The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 16, 1872, Image 8

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    i You, I am a gentleman ! W
Will Thompson, -rwill V Wgjf
And the little follow sWt
tM up and down in a raw. lie had
.. k.uimr atones at Peter Jones.
Itcvn BF"B -- 1 1 i
and lie tlKMiglif his anger proved him a j
gentleman. t , , T
- If yon want to he a gentlemai), I ,
should think you wontd he a gentle
boy." said his teacher. K-ntlenn
do not llliwv SIM lea m un-ir ucign
lion. lVter Jones tlid not throw
s;ones at von. and I think he is the
mora likely to prove a gentleman."
But lie has got patches on his
knees," said Will.
Bad pantaloons don't keep a hoy
from being a gentleman," said the
teaclier, "but a bad temper does.
Now, William, if yon want to be a
gentleman von must be a gentle hoy."
A little further on the teacher wet
little Teter Jones. Some stones had
hit him. and he was hurt by them.
'Well, Peter, what's the matter
between you and Will this morning,"
aked the teacher.
"1 was throwing a ball at one of
Hie novs, in way, sir, ana 11 inissea
him and hit Will Thompson's dog."
V hv dirt you not throw hack ?
" Beoau, sir, my mother says tlwt
tobQ a gentleman I must lie a gentle
hoy, antlt thought it .was best to keen
ony Ql IBS waj iiu im vuuieu m
little:" -'
The te.idier walteji on, after prais
ing Peter's . cuudiKt, bwt kept tlie
bov in hli mnd ; aud he lived, to sqe
Will Tboiapsou a rowdy aud Peter
Jones a gentleman, loved, and. w.
pwted by all.
Kernel 11 her, a gentle 6oy tuabt a
jpff"iT. The LMt.Futtjf.
1 HlWr.
'I'iiu. kingdom of; Persia, under tlie
rvign of CaAubyses. consisted: of' one
small province with about one huiv
dred and twenty thousaud men, but
during tlie reign of ills son Cyrus, it
expanded to the dimensions of a 1 uigh ty
empire, reaching east and. west from
the river Tigris, to.Iudtw, and from
the Caspian sea on the north to the
sea of Arabia 011 the south, and it was
one of file wealthiest and most power
ful nations of ancient or modern time.
The cause of their great success and
wonderful expansion may be attribu
ted to their temperate aud industrious
habits, tlielr disdain of luxuries and
vain show, and the perfect equality
oxisting among all classes of tlie peo
ple. fliechiJaflBnofthekinglaboml,
and associated wish the children of tlie
laborer, and theft were all companions
and friends. When Cyrus led an
army to battle, be led his own friends
aud associates. Every man bad an in
terest in the soil of his country, and,
of course, bad an interest in the sno
cess of its arms. Such an army, with
such a .'leader., was Invincible; tlie
king loved tils subjects, and tlie Hib-
jccU loved him.
A little more thin two hundred
years from tlie death of Cyrus, the
meat annr of Persian soldiers and
mercenaries uuder nanus, ana anoin- 1 soon nave uiese people guuraaueu 111
cr under JCcrxes, weredestroyed by a Paris."
small amiy of Oreeks. and Alexander Cliarlotte Corday immediately ad
eutered tlie Persian capital, an hivln- vanced toward him, and drawing froin
cible conqueror, and the empire of tlie ! lier bosom and unsheathing her knile.
Medes and Persians" ceased to ex- ! slie nlunzed it into his side. Marat
i -t, Persia bad no respectable standing
amo::g ihe nations of tlie earth.
Why did Persia tall?
As industry, temperance, equality
a::d a common Drotnernoau were we 1
principal causes ofthe rises and pros
jierity of. tliat,nat,iqn, so indolence,
luxury, intemperance, love of -show,
djvision of the peofile tnto closes
somo to . earn wealth and others t
spend it were the chief causes which
led to Its destruction. One class be
cawc luxurious Idlers, aud tliey liad to
make the otlier class laboring serfs iu
order to furnish them with wealth to
riot iion. One class becaine effemi
nate from idleness aiKdbaiajhery.
while tlie other class became detnised
from overwork ami discouraged from
unnquitcd toll ; both classes were
thus unfit to live tranquil at home or
f u-e an enemy hi tlie ik?ltl- One his
fririan savs that two ot the principal
cauos which led to. the declension of
the Persian Empire wore "excessive
magnificence ami luxury on one part
of the people, and tlie subjection and
slavery of tbe other."
