The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 16, 1872, Image 3

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rMVtt tvukmr news.
The Oregon tan s teaks of a strong
wind that prevailed on 1 hurmlsy
night of bust week, obstructing tie
railroad track with limbs awl trees
A Portland restaurant man at
tempted suicide last week, but was
pumped out and saved, says the
A telegraph operator at Corne
lius, Washington county, named
James Fanvll, died suddenly on
Thursday of last week. He had
been drinking heavily.
Last year Washingtoncounty ex
pended 3,724 days' work on the
public roads, and $14,000 for lum
ber and bridges.
A dispatch from Coriune, dated
the 9th, states that several passen
ger trains have just arrived , there.
The first had been twenty-two days
from Omaha, tlic second twenty -one,
and the third twenty-four. There
was much suffering among the .pas
sengers, those without provisions bo
ing compelled to live' oH crackers
and cheese.
The Gentiles, at Salt Lake, are
indignant at Minister De Long and
the Japanese Embassy for callii
upon Brigham Young. They thin
it compromises some of the Federal
officials, as Well as Mr. De Long
station as Minister, l oung not oc
cupying any official position, and
being a prisoner charged with mur
Considerable sickness is reported
at Eugene.
The Good Templars of Eugene
have given op their charter, and
donated their funds on hand, $50
to the M. E. and Christian Sabbath
Schools, says tl Journal.
A number of costly buildings are
to be erected in East Portland tlie
coming season.
The snow buckadc was worse
than ever on the 10th inst
The first official act performed by
the new Governor of Idaho, was
the marriage of a colored couple.
The Independent Order of Red
men of Jacksonville have purchas
ed apiece of proerty for a cemc
John Pelling of Jackson county
has brought an action to-recover
$1,000 damages from The. Sly for
assault and battery, whereby the
plaintiffs nose was broken.
The Era. growls about the dan
gerons condition of the sidewalks in
East Portland.
Mrs. Frost was lecturing at Vic
toria, last week, on "TTie down
fall of the United States Govern
A' counterfeit bait dollar piece
has made its appearance in San
Francisco, very hard to detect.
Stock to the amount of $17,000
had been subscribed to the Good
Templar's Hall Association, of Port
land, up to last week.
The bar at St. Helens is to be
surveyed with the view of furnish-
ing estimates of the cost of improv
ing the channel
Real estate is advancing in prices
in East Portland.
Deer Lodge has been selected as
the capital of Montana Territory by
the Legislature,
Greeley, Colorado, on the 20th
ult, nominated its man for postmas
ter by ballot Ninety-eight women
Olympia has presented the rail
way company with four thousand
acres of land, in and around the
city, in return for which the company
engage, to build a depot within one
mile and a half of the center of the
Colorado is again knocking at
the door of Uncle Sam for admis
sion won't succeed.
A Horticulture Society has been
organized at Victoria.
The people of JSritish Columbia
are earnestly asking 1oV have their
toll roads abolished.
Four Indians ire in jail at Van
couver charged with a murder com.
mitted in 1868. Hie proof against
them is the dying confession of an
accomplic Indian.
John Hickling, a farmer of Salt
Spring Island, B. C, was drowned
on tbe,.ljltli ult, on his ufay, home
from Victoria in a canoe, VWVt
Mrs. Fair, of San Francisco, is
granted a uew trial, by the Supreme
Court, an 'Frisco lawyers an dis.
pleased thereat
The Mormons are madder than
March hares over Gov. Wood's veto
of the Utah admission bill.
The Couuty Court of Marion
county awarded the contract for
building the Court House at Salem
to Messrs. Bootliby, Miller A Myers
of that city.
Ash wood was selling at the
Salem wharf last week at $4 50 per
Walter D. C. Davidson of Mar
ion county has been adjudged insane
and taken to the Asylum.
As Mr. linlleck't ox team with a
load of lumber w4s crossing tlie
bridge on the road to Ellendale,
two ami a half miles from Dallas,
the bridge broke through, and the
wagon and team 'treat iiitotliecreek,
killing one steer and badly crippling
the others, says the Statesman.
'&idei.t of tUs -Salemtf riter.
sity had a fit of epilepsy in the chap,
el last week, i
Turkeys were selling at $10 each
and eggs at $4 per dozen, at Cari
boo, at last dates.
