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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1872)
LOCAL MATTERS. srsmr xr the WtmmAl I IH'HCH. W MM rne pleasure oi m- tending an appropriate entertainincnt given by tlie Congregational Sabbath School in Mil city last Mimlay evening. guile unsuspecting any iiulawfnl in The school Is under the Wperinteu- j tcntioiis, 1 obeyed. On refilling tlie deney of Hie worthy pastor, Kev. Jlr. Butcher, and the exorcises of the even ing were m-dit.iblc alike to the pro jector and the. pnpi Is. Tlie exercises ronsWed in singing, scriptual dia Jognes, narrative reading, and an exer cise denominated the "CbrUtIans Tower of Strength." Tlie last was lucxt beautiful awl lufttsriv. Xlne young ladies and one young gentle man arranged tliemselvei in a semi citvle around the pulpit. Kadi one held a block, upon the side of which was printed a word Or sentiment. Then with appropriate words of dedi o&tion from each one, drawn from scriptnre, .tliese blocks were deposited. viie by one, upon tlie pulpit, until a lieautiful pyramid was formed, tlie sentiments or which ranged thus : CkJHier Stone. Ilortness. Meekness, lMtieiiee, .lustice. Zeal. Faitli, Hope, t !urit,v. Tlie singing exercises were conducted under the leadership of the SuiK'rintendent, a good singer, while lii- accomplished wife presided at the organ, All the exercises w-ere choice in rlieir selection, satlsfiictory in tlielr execution, and highly beneficial in their moral tone. High WaYkk. Tlie lieavy rains of last week sent-the Willamette up booming. On Tuesday at this point it was some indies hiifhcr than it has been since the great flood of lBjgjjjj satlsneU that a lialf-Dreetl Indian, uam The railroad brlilge at Harrisburg and 1 ed Thomas 4,adarett, who had been the one at Jefferson, lioth stood the making bis home here for sometime, test nobly. Immense drifts came tear- j was the guilty party, and rinding that big down the raging Snntiara, striking telwd gone to Salem.telegmphed to the against tlie piers of the bridge with ; Sheriff of Marion i-ounty to arrest him, such force as to break huge logs and ; which was done, and be was brought trees, of which the dritts were compos- ed. into splinters, hut without doing any great tunoont of damage to tin bridm itself. KltODEUHIAN SocncTT. The Kro delpbiau Society of the Albany Colle giate Institute, composed entirely of young ladies, propose to give a free entertainment at tlie College, on Thursday ercning next February 29. The ladies offer an interesting and va ried entertainment, consisting of mu sic, dialogues, essays, declamations, etc., and cordially invite all who may feel so disposed to attend. We feel free to say that "We are convinced the i building will not be large enough ! to hoM all who w ill attempt to gain admission on that occasion. i i Democratic ("lvii MeCTTSO. Last ! Saturday evening Democracy here- : abouts was invited to attend the Crab j meeting at the Court House, and hear j ex-Senator Xesuiith spin some of his j yams, bat as tlie little joker failed to . connect, J. J. Whitney, Esq., was put up. Whitney spoke his piece at the .in tt ills inul I... t. f im lila llek until his wind ve out. When thL, occurred, his atnKeuce was so pleased dint they applauded quite liberally. A Warning t Tobacco Users. A Virginia woman has just died at thc age of one hundred and eighteen years. Tobacco is giren as the cause of her early demise. People who use the