LOCAL MJaTTWaW. T.ra.vNOH. fWm Lebanon we lear n iit.it the cittais; there hare measured tjic atntiaonlver at the crowing near tliat village,, and find It to be 365 feet wide. The mention or submitting a I K-tit km to tlx: County Commissioners, tri nesting tliat a bridge be erected at that point. Is being agtuted. The cit izen?, feeling tlic absolute need of a bridge across the Sautiaiii to afford a . safo and permanent Crossing, propose, ii' the couuty will pay a reasonable proportion ot the cost, to raise what Is Jacking to complete the bridge by siib s, ription. That a bridge is needed at ,Mls poiut on the Santiam-that the , material interests aud welfare of both Lebanon and Albany demand Its early 'construction there cannot be a differ eaoe of opinion, and the wishes of wtteens in tint portiou of the county should receive a respectful considera tion at the hand of the powers that be, at tlie earliest moment. The Messrs. KSktua have' about, completed their sploudht mill, aud flteoon be able to itani.latit.-a anybody. business has tttarvery. tair and health generally gooi. The exhibition at the .Santiaat Academy on Hrrtarday niglit of last week, was a brilliant and cn tpttaining anuir, and was pronounced a" grand success by the large crowd in attendance. The Academy, in the hand3 of Mr. T L Duitsrer. b win- uing golden opinion, aud establishing a reputation as among one ol onr nest institutions of learning. FitOM Ocnocr. Mr. Oeorgc Mllll eau, who left Ochoeo on the Wtli, ar ttring in this city on tlie 35tli, brings the tollowing Intelligence from that valley : He says that the winter has been rather severe, bat stock-men are highly pleased with tlie restdta, stock having done- so much better than they anticipated. Intbe.raUay thera has becrv Dot 1ft Ma loss of stock, and these were cattle tliat were brought in tate . hi the Fall, .in a poor condition. Onr late townsman, Jas. Elkins, Esq., Who, it will be rememberesf, went into the valley late- hist Fall, is reported to have lost seven bead of cattle. The healths off Ochocoans should be good, a; there Isn't a physician in her bor ders, aTid but one minister of the gospel, and he fills no regular appoiut nWaaw The cattle purchased by Mr. Jason Wheeler of Mr. Decks rd, some .weeks ago a. purdnse, by the way, v. herein is was thought Jase took ' big chances' to loseare aU right, a .id in thriving condition. From .lohi. Day and Willow Creek the reports are very favorable stock doing much bet ter than expeefeoV Teal A Coleman, die big cattle lneu of the npper eotm try, have soma three thousand head, ami they lapatt a loss of only about one hondrealbead. In Tygh valley tlie weatlier lias bean mote severe, and the loss of stook. will be natch greater 'than at aowoflhe other points meu tiouo. For two months past the A'cather has been so severe tliere that stock have had to receive feed regu larly. Mr. M. thinks that twenty to tweuty-av per cent, of the- cattle in tK-hoco will make good beef at tie present, tftne. Books, Pictuk, ktc Mr. Jblm .Smith has-opaned an office in the I'aiilchng formerly occupied by Dr. 