Tiik Japanese. Minister DeLong,
in bis address at tlie Grand Hotel,
San Francisco, ujed,; the, following
language :
Vou must, not, confound tliese
Japanese with the Chinese. Cheers.
1 have just returned from an extended
trip into tlie interior of Japan, and I
fin say to yon to-night, in all truth,
that, instead of bring an over-populated
country, ready to pour forth an
emigration,' that within tire years,
they will be needing .aicLa44ug for
white labor to develop their mines
and their industries, while the Chinese
arc a subjugated race, with all their
energies crushed out, of them. Tlie
Japanese liare never known a master.
They are native gentlemen, with all
t he courage belonging to true nobility.
While China Is forging tier chains and
enveloping herself in darkness, Japan,
try this embassy, is striking down the
harriers, and introducing on Iter soil
the dvUiaation, anuVeuterpils'Ji of the
Western Natto.'
ThNew York. JhW Is retpomlblo
fp this : In Boa&w awJWy, everybody
snubs ercvybotb else,, hi Kgut, York
society, even body gossips about very
bod y else, hi Philadelphia society,
crybody attends to. tie morals of cv
erybody else, in Baltimore society, ev
ecybody fraternizes with everybody
else, and ill Chjkaao society. Just at
present everybody borrowing from
efet vbody else. Boston, therefore, is
aristocratic; Neat. York and- Pidla-
ueiplua, democratic; Baltimore, xt
Warchal, and Chicago, communistic.
Too many persons are far less
tMwd w having done wrong than of
Mf tawd; out. Are you one of
Marie AntieOavrtoifriteGMy was
bom on rb HA of .July. "' t
Argculaih to Normawla. lier father
was aillfwt rfewetiitant of t'.ve great
dramatUt. (orocllle. His family
consists,! of two sons awl three daugh
ters; they Hverl In a condition border
ing upon imlisrtiKjf, though sustaiueU
With dignity.
vu un- iir.uu (ii iici iiiiimci, , nu n
Mmi )U. chrlotte jnfiney.
un trie death or her mother, which
hc was placed In a convent of Caen
wth wmw renwlfd
ut the rev0n,i)M1 of ,7,. At Ule
h(tw djte Oiarlotte fonml an asvlum
at the lion of an aunt, ami remained 1
with lier until Julv. 179:1, the period
of lier journey to Paris on the mission
which lias made her immortal.
Charlotte lived in an atmosphere of
discontent and rebellion. lhibespierre,
Dnntoii and Mann, in the name of
liberty, were committing tlie hum
atrocious crime's and the latter was
theu considered tlie worst ol tlie three
I liariottc, we ie:irn mini tier own
declaration at lier trial, believed tliat
hi destroying Marat slic should de
prive anarey of its diief, ami civil
war of Its motive. Slie lioped to ar
rest tin shedding of innocent blood
aud to preserve the thousands of lives
aud liberties that were threatened by
tlie continuance of his power. Ani-
IvC ll.t , cll.1 I 1 1. . Mill, III
to (er (miU atH, 0 Tlmr5.
day, the 9th of July took the diligence
of Paris. Her passport was three
month- old, indicating the length of
time that slie bad nursed tills subject.
On Thursday, the litis, she reach
ed Park and stopped at the Hotel de
la Providence. Slie went to lied at 5
hi the afternoon and slept without
interruption until eight the next
morning. On the following Saturday
she bought . at tlie Palais Hoy a I, an
ebony-handled kulft. She then called
at Marat's house, but was not admit
ted. She returned home and w rote to
Marat tlie following note, which was
sent through tlie post :
Cmzoi I have just arrival from
Caen. Yonr love tor your country
leads me to presume that you would
lie glad to learn tlie unhappy
hw..,l: la, Itin, ii-irt nf tin. ftflllllllle. f
will call upon you at one o'clock.
ii il. iij. , , ,ui
imKcun wmuwaii wiwwic "iv . ""
irrant me a
..,..... i'. .,i. i I
will enanie you 10 rentier fjwvb it
signal service.
Chaui.otte Cokdat.