Six car loads of oysters, in the
shell, recently arrived at San Fran
cisco, but ail spoilt, having been
frozen and thawed, caused by the
delay hi the snows on the Union
Henry Steffers, a woman whip
perot San Francisco, was fined $200
with an alternative of one hundred
days in-jail, on the 8th.
Seventeen hundred dollars have
been collected in Walla Walla, to
ward the purchase of a lot and the
building of a brick Protestant Epis.
copal church thereupon, the whole
to cost $3,000.
People of California are learning
to make mall change. The Ma
rysville Stamford- says : We saw
recently at the office of the Railroad
Company a peck or less of. nieklc
cents. The Company is obliged
to have them, as they make exact
change. For example, if your
freight bill is $4 91, you receive in
change a silver five cent piece and
four nickel cents.
"I Onrlwr. 2Mn uit. the groand at
Walla Walla was frozen to a depth
of eight inches.
J. II. Lasater, ami the editor of
the Statesman, at Walla Walla,
had a fight recently. The latter
got tlie worst of it, and the former
was fined twenty dollars.
Tlie ditch on Burnt river is fin
ished and ready for water.
A rush mine has been discovered
within three hundred yards of the
Canyon City court house. Hie
ledge is eight feet thick. It is be
lieved that tlits discovery Will bring
about a revolution of affairs at Can
yon Ctyy.
Sunday the 4th inst,was the cold
est day in Powder river valley. The
weather was ten degrees below
A recent number of the Dalles
Motuttainecr lias au article stating
that Great Britain lias declared war
against tlie United States.
Eight members of the Walla
Walla bar have petitioned lion. S.
Garfielde to ask Congress to disap
prove of the civil act of that Terri
tory, passed by the recent Legisla
ture. A new Bank, called the Salt
Lake National Bank of Utah, has
been started in Salt Lake. B. H.
Du Rell, of Idaho, is President, and
A, W. Wbjto,of Utah, Cashier.
Capitol $100,000.
The Columbia river is oped and
navigation has been resumed.
last Sundays largn antlered
buck rushed --through the streets of
oryand, plunged into the river
and struck out for the other side
After au exciting chase by some
persons in a skiff, he was oaught,
says the Oregonian. .
J. C. Hildreth, assistant superin
tendent of tbe O. & C. ,RaJroad,
presented yrw a.vaUiabJe cold
watch by friends, la$ Sunday, at
the St. Charles Hotel, Portland,
tap OregmUm.
A petition to the next Lcgisla-
w license gamottug, m in con
temptation by certain ones at Port
land. Mrs. Burgess, of Portland, on
last Monday, was severely injured
by falling.
A call is issued to the Marion
County Republican Committee to
meet Salem on tlie 2 1st inst
A Eugene paper learns that five
thousand copies of Joaquin Miller's
"Songs of the Sierras" have been
sold in a single county in Iowa. A
mistake, we guess.
Hie Eugene Journalems loudly
against the gambling dens at that
A caucus of Democratic Senators
in the California Legislature has
agreed Ihat tlie repeal of the liti-
gaut law is not a party question,
and a number of Senators announced
that they would vote for a repeal
This will erase that odious law from
the statute book.
The coinage in the United States
Branch Mint at San Francisco dur
ing January was $840,750. There
were: Double eagles, $660,000
half dollars, $170,000; half dimes,
At Eureka, Nevada, ten cases of
small-pox are reported.
There were twenty violent deaths
in San Francisco last month.
Eight inches more rain has fallen
this season in San Francisco than in
The winter seems to lave been
' rather more severe in Yakima valley
than in other localities east of the
mountains. Snow was deeper than
in most other places lieard from.
A few days ago the house of
Thomas Rowland of North Yam
hill was burnt. Loss, $1,500.
Work on the Walla Walla rail
road lias been discontinued to watt
tor better weather.
The Port Townsend Argm pre
sents a scheme for a railroad from
Gray's Harbor to Port Townsend.
It says that the route was surveyed I
last year. . a
A letter from Helena, Montana,
dated January 3d, written by a
former resident of Portland, states
that tlie storms in Montana this
winter have exceeded in severity any
that the writer had ever experienc
ed. Wages were very low, and
coram m board twenty dollars
week. Everybody is advised
stay away from that country.
Un Monday evening a blast in
Telegraph Hill, Sau Francisco, ex-
ploded prematurely, killing instant
ly a man named Coughlin and ter
ribly injuring a man named Hughes.
