The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 15, 1872, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
NO. 28.
Curn-r V ' rry BWt Vrl .S ncti.
One year
Six months.. .
Single copies
Three dollars.
Two dollars.
Ton cent.
Translant wIvertisetuciHSi per square of
Icn lines or less. Ins; ni.4Lkt . Ion ty-
sieiseri'icni In -t i ' ion II. Lai
n 1 rer-
tlsemimts Inserted on Hie most
Hitvlnjr received new typCi stock of col
or"1 I inks. eards, n Gordon toblatr, etc., we
lire prepared locxecu call kinisof print
ing in a bettor manner, an:l fifty percent
cheaper Hum ever before offered In lllis
Att'ftits for the lfgt t.
The follow 'log icntlcmen are authorized
to receive and receipt for subscriptions,
advertisin cr. for th HKUtHTKH :
Hiram Smith, liar: i- 'inr;.
0. P. Tompkins, Hnrrisburg.
Peter Hume, Brownsville.
W. It. KlrVlIro-vusvllle.
.1. 11 Irvine. Soto.
T. H. Reynolds Sa'em.
I, . P. Fi-'hi1, Sun Francisco.
I I. P. Porter, Sbedd'a Starton,
Fletcher WolR Il'iena Vistu, Polk Co
Chas. Nickeil, Jacksonville.
is. e;. nan:, M. .,
I'hj'HleLiii iiiiil f nrg on , Albany, Or,
street. Annl, isi'ta-i !
X. S.
or kois
1 1 AS ON
XX reeelv
; n large stuck or
liroreriett ! Provisions,
Wood and willow ware, obaeco, ciprs,
oonfMciionery, Yankee notions, etc, etc..
wholesale il retail, opixiatte It. C. Bill
Sai'- dm.; store. A Ibany, Oregon. Ivl
i. n. nrnna.1.. I. k, ootfu.
AltornrjN and Counmelora at Isiw,
l tors iii a luiintiiy.' Onice over the
ihisI oltlee, rroni suve
, Portland, Oregon.
1. C POW' 1i. H.INS.
Attorn and 'ouiisrlor at Law.
Flinn aotnrA' iin'ille'. Alhanv, orc'ini.
Collect lonaod eunvvyauuca promjaly at-
tt'imca so.
ft. It. rUAXoB.
K. n. lit "MiMim v.
Nolarv Public.
Attorney mid Comiacllora at Law,
Ofnce tu Pari ish brick, up stairs. 5v4
nail l.'ental Cohejre,
makes A', -cm AWand Ve
jvn''ii Style (. J'tai ir A
i-nciiu imhl niNo, aiN
work In the line of h:s profession in the j
best and most approved method, and at as
reasonable rates' as can Ik had elsewhere, j
Nitrons oxid' a'tmlnistcrc I lor the palu- !
lesseMniciioiior iee:li if desired. O'ticeln
I'arrlsh hrick block, up stairs, ttesidcnir
fi rat house south of ( knregatlonal church,
fronting on court house block. J72-1N
west orBroadalhin, in BitrkharDa two
atory brick tup slab's , over i.eo. Turrell's
s'ori. liF.smr.M'h; -Corner sixth and Fer
ry streets, Aliiahy, Oregon. llt-'71
WaterWtt ols
And Ucneral Mill Marliluerj-.
6lv3 Alliany, Oregon.
To Introduce Ihe celebrated
Hiiekeye Mewing lUiieliinc.
O the olv slmtlle sewing machine In the
Lnlted Sfute licensed to use tlie celebrated I
Wilson feed sold for loss Mum Sin, ami aek- !
nowledged by all io he the la'st laniily sew
ing machine, for light or heavy sewing, in
the market. Out HI free. Ad lress
E E. MINER A CO., Gl. .'gti.,
Jflv.'ltf Albany, Oregon.
Eatnbllshrd hi IM3S.
E. A. IVceluisd,
I miscellaneous nooks, school books,
blank books, stationery. Books Imported
to order at short not lee.
Albunv. Dec. S, 1S7U.
13 'iti.M; -
-j-j-T-Ut -
ot turning; keepon hand mid make to
order rewhiile-Vtiomo.i chairs, and snln- j in
nin-r wneem, Miot near ine ".MU'rooua i
Mills." .Ioiin M. MKT.I.F.R. j
Al'miiy, Nov. , l.i'js-l I
D. S.,
Exchange Office,
check ill si .-lit.
Interest allowed on t hue (leposltsln coin.
Exchange on Cortland, Sen Francisco,
ai.-l New York, for sale at lowest rates,
Collect lot1 iiiadeMno prompt lyrcnilttcd.
Refers lo II. w. f'or'nett, Henrv Falling,
Wi S. Udd.
Ranking Imurs from 8 A. M. to 4 P, M.
AllJany, Feb. 1, Wil-WvS
Dealers In
HouiiMfnts, ObSiks, Tombs,
tli'ud nil." Foot SioiieH,
Executed in
and Italian
j. now. M. n. CEASE.
Dealers in
Boot, Shoes, and Finding
I nubile to their full stock of the latest
stylos in gentlemen's and youth's boots,
sh(K?s, gaiter-, i lxfcat ' ics. etc., etc., as well
as to the very latest thing out in Hie line
Of belies' tini misses' gutter, hatinorala,
Nevrport ties, Antoinette buskins, ami
inaiiv other new ami fiisbioiiable styles,
just roeoivodat tboCity Iksa Store, wlileh
they wili sell as rapidly as they can lind
puivhascrs who wish Itrst-ciass isj'ls al
ihe most rtMsonalllB ratua. Hw? rosiet
lully Invite you io come and see their
stock, boots', shties.otc, nuclcor repaired
to order, and all wor tt'trrant'it.
First door West or Rrffiatfr Ilulld'gr.
siantly on linnd a full supply of
' Which will 1m3 of Ihe very lH'st quality,
I The highest market price paid for beeves,
I bags and sheep.
' Third door west of Kerry, on south side
I of Firs: street. .V I.. HARRIS.
! Albany, 15, 187M5v4
XotJtry PnMic,
for non-resMelits and others, making
out real estate nances, etc. Oillee 0110 'loor
above telegiw)ih ofni. 89V8
illniiiy Collegiate Intititutc,
ALBANY, oitn.ov.
Mnmlny, September 4, IS71, wtihacorpa
oi learners cmu'iic ami earnest, insirui-
; Hon will be thorough ami practical, and
I t he sy stem of order unstuimssed. For par
i tlciiiarsa Idress
R. K. WARREN, A. M., Pii shicnt ;
Or, Rev. E. It. (iEARV, D. P., Albany.
The Eyes! The Ears !
IU. T. L. CiiOLDElV,
Oeiillat nud Aurist. Albany, Oregou.
nit. liOLPEN IS A
son of the noted
iM onthaUiilc diK-tor,
s. tt. liohien
I'r. (Joldon hns had
cxjicriimee in Ireating
i he vartous diseiises to
which theeyonniteararc suhjoetjanl fee Is
confident oi givin;: entire satisfaelion lo
those wlm may place themselves under Ids
care. ' April IS, (ill.
K. E
lianv, atel is now reielv
to wait on ihe chi.ensol Al
Imnvnml cleint v.witha new
Invention in dental work, li conslstsbi
suppoi'ting the plate to the nton'.b without
covering the whole roof, as hore'ofore.
Those w ishing ariliic ial teeth are renucs'
ctl to call antt examine for themselves.
Also, plates men le 1. whether iarllallv
broken ordlvl led. Teoh,extraete I wltn
out puln, Oltk-e over Turii'll's store. All
work waiTanted. 74
I'uper-hang.'i., ( aleeniinlng,
IeeofHftii?, tit.
M. v APSWOR'lII will give pmmpl
attention to all orders for I'aner-
'- vi
hanging, Caloamlnlna. Decoi'a'luir. Ac. in
Ibis city or vtelnpy. All work execute I
the latest style, in the best nuuiner.and
at lowest living raics. .orders ain hi
Furniture warernotns nfchas. uealey will
receive prompt attention. hivl
Ticket, nia'iiin,' mid tlip condue-
sir, in one moment," and
Mr-. Herl ert sought hi her pin-kct fur ,
me p.u hi mil!, in wimli lii! Iiarl de
po-lh il He article in question, lint it
had my M ioiHlv disa)ieai((l. and the
ladv arose hastily, and gave a rapid
ami starching glance u.ider and about
her -eat.
