.t -(!.-. OiMI to A. l. Har-
t, aim V"' )- '
' Ci,H,h..ti l tbn'rtivn hundred received preiratory ordors to take
tenement hoiliws, inhabiteil by ten ! command of the North Atlantic
thousaisl families. thx'1'
a routed with a fine Brussels ISlbrii
takes his alsjlutioiis in t'orlda lia
water, writes his own bill of fare, and
j iiirewl ilallv with ehoire viands unit
orders that the Constitutional I on- delicious lieverages. A small boy whu
, . ... 1U, wiuinitttH.1 the crime ol seeing the niiir-
vetition shall lie ehx ted m IVtoncr. (1.,. ,mj enabling the people to
and consist of 138 memWrs each get eyldeuce upon which the ssasln
Houh' district to elect one, ami the
Stale te elect Uo" at large.
innv luiluuumf lies ina dtsinal ilnn-
geotl in Leimaul street, in the Uou-eof
Detent ion,