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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1872)
v If JOJI PRINTING. THE ALBANY REGISTER PRINTING HOUSE WITH NKW AND FAST POWER. AXD WAX P II E S S E S j Latest niul most Desirable Styles of ; if f f T Printing Material, Is lindoiiuteuly THE SHEBANG TO GO FOR When you wish Posters, or Visiting Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, f Letter Heads, Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes, Labels nut why particularize, when it isgou dolly acknowledged tliat we Arc ON IT WIku It comes under the hetd of To (Wtvlnoo yourself of the truth of the above statements, you have only to call (or send a liand ac Wiipanled by three stamps to paj return postage) when we will astonish you with tlic capacity of the Reg- V' "YfKV mopfcr.dDinB " Colored or Plain 7 ' ; work, and the re- markahlc ele gance exhib ited by the Boa In Catallng the stamps for the same when finished. When yon have 'Will our line, call. A hint to tin sufficient Is wise M a bond kick's ham, er 4t to that effect Filling. The undersigned will soon opert An Entire cw Stock 1 It X V V v Fnnty Good, I nm MaUM mat 3TO'- 1 NDltEUl ESTA Aid. " iAAMi.r. A . . ? I. t....1. llWMW I'l,...- where, assuring pnrclinsers I"""'!- SIOC, IHH"I' I" ! A saving of Fifty Per Ccut In their price. We have facilities for presenting the most complete assortment of goods ever ntreret'.ia ln reduced rates; and Imvc adopted as our motto, "(Juiek mlti and mall pnyttt." " Call and Bee for Yourself. KMX CO., In nr. Tnte'a Brick, Albany , j 6ent.SJ,il-lrv4 NEW STOCK ! JUST OPENED. GEORGiE T17RRELE HAS NOW OBENEII OCT. AT STORK recentlv occupied bv A. Cnwnn A Co., j on First street, Albany, a new antl well se ! kvteil stock of DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, GENTS' CLOTHING, Kent' and Boys' Huts, HOOTS AVB KUOEN, Wood Ware, Crockery Warr, Groo eries, Which he has pnrcliascd In Son Trnnclsco, fur coin, and which lie will tell AT THE LOWEST PRICES, ' FOR CASH OR riiOlHTK. All who want the II 1ST UOOmt AT IOWENT PBIIT., Should K've him a call. GKORfiK TCKUELL, k First Street, A Ibuny. AlMny, Sept. a, 187L SKW1NG MACHINES. TflE CBhWtATKB Rueh Eye Sewing Huehinc. Price AM 5 without table, S wilui ' i ii in "v Wid" Five 3HDxttaurca. NU W OKBOOK For the Year 1871 ! If Family ea Aflbrd to W WitUont Out. The raeccm of the UTOKEYK stand without a rival oa this coast. Hundreds who now urn them pronounce them to be unequalled ftir iamuy wa. KVEBT XACTHNE WARRANTED. The lttTCKXTE makes toe IOcktisph. Whkih will not ravel. TlieyBroslmpleand darabie, and nave Has tnachtnery than any other machine, therefore are Knai Uabk to get out of order. AGENTS WANTKH, To sen the W7CKETE, the heat and only low-priced machine Ut has any merit. MschinlnSjtoiUjylsartof thscOMt upon recalpt or pries. Vat fartbAr pariktdani aaqnlra mi aa4HiVm- 'aft W M r vDBlTG8, KTO. fir! t-EO.F. SETTLEJI1ER, DRUGGIST, (SucccMor to D. W. WakefleUl), Pnrrbh'. New ii ding, rint Sit reel , ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer in DRUCSANDMF.DH'IXES. CHEMICALS, 1'AIXTS, OILS, GLASS, ETC. AU irrtli lea avinnto1 pnre.and of the tic"t cffiaflty. rhyKWiaii iNweriplmtiH.earefullv com. poimileil. Allmny, Oct. 17, lKtWtf S'i'OV'KS, ETC. I W. II. n'FARLAI & CO., Opposite the hotels, Allmny, Oregon, St'rCEScKIRS TO 0. 1". TOMI'KIMS i CO. STOVES, RANGES, Force and Lift PumpM, LEAD AND IRON PIPE, Hollow Ware, UOUhk vi ii-vikhim; hariuvahk. Tin, Copper nnd Sheet Iron Wnre. ,..; 1ST (STOCK I!V TIIK VAI.I.KV. Lowest Frices Every Time. Kepnlrlnar Properly Done. Mv2 FJHUIT TREKS. Fruit Troca, Cirape Vine, Ate. THE TNnEU8IMK INVITES THE utleiitiou of the prthlle to his lai v and i pk'tcfjoekof " i .'.1 LllWBBjf f 8 f J f 1 PEAR. TI.CM. CHERRY awl other TRBfiP. Aho, ;H AJE Vt ES-ts hi nw Hiate : Ornamental Tree, Slirulw, I'laiits, t'ur mntlt, (iKseherrl , Strawoerrle, Ror'k, ItahlitiAand llnlbE which will be cold as low as tirst-ehMs stock con be afforded. Kov.tS.lSv4 J. A. MILLARD. 