The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, March 01, 1872, Image 3

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    William Huntington, of Cowlitz,
is lecturing on Pnget Sound in op
position to woman suffrage.
The County Commisdoners have
refused to grant any licenses for
liquor selling at Olynipia.
Tlie Xortheru Pacific llailrond
lias been damaged liut slightly by
the recent rains.
A macadamized or plank road
from Vancouver through the Lewis
river cotin'ry to Kahuna, is talked
The Olympia Tribune is trying
to wake up the Hepubliean Central
Committee of that Territory, to the
work of calling a Convention.
Victoria finances are in a satisfac
tory condition.
Dr. Trimble is speaker of tlie local
Legislature of British Columbia.
Pajiers of British Columbia de
inand the immediate abolition of all
toll roads.
Victoria is fccliig stood oyer" 'the
lively times presouteti. at her har
bor.. , "
, " . it?tut Uaker is n'presented as
threatening to "throw up."
Having in their jwssession un
stamped matches, cost several gro
cers in San Francisco 50 each re
cently. Tlie recent rise of the Columbia
at the Dalles was twenty feet.
The Ttmiwater dam broke away
and many saw logs went after it.
Pie8 of iron are used by the
Vancouver Water company.
A. J. Kress is building a steam
saw mill near Vancouver.
f'owlite, Lewis, Pacific, Skaman
ia and Wahkiakum counties send
their prisoners to the jail of Clark
couuty. It is such a poor concern
that the prisoners "take a walk"
when they tire of the accommoda
tions. To step on a dead tall or water
spout and have a stream of muddy
water squirted into your (ace, "Say, J
ain't it nice ?" asks the West Sile.
Xot any more lovely than a "gob"
of mud slushed into your eye by a
passing quadruped.
Ninete?n couples united "for let
ter or woracr" ill Baker county last
year. A -'..
Tlie bridges on Panther and Ba
ker creeks floated recklessly off on
the bosom of the, swelling tide.
A leg of Dr. Horsely, of Canyon
City, -was broken the other day by
falling under horse. Tlie horse
. got up in his usual health.
A club has lieen organized in
Yamhill couuty to "squelch the
: 51ias Ida longer super
intends the Academy at Dallas, but
ZVfiss tiara' Watt does.
The Bedroek Democrat is swel
ling his. wind bladder over a cord
of wood subscription.
A portion of the bridge Grossing
the Ueschutcs river at Gordon's
took a trip, down stream on the
.eddying waves.
(Joldendate in the Klickitat Val
ley was two feet under the wet last
week. H. Snipe loss a portion of
his fencing, too. f
On last Saturday evening a young
woman iu Port'lsid tfieo? to burst
the pavement by jumiiing out of a
second tfory.. window. The pave
nt) suWi t
Mrs. Carrie F. Young is going to
stump this couf on Tempetaw.
Jdbb. ( Vitlipriiia, of 1 Vi (land, was
?iitto jailTor thirty days for 'spend
ing $75 per month when his wages
were only $30. His employer knew
howhiicv .';pjl
Large immben of grey squirrels
are lieing killed near Eugene.
High water suspended work iir
the factory at Oregon City.
William- and John .Justus of
Jackson county have been indicted
fb altering the ear marks of swine.
Millers' mill dam in Yamhill
wentaffiu the recent Bwell.
The Dallas'' brass band iff now
WWH.Ifi jicgotiatc tooting en
gng.'inents. Samwl A. i 'lark, editor of tie
Salem Statesman, and MrK's. A.
;ark,; hiwife, celebrated ;theii!
twentieth . anniversary of married
Jito last Friday night. An elegant
set of qlnoa was tlio joint contribu
tion from their many friends,
A Portland barber named John
Catharina was arrested lost week
for taking change from his employ-
er's till and forgetting to return it.
Whig You, of Portland, was
fined f 50 for stealing $19 last week.
Poor investment
Chickens were only $9 25 per
dozen in Portland last week.
A man named Kraft, a gardener
by vocation, died suddenly at Mc
Minnville, Sunday before last.