To this she received an answer. Slie
then wrote another letter, mid dressing
herself with care and elegance, called
with it herself at Marat's residence at
seven In tlie evening. Slie was ad
mitted, ami tlie second letter was
found upon her person when she was
Marat was In Ids bath writing ; his
countenance was much disfigured by
leprosy, and he was forced to lie tor
hours ilally in mineral baths. Tlie tub
was covered with hoards, which served
him as a table oil which many of his
infamous decrees were written. He
heard the servants refuse admittance
to Charlotte ( onlay, and ordered lier
to be -introduced. He questioned lier
upon the events which had transpired
at Caen, anil asked her the name of t lie
deputies who bad taken refuge iu that
city. These be wrote upon ids lists of
nroscrintion, and then said, "l win
conldoiilv exclaim, "Help, my love.
help!" speaking to tlie woman whom
lie called bis governess. He expired
almost immediately, and without a
The people of the bouse at once
ru-hed into the room, and Charlotte
Ckirday was felleii to the and
trampled under lout. A luiiiiiituous
crowd soon assembled beneath tlie
windows aud demanded the assassin's
Marat was hurled on the 15th, and
tlie 17lli Chariot ie was tried for his
murder. Tlie trial lasted but halt an
hour, and all her answers to tlie ques
tions put to her bespeak tlie sincerity
of her conviction and tlie purity of
her motives.
During tlie judicial proceedings
Charlotte noticed a young man in the
audience engaged iu sketching lier por
trait. She at once turned toward liim
tliat he might flic more readily repro
duce her features. This jiortrait, and
another taken a- slie was on lier way
to tlie scalfold, are the originals of alL
tlie likenesses now in existence.
She made 110 attempt at defense and
Was condemned to die tliat evening.
She declined the services of a confessor.
At seven o'clock, dressed in tlie scarlet
chemise that, by law, convicted assas
sins were compelled to wear, slie was
placed upon the turmhril and convey
ed to the place de la Involution. The
streets were tilled by an excited popu
lace, who assailed Iter with maledic
tions and gibes. Her attitude, during
tlita trying scene, was calm and
dignified. At the sight of the scaffold
sne manifested a momentary alarm,
but ascended it steps with resolution.
As the executkwer removed tlie hand
kerchief which covered her bosom, her
countenance sbpftod tliat tlie fear of
death was a sentiment second to that
of otTcndcd modesty, s1-placed her
head npon the block ami perished, an
eager ami willing martyr to the cause
she bad espoused, but which she fail
ed to serve.
Arnoi.ii Dining tlie traitor Ar
nold's pnslatory operations iu Vir
ginia, hi I MI, lie took an American
Captain prisoner. After some gen
epd, conversation, he aked tlie Cap
tain "wlut lie thought the Americans
would do with him if tliey caught
him ;v bcA& '' Why, sir. If I must
answer tlie question, you will excuse
my telling you tlie truth, ; If my
countrymen should catch you,, I be
lieve tliey would first cut off your,
lame lee, which was wounded, in the
cause of freedom and virtue at Quebeb.
and bury it with the honors of war, aid..
afterwards hang tne remainder of vour
body oti a gibbet."
Mexico Is said to be like tlie earth,
because it has a revolution every twen-
In the long disputes between the
States ami Mrgiuia and Kentucky,
growing out of wliat was termed tlie
-occupying ckhutnt law," Mr.
Clay was retained bv Kentucky to
maintain her rights before "that tribn
ual In the last resort," tlie Supreme
Court of the United Suites. Tlie tlien
Speaker of the House of Kepresenta-
tlvea was to appear for tlie first time
before that elevated, dignified awl I
venerable bodv : and a large concourse 1
of spectators was attracted by a natural
curiosity to determine wliethcr tlie
orator if tlie West would be able to
in his high reputation upon this
ingii and untried theatre, vmru ib
rose, it was with some agitation ot
niiiiiner ; but he soon recovered his
wonted comiiosniv. and held his audi
tors In admiring attention, while lie
j pronounced a most beautiful eulogium
upon tlie character of tlie sons of
hentnekv. Tlie Judges sat in tlielr
black robes of office, sedate and atten
tive. The late Judge W:isliingtou.
wIhj was in tile liablt of indulging
' himself with an occasional ninch of
snutf. Iiad taken out his .stiiitl-box for I
a little ol that titilatiug restorative ; 1
1 and Mr. ( lav. on olwning It, Instant-1
Iv stpied. and advaneimr graceiuuj
to tlie bench with his thumb and
finger extended, participated w ith the
Judge iu the refreshment of his uasal
" . . 11 .j ...1. 1
organs, as ne appneii un gnuo
olwrvtHi "I preceive that yonr Honor
sticks to the Scotch." and immediate
ly resuming his stand, lie proceialed
In his argument without tlie least em
barrassment. So extraordinary a step
over tlie usual barrier which separates
this Court and tlie barristers, excited
not a little astonishment and admira
tion among tlie spectators ; ami it was
afterwards amply remarked by Judge
S. hi relating the circumstance to a
friend, that, "lie did not believe there
was another man in tlie United States
who could have done tliat, but Henry
XaUaaal Park.
