The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 23, 1872, Image 7

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    JMiauji fkgtfta
IT. N. Offlrlal Puprr for Oregon.
Wumnn MriTraKC la MhIuc.
On the 19th inst.. a hill was in
troduced into the House of the
Maine legislature, tlic object of.
which in to e.yteJ$ the elective fran-'
... t .il
cluse to women at the ITesKlcntiai
A Wo. kmlo VnbrakM.
The river blockade which so teng
intcrriiitoi comoiuuicatioii with
EaStem Oregon, ceased sonictimc
since; tlie Union Pacific Hailroad
has also "busted" the blockade, so
that the countenance of the Slope
smiles all over; but the people's
blockade, which shuts out the De
mocracy from securing "fat offi
ces and rich stealings," is growing
. .....I .kw.w. :...wiiviaiic orwl its
chilling breatb is driffeig! that per-
suasion farther and farther into the
icc-ficlds of passivitj.
rl Will Triumph.
A Democratic ioiimal says: "v?
have an enemy before us that will
rcouire all our enerL'ies to over-
1 " . . .
come" m e Suppose that the ene
my to which this refers is tlic Rc
publicau party. It is strong in its
code of principles, impervious in its
devotion to tliem, invincible in its
unity and determination, and of fl
goodly size. It has no departure
schemes, neither does it propose to
remain passive ; but feeling its cause
to "be just, it fears not" to abide
the issue of its cause before the
American people, confident that be
fore that tribunal, in the coming
contest, as in the past, merit will
lie rewarded in its complete tri
umph. High Old Timk in China. A
large day in China willbetlie occa
sion of the marriage of its Kmperor,
which is to transpire soon, he hav
ing imported a pair of massive ele
phants to assist in the ceremony.
His future consort has been under
going a careful training in the eti
quette of court life for some time.
For three years st the looms of
Nankin, Hongchou and' Canton,
have been laboring night and day
on the silks and satins for her bridal
trosseau, which they have just an
nounced as completed, at a cost of
nearly $500,000 in our money.
When the bridegroom goes forth in
a ear drawn by elephants, his bride
is to be borne to her palace in a pal.
anqmii composed entirely of a string
of pearls.
Wit Tiiev, OhViil They?
The Mobile Register says that
the Democracy has tried everything
in tlic last year, or so, ami failed ;
and now says : "Wiry not rally
upon the adamantine foundation of
the Constitution," etc. Brick Pome
roy says thc.Dcmocracy is on the
road to the devil. Southern Dem
ocrats, like the Mobile Register, a
few years ago, said the Constitution
was a league with hell. Is this ad
vice of the Register tlic result of
desperation ? Will they heed the
awful advice ?
A Wife fok Four Dollars.
Some tonr years, ago, a man named
Henderson, in the State of New
York, sold his. wife to-a neighbor
lor lour dol lars Recently the four
dollar purchase eloped with another
man ; whereupon the purchaser
sued out a writ of replevin as be
would for an ox or a horse. At last
accounts the case was awaiting ad
judication, eminent counsel being
retained on both sides.
T 1 ' ' ' the noblest organ of the body, re
Intelliuence and Airtoe ,.,.i.lL..
A Ki'ESR A 1ST. JlltollifWhra ftllll Vll-
o ji oiyw NWHfn1; viiiiv j.-wt mivi
tne existing among the citizens, are is, of course, correspondingly affect
necessary to the life and growth of a cdty the quality and quantity of
represenutive government In,,
lK)rtionastiieprevwl, will the na-
tion be stronsr and fiw Thi. un;
mentis corroborated by the history of
tlie past in tte experience of nations,
and in die utterances of wise states-
"United' we stand, and divided
we fell," says a Democratic cotem
porarv, after giving several Dcmc
cratfctonroals "fits" for pitchtn
into cx-Governor Whiteaker. The
unity and lmrmony nowxi"'g m
the Democratic family is most lovely
fa. behold. Old mother Democracy
niA m. fcoW. spank, nor cry her
unruly brats into obedience to her
behests, or agreement among them-
... ti 1 ...Win trt 1 1 il -
selves. She lias oeen --uuuk-"
cd" herself, and now every one of
her miserable progeny is "unruly
all bis ways." Here in Oregon her
children scout at the old lady's de
sire to be 'Massive," and assuming
a wise and lofty look, stmt about
like peacocks with new tails, and
claim to be tlic "Mai giriMinc" arti
cle of old fashioned Democracy. In
one particular their resemblance to
the old kindis very good nearly
every other fellow want an office.