'ftte, door next to Messrs. Blain, taiuiig A CO., Where lie has on exlii WfJes crajsaas,. chromes, steel engfav 'fttes. lithographs, etc.., which be will dtspose of at wy hwv rates.' ' Some of Uvs pfcHrraa of 'fruits, sower, land scapes, etc, are perfectly splendid, and' Hq!d btj aft ornament to any parlor. fj fco receives subscript ions to new WdiOiHilBf work-v Among, his sitl) rlpthm books' ii riew Hlmtrated fifftify bUla,taiBagOvir 8f fnely benteil;' iwistratraiis, St beadtlfolly huaad. -tha soort perfect a nd compre- ve adlttoiiiever ptiblishe.1. An- 19 n uuiiiihu fusivij UI us: bible, IM'm the Vrcatioii to 'Apm- mPW a .aiid.iariwa, and twthV ylMBe.. .TTi, . , ,n ' - A Patdwi BBS.- A gentleman wlfo ' rtShlcs in Odfcwo, bat owns, a farm lit Vthhccnllattia!l pnrtbaseri tmrty j5y w4 .d heafvea tt 1 out there ami tauisferml then fa his farm in this IM auM tfte lot to botchers and the itterday, getting ten , cants per flonnd net. dearingsbout a : taaiwidsl6aian m the WanaiietkirJ. .-is: i WAMtfT.lins FAtUKR OSf msCOGS- tRr-OeaA -gmltli' (coh)rw!) bch asked h Ha Knew on wW dajr pf tlie . montfr-tha Kathar af hh -Country, i-lirma . ... . Z?' ;rr ";"Trr WmlZ icTj "SSt'l' fttt ' j. .... "i . ...a . 1""" i dewh-arrlvitrH time for institilac an KiKauinmenr I ..1,1. 14... KT.TXS-.I Arrow tut MusjudKH.-Our 1E publtcan rrteuri will please remwnlier that tOrMorrow-Samrday, March 2d at ! o'clock P. M., It the day appoint 41 for holding meetings it) the different pfveimrta for tlie selection of delegates to represent them In the County Con Vcntfon, trilled transpires Saturday week, March 91 h, in this city. We lioie that, Kepublluans will not forget this matter, hut on the contrary wl II esteem it a nloasure as well as a duty to at tend and aki in securing representative men as delegates JU't every one tliat II. I.. . . .... 1... I., nil I....... '.... primaries are of more importanoe, and JZ..,.i i .7 .i. SIIIMIHI riiWITO uiurv iiciiu"h ai we tnds ol'our iople than Uiey have heretoi'oiv wiriwi. Again we w upon Bepuhlicans attention to this n!atter-bson hand at tlie place of voting In y&u-precinctsattlic time ap- pointed. Scarcelt ant .'There are, contrary to the usual custom, '"quite a few" i MntfltAataa fnrtluiiviniitvnniepa III linn : at tlie coming election. There arc but ; 1 lle8l,,,y thirtviiwuidid;.leslbrUieofl1W Tttj. of hoM Sheriff among the Democracy, (bat we ! Montelth will be !cardja rn that have aiiv account or up lotliis writing, sue is siowiy recovering iQni ine ws all of whom seem certain ot the iionii- ease that threatened, in tbejcarly part nation. For the office H Otmfyf!Mt, of t)le eek, to Uk'e laif -troin among there are three meu in this dty who, ' .. , , . 