Tlie delegate from Montana, aided
by prominent citizens of that Terri
tory, is urging Congress to set aWrt
ami reserve permanently as a N'ational
Prk tlie wwKlerlul region,
, sixtv bv seventy miles square.
wonderful region, some
a mil it
' , - - , . . , , :
, iiic source 01 me i cinm -umi- n'i
This locality is pronounced tlie mot
I remarkable region In the world.' Witli-
in the area mentioned are cataracts of
! prodigious bight, canyons 2.500 feet
deep, and valcanoes. hot springs trith
I out number, ami greatest of all, there
j are geysers which at regular Intervals
'of a few hours throw columns of hot
water, eight feet m diameter, two
hundred feet high. With tlie comple
tion of the Northern Pari He llailroad,
near the line of which these wonders
occur, tens of tlioiisaiids of tourists,
and sight-seers will annually visit tliese
marvels of nature, awl, as in tlie case
of tlie Yoseinite Valley of California,
It is only fitting tliat the locality should
remain in possession of the Govern
ment, and thus lie kept free froni tlie
annoyances and abuse which would
necessarily attend private ownership.
The region is too elevated for agricul
ture, hence tlie interests of settlers
will not be prejudiced by tlie proposed
reservation. It is predicted tliat when
this geyser region in Northern Wyom
ing and Southern Montana is once
rendered accessible bv railroad, few
Americans will wish to go to Europe
liefore having visited this new wonder
Uind 011 our own continent. Et
poiHlent of the London Atluwexm
says, the Chinese have a most ingen
ious method of reckoning, by tlie aid
of the fingers; performing all the op
erations of addition, subtraction, mul
tiplication and division, with nimi
froni one up to one hundred thousand.
Every finger of the left hand repre
sents nine figures, as follows : The
little finger represents units, the ring
linger tens; the middle finger hun
dreds ; the fore finger thousands ; the
thumb tens of thousands. When the
three joints of each Anger are touched
from tlie palm toward tlie tip, they
cotiut one, two, aud three of each
of tlie denominations as above
named. Four, five and siv are count
ed on tlie back of the finger joints in
the same way ; seven, eight and nine
are counted on tlie right side of the
joints from tin; )alm to the tip. The
tore finger ofthe right hand is used as
tlie pointer. Thus li'H would be in
dicated by first touching the joint of
tlie fore finger ; next the band on tlie
outside. Tlie reader will be able to
make further examples for himself.
The writer alluded to asserts that the
correctness of Chinese computation
thus performed is proverbial.
Mens. About Alexis It is stated
that Alexis danced some of tlie far
famed Russian .Stepps at the ball.
We have been informed tliat Alexis1
Hither was a very Czar-donle smile.
Tlie ladies say tlie Grand Duke is a'
perfect duck Muscovy, of course, aigl
even tlie men admit that he Is the
cream of Tartar ; although many af
firm that lie lias brought Volga, man
ners with htm. The Kussian Prince
must feel quite at home, on account of
the Crime-here. People say, f hat, in
common with his countrymen, Alexis
LsaKnontmidKncuter. The extreme
ly low-necked dresses worn by some
of the ladies at tlie ball have been in
terpreted into a compliment to tlie
Grand Ihike, inasmuch as it, was a de
sire on their part to Hush-in-bare.
Ball tickets arc in the ascendant wlien
ver tlie Grand Duke appears hi this
country. Wlien lie returns home lw
will have to Baltic it again. The
Grand Duke being told of the surfs at
Cape May and Long Branch, remark
ed that there was not a single serf iu
Esb OF War, What, after all Is
the end of most wars Nothing but
thia thjW-a number of elderly gentler
men meet together,' and sitting round
a table, quietly arrange ay that might
just as well have been arranged before
the war began.