Every lawyer among tlicm wants
in finriB tlm dear Deonlc in Con
gress, and no finite mino! can possibly
- . . .
tell how many others are aspiring in
llie same direction.. The Democra
cy of Oregon can unitedly stand and
sing: "Dear people, kind people,
do give mean Office." Howbeanti
ful it is for brethren to dwell togetli-
or hi unity. Aint t it t
A Goon Si ucestiox. A Haiti
more telegram of the 17th has the
following good suggestion : "C. C.
Fulton, of National Republican
Committee, and who is known to
have the full confidence of the Pres
ident, says, in the American this
morning, that tliosc holding offices
should refrain from attending the
Philadelphia Convention as dele
gates. We disclaim any lack of
appreciation ol the othcc-holders as
a class; our purpose has been to
prevent them from being present in
position, as it would give their de
tainers an opportunity to avail them
selves of the peculiar clamor they
have been so diligently at work to
raise for the purpose of damaging
Grant. If those holding commis
sions under him should be present
in force, his re-nomination would
be held up as the work of the bread
and butter brigade. It seem to ns
so important ami desirable that the
membership of the convention
should directly be from the people,
that it is a token of surprise that any
earnest friend of the Hoard holding
office should not sec the propriety
of keeping away trom it. Oppo
nents to Grant's nomination would
like to see many office-holders in
the convention. It would be play
ing into their bauds, and apparently
sustaining their oft repeated dec
laration that be is using exertions to
secure the nomination. Of one
thing we are certain, tliey will please
the President.
Didn't Like To. A Mississip
piau owned a clock that had got
out of order, and all his efforts to
make it run were fruitless. At last
he turned the dock liottom up, when
it ticked away as industriously as
ever. Declaimed, however, that
it was a sonrcc of inconvenience af
tcr all, for whenever they wanted to
sec the time, they bad to stand on
their heads and wheu they had
company, his wife didn't like to do
it! '
Waktu op Brain. According
to Dr. Beard, labor of the brain
causes greater waste of tissue than
lalwr of the muscles. According
to t'.e estimates of Professor
Houghton, three hours of hard study
produce more important changes of
tissue man a uay o? muscular la
bor. Phosphorus, which is a prom
iuent ingredient of the brain, is de
posited in the urine after mental
labor ; and recent experiments bave
shown that by chemical examination
of these phosphates deposiljtyijt is
possible to determine whether an
individual has been chiefly using
his brain or bis muscles. That the
brain is the organ of the intellect
is now as well established as any
fact of science. Hie brain being
.IImJ tl,-.. o.m na AnJ
tothe brail) thongh it8 ,verage
tl, Art-
ounces, or about one-fortietli the
weight of the body. This is one of
the reasons why brauvworl DW
Uterim f the Klorat.
From.tlie Bulletin we learn that
the waters of tlie Willamette rose at
Portland until they were eighteen
inches or two feet above the lower
floors of tlie wharves, before it came
to a stand still, The warehouse
men were put to their utmost efforts
to save the articles stored hi them.
Some of tlie grain was slightly
damaged before it was all removed.
The water rose there on last Sun
day morning at the rate of five
incites an hour. The mill at Mil
waukic had thirty-five hundred bar
rels ot flour stored in it which was
in danger. The owner wanted all
tlie steamboats that could be spared
to be sent to him at once to save
the flour. The K X. Cook was
sent on Monday and brought away
several hundred barrels and report
ed t!.e rest safe. Tlie Bulletin thus
describes the bursting of a cloud :
About eleven o'olock" A. M. on Sun
day morning, while the sun was
shining brightly, it commenced
to ram quite briskly, and from tlie
North-west could be seen a heavy
black cloud approaching very rap
idly. Suddenly there were two or
three bright Hashes of lightning,
followed a moment later by a sharp
crash of thunder, and immediately
the rain and iiail commenced falling
with great fury. Hail stones half
an inch thick and three quarters of
an inch long, accompanied by a
drenching rain, fell iu torrents for
the sjiace of ten or fifteen minutes,
filling the gutters with water, and
cutting off all travel along the low
er streets for a short time. The rain
continued to fall until about 2
o'clock P. M. when it chared off
and the sun came outwits a face as
smiling as a school boy's, immediate
ly after it had been wathed with
brown soap and polished with a
Bussiau towel.
