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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1872)
. ! i fiTnBn,"," " ILOTAL MATTERS. 1 t .1 4 !t (i 7 s (1 K) n N 1! It a r. 17 1 1 1 K 21 H ii 2t 19 27 is ? si Moro.N'n. KtJ, 1 44 44 M S7 46 M 48 45 M IT 41 4S 49 M 47 M " 47 47 43 31 40 48 SS 40 40 39 M 43 J7 40 M m M &0 S 40 SO :k 47 M 40 40 W 4 SI ! 8 iti ) 41 H U 4S S4 M 41 SI tt 40 .11 44 M 41 84 81 M 19 44 iS Si U I 47 47 44 l 30 43 40 I 31 43 40 t 4J 4J 48 New Fcmhtohe. Messrs. E. D Whitlow A Co- nave opened a ftir- nltiire store in this city, three doors below J. Conner's Bank sec their mtvcrtiicnietit elsewhere. We notice tliey liave received mid are fitting np some very nice fnmlture. A walnut bed-rwm set Is especially neat and tasty : MM nett parlor sets, bureau, lounge, chair, and in feet a large I amount and variety of furniture to suit the taste and means of all. I p- holterlng and repairing solicited. Everybody is Invited to call on tliem. Bead their card. CoirVAi.i.w TiTMrEBAxcK Mmrso. ! On las Friday evening a mass Tem- " neranee mectlne was new in or- n frost valli. at which spceclies were deliver (MMi I . . - . r..., , e e c e oMr cldy sh'ry a MM r.-r-c-tiain 'Tf t imaaetatms. .. HTUt CI I ') IIIC )I . ' . "WW ' ii frost i frost n frost n frost frost frost nliiiut teimiemturc on the 4th ami isth, ""kit: iSSSt on the IStli andMtlyM de. Highest temperature dm-hig the month on theft ami lth,S7 d? lowest on theith, Wdegs. Nmnbcrof clcnrdnys. 13: ciouuy, i yn) . j-" .. rmiiv mnralnn. 17: wind south. HI days: north, lidays. Roimorr Thief Cait.itt; About three o'clock on Friday morning of last week a thief entered the bar-room of the St. Claries Hotel and abstract ed from the clothiug of Jake Brenner, aon of the proprietor of the Hotel, two derringer, two purses and the O.W.S., and editor of the Good Templar, M. C. Oeorge, and otliers. A good time generally is rc norted : rtnd we are Inclined to bc- frost i lieve the report, from the fact that n troat ... ... .... -. if t .mllMM-ltc 9 1 11 IS suillTl, on Hie "-- ..j. that tlie Grand Worthy Chief want to 1 ...I.l. ,.1. l.A. , . , .....1 ....ttln.r lit) lied Ull Ills IWh Oil, )" ..'"o TV very early, got or tried to get into the wrong ;or right which?) room ! A Crtviso Kviu The manner in which the city street lamps are man aged Is an absolute aggravation. Part of the time the lamps from j Ferry to Ellsworth streets (two blocks) are lighted, and part ot the time only as far as Broadalbln street (one block), leaving the very portion of the city where the light is most needed (Dixie) in total darkness. Hie lamps at the corner of Lyou and rlrst and Second streets, the most Important points in tlie whole system, are not lighted at all, of late. The one on the corner of I.yon and First street Is entirely wortlr lesa. so far as getting light from It is concerned, and a new one should be put up. From thl point to tlie found ry, tlie limps to our knowledge, never have been lighted up. Why this negligence? Citizens generally donated money to help the city pur cliase elegant lamp posts and fit them up, and tliey want them put to, tlie use for which they were erected. They eitlier want lliose lamps lighted up tliese dark nights, or else the lamp posts taken down, sold, awl their money refunded. Business is business. 