6 netuallv declare they are not seeking the office- I The candidates for tlie of tice of Comity Treasurer nvre not very .............. .. it ....... , .U Ik &ftoSth? bWfifia atrMWk' H.wi the-ofllee I lias advanced vrnsnlenibly Ii pajbllc favor, and may prove as big a bone as any. - For the kjrgtsjuture tHere are quite a nnhiber who are willing," and for Kepreselititive in Congress patriotism and love of country runs so high jnst now, that it would be bard to mid a lKinicker who would not be wiiliucr to accent the uoinintithHi. If we rton t have a lively aiuvass it w on t trith. PcCtMAR Case. Auetber one of, the family of J udge Powell is sick, I and as the report lad. been widely cir culated that this time it was a sure case of small pox, we made inquiry of the family physician as to tlie truth of the report, mid he intorms us that he does not know, as yet, what tlie disease is he has new mid' it was tlie sea rash or the small pox. stands. So the case Lij;&iocK or Fchxttiiue. C'has. Mealey inay not lave quite as large a stock of funiittire as some of the big New York firms, but lie has certainly as large an assortment and as great a variety, both in style, and price, as is demanded by tlie fullest handed in UJ u. io ......ueu ... ity. He lias every style onr coniinuii and variety of furniture, and will sell anything In his shop at tla? lowest cash rates, uo anu tee lor yourself. Oi k New Bank Mr. John Con ner now occupies his new hank build ing, on first street near the corner of W ashingtou, and is ready to receive deposits. sellejehJinge. make mans or transact any othqr legitimate banking bnsiness. 11 new bank is one of the moat conveniently arranged and fittM .. .. .i 'i... .'..:... i. .... up oil WW lmwi. iiiriiiMiic is n iralnnt. desks, counters, etci. and the sttft Is not only one of the latvest dize, but is an ornament to the institution itself, 'flie batik Is proving a great convenience to our business men,- and of course is bound to nourish. .. m n ! , v.i Ll j : ... iJ ,i w n n isiiiug Mf ss cure swils in jii. n . a. Donicu s four-liurse hack for libation, or wfih' to "send trackages, etc., to that point, should call or send orders' to the St. Charles llutel, corner of Washing ton and First street. Mr. Uonlca is one of tire aiost aeorauaxlating of gen tlemen, and all busiuess entnisteu to him will be promptly and taitliftdly executed. LECn w:. Sister Duniway denver l a reeture at ( kant House in this city, on Monday evening, to u large au dience, Subject Iiible aud Women. We did not have the pleasure of list ening to it. '8lster Duniway says tint a Wornanv8 Stiitrtige Convention Is hi contemplation, to be held either in this city. Ssalen or IJortland, about the lir-t of July next. r Xtw VKKii.-Mr, Joliu SSniiUi has presented .its with a box. of pens, called Goodspeed's celebrated eoklen foun tain pens- We Iwve tried them', and so tar as we have 'list (hem. ' tSey ' do Maaat elegant workw. II. has them for sale. . .v. ,;i j'vi- Cot)Kr.udgirtg 1rom tlieJTjfi usual number of bedroekera iews4ri our VtmtU dartaaytlia w.ah,-w jwl-e tl .Wla,aiheuig.HWiiiigHd ft .the goose Is cooked. IeTpra fgt mfnl Js. L. Jgidlyaia a lecture abedds to-iaon-ais rtiirday,.litidof Friday, lis we' trad it last '' wceki ftemendier the lectnre comes oWon the 2d of Mars-h Instead of tlie M. .lillIREKCdveti tiy tlie Albany nandiijfCfo tte 'enlng of tlie fOi was d most peasant atralr nf t he seaspn, was largely aitenoVd. and pan ned ont well IhiautlaJJy. Thw is