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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1872)
itwMq ha'J jf xit.1 irfiw jt n-nm-naa im Asa V IHfMll VOL. IV. ALBANY, 0KK6 HjTT 1, 1872. -rzn f ilni III in i 'iAM mm, mm - i lur . - . .. -u-, b VrilLIMIBD K U:V ATl'l:iAY,. By COLL. VAX CI.EVE, IN REGISTER 00110X1X05, Cwn r Firry nii't Fir4 A'-yc-tv TERMS One year... months Klugk) copies IN ADVAXCK. Tliroc rtrtlttrs. ...'.... .Two dollars. Tci ccuis.: Alrt'BimsiXii RATES. Transient WlfrerfliwmBrtts, i-r wi of Wn lines or loss, first insertion r.': cunt subsequent Insertion St. larger adver-Useim-nts Inserted cm llio most IIWBM term. 4 job work. Having rmdved new type, snick of ml inl Inks, mriK n Uoolon jollier, tree prrijurrd toejcecutesll kinds f print ing m a Welle imiuner . and flrtr !' ""nt elicupM I baft ever before lOttlM fa this cltv. "' Agenta for the Register. The follow lug gentlemen nrc imtiwraeii to iwn'lvir am w) tor iml'riotions n:HvrMlit!i e c., lor rnt nnnn mu ; Ilimm sniltli, UaiMislmrir. . ). 1'. TnrapVlim, llarriKlmr?. IVtev Itninr, 1lmw'lvine. W. It. Kirk. llmwnMvllle. 15. K. Win der, ft lo. T. II. levnoils,S'ilem. U 1. Wwer, San Kraneisco. I. I'. Pom. KbtMU'ftKiiUkNi. Klotcher Well. Itncna Vita. Polk Co CbMU Xli-kell. .tti-ksiillr. D. It. K1C, M. !., I'hj sli liui nnl nrs'Oli. Alhauy, Or. OmKK 1N THKwif THni;oK MAIN wlrHt. April, wwH HAH ON HANI) AND CO.NSTAYn.Y reeelviiiKa lurjir sloik of llrorvrlm ami Prurlli. WiMiil mill willow ware, tolmcco, elpirs, -oiifectloi'iT, Yanki'i- notions, clc. etc.. wlHilcsiileiiiel ri'tnil.opiHislto .'. Illll a Son's ilriv store, Allwny, Urejron. Ivl i. II. Mi ll IIIXI.. I. !. 1X1.111. .'HWait'LL & BOLS'il, Altonn'.is aiirt 'oinclor nt Ijiw, LMH.K IT MIS IN A.M' l-UUt - f mis lii a. intimity, onlu over the old KMt oiilri', rront reel, irlland. OitiffOll. lv J. C. IHWM.L. li.FUSXt POWELL c WMMfkl AttornrjH iiikI 4'omiNelorK X Lnw. AND WIMCIfDln IN CHAKt'EU? (I Kllnn notary' public), Allny, llnwoil, tMlrWtoiKauil oiiviyaius l-uitj.v m- toii.lclto. ' n. iitAsoll. N. ii. iTotruii i:y. .votary Paogu CRAXOB & IIOfl'BHKV, Attorney nail Counsellor at Law, AI.IIAN' Y, OIIKlil. Ofllce lit rai-rlslt brick, up Hinlrs. Ovt MMPIiTm.1 IllAlll ATi: Of UNCl.N I nail makes A'.avni .JVeteaad tt- tilMitl Trth. Illso, .loes ALL work in Ihcliuc ot liis BfoftwnkNi lu Hie best anil most approved method, and al as riiimunbio rales as tan le und elm'wbere. . N il rous i' a luiiinsteii'.l tortile luili less exi i-i. l i.l loelhif ilesiieil. oilkv in I'arrish hi irk likv'k, up alairs. Heaiileuee llrst lnms. south of .onirrc,uiitiona!i;hmvh, l'l-oiitinifon OOact bouse liloek. jl-i-lH JOXES, M. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSI3IAN. 0MrWV4M riRsT Kl'UEKT. ONKOisir west of llroa lalliin, in lliirklmn's two fforyliriok flip rtair?), on lleo. TnrrcllV I UIEI Munmni. RmM vLtl, .mil I-'...-- ! ry fitraotts Aiuirt.rtMoii. HK.71 I EE FEE I. A WVEU .V ' , tauiEitiojit n.vwep. And Ucncral Jlill Maebliiery. J. F. BACKESSTO, ARent, 51v3 njf Jjt vllliany, Oregon. ti A DAI T) mrEE IWETTS, IC E ! Ji t To Introduce the celebrated $23.00 ii tin oly siniTfle sewinjr BMcBlncjIll the, I 1 1 1 1 ' ' I .-"III 11' III. -ll-w-ll III linv .1 ...... Wilson feed solO tor, less than sin, and at nowleiljjed byl TO Whe best tiimily se lug muebiiwi for lllit or hi'ftry m-u i iur. Ilieinafliit. ifiUl! livar AilUrci AEtlAW WBf&L HTOHE. E. A. Frvcluiul, f EAI.ER IS tVKHY VARIETY OF 1 miscellaneous hookb, sciiooi hooks, blank books, stationery. Hooks imiHirted to order at short notice, Albany, Iks-. 3, 1S70. V1WK1NO - - TI BktJM-i. I AM PREPARED TO DO AIX KINI nf.tdltqihanduH make to order rawhlde-Nittomed boirs,nud spin nliur wheels, shop near the "Majinnlki K iifs." John m. mctzlek. al i tH SINK. tShiim. I : JOHN CONNER, B A N K 1 1 G .00 a iHHtM.A Exchange Office, AI.HANV, OKEU0N. y:VlfXT RECEIVED SlBJEtT to IF, I iriaritat dblii HtA'jtit initMvst allowed on ninoowwlw in im-.i. ExrlMtlgg o Portland, San Francisco, and New York, for salcnt lowest rates. u . N. i. nun. Hanking bnnri from S A. JT. to 4 1. ,M. Jtllmy, Ki)l. 1, lsTKKvIl ;OWAJT01 1V08A MAUfiLE WORKS, .illih'"ifl 1 SIoBamcutrj, Obelisks, Tombs, Ili'iid ui3l Foot Moncn, hi .WCHletl h CalH'oriila, Vermont Marble. and Italian SAI.EM, ORKGOX. llltANi IS MIWP AT AI.IIAW. 4 . J. DoW. M. Ik CHAXE. DOW & t'BAXE, Dinlers in Boot, Mini"., niitl rindiiigit AI.IIAN V, OHKU, I WIT t K 0KlkMWMM THE 1 pnlilictotlielr lull stix'k of the litlest stiles in gentlemen's anil youth's IkhiIs, shiii..,itniters,l)iior(l ties, etc, ete., as well ii..,i.,u,ih ..ii.. ii... .... a M. .Ill: .11, IM" P", "I. .... II... of WW and nilss,-j' filler-, liatm'onils Newport lies, Antoinette buskins anil nuiiiv other new anil faHliioimble styles. jul siwcinsdnt (lie City kH glory;. whirli they itIiiiSits whit wish' ififWS Uiils lit pint theiost reusonnlile rules. They resia'et full v invite von to come ami nee Iheir sleek. . lkols. hocs,ote., uiadeor rojiatreil tooMiir.andnfluiorAiaiiwiiM CITY ilOOT STlHIK, riUST sTIiEET, 'lrt floor Wt of Bm Kter IluiKI'ir. FIRST STREET, AIJIASV, ORIXjUN, J. IitIA?!rRI8, pitointiKTon, ..sit j w tl.T. ENliEAVOlt TO KKEI CON- lantly on hanil a full supply ol AIX KIXIW OK MEATS, ' . . v-xy- Whieli will lie of flit) very lies! (oinllly. The hli-'hesl market prion mid for bocvo, hoffs and sliiH'p. 'fliinl dmirwinlnf EeiTj',nn mill 1 1 side of First itm't. J. 1.. HARMS. Albany, Dec. ML IWMJV4 WEEMJAi.Ii, TA l . ... Xotary Piililic, HE VJ.F.STATE A lM IIANt EAUKNT, it KNTSCI H.I.ECTKD AN DT A SES PAID fur non-rciilent anil others, making nut mil CstaU' KiK?r, rtv. Offliv one door MVS A1.ISANV, OREUOX. 'PUB lNlsTITHTlOJi VlUh REOPEN ON L Monday, Seplcinln-r t, W71, with a corps oi teiieners enpaiue anil earnest, instrae ! tlnu will lie tliorouKh and praetical, and 1 tile systcni V prqrtBitiurimiksi-.l. For imiv tieiilnrsanarem It. K. WARDEN, A. M Pivsldent ; Or, Key. E. HVtJKART, 1). D.,Alljany. Venn Dili liOI.DKN is A son of the noted old iuaiu.lule dautur, : ( .Oomen. ' " " Dr. dokhn bun had experiemw'lii ltmnx the various diseases to ennnueni 01 (fivinu eiinre sallsliieTinn to "jWrtMWH4tilWVmW!l b is DB. E.O.81 rifi, IIE.TIT, IJTA8 WKJATEU to wail on the ell i.ens of . (JMtSHt bnnynnd vleliilly.ivlthu new Jl 1 I 1 1 inventliin In ilental work. It consists In Those wlsl.lna arllllelal teeth we request': ed to call and examine for themselves. iPaper-hanKliiK, CalcniTnihs7, Dcconuinf, Ac. I? M-WAIWORTiT wUl give promr hamtlnn, Cnloemlning, Deeoratlnir Ae i. this city or vUdnlty . AUwork eiemnAS I" W-vJt yle. In the iKncrnnl at lowest living mien. rarOrders left IS Fnrnilure Warerooiii. orUU, wol rowlve prompt attention. , Worth nmi inelr I i. (IV A MVPTEKIhll AKEK. If From tlu'c few Hihm my whorwiliouts Hk'c'I li'urn. Moreover, I liuimrt to tltec my serious 'IV laiipS Sf tMpwjjMfs a rhkllc mito mo. L. And word witli (Ik-iii arc flmaenta ol u roeklws moi'kcry. or iit.iiHV,tS f Ifiie cars, an iiit wiim sinintr lace, Siikl. "ahliiei"' -Xay. I'll uot1ilw,, I -aid. "esoerit with linvanl giiice.'' '"''ISiTWfw'' "Hi. iladdy! wlmt U inward grace I How dots the ohl thing work:''' 'Friend, iuutap phu, wtow breath giiggesti'd gnir "Van llioe convey me slraighl way to respectable inn ?" His answer'ii gross irrelevaiii'C I dial! lnstjlf ohjyior iy, l g&T. fly sakl, "Yon Ixt 'Xay. nay, I shall not lkit, ' wild I ''for that would be a sin Why don't thn answer plainly ? Cat) nice i.ike ine to an inn f '1'hy vehlele is doubttoM meant to cany folks aliout in ! Then w hy prevaricate :'" Said lie per- "Xay. verily. I shouteil not." qiiotlrt! "my sieeeh is mild ; l!ut thine I grieve to say it with falsehood is deJilcd. , . , , ' ottgnr ro lie amnonrsneti to nil tny Heart ot guile. ' "See here, my lively moke !" said lie, "yon sling on too much style !" "I've liaitAi'se1 ' pW yrhlb garments twenty years or more." said I, "And when thee say I 'sling on stvle,' Ihee tells a willful lie!" At thai he pranced around as if a bee w-as In Ms bufliWl, jfjf; . And witli hostile demoiistnitloiis In- quired if 1 whs "on it !" "On what? Till thee explain thyself, J.t-aiuiotteli.-.lnaijl,; i . " lie M that, soinetlilag hxL "too thin" moreover it was "played." But all his jargon was surpassed in ...ii.t nlkimTlti. nil .lOMllllltl ,. ( , ' Hireal -. p profanely einphasixeil. to Hit a head oh me !" "Jfo son of lielial," said I, "that mir acle can iki." Whei hel ', If Mil blows J'.ut tailed to work that miracle If such was bis design Instead of putting on n head, Iws iitroTC Thee knows I cultivate the peaceful habit of our sect, But Ibis man's conduct wrought on ine a singular effect, For when la) slapped tnvhniad-hrhii oft' It rousi'il the Adam In me, and I sun tie him hip-and thigh.' The throng I lien gave a specimen of tar ft!r'miv .broke hxwy -n -And iaittf iauhed him Irtld-rMtrtr and likewise "cooked ills goose," Although I solemnly affirm, I did not pull his hair ; Xor did I cook his lioultrv for he had no poultry there : Tliey called me "bully boy '." altliough i ve Ma-u mgii uiree score Vear; And said tliat 1 was lightning when I "got up on my ear!" And when I a-ked if lightning climbed ins ear, or oressetl in drab, "Yon know how 'tis yourself !" said one hi blab. was somewhat perplexed ; Yea. the placid spirit in me has seldom .Ijfieu s;o vexiil. It&frd'tJa-rc tfoWhgcr. Sk m&V ken men like me. With such pervcrters of our tongue can have no Unity. TI.I TWWMUf m1 i Paul H. Hnyne, the well-known Southeni poet.coutrihntcs to Apptttony Jtral nome ramlninoente!) of early life at Aiken, Sotnh Carolina, now a favorite resort for invalids from (he Xorlh ilurhig ttm Whiter months, and for the coast planters (luring the Sum mer. Aiken, at die time refenvd to, ia MMifil f laupuni a nafretiaeTs inen, waeouers from the mounlain counties, rough fanners, gamblers etc Once lu the Fall of ItW , write Sir. Aiken, (here came into Aiken au old trapiier and hunter from tlic nelglt Iwring State of Georgia, for the pur- unoteo vtua)i www WBcoi;i- iiicd by his son) lie had laboriously conveyed thither in a rough, springlcss rait Sam Gregory the old man's name was known to some persons in the village as a straightforward, honest, il and amiable, and as easy, on most occasions, to deal with as an unspoiled child. Though seventy years of aget he was as upright as a pine, tall in stature, with unditnlulslied muscular vigor and-activlty. The son, Ihrn W4MWMtt'fllM niitest particulars, the very linage of his filther. except that he tonncd the emer oy a conpie oi incnes, iiiihotiga , old Gregory was upwards of six elder by a couple of Inches, alt hough h'K'. lawtai aMrt, m,t Farter-'A( ft was "sale day" upon which these Ittuaty -tillvafrf tn' tin In, tlaattaii. twofoqnd themselves mingling wtTIabrhfi swd" T sfonyutd a "tin wljiit, lo llieir wKH,Uiuiil axv-, sceineil que a iwwif autoug tho shops and waiS'lioiVses ML Atfcon. A merclmnt. w ith whom ffrrgon- had been accus tomed fit treat in the disiwsltloii oriiis hides alnt jiam?, Iiavliig left the, place, our hltflM i vomia'Detl' to seek ciis tontcrs elsewhere. He went from sliop to shoii, exIilhiUng jiiiecVniehs of his stock In tpide, lmt i,u.k was against him; Ikj Cfflild obtain no purchasei-s llptwi anything Jikc liilr terms. At length he eajnu to an establish incut whlcli. -supposing it to lie a gr t-erjr. he enrtilessiy entered, ids sonTiist bclilml him. Jt was not a grocery. ltrnveVer. mit a notorious Imr-room. kept by afePow who rejoiced hi the iilAluittieof "Jiulfy IhS-aic of those (lesjit-radoes-yylioliifest 'all Vf?W socle tics, mid are the tenor of the virtuous and Inoffensive "Itojy was even yvoj-se Hum lib ral. HavTnir crown rich iqitj, he wSxed outia- llieot' liriiuoly.l A hmlr. a ooily olUHVKi ' M-hr OfjevW! Ms- ia;t hoit and were the nests of tn wr ixntioii of the couiniiinltv holh fulght and My, ( One of the bully's THies as sicrniy c,an ieii ojit as the laws 'of the Medes anij Peisiiins was that no imm, womiin or elilld sliould cuter Ms W, iio nwrtcr how or when, wlth rtuf being made to ch ink. "In thU. iiiihallowrid place, and hi' (he presence of the Hnndy-legged. beetle browed, bro.'id-clicsted,flery-iiocd gen ius of the same, the Gregory's stood, looking about them in thai lost, Be wildered way characteristic of the hickwoodsinaii in tpvn ;or city, anil tfe effect of which Is half hidfcioin, half pathetic "Well, stranger," growled Bully Bob, "are you going to ship there ail dav? Wat the likkor?" oWSam explathed In his simple, if noi-enl way tliat he had nmdea niisbiko an to the pint, and that the "fai was nnther Jimmy (pointing tohisson)nor ins au (mat me, boys) ever tuk to likker yet. or ever mean to!" Wliereupon he turned to: the door, and seemed about to leave. "e of tliat, now !" veiled Bully Boll, leaping IIh- counter in id kicking the doer, the key of which ho put Into hisporikft. "You (I dokt euss," he continued, "I'll make yn Milll a pint e-' whisky and pay double for It :to.tioot!V rtfei? -Vi ii Here was a dilemma. BuMy Bnb waa supported toy half a down f his reckless inyrmklmu, and to nttcinpt resistante seemed madness. I'M did not Wrlke the Oregon's, however. Afler recovering from little natural surprise at tkm unexpected position, tho latter demanded tlir freetlom. "Ititieo," Mkihe. "WHenvOH'vfi ilone yoiir'dootv, and obeyed ot'ttorj." reiilieti Bob, who had again taken his place behhal the hs, and was sjwcJi ing Hinoiw-Ute bottles. 8m wheeled around, but ipiite deliberately, and walked toward a hrck dow w as open, Ikickouing Jim to follow, But three of Bob' "Moliawks" put them selves coolly in his way. uniWl use, old 'im,'' said one of them with a:pivoking grin. "Ho a you'r bid, and you'll injver be chid," pined another with au Irish accent, and the flourish of a huge stick. Perhaps it was. the threat or Insult conveyed by this -movement which roused old .Gregory's blood; bntcer btin it is tliat the next instant he had dashed his opposes vigorously aside, atid might luiveigaiucd the door and iwsssige-wny beyond, if the entire mirfv in Bully Bob's 'wtercst had uot come iui and attacked bim SI guar i. w "M sliirl fhey were six. men in all whom the cjr Gregory's. fought, at first with nor-i . iwitl ? , "a Klre - W af te"8th- 9 MM, '?v,nr! "PC" iHschargcd at the Sllf " ,! IS""1' HrW -long. keen -TSrif gitdown two of tlie , as.v'lllai Its. seized RnlK- TLili ul, L.,1 i, . ,,; , v "r ".' imcivu-tth inc. "sciain oritie neek. and through a storm of oniiefs, nisiied from the back entranco rtamd Into the street, dragging the amazed and discomtittwl bidly along With Wbl. Jl'lnmv stfllMnml. iift..i. I.ia flth, wonndedaini lileedlng. - lhlt Jem v" A.ut l...'.l.l ---. .. .,.i, ,MU in,,, j, btiefly. ! WW-! . "iWliei forr'' nrrsiverpir Jem. with eqnal eonclsi-ness, and sinking slowJv to the ground, 'xi-i J tft f !!".:. ;,tf Tlien the speetators, attrfictwl bv tint MMkMN firing, witnessed a terVi hie sceue, Minom man jooaen upon his son nad saw timt lie was dying. He looked ink. .1.1 . . new, at ine wretco npanwiitja bis grasp, firm as iron, stHI restwl. reganl liWai for a fleeting raonwiit with an llaJweribaWe expression, whidi a(s jieaml to paralyze the ruflknt; than, w ith ajerk, iie-puUwl tlie hotly up. as ii ii were a cniici a. nent It nacKWard across his knee, to that he could see Wi enemy's face to the Inst, and with dreadful calinne) preeeeded to stab and disenitirjwei his victim, whose quivering remains he threw from him, when all was over, with a single lialf smotlieretl iy of is4od rag.', which mine ever foigtH who heaad It. i in a lew minutes more Jemmy, too, wasdeaAi,.,,,.- (, Zh.'.-a That night, Ufltoiiolioti by tlie hand of tlie law, m Qm&m WJ the body pf;hta son in cbargii, aeUiriwjcl to, his Imckwoodshonie. lie wnjuieveragaiu seen or lieard of by auy of tlie Aiken IW1 . A IK l-"i, " 1 - - A Xw ork belte told a suitor for her hand that aba w oahlaooept his oiler in star, week, if Mr. So-nnd-so dklu't make a similar otter in (he raewtimr. Nixoii tMHst at 'WHa'-atailn-. l LS A VHiM-li-Mt lllero. a STotn of r act. iTlieiutllinioii wkii h tills sljnple Into U fnimdeil luippeped' in (k-lolier, 1SII7. The lKr lan s name is unknown. ,,i n .... ... ..... . j i , o v. -ui v.viiihi;hi i . l i e sea wind went Wining and j It swined thaf he imisf snddenly ivato thrilling iicros.4 the barren, m-linnd jantilliid Wrrrstdf In his own licrth In coast of iatbrftflor. There km snow MtexOwi sliin,oou to sail lalrly into on .tint ground, and tlio cold wasbUtef. jlmrkor. Yet witlial there was a clear .Minglyd with t.he terrible song ot the consciousness of tlie children's si isidv slorni Were the groaning crack 6f a hrwtiniig, of the fiict fhit mW anil good ship l timbers ami the wihl ont-; hunger, and W.wkiMKs, rlke mntilcrons mesol hcrt-iwv. Wlieiitheseliadfal- ' reptiles, wero wiuking away his vei-v len liny an awful silena-, anotuersojind lite. Then mm fuiou of Ids . ainsc, still stdilci- in tliat dreary waste ; sage In tlkilsldp, tSSSi 2 1 El "IL': Vneot.dek a fragile woman Komwl a point ot rock on a phabow ! with a gentle, holy aiett and he, her he cldls tame l ow small fluttering son, .nppmthig her. Before them, a igurt's. How. the)- lvid escaped the ; very glorious uijet..Wttli thatdbnwse wreck or made the rwflv tol hat ti fliv. , lv aS-.w.M- .....? WTV!F thej- iwrfd iwnMiave tnl'd. Two were mew babies, it Wat tfo' older of these ..WWjf-HI HTVi for the burden.' She had that now-ei- of endiintneeilH a sudiien si rait which (Jod gives to spmc by no mcaiis (lie si l ongest of his ciyatin-cs. Her elilldi eyes litixIrdWly iwereil otit'hito trie obcorit.n hi seareli of a friendly tace; The. sound or feet clamlicriug up the ellffi,;suri(ttng down limi ewot rs'bbles and sometimes slipping buck, brought the children to a stand. Win it a friend or fi Perharrt there Wei strange tierce animals abroad hi this freeahig place wlajre all was stmime. or those nameless horrors of night which cbil aren dread.' TheHgnre of a lad stepjied to the path. '1 Ih little girl advanced i "Oh. sir! ' shccmldnot say a word more, but broke down in sobs. When the stranger drew near, tin- hoy's terror too, broke out afresh: he screamed aloud for his moMid'Y and hid his face lu l us sister s gown. "Mother will come sixai, said the ladY Tlie girl looked Hp etigerlv. "Will she. sir? And fiitlier tiwr" "xe.s. we snail nun inom; never tear. V by, my man, w hat is it?. Look lip, and never crv !" He knelt down -before the child, and at last mounted him on Ms own shoul ders. . ., j "1 can carry lmby too," hefiild. "Ob, sir, he b so heavy." ! "I Jghter for me than yon, my dear. Now. what slulj lie do nevt. y" The boy began to Whine again. "So cold, sfi cold: want to go to bed."' "And we aivlnnigrv' too, sir. '"added the little girl hi a pititHily patient voice. . "Well, then, we will find a bed at onw. And I think T Imve sohie Sirp perlrimypiWktt." Little pick-u-Uick gave tokens of a desire U) have bis supper t'oi tliw ith. "Xo ; hot till you are in lied. We will And a nlc warm rdhee. Cene. little, woman, how my jacket. Tluit will help von." Tla; children litBbrcd on with the cheery guide, who was lmt a poor wea k ly la d, a ml at last fit! t h is si rengl h failing under the pi-essun- ot the wind and tin children's weight, mid Vet there was no sign of human help. Sud denly. IIH! Ill till moonlight siwnveil a rent in the rocky wall beside their (mill. Within. t the' further end. he annul a small dry place, with a pile of with ered moss la-aped against its side. The lad thanked God tor it, and framed and smoothed It into a pallet, on which he carefully laid tlie three little ones. WHi yon not lie down. too. sir?" askt-d the courteous, courageous little l'want my supper," wailed the lv f tkukHt began to raWa fafhliicrv. q tad took trom his pocket some' hard biscuit soaked with sen water- i. i.. . iinutetms enuuxu, , ikiv mo cniHireii were too hungry to be nlee. There was not nWich, and be divided it till among them. "Will Voii ImVe some ot Ii, sir ?" '4 ! oli iia my dear! 1 bad my sup per long ago." So tlie biscuit waa nil eaten, and die little fellow stopped crying, ,-s .-ft "Vow you must any your prayers'' saidtlieir proteetor. The ioor little lass began dutifully tumbling out other ujos had. -' "You can lie still, dear 1 1 will pray and yon shall say Ainett.'- . "Will Ood listen when we are lying down?" "Yes. to-night He will." Then kneeling heskie die In-ave child, he uttered a reverent , petition : , "We thank Thee, dear Lord, for having saved us from great danger, and prav Thee to make our JiHed wortiiv.o be ing saved. This waAtba aimpki bnrden of his pra.ver. fflxJIng with the oaani poteut "Onr Katlier." Then he sat down, lo wait until the children slmuld fall asleep. He would then, he l tonight.' slip away, to. flri tla-ir iierenta und the otliet sr) Ivors, shoiikl there be anv, and purbapa toget the rest and rofresbnteiit m jo soinlv iieedtnl. But the unconscious cliiklish seiitsrauw was not yet sausued. .e,( 'Soild," walled the U)y, and a nihooajlttleery. "Babyiohl, "ioiniHl iu ilionH. It wasiM vain to idle the moss around tlasm. . ; "I want n.y Mawklet." wa the elear demand. At htat, . the kind lad. strip ping his Jacket, sprewl it over them and tucked it, in. hud then toev were aaivmea. auiwraaRaw aotii ague, ho crept -mown baakhi hit trusty little friend, as he soineuosw fojr, the heave girl to De, trying to get warm, it MM ting, 'tie, tiantsjttK. bafore - Midlaak.:V0 j4 akleeit. aad crcise, and find lieJp at la. Oca, j friend who pleaded lit a very wakeful Vtdee) "J 'hstse, sir, dou't goaway. 1 j lillinot get lo sleep, ami lamsofi ight- tift Ava rIkB a ffren'm lo him. that weird, dark hole in the hill-si,le l.t. till' fill-Ill no II llllti.lmf ,.)....lo .1 Iwnding rife' lioritoii whldi m!ike'0us ' tSmev tbat.tie.ivi 4tia2 .ei. IWJttft.l-V'.lta.iidil l tr)koK.Ti . 5 ' . mui '-way a moment, bv. I shall soon be. when: the sinw never . Heel so pisiccful tii-night : I know that all Is JTJtsi. '"" m ,n$ '"r ftiiw. tfclt him to wait patiently HllGnd shall calliiiin to join me in that ha rniy place And you, my boy, will keey the wimo hope hi your lieart; will yon not? Birf. pray that before yon iffe, Tie will grant yon to have lived so that some poor souls may bless i ou." The vision cfiaLgeij ; a shotted ham fflocK droiped Into the sea. and a Iwy flung prone upon tlie deck, crying, "Mother, mother, how mm I HUH iln alone." ITe did not shed one tear now. There Was rather a smile on his (ace as ne iniirnmmi. "Thank Hod she went liefbre this nigh: " Hp prayed iigmii the pnivershelmdanjoliHHl upon mm. ami aililed Hils. thai l.u r.iiu,,. might be comforted. Clneol'tbeehiklreii awoke, and be gan lo cry, -.Mother !" I le roused him -self aga in, thougU iiunibiugtrostsceni wl siKikliig into all his In.,,,,.. He sootlHKl the elilld, and even tried to lull it oil wilh a little storV. isit the iwrd ran one into unotheri and that effort came to nought. 80 taissed that wearv niirld. t lengtli, when dawn Iwil taken tlie lior- ror lioni timir sleeping pbmyhe told the iiildreu to lie .still, for lie, would go to rind their parents, and so left them with a kiss. He bhtiidored on as in a dream, semiihig to See lb-rough a mist, with a dim sense of sicktiess and feebleues. When or how- he hardly knew, he decried two haggard figuros hastetihig towanls him through tlie snow. They hurried taster op soelng him. and cam, up with eager, woelul liiccs. "Our chlldi-en-our thix-e little riilldreu yi e seen tlwrn ? ' We think thev weretavttl.'' ewM thrill whereto go, lmurh.i as w rtiKke. hi ttilw sounded tliiu and small hi his own cars. as (fit cSme from afiir. Tluinklnir him With deep gratitude, tliey hurried by. He was alone aimin. As be walkt his breath teunu nobldng. like that of one pliingeif Into icy water. Hjoit. voiceless pi-aVein In bis hrtn.1 "O God ( o-Jed !" "tvas till he ronld say, and he kept repenting tliat like the burden ofa song. At hist, the air seemed to grow warm and thero was a swirling hi his biain like the eddy of mtwlcnl waters. "Why am I walking on. when heralsa sort ttWtc ..bed for inc.' Ho lie saidito him self, and laughed, ierli:iis aloud. I am so sleepy, 1 willlle down. There' oil, how goad it fa, rest. Vofher come and bid me good night. Mother' how beautiful you look .' Aud Uiere Is lamer, top; i tliougbt he was tar way. He wrars fhe same strange, happy look, that I seataW vwir ftTx-, mot her ; t he look which i aliraus. fim ehid on angels" fimps Pu yow rm round me. Ah ! tliat I" nloe aud warm. Why are ytm lining hip in, so hlgh so high? (JoodBlght. ; W lieu, the. iviiiwits were returning with tla-ir little ones, they found, their hravo prfeservcr "lying dead on the snmv, ifbt fnr from the spot wlicre tltov had parted fronibJai,! ; v ' " 1 n a-.i ii . tisJjESrla K.-Wtid,a,r thltiw letorsm! W-iUf thewieawv ibry wuhoiit Ihiukijig how. mueh weaiv in debted to tlichi. -lust think what wmi drout things are done bv fids one Tittle letter HI la is tlhlieglnidng of evury toua ret It Ls always found iu wiy, u y folind in the' centre or flu wrfi and yet always 'rtffrts hi tvrfnnu, Jt 'fe the lieatl of every iv-, and alw ays met hi "W Jt exhits both in Jw, u- ter and otc. It greets us ever uiorn Ing.'mid tsf nfirtof itrmkfui. MiM and pptr. "It Is the- first' lettm.rm,... ami ttlsoof vxtkmmm.- It Is never seen in btmnesm butalways In jicmme ; and Vet, strange to say, it forms a part of every kort: Yon can sec It In every cmie, ttf unfile and )'rr, It Bdmib led in sMT(iir.-,,a.s well asiu miido. It. OragaJbim to jrnnifo. and nwkes all toflntfi tb tnirtfrj. It blooms In every M and sdrffer in everr r, ami a funny thing is the letter It. There In a young girl in Virginia, .who wears bullets iu the form of a Maltese cross, which were extracted from the ho-hV ofhei -father and broth er, who were killed ill the wigo of Bichiuond. "Boy, may I fnqulre whert Boblii- ......j .fn,..nn ! t .-tf,ll.- J. ' replied tho boy very reapeelNely. Ihave ifthesnehte.stbl e'er Wr..o,- " mm tumttmmmtm - ja .mm naMio mh.c . y 1 n fitH n ; . a