weed, and wish to remain on this planet more than one hundred and eighteen years, should discontinue its use at once ! Short Handeia. M'm. Jlansfield. e:ie of our typos,, having been kept from hb "case" by sickness during tlie week, and anotlier baring gone to Sa lem, left us short-handed. This will act ount for the unusually attractive get up of our paper, as we were oompeiled to fall bock on what we know about h'.acksmlthing,and "sot types" oursrlf. Two Feet, IIicuer. An old set tier who resides near the Santiam, says tlmt river was two feet higher tlie forepart of the present week than it was In '82. Reports from tlie upper Santiam say that it was from three to five feet higher than ever before ktiown. Ovehwiielming.-TIic HUtmo Hksh. 'Hie Willamette Is falling, says twelve persons joined the Good but is still high enough for all prao Veroplarsof that city on Ijist Satur- ticnl purposes. Wcither continues day night, and to-morrow night tlie 'stormy. ie'tof the city will unite with tlie i . . 7.. . , " . , . i A I it. A young man fell down in . . j. Vr j Salem iu disgust. MOTntO. The flood in the river was taken as a good time to move, by some one, a hto bam went down tlie river on Sunday, tlie other buildings to follow later. The propHetoR was taking a voyage of discovery, looking lor swamp uids,, raost probably, rosTPOMEO. Tl ..time for InsHtti ting an Encampmeut of H 1 ;O.O.Fy in thb dff Wi baea stpone4-iwttl the laloYneWnay. Tne (ueent nclirhfriithe matter, XtrttterrED. As t Was trending ray vrnv to tfefc the skk in the tinner part ol the cltv, on Tnetl.iy afternoon, I chnnml to tee a gentleman erossnig 11h street toTntet me, cxiaouuig una- J mtatnl I me to. halt, on in appnwen i aa souiiuoiieu i 1 1 jurompany lilin "downtown." I gt,.,tpi ,nv minion, but w itront nvall. well-known emonsnmem oi Messrs. Blain. Young A Co., I was directed in. On entering, we were met hy tlie Young" proprietor of this "Blain" establishment, and then, to my utter surprise. I recognized myself' In (tic liamls of a conspiracy. Seeing that escape was hoieless, I tlwugbt to make the best of i be situation, and at once set about planning for the future. To be brief In reporting tlie result of this affair. I will say that I was made the victim ol the best suit of clothes in the emporium. Now. I might liave con cluded to submit quietly to such treat ment as this, but It iH'ing the second instance tills winter (mice by the ladle ; of this character, I hilly "resolved to expose tlie whole matter. And while j I am in tlie possesslmi of tlie name of eacu one ciiunecreti wim tills pint Ml "donning." I would not wish the par ties to suppose timt Indulge tlie sligbst degrt-e of hatred toward eitlier oftliein. Nnram I esnechllv bnnos- eil to "mob la tf , nwler ocrtnn dmniv -,t A 111-. Yi't trtr Hk r,,,) ,.f ...nnmm,! ty I feel like saying : last all who dwell in thW Fire land. Guard wotl the appnnii h of one, (VI an' t'levo With unrelenting ifrup the fleach Where Fanning Greece head the toiw if thennninandiiig llr All tree : Ami on whose tuomi:a!n aides tile Klk tins) , Frl!k WesMUIianrt downwnnl tothesea. C. IV. M. Thief ArREstfj. will be re membered that we mentioned the roblx-ry coininittiHl at ilio brewery on comer of Baker and ilist streets, last week, rolicemau Brown, becoiniui: to tins city on Wednesday evening, He had a. .earing before the County Judge on Thnrsday, and was remand - ec to tat . in defan t of ftilKi bail, to j answer for the crime of burglary. The articles stolen were a pair of blankets. pipe, pistol and watch, all of which belonged to the breweryman. Mr. Bellinger. A part of the articles were found on bis jierson, others among the Indians at the raclterle where be was arrested, and the watch at the jeweler's, w here Indian John, to whom Ladarett, had given or sold it, liad taken it for repairs. Brown is making it warm lor thieves in this nccko' woods. - Ocikkyi.