FINGAL , OK, MI KDEB WILL Ot'T. Not MePhe rjon'a hero of that name, but TIioium Oaiupliell's Fingal or. rather, lie who was Thouiast'iimphcll. Fingal inu a dog ; n excellent one ; jirofowloiially, the best in tbe Dm borhood. At an early age, in o5n euce to instincts deseemlcd thnxwh a lone line of collie. h commenced tlie duties of aheplienl's assistant in the scrvic of his friend anil master, then chief shepherd on the bread acres of tlie Poke of Alhol. For five year dating from tlie 0eiiing of our story, be Imd discharged the duties of hi office with dog-tike fidelity, ami great ly more tliati even a colly's intelli gence. A large, strong Imte was Fingal ; being qnite a much the superior in strength to those of his breed as he was their master in aagacity. Hut chiefly was he remarkable for his mental qualities. lie was a very wise dog. Indeed, so undeniable were his claims to what is understood by the metaphy sician as "reason.'' that, throughout the entire county side, it was said of him, "lie can do everything that's needed of him but sneak." Now, what am I going to relate of King as. for short he waa called may lie regarded as truth or not, just as the reader pleases. I say this because the relation I am about to make regarding him is truly marvelous, and tiicrcfore calculated to raise doubt. King's master by one of those pleas ing dispensations which tend s much to rob death of its terror to their sur vivorshad fallen heir to a few hun dred pounds; and being a man of much ewrgy of character, he adopted the more remunerative business of drover, purchasing beeves and sheep, and disposing of them at tairs. For three years Thomas Campbell pursued his risky, wandering profession, each year adding to his Importaucs as a dealer in stock. On all his trips. Fing, of course, was his never-tailing com panion. Tbonus Campbell was a bachelor, and lived with his brother Duncan, on a farm which they had bought between them. TOi place was known as Craig bitru. Duncan was tbe elder of tlie two sons; was married and had a fam ily, tbe oldest being almost a full grown man. In those days, facilities in bank ex rlianges were not as they now are ; so that persons going to remote places in the country took whatever cash tliey might have along with them In gold; thus subjectftig themselves to the risks of robbery ami probable mur der. Mr. Campbell, in bis last trip, had doubled the number of the largest lierd lie kid vet taken. An eager market awaited him at Falkirk fair, where his well-known manly character and mil dealing had made liim a desirable party t a bushiest transaction. Disposing ot his stock to much advantage, he Started for home, lie traveled, as was usual in those days, on horseback, car rying hU portmantau liehind hi ; saddle. But fhom&s Campbell never reached his home. Wliat became of him, no one knew. The country was .searched ; but not the sliglitesit trace could lie found of the drover or his dog. The horse, too, was missing. If blood had lawn spilt, the shurp. drenching rains of late au tumn had washed it all away. Being well-known all alons; the route, he could be tracked to within ten miles of Craighurn. There, mystery enveloped his fate in thrlce-fbld darkness. His brother had oft'ered a reward of five hundred pound- for the discovery of his body should be be found dead: and if it appeared that he had been murdered, he promised the remaining part of Thomas's fortune. Including his sliare of the farm, for the appre hension of tbe murderer. To this lat ter clause tlie Duke added two hundred pounds from his private purse. Nearly a week had passed from tlie date when, the drover and dog were last seen; and Sabbath moruing found the afflicted Campbells still mourning over tlie fate of tlieir lost relative. The morning family services had passed, and Duncan went out to ponder over the terrible dispensation that liad Mricken tlie strong man down in his strength, and deprived him of a broth er, lie had barely jiassed the outer door when lie observed an animal slowly crawling up the lane leading to the house. "What can it be ?" said he. At first it struck Mm that it was Mealing along to pounce upon some stray domestic fowl. But, on more closely' watching Its motions, he saw that its freqnetit stops suggested ex liaustion rather than caution ; that Its movements partook too much of feeble ness to be sheas of prey a wolf, for instance, ora large-sized badger. Call ing to bis sou Donald, who stood at tbe window, to come out they approached the strange looking animal together. It had stopped, and lay as if incapable of dragging itself an inch farther ; and seeing mem, it uttered a low, plaintive whine, imd slightly moved its tall. "Ob, father, it's Fbigal 1" cried the son, as he started with all speed toward the wretched brute. True enough, it was Fing; but so emaciated by hunger and bodily suffer ing as to be hardly recognizable. Raising the dog carefully up between them, in a few minutes more be lay upon a sofa mat in a room adjoining the kitchen. Donald, weeping like a boy, sat down beside him, and raising the battered bead on his leg, placed close to his muzzle a small uui of milk, which lie greedily but painfully lapped. There was not a dry eye in tlie fam ily ; each of the household, from the 'grate man" to tbe fiirra servants, con doling with the skhmy, maimed ani mal. And truly tbe poor dog present ed a most pitiable condition. A deep gash, partially healed, in bis neck told plainly enough he liad been shot. Ilia bead, too, was terribly mangled, as If it liad been smashed with a Heavy in strumeM. Various other bruises were found upon him. Tn addition to these revoking cruelties, he was a mere skeleton, bis booed actually protruding tMNftgVhAsikm. wont tor it, we 11 nave a cnic to the. mysterv, now,'' said Mrs. Campbell, at which Fing fecblv wag ged his tail, as if in acknowledgment of tlie compliment to his sagacity. "Tak' yc nae heed no, matter," aid tlie servant-lass ; "there's a Prov idence bfrc ; awl be sure o' this whin thtreVnaebody else to tak' care o' tlie doug, ll be wl '. him." In a short time a little milk was again placed brl'oti luni. which he rav enously, hut WMNMdent distress. licked up. "I'uir Fing!" was the exclamation from all; ami, sympathy ruling tlie hour, found Fing with attendants con stantly at his s'iu. For three days and nights was he so iimseil. After that he was enabled to sit, but looking woe fully "disjaskit" (sick and exhausted). Fing, however, was convalescent, and bade fair at 110 distant date to be as much of a dog as ever. About a month more liad passed, and a meeting of ucighliors was heing held at CraigTairii. King, well recov ered, wasactively trotting tip and down the lane, accontiiaiiyiiig each visitor tliat came. As many as a dozen jier sons liad assembled. Over a glass of toddy for in those days the bottle presided stall deliliera tions they were discussing the great mystery aud the possible chance of the duos' return throwing light upon the subject. Fing was present. Sitting 011 his luuinchcs he seemed to be taking as intelligent an interest as the wisest. He would prick up his ears at an ob servation that seemed to tally with his own erouipreheusion of the matter ; then drop his head at some other, as If lie might say, "No, it is useless to do that,'" Noticing the intelligence manifested by the animal, the Duke's principal game-keeper, a man greatly esteemed tor courage and Intelligence, remarked, "If tlie reward will ever become due, there is the one that it will fall to," pointing to Fing. The dog wagged Ills tJlil, and moving Up to the game keeper, put his muzzle on his knee. "The likes o" that !" was the gene ral exclamation. The special discussion having been exhausted, conversation liegan to take a more convivial turn. Fing. perceiv ing it, curled himself up in a comer by an intermediate door. He had laiii there for an hour or so, wlieu one of tlie guests dropped a tumbler upon the floor, breaking it. "Oh, just never mind that. Mr. Don aldson," cried Mrs. Campbell, from an adjoining room. "When tlie chap man, Cuthhert, comes " At the mention ot tlie pedler's name King rose at a bound, barking furious ly, and gnashing his teeth ill a frenzy of rage, while bis liair stood up as if turned to bristles. "The dog's gaeu mad !" cried a guest. "What's the matter, Fing?" said Duncan. The dog. in the fierce extremely of his anger, fairly howled. Duncan, after quieting him. sat for a moment overcome with thought. Then, hastily arising, and calling Fing to follow him. he left the room followed by the dog. After passing lialf way down the lane, Duncan turned to Fing. and shouted, I'uthbert I" Tlie same de gree of rage was exhibited as When, in the room, his wife mentioned the mime. "Cuthbert !" he repeated : Find him out.'" With a tierce howl of delight at the onler, the dog lioundcd down the lane ; then, returning, barked savagely, as if at an imaginary enemy. And so lie kept bounding down the. lane aud returning, as if inviting Duncan to follow him. Mr. Campbell returned to the house. and asked his guests to excuse him ;H then mounting a horse, lie followed Fiug. The dog, as If understanding that he was understood, now settled down to a quiet jog, taking tbe direc tion leading south. "On the track at last." tliought the brother, as he trotted along the rough highway, following the detective Fing. Two miles were passed ; he full of confidence in the ultimate result of their journey, the dog ever and anon pricking his ears, as If anticipating tlie approach of tlie man he sought. Leavurg the main road. Fing sprung Intoa bridal-path on a patch of moor land. The way was a cross-cut by which the distance to tbe ilea rest town was shortened by a couple of miles. At a short distance further it wound up a steep hill, at the top of which it struck along a rocky escarpment hav ing a sheer depth of two hundred feet, at the base of which the Tay murmur ed mi Its gleaming passage to tlie sea. On his left a forest of firs climbed, sliadowy and frowning, entirely shut, ting out tlie heavens. Tliere was 110 house within three miles cither north, south or west ; and on the earstern side the habitations to be socn were away on the bottom kinds, far beyond tlie reach of human voice. A fit place for outrage and Mood. Along tlie road tbe peddler had passed about the time tbe drover disap peared; and along that road Thomas Campbell was hi the liabit of return ing from tlie lowlands. How it was that the circumstance of tlie peddler's passage through tliat part of the coun try at that time liad never been men tioned, was this : Ilory Cuthhert tlie chapman, had supplied tlie inhabitant of tliat dreary, out-of-the-way region for years, sustaining a reputation for hone-t dealing with all. It is true, some ugly stories about the cruelty and want of patriotism during the re bellion of '4a hid been circulated ; hut as tie had not been alone In his aym pathy with the Pretender, his mean ness as a spy were forgotten in his fair dealings as a trader. lie traveled with a single horse, putt'ng up at houses wherever night might overtake him. Another thing which helped to give him immunity from suspicion of wrong doing, he had the reputation of lieing a God-fearing man, habitually taking ! m simpie morning anu even ng religious exercises of the people at whose bouses lie staid, ami not fre quently asking a blessing at tlie table over the family meals. Cuthbert was well-known at the home of tlie Camp bell brothers, liavlng made Cralgburn a stopping-place when passing. Be ing a man ot much information, and constantly on the wing, he was a bear IB er of news; therefore a most likely person to lie welcomed to the house of an Intelligent family. So appareptly inoffensive a man was not likely to lie mixed up with murders and robbery. About midway of tills desolate stretch of road, a natural bridge spans a rugged chasm, its narrow passage barelv admitting a single carriage. A more' dismal sot it were lmnl to con ceive. An abrupt turu closes tlie road both ways ; and on eltlierside the fall sombre pines closed out everything Ik vond, save a narrow still of nine above. Beneath yawns the tVanW throat of the gaige, the vexed waters crushing their impetuous way past jag ged cliffs till thev mingle in the roar of the waterfall 'tliat leaps into the river below. On approaching the Spot, Fing gave mouth to a succession of fierce yelps, his rage increasliigasher.eaml it. On the bride his savagery was little less than madness. Howl after howl of tiger-like ferocity roused tlie echoes, intermingled with convulsive snapping of his kuis, as If tearing at an adversa ry. All at once his furv ceased, and. squatting on his (xxly, he comnienivd dragging himself along towards the woods ti the left. Dismounting, Duncan followed him until he came To a clump of heather, into which lie crawled, as If in great pain, and lay down; then crawling out. lie commenced walking slowly in the direction of Craigbnni, No trace of blood was visible. If blood had been shed there, nature had wiped everything clear again with drenching rains. "Tluit'll do, Fing." said Duncan to his comptiuoil, who was still crawling painfully along. Tlie dog resumed Ills natural position, led the way back to tlie road. The conclusions of Duncan Camp bull from the premises afforded by the dog, were tliat the bridge liad been the .scene of his brother's murder, and the attempted destruction of Fing. Thai tlie drover had lieen suddenly attacked shot, periiaps and tumbled over into the chasm, that Fingal, too. had been shot ami felled by the pistol in tla; ruffian's binds ; but that, after the murder, he had succeeded in saving his life by stealing to the hiding place which bad served him as a hospital, leaving nature to do the surgery. On regaining the bridge. Fing stood 011 the centre, looking wistfully down among the cniip; he whinning and trembling the while as if desperately weighing the chances of success in leap ing down from clitf to cliff in search of tlw beloved friend lie had seen tossed over in the helplessness of death. "Na, na, Fing, come lack. We've got a better use for you than that. Listen ! Cuthbert 1 Find him out !" Tlie sagacious dog leaped wildly about for an instant. "Down. Fing; not now. my man; ye're a good doug." said Duncan, pat ting tlie colly 011 the head ; "and so sure as there is a God in heaven. Thomas slmll be revenged. Now, let's gang back." Duncan imparted his convictions onlv to his wife. ''Cuthbert might get wind of it, ye see," be said, "and so make him rin the country. Fingal and I will leave the morn's inornin', 011 the part of ret ribution; and guided by the rea.-on for there's nae instinct aboot it o" Fing. justice sliall be vindicated and society in future lie protected frae the blnldy hands and the black heart o" a villain and a murderer." Fing. who was a participant in this interview, sat listening to the revela tion made to his mistress ; aud at the end ofthe conference lie fawned upon her, licking her hand, as If lie-eeching her to otter no objection to tbe con templated journey. After the preparations for a short al sence from his home. Duncan and his wife entered the large kitchen, where bis on Donald was. along with two fkrra laborers and the servant lassie. His presence at once arrested their at tention. "Donald, my man," said the father, 'business makes it necessary tliat I gang doon to the Lowlands for a week or sac, may be longer, may he shorter; but. however lang or short, let things go on at Cralghbum just the same. The journey I'm aboot takin' you'll be jaloosin (suspecting) tlie nature 0' ; hut. for the present, naethiiig rualr can be said." "Dinna be feared, (hither, " replied the son; "gangyonr ways, and the Lord be w'f yoii on yir errand. Bob and Tain here and myself will gie a good account o' onrsels when ye come back. It's cotuiu' on winter, and there will he but little to dae ; hut what should be dune will be dune winna it. lads:-" "There is nae fear o' us uiaister," the men replied. "Nae, sai, not a bit," added the las sie. "Noo let us pray that a successfu" termination may be given to the journey." said Duncan Campbell; "for witliout (he help 0' the Lord litre's nae wisdom in human effort or doing effort ailher." A portion of the sacred writings hav ing been read, tlie familvof tlie moun taineer knelt by tlieir scabs, and the tatlier offered up a prayer to tlie God of the merciful for tlieir protection dur ing his absence, closing with the en treaty that justice might not sleep nor duty slumlier till tlie mystery of his brotlier sliould be unfolded. "Make bare thine arm, O Lord, against the cvd-doer. Let him not go tree. Thou liast promised tliat out of weak things of the earth, tlie wisdom of tlie wicked shall be confounded and Thy name glorified. Make it sae in tills instance. Here Is but a doug, a pulr wordless doug, toginde; hut with Thee every thing Is possible. Keep the of si lence upon tlie lips of this humble houselmld till justice shall be vindica ted, and Thine shall lie the praise and tlie glory. Amen." Karly next morning. I mnean Camp bell, mounted on a strong, swift horse, accompanied by Fing, started for the Lowlands. Two weeks liad past hut no trace of tlie peddler could lie found. The news of tlie mysterious dtamjeamnoe of the drover bad traveled along tbe route to Falkirk ; and tlie honest, noble char ter of 'lhomas Campbell having gained him many friends, tbe brother was everywhere met with sympathy and offer of service, Fing, too, was well known, ami frequent were the compli ments lie received on learning the suf ferings he had undergone. "Ve. dinna suspect Cuthbert, dae ye ?" many inquired. ; "laiiLanxloiw to hear his deponc ment before a magistrate, that's a'," Duncan would cautiously replv. Anotlier week had passed, and still 'no traces of the peddler. "lie maim line fled the countrv," thought Duncan. "But onr pilgrim age is not yet ended. Fing. Let us on, my mail." Fing, however, needed no encour agement to go on ; for, if apprehen sive tliat his companion might become weary of the search, lie always kept in advance of the horse, hopefully snulHiig the road to witch scent of the prey he sought. Packmen' were numerous in those days. Indeed, it was to the peddler that country people were indebted for small articles of merchandise. Iking numerous, they Were all more or less known to each other by reputation. Duncan bad got as far south as Cum berland in Knglaiid. luthbert, did 'e say?" replied one of the tramping fraternity of whom Duncan hud made inquiry respecting the object of hi-search. "On, ave, I've heard 0' him. He traveled in the lleelants (Highlands). Ye'll thulium If 1 U'v na wen wrongly informed in the toon 0' Fraineholt, hi England here, about nine miles frae the city o' Hull. He's aboot to open a hraw show) shop there. He did a thrlvhl' business in the lleelants. Ye seem tite he agitated, gude man. Is there any thing unco (wonderful) aliout Cuth bert?" But, witliout answering the man. Duncan put spurs to his horse, and pursued his journey with increased liaste. Fing seemed to catchall ink ling of the information just imparted to his emu anion. He bounded on in advance, his ears pricked forward, and , tlie hair of bis tail, neck, and hack stiffly bristling. Putting his horse to his utmost, it few days more" saw Dun can within an hour's ride of his victim. At tlie outskirts of the village of Frame holt, he met a laborer, of whom he in quired about Cuthbert. "You'll find 'ini oop thecre. t' vil lage." he replied. Muffling his face with his plaid, Duncan rode up to the inn, and giving his horse to the ostler, he called for the landlord. I want to see a magistrate," said tlie Highlander. He was informed where one could be found. "Come, Fing, stick close by me." said Dtunan. "It you should get yir e'e on him afore I did, it might breed mischief.'' In an hour after the arrival ofthe pur suers, Cuthhert. the whilom packman was a prboner in cliarge of a consta ble ; and that same evening found him in tlie cointy goal, charged with the the crime of murder. In due time the prisoner was tried. The proi't however, was found insuf ficient to convict him. A large sum of money WIS found in his possession, hut tiiiit, it was argued, lie might have earned by his business. Tlie fact of his having slept at the house of Dun can the night before tlie dlsapuearauce of the drover, however, much it might breed suspieioti. was no evidence against him. TIms story of the dog was only wondered at. The prisoner was discharged. But justice stood at the door of the court ready to receive him. No sooner had he entered the outer hall leading to the street, than Fingal. with a savage howl of revenge, sprang to his throat, and, locking bis strong jaws, which enclosed the chapman's, windpipe, he bung to him till they fell together. Ills clenched f ings defied all expedients to open them. Growling and tugging, Jike a famished tiger, insensible alike to the blows and kicks of the bystanders, be kept his grip till his victim lay motionless as a corpse. A surgeon was called ; hut the tangs of the colly laid done their worst. The pedler recovered consciousness only long enough to confess his guilt. 