The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 01, 1872, Image 7

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ftttDAY, MARCH 1, 1S72.
A Fair EKwaple
Tlie East Portland Era says that
the Ik(.istki! "conclude that
Teccalitk of Republicanism are too
large to lie entertained for one ruo
ineut, hut if the figures were put
less there would hardly. be room to
"doubt." Tlie Jim mihrepresehts us.
Our language was not so imperfect,
and our pints so olscurely made,
as to lead tliat journal astray in rc
;gard to our real meaning. Wc said
in substance that the Democracy
Jiad set afloat so many false and ex
travagai.t stories about Republican
defalcations and dishonesties, that
credibility was out pf question ; that
if the figures had been put some
wliere within the range of reason iu
estimating the value of Gen. Grant's
possessions, there might have been
found some persons credulous
enough to believe tlierfalscliood ;
but as it was tlie projeilors of tie
charge were the only ones who were
justly regarded as dishonest 'Die
above stricture of the Era, which
we cannot interpret in any otlicr
light than an intentional effort to
misconstrue our meaning, is a fair
sample of Democratic fairness and
How JSawf
We think our Democratio cotcm
loraries must be pretty well satis
tied now that onr Commissioners
who sat on the Joint High Commission-to
arrange terms for a treaty
of tlie Alabama claims, were not
overreached by tlie English Com
missioners, During tlie pendency
of that Commission, a great deal
was said by them about the ineffi
ciency of our Commissioners, in point
of diplomatic skill, to compete with
the Board ot British Commissioners,
and prophecies were indulged in
that the honor as well as the finan
cial interests of the country would
lie placed in jeopardy by such un
skilled hands. The sequel has
proven tlie incorrectness of such
opinions and prophecies, and is a
living commentary on the sagacity
and wisdom of President Grant, in
selecting men who were so eminent
ly capable of upholding tlie honor
and guarding tlie interest of this
nation, when brought in competi
tion with the best diplomatic ability
of Great Britain.
Tk Vavthurf Vmsm.
At an auction sale ot unclaimed
goods by the 0. S N. Company of
Portland last week, a grocer iu that
city by the name of Mitchell bought
a box which, ou opening, proved to
contain the bones of a dead man.
These remains were supposed to be
those of a Chinaman. A more care
ful examination showed that they
were those of a white man. V arious
rumors and conjectures were in
dulged in by Portland journals in
attempting to account for the mys
tery. Nothing, however, was defin
itely determined until a coroner's
inquest was held. Since then it
has come to light that the remains
are those of a Mr. John Clark, who,
n few years ago, was hung in Idaho
by the Vigilantes for murder. John
Clark had a sister in California who
heard of his tragical death, and de
siring to give ber brother a decent
burial, she went to Idaho, had the
body of her brother dug up and
faired man by the name of Thomas
to bring it down to Portland for the
purpose of having it shipped to Cal
ifornia. This was done, the sister
in the mean time, however, having
preceded the body, and gone on to
California, since when she has not
been heard from. The man Thomas
also disappeared, and the body was
left to be disposed of at auction and
excite a vast amount of conjecture.
Gold is reported as having been
direorered in the Black Mia, of
Iowa, on White Earth, near Snot.
tadTaiF.naw narration. TaW
The result of tlie State Temper.
ante Comeeiition which whs held In
Salem last week is good. It was re.
solved to demand of the Legislature
tlie eiiactmentofa law by which the
lioanse system shall be changed,
making it necessary for every one
desiring to reHUquori at retail to
obtain tlie consent of a majority ot
tlie voters of his ward or precinct,
over the age of twenty-one years.
I.iceuse shall not issue until this
conront is obtained. Also that each caution be used in appointing Dele
person so licensed shall be held re-1 gates, which is commensurate with
sponsible for the damages which j wisdom and party interest.
may result irom uie umurow v. H,
liquors sold by him. In tlie first
proposition, the ladies are to be in-
eluded among the voter. .
think tlie proposed law is a good
one in every particular. The wives
mothers and daughters of our land
are roe greares., u..ere
evil irmuenccs
grow ontof the sm of intemperance,
a.lslH,ld be permitted to aid in
ineaeoismnor or
at the ballot box. The i second
proposition at regulation cannot
fail of beneficial result, The ven
der of intoxicating drinks will be
compelled to exercise more care and
circumspection in the sale of his
liquids. Drunken men will not be
plied with liquor until reason is
drowned in the frenzy of bacchana
lian mad ness, for fear that results will
follow whktb will draw largely upon
tbe profits. With the Oregonian,
however, and quite a number of the
leading spirits of the Convention,
we cannot help but think that the
proposition to require the licensed
vender to give bonds in some large
amount, would have been fruitful of
the most salutory results, as it
would entirely close- np the lower
denand place the business in the
hands of the more respectable class
of dealers.