-As mr bve """d11 m with g1 10 thc ity of the weather in Ochoco, we are glad to see from the SlatemaH of the 2'Hh, Unit all rumors of loss of stock in that valley by extreme cold, etc., are pronounced unfounded. Stock is doing, well, and the weather is not severe. Overland Travel. Late tele ! grams state that tlie weather lias mlerated along tlie route and tlt travel lias been resumed over the Pacific railroad. Trains will be mak ing regular trips in a few days. Exhibition. A grand exhibition at , Stintiatn Academy, Lebanon, trans- pircs to-morrow, Stitunlay, evening. As the occasion will be a most inter i esting one, doubtless the house will be i crowded, despite tlie weather. Is Llck. He. C. W. Shaw, pas-1 tor of the M. E. Church, was present h u-i, ; ed witli an entire new suit of clothes, on Tuesday, by some of his friends and parishioners, as a special mark of their regard and esteem. Tlie present was well bestowed. Flcctcatiso. Markets ratlier un settled at present, and will be, prob ably, until the weather tones down. Hotter lias sold at from .'!:, to oOc per pound as to quality; eggs at from 20 to 25c per dozen. Wheat and flour remain in statu quo. , . m i I Gone FhoS Ont Gaze. One of j our boys, Oid. Taylor, lelt ' us for Salem on Wednesday, where lie pro- poses to learn telegraphy. Success to ! him. a flt, Wednesday morning, on First strwt. He was picked up and cared for by friends. SOMETiirNO Nf.w. M. Pearson says be will noon Import a newfangled sew ing macirtne from Brownsville lie Is bent on making tlie business lively.' Si'icKii Orna.-Uiln, Voting 4 (Jo, have some of tlie flnest we lisye ljWJrvarof. L. L. Rogers w"J flhedds. on Frklav. IfiWj'ltf.' ' f rrjt-.' , Arocnd. The pleasant young man w lio dlieiises corn tiiid bnniViti slayer, j etc., visited our city dnriiig the week. j e feel better from tlie visit. N KW II all. There Is some talk of f How to Secure Lviik Dr. Dio Lewi recoiinnninl that all wlio would secure clean, fresh skin, bright eyes, active limbs.' a iriiiVk hr.iin and a cheerful, pleasant, temp'1"' thus enjoy a long life, should live about as follows : ' M(EAKPAT. Oat meal porridge, with milk and sugar. Or (Jr.Uiain mush, with a little gooil syrup. Or, crackeil wlieat, with milk and isutpir, Or, liaked p..toes, wiU, bn.d and butter. If you are thin, and need Hit. tue the .j,, , ,l..., . If oL, ..... ..... . .... lirnt three ; it on are too tat, ii-si the iasi imnieu mo. Drink cokl"Wate or a; mile ceM'Osr- fee. btxXXB, Tteef or mutton, roasted or -tenVd, with any vteliUJes ya may like (though tomatoes should lie, u-oi very sparinglv!. gHKl bread aifcd Inirteh tmil close the meal with; a gh-- oi.Jwnon- I ...1., V.if t,n llmuli .j it lu. ., J . I ..II I, IF UCV, 1,111, H W" .1 n.nv.ii .a,i ;AMMriiiu . . o the next uioniinir. There is no rule in to jlict about which' I .