1WE8H KRCITS, poaches, grajn'-s. unnkw, 1 )mvr, ote.,hy Svt DrBOIS. SOAP -KANE'S CONDENSED, THOM iut' Cold Water Bleiicliina, and other kinds. Sold b WHJSELEIt, llv4 at SImhW- Ii A ROW ARK" NEW FIRM! W. II. M il & CO. Have Just received a large and well wlect ed stock of HARDWARE, Such as Farmers' & Mechanics' Tools, CONSISTISG OF ANVILS, VICES, UKL lows, uauuuurs, sludges, saws, planes, cross it and mill niws ; together with n large AMNOBTXIOrr OF iron akdhteel, Kails, springs, axles, thimble-skeins, bolts, etc, etc., etc. A well selected sloek of Wagon Timber, SPORES, HUBS, Bent rims, Bhaftsv poles, hickory axles, cte. A)J of which are now offered to the pub a specialty we can laid wilt Jteen aiwtu r aasortmcpt. at lower prices, than any house in thh city. - lic at tow rates, as we miiKe me mistm Also receiving and opening, a large and splendid assortment of WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, Which we oflter at reduced rates. : W. H. KUHN ft CO., Montcith (lro-proof brick, First street. March 1 10-21 XOW IS THE TIME! NONE IVO TOOR TO BUY IT The Cheapest" Live Newspaper on the Pacific Coast ! Alkny Register An Eight-Page Weekly Newspaper, CONTAINING PORTY-EIOHT ' 1 Mil y. -n COLUMNS of matter, written aiid selected to meet tbc wants and tastes of all varieties of people. ' The REtJISTKR is printed on new and elegant type, contains a carefully written digest of the news of the week, both local and general ; is plain and outspoken on all matters of political importance, while Its columns contain a fair share of literary and miscellane ous reading, etc, etc., making it the most attractive paper in Oregon. The REGISTER isoAcrod to sub seriU'rs, from now until the close of tiie volume, ; FITEE SEVEN MONTHS For the extremely low price of UOIXAU Xll'TYV Which puts It within the reach of all. Will not the friends of the Register make a vigorous effort to put Into the hands of all their neighbors, as at the price It Is the cheapest newspaper pub lished on the Pacific coast ? DRT-GOODS & OHOCEKIKS: NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS ! J. HILT. BEACH is now opening a Selceted Stock or General Herehandlae, Consisting of Staple and Fancy Dry Gods, Clothing! GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Crockery and tKlass Ware, BOOTH AMD KHOIX, PAIST8 AND OOS, ETC., ETC., AND IS OFFERING THE OO0D6 TO t he public at prices corresponding with the times. All kinds of merchantable produce taken In exchange for goods. Come one, come all, and examine prices, at the old stand, formerly occupied by D. Reach ft Son, opposite Foster's brick, south ride First street, Albany, Oregon. 31v3 rROCKlUES AND PROVISIONS, In full IT supply, Just received by svt lit nois. FIRE S FIRE! FIRF.! MA MHek ta Tiasw ve MIV UNION Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Not, 410 and 418 California St., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Stockholder Individually Liable. Cash capital. In gold coin, Deposit la Oregon, - 740,000 00 80,000 00 Lemon promptly mm eejwlsnMy" junted, mmm PAID IN GOLD COW. timiS COMPANY HAVING GOMfLfltD 1 with the lain of Oregon, by making a deposit of ftfty thousand duars. Is now prepared to efieet Insurance against loss or ''""oITbTAVE TOCCHARD, President CatAft, D. Hav06, Secretary. . 0. MERDXHHAU,. Af eat, Alhaay, : Subsrrflx-rs flndlnjt an X after their ! names ore hifttroMSd that tlietrsnhm-ription i etpln's It h that numtier, mid t hoy are ln ; vitl to renew It. Tenus-H lrv'0i lu advance; slxnionths,Sj three months, I S3T Lesal tenders received at pur from subscribers in the Eastern States. j A Western editor Was serenaded n ; few evenings since, nnd In the next I issue of Ills paper complimented the ecnmadhig party on tner "jndieiom 1 musical taste In tiie selection of oleww."' He was Informed by a listener, eflcr the ptiMlttitioii that they liad played the 'Rogue's March." l ' ' .' Iktemperakce. Grand blaster Tel- i lav of Colorado, calls the attention of i the Grand Lodge, which make It; Hie j "iniperottVe duw of the subordinato I LiHlires to restrain, as fer as possible, 1 tltit I rt .mi tin lO'iiii.i nii I ,t ,Hi 1 1 n.i'l 1 i.'.i lit' I in, .ii.i -i m iv v s IIIIUVI iiir-tiin I "in-vi M trial, and suicnioil or expulsion as the case may need." Lmamatk Mtumnk) It is said, that wlien the win is go ing out of sight, the pious Swiss torus mau of the Alps takes his Alpine horn, and shouts loudly through it, "Praise ye the Lord !" Then a brother Iwrd man ou some distant slope takes up the who, "Praise y the Lord!" Soon another still higher tip the mountains, till hill shout s to hill, and peak echoes to peak, the sublime anthem of praise to tltu Lord of all. A V.ux'abi.k TiioruiiT. Looking at the manifold and frightful evils that spring from dritnkcum wc think we 8W justified in saving that it is the most dreadful! of all tiie ills that afflict the country. We are convinced that If a statesman, who wUIkhI to do the utmost possible good to his country, were thoughtfully to enquire which of the topics of the !iay deserved the most intense force of Ids attention, the true reply which would lie exacted by full deliberation would he. that he should study the means by which this worst of plagues can he stayed. How to Know a Goose. "Moth er, inoiuer. cneit a voting rook re turning hurriedly from Its first flight, "J'ifl so frightened ! I've seeu such a sicht!