111 'Honors. A hoy being asked the meaning of the woftl amateur, said it was a man what (lipped upand wasn't jawed for't. ".See here, mister,"' said a lad driven up a tree by a ferocious (log, "if you don't take tliat dog away, 1 11 eat up all your apples." An enthusiastic African, wlio hail "spent de winter in Jamaky,'' found it an earthly paradise. He saitl he could ''lie abed, and putting his arms out de windy, pick oranges, pineapple and Jamaica rum right off de trees." The Newhnrn Times heard the other day of a lady who caromed 011 the red la-ad of her husband through the win dow of a billiard-room with a brickbat. He eialed the game with a vigorous "home run." Enraged Parent Did you throw the half brick at random ? Weeping Boy No, I threw it at Johnny W illlnms. Parent And did you strike him on purpose ? Boy Xo ; I struck him on the nose. A ranting politician, at a dinner IKirty In Berkshire county, the other day, talking of the intermarriage of whites anu negroes, saia : "l uon t believe in it. I think it is a sin. It is my opinion that every person ought to marry one of his own sex .'" A candy boy, passing through a car, met a cross old gentleman, aud says : "Pop corn, pop corn !" "Hain't got any teeth," angrily replied the man. 'Cum drops, gum drops!" calls the smart boy. On the road Iietwecn Menden antl Hartford, Connecticut, there is a saloon where decoctions of benzine are passed over a rickety bar, at the small price of five cents. Directly opposite Is a country graveyard, where tlie people for a few miles around bury their dead. The hostess of the saloon has an un feeling sign on tbe side of her door, as follows : "Key to the cemetery gate within." "Well, Pat,'1 said a gentleman, "Tim didn't quite kill you with that brickbat, did lie?'' "So, but I wish he liad.'' "What for h" "Soleould have him hung, the villain," replied lilt. HUMS. ETC. Murder In Albany ASSEVER YETilEKS KNOWN, ASH no linv.dciiiii of It at present. Death H Is a thing which sometime must befall : eervsoM turn iiaunieroi me unman m:u tly ; And yet, At tlie Mid-day, Of your life, it disease lay his vile mind iqion yon, there is still "11 bnlm tn (itleiul," by which vim may bo restored, to prrfcet lienllb, 11 ml prolong your davstoiwniracti lous extent. How 1 by calling on IS. C. I9ILI, Ac SON, Wltli n prewintlon, where yon emi bnvo il mmixmitdcd by one experienced 111 tliat particular line, atmr, constantly on Imnd u good assortment of fresh dm-, wieut medicines, eliemiciiK nhits. oils, dye slMIS, trttw, CTP. Agents tor tlie Olebrutcd I'nk W?cd Itemrdy, Or. oreson Rhnmatl Cure; Hr. V. Jayne & Sons' medicines, etc. Silence's I'ositive and Negative tNiwdcr kept in stock. Also agents for the Home Shuttle .Sewing Machine, One nf tlie most useful pieces of household furniture extiint. t'ulluud examine. It. I'. HIM. 4 SON. Albany, June 10, 71-tOva ALBANY FOUNDRY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, AT.HAN'Y. OREGON", Manufactures Steam Engiues, Flour ami Haw Mill Mueliin-! ry, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, J,-; j i And all kinds of IRON AMI Hit ASS (AVriXUS. Pnrtlenlaraltrnttoti paid toivimirmaraH Winds of machinery. 41vl ' m;useiiy. L . SETTLEMIRE'S M'RSERY, 81z Mies ffoiitb of Albany, IJnu Co., NEAR THE RAILROAD. ISOIiiriT TIIK ATTENTION OF ALL persons desiring lo ptnvbnse fndt trees to call and examine my stock, which Is composed of the largest and l't selection in tlie State, wnsistlnn of apples, lsars, cherries, plums, prunes, f.'in)s's, blacklier r'.es, currants mi l roses. Also, black and while wiilnut, Kiih'llsli walnut, hickory, Iktuu, re'lbitd. lioney locust, haoxuerry, and a mniilier of other varieties of trow and plants too numero'.isto mention, all of which are offenst at low rites. IIKNUV V. SETTLEMIRE, Dec. 17, 1870-15 DRUGS and WKPICINES, PAINTS and Oils, llluss and Putty, sold by Wheel er, at sin:i;i. Hv4 Wool. SHAWLS, Inntr and square, plaid and striped, lor sale by WUKKLKH, at snedil. uvi 1 llfl.L-HKAl) PAPEK. ALI.SIZKS.JrsT L received and for sale at this olllce, low for cash. 1MN WAKE. GLASS WABK, CltOfJKE . erv, lnnps, vie, &c., s,ild bv Wheeler, at SHEDI). llvl BLANK HEEIiS. MOHTGAGES, ETC., 011 hand latest styles and for sale low. at this olliee. rUHTLAND IIOTKL. METROPOLIS HOTEL. Corner Front and Salmon Sis,, PORTLAND, OREGON. Thl new and elegant hotel, with 'w Furniture Tbroutjliout, I now OPEN TO THE Pmi.14'. Bath ' out tar Hie nrcoumodaiUoH of Guests. FREE COACH TO HIE HOl'SK. Come and ice Va. I. It. KPRFJNDEB, Propr. OK. 7, 71s5V4 OYSTEUe AXI A RUIN E8, NUTS AM) (indie, nnrt oMier knlek-lmiu-ks, mid by Wlieeler, at SHKHH, "v IMttMH VKGBTABUtS, in full snpply, hy 3v4 BATHS, ETC. ALBANY BATH HOUSE. rrilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HE I HwetrnUy Informlliecllleensof Allxuiy and vicinity that he lias taken oharg of thh otblf.lnn!,d by kee pln e loan room and twyhiK strict attention to busl- e, ti ftt all those who may fn-vaTlfin-mial their pat"?na!. Huviiur l.P,,vs. carried on iiotiilna out , ir.i i.