4 f AI.IJIL trirl MIM hlllsllllMT 1 1I- uuuinflii) ... v.,.. y, --- to the parlor tlie other night ami told her fatlier. when he noticed her bloom, that site had been enjoying unseen happiness. The old gentleman tlmtwlit slieliadbeen pravlng. and was glad. ...i...!... liir Instem! the ill, IIC 13 U IHWD IlK,ii , ""v - - wicked Kss lunl tn-en klssl by kr lovet lnQiefMiiligliteillisll. A T.aut.k Vou mk would not con tain tlie mass of testimony which has accumulated in tavorof 11'iVw "' smaof HVWCAwmias auife. efrMont and reliable remedy In enriiig cokUand pulmonary disease. Manv ..f tlie enres are truly wonderlttl. toil. Beauty tmltatcd. is more commended tliau Bounds, Woodcock & Co., l'roiirtetow Mannfiu-torow of HUNTER'S : Grain Separator, JITXCTIOX citv. Received the Diploma at the Stats Fair of 1671. PIUCE REIUCKD TO FIFTY DOLLARS! Lebanon axi Vicisrrv. We call tlie attention of the citlens of Leb anon and vicinity to the advertisement of Jas. L. Cowan elsewhere in tills issue. Mr. Cowan lms pmvlsntd the interest of A. Cowan & Co. In tlie general merchandise business in Leb anon, and will endeavor to accommo date all old customers as well as new watches, a and some jewelry, and from the per-' . . , ai?ortment 0f goods, at sou of an employe of the house, who ; wry ovct nteg for or p. fiiwit in an autoiiuin: imiu, . screw and a half-dollar. The thief fhen went through the parlor into tho bedroom of the landlord, and at tempted to take a pair of pantaloous lying under the pillow of his bed. The landlord, being a light deeper, awoke, and "went for" the thief, who decamped hurriedly, through the back yard. As he was climbing the fence, Mr. Brenner, having procured a pistol, fired once or twice at him, but the night being very dark be miss ed his man. Mr. Brown, the night watchman, then came tip, took the case in Hud, and mainly through his exertion, the sunnosed thief, one Wm. Kelley, was arrested, tried, and locked up to answer, in default of $300 ball. The goods were all found where the thief had hid them, under the Magno lia Mills. Professor Rogers' Lbctobb. The lectures by Professor Rogers, which were delivered in the Metho dist church but Saturday and Sunday evenings, were both interesting and profitable. The inclemency or tne weather interfered with the attendance on Saturday evening; but the lecture on tlie mecbanisiB of the human body illustrated by charts, was none tlie less valuable and pleasing to the good ly little company fwesent. On Stm day evening a very fcir audience as sembled. The argumentsor evidences presented by the Professor in fitvor of Christtonity,wereclearandlogical,aiHl, delivered with characteristic force and animation, must have carried convic tion to the minds of any unbeliever dure. His long exiierience in the Misi- ness will euable Win to glvecustomers tlie best of bargains. Call mid ex amine his stock. Venison. Messrs. Jason Wlieclcr, Abe Haekleman, Martin Paine and Dr. Alexander returned from tlie mountains the first of the week re- nortiim a splendid lnint, the only drawback being the excessive dry weather out there. Game was very shy, but tliey succeeded in getting twelve deers tliat they kuow of. We are indebted to Mr. Wheeler tor tlie nicest venison ham we have seen dnrinir tlie season. We wish tlie quartette may always have as goal luck when hunting the royal deer. Spi.kmid Beef. On Thursday, J. L. Harris bought fourteen bend of the fattest and finest looKing neei- mttla that liave arnica red in tins mark et for a long time, for which lie pakl nine cents ner Dound net. Harris is determined our citiiens shall have nd sipaks and roasts as long as he runs a hntfher Tltim, Tliese cattle werebousht of Vanderpool. of Ben ton mnntjr. and were brought from his ranch in tlie coast range. Ssow Storji. A suo w storm pre vailed nearly tlie entire day on Sun day, and Sunday night was Utter cold the coldest niirht of the winter. Some sleighing was done on Monday. But under tlie Influence of balmy breezes and a bright snn, tlie 'snow soon disappeared. Bitkkves. The wav E. E. Miner No Daxbee. A gentleman jtt-t down from llarrlsburalmformstuOiat the railroad bridge at that point is all right, all reports to the contrary notwithstanding. Fl KS.