A proposition to light tlie streets of
an Indiana "cify ' wtm opposcttuy tlie
Common Conncll, on the ground that
thieves would be enabled to see if the v
were watched, and wnseinu-ntly ft
would be impomtble to catch them.
Carroll Sanborn, the renowned
gentleman burglar," is dead. He
breatlied Ids last on the morning ot the
17th, hi the jail at Ijiwrence, Ma.
Early In October, Sanborn got a mor
tal wound in a fight with a constable
named Donovan. The latter was bent
on arresting his man, and succeeded
with this result. It i said that San- I
bom made friends of all who came to ',
see htm while In jail, and that be gave
up freely all the property he had -tol-,
en. He seems altogetlier to liave been
a singular diameter. Iu all respect,
save Tils mania for burglary, he lived
a pure and even an exemplary lite.
He touched no Intcxicating drink and
no tobacco. He wasscmpuToasly faith- j
fill to his wife and tenderly attached
to his family. His clergyman ami '
physician concur in extolling his ami-1
able and attractive disposition aud
Siitlemanly manners. They say that
really did not care to accumulate
wealth, and had none but kindly feel
ings for his fellow-men. His sole fault
was his inexhaustible passion for mid
night burglary, a form of colossal
kleptomania, which, strive as be might,
he could not control. The unhappy
man escaped the last disgrace of oeing
doomed to tlie State Prison. He plead
ed guilty to the cahrges against htm In
tlie superior Court ; nut lie men in me
arms or Iris wife before tlie llench had
time to pronounce his sentence.
ArsTltUN WOMEN'. Women in .
Austria perform the duties of brick-1
layers' laborers, and may be seen car-1
rylng hods ot mortar and baskets of
brick up high ladders. More than this,
tliey act uailv supply tlie place of nav
vies, and dig and wheel Iwrmws of
"ballast" almost as nimbly as their
lords. Tliey chop wood, they carry
water, tliey otter to black your Ixiot
in the streets, ami perform many oth
er little oftkes, which, according to
our notions, hardly come under tlie
denomination of ''woman's work."
Perhaps this stale of things bj consid
ered necessary to keep a standing ar
my of 800,000 men. The women work
inordinately haul, while hundreds of
kile men are constantly sauntering
about in various uniforms, doing noth
ing at all, except, perhaps, blowing a
cloud of tobacco smoke.
Ijtti.f. TtiistiS Life is made up i
of little things. He who travels over
a continent must go step by step, lie
who writes books must do it sentence (
bv sentence. He who learns n science .
must master it tact bv fact, and prin
ple after principle. What is tlie hap
piness of our life made Hp of:' Little
courtesies, little kindnesses, pleasant
words, genial smiles, a friendly letter,
good wishes, and good deeds. One in
a million once in a lifetime may tin
a heroic action ; but tlie little things
tliat make up our lite come every day
and every hour. If we make the little
events of our life beautiful nud good,
then Is the whole life full of beauty
ami goodness. iS'efccfef.
IVatek is Best. You can scarcely
abuse water. The stomach likes it,
and so does the skin. Header .' Yon
may indnlce in this without fear.
but', if you drink intoxicating Itqnor.
you are always in danger, aud are j
setting a bad example to others. If'
you are wise, stick to the juice of tlie ;
pump and the ftowings of tlie spring.
These divine gifts are froni tlie stores '
of neaven ; but beer, wine, and whls-1
ky, and all otlier intoxicating com
pounds, arc manufactured articles, the ,
invention of man, and sources of iu- I
calculable evil. Selected.
The Chief Cai ses of Issasitv.
A correSKindent of tlie X. Y. Mrr,
who visited and Interviewed the luna
tics! ot Blackwell's Maud, reports as
follows :
The chief cause of insanity I found
to be intemperance. .Six-eights of the
1,400 cases of insanity sprang from
tliat cause alone. How long shall this
crime cry aloitnd from the abotk;s of
tliepoori the infatuated and the in
sane, for redress? Absolute prohibi
tion might Interfere with the jiersonal
HUrties of a few, but it would save
tiOO lunatics from Blackwell's Island
ever- year'
A farmer near Nashua, N. 1L, re
cently bargtiined his farm to another
farmer for $1,01)0, but when the day
and tlie purcliaser arrived, informed
lilin tluit his wife was in hysterics
about the trade, ami he guessed he
would back out. "But.'' said tlie
purcliaser, "I have come a long dis
tance, want the farm, and must have
it. How much more would induce
you to sell f" "Well," said the ag
riculturist, "give me 2S0 more, and
let her cry.''