Whisk v Expmt. The clerical
editor of tbe Register said in his
temperance speech tlie other night
that he used to drink "sod com"
when he was a boy, and that it was
better than the best brands nowa
days. His varied experiences were
very edifying to the Good Templars
who don t know how it is them
selves. Albany Democrat.
In the above the Democrat does
us an injustice, we hope unintention
ally. We pever said we. , used to
drink "sod corn'' when we were a
boy, etc, but we tried to show that
the whisky made at an early day,
by the old fashioned copper still,
was purer,aud vastly leas destructive
to human life than our modern
adulterations, called whisky. Make
the amende honorable, Mart, or we
will think you were prompted to
write that on tlie principle .that
"misery love company, with tins
difference, that while you represent
us m imbibing "sod corn" in the
days of our boyhood, your drinking
is of "benzine" in the Jays of your
Mrs. Carrie F. Young and Mrs.
Duniway addressed a large gather-
ing of people at the Good Templar's
festival held in Salem on Thursday
night of last week. The States
man speaks in commendatory terms
of Mrs. Young's address to Tera-
perauoe, but says (hat Mrs. Duni
way mad a woman's right speech,
and though she was once admonish
ed that the subject was Temperance,
she still persisted. In contrasting
the manner of the two ladies the
Statesman ha the following: "The
contrast between her manner and
Mrs. Young's was so marked that
it caused much comment not alto,
gether favorable to Mrs. D. We
suggest that if her ladyship is to ap
pear m public continually and ve
hemeutlv. with such profuse ges
tures and bodily gyration, that she
takeoff those earrmgi, it they
wen an ordinary sued pair they
could he worn with less observation,
hut as the wearer evidently wishes
to atone for lk of personal charms
by profuse display her earbobs are
quite statable, and toe sudden errat
ie immanent of tlw head which
carrie them, makes them rear and
plunge most lean fully.
Corbet has irrtwdnosda bill ex.
eitsrenshsn to all nereon
. I .... . . .1 -TT .-:
I treat t oi
4o ataMisja of British
life Masts Wsttt
to be large,
Tlie suggestion which was made
j J one of the members of Aaltt
j tional Republican Committee that
. office-holders remain away from the
Philadelphia Convention, will be
regarded with approval by every
j individual belonging to that class.
j Such a course will deprive the De-
: mocracy of a Shibboleth which tliey
most ardently desire to use, and
which they would wield with cbar-
; acteristic malignity. Let every pre-
Tww Anwrtaui nh.tan r
j ft ,)ag to ,.g)t
jtr State Department at Washing,
: to , , .
J tWQ iuent Ameriptn MimRte
i g jfc
whkjh m Bccredited
with offe.cs of a similar character
. (Vmm!tti ,,v fttaeW
, Miligtcr Sickle( b repre!ented by
i(, tbe dlwW8jon of
politics as to give great offense st
T. ' .... v V 111
Madrid ; and though the matter
has been brought to the attention of
Secretary Fish in a friendly way,
yet tlie return of Sickles is not de
sired. 7'he second case is Geo. P.
Marsh, our Minister to Italy. 7'he
attention of the Italian authorities
lias lately been called to the con
tents of a letter which was written
by Marsh to Secretary Fish on Sep
tember 12th, 1870, in winch he
plainly criticises the duplicity and
undecided course of the Italian gov
ernment. It is intimated that the
letter was not intended for publica
tion, but was placed by tlie clerk
among those selected for the prin
ters. However this may be, tlie
Italian authorities were made famil
iar with its content, and since then
they have shown considerable cool
ness in their treatment of Minister
Marsh. No formal request has
been made to recall him, but it is
understood that they cannot regard
with friendly feelings a Minister
who has accused their government
of continual duplicity.