repeat of toose in attendiui. . ,t.. '' ZZ'.J.. lV t..i 1 1 aaa i Mr.fltiHinftigram Iti- j!t his ajtn the abeeyft 1 4bt l llf..! -rnuB ut BW'lim-'''- ajiaakaMenti Hr UlAi bavtmr bmo Mia. Yocnp's i.tCn RE' Mrs. Young will lecture as follows : Slwdds, Thursday evealif. Feb. 39. Halsev, Friday evening. March 1. Brownsville, Saturday eve, March 3. Diamond Hill. Snndayeve, " 3 Harrisburg. Moiahy w, " McFarland's,. Wetltelay eve, " Knox's Butte, Thursday eve. ' 7. Irvine's sch. house, Friday eve," . Oilc.ms. Sundav. IH 1). ill. i " 10- Corvallls. Monday evening, " 11. I Albany. Wednesday evening. " W. j Snhiects to select from : Tlie Mieli- , te en"J" If'Uv. L Present and Future of the Icinnr i'a-t. ranee : - ,1 I r 1 ii. ,i l..M..r I tefonn i Alcohol and Brain 1 m.r , I f. "- Money-Boys vs. Hnr. Yol !a"TZ WttW c-oIkioiis, and ottering to the 1 1"! vaalmU Journal o Health and Temperance forsnberi)tions. Personal. We are pleased to acknowledge a visit from Mrs. Dunl- of tlie Portland Xvrtforetf, on U3 UVIII". Ol. Tompkins, Kstji, called on m Monday. KeporU business iu -Marrfe- .rtter. msgk be much ldullcr tban.it is her, i ,j I s. II. ClaugliUm, Tlso.. of Lebanon, visited tile city on AVcmfcsihiiaiitl spent a few fleeting but pleasant nio mcntvin onr sauvtimi..' 1 FobkCli'B. We nefloi) the farm ers hi Poll and Yamfiill 'eVHititk-s are moving In the matter1 "sir organising Farmers' Chihs. Tint Is as It shoiUil be. Every county wittaiut a club should proceed at once to organize one. Jt'ST Arhived. M. Pearson A Co. have recieved a lot of Singer Sewing Machines, to which they Invite the in spection of buyers. He has also a full supply ot the celebrated Buckeye ma chine. JI AiiKKTS. stutter is still at 40 cts. i per ponml. Kggs in good supply at 25 cts. per dozen. " Vegetables gener- ! y l'otatoes quoted at 2o ' rr bushel at the stores. Business dull. Salahv Increased. Night Wateli man Brown's salary wai raised from 30 to !f 10 iter inouth, at the last uieet- j ugoftheyi tyCouncU. . J L.V ,. Laiterino. ine latest uitelli geuct! from California gives tlie most flattering accounts of the tfheat pros pect in 'California. Kvery thing is favorable for an iramense yield. Concert. Prof. Hogont Will not be with us tilt March 9th tuuj lOtli, when a real treat may lie expected.. Iji the promised 'concert. ' Li venisg t rrSbe. Kpe . - weal her of .. , . . &l&jm,WlfoJ business more livelv; and eonscsiuentlv Iieople hereabonts look luOrx eiieerfui. Mail Aoent. Wc'omifed' to men- Mion last week that oar fellow citizen. i j. v Memlcnhall, Esii., bad been up-: imm" agent bif tfie O. tcvi pointed - At Last. Washington letter dated early In January, ftMchetl us on Thursday.. They iatve had a long ride. Freigut Trains Are rumiiiig agaln-throngh from PaMftna to Junc tion City. ' . - . ; Si - WiiEvVT-WliMthahywheife lromSO ' to 00c per bushol, with, jQbring. Febmary th, 1S72, Wfne -M. B. Church in tliis city, hy tlittaastor, Kev. C. W. Shaw, Mr. J.J. Tompkins, of Idaho Territory, to Mr?: K. I.kh. of this city. . :. ,it) . . CoiuJiineuts, reeeiyeiL liappy union "of loving iiearts. May