The submergence of the hollow
logs on Mii.tu's Island bv the late
freshet, is supposed to hove soaked Mood of tlie great Chief Pee-Pee-the
breath outof one hundred thotis- Jiox-Mox hi bis veins, ami being
and coons. i an U110ie of Honilie, Thief of the
A gang of children, says the j WM Wallas, is dead, says the
Portland Bulletin, ranging from i Statesman.
ten to fifteen years of age, made an j San Francisco is petitioning Con-
attack upon in liiioffcnding Chinese
woodsawyer. who was quietly walk-
ing along the street, and beat him
sosevcrely 'that-had it; not been for
assistance he would have been laid
ttfet&josritwa.'dtis bcfrLwos button
almost to a jelly. Portland seems
to be cursed with a lot of boys who
ar making rapi strides iti that
sort of education which will gradu-
uate them at the gallows, or in a
Penitentiary eHi situation.
A lady passenger on a recent trip ; John Noah says the roads from
of the Dixie Thompson from Port- j Kosoburg to Scottsburg are in a ld
land to Astoria, caused some excite-1 fix, owing to landslides, etc. Noah
ment among the females on board- ought to know-ah.
It was suggested the little Governor Grovel man Vriday,
stranger be named Dixie Thompson Ifeitrj- W. Gilfry, telegraphs from
(juimf. J Washington :"A1I University and
A five year old boy, named Geo. Indemnity School Land lists ap
.Miller, was severely burned in Port- t,roved) ef La Grande District;
laud last week, by pulling a kettle tnose w approved in a few
of boiling water off of the stove. days."
A young man named C. Moe, j Fom, j, of sheepk-longing to
from, W. T, having j M L. gavgge wre liy Jogs
purchased a small b.ll of drugs, i T,,c
Portland on Wednesday forenoon ! shwp wcro on i8la)ldi ftlld died
of last week, was taken sick, and ratner tha teke to tC ,vater
died at the St. Charles Hotel on t t?nrt innr n,
the Friday afternooii.follow.iug.
The number of children in East
Portland between the ages of 4 and
20 Is 314, of which 155 are females
and 159 males, an increase of 49
over last year, says the Era.
East Portland now has a hat fac
tory in full pperatiou. -
1 here are new revelations about
Joaquin Miller. It appears from
a Sau Fr&Icisco letter to the Yreko
Journal that he has with him at
the" first named city a girl fourteen
or fifteen years old, who, he says, is
his daughter, her mother being a
Modoc Indian. What new sensa
tion about Joaquin will next ap
pear? The Utah Southern Railroad
Company are "goln oiilrtmiedia'tcly
with the work of grading aronnd
the. potfit of tlie mountain into Utah
County. Contracts have been let
for twenty-seyen .sections around
the point, amounting to 225,000
yards of cai th
jnic coniracwrs.are ,
Carlisle & Brothers.
A marriwl woman forty-five years
of age and weighing two hundred
and forty pounds, repelled a burg,
lar f ui. bur reomiii itait-. Francisco,
recently, by chopping him repeated
ly ou tte .head with on ax. m
A French girl, of San Francisco,
made two-ineffectual - attempts to
drown herself last week, because her
lover had forsaken her.
TXlTeim Statesman of last
week has the following : Our liquor
.ummxmmiwtmmM on neir
seven senses Dy tne lost lew aays;
. i. I i ..!'... I
work, for they realize that the teni
perauteause has such a hold on
the popular mind thot it caunot be ;
leasily dmid-Way h.
t he l ortlana post office is being
eulMgetfo aee&imDatrdiA grow-1
ing btisincss i
v4U& 08-per day was. the cost of
boarding prisoners in Portland last
month. , . .
A burglar in Portland last week
got away with a eoat and an alami
clock from Mr. Hillman's home.
The Oregotiiuu hopes the clock will !
alarm his conscience.
The State Temperance Conven
tion at Salem was the largest con
vent ion ever held in Oregon. t
Tlie deficit in tlie Treasury of
Idaho Territory is reported to'- oo
$5,703 32, bat the Treasurer intends
to make It all ftp. 1 ' f '
1 lie Apaciies are on the war path
again, snatching the settler bare on
the top of the head. ;
Olympia is jubilant over its first
J omnibus. Most people feel in a
ively mood over a buss,
About one hundred Democrats
j are seeking the nomination for Con-
gress in Montana. "1 hey are quar.
j reling like half-starved canines over
a marrow bone."
Tlie C. f Assay Office at Poise
City will soon go into operation.
"Old Indian Jim," tlie oldest
readout of Wallula, having the
gress to leave the Presidio Kesorva-
tion to the city for a park..
Pusiness of all kinds wWsniipen.
ded in San Francia-o on the 2'Jd,
and the city presented a gala ap-
pearance. '
j A Texas cattle firm lost $400-
j 000 in stock by tlie receut cold
' snap, '
Yamhill county wheat fields look
well, but the roads arc in a 'orible
M. V X J -IV 111 VA II.' T'l HIV . WBVjjVIJ
State Prison are lei ng constructed
iu San Francisco. Each cell meas
ures 9x7x6 feet, and the iron is 'five
sixteenths and' three-eights of an
inch thick.
One thousand dollars lias been
invested. in Wheatland .precinct to
carrv Yamhill county Democratic
for the Legislature.
Jacksonville is growing no better
John Brown, of Deer Lodge,
Montana, perished in a.receut snow
storm. - -
At Helena, Montana, a Metho
dist church fair yielded $2,640, re
eeiifly.." --'
For accoustic purposes the Tal-
emacle at Salt Lake is said to lie
extra good.
A bill has been introduced into
the California Legislature making
each comity "responsible for the
damage done by mobs, whatever
the mim of the damageg may
The Yreko Journal is publish
ing a ser e$ of .rapere under the
diaste head of "Old l?ettlcl)eliy's
.. Two thousand citizens,. of Salt
Likle have sigiied a' paper 'eiidor.
ing tie action of Justice McKeotr.
It is reported that Joaquin Miller
has received ttrotfer of cigbt fiions
aud dollars to deliver a course of
lectures before a Boston audience. j
A man named Shatter was or-Tmale forWHf, wlio "ote residents
,.i :.. n.:,. J
tiM Ri,riff (lf ixr iM Wn
- " " "V"- " TJ
Walla Walla. ' .' " ' .
Tlie river becran to fall at Port.
iand on Weduesdav of last week. S
' A mamuiotll 1JaiWrama of, "over:
lod, coues" ,wjs soki tor omere
fafti thft"tM me ' sale" M
Portland last week.
The City Council of Portland still
-emse m" c a" appropriation to
light, the town clock, says llic On-
?"' "
A Frenchman, supposed to have
me from this State, shot himself
through tlie breast in San Francis-
to nvfyiwii in n ariiig outninivit.
lie left the following note addressed
to Joe Miller, Oregon House :
"By the time- that you receive
this note I will know the mvsterf.
of the 'other World.
John. My latt thought wore of
jom. Edward Ukakikk."
Six passenger terns bound west
passed Byron, Utah, on the morn
ing of tbelllst t'.w ,!.'!
In the Convention, at Salt lake
ou the 21st, Judge Hoyden, htte of
Nevada, made a powerful speech
in answer to Fitch, on tlie admis
sion of Utah, entirely demolishing
The Methodists of Oregon are in
tending to purchase a piece of land
to be used as a Conference camp
ground. The local of the Bulletin pathet
ically asks: "What arc we to do
torbeei"?" "Borrow o half dollar
or so and. go buy some," answers
the Orelunion. Ye Bulletin lo
cal must bear "Johnie .Bull," and
yo Ortpmian a "puke."
The State of Nevada has funded
its old debt at 9 V per annum. .
Tbe WU Walla beef is com
plaiiu'd of As most terribly poor,
v ot: Walla Walla has
land agent, on
thre dnrtit jcJaim-s. involvintr :
Jorery jMuuorwiiion oi , Perjury,
all growing out of loud -transac-tiotm.
:. :
,Tke-!Orf(fonian says, it is bo
lievV tliat tlte appro priation for
the penitehtjary tmilding fund has
been heavily overdrawn by the
present 'State authorities. If so,
there will be a large deficiency bill
to meet at the next Legislature.
It-is said that the SOntiam river
has cut a new channel and turned
away from the head of the ditch
that carries water to Salem, and
that consequently when the river
falls-no Water will enter the ditch.
The Ktigene fVww-vsays : "The
boiid-siiakiitg' season of 1872 has
commenced, ami the two men in
this city who are not candidates tor
office are obliged to take back al
leys to 'travel on, to avoid being
shook to pieces by those who are."
A son of Frank. Glover had one
of his 'hands caught in the machin
ery of the Salem ferry boat on Sat
urday. It 'Was so ftightfillly roan-
gled that it was amputated at tlie
Wrist. The same youth a year or
two ago boil one of his legs crushed
ill Mw mill.
Lieutenant Grant's trip to,.Eu
rope has caiisedV vottir DeiWoi-fatic
wnteiiisrres. mucli pain ) but,
asks teWt- Side, does' it cost
tlie peopie'ot" Oregon one-tenth as
ihnch oW II. II. Gilfry's trip to
y A iWerit tetter from Goo Lake
gives this : The weather is fine, the
groiiwVcIer;ofsnow farmers plow
ing mid sowing groin .. stock is line
ftifcl" fat; without being fed ; enow
nas fallen to the depth of six inches
iu the rottey- but left tlie ground
-A telegram from Rawlins on the
infii.. says inat inere nau oeen
a heavy storm for twenty-tour hours;
tttW fad eaistr nd west "was
blockadeel again.- ..Snow was drift
ing badly.
Tiir6 .hours' rater from Med icine
How reports sevem 1 freight trains
. snowed, in' between there and Raw-
...IS.yAdmisfiion Convention of
Salt Ijke fwn adopted ar
tides declaring the right of suffrage f
to an ciiizeus oi ijk i niteu aiaies,
91 we territory.
''tiptifam. wMfX by Mex
ican bandits. j. ,fv,it: Vi f . ifit
fXmteW, Nevada. Four deaths oc.
mm?, .
Tbu; Ajtacjie Indians have left
tlie' Reajion $ Camp Verdi,
Arwona, whare they have been toil,
and on thefr way to the mountains,
Ottcd. jp. C. ilrowii.of provis,
tkattlo. is getting, tobequiteohoy
, Ed. jL Wright, aged , sixteen, a
student in H cold's Pacific Busiuu-s
College, Sou FrOficisiai, has been
missing aiiiea January 2iith. ,ii
learctl that be bos been , murdered.
. The Son -Froncisos bar -have oe
the vMnVf i. Johu..Cur J
tMtWWfhm Pmlrti aiidflerte, tlie latter
Justice Sprogne..., mi
OtM Chinaman was killed and
t wo others lia-Uy womided by tlie
caving in of bank while working
on tlie grade about rive miles south
of Eugene on the 28th. '
Portland jonrnals are' cohipla-Iii-ing
of retail dealers in that city who
give short weights.
A scheme is on foot in East Port
land to build a plank road from that
town along the base lino road to
the Sandy river.
The office of tlie Oreijimian news
paper has been removed to the build
ing at the toot of Stark street op
posite the Cosmopolitan Hotel.
Miners ore returning to Work in
Baker county.
The work of rebuilding Baker
City Academy, destroyed by fire
last fall, has been resumed.
The Good Templars of Baker
City had a festival a few 'evenings
ago that brought in 0156 25. Some
rascally thief stole a great cake with
gold rings in it, or the receipts would
haw hr larw. :
1 tie Jacksonville lime or last
week oys : On Wednesday, during
the trial of the cose of Monroe vs.
Waddle, two of the attorneys be
came involved -' -1 an affray.- The
parties were' promptly sejiarated by
the officers of the Court. The Court
ordered both participants under
bonds of ? 1,000 each to keep the
peace, and on Thunday morning
iraposed a fine of $40 on one and
$30 on the other.
Geo. W. Sbazer lost his entire
bond of cattle in Kititasg valley,
east of the mountains.
There are seventy-five prisoners
in. the Victoria jaili
The Canadian Ministry have de
cided not to admit a member from
British Columbia, or one from Man
itobs, into tlie Cabinet until after
tlie general elections next fall:
. Thomas M. Gale ha severed
Ins connection with the Uoseberg
One hundred wagons ore iu pro
cess of construction at the Bowie
wagon manufactory at Salem.
Central City is tlie name of a
town already laid off iu Coles Val
ley , Douglas county, ou the land of
Mrf Hehry Conn Sr. It is on the
railroad survey.
. A. thief enteral the Bclvidere sa
loon at Snleni by removing a sky
light oiid letting himself down into
the building with a" hipc. lie got
but $2 50 tor his .trouble, .
The Randolph mines on the
beach at Coos Bay are, again pay
ing well.
Lane county' lias a deputy Sheriff
so long drawn out OS to hit the
signs and porticoes as he perambu
lates tlie MflfeWMftO. '
S. A. Clark of the (kettfMman
offers himself ns a candidate for
clerk of Marion county.
A dispatch from Dutch Flat, Cal.,
says that on the 24th ou immense
blast of 700. kegs of: powder was
exploded in a miiic at that place.
TLi n.Ki.ln ii'Ocnvr.lJnit nt AiwiO Kir
aii electrical, apparatus.' '
An Idaho paper says that statis
tics of the penitentiary seem to im
ply that cVime decreases- in cc-Tres.
noriding' ratio to 'the "increase of
Chinese. Not very. flattering to
the white populaliou, we should
m.. .. ... .. . is
Tlie Scliell Creekmiiies are about
85 miles sotithwcst from Kareka,
Nevmla. .AcuKresHuof ' the;
lOaho Wam learns, tjhat Tom
Ftftbtifelf! Wmm of Ovyhee, re
cently sbH;r4ntiiic1'theo: fbf fiflj.
000-; . ., , f! Liu
7!htvnovNif pnifwiatiiHi 4ili tti
propnotes mfltW'lOflfM.lJeor'
propnation ior novai,puroses. lie
.average juniol cost of our navy.,
fr,l85; lflfil, was 10,0t)0r
The San Francisco Stock and'
Exchange Board lias recently raised
thesalafyof Howard Colt. tliccaW
'IerMm1f6jp to ST.MfOper'ruonth;
Fiiml Bawton, Secretary, from $250
to tSdlt; Jtloir, the doorkeeiwr,
from 8150 to SttiOO.
7'iie Illinois. leniteutlary is aself-
I snstijnung insututioii. Tlio oon..
t, work . u$er. ooutnet, those. -
coiuracting ior jnoir lauor. naying
Stated stTf Vitettd iim p "cftxy
to the skillWirfjed.
7-rw ffekireili-at
ctefngonsccoiKVbest.' TU o-.
oijd was between an Irishman' aiid a
railroad, agent, the former going
down three times before hi "eafhv
cieucy wastull, "
A man atile maaijMrVui
of, wood oat of to late flood.
YambiUem indulge in the sport
of turkey shooting..
An exchange says the city of
Olympia is six miles long by four
mites wide, and is still spreading.
It in something larger than the vil
lage of New. York, but New. York
labors under the disadvantage1 of
having no terminus.
One hundred and twelve boxes
filled with the bones of deceased
V hinese have been received at Port
7bwuscnd from British Columbia,
for shipment to China..
.V Puget Sound pnpersaye : Gen
eral Stevens bought lost Week of
Stewart & Lcary thirty imported
Australian sheep, fa-which he paid
$500 in coin.
7'he prisoners confined in the
Idaho Penitentiary, at Idaho City,
made their escape on the 19th.
Huch .;t6u'',rtt.''oafiiB 'te,ere.
nevep totwu. ....
..Many. work oen perished in
Snoke river valley, soys the Boise
Statotnxihr liotwitbstaiiding the
mild winter'in that region.-. Otrficr
stock suffered..