The reported death of General
Diaz of Mexico from dysentery on
ihe Pith inst., is confirmed. His
followers have proclaimed for De
Tennada or Jusutan for President.
4,000 Government troops were in
side San Luis Potosi, on the 25th
inst, and 3,500 men and 24 pieces
of artillery outside. 11,000 revo
lutionists were confronting the Gov
ernment forces. Fighting had oc
curred, both parties maintaining
their ground. News via Arizona,
a day later, gives reports of Pis-
quiera's defeat in Sinaloe, and also
that his forces met a terrible defeat
in Sonora by the revolutionists.
Many are fleeing into Arizona to
escape the terrors of the re volution.
i. i i .
At a meeting of the League Club,
New York, on the night of the 22d,
a report was made showing that the
single sect of Roman Catholics has,
by alliance with the Tammany ring,
drawn from the treasury of the city
of New York within three years for
the support of its con vents, churches,
schools and asylums, $1,329,888,
while all other sects obtained but
$329,572. It is said to have secur
ed for nothing absolute title in fee
tbe whole block between Fourth
and Fifth avenues and Fifty and
Ffty-nrst streets, valued at $1,500,-
000, besides several other blocks
worth 12100,000 at nominal rates.
It concludes by adopting a resolu
tion favoring the passage by the
Legislature of the 1870 charter, but
asking the insertion ot a clause pro
hibiting the granting of money or
property in aid of sectarian institu
tions by the city, and for the amend,
meet ot the State Constitution to
tbe same effect, and a similar amend,
mant to the National Constitution.
. 4
Oukrikr. An incorrigible bora
t our dhow wants to know if
W-o-r-c-e-frtre-r spells Wooster,why
K-o-ch-e-s-U-rdonH, spell Rooster?
Now an excliango wants to know,
since waB is propounded wirk,
why P4Hr4 issJtpiounedpirkT
There qiwettew are very irksome.
The Republican State Conven
tfon rWlWmbns, fftwtlv Carolina.
erected iriveu white and seven col
ored delegates to the Philadelphia
Convention. - All, with a single ex
ception, are State office-holders.
Tlie platform adopted endorses the
Administration, but remonstrates
against Federal appointments in tlie
State, which, it says, were made by
tlie President through misrepresen
Tlie fiineral of L. D. Lockwood,
a prominent banker of New York,
took place yesterday,
The wife of Moses II. Grinnell
died at Geneva, Italy, on the 22d.
She was a niece of Washington
Tire. WMsor looks, murderers,
Scott and Cbarest, have been ar
rested by detectives.
The Imperial Japanese Embassy
were received in Chicago on the
26th. Mayor Medill delivered an
appropriate address of welcome
l'rinoo Jwakura made a suUhle rc-
Thtfla'rge sugar refinery of Har
low & linker, L'inwood, Pa., was
destroyed by, fire on the 25th. Loss
$150,000;; insurance $100,000.
Tire extensive coal sheds of J.
Colby, at the Iron Works in Lam-
boro, Mass., Were burned on the
26th. Loss $75,000; insurance
$19,000. .
A deed one hundred and thirty
years old was recently presented for
record in Boston.
The railroad bridge across tlie
Missouri river at Council Bluffs is
Delegates to tlie National Labor
Convention from New York are in
structed to vote for Wendell Phil
lips for President.
O. L Stewart, Rep., lias been ap
pointed Assistant District Attorney
of New York in place of yonng
Charles Francis Adams arrived
in New York on the 21st
The Democratic State Central
Committee of Illinois have decided
to issue a call for a State Conven
tion. This, action is regarded as
favorable to the passive policy.
Tlie Democratic State Central
Committee of Ohio met in Colum
bus on the 22d, and adjourned un
til June 13th, without fixing a day
for a State Convention.
Washington's birthday was pret
ty generally observed by the prin
cipal cities throughout the country.
Colfax, in an address at Brook
lyn, New York, on the 22d, said
that England was bound by the
Treaty of Washington and the de
cision of the arbitrators, and would
have to pay tlie debt in full.
An octogenarian of New York
named Margaret Wilson, while in
dulging in her habit of smoking in
bed on the 21st, set fire to the bed
and was burned to death. r
The Supreme Court decided that
1 1, t i.l.. inn nf t Wft T
. . . . . .,. ,
lr. I MMBI.IIIM II' Q . lllfurai
tkmally, and the Legislature dis
banded on the 22d.