-Mcs.srs. Blaln, Young & Co. oiler to purchase till kinds of furs, for which tiiev will pay the htgiiesr mark et price iu cash. Bring iu your furs. A Success. Mrs. Duniway lectured at Harrisburg on Tuesday and Wednes day evenings, in the Academy, to crowded housis. Slie lectures at Jct fersou this evening. Moktitart. Two deaths reported near Harrisburg during the week owe a Mrs. Clover, verging on eighty years of ace, and Mrs. Scribncr, alii very okl. Temperance Meeting. A public temnerauce ineetlne will be held, at Good Templar Hall In this city, on next Tuesday evening. AH are u- Visitors. Ouite a number of taw- I yers, nearly all of whom are retalited in the great Foster-Monteitn stir, have visited our city this week. SEW TO-DAY. FURS! FURS! ICRS! THE HKJllKST l'RK KS IVVIUDitAHU i for ull kinds of Mm W 1H.AIN. YOlMi W. ! Albany, Teh. 9, Ti-Mtf ; (Sneo-s.-or of A. Co an A Co.) Lebanon, Oregon, -Dcalor in- GENERAL MERCHANDISE! KEEP ALWAYS OS HAND A TV fnlUtoekof 1IRY GOOl'f, liKOCEKlES, HARDWARE, Bwota SHOES, nil for sale t the Lowest Prtev fr t'a or l'r uil ilcv . feii'.Auuersninoiiw A ',ran Co., nn sume ov ennui's im ui f These Machines an- warranted mbslnn tlallvma.le.anda.v not o 1; ""fTJ-Wg In clVuiiliiK Wlinit for seed, ami art) inn. ly as itooU for etoininj.' uh. , Semi tn vonr or I we wlU warrant ; suisfterln'n. AiWrr-w, UOL'NDN WOOl OOt CO., Jiineliontity, or. Jan. M, 137i-21ni5 " DOWHi IT UOVM. C. B. 0OMSTOCK CO. HAVE ON hand a large amount of Choice Seed Wheat of evcrv Variety, wliieli they offer for wlc BtURKATLY IIEKICKD Pit l 1. atf wm. a. NKvvmitY, At. FEED! FEED! FEED! r Vt B. fOMSTOCK CO. HAVE o. luiml laree lt of iika.v lUiinantof (SKIP EEEO.niiiie from P"rv wheat, whleh tliev offer Tor wteaj reason able rates. WM. S. NEWISl lt. Iwiroary , wnran GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WHOLESALE k) RETAIL CORNER FIKSl'aBBOADALUlN-STS., ALBANY, OREGON, A. C. Layton, Proprietor. 2v4 "jAMtS L. tWAS. present. Tlie Professor will lecture j & c are eettine red of tlieir new in gain one month lience. 0f Buckeye Sewing Machines, Is atonishing tlie natives. Head tlieir new ad. this morning, and If you want to give your wife pleasure, Jxiy a mad line. New BisrNESS nousK. Messrs. t'artwright, Westlake & Morris have purcliased ground on the northeast corner of First and Ellsworth streets, and intend erecting a large agricul tural warehouse thereon. The build ing will be 41xS4 feet, and will be kept full of all kinds of labor-saving implements and agricultural machin ery. Thus Improvements and busi ness are gradually making their way toward the east end of town, and a few vears hence tltat portion of the city will be the centre of tlie third, if not tlie second, city in Oregon. Speed thotrtne. CnASOEDTBOPmrrORS. The Fro wtan Buildings, Soap Works, etc, iinn-hunl bv C M. fjartwriediL has obtained an addition In the way of nronrietors. Messrs. Cvrus Westlake and A. B. Morris having bouglit equal interests therein. The name and aryle of the firm will hereafter be t'artwright, West lake & Morris. Messrs. VYetflake and Morris paid f9,333?i tor their two thirds interest. ThU makes a ttrons, energetic, work ing team, and we wish them the full- eat measure of success. .' Pmmiuiih.