To the long list of fires, tempests,
eartlkunkes, tornados and volcanic
eruptions for which the year 1871 is
already dMhigtitsed, Is now to be ad
ded the fall of 1 thunderbolt which oc
curred near Ihangara, in India. We
are told by the India Timet that "the
ground was literally cut up hi conse
qnence, and all the huts standing
there, as well as their inmates were
swallowed up in the cliastn." It Is
the first time such a thing lias occurred
in the land. '
Two cute lawyers
Are like two sawyers :
The one doth pull, and the other thrust.
Arid as the object's slowly rent asunder,
Between the one at top and t'other
Down comes the dust.
Tle Roman Catholic Bishop Bar
clay, of .New Jersey, lias ordered be
clenry to refuse Christian burial to
tliose who die ofthe effects of liquor.
as well as tliose who sell It to drunk
ards. .
Notice one thine : tlie devil seldom
offers to go Into partnership wits' a-
uusy man, mil you wn oncn see mm
offer to join wit 11 a lazy man, aud fur
nish all tlie capital. -Joth.
If you want to find out a man's real
disposition, take him when In is wet
ami hungry. If be is amiable, then,
dry him and fill him, and you liave
got an angel.
A Tkmpebakce Dictionary.
Branut: A liquid which few the
stomach ; and often stamps its brand
upon the nose.
Murder la Albany
no thrcMtfmlng of 11 at
Heat la
Is a thing wblrh sometime mm bcnjl
rvf rv son sunt (laughter of the human fam
ily; ami jet, ' t
At Ihe Mld-riay,
Of ymir ute. It dbftm lay Ids vile hand
iion von, there is still "a balm in tdlnut,"
by wfilch yon may lw restored to jierfeet
health, ami prolong your days ton nilravu
loim extent.
How ?
I!y calling on
It. V. HILL A so,
VVItli a pn'-sirlmloii, vlicro yon tan haw
It cooioilii(te(rby oik- eiirrleiiciHl In that
(rileulnrllne. Also, ronstaillly on hand
a good HSsortmeat of fMMfc drngs, ieni
iiiedlelnes, eheuiieids, iwluts, oil, Uve
stnftk, trmsea, ere. Agents for tho
OrtekmtjH I hIi Weeal Itemed, ,
Or, tlreson Itbeumntie Cure ; fir. Xi. Jnjrnc
A Sons' iiifdieiucs, etc,
S)eneeN Positive and Negntive lltwdcn
kepi in slock. Also agents for tlai
Hour Shuttle Mewing; Narhluc,
line of tlie most useful pieces of hmis..hM
furnttiUT extant. I'nttand examine.
I AlltonV, June 10, 7l-0vS
Machine Shop,
A.F.CHEaMtY Proprietor,
Manufactures Steam Engine,
Flour and Saw mill Machin
And all kind ot
mo axo bsvw f-Awrntn.
Particular attention raid to repairing- all
kinds of machinery. 4lvi
is Miles Soolb of Albany, Unu Co.,
!ikoiis desirinu to pnniiase fruit tree
to call and examine my stock, which is
romuowd of the lnret and liest selection
in the State, consisting of apples, licnr.
cherries, plnnw. primes. Kmia-s, lilarkla-r-rieB,
currants ami roses. Also, litnck and
white walnut, English walnut, hickory,
pecan, redbud, honey locust, liacklicrry,
and a numher of other varieties of trvea
and plants i m, numerous tomepiiun.all of
which are olTered at low rates.
Dec. it, imb
Dltl t'iS and HEDH1NES, PAINTS and
nils, (ilnss and Putty, sold by Wheel
er, nt S1IKKD. Uv4
WOOL SHAWLS, long and siiuare, lilaid
mid striped, for sale by II 1 : K t l it.
at si us id. Itvl
received and for sale at this office, low
for cash.
X cry. Lamps, 4c., Ac, sold by Wheeler,
at snkuD. mi
011 luind-latest styles- and for taJc
low. at this otBce.
Corner Front and Salmon Sts.,
This new and elegant hotel, with
New Furniture Throughout,
Is now
, OPE Ji TO TIIK ri'Bur.
aaa for the
f Uneata.
