JOB PRINTING. DKY GOODS DRUGS, ETC. DRUGS. ETC. TJr i M ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NEW AND FAST POWER AS HAS p it i: s s e s, Latest .md uiost Desirable Styles of Printing Material, It undoubtedly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOK when you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels-- Bill why particularize, when it is gen erally Mkuowledged Uiat wo are When It comes tu To conrlnee ytmrself of the truth of the above statements, you Imve only to call (or send a liand ac companied by three stamps to pay return postage) when we will astonish you with the capacity of the Reg ister office for doing Colored or Plain work, and the re markable ele gance exhib ited hy the Boss in Corrnllng the stamps for the same when finished. When you have "tta" in our line, call. A hint to the sufficient is wise as a blind kick's horse, or words to Hint effect. i WKliS,HARl)INES, REII HERRING, r luuuau, ow., Jim rClTlYcU OV ON IT ider tla; henl of Printing. mL 1 M . Its DUBOIS. MEW STORE, MEW WOODS! The undersigned will oon open An Entire Mew Stock Of DRY OOIS, Fancy Bood, CLOTHINO, boots, shoe, iiatm, etc., etc. i XI) UKOIEST A CALL TO EX A MINK V their stock, hclore pnreiuuuu else where, assuring purchasers A iavluf of FtSy Per' t ent In Unite prices. We have facilities for presenting the most complete assortment of goods ever oiferel in tills market. ut reduced rates; ami have adopted as our mono, "(Juki tttU'ttMd small pi'oftts." Call and Seo for Yourself. KLINE A 00., In Be. Tntr-i Brick, Albany, Or. Sept, -it, 7Myl HEW STOCK ! JUST OPENED. (.EORE TIRRELL n,o SOW OPEN-EH OCT, AT STORK recently ocvnnled ''V A. Cowan & Co., on Flral street, Albany, a now and well se lected Stock of DRY G03BS, FANCY GOODS, GENTS' CLOTHING, Gents' and Roys' Hats, BOOTS AVI) KlfOEN, Wood Ware, Crockery Ware, Grooeries, Which lie has purchased In San Francisco, for coin, and which ho will sell AT THE LOWEST PRICES, j I I FOR CASH OR PRODCCE. All who want the BEST WOOBN AT I.OWKXI PRICK, Should give him a call. GEORGE TIRRELL, First Street, Alhuny. Alliany, Seit. 9, 1H71. SEWING MACHINES. THE CELSMJUTXD Riiek Eye Sewing Muehine. Price 015 ; without table, $25 IFlxre ECuTiflvoca. SOLD IN OREGON For the Year 1871! No Family can Afford to be Without One. The success of the Rl'CKEYE stands without a rival on this coast. Hundreds who now use them pronounce them to be unequalled for family use. EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. The BUCKEYE makes the Lock-stitch, which will not ravel. They are simple and durable, and have less machinery I ban an other machine, therefore are less liable to get out of order. AEMTS WAXTED, To sell the BCCKEYE, tho best and only low-priced machine that has any merit. Machines shipped to any part of tlfc coast upon receipt of price. For further particulars enquire or ad- a,WS M. PEARSON A Cl)., Hen. Agents for Paclflc Coast. CEO. F. SETTLEWIER, DRUGGIST, (Successor to P. W. Wahellold), Parrlah'a Building, FlrMMreet,, ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer in DRUG8 AN D M KDlCIN EH, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. All articles warranted purr, and of the lt'tt quality. Phvsiciaiis prescriptions carefully com pounded. AHony, Out 17, lscssjtf S'luVKS, KlU W. II. M'FAREAMD & CO., Opposite the hotels, Albany, Oregon, SrCCESSORS TO 0. P. TOMPKINS 1 CO. STOVES, RANGES, Foi'c nnd Left rump, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Ware, HOISE ElBMMIINO If ABBWABE, Tin, Copper end Ware Sheet Iron i.akgi-nt mock 15 the valley. Lowest Prices Every Time. Kepniriiig Properly Bone. 40vS t'uUlT TRKKS. Fruit Tree., Grape Vines, Ac. rpiIK INIEHSIGNED INVITES THE I at ten; Ion ot 1 he public to his large und complete stock of APPLE, PEAR, PLUM; CHERRY and other TREES. Also, (ill APE A'l ES -lies! ill the siato ; Ornamental Tree, Shruhs, Plants. Cur rants, GooaebefrJi