Oh. sir, 1 have lost niv ticket, and
only that, l ut my money and
for niv hagoaire."
I'he co .i!ii tor' was a young man
who had I ecu but a few w eks upon I the Masonic tmtennty, and she knew
the road in hi' nrffeul eaeitv, and : 'hat any duty a Mason owed to his
foil himself greatly eletated in his ! I'rothir. he owed erpially to that liroth
ikiw w Uhiii. Ife inidcd himsolf in I cr's wile.'or datigtiler. She remem-
Rts ability to detect any person In ait,l
attempt to avoid iwvhuc the n-gidar i
tare, and bad earnestly wi bed that an
id bad earnestly wi bed that an
opportunity might oiler which would
enable hiiq to prove his siiierior pow
ers of peuetratiou, and the ease with
which lie coulil detect imposition,
Here there was a ca n' just suited to
his uitntl; and he watched Mrs. iler-
hert with a cool, scrutinizing, suspU '' 5 ' "SsTT T Ue and me loan humble but comfortable
clon eye, while she was searching w ntme religionlsM; sheidig the cottage in the submbs, while he pro
eagerly for the missing ticket. W ith fjW g' .1,'vc.ol W nip- j cored employment as a clerk in a dry
a still cxt'i.ded bind hi
aid, "I nm t
htive your fare, madam.
'Hut, .-ir, I have no money; I can
not pay you."
"How far do you wish to go?" he
"I am on my way to Boston, where
I reside. I htive been visiting rela
tives in Wisconsin."
"Well, you can go no further on
tliisjrain unless you pay your fire.''
A bright thought occurred to Mrs.
Herbert. "I will place my watch in
coin- ket iiiinr ' she until: "when I
reach Detroit I will pawn it for mon -
cy to pursue mv loiirnev, Mv hus-
band will send for and redeem it."
"That will do," said the conductor.
"I will take your watch and give you
a cheek for Detroit. I have no au
thority to do so from (be railroad com
pany, but may upon my own respon
sibility." lint Mrs. Herbert'! embarrassment
was not io 1st relieved so readily as site
hoped. Searching for her watch, that
also was not to be found.
"Oh, what shall I do!" she said,
her face growing very pale. "My
watch is gone, too! I must luive been
robbed in Chicago."
"You can leave the train at tlie
next station," he said quickly and de
eidedlyj "that's what you can do,"
The whistle sounded for "down
brakes," and the conducttir stepped
out on the platform of the car. Mrs.
HertsTt looked around her. There
were a tew ttsseugers in the. car,
some were reading, some looking out i
ol I lie windows on the tow n tliev w ere
entering. No one seemed to have 1
hoard the conversation between the !
conductor and herself, or at least to
become interested in her behalf. I
'f lie train Mopped, tla- conductor
Sppearcd; and biking her shawl and!
traveling basket from the nick above
,1101- head, hade, her follow hint, in i
ten minutes more the train had gone, !
and Mrs. Herbert aat alone in the L. i
depot, trying to decide upon tlie '
I course best to pursue. She had no
lnonoc to define luiv nnnui .o
tel. she had nothing with whi to
pay a backinan for takhuT her to one.
but, alter a few minutes reflection.
she resolved to impure for the rest- IB' walked directly to the ofHcc ot
deuce of the clergyman of that church tla?. Western I'liiou Telegraph Com
of Which she was herself a member, ! pany, and addressed the following
and ask him, in the name of christian i message to his brother 111 Boston: "Is
charily and kindness lo give her a I W. Herla-rt. L. street, a niembcr of
home "until she could send a telegram 0,,r Order, and his wife in the West?
to her husband and he could furnish i Answer immediately."
her with means to resume her journey. ! When Mr. Henderson returned of the ticket agent the ) boffle, he found his wife and Mrs.
name of the clergyman she hoped to Herbert In an animated conversation;
find, being politely directed to his a"d lie was surprised to nob- the
house she was soon at his door and change hi tlw lady's appearance, now
rang the bell, lie answered the sum-
lUOlis in person, anil in a tew hurried
. . .
sentences sue mane known Her mis-
fortune and her
The Kev. Mr. llinlev was thin, bill !
and straight. He was apparently
about forty -five years of aire: nolished.
hut Mmptiis; no particleot dust could
liave In'co found iinon his line, black 1
broadcloth, or nicvlv polished lavofs: !