Cone and fee ts.
Candles, and other knkk-knueks, solit
by Wheeler, at 8IIEDD. Hv4
PREMI TEdETAVLES, In ftill jtjfor
1 spect fully inform the ell ixcusof Albany
and vMnlty that hn lins taken chawe.of
tills establishment, and by kenpInK clean
nsims and paving strict attention to busi
ness exports to suit all those who iraiy fa
vor uuu with ihcir palronaKO. Ifavlng
herotonre carrlwl on not liinj? but
flrsMNM Hnlr OrosliiK Nnloons,
lie exneets to irlve entire satlsfuetlnn to
all. Children's and indies- lialr neatly cut
aim Hnampooeu.
public which 1 prtNumuccd by Ihe
most celebrated ontk'lans "i ll world to
be the moat nerfivt. ntMiml.amlk'iai
to the hnman eye ever lumen. They an
irmund under onrtntn snpeo Wtwi. at our
own iitnniifai'lor', to New ll&veii, and an
so ixintmctel that the ewe or tnter 'A
tlie lens comes direct)? la ftntu f the eye.
, prodtK'ing a
j As In the natural, liealihv sight, and prr
ventinsj nil rmrSeasant seiisalions. siieb as
I gliuuueririK d tiawiiw l itntirtat-
iss.etc, evnliai-tonli otliere in use.
I Tfiesc trlassesHi nmnufuel tired from mi-
ntiteervsial IsOililes melusl to.;etlicr. nud
derive tbelrnaiui'."l'iniuiiri.."iMi areonnt
ot their hardneasand brilliancy. Ttieyarc
aountci In tlie linest manner, at our own
itwiulnctorv. in all styles of gold, silver,
steel, mblier, and fhell fmmea, of the In st
(imllty. Their dumbilfly can not Is-sur-rmned,
and their finish is such as will suit
t he moat fastidious. None genuine unleas
bearing fair trade-mark, o suuuped on
every fraiua,'.. . ..j..
For sale t.v the "principal opticians and
Jewelers, throughout the country, Manu
factured hvJ. ti. ispeucer A Co., practical
opticians, New York. For -site only by
Dealers In watches, cha-ks, jewelry, silver
ware, etc., Allnny, Oregon.
Entered according leaet nf Com;rr". In
the year ISO, by J. t S;Wrl r,in the
clerk's ornce of the tlistrfct Coart of 'he
T nited Slates, tnr the.SonlUrn District or
New York. Sin a
riKK At mauim:
ax rKAxewfAt.
Taaal aVsaesa UoM; a 1,777 z.rt
k Hl-rsidrnt.
Marina Secretary.
A. J. KAI.STON....
The leading fii and raurim- inntrrance
company on thisivwn.
JM,bO deMsited in Oregon.
IMses proinptlv and ernltably ndtuatol
and paid iu Rvld coin.
For Oregon and Washington Terl'y.
joiix o.i:k, Arcnt,
J Insurance Company, of Itoston, Is tlui
only (simpaiiy on doing businos on this
csist governed by the
MnimwrhnMCtU Aun-torl -llurc Ijiw.
Till coinimny was tncorptaraled A. V.
1S3S, mid lias tuvuuiulatisl assets of over oil.
Tlie following lajwed policies) invo lieen
paid on this coast, tnider t bis law :
No. of Over due at Amount
jioliev. time o( death. insured.
i:i.(M ii monllis. i ,
Kuitii 4 montjii, i'Mm
.v .-'; .1 uiontlis. l.nnu
jn.iiw in davs. vm
SlUlt II months. .'1.000
Had tlH- above policies lsvn In nhyiitlicr
conipanv tliey would have been forfeited.
The above fnMs speak for themselves
and to the wise and prudent further com
ment h nnncswarv.
lieu. Agents, San Francisco.
I. FLINN, Local Agent,
Ftb.1, ls;i-Vy
s. u. ALTnorsa. i. P. BAVBWO.
W. KKTClll'M.
Ljm fMree, M the River Bank,
. ,,. . .. .j i-.. r . , j V . '
Keep en hand a full assortment, ami are
prepared to
Door, Hush, Blintb, aatl
Such as
4'MW 'AinrX, BAI RBtT90
Of aU sizes.
rioorhsf, Siding,
ttat ttw Dlnomid
uept. w-yi