The valley of the Clackamas was
overflowed to a depth of three or
four feet, and the track of the Ore
gon it California Hailroad com
pletely submerged. The result vas
the train failed to arrive in Port
land either on Sunday or Monday.
One or two culverts on the road
south of Salem were washed away,
and the track slightly damaged.
The rain about Harrisburg was
very severe, surpassing anything
before seen. The waters of the
river at that point washed the grav
el out of the abutments of tlie
bridge, and a large drift lodged
against one of the piers, exciting
fears that it would not stand. No
damage, however, resulted. The
Santiam bridge had one of its bents
broken by a large log coming against
it, and the gravel in one of the piers
was washed away ; but workmen
promptly went tothe rescue and re
moved the driftwood ami proceeded
to repair the damages,
Beautiful Chemical Experi
ment. The following lieautiful
chemical experiment may easily lie
performed by a lady, to tlic great
astonishment of a circle at her tea
party : Take, two or three leaves
of red cabbage, cut them into
small bit!, put them into a basin,
and pour a pint of boiling water on
them ; : let it stand an hour, then
pour off tlie liquor into a decanter.
It will be of a fine blue color.
Then take four wine glasses ; into
one put six d ions of strong vinegar,
another six drops of solution of
soda, into a third the same quantity
of a strong solution of alum, ami
let the fourth glass remain empty.
The Masses mav be nrenared some
time before, and the few drops of
colorless liquids winch have been
placed in them will not be noticed.
Fill up the glasses from the decan
ter, and the liquid poured into the
glass containing the acid will
quickly become a beautiful red, that
into tlic glass containing the soda
will be a fine green, that poured
into the empty one will remain un
changed. By adding a little
vinegar to the green it will im
mcd'iatly change to a red, and ad
ding a little solution of soda to the
red it will assume a tine green, thus
showing the action of acids and
alkalies on vegetable blues.
Attbe President's levee on the
15th inst, the attendance was the
largest during the winter, .
ilu'-i lilt V '' - '
The Chicago Tribune wants Dr.
Livingstone brought back and pot
under bonds to keep out of Africa.
McCall's water-cure establish
ment of Galesburg, 111., was totally
destroyed by fire on the 18th inst.
A lage number of patients were
with difficulty removed to a place
of safety. Loss $105,000 or $110,-
000. -" '7
Judge' Bedford, of New York,
sentenced a garroter, on the 13th,
to twenty years hard labor in the
State prison.
A bill in favor of reducing the
tariff on tea and coffee will 1 re
ported in Congress by tlie Commit
tee on Ways and Means.
The Oram! Duke Alexis witness
ed the carnival of ' Mardi Gros, in
New Orleans on the 13th.
A masked party, in Cincinnati,
recently took a prisoner by the
name of Clark away from the guard ,
and next morning he was found
An earthquake was felt in Wash
ington on the night of the 12th.
The shocks were severe.
The ..American Protestant Asso
ciation of New York are to parade
on Washington's birthday. 50,000
men art expected to be in line un
der Gram) .Marshal Johnson.
Minneapolis and St. Anthony,
Minn., were united on the 13th un
der the name of the former, by a
large majority in both cities.
The explosion of a barrel of ce
ment iu Philadelphia on the 14th,
set fire to a shoe factory, severe
ly injured one man, caused another
to jump from a third story window,
lighting without injury, and com
pelled fifteen men to escape Irom
the upper story of the factory
through tlie roof on to another build
ing. The latest amusement of the boys
at Louisville, Kentucky, is to place
a line of the toy torpedoes on the
street railway. When the car comes
along it explodes the torpedoes,
frightens the horses, and still worse,
scares the passengers, and excites
the city for many blocks around
with the noise and light.