Last Sunday, ai Oregon City,
while a passenger train was on the
side track to allow a freight train to
pass, by some mismanagement tlie
freight train was backed against the
locomotive of the passenger train
with such force as to break both the
locomotive and tlie rear freight car,
to some extent, and to injure sever,
al passengers. Mrs. Duniway
bad her right arm badly, bruised,
and Mrs. Weatherford was consid
erably hurt, and others were bruis
ed. " ' . ' V
Mr. Thomas MofVctt fell and
sprained his ankle so badly in Port
land hist Saturday, as to be unable
either to walk or stand.
Dr. E. W. Rust has been ap
pointed resident physician of the In
sane Asylum.
A man mil of gin fell off tbe fer
ry slip in Portland last Saturday,
and saved himself from drowning
by seizing upon some drift wood till
be was fished out, says the Ore-
A dwelling on tlie farm of Perry
Smith, near Dallas, which Wat oc
cupied by Wm. Kersey, was destroy
ed bv fire on Tuesday night All
the family effects of tlie latter were
. James Hamlin, of Jacksonville,
lias co nr. mewed an action 'against
the law firm of Kjahler A Watson,
B. Stephens and Sarah, his wife, to
recover $2,234 damages for the al
leged unlawful issue and levy, of
an execution against the property
of plaintiff
The Salem court-honse,is to oost
Dallas arlrls have been tormenting
- . . . . . . : 1
as they passed) He fiaed his door
so that ope of them, who indulged
in this amusement, tumbled into tbe
room wlicre be was1 sitting.
Clirismao's blockade of the Ore
goo and California Railroad has
been raited.
The rock yields $100 to ibe too
in the Ida Elmore mine at Owyhee,
A jokist says that the Puget
Sound people only hunt clams one
hour in the day. All tlie rest of
tbe time tlwy are hunting for the
terminus of the Northern Pacific
Railroad something that never
has been lost .
During January last 150 arrests
were made in Sacramento, Cal
A Wheatland, California, lien
has not eaten anything for three
The public debt of the United
States was reduced $6,668,43 L dur
ing last month.
There Were 108 suicides in New
Ybrfclasfijelr'as against 115 in
m&AS " ' -
A'giweuty4wo years old has
lately died in Boston.
Chicago since tlie fire, .
Rev. Mr. Spurgeon declined ten
offers of hand and heart from pious
spinsters last year, and looks tor-
ward to this year with din) appre
The proposed Viaduct Railway
in New York, if ever built, mil
cost $18,000,000.
Valdes, a commander of Govern
ment forces, in Mexico, broke the
seals of ammunition belonging to
a commercial agency and appropri
ated goods of Americans, recently.
I he London l imes declares that
England has not revoked and never
will revoke, die treaty of Washing
On the 1st Lost, there wis $103,-
371,703 in coin and $12,840,271 in
currency in the United States treas
ury. ; ,
It is reported that more than 9,-
000 head of cattle have perished in
the cold and snow, on tbe Laramie
Plains in Wyoming,
Con Mooney, a prominent Dem-
ocrtic politician of San Francisco
and ap officer in the Fire Depart
ment, has been convicted for bossing
a cockpit f. .
Over eight hundred sewing ma
chines have been furnished to tlie
I . i'l: - -
sowing, women of Chicago by tbe
Relief Society. They are valued at
sixty dollars each, but are furnished
by tlie manufacturers for thirty-six
dollars. Of this amount the Re
lief Society donates twenty dollars,
and the recipient obligates herself to
pay tbe other sixteen dollars with
in One year.
In the late municipal election at
Salt Lake, the whole Mormon tick
et was elected. Under female suf
frage a cro wd of Mormon women
and girls voted in the early part of
the day.
It was thought on the Pith that
the Japanese Embassy, then at Salt
Lake, would have to return to San
Francisco and take the Panama
steamer for the East, there being no
prospect of the blockade being
raised for months.
John Caughlin was killed, and
D. B. Hughes was seriously injured
in San Francisco on the 11th inst,
by an explosion resulting from
pounding new priming for a blast,
after it had. failed, to explode.
V aluaWe mines in A 1 turas, Idaho,
have been sold .'at great prices to
English .pNists, who will im
mediately pt up largo mills.
It is stated that last summer and
fall not less than two or three huu
dred families settled in Umatilla
county, Oregon,
to and from Victoria
have to be ferried across tlie cable
A growing party in Canada pro
poses opposition to the construction
of the Pacific Railway by Govern
ment grant, so long as tbe north
west shall be inefficiently settled.