the tie in bis cravat was faultless: Ins I
hair was brushed carefully torwaid to !
conceal coming ba dness. Vervditrni-'
c...i ....... t.,,.5......... i s . 5 ., I
tlcil, very important, verv ministerial.
appeared (he revered gentleman; but
as Mrs. Herbert looked into his cold
grey eyes she felt that lienevolence
was by no means as stromr an element
in his composition as selfishness. Her
heart seemed to chill in his presence;
she could not help contrasting him,
menially, with ihe gtaal Mr. Weston
who was pastor of her own church at
home. Ah! not often had Uichaiid
now thrust into the bosom of the
1 v n'n mo uoavm oi ine
tight-buttoned dresscoat laen prompt
ed by tbo cold heart beneath it to'
to I
place a bright coin upon the palm of
beggared childhood; not often bad bis
footsteps found their way to poverty's
door.' Yet this unworthy representa- j
live of tlie Christian church preached !
charity to his congregation, at least !
twice every wibbath, and so fitr a he
himself was concerned, made preach
ing supply the place of practice.
"Madam," lie said after eyeing her
from head lo bait, "You have a pretty
story: but the street- of I. arc full
of such stories at the present dav,
Did I listen to one-half I hear of the
kind. I should have my bouse filled
wild mendicants all the time, and
perhaps few of them would be worthy
of my respect, I cannot keen you as
ai rcpiest."
Mrs. Herbert turned from thein
hospitable door of ihe Bev. Mr. Hip
ley. The cool insolence with which
he treat, d her had almost driven cour-
LOVED ma- : age from bxr lea t; hut she determin
e I now to seek a hotel, where at least
piie niigoc resr nerseu and decide niton
some new course of action. She liad
eaten iiolhing since morning; linked
Fhe had not thought of (bod: j.ut now
she felt faint and weary, ami the con
sciousness that she was alone, in a
i stmuge city, friendless and ienniless,
! "K M-aues oi evening already
! ?j'lui! 1l,ih! if vI her. As fhe
1 lrIH3 "P a,l(l t,mv" the street, the
i first Hung mat attracted tier attention
: was not a public hon e sign, hut in
I large gilt letters the words "Masonic.
jllall. Iterlieart gave a (puel;. v-
! " J'inip. Her husband lnliiig.d to
r?,'i "".o-that to that noble order
s'"' W!,s indehtiil for nearly all the
, nappuies. wte Had known m b.-r lite.
Hat, laniiliaras slw had been with its
workings in her native city, she bad
never realized its universality, and
novel' undcr-tood how, like some
talsnuinic belt, it circles the earth,
embracing all mankind in its protect
"AVHiiuoraiM me, viiiiyotii'K ure
politicians and liarmonUiiig their con-
flicting sentiments upon a a-use of
Mrs. Herbert pausiil irresolute.
What would she now have given for a
knowledge of one mystic sign, by
which to call her husband's Masonic
brothers to her side5
Men were Ufgaing mildly un and
down the street; elegantly dressed H- home. Supplied of provisions, cloth
dies were out enjoying tit coolness of ing, came to our door. tint, one chilly
the evtniug. for the day 1ml been suL , evening in September, we were gatli-
uy, uiu .inioiij; me ni-y turonj inere
1 was none whom she felt at liberty to
A gentleman was passing her,
1 ing a little girl by the hand. With a
' (piick jesture she arrested his step,
She had observed nothhiir uarlicii'ar
in the stranger's face; Indeed had not
uoiiceu u at an; but a inailese cross
was suspended from his watch guard,
and the moment she discovered it.
; she had involuntarily liiled her baud
! lo prevent ids passing by.
j The stranger looked at lier inrpiir
! ingly. She pointed to the cross, and
stld, "That sir. is why I stopped you;
you will excuse' me' for addressing
you, and please tell me if you are a
"I am," lie replied.
"Oh. sir, my husband is a Mason,
and perhaps you would be kind to
your brother'a wife."
"Where does your husband live:'"
"In Boston. His name Is O. W.
Herbert, he is of the (Inn of Herbert,
Jackson & Co., I., street. I was on
my way Irom Wisconsin, but have
been robbed oi the means of payittg
W t:xrv nm' "''' refused to take me
further. I have applied to the
Bev. Blplev, and he turned me iusuit-
IbW from his door."