their loves and joys increase '"'wHh each re volviug.year. . t, . -4 . . ;,BD;.J;i I In tills city Fehirwy';2rrJ187i I.iflit. dangliter oMJ. ibaoK Y., Srst 13 years. - , ' Funeral seviccs traiwplreti at tlie Presbyterian aiHreK onTOMMnr.' Jill ''l...a ariuntl' VI Ml sj hooUpgjejil.tlie JirrouV.triaii)otJftp 4biM fMH, 18 Wmf, WW'! to one of its titliful uieniters, ijqw de-' W"F.nAB, It hath pMioMl AimfMry God tielt rodelnhlaa Society, itujrulore anfl'lolttrniTmem feSSl Raited, That, weltaw in KulimliaOin. in 'vHltouMaaonv death, la that : booa auaj xniia earaaattr wrwaae J. IIIC llfTlatlllfJl till. I -MrartTO, raaotuliona be HmaSatod ta in whh h. r itry o r ti lit II,. MfJMrrAT.-Oold ork 110,. Legal tender ) 1091c BivER-Stowly tilling, weatlier still stormy. NEW TO-DAY. New Barber Shop, NOTRTHM: HA LB BACKKNSTO has opened a new Uirlwr shop on Firnt si met, throe, doors west of Conner's Hank, wnviv im in pi,-HM;u w j mi purnons niwdlnz Ills wrvices. Sliu; lui, Iwiivuuuiiia, slifHnppolUK, ct done in the most satlrUi:tor' innn??.' AHiuny. Keliriinr)' kWlv4 V. s. MAIL t Tri-WeeKly Stage Line ! rpiIK l.'NDKIiNHiSKl) fa now ritnninsn X tri'Veeklyat ane from Lulmnon to At ban)', uarrjliis the U. S. Mulls, leaving Ijitmnon every Monday, Wednesday mid Friday moriiiiiKH, and returning, leave Allmnv lit .' o'elock I'. M. of said days. Passengera called for la any part of the ellv AH oi lei's anonia oe leit at tlie St. Omrjes Hotel, Albany for lwsangen or frelgnt mr Leuanon. l'ackuxe and lixbt freight punctually delivered at. low rates. All businesa on. trusted to me will tie promptly ut tended io. W. K 1IOSACA. Lelmion, fch. US, "i.v4 JOHN SCHMEER, in; i.r.r. IV Groceries & Provisions, HAS JlST OPKSEn HIS SEW (iU(K Kit estaMwlnnent on comer of Kllswiirtli aud First streets, with a fresli, stuck of utocenes, PravlSnNns, Cartdtes, CMih, To Imisi, .e.,to which he inviliw llie atten tion of our citizens. In Mnnectlon with Hie s'ore he will keep n Rnkery, and ill always hat e on hand a full supply of fresh bread, rnu-kr, 4c. H3T Call mid see me. JOHN SCnSKES. Fchoiarjf ltWN4 nmsi rRS! COBS! rpHK HKillKST PHH'JCS PAID IX CASH 1 for all kinds of ri'B. bv ni,Aix7roi N-fi co. Allmay,reh.tl, 7i-a-2if J AUKS L. COWA1V, (Smressor of A. Cowsa A Co.) Lebanon, Oregon, IK-alcr bi nunfiii iimod b El KKAL InliKlliilllllSli ! WILL KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND A full stock of DR Y UOOH8, UROCERIES. HAUDWARB lHKiTs. 4 shoes. nil for sole at the Lowest Prices for Cat hi wajri7illct i . I . - Car All persons owing A. Cowan a Co., caw settle by calling on me at Lelmnon. 1 v4 JAMES t. COW AK. I ! - E. D. WHITLOW (& COk, I " , Importers and Dealers in FURNITURE ! llnhnldtPrv P.nnrlc First -St., 3 doors below Conner's Rank, Al.lt AW, ORSOON, Keeps constantly on band for sale Slack Walant Parlor ana unamaer satu, Painted Chamber Sett a, D lnlne room and Kitchen rnrnitare of all Mods; SOFAS, LOCNQK& SI'RINfi matresse.. BEDSTEADS. 