s, strnwlierrics, Roses, Lnhitas and lltilhi which will he sold as I low as ilrst-clnss stock can he afforded, i Nov. i12v4 J. A. MILLARD. IHESII FRL ITS, isaches, grapes, apples. A pears, etc, hv 3v4 Dt lloIS. COAP KANE'S CONDENSED, THOM- O as' Cdd Winer Bleochlna, and oiher kinds. Sold by WHEELER. Hv4 at Shedd. HARDWAH8. N K W F I R M ! W. H. KLHM CO. Have just received a large and well select ed slock of HARDWARE, Such as Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, (CONSISTING ( IF -AN VILS, VICES, BEL j iows, hammer, sledges, saws, planes, cross cut mid miil saws; together with a large AWiOBTMEXT OF IRON AXB KTEEL, Nails, springs, axles Ihiinblo-skeh bolts, etc., etc., etc. A well s. lertcd stork of Wagon Timber, SPOKES, in IIS, Bent rims, sliafts, poles, hickory axles, etc. All of which are now offered to the pull He at low rates. As we make the business a apcefailiv, we can and will keep abetter assortment, at lower prices, than any house in this city. Alo receiving and opening, a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Which we offer nt reduced rates. W. II. Kl'HN & CO., Montclth Arc-proof brick, First street. Mare n ji, iiyu MOW IS THE TIME ! NONE TOO POOR TO BUY IT The Cheapest Live Newspaper on the Pacific Coast ! THE Albany Register An Eight-Page Weekly HNunpt T, CONTAINING FORTY-EIGHT COLUMNS of matter, written and selected to meet the wants and tastes of nil varieties of jieojdb. The REGISTER i printed on new and elegant type, contains a carefully Written digest of the news of the week, both local and general ; is plain and outspoken on all matters of political Importance, while its columns contain a fair. share of literary and mlseellaue 0H3 reading, etc., etc., making it tile most attractive paper in Oregon. The REGISTER Is offered to sub ftcrlhers, from now until the close of the volume, FI LL SEVEM MONTHS ! l'or the extremely low price of V lOM.AK 1 IFTYL' Which puts it within the reach of nil, Will not the friends of the REGISTER make a vigorous effort to put Into the hands of all their neighbors, as at the price it is the cheapest newspaper pub lished on the Pacific coast ? DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS J. MILT. REACH Is now opening a Selected Stock of- General Merchandise, Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing! GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Crockery anil GIukm Ware, BOOTH Axil MIOEtt, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC., ETC., AND IS OFFEHINU THE (i(H)DS TO the public ut prices corresponding with the I hues. All kinds of merchantable produce taken In exchange for goods. Come one, come all, nnd examine prices, at the old stand, formerly occupied by D. Reach A Son, opposite Foster's brick, south side First street, Al'smv, Oregon. 31v3 G ROCSBUS8 AND PROVISIONS, in full J suimly.Just received by Sv4 DrBOK. EIRE ! FIRE! FIRE! "A Stlteh In Time Save Nine.' UNION Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Nos. 416 and 418 California St., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Stockholder Individually Liable Cash capital, in gold coin. Deposit In Oregon, - - - 7.W.000 00 . 50,000 00 Loaae promptly nnd equitably ad justed, and PAID IN GOLD COIN. T MIIS COMPANY HAVING COMPLIED with the laws ot Oregon, By making a iter.wtt of tlriv thousand dollars, is now prepared to oBeet insurance against loss or damage by Arc, and also against marine mid inland navigation risks, on lllicral terms, GI'STAVE TOCf HARD, President. Chas. D. Havm', Secretary, I.C MENDK NH ALL, Agent, Albany. Albany, 1871-18 Murder In Albany HASNEVER TETBKKN KXOWN.AND no ( lire eulng'of H ai present. Death Is a thing which sometime mast la-fell every son ami ilaughterof the human fina lly ; and yet, At the Mld-dny, Of your life, If disease lavs his vile hands upon you, there Is si ill "a halm In Gllcad," by which TOO may he restored to perfect heali h, and prolong your days to a miracu