-' "What sight, my son?" asked the rook. "O, white creatures, screaming and straining their necks, anil holding their heads ever so high .' See, mother, there they go!" 'tieese, my son, merely gcesc," calmly replied the parent bird, look ing over the common. "Through life, child, observe that when you meet any one who makes a great fuss about him self, ami tries to Tilt his head higher than the rest of the w;orld, you may set hitn down at once for a goose." Rockv Mountain ScitsrriFic In vESTiriATiONS. Prof. Marsh, of Yale College, ami party, who left San Fran cisco on Saturday last for New York, have been traveling since June, col Icctingnmi Investigating the veterbrate fossils of the Rocky Mountain region ; he lias made one of tin finest collec tions in the world. His explorations among tiie upper cretaceous format ions of Kansas have been very remarkable It Is said that his investigations will furnish the material for clearing up quite a number of geological puzzles Ktrticiilarly the relations of the ancient fresh water lake basins East and West of the Rocky Mountains, it lias been found that the pliocene basin in Oregon contains a very large number of fossil nones, anu uic minute vertcorate' from the tertiary formation of Wyo ming are considered of great value Professor Marsh has recently appeared liefbre the California Academy of Sciences and read some Interesting pa pers. COLUMBt!? Responsible. Our old friend Columbus whom many of our readers will remember as the man who discovered America -has had many hard things said ot him, but the hard est is from a Hartford paper. It says, in its efforts to prove that the discov ery of this continent was not good: The Indians never thanked Columbus, for one party. The AlVicaus had small ground to be gratcftd for the market he opened for them. He led Sin Into a dance of great expcctntlons, which ended in a glorious ruin. He Intro duced tobacco Into Europe, and laid the foundation for more tracts and nervous diseases than the Romans had in a thousand years. He Introduced the potato into Ireland, indirectly, and that caused such a rapid Increase of population that the great famine was the result, and an enormous emigra tion to New York heuce Tweed and Hall, and the constituency of the ring. Columbus Is really responsible for New York. The Vote in Enolakd. On three separate occasions within the past few years the House of Commons of Eng land have been brought to a direct vote on an important a nestjon con cerning the liquor traffic. Namely : as to whetlier the people of the several parishes and towns shall liavc the pow er to decree the suppression of the traffic within their limits, wlien a vote of two-thirds of the rate payers shall be secured for snch a measure. When In 1804, the House first voted on the bill, tatrothieed by Sir Wilfred Law son, to refer the question directly to the people, the vote for the second reading of tiie bill, which Is really the test oiH'stlon In tint body with refer ence to any new measure, was exceed ingly small only 40 against w.. Majority against the bill, 357. in the session for 1809, the measure was acraln brousiht before the House bv its friends, and after a most earnest aiid able discussion of the subject, the majority against the measure was re duced to 10&. The question recently came before the Commons iu its session for 1870, and after an animated but courteous discussion, the majority against the second reading wag reduced to thirty one ! W hen the vote wu announced, an Id voluntary cheer oaa gtvan by the friends of the bUI. who mm to that vote, not aoia vtmm mmi A Joke m a Ii Boston; iwny year mj0 lived (as they do Bow, we vena to 41lT,l1WT(itllfilWl(' gishin their wifjs, ami who. fere lit tiie habit ol patronizing ratlajf exten sively a tailor bv the name of Smith. Well, one. day Into the shop these two young blood strollctl. Says one of them : 'Smith, we'Ve been making it bet. Now we want yon to make each of us a suit qf clothes ; wait till the bet is deckled, ami tiie one that looses will have to pay the whole." "Certainly, gentlemen; I shall be' most happy to serve yoti," says Smith, and forth with their measures were taken, and in due course of time the clothes were sent home. A month or two passed by, and yet our friend, the tailor, saw