-We read In tlie Yreka J mrml f one George Cromwell (son of the old man), who baa been suffering trom a painful eruption and gweillog of the neck, caused by wear ing paper eoHan. It may not Le generally known that paper collars ..,,s,i a nranaration of arsenic, and . when, wet effect tome people in a rimUar manner to that of poison oak. Parties who wear paper collars buouUI remember tills, and when engaged In any work that raises the perspiration, Or when out In the raiu and liable to t ret, alwukl take them off, If they do not wish to best' WUed pecks, boils, etc. Lost. Between this city and Cor- vallis; on Thursday, February 1st, 1872, a gentleman's gray sliawl. The nerson finding and retunilne said shawl to tills office will be suitably re warded. Bitst. Our lawyers liave been very bttsv "eettlntr up pairs" for several days past, and we expect some poor devil will get skinned to the bone, soon. There's nothing like business, you know ; and where one gains somebody must necessarily lose. Cdtlert. A. rarothers & Co. liave a eood assortment of superior pocket cutlery, stationery, pens, ink and envelopes, hi addition to tlieir huge stock of drugs, paints, oils and Artie soda. School Exinhrrios. A school exhibition, free to all. is to be elven at the Harrisburg Academy in the latter part of next month. It will prove an Interesting occasion. Personal John Farrel arrived from San Francisco on Tuesdav. He - " , r TT-rff T is to take charge ot Uurd & ( o.'s mill above Eugene. Company. Two thieves now occupy our ten thousand dollar Jail, and as tliey will lie company tor oueanother, a break out Is not apprehended for a few days. Albany, Oregon, boasts of tlie cham- nion temiieranee 11.. ha. a!mA,l the pledge ninety times. IMietitt. Who In thunder tokl that on Mart Brown? Born On the 1th lust., to tlie wife of Mr. A. B. Morris a boy. Just what tliey wanted. Stobm. We were visited by a heavy rain storm on Wednesday night, to! lowed by beautiful weatlier on 1 Hup day. Woodsheds. Tlie 0. 4 C. Rallraad Co. liave recently erected at this place two woodslieds, 31l.jxl00 feet lu sfae. - mum m m A, A IIOAXV-The report that Douglas lias lieen Hiall aial chained" by the Slieriff, is contradicted. Buixo.Ijte lieavi- rains have sent tlie W illamette up again. 9' rinnurlni nml (omntrftal. Gold In Xew York, 100',. Lecal TetHlers, 90'.,a91,'aC The hiM(e Telfair was advertised io sail for Portland to San Juan, "an imo and Sitka on Wednesday ; the California for Pnget Sound and ic toria on Thursday; the Mnnofor San Francisco on Saturday to-morrow at 4 o'clock P. M. San Francisco telegram? quote wheat at 2 52 25 f 100 tts. Oats 1 70 f 100 fts. Potatoes OOSOOc f 100 Bw. Albany markets quiet. neat son quoted at 90c per bushel weak. Xo change to note hi prices from last report. TABLE Talk. Pleasant conversa tion at the table while eating Is con ductive to liealth and pleasure. This eat-and-nm habit kills more people than any one realties. No- ...l,,.-. In 1. uvn-M i it tlHICtlCtd SO II, ... "V. ...l.V. B. much as lu America, wliere people live to make money instead of making money to live. Here brains bone, muscle, Wood awl HE. iru . r.iiLu.1 into iiumev. luonev. money! Nobody amounU to any thing without money, and liealth andicom fort are sacrificed to obtain it. It is a curiosity to sit down at aob 11c table and notice the way business l - 1 . ,, lu., .UaiOAllv0 or. people iiiihkw uiuiihiuii - gans by liasty eating, swallowing tlieir food withont proper inastication. Many eat in five or seven minutes ...u, nirfnrhiulniai u-lwri M ins- wni v.. " , tine to tlieir health, they shouhl oopn- py I iron) i-wemy w mhitj wiuukq " lave not yet reaHztM the rateernbl wMiseuueiiWii wui.oiirvie.s.