lous extent. How t Ily calling on R. C. HILL & SOM, Willi a proscription, where pe you can have It compounded by one experienced In that iwriiculur line Also, constantly on hand a good assortment of fresh drugs, patent medicines, chemicals, paints, oils, dye stuffs, trusses, etc. Agents for the Celebrated Ink Weed Itemed, , or. Oregon Rheumatic Cure ; Dr. p. Jnyne A Sims' medicines, etc. Spence's Positive and Negative Powders kept in Stock. Also agents for the Hume Shuttle Hewing Machine, )ne of the most useful pieces of household iiirniiure exeunt, can ami examine. It. C. 1U1.L ft SON. Alhany, June 10, 71-40v$ ALHANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour und Saw Mlil Maehiii ery, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IKON ASB lilt ASS CASTINUN. Particular attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. 41vil NURSERY. SETTLEMIRE'S MFRSERY, Hlx Miles South or Albany, Mnu Co., NEAR THE RAILROAD. IBOMCtT THE ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring to purchase fruit trees to call and examine my stiwk, which is composed of the largest and liest selection in the s:a!e, consisting of apples, jsars, cherries, plums, prunes, grapes, blackber ries, currants ana rosiw. Also, black and while wiiinut, English walnut, hickory, pecan, re inud, lioney iocusi, naeKueriy, tin.! a nninner 01 o ner varieuesoi ins-n i and plants too numerous to mcnt ion, all of which are oncrc i ai imv rani.. HENRY W. SKTTLEMIEE. Dec. 17, 1870-15 DRl'08 and MEDICINES, PAINTS and oils. Glass and Putty, sold by Wheel, or, at S1IEED. r Hv4 lirooi. SHAWLS, long and square, plaid V nnd ilrlnod. for sale bv WHEELER at Shcdd. Jll- KR. ALL SIZES, JI SXd sale at this oiMi-e, lo 1 J ILL-HEAD PAPE II received and tor lor cash. ( TIN WARE, (il.ASS WARE, CROCKS : I erv, Lnmps, c, Sc., sold by Wheeler, ! ut SHEDD. "v Til.AXK DEED MORTGAGES, EW, 1) on hand latest styles low, at thisofleu. nna lor sale POKTliAN l HOTEL. METROPOLIS HOTEL. Corner Front and Satoon Sis., PORTLAND, OREGON. This new and elegant hotel, with i-w Furniture Throughout, Is now OPEN TO THE rUBMC. Bath Oot for the ncrominodntlou of Wiiesta. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. Cme and Sec V. j. Oct. 7,7bivl B. NPBENUEU, Propr j YSTERS AND SARDINES, NCI'S . cD V Candies, and 01 ner KmcK-KnucKS, Kild by Wheeler, ut SIIEDD. Hv4 JIRK8H VEGETABI.ES, In full supp 3v4 DI B o'tS. liATHt. ETC. ALBANY RATH HOI HUB. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED WOl II I D RE ;f Albany h irge of ng clian i to busi ) innv fa- I s sjiecl fully inform I he ett teens and ieinUy that he has taken this establishment, and by keep rooms and puytng strict attenttoi ness expects to suit all those wh vor him with (heir patronage, heretofore carried on no! hing bi t'lret-flaaa Hair limning f Ilavmg it leloona, "faction- to neatly cut Ho expects to give enrtro satl all. Children's nnd ladles' hair and shampooed. Sept . l'J-j 4 JOSEPH A jTKRBER. tf Subacribers finding an X after tbelr namcsnrc Informed thattbeirsuliecripthsi expires with that iinnilicr, and they arc m vltwl to renew It. Tonus - per annum. In advance ; sU months, ; three mont hs. ''(ST Legal tenders r&s ived at par from sulstcrlliers In the Barters Sthtcs. BEI: I BI.K A M A I E t)S EiniON. A nepuWican State Convention for the State of Oregon will be held at the city of Portland, t 11 a. m., on Wednesday, the 20th day of March, 1872, for the pnrpose of nonimatiiig a cai.didate for mem ber ot Congress; six delegrate to the National Republicnn Conven tion to be held at Philadelphia, June, 1872 ; three Presidential Electors ; and ft ithe transaction of such other business as may bo thought proper. 1 he several counties wtll lie, en titled to Delegates in such Conven tion as follows : Baker Comity S Benton County 11 Clackamas County 14 Clatsop Comity 4 Coos County 5 Curry County ;t Columbia County 2 Douglas County 1? Grant COunty .