"The old hypocrite." muttered the
'd gentleman. "Mrs. Herbert, my
house is but one block distant, and is
t your sendee. My wife will make,
J'011 welcome and comfortable. Will
J'011 jceerii our hospitality?"
' cui. sir, now gladly.'- And bait
I an hour later ilrs. Herbert was
''resiling herself at the well-spread & -
I e oi nr. Heutieraon, nrst otttcerof
! the Eureka Cominawierv, number 12.
mat sue leit horsclt among Iriend
a. . . O .
W law .ore so gennuie an hnpres-
ra " aweecness aim purity, lier con-
versation was expressive of' such lofty
sentiments such real miorlness of
lnrt, that Mr. Henderson found him-
1Kb renrettinir that he had takeb the
precttiitlou to send a telegram
ton in order to prove the trutlifuhiess
ol her statements. I
Mrs. Henderson suited herself at the '
piano, and after ncrfnriniuir several
pleivs invited Mis. HerlHtrt to play :
uk ............. ii i;...i. ...;i
after a low, sweet prelude, began to
"A l ranger I was anil kindly they rei-eiv-ed
..-.,. .'in l; i . i, i 1 1 i i i i'iiii.mi, i, uijil i
Slie sang the piece entirely throngb,
nor voice iitilvcriug with emotion; anil
tartM she had HiiIsIkhI it, both Mr. and
Mrs. Henderson stood at her tide,
A'W the gentleman said:
I "Mrs. Herliert, it is we who are
-blessed ill iHtiuer nerinittisl to form llie
' ac piainlance of so entertaining a cou-
vciwr and mitacian. You are not a
stranger, but a dear friend, a sister,
my brother's wife; you have a l ight
ii our home. A huiirht Templars
house is ever open to Hie unfortunate,
llnl yon must not leave the piano yet;
play another piece for ns yur own
"I do not know that I hive one."
"Your husband's, then," suggested
Mrs. Henderson.
! Again Mrs. Herbert's practiced flu
Igera swept the keys, and then her
I clear, rich voice arose in the popular
! Masonic ode.
"Hail, Masonry divtaoi11
As tlie last echo died a way, she rose,
saying, "mat is my husbands nivo
Mr. Henderson was standing with
his ar ns round bis wife-., waist. Tears
were in her eyes and be drew closer to
her ft ltu said, "0, Jennie, will you
not learn to play tliat piece for Bio?"
"Bnt I could never make it g-mnd
like Mrs. Herbert" -he replied, "for
you know I do not like Masonry."
' And why do you not like it?" Mrs.
Herbert ventured to ask.
"Because it rises likea mountain be
tween me and my husband ; 1 am jeal
ous of Masonry j" And the glance she
east upon him at her side, told Mrs.
Herbert with what depth of love this
t ' lie w ife regarded her husband, and
she almost pardoned her for hcrdisllke
of Masonry on the ground she had
mentioned. Hut she felt that Mrs.
Henderson was in error and she said :
"Will you allow ineto tell you why
1 love Masonrv?"
"Oi yes" replied Mrs. Henderson, i
should like to feel differently if I
comii, ano sue drew a targe arm
chair for Mrs. Herbert in front of the
soft, upon whieii she aiW bet ?vsband
hod seated themselveSi
! Mrs. Herbert began : "My father
was a commission merchant In Boston,
and in coim-ijiicuce ofeau es which I
never f illy understood tor 1 was very
young at the time lie failed in bttsi
nesfj. Our beaiititnl home was taken
(linn us, and father removed mother
gomls estalilisbment,
j ne wa dishearten
irteued bv his sudden
and heavy los-es. It was seldom that
be was heard to speak cheerfully. His
health declined, and before be had ever
dreamed of tta; tbruetening danger, he
was a confirmed consumptive Hut
he was it Mason, and we were not al
lowed to feel that his inability for labor
had deprived us of the comforta ot
ired tironnd tlie ix d-slde to take the
last farewell. The friendsnfoiir nms-
perons tlays were not there they had
left Us with our riches but a circle of
true, manly taws was there, and tears
were brushed aside which were the
overflow of svinnatliiiinr hearts. I
stood lieside mv grief-stricken mother.
who knelt beside the couch of death
; her head bowed hopelessly iiion the
emaciated baud upon which she had
ever depended for guidance and pro-
I tecf ion. My fiitber kissed me tenderly,
and turning to his Masonic brethren
said :
"1 can hut leave my dear ones to
your caret and I know dial I can trust
j yon. 1 feel that my poor Alice will not
long survive my loss, and then this lit-
I tie one will be a helpless waif on tlie
! great sea of humanity. 1 give her to
yon, not as the child of one, but of all
j the Lodge."