-nil' so tlxetl in my cai victions as tlmt nothing hould be cateu affer dinner, ami I tiiiuk that the dinner shonld lv taken early1 In the day ; not later, If it can U' so managed, than two o'clock. In regard to llle precise hour for dinner. I aril not so Clear, though lor tnrsell oue-OUIOVk H the oesr hour : hut in reterence to tlie omission ol the third meal, I have, after lonffobservation, no doubt wbat- ever. lf Hundred- of persons have come to me with indigestion in soma of its itnany forms, and hive experienced ticb relief in a siuarle week llinlt outit- tlng the inpper, tlmt I have, fiu antun- iK'i' ofveai'. .lem-ntkil mVu this point in the diet as the best Hem in my pre scription for Indigestion. 1 haw never met one person suffering from indiges tion, who w;is not greatly HfBtveu at once, by omitting the tlilrd nival. Cooked fruit is 14 for persona of Weak digestion. 1 have met hundred I Z, JX Zti . I- ...l ...i.i .. i 1 not manage a single imcookeil apple. I think certain dietetic reformers have somewhat overrated the, value oi fruit. Avoid cake, pie, all sweettueats,iuits, raisins ami candies. Manage your stomach as rfbove, and at the end of ten years you .will look kick upon those table liabits as the soiiree o!4 great advantages and happi-1 MM. ,., For thirty years I have been a con stant and careful observer (1 liave no bobbies about diet), and in tlie light of my own iKEoerleuee and these long ob senatious, I assure you the table of liabits I have advised, are vital to your I health and happiness. Pimples, blotches, yellow spots, m mi catarrh, billiousness, liver torpidity. ! constipation, sleepiness, dullness, low j spirits, and many other coiiiinoti affeo- j tions would generally disappear with j the adoption of tliese rule. 1 The journal from Which the aboto was extracted atkls : We wl.add for ; the satisliictioii of our ivaders. that Dr. Lewis, w lio here intiiriateftttimt be j practices what he proaclies, presents in j Ids' own person about as line an ex ample oi genial good liealth and wide- awakeativeuew as one ever meets. A Fkiohtfcl Iikatii. A little I girl, six yetirs of age, met with a hor rible death at Huguenot. NVY. The mother ol the ebild. bearing scream-, ni-bcd to tin.' sitting-room aud diseov eretl the little girl envelopealn flames, and au English bull dog tearing her burning garments off her. with his paws aiKiteeth. He liad already taken over half her clothing off. and it is be lieved, hail lie been left alone he would have saved tlie little girl's life. Tlie mother, crazed at thc sight, milled forward and claimed the child to her bosom, and held her close, thus bar- s the dog made. ?.""" "K aim oiimet tirea.llt.llv mmsen, to tear on the clothing, l he girl was burned to death, and the moth er fearfully burned. The dog that liad exhibited more than human sagacity in Its efforts to save tlie child, hud been her constant companion, havim; been raised w ith her. Since tlie burial of the child occurred, be wanders about tlie Ihmisc as if searching for her, utter ing a plaintive whine expressive of his grief. He tikes no food, and It Is be lieved that be will pine to death. Cliai les Matthews, going into an ent-iiig-house for lunch, heardT a he en tered and sat down, seven orders given in quick suceession by a throirgiAf cus tomers. One culled for u busifiisf ox tail soup, two for mock-turtle, soun. three for pea simp and otte fair oouillt. And tlie waiter doslang to the Apeak tliat communicated milk the cook, bawled out with immense ra pidity, "One ox, two mocks three peas and a bully ."' Tlie plague at Buenos Ayres has written the doom of tliat city, as