AtUtica, New York, on the
lfth, some words passed between a
Mrs. McCarty aud Milton H.
Thompson in a street car, when the
former drew a revolver and shot
the latter through the nose and
clieek, the ball striking Mr. II. II.
Hart, who was in the car, in the
heart, instantly killing him. Thomp
son's wound is not considered
dangerous. The woman was ar
rested. W.J. Pollock, of New York,
was arrested recently and held to
bail in the sum of $20,000 for al
leged snWggling operations in linen
and jute goods. The perpetration
of the fVfyid was carried on by
means of fslse marks and brands at
the CnsUjra House, whereby the
identity of the goods was destroyed,
aud the Ciistom House officials mis
led. Mrs. Wm. B. Aster died on the
At Springfield, Ohio, on Wed
nesday night of last week, Robert
Scott shot his wife dead, and then
killed himself.
A blottdless duel was fought at the
bay of St. Louis, I .a., on the 15th,
between .General Badger, Chief of
Police of iNew Orleans ami Geo.
W. Cartel former Speaker of the
House sfjlbft Louisiana Legislature.
Shots Were exchanged at sixty paces
with ofles;, without effect. A recon
ciliation was then effected.
Tie Po'strnjisfcr General says no
contract exists for the transportation
of mails on the Union Pacific and
Central Pacific Bailroads. Mails
are carried under orders issued quar
terly, tlie service being paid by the
Postmaster General. The com
panies are not under contract stipu
lations, Under circumstances like
those now existing, to provide for
the transportation of mails by any
other means than their trains, or
any other routes than their own
The Senate on the 15th inst con
firmed the nomination of G. Wash
burn, son of Minister Washburn, as
Assistant Secretary of Legation to
France, and that of Samuel C.
W IT. 8. Attorney for
Territory. , . -
The Legislative Committee of
Legal Reform, in Maine, have
agreed to report a bill allowing
women the right of suffrage in the
Presidential election.
Brownlow made a personal ex
planation in the Senate on the 15th
inst in reply to Beck's statement in
the House, that Brownlow, while
Governor of Tennessee, made the
State a pandemonium, and that he
and other Reconstruction Govern
ors were hated by the people, and
could find no refuge from prison ex
cept in the Senate. Brownlow be
gan by saying there was a time
when Beck would not have dared
to put this insult upon him, lest he
(Brownlow) slwuld take Beck's
overseer whip from his hand and lay
it Over his back. He also said that
when Beck abandoned a responsi
ble business and become a slave-
driver, he sank below the notice of
all decent men.
Congress has ordered twenty-five
thousand copies of the case ot tlie
United States vs. Great Britain,
A bill has been introduced into
Congress to restrict the killing of
Buffalo on public lands.
Tlie Agricultural Convention at
Washington on the ICth, adopted
a resolution that Boards of Agri
culture be established by Legisla
tures in the various States, where
they do not already exist.
Senator Howe is sick with scar
lctina. The President visited the Agri
cultural Convention at Washing
ton and was received with applause.
He was welcomed by Loring in a
brief speech.
Central Illinois was visited with
a snow storm on the 16th, falling
to a depth of ten inches.
A Washington dispatch of the
16th, Febniary says: Minister
Schenck has telegraphed to Secre
tary Fish inquiring whether the
United States would withdraw tlie
demand in the Alabama claims
for indirect damages. Secretary
Fish replied in the negative, add
ing that the Government would in
sist on a decision of its case.
The Mississippi river at St Louis
is gorged with ice.
The German Republican Com
mittee of New York, on tlic even
ing of the 16th, adopted a resolu
tion that while adhearing to na
tional nominations of the Republi
can party, they will act in munic
ipal affairs with any party honest
ly working for reform.
The Boston Grant Club perfect
ed its organization last Friday. A.
If. Bice is President, and Doolittle,
Secretary. Thirty-four Vice Presi
dents, including Governor Wash-
bnrne, ex-Gov. Claflin and all the
Massachusetts delegation in Con
gress were appointed.
The small pox is decreasing in
New York.