This alarms the British Columbia
A man named, Dan (other name
not ascertained) was found murder
ed mliisyard,on Whidby'-s kland,
on the )i inst He bad evidently
been deMsdjgsjrhea found..
Mr. Charles Newell, late of the
JfnUetitt staff, uod a gentleman of
considerable newspaper experience,
lias taken a position as reporter on
the Hraid,
The Ortgonian lias quite along
local item on a fool horse that re
fused to be tooted off the track by a
Saoar Division. We heard a
story a day or two since in which
Ira A. Eaton of Nevada figured
prominently. As an aid to tbe
difficult solutions of knotty subjects
we give the story as we heard it.
At one time when Eaton was part
ner with a certain person in the
mountains, be was joint owner with
the partner aforesaid, in a tine
young dog. The partner, at times,
misused the dog as Eaton thought,
therefore lie determined to buy or
sell, to own all or none of the ca
nine. He broached the subject to
his partner who bad no desire to
sell or buy. Eaton offered to give
his partner $25, or to take $20 for
his own interest in the dog. No,
he would neither sell or buy.
"Well," said Eaton, "thisdogmusl
be mine or yours, if he is yours you
can abuse him as much as you like,
but I don't want you to abuse my
half, and if you won't cell or buy.
we'll divide him, which half wUll
you nave." ins partner treated
the proposal lightly, arid Eaton
went over to the butcher's shop and
armed himself with a heavy, sharp
cleaver. Putting it under his coat
he returned and again made the
offer to buy or sell with the same
success, meeting a point hunk re
fusal Drawing the cleaver, with
one well directed blow, he cleft the
object of dispute in twain, remark
ing; "There, the dog is divided,
which Dart will vou take ?" Thev
did not buy any more dogs in part
nership alter that Appeal.
- Strange that tbe enterprising re-
porters oi journals misneu
a very extraordinary event which
happened the other day, and for the
only account of which we are In
debted to a few dreamy astrono
mer, who had an eye upon it It
seems a tremendous explosion re
cently took place in the sun, in
which flying debris was hurled to
the height of over two hundred
thousand miles, and a body of hy
drogen gas rose about fifteen thous
and miles, when it exploded and
burned up, We trust this sort of
thing will not continue ; it is diffi
cult enough to,. keep up with events
upon this planet, without looking
after local affairs in the sun.
It has been suggested that France
shall be governed alternately by the
different parties claiming ability to
rule it rhus, on Monday, the el
der branch of the Bourbons should
take charge, to be succeeded on
Tuesday by tbe younger branch ;
on Wednesday tlie Bunapartes
would take a baud, and on Thurs
day the moderate Republicans;
Friday would be tbe day for the
Radicals and Saturday for the Com
mune. Sunday, being a da v of rest,
there would be no government If
tlie first Week could be successfully
gone through the plan would doubt
less work.
A Pump Advicst-uke. This
morning, a little son . of Mr. John
Koch, on state street, mot with an
accident which should be a warn
ing to all boys in tbe future. It
seems that tlie little fellow went to
the pump at the market place, and
very foolishly touched his tongue to
tbe iron pump handle, to ascertain,
we presume, It it was cold. Of
course the result was not only fear.
fully, but extremely painful. The
tongue, being very moist and warm.
and iron being a good conductor of
heat, the moisture and heat were
immediately withdrawn from the
latter by the cold handle, and it
froze tight The little fellow en
deavored to withdraw his tongue,
but could not Several gentlemen
went to his rescue, bat it required
the most careful handling to loosen
tbe boy's organ of taste from the
iron. They ejected saliva upon the
handle, and rubbed it with their
hands fully five minutes before they
succeeded, and then a piece of the
skin ot the tongue, about the size of
a nickel, was left on the handle, leav
ing the surface of the tongue where
it had coine in contact with the
handle as white as though it bad
been seared with, a red-hot iron.
During tlie time tlie boy was fast,
he ga ve vent to his excruciating
agony in loud and continuous
screams.--Aw Albany imager.
The Attorney General at Wash
ington has decided that the charges
against NMitbwortb, Attorney tor
tbe Southern Djstrict of Alabama,
are wholly, unfounded, and.the pe-
L-aUia. B.K.Y.
& CO.,
i Mfe'tJS
Wholesale and Retail
Agents for All Kinds f
Celebrated Bain Wnpin
:.: t tk : . .-
first Htrewt,
lr?t-m i$Kir.: J,,-,