plainly as though it liad lieen swept by fire like Sndnm ami Oomornih. Of Its 180.U00 inhabitants, 00,000 fell before the awflil scourge. Tlie survi vors fled in terror and in a few months the spectacle was presented of a city Of Corpse, with no livini' InKahlfanla Rave those who were too sick or poor to flee from impending doom. Never was a city in better condition to feed pestilence. It was full of lilth, and steamed like a dunghill wheuevcr tlie sun shone out altera slwwer. Every fool knows how. often lie has been a rogue ; but everjr roghe does jiot kuwjjow often he has been a -. Jtu: About W0 IholaiM still7! the r .SJTT7 1 T.T" of tlielr tiine in getting over nswt ftiaWt lrunk,, 1 B! ' iH I,, ... fTTT- I A Labor Vouhk would not con ; lahi tlie niaw of test lowny ivUlcb has mm-of muvhtitf as a aafe, effieient and reliable remedy in cnritut conclis. colds ami pulmoimrV disease. fanv 0f tlie cures are tmlv wonuVrnii. , . ML' ., XEW T04At. , fccw .Barber Shop. NOTE Till HALE n.UKKXsTO tag ' ojM'iMil a new llnrtsT shop on First ' street, three iWkmb acsst of Conner fiinik, w here lie will lie plea-nil to we. all persons ' ! ureditiiC Ills serview. ! j shaving, liuir-ciiitmg, nniuKoiiig, etc, ' done in the most satisfactory manner. Albany, Kelnniiry.Ui-ilvl , V. s. MAIL I TrMVeckly Mage Line t rpilK ntDKKSKJjfKD l now nmninn I tri-wwkly staire from.LehBiMh to AJ- S""r' "?v ',L, ,V. wSS2 i Krt'tav mortilriirii, nnl reinmlnx, "leave A"w.v ' oVJB ftAlrfW! u l'aenircrnilk"l for in part of tile elty. iekams and IIkW fmtM uvmh twifvenia bt low rates. .u mmneM cn- tm-tedtq me will i""". U'lniann. I'eli. Id. TMtvl JOHN SCHMEER, - - DKAI.L1I IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OHKGOX. HASJt ST Ol'KX EH Hl NEW GROTCR elaMihinenl on eomerOI' Ellsworth and first simtts, with a fiwh .stock of nrocerles, Provisions, Candies. Cigars, To lKm, &e., to which he invites the atten tion of our citizens. In eoriheetlon with thes'orehewillkeep l will always have on hand a full supply of fresh bread, eraekers, Ac tar Call and see the. JOHN SCHMEER. Februarv lH-itv. FDRS ! rURS ! riTRS ! TK J1,' . , mB ''AI" IN t AH I 1 "'"'; RS.. by Albany, Fb. 9, 7-ir JAJHES L. COWA1V, L ;Snmvssor of A. Cowan A Co. banon, Oregon, -Dealer in GERAL MERCHANDISE! WILL KIKP ALWAYS ON HAND A full sleek of DRY SOOTH jndCERIES, HARUWAItB, UXKITS A SHOES, all for sale at the Lowest Prices for rml or iV oft nee, tgf All iK'rsnns ow in? A. Cowan A Co., can settle by calllntr on me at Lebanon. mi JAMUS L. COWAN". E. B. WHITLOW & CO., Iinporttira and Dealers In FURNITURE ! and Upholstery Goods, Flrst-8t., doors below Conner's Bank, ALBANY, OREOOM, Keoiw constantly on hand for sale Black Walnut Parlov and Chamber Setts, Fainted Chamber Setts, Dining room and Kitchen Furniture of all kinds; SOFAS, LOl'NfiFA BI'IUNU MATRES.SES, l'CLC A EI REKA REDS, KUCKINli CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS. TABLES, STANDS, BC UK ACS, WHATNOTS. BitACKKTTS, BOOKI'ASES, SEl'RETARIES DESKS, ETC. Upholstering In all it liranches. Onlers filled with proinpiness and (Usintch. Repairing Manafhcturliig done to order, frtiooda del Ivcred to an y part of t he city t-sf "All our work warmrHpd.if5 Oiva as a Call and Examine our Stock. E. D. February 9, SWi WHITLOW A CO. JOB WAGON. H AVISO l'CRCHASKD THE INTER eat of B; V. Yntmir In the Delivery Biislneaa, linn prepntnl to do any and all kinds of ol)s, on short notice and with oulck dis iialeh. Terms nusonalile. I'lickaices (le ilvei'edtoanvrartof thoclry. 