From Sioux City it is reported
that twelve persons were fror-en to
death in the terrible storm on the
12th, in Nebraska. Many head of
stock perished.
John II. Lewis, of Chicago, a
young man in comfortable circum
stances, highly respected and only
four days married to a beautiful
girl, was found dead in his office
last Saturday morning, having shot
himself through the liead.
At Chelsea, Mass., on the 9th.
A. Bartholomew, while mad with
liquor and jealousy, stabbed and
killed Chas. F. Storer.
The New York District Attor
ney has been ordered by the I'resi- j
dent to commence criminal proceed
ings against all persons shown by
testimony before the Custom House I
T.,..t.:,t;rtn f'nmm ttM to have
iuifiig" "
paid or received bribes.
A deed one hundred and thirty
years old was recently presented for
record in Boston.
A man recently died in Wheel
ing, West Virginia, who for six
teen years had not slept inside a
Connecticut has a canary bird
that waltzes.
Over six billion pins are used in
the United States each year.
The British Columbia Legislature
is now in session.
Gladstone entertained Minister
Schenck at dinner on the 17th
News from Madrid to the 18th,
states that tlie Spanish ministry had
Advices from Spain represent all
quiet in the Phillipine States. Tlie
revolt of native troops is entirely
suppressed. Eleven ring-leaders
were sentenced to death by conrt
martial. The activity of the Ronapartist
agents, who are strong throughout
France, to secure the return of the
ex-Emperor, creates great excite
ment in Parliamentary circles iu
A bill has been presented in the
German Council declaring that the
German shall be tlie official lan
guage. It is announced that the Pope
intends to renounce the concordat
so far as relates to Alsace aud
The body of Earl Mayo, late
General of India, was taken to
Calcutta, on the 19th. An im
mense crowd witnessed the land
ing. A reduction of the present toll
for dispatches by the Anglo-Amer
ican Telegraph Company, was fa
vorably considered by them at
London on the 17th inst.
A Loudon letter says at least
one-third, if not one-half, of the
entire population of that city is in
favor of a Republican form of
Government in Great Britain.
At the Rothschild Hospital at
Jeruslem, during last year, nearly
19,000 out-patients were treated, of
whom 13,000 were Jews.
A movement is on foot in France
to make Thiers President of the
French Republic for life.
A Mr. Sheehan "put a head" on
a man named Kelly, iu Portland,
last Sunday, for finding him in posses
sion of his room on his return home.
He also passed Kennedy over to
the police, and Judge Denny fined
him $10.
Mr Nelson Mulrany, who lives near
Tigh Valley, writes also under dale
of Jan. 22d, that lie had lost two
hundred and fifty sheep out of sev
en hundred. Snow was five feet
deep and feed plenty, says the
The body of a man dressed in the
uniform of a soldier, was found on
the bank of the river about seven
miles below Portland, last Monday.
The body was badly decomposed
and unrecognizable, says the Bulle
tin. The Nevada Ireinsrript learns
that the recent cold weather has
frozen the grain planted in that vi
cinity, aud that in some places the
crops arc ruined.
Tlic survey of the route of the
North Pacific Railroad from Kn
lama eastward, was commenced last
Tuesday by Captain Maxwell.
William Craft writes under date
of Jan. 31st, trom Yakima, that his
cattle were doing well, having lost
but two calves. Had plenty ot feed.
Notaiile Death. The Grand
Master of the I.O.OF., of Ohio, aged
fifty years, and a most prominent
man, died in Cincinnati on the
morning of the 17th inst.
. m ... . -
A movement is on foot to build
another Crystal Palace iu New
York, at a cost of about $5,000,-
Thc efforts to discover the where-
abouts in Europe of Wm. E. Gray,
H1 twi.l nil if ivuif RMNVIM Vlf.1V.
" "
ed fruitless.
Two rival candidates for the love
of a fair lady in Salem, living in
Bethel, Polk county, got iuto a fra
cas about it, one getting his finger
nearly bitten off and the other ha v.
ing his eyes nearly gouged out.
The Colombia river is said to lie
higher now than ever before known
before at this tims of the year.
. . .1
Not one out of ten Democratic lead
ers of to-day would be w llllog to step
aside for die benefit of the people.