-nMlrnr MMloOn. Tk H1 W S ill. (MdieBad Wtw' hair neatly out J08IPII TCXWJER. i'umll muni RPECTACMGS. MONEY CAN NOT BI Y IT, FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS ! Bat the Diamond Npeeiarlea will preserve it. WE NOW orFEH A GLASS TO TUB puhlie ttlilcli 1 pronounced liy the most celebrated opticians of the world to lie the most perfect, natural, artilleial help to the human eye ever known. They are around under oiirown supervision, at our own iiiaunftietory. In New Haven, and are o constructed tliat I he core or center of the muSSmgl directly In front of the eye, prodnciiig a (M itt AXI DISTIJUT VISION, As In the natural, healthy (tent, and nre vcnlini; all unpleasant seimaUins mnh if (tltlmoerhig and wavering of sla-ht, dizzi ness, etc., Iieeuhar to all othrra in use. These trlassc are uiattnfaet uivd from mi nntccrvshil pchhlea melted together, ami derive tlicirii:inie,"liinond,' on account of llieir hnrdiicsand brilliancy. Tlnryaro" mounted In the finest maimer, at mil' own manufactory, In nil style of i(rJt, silver, steel, rllhber, and shell frames, of t he lu st iuuliiv. Their dnrahiliiy can mil he stir- 1,1.; I imfl(l,ilr flniftli i4 win li il.. , i ll) i, I. llie most fastidious. None genuine iinics, nenrlnst our trade-mark, O stamped on every frame. Korsalehy the principal opticians and jewelers, throuKhoiu th country. Manu factured Iw 4. E. Spencer A Co.! praciical opticlaus, Sew York. For s!e onlv hy TtTrs DKOTIIKlK Ikmlcri In winches, clocks, jewelry, .silver ware, etc., Albany, Oregon. Entered according toaet nf Conjrrem!, In the year 1KH, bv J. K. Spencer $ Co., hi the clerk's office of the District ('mill of Die I'nlted States, for the Southern bUtrlet of New York. suva IXSL'HANCK. PACIFIC use asd .hakim: INSURANCE COMPANY, SAN rRANClSCO.CAf.. Total Asset (Uold! 11,777.3Ua.e3 J, HI NT WM.ALVoltl)..., A. J. K ALSTON. A. IIAllUi ...President. ...Vice President. . ..Secretary. . . . Marine Secretary. j The leading flro and marine insurance eouiinv on this coast. I a.10,000 deposited in Oregon. I Losses promptly and equitably adjusted j and paid in gold coin. LADD & TILTON, Gen. Agent For Oregon mid Vt'Hwhingloii Tvrl'jr, JOllS C03XER, Affcnt, AI.HANT, OBKllON, vSy A CARD. 'PIIE NEW ENtlLAND Ml TI'AL LIFE I lnsimiuce I'lunmnv, of Itoston. is the only company 011 doing bttSiuess 011 tula coast f,'ocrneu vy HM, MnsMw-ltiMetts) Xoii-lbrf.-ilnre I.nw. Tills eoiuiany was ineottsiratcd A, I. IS.T1, and has accumulated assets of over ;.i.ii m. The followine lapsed policies lutve tKS.n Miid on this coast, tinder this law : No. of Over due at Amount policy. time Of dcutli. insured. 13,ir4 II months. f .'..nun UB 4 mom lis. lo,iMKi :is.j-id .1 uidrfths, i.ikiu 80,100 In davs. J,5U0 3il,.Vi 11 months. (1,000 ( Had the almve pollotoB been III any Other, company they Would have been forfeited, The aliove facts speak for themselves, I and to the wise and prudent furtlier coui ! ment is iinnceessaiT. KVEltsON i MIlild.i:Mss, Gen. Agents. San Kiaucisco. It. FLINN, Local Agent, ALBANY, OREGON, Feb. 15, 1871-i5y SASH FACTOKV. BUIUX&IIS, ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOll FACTORY. 8. U. ALTIIOl'SC. J. P, BAlliESSW. W. KETCH I'M. ALTHOl'SE V CO., Ijoh Street, on the Blvcr Ilnuk, A 1.11 A N Y", Olt EGON. Keep on 1iand a full assortment, and are prepared to FURNISH TO ORDER, Doors, Sash, Blinds, and Molding, Such as CROWN, PAXFX, "AMI SKTION MOI.U, Of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOli FRAMES, Floortng, SldinK, -Ana- AU oilier kind of UuildHtyKnaerlnl. L80: PBEPARED TO DO MILL work, furnish shaker fans, zlitw-' slmkers, suction nras, drlvlna piuleyi of any kind, at our factory on Lyon street (on t bo river imnkj, atxt Iwlow MarkhamU warohome. tTIIOUHS CO. Albany, Feb. W,l?f-U