64r"Iok out for thc BAY TEAM anil JOB WAIJO.N. tUvt A. N. ARNOLD. OWEET POTATOE, per limt stuicr,hy i5 3v4 III IIOIS. riUII nml.l ('.. 11 I If nl'IV It,ltl.- U,"ja '.Hi i n ii tin. .11, onio. I "lll. Butter and Kaai, hy WHEELER, at Sluxld. Ilv4 CUfflBSa and BOOIH and SHOES a rtne iissoiiment, yen low hy WHEE LER, nt Shedd. vt HOME SHCTTLE HEWINIi MACHINES. Plows mid all kinds of Aat ieultunil Machinery, sold by WHEELER, at Shedd. C UNDIES, mm, RAISINS, otc,, fnish ; anil clrenp, by Jv4 JH'BOH Fox Sale ! 1,000 BUSHELS r melee CHILI CLUB WHEAT riAt: AT t Vn nv. MARTIN IX'PKft. apatjt; - h i ,11 1 1' ti . .-...' .i Kouiiils, Woodcock & Co., Proprietors A Manufacturers of HUNTER'S Grain Separator, JliKCTlOX CITY.. Received the Diploma at the State Fair of 1871. PI!It"K DEDUCED TO FIFTY DOLLARS ! Tlice Machines aiv wanantiHt salisfnn tially lumle, and are not In Jk ninniwi'l In olcunjiw Wheal for sued, audaro e inai ly MgnMflari'leantnK mils. Sejel in yonr qnlnrsj and we will warrant aMINMMi. .chtiv. BUUXDiS H'OHIX'iH'K .t Ctt. Juiieiionrtty, nr. JlUI.-.V,t lS;-im; DOWSi IT GOES. I C. i omstc m'k on. have ox hand u larga amount of - Ctaolec Seed Wheat of even- virWety, which filer offer for sale uMiRt'AlXY ltEIU lJEIi Plilt 'ES. tr r w. s! SEwm itv, Agt. i FEED! FEEIM FEED! ' C Jk .'1ISHK"K A CO, HAVE ON' hand a largo lot of nit AN. also a large aulonnt of CHOP FKEli. made front pihv wheat, which IheytWor for sale at reinon nhle rates. ' W.w. f. X KW IH'lt V. ' Fcbrnary 1, 187SI Agent, Itiatiolutloii of Cupartiierxlilp. pilE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE 1 existing between E. E. Mirier ami M. Pearson, under the arm-name of Miner & Pearson, is this day dissolved IIYnniUtial eonsont. E. E. Miner will eotlecf and n--celve all moneys due the l wtllnBy all htdebtednesH. E. E. MINER, ' M. PEARSON. Albnnv, Jan. SJ, ls;i-2Iw4 Notice riO WHOM IT MAY COXCKRX ALL A iH'tsonsaiv beii'bv warned not Iol'Iv, credit toany person in my inline without ttn order from tny hand. JOHN ROBIN KIT. Lebanon, January 21. ls7Mlw4 Mm. lii'ldKt'lhriiivr WISHES TO INFORM TUB LAWKS T of Albany anil vicinity, that Miss M. M. JOHNSON hai taken cbarjte ot her nilllner' " Ureav-nakinar Mure. Slie la preitared to do all k bids of work in that line. fcjrCALL AND REK. na Albany, Jan. W, IsrHOtJ Itend Tli in ! A I. I. PERSONS KNOWIMi THEM i. selve. Indebted to Hiltabblel A Co., are reiiiiested to call and Mettle their hi counts hmnedlalely, as in n sbort lime all aivomits will Ih, leti in the hands of the nniper officer for collection. We are clon ing out our business, and a 111 collect all nmomil dux tin in llilrty thiys. W. J. HILTABlDKL A CO. Jan. I!, U7MM4 TTARDWARE for Bnilders for Smiths, II and for Fanners soli t ay vt necier, at livl -1 1 1. in i. Hillumctte TraiisporUitloii Company ! FMtOM AND AFTER DATE. CNTIL further notice, the Company will ilis patch a ljoat from AlUmy lo Corvallisou ! TmsMlay and Friday of Karh Week. Also, will dispatch li!tt from Albany for Cortland ami Intermediate places on Mime days, leaving Comstock & Co.'s whaif. Faro at Reduced Rates. J. D. BILKS, Agent. Dec. W, 187 1-1(1 OLD HORSE SALE. THE FOLLOWING LIST OF O. H, PACK axes remaining on hand In the Albanv Express olllce, over one year, unclaimed, will tie sold at public nnet iim, at N. It.VL M'H store In this city, on the 2Hth day uf February next, to the highest bidder for cash : Addressed