I A few moments more and I was
: fatherless. One of those strong, noble
men lilted me in his arms and bore me
fixmi the room. 1 had heard what my
, father said, and although a child of but
seven years, I comprehended it all. 1
I threw my arms around the good mail's
' neck, who held me so tenderly, and
! lobbed : "Ob, sir, will von be my
j father?"
"Yes. my dear little girl," he said,
in a broken voice, "you shall never
I want."
i My mother was a (lull, delicate crea
ture, and bet constant watching at my
i Cither's bed-side, combined with the
last terrible shoe!:, threw her into a fe
ver, from which sue never reitovcreil.
! We remained in the sweet little cottage
until mv sweet mother s death, and
my father's Masonic brothers antlclpar
ted our every want. And wnen l was
at last an orphan, my new protectors
took me away. All felt that I was a
sacred charge.
I was placed under the care of the
most reliable Instructors, and my health
was carefully guarded, I lived in the
bouse of tiieo .e I asked to l,c my f idl
er, and believed he loved me as a child.
When I arrived al the age of twenty I
was, with the full approlmtioii of my
guardians married to Mr. Herbert,
" ..a i ..I !...! .,.,.1. I..,...,..
i .... .1 '
conuoeiuiai c.ivra omoi mm.-
1 lie young man was a mason ; ne was
: nonestaiioaiteiiineio ousnus. nut
J was not quite ten years ago. He is now
a partner in the same house. We have
I an elegant home, and once every
year our parlors are oiien to receive
Willi tlieir lainiues me ie who ivuiaiii
ol' those who. at the time of my fath
er's death, were iiieml e -- o ' ihe 1 nice
to which my father belonged. You
understand now, my friends "'')' 1
love Masonry
i.. n.,,,,1,.
Henderson hfed her eves to
those of her husband. He was looking
so wisuuiiy, so pietimngiy.
"My dear wife." he said, "Mrs
Herbert's story is but one of i housands
It is the aim of Masonry to relieve tlie
distressed everywhere, and to ele
vate and ennoble ourselves. Our labors
often take us from Ihe home circle, but
it would not bo manly in ns to spread
a know ledge of the good wo do. To
! many of the recipients of our charity
it would be bitter relief, if truiuja-ted
forth to the world."
Ifrs. Henderson placed both her
bands In those of her husband's and
said, as her eyes filled with tears: "1
will learh to play that piece for you,
and I think I can give it some of 'Mrs.
Herbert's expression, fbr 1 think dif
ferently of Masonry than I have ever
done 1'cl'ore."
The next morning, when breakfast
was over, Mrs. Herbert said : "Now,
Mr. Henderson, 1 must send an imme
diate telegram to my husband, for I
am anxious to meet him, and Shall not
trespa ss nKin your genuine hospitality
longer than is necessary."
"Will you entrust me with the mes
"Yes sir, ' and it was Soon ready.
"All! I was about to send you "the
answer to your telegram to Bos toil,"
! said the ojm tutor to Mr. Henderson, as
he entered the office. He took the pa
' per extended towards him, and found
tl.e message to read as follows :
"G. W. Herbert Is a worthy Knight
Templar. He stands well socially and
financially. His wife is in Wf.-con-sin."
Mr. Henderson called njioii a few of
his Masonic friends, and then hastened
home. Taking a roll of bills from fill
pocket, he laitl them lieside Mrs. Her
bert, saving: -I have taken the lib
f r y 1 1 draw from the liauk of Mason
ry a deposit made by your husband for
your benefit."
"The 'Bank of Mtnourv ?' A depos
it for my benefit? I do not understand
"We", hen, I will explain. Every
dollar a man contributes Inwards tlie
Support of the M isotiic institution is a
deposit to be drawn "lon any time Ii
or his family my refpure it. I know,
po.-lflvelyj.tbat vow husband is a
worthy iMason, and thU mone'ilOo ,
is really and truly yours as If ne
handed It id you himself, if you wish
to continue on your journey to-dav, I
shall see you safely on the 1 o'clock
Mrs. Herbert's Hns anlvemL hut ah
only said, "0, I shall he triad to iro."