Charles F. Adams returned home
solely on private business.
A note addressed to Minister
Schenck lately, on tbe Alabama
question, is exceedingly amicable in
tone and profuse in the expression
of a desire en the part of the Brit
ish to preserve the treaty and estab
lish friendly relations between the
Kx4erator and ex-Gov. Yates is
lying deage-Wisly ill with hemor
rhage of the bowels at his residence
at Jacksonville, Illinois.
One hundred passengers ar
rived at Chicago from San
Fraooiseon via tbe Union Pacific
Railroad on the 23d, were very se
ven in their denunciation of officers
and employees of the road, charg
ing them with neglect, inefficiency
and brutality. Gov. Pott, of Mon
tana, was among them.
Tbe liquor interests of Illinoisare
doing their best to have the recent
ly enacted temperance law of that
State repeated.
R is slated that Collector Arthur
has tendered his resignation and
that the place has bean offered to
Treasurer Spinner, who declined.
"""""" '
In the quarantine
of New York on the 22d, tribery of
various kind was shown'in the it
spectkm of vessels, ete.
Investigation m the Department
of Public Works of New. York,
shows that enormous charges have
been made for tools and road re
pairs. It was reported on tlie 26th that
onr Government had authorized an
oner to be made to the Gladstone
Ministry to settle tlie Alabama dis
pute for fifty millions of dollars.
The German Democratic Gener
al Committee of New York on the
23d passed resolutions endorsing
Carl Schura.
A conspiracy to burn the Presby.
terian church in Miller Place, Long
Island, was discovered and frustra
ted recently.
The American Iron Works of
Pittsburg were burned recently.
They were the most extensive in
America, and the loss is from two
to three hundred thousand dollars.
The House Committee, at Wash
ington, seven against two, have
agreed to recommend an appropria
tion doubling the China ssail serv
It is thought the bill making tea
and coffee free will fail before the
U. S. Senate.
roKEMi jusra.
The London IWgraph of the
10th inst. says the Treaty of Wash
ton, as interpreted by Americans, is
one of unconditional surrender, such
as is extorted at tlie point of the
victor's sword. This is plain, nat
ural, manly ground for rejecting as
intolerably absurd, the American
construction. England is unani
mous in the rejection of the treaty
in its American sense. No section
of the people are in favor of acced
ing to tlie demands ot the United
A new Ministry has been formed
for Spain by Sagosta.
King Amadeus, of Spain, is rep
resented as being disgusted with his
Spanish throne, and desires his fath
er, King Victor Emanuel, of Italy,
to sanction his alidication.
The number of journals in Eng
land is 14,560.
Five hundred dollars worth of
gun powder was seized in Cork by
the' English authorities on the 20th
It was rumored on tlie 21st that
Baron Heatherly would soon retire
from the Lord Chancellorship of
Great Britain and be succeeded by
Lord Romilly.
John lravis was executed in
Toronto on the 22d for tbe mur
der of Johnson some months ago.
7'roubles were multiplying in
Hayti on the 11th inst An at
tempt was made ou the night of the
5th to burn the city of Port an
Prince. The flames burst out sim
ultaneously in different parts of the
Jlf, and great consternation pre-
" m'uiiniwwj vu
was feared. Troops were ordered
out and the President and Ministers
were on tbe streets all night 7'he
fires were extinguished before much
damage was done, and seven sup
posed incendiaries were arrested.
The French residents of Havana,
Cuba, are solicited by card to con
tribute towards the payment of tlie
German indemnity.
The Bourse in Paris, France, was
illuminated on tbe night of tbe
22d in honor ot Washington's birth
day. It kiifortsd that insoreaok pro
poses to issue invitations to the
Powers for an International Con
gress, the object of which will he
to establish a system of mails and
uniform rates of postage and to fa
cilitate the transmission and ex
change of mails.
The Consul of tbe United States
before the Geneva arbitration are
preparing their reply to the ease
submitted by Great Britain. They
think England will finally submit to.
the arbitration,
Thiers is opposed to the con
tinued residence of Count de Cham
bord at Antwerp. Some riotous
demonstrations occurred there re
cently. All large assemblages are
dispersed by gens d'armesi
Gen, sWman, dnSreT 'Xkteir,
Lt Grant and others had a pie-nic
among the rums of Pompeii on the
Five distinct shocks of an earth
quake were; felt at Leghorn m the
24th, and enured much alarm.