to Package, . . ....Ml W. Wilcox. I packages, CO.D.,tS.U I. a. Flkc. Box ....Win. J. Conklin Satchel I. D. Spilth. S costings, CO.D.i10.00....W. S. Lawrence lia'knc ....W.II.Tlioniiwou WELLS, FARIiOACO. Allinny.Jnn. 13, li-ul Mountain Balm. rpi THE AFFLKTKD WITH COCOHS. X Colds, or Liver Complaint, the BALM Is Invaluable, as maiiv have lie n restonKl by Ri piuifyinif enVcts on the ayateui many who have, licen illed Incurable. . ftocommimiled by inanv )ihj slclans of the country, and'for sale by nil (rniKirlKts- Prenarednnd sold bv l7in ! '8. K. RAYMOND. SAW8, RWliiWfA PUtnrrt, MiMinu MueMnei, ltiriir, and every description fJIWood working Machinery A Planing JIlll sup nlUw. Adilruss .i BERRY A PLACE, lUlilO Machinery ncixit, 1U t'altfornurUt., San Francisco. xtwtiokt inhijhaxce compamy. AT A MEETINH OF TOE BOARD OF Diraclorsof Ihe Colon Insuram Co., of finn MMMiM assessmen of forty, live per Mint, was levied to romlr the mil tal sux7ntiyble forthwith. This assess- meXbclnlt 2!2 '"!lT " h th law, under the direction of the HintM Insurance . Commuiakmer, and also md lwkhO otthu Company, plaivs ti e n lonlhTposlllon, not only lo eon InneClilA tbl-coastibnt .Iw, to nspnino a dlsl.Uiafutshed place aniong AnaerteSi mmifaieti Toropiuile. iiui . .i'UB.11..1 1 'J- '' ' , Bk. no tione 18 IIAIKY, OREGON. t4 GROCERIES PROVISIONS, MBOLESILE AID RETAIL COlt N E It FIRST A BROADA I.BINhsTS. , ALBANY, OREGON, A. G. Layton, Proprietor. I HAVE ALWAYS IN STiiBH and coui)iiete sttpjdy uf A FI LL jSTAPLP: & FANCY OROCERIES! PROVISIONS! Tobacco ACigars, Which I will sell for rash as low s the kiwost, or exchange for alt kinds of tact chantable mm PRODUCE! Received and in store n largo quantity of ISALD SALT, which I w ill sell cheaiK-r than ever before Ottered in this market. (Sri extend aKeneral Invitation to all ;tl t-tf"TX)opli) in mis and ndjolnlw!.' count ts, to call an I iifrinc unality and prices .v-3 v.",r of (,'(k,.s, as 1 foci tfcj v.T?cohrtdent of aiyjMj war ability toKive" t-irthorou'ii jta t,-;rsiitis- j-i' tt& lac- -.-VJ i.i' Ht4S3 CSTjanM 8 triuea LAYTON. A. C Blueksfwilliiiiff -ism 1 General Repair Shop. rpilh CNDERSKiNED HAVING HE A Inrned to Alnhii)', and taken his old Shop oil corner of ElMnnrth and Second streels, announces his rektUneiM lo attend to all kinds of BLACKSMITHINO, MILL A MACHINE FORU'.SIl, ETC, Also, has on hand and for sale, Um COQUILLARO WAGON, Strayer Force-teed GRAIN DRILL, STAR MOLINB, C-1STSTEEL, and other FLOWS, which bt terms. IH sell on the moat reasonable GIVE HE A f'AIX. All work enlrnstod to nie will mtlin prompt attention, and Is- exwnted in the liest iMwsibh; manner, with gsl material A share of public patronage is solicited. BV Shop on earner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Pierce's Ferry, lin t V. wood. Lard Oil & Soap MANUFACTORY. rpiIE I'NDERSKiNED HAVTNU COM L pleled and iut lii good rimniug order their new Lard Oil anil Soap Manufactory, In tlie dry of Altwny, are prepared to pn r chnse, at the highest cash rates, all the Hoga, Rancid Butter, 8oup- delivered to them In this city, They are now manufacturing and have on hand Fancy Toilet aufl Common Soaps, In (treat variety, wafuyUd equal Ki Ihe licsf In market, which they ohVr io the inident Uiitiiiiwl nsunalihumtM... . Jjrdeni rcsprtTulrycttw!. JlallsiBO- ffikliavfnKTl'ri4;ihin.dd Pnlte," or lireaae of any klud, for sale, wttMensaUv t give ns a call. ( ARTWRU1HT, WESTLAKE A MORRIS. Nov.U,Wttlv4 Jan. S, tm-UmA