"Now. I have onlv to sav. lwware
of pickpockets" said Mr. Henderson.
sinning, as the train began to move.
A week Inter, the secret try of tlie
Eureka Cominandery announced in
r gnltir conclave assembled, the re
ceipt of a letter, which lie proceeded to
read :
"M. L. Henderson, B.C.. and Sir
KuWbi f Eiweka Coinmandery, No.
12, I enclose yon a cheek Pirfrioo, the
amount so kindly furnished my wife,
who arrived home in safety yeswrday.
My gratitude to you for your tbnclv
sympathy and care is not c pulled bv
her own, who says that her experience
in your city has added a new chapter
to her 'reason for loving Masonrv."
Should any of you visit Boston, do not
tail to call upon us, that we may re
turn yon our thanks in person, atid in
vite you to the hospitalities of our
. . .. ...
Life's ill tl r Moment.
Life h is its moments
Of beauty ami bloom ;
Hut they liana: like sweel roses
On the e Ure of the tomb.
Illessln they bring as,
As lovely us brief,
They meet us when happy.
And leave na In grief.
Hue of the niomlnpr.
Tinirmg the sky.
Come on the sunSeauis,
Ami oir with them fly.
Sha lows of evening
Hang soft on the shore,
1 'arkness enwrupa thein,
We ace them no more.
So life's letter moments,
in brilliance uptatar,
Dawning in lieantv.
Our journey to cheer.
Ronn i us they linger,
I.Ike shadows of even :
Would thai we, like them.
Might melt Into Heaven,
lit MOROI'K.
To make apple trees bear Pick oft'
all leaves is soon as they apjatar.
Among the wannest friends of the
one term principle are Horace Gree
ley and the convicts hi Sing Sing.
An exchange snys : "Nobody has
fallen from a ballooiupf a week back. "
We should think it wouldn't be very
good for a weak back it there Imd.
A writer, describing the exodu
from Eden, says, The devil drove
woman out of Paradise, but lie could
not drive Partlise out of woman."
"A woman is tit the bottom of all
mischief," said Jigt. "Yes," said
frank, "and mother was always at the
outturn ot inc.
A Coroner's .fury in Minnesota re
cent'' declared a man to have tee.i
"severely frozen to death."
A Mr. Tease recently married a Misa
Cross. He teased her until she prom
esed not to be eroiSJUiy more. ,
Who is the straightcst man mention.
ed in the Bible? Joseph, because Pha
raoh made a ruler of hint.
A friend who did the Coloradoiau
mountains last fall has informed us
that he got as ravenous as a raven
among the ravines, and sat down in
one of the gorgeous gorges and gorged
"Hid it rain to-morrow f" Inquired
a Iiutoliman ofa Frenchman. "Me
guess it was," ropiicd tlie French
man. An old colored minister, at the con
clusion ofa marriage ceremony which
list had perfhrmed, proposed that the
Compauy shou'd join iii singing
"Plunged in a gulf ot dark despair
We wretched sinners lay."
For the FAK.Miats.To raise hops
Put a smart active toad in each hill.
Hops will soon appear.
To prevent dogs from havhnr tha.
hydrophobia Win n just seven days
old, hold them under the water fifteen
To keep lions from settiiur Snammd
them by the neck over-night.
Tola? thin is the last Aublmiahb.
feminine ambition. Scrawnv i ts
are all the rage, and young ladies whom
nature nas not messed, paint their
rounded shoulders with acuta wrink
l know wht
-eati s white
horse's name is.'
said a
little (5 reel i-
field boy to his sUer. Monday uiornii ir
it s Damyo." " lush. Kridie tim- -
i naughtv word." ',Vell. I nW..,.
if 'tis; that's his name, 'cos, lastnifflii
I was standing outside nftl,.. .,:;..,.
ind heard him say "Wtott, llnnive "
Bob, Is your slstorat home r -v
but she won't see von to.1.1.,1,1 '
iv 'r" "Because she said sb..
going to have one more mess of onions,
w iiviei j;m IUIUIIRT t'Cail. '