-. it Jackson County 10 Josephine County 3 Lane County 13 Linn County 17 Marion County 24 Multnomah Comity 24 Polk Comity 11 Tillamook County 2 Umatilla County 5 Union County 5 Waseo County 7 Washington Comity U Yamhill County 13 Total Number of Delegates . . . 20s The State Central Committee re commends that the several counties hold their primary elections on Sat urday, March 2d, and their County Conventions tor selection of Dele gates to the State Convention on Saturday, March 9, 1872. t B. ODENKAL, Ch'n. C. P.Chandall, Sec'y Salem, February 1, 1872. Bill Arp on I.lfe Insiirnnee. "Bill Arp," the famous (teoria hu morist, has been "lutervleweu" hy several life Insurance agents, and fii vors the public, in his own inimitable style, with Iiis experience : A friend (I suppose he was a friend) found me and said he wanted to see me partieklerly. He took meawav hack and hauled out sum little thumh pipers full of figures, and said he wanted me to Insure my life. That skeered me worse than anything, for it looked like I was in danger, and he had just found it out. 1 axed him iV he thought there would be a tight. lie explained things to me, and I felt re lieved, and declined to Insure for the present. You see I felt intty well, couldn't see the ueecessity. At the next corner Imet anotlier friend, who seemed glad to see me exceedingly. He held my hand in his sc.veral mo ments. He axiKl me if my life was in sured. He said be wasaent for the verrv best company in t'ae world. I axed him how long a msj would live under his company. II a explained to me that a man might tfe at any time; that they didn't undei take to keep a man from dying. S I declined, but. expressed my cratitiyle for his inter est in my welfare, and promised to buy a policy as soe n as I got right siek. Just as I left him I bean I him call some feller ad iii-ued phool. When II got to the I wgltlo' for n Hc talked to I got to the hotel there was a teller Die on the same business. me for an hour about the uncertainty ofttfeand the cirtainty of death. I thong! it, perhaps he was a missionary, if j seemed much con sumed about BP life and children, anil once or twice v p his eyes with a white pocket I jindkerchief. I knowed lie was a friei id, and told him I would reflect serior ly about tins matter. I believe 'aiut company Is a purely philanthro' pie Institution, and would lend a poi ,r fellow a few dollars if ho wassufl'ei big. I think I will try to borrow a Hi tie from the agent, to-morrow. T! lis morning the first one come to see in e agin and I concluded I was mity bai' l, and axed him to excuse me as I was mity bad anil I w;is not feeliu' well, 'i went to Dr. Alexander, and fotatl o-e of salts. He axed me if was lick. I told him I supposed I was. ." jid the reasons why. He then told i Jl about it and said tliere was aboii 1 100 of them fellers in town, and they bored about half an inch at the, firs' ; interview and an inch the second in ' jie same hole, and so on until they gt : to the hollow, and the patient give Fr.and took a poliiy. I don't know a .bout that, but I will say they are the ' Alendllest, most sympathizen and kind-hearted men I ever struck ; only I don't like so much talk about coffins and graveyards. I diden t take the salts. , , . ' Forty Years' Experience have tested the virtues of Dr. H'lsfwr's r,nhmn of Wild Cfiernj. and the result is that It Is tlie best remedy extant for pulmonary and lung diseases; embracing tho whole range from a slight cold to a settled consumption. Were It not for its merits, it would long since have "died, and made no sign." 23w5. What two animals took ilio least baggage into Ibc ark ? The roostt r and fox. which took a brtuli and a comb between tliein. NIIEDUN. A. Wheeler, dealer III general merchandise. A large stock of all kinds now in store and tor sale at low rates. All kinds of produce bought at highest market rates. Cash paid for Wheat, Oats, Pork, Butter, Kggs, ie., Ac.