-iy uma uw 4 l .1 I..,.., UMU. flfW WOnBf JHIE WKJ iMYf iiu wwu llAIHUHItf. Hi if. t.llf TWMM dVtflK .,1j li.a luMiit at tlu. ii- tnitli arifl U hi l- o he liad taken amhig In time to - ...,.t.i .. ...iv..: ctf. H,x E. D. WHITLOW & CO., Importer and Deulcn In FURNITURE ! and Upholstery Goods, Flrst-St., 3 doors below Conner's Bank, ALBANY, ORECON, Keeps constantly on hand for snle BUck Walnut Pailw . Ul enamoer aeoi, Painted Chamber Setts, Dining room and Kitchen rmrnitura of all kinds; SOFAS. L SriUX H ATBESSES, " Ft LIT ft Kl'KKKA BKIW, KOCKISi; LilAIHS, BEllSTEAIiS. TABU'S, STAStlS. d, BlBKAfS, WHATNOTS, BRAt KKTT9. UkHolutlon of 'opBrtner.lI. Tiif. coPAnTJ Eiwiin' hkrktofoisf. cxMinslietween K- K. hi ' anil M. Pearson, under the linn-name of Miner S this ilai dissolved bs mntnal twisent. K. K. Miner will eollwt an t re wive all iiMinevs due the 11 i iu in i ' 1 w i II l ni.v a,, indebtedness. Albany, Jim. , lsTMlwl I 1IAVK ALWAYS LN STORK A rXLL and complete suiiply of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES! PROVISIONS ! Tobacco ACigars, Which I will sell lor (ivdi as low astlio lowest, or exehauge lor iUI kinus 01 uiei- Lhaiiiuoie mum PRODUCE! Notice ! WHOM IT MAY COXCKRX : ATX um.. ,, unirn.Mi mil I w credit to any person in my name withont an order from my band, JOHN ROBUiETT. Ubunon, January ii, WIt41w4 Rocoired and tn store a largo quantity of ISALD SALT, which 1 will sell cheaper I him ever before olfercd in this market. IMra. Britlirerarincr AaTISHKS TO INFORM THt, LAI)IF W of Allxiny and vicinity, thai Miss M. M. JOHNSON- ha taken elmnie of her .Hlllliiery Had l)r-Malu More. She Is prepared to do all kinds oi won. In that line. - SST( A LI, AND SKK.ja AlbanyVJau. 19, W74-i0tt Ciri extend a general Invitation toall- lfl iCiilV ill I ills uii'i my"inis,,a baTcounties, to mil and csain-KI lri ine ipialilv and prices fraTof goods", as, I feeljj CisTcouBdont of myJM IgrWnTflollvsJJB gift uoYonj;lit-3 C-aTsatis--3 ij-ri..(1r-3 'O-iHI Read Tela! PERSONS KNOWING THEM- . IT .A ...i.... :.wl.,Ki,.,l ,,, ItlHiilrlflel A Co.. are requested to call and settle tlieir uc- coimts luiiueuiaieiy, u m u ". lawuatswlll lie left In tho lnd of the iironerotllcer for collection. We are clos ing out our biwlness,and will collect aU amounts due us tn thirty days, W. J. IHLTABlDKL ft CO. Jan. 19, 18714014 Upholstering hi all Its branches. Orders flUed with promptness and dtapatch. Kcpulrintt A Mannriwlurlng done to order. egtiood delivered toany part of the city CiTAll our work warranted. diva a a Call and Examine our Stock. K. D. WHITLOW CO. February" 9. "7a-'B HARDWABE for Builders, for Smiths, and for Farmers sold by Wheeler, at SHKOII. llvl TUB 0SLSBHATBD Buck Eye Sewinit Machine. Willamette Tranaportatloi Company t SaTjanii 4vtlJ?3 A, C, LAYTON, Inferior lawyer sometimes bring re proach upon their noble profession by f....l.l.w. .. ,i I. , tlum ujstllMiiK miucaoco HIIU II. ta comforting to see them disagreeably n.luliul A V, Vitun of Tiulhina. ,.'luir, a u-tlrUMM MUVnualAil iivlvA tt trtl In Imf I,i,31m.ii.I miui-.,niwl "no If W IfV lis. m llllTUUiru. UIIO I V -w "W mm her husband died site could easily get anotlier." 'i'lie woman alapped nil .. ...... ... ....I 4lu. lilCC HI OIR'tl WUIb, nilU UW TOVIUI - it.... ! I.l d ii served mm rigni. "Alii Ttutn" V ritaa m front f'nn !itieut to sav lb tt "free leva" U a Kiiirlitv nlra iloet Ine for a fresh, lively man or woman, but for a person who is all worn out by hard work It don't amount to much. A worn-out wife, alio thinks wouldn't like her husband to indulge in the luxury. "Old Bcty" b a sensible wotnau. UROM AND AFTER DATE, IN TIL X1 further notice, the company wj patch a lwot from Allmny to Corvulltoon Tuesday watt KrMy Vmth Week. Also, will dispatch a I mat from Albany for Portland and Intermediate place on ditvs. leaving CouutiK-k ft to. s