nothing of his customers. One day, however, he met them, and thinking It was almost time the bet was decid ed, lie made np to them and asked them how their clothes fitted. "Oh! excellently," says one; by the by, Smith, our bet isn't decided vet." "Ah!" savs Smith, "what is It!" " Why, I liet that wlien itoNAvr Hill M'lnMieiU full, it rill fall loiewl tins Umitli ! Rill hero, took me up, and when the bet is decided we'll call and pay yon tint little Mil." Smith's face stretched to double its usual length, but la; soon recovered his wonted good humor. The Traveler IN the Mnow. A traveler was crossing a mountain bight alone, over almost untrodden snow. Warning had been given him that It slumber pressed down his weary eyelids, thev would Inevitably be sealed in death. For a time ho went bravely along his dreary path ; but with the deepening shade nnd freez ing blast at night there fell a weight upon his brain and eyes which seemed to lie irresistible. In vain he tried to reason with himself, In vain lie strain ed his utmost energies to shake off that fatal heaviness. At this crisis of his fate his foot struck against a heap that lay across his path. No stone was that, although no stone oould be colder or more lifeless. He stopped to touch It. and found a human body, half buried beneath a fresh drift of snfjh:. The next moment the traveler had taken a brother in his arms, and was dialing his hands, and chest, and brow ; breathing upon the stiff, cold lips the warm breath of a living soul ; pressing the silent heart to the beat ing pulse of his own generous bosom. The effort to sjve anotlier bad brought back to himself life, and warmth, and energy. He was a man again, instead of a weak creature, suc cumbing to despairing helplessness drooping down in dreamless sleep to die. "Tie saved brother and was saved himself." JCnylish Jh-irtu und Ewjlinh JIunds, Georoe II. George the Second laid great stress on the minutest trifles, in sisting ou wearing his shirts in the order in which they were numbered and flying Into a violent passion if they brought him the wrong number. "Why am 1 to wear No. W, when I have not had No. .15? Why am 1 to do nothing that I like ? Am I king of England or am I not f That I want to know." And then lie would fall to kicking his hat about the room, to vent Ins anger, and rating aiiy of the ministers that came In, in ids out landish jargon. Once he was going to kick t'lielmkc of Argyle, who laid his hand upon his sword, and with drew in high dudgeon. Meeting Sir Robert Walpole on the stair-case, he complained of what bad happened, to which the other replied, "U l mat s nothing, lie lias treated me so a hun dred times." They who throw stones at what is above them, receive the missile buck again by the law of gavity ; ami lucky are tbey, if they bruise not their own luce. A strong mind is sometimes more easily Impressed than a weak one. For example, you cannot so easily con vince a fool that j on are a philosopher as that you arc a fool. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DE A LEU, No. 4 Front Nsreet, fertlaad, Or REAL ESTATE In thlsCTTYand EAST PORTLAND, in the most desirable locali ties, consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS. and BLOCKS, HOUSES and STORES ; also. IMPROVED F ARMS, and valuable un cultivated LANDS, located In ALL partsot t lie M Alb I or uus, REAL ESTATE, and other property. purchased for correspondents. In this CITY and throughout the STATE and TEKRI TOR1E8, with great care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. m HOUSES and STORES leased. LOAN'S NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OF ALL DB-, SCRimoNS PROMPTLY XLLHCHWa; l Bcneml FINANCIAL ana Auawct BUSINESS transacted. AGENTS of this OFFICE. In all the CI TIES and TOWNS In the STATE, will re ceive descriptions of FARM PROPERTY nnd forward the same to the above ad dress. v3 A Cheat Yariktt Of furniture. of latest styles, at prices to suit, such as parlor sets, bed-room set, chairs, bedsteads, bureaus, etc., at Chas. Mealey's. All kinds of bedding manu factured: very handsome extension tables, at San Francisco prices; lounges, sofas, very neat book-cases with glass fronts ; a fine assortment of picture frames, cheap as dirt, and a great variety of other novelties tint housekeepers have only to see to pur chase. Go to Mealey's. A. Wheeler, dealer In general merchandise. A large alack of all kinds now in store aed tor aale at low rates. AU kirjat oipraae tMogfat at highest market rate. Ca( ftld sfcat 'Bi'bCa4fc OftiSj tata) Butter, Bgga, Ac, ifte. 4