1 ables. mNjiS HinKArs, w HATNOns, ,. , ' IJltACKETTS. BOOKCASES. .. , SECRETARIES i'l Wv. Upholstering In all Its branches. :V5r4 niie)f !iHHnr I . . . .. uroiuutnoss and dispatch. Bcpalrhig 4fc .Hanulhctariug done to order. firtJoods de'Uvofad trany part of lira city . t"jrAH pur work wamntal , COlfTNS made to orla.4 on short it leg rive I IS : ' r. i , . JS. ft.WHITLpW Ct). TAlW Ptfttt'IfASftli THE' IsfiX Jti uhUiC .. iMUDgia 11-s-i KjTi lllvery Butt I am prepared to do any and all, kinds of ffths, on SlHirt notleb and with snilek aft pat eh. Term reasonable. I'aekiurcs do llvereil to any wrt ol t he city. B -book out for the BAY TKAM and JOIIWAlWN. V A. N. AUWoLl QWKKt POTATCdfcS,pcrla.t P. ' VMS.. to 1A raid for WHKAT, OATB, TOTiK, J Butter and Kgg, by WHE ir.KLKK, at llvi CLOTJIINt; and fOtlTS and SIIOKS a flneassotiawnt, verybm liy IVHEE LKBat.8haMt - T Uv4 .aohtljy For t v taiMCp, III JI!W 1 CHIU qalrfr -AT Rounds, Woodenek Co., Proprietors A Manufacturer of BDRTSKI Grain Separator, junction crrir. Roeelvsi the Diploma at the State Fair af Wit. PUCK KKPLTKlt TO FIFTY DOLLARS! .These Machines am wnrrtnted stiMan- I inlly inade, and are not to he stirpa.wd in clcunlntr Wheat for seed, and are c jiuil ly as rooiI for cleaiilnu' tails. wnl In yonr orders, on J we will waiTant atMaetlon. Address, i BOUNDS, WOOIXWK A CO., Junction City, Or. Jan. M, IsTKImS 1 BOWS IT E. C. n. COMOTOfK 4 CO. HAVE OX uanu a larfre hii.oiiiiI of Cotnico Seed Wheat v ' ' .' ' .'' ' i. t of every variety, w liich tbev nfliT for sale atKK.VTtV RRDt'CKO Pltll'KS, . .. FjEEdi 1'eeui fi:i;j : Ot 71. CdkHtohl CO. HAVE (IS ban4 a lanM.lot of bit AN. nisoaliirae amount of CHOP FJSKD, made from nnn whi'ut. wlilch llicy oiler for wile at reason able rates. Wit. 9, XEWIH'llY, KobniaryJ, WtiM Auenk UiaMlutton or t'opartneralilji. qnifiaIVRTXICJlsilIl'HKHKTOrf)ltK A. exminu lulwoi'n K. K. Minw and M. J'earsoi), imder the tfrui-nnmc of Miner A Pearson, Is tills day dissolved bv miituul isuiitent. K. E. Miner will eoiieut and cun c 1111 iiionejs uue uie urui.aiul will pv ail Indebtedness, JJ. K MtXKttT" fJUlSOX. Aioany. Jan. H, ImTt zIwI Xotice ! . T WHOM IT MAY COXCERX : ALL personsare heroiiy warned not haulve credit to any person in mv uaiiiu without an order from mv hand. . . JOUS KOmXETT. Ibanon, Januury 31, lS.2-'lw4 Mrs. BridKCfarmer WISHES TO INFORM THE LADIES V of Albany and vu.irtity.tbat MIssM. M. JOHNSON lias taken charge of her Millinery and Urcwt-.WAlOjUf Slore. She is pre)ansl to do all kind, of work In that line. WrCAXL AND SKT-a Allaim-. Jini.liirisli-iott Rcud This! A I. I. i'EKSOSS KNOWIKC THEM S scrvcs.hiireblrsi to' HiltaMdel A Co.. f!SJLlSE T. account B1 be u-d Iu (be btrada ot the properofllcer for toI lection. AVe are clos. lug out our busiues. and will collect oil amounts due us in thirty d'avn. W. J. IHLTABlDEL CO. Jan. 19, 18iJ40t4 ttardWare for rmna Si suShs. XI and for Farmers sold bv Wheeler, nt SHEDD. Uvl Hlltametlf Transportation Oompeoay l pROM AND AFTER DATfc, I NTH. pHclV?Sti?ou?'yill4ny-to'clirvaills'oii Tueoday and Friday of Kadi Week. Also, will dispatch a boat from Albnnv for l'ortland and intcmiediate places oh same days, leabis Conwtoek ft Co. "a wharf. V. . . rata at Reduced Hates. J. It. BILES, Oe:ia,iiih- WWjmM T BALE. BSbwisolgT or 6; ir. pack- iiialnlna-tmhand in tlie Allmnv , mSt of- year, nHclataied , I at TWptlcanetlon,at 9. fUi x's rf1HE 1 A aKCSl 'ill'be store In i Bulty, on tee 4 of feBafwrw iex, to t he litefces bidder for cash : '.W W AnSsed to rackaac. - . . M. Iff. Wllepi 2 iiaekiiiJfei.fS.0.1)., C I.", I, ATFike. Boa. .Tify .V ....W.(i.t:onklln .l.fl.BmHti. )., 10.00. . . . W8.fcwrcnce wpi.aptuiMon Miainj-j son. ra, oiu t ' Mam q. a uma in. toaa WWe TV) TIJE AFFUCTEf) WITH COCiillH. -.J. wMjtr htaar. tttyriat,tba-Ua is Invaluable, as many have been restored try its pan nan greets on many nn; r,lcby aWilr' Wmritfortt fimur; Molding Mucltitv; ffmiaf" m ,i n'wii' Mbchbiery Planing Mill huj AiWresH ERR Y A PLACE. SaclilneryHerifit. U itCaiaWnUW..ati irapMisoo. won State Insurance Comrhlasloner, and also 'WMBOiLne uirecrors and plalaiillaiaaW tsa awnspaa. placrs Mt joii Mimj i m. P. JAMRS. many wnuuayeiaan nwsmitmSrlrn.it liv IHHH nf Xtrsmptmaml sffHi. in JfeamalrHlta ITTITI1 Tii'lr lams I he law, under the direction of the i.a-dWW GROCERIES PROVISIONS, WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL WIMMiriMI ,V ISKUAUALIUX-STS., ALBANY, OREGON, A. Cm Layton, Proprietor. 1 I HAVE ALWAYS IN STOItE A ULL mid complete supply t STAPLE & FANCY ,: (tROCERIES! PROVISIONS ! Tobacco & Cigars, Wllk'U 1 will sidl i- cash aS'low iiMtho 'westiOf eebaja ten all khids ,,f (un-. eiiautaiae ' C0l.fRY PRODICEJ Kecelved and la atnre a bug qimntityol ISILD SILT, which I w ill sell cheaper t ban ever iiefore otlcred iu this uwrket. t-t. I catena u eneml hHatn loaW J lAJTpwiple in Hiis and adjoining 33 Ut'connties, locull and exam, t t-'."hie unaliiy and urlms i jfoods, as I foci J& iiTnaitldimt ol my.a Urahiilty touivejij Wi"lbiniiiKh' t-iTsatis-j w no.-- eTjanii vJJS3 A. C. L.VVTOX. BlacksnilthJiHi; General Repair Shop. TH I'NUERSHlNEfl HAVINfi l.'K turnett to Al'uny.aud taken Jila oil I shop on corner or Ellsworth and Second streets, announces his midiness to attend to all kinds of BLACKSMITHIM;, MILL X .MACHINE FORU'NU, ;t0." Also, has ou band and for ea'le, ttiu ' COQOItL ARD WAGON, Strayer rorce-tee ''' QRAIW OR1TLX., STAR MOLTNE, ' .: jfmku flu whWV' vill sell on Jlie most raaanaablo VIVE MK A CAM.. rt ."' " t r' . mf M- 3 All work cntnutn! to nw wlft reeelvo prpinpt attention, and be exeeiUist ui'jlio 1hs possible inanlii'r.'wlth (robil inaterlaU A share of public phtumaye ri solicited. . ,0v4 wui 'W.JB.. " 1 i". . r" ; '.;. 1 i-!ia!: Lard 'Oil & Soap MANUFACTORY. :tti,M ' m i.i'iw ' , ,,. JmK TNlfiBRSItiNKn lIATlNti COM eir'nmr lllU 'U g00i niul1 u,'Jl"' Oil &nd Soap In tbc city of Albany, are prepamtto mir uliiuje, at the blglicst cash rati, all the rcasc, del iven'd Uit lieni in this city. ' ffWjfeiw now BiiaVrtuHnrW Vo Ji: ii'm'UH .Tula: traile at the most rensnnal wrueni respectrully sol Sotisfais 11,111 UIIKIllllltSSl. i oei loryoitNeeMi, rwiy to twiish Ly.ci;,,,r,M., r a JiiHttn of tiih tm Fart leu liavln lat thtHtwKJ'' 1 r.iinr,i,i waxaocurrv. nT.?TT nf Albas 4tuany, wagon. Lyi'JCK. Jan. S, IslSmJ nag ni i a noutn mm