wharf. . . . Fare at Keaucea nana. J. D. BILES, I)cc. 16, 1871-W Axrmt. Price 45 ; without table, 3S Five Hundred. SOU) IK OREGON For tho Year 1871 ! Ha r amitf eaa Afford to b Without Oat. The wneee oi ne. iwi' . . -."j: without a rival on this iaat. nar. wlio now iwe pronounce them to Be nncrpouieu tur muiuj EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED. TIM BUCKEYE makea the Iltch. other mw hlne, therefore are lew mux . get out oi oruer. OLD HORSE SALE. rpilE FOLLOWINO LIST OF O. H. PACK 1 aaes remainlnjt on luind lu lite Albany Expnss office, over one year, unclaimed, will Ik sold a publicanetion.nt . BAf a store In talaelty, on the USUI day of February neat, . .- 1. 1-, . i.l, 1,1.. r fir nsh ionic Adibwaed to Packaire, ....fjP- JJSrSJnSaalln i'" . . T II funffh. ?S5ta C.O.P., $10.00" : : W A llawwiic Albany, Jan. 13, 7Md BlackaiaithlnK ANU - General Repair Shop. THE rNPERSItiNEII IIAVl.NT. 1!E turnvl to Albany, and taken his old ..i......... i. !,..,' ..r L-u.....i I c..,..,,l streets, announces his reailiiicrt to attend IO Ull KIIH19U1 BLACKSMITIIING. MILL ft MACIUNR HHWm, ETC. Also, lias m band and for sale, tlio COQUIXXAItD WAGON, Strayor Force-Iced GRAIN DRILL, STAR MOLMSE, OABTSTBSL, id other PLOWS, USVE HE A 4 ALL. which tw Till sell on the most rensonaUlo terms. Mountain Balm. rl THE AFFI.I(!TEI) WITH f OUfiJIS a... 1.- I airTaaottt An till". RVMCIH " nJany w.tovelnW UZ. iiecoiniuenucu j . -i.(. th country, anuinr mHjujr ... Pramrra and sold by linimJ 8. K. RAYMOyt). All work entrusted to me will recetvo irompt attention, and lie executed in the x'st Hmaibl manner, w ith (.'laid material. A abate of public patronage is solicited. Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second streets, opposite Pleruo's Forry. 10v4 F. WOOII. - " . WANTED, iflGKTi To soli the. BUCKET, the bcrt and only tow-PTiee11 "lr""-' Machines slilppefl to any part of the coast upon receipt of prtoa. j For further parttauara enquire or au- - ,i,,'m' ro.. Gen. Antifor'lrlooast dress HAVWO FI BCHABEO TIIR INTER ,,of. W. YonngTnlho ncliverr Boalne, , am rX 8k fRH PI. :... 19mH SAWS, UWxnrtA Planer MMtna Marhlnei, Mortirrt, and every description of Wood MuMnff Ifnclilnerv Planing Mill ui L piles. Address.. BIMUII JMllK.UItY ft ri.Al r., flMStW9 Machinery lx it, 1110allfornta-8t.,8an Francisco. IrfSUBAMCB COMPANY. AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF itintw.tmnf the 1'iitnn InsunnoeCo.. of San Francisco, an assessment of forty five per eonL was levied to repair tlie capi tal stock, payable forthwith. This aasejss- .... . I . . .1, I,. mem, iwuih iiiwto with the lav, under the direction of the Hiare Insurance Commissioner, and also airraeably with tho wishes of the directors ana Mooaooiuw " . ""i",i i-"--the Union In a position, not, only to con- linnv in iuc iiigiH.. i.i ....".,". also tn assume a dlstim u Isln d place amona American Insurance Compantea. 9vml ALiB-KTY Laid OH! & Soap MANUFACTORY. anE UNDERSIGN K D HAVING ( (1M 1 pletodaudput lu good mnnlng order tlieir new Lard Oil and Soap Manufactory. in the city of AHmuv, are prrnirl to pui UK.. ilu. oauli nilo oil tiw. UW IIIV uiSia " . inn.-, liasn M. P. JONES, Auctioneer, 18 llAUSBY, OREGON. y4 Ho4j, Baacld Butter, Soup Greaae, delivered to them In this city. They arc now manufacturing and have on band Fanei Toilet and Common Soaps, in great variety-warraatcd equal to tltc best In market, which tliey offer to t las trade at the moat reasonable rales. Orders rospecuiuiy souciieu. aau mo tion guaranteed. HTPiirttobBvllil? Hors, Rancid nutter, or Ureato Of any kind, for sale, w Ul do well to give us a calf. io give CAnT,VRRJHT A CQ. S0V.ll,lW0Vt