A mo i Ky the name- of Dowry
was shot by another, named Craw-
lord in a row on tJw 17th at Owy
hee. Not fatal.' ,
, Father William Harmau,, of
Wasco county, lias been appeintcd
State Deputy G. W. C. TimA State
Lecturer ot the Order ot Good.
A horse attached to adray, which
was loaded with lumber, bWk'ed off
the wharf at Portland lost Tuesday
and was drowned. 7'lie lumber on
the dray floated off. "J
7'he Salem jitottmm bs tlie
following : !i ':
One of tlie members of the State
7empcrance Alliance from Yamhill
informs us that the whisky ring of
Dayton has ot late been disturbing
the equilibrium of the society in
various ways. It seems that a sa
loon keeper -circulated a petition for
a license and in order to accomplish
bisdesign,obtainetlhignatures fraud
ulently, whereupon the -temperauec
element remonstrated, and things
were earned to such an extent that
the affair finally landed in court, to
teat tlie veracity of certain parties
who had mode sworn statements.
We have it that the persons alleged
to have perjured .themselves, since
the trial have been tormenting the
village blacksmith, who is oiGooth
7jLmplar, and who played a'promi
neut part in their prosecution. Early
on a morning of lost week: they
slipped into Ids shop unobserved.
and placed iu the forge a heavy
blast of powder, which they though t
would explode, as soon its the- fire
was kindled. He wentto liis work
at the usual time, started his .fire,
and fortunately for him, he wo not
in the building when thebieft went;
oft. Other parties were, bufrscap
ed. uuhaniied. Damages to the
property were quite severe. Sever-,
ol other cowardly and rascally tricks
have also been performed. At this
rat of procedure, we shall expect to
cliroiiicfc somebodys funeral soon.
A NOraae KMrje. V"
Amoiiir tliedWingnWied nerswuiw.
wlm .visited (lie poJH liead-unarters at
ainaiiy, was .ur. souiatiUiorl, a Kin
nan,"" rlio 1 one of Pr'mw. Alexi'
party. AVhtte hbtens of
Interest in the rogi' fiUlery, the dis
tiiiguished.fiirelj&jcr -wasttcat'k by the
face of one of tlie females in the frame.
If Ills recollection served Mm rerliL lu
knew tlie woirfihi, anttof courK' lntt-
giiteU somo inquiries, l.pou .'(xirnutt
ing (he. book cotaiiiug M lapws of
me jKrauu rereuu)M, ur was lotiud
that the fkbe IslenMrteH ' hy ChMtraagi v
was set uowu aa aauame i.
which Waiuft'w, :Shb mmSS&d
on tlie charge of slii-Hrtirig at tlie
stores of slvewJ ofwir-inerrfiaiits, and
nner a trial, was sent to MnjHw"'
ij . .i. , .......v ... n
I ij"" ww jwiiniw six nientli-.
wm wmm xvm w
native, of bis counfrf, tThpier name
of, wis of the tin tkiuiliue. ot the
F.mpire; aisl wliat. was more, since
Iter departure, sbalwviug; bv Wfc way,
efoped, Ir father diwllcviu ln...Kri
iiimiens Wtiuie. Chief Kthv mu
Canton flofe both, recdleehrfl- tl e
nullum nn,.itiiu iier KcueriU tttfurij -
tion corrcspojMled with tlieir!lnmr-
sioni exiH-fiy. These eflMiik'ajtei't
that tbe woman served iou hsrMiaiJii
Slug Sing, but was. arrested riviljtlii a New York, ami Is nowfttMu.r
ang scrv;iigoufuotljer trtriW' !iie
sSpuiger inififeft niemonmdum'.ojr g . ;
otheCJ'l.piiml eannrtn iBflsiU-i,)
WNlfJiiliWued, t MttvftawOwi. V
.would mafttt the hurt known, te M
ureuntotancwsismuectcU witli-Vio ir. .
tPMilfW lit . i ... I .11 ....... I. . I-"""
1- i