The India revolt has bean sub
dued. Several weeks wilt yet elapse be
fore the New Orleans Speeial Com
mittee make their report
French Bishops are reported to
have secretly encouraged tlie Legit
imists in their efforts to bring ab' ml
a return of thesuouanehrto France.
The present King ot Spain is
thought to be unable to cope with
present difficulties and a crisis is
imminent in Spanish affairs,
Deunison, late Speaker of the
British House of Commons, has
been created a peer of the realm
with the title of Viscount Ossiitg
ton. Tlie budding in whieh the Inter
national exhibition is to be held iu
Vienna in 1878 is to be 8,000 teet
long, 600 feet wide, and is to have
a cupola 330 feet iu diameter. A
separate bunding wrll be. provided
for exhibiting machinery and other
works of art
Tlie richest people in the world
are tbe Clierokee Indians. 7'hey
number 16,000 ; own in fee sireple
4,000,000 acres of the best laud on
tlie continent, and have in tho hands
of United States Government, on
which they annually receive the in
terest, $8,000,000.
UirrortJLAH Questions. - W
want some cal.n
-'They called for the rent again MiW
"The waterpipes have burst"
"Jane has given warning."
"That poor chUd, Minnie, hasnt a
tiling to wear."
"The black beetles are worse than
"I've heard from mama, and she
will be very glad to come and stay
with us."
"Cook aays we mart have a new
kitchen gate. "
" Shall yon mind turning out of your
room on Thursday, dear? It sadly
wants cleaning. "
" Henry, there k some one ringing
at the front door bell. I know those
servants have left the dining room
window unfastened. Do go dawn
stairs and see if It's tiM poHcenun, "
"Please, ma'am, will you come up
into the nursery and speak to Master
Arthnr ? I cant do anything with' him. "
"Isitthe drains?'' 1
"Oh, Fred! Sarah broke your pipe
when site was dusting Oils morning. ''
"The drawing-room fire's 'been
smoking all day."
" I wish those servants would come
"On, ma'am! tbe cat has got the
cold fowl."
f I cannot And my keys anywhere."
" My best dress is completely ruin
ed." "Dent you think, my low, the chil
dren look as If they wanted a change."
"The sweeps are coming in the
4 Have you any change?"
"Dinner will be three-quarters of an
hour late, dear."
"Tbe girls think we ought to give
a dance.
"Reginald's bowser's are ap to his
" There ii not a drop ef brandy in
the house."
Wire. MnreRres, iuur. Who umt
rles for love takes wife: who Mar
ries for fortune take a roktress; wfeo
marries for position take lady, yeu
are loved by your wise, regarded t.y
your mistress, restated by your lady.
Yon have a wile for jour yourself, a
mistress for your house sod friends, a
lady for the world and society, your
wife will agree with yon. your mis
tress will role ysj, your lady will
manage you. Tour wife will take
care of your houwlwjd, your mistress
of your house, your lady of appearan
ces. If you are sick, yenr wife will
nurse you, your mistress real visit you,
your lady will Inquire after your health.
You take a walk with your wife, a ride
with your mistress, and' K to a party
with your lady. Your wife will share
your grief, your mlntress your money,
and your lady your debts. If yon are
dead your wife will weep, your Dihitress
lament, and your lady wear mourning.
Which will you have ? Th VhruUHm.
Grace Greenwood, writine from Den
ver recently said: Nature did an
telope an 111 tarn, originally, In affix
ing to them a mark by which they can
be seen and , bead drawn on them,
at a distance. It renders them eanx t-
ally liable to attac In the rear, wMch
reminds ns of a little story : A small
Colorado bay, who had been out plant
ing, ran into the house in a state of
great excitement, saying that he bad
seen some antelopes tea gulch near
by. At Ins entreaty Ms mother Went
out to took at them; tret nothing of tbe
Kind was to Be ounu. She nreame
incredulous and mU at last : '-I don't
belleveyou saw my antelopes ; it amst
have been yonr imagination, mrihHd.'"
To thU the hatsjaant little Mountain
eer responded: "Humph! I guc-s
my huagwautm isn't white bemud '. "
"BMly,"' said a fond mother to her
ou, "you are tale Urn n agtin