t1 i J-.J VOL IV. ALBANY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 9, 1872. NO. 23. a MM T5 kr rrt)Ml!KI I'.VKISY SATI BIUY, ! By COLL. VAX CLEVE, IN HEOISTER BUILDINGS, Corner ferry unit fim Strrett. BUSINESS CARDS. TERMS On year Hj lainllH Hmgle topic ADVANCE. Three dollars. Two dollar. Ton cciil. ADVKRT1S1XU ItATKS. TraiiMrnt advertisement, per iuiinre of toll line or less, tlrst lnscrlloii fi; raeh subsequent Insertion 11. Larger adver tisements Inserted on Ihc most liberal term I, JOHN CONNER, BA'N'KTNO AND Exchange Office, Indian Mntrli I'Ol'M M BS. A Thrilling- Mhwia Incident r j Aaron About contributes Interesting j sneteins irom tnc riains to the riilla , dclphia PhM. This is one of them : AMMlXY, OMKMKI. I Another Instance of tin attachment of a maid of tin forest to a white man, l.i worthy of relation In this connec tion. An oinccr had a very fine horse, ; of which a petty ( row chief took a JOO work.- I) ninwii .., tvne.lo.k of col- a""S v.Ti.,bu . f'V.ni..;. Ltiihnr ete. w aim Aoir torn, lor unt loweai rare. wlltiKs.ctird.a "'Ordon h)Iilci,il..e o.llloniim.lciiilnniJniir7vnmiitod. nr. are prepared to egcentea Tiindsof print. inn- In n lielter imiinior. anil flflv 1KT cent I ..."H. ..' .1.7. .1... iu, i', ..... ff..r.r In IkU MHO, V 1 n i gin, I , .l uviu,u v." - j cuy. IVED Sl-BJECT TO 9postilHill. nn r pui veal rati unrren Refers to II. W. nrbctt, Henry Failing, KPOMTS BK t nix hi Interest allowed r.xcnnngc on r Spindle was a new arrival. Tin camp, with customary propriety liad diihlied hliu thU because In was no slim. On tin same principle hU awk wardness soon gave hliu notoriety. N'or this only ; like One-eyed Tom, Spindle made one of tin happiest hits. Young, passionate, elated beyond degree with tlie snlendor of his nros- jk'cU, it was no surprise tliat In should 1 court Iln pale-faced gamblers, who . "h-sister Is IhetnmihM uHtol ;.i,.f were tin aristocrats o.ln cam,,. It , toURiSKSf Willi I in xi, ....!,. r tlmf llmv shmi , ill. . , ". ""'(".V1 "'"l cow hi, amYdetermine to j salt" him. Play? No. no; futile & uZm tin 'ltri dkriiotnlavi lno.ilvwimeintow.itdi I ,2Lll . 'rV.",?Lfea,ri,5 I he game : "it tnatfanstttbiir tlnre ' .YE "T-BJTW HP" f PW ? fainy. I lie .Crow offered tin officer twice tin value ot tin animal, but, liv ing use for Mm. tin officer, would not As a last resort, the Indian said : rs Agent fur ttie ItegUter. The following gentlemen ro authorized to receive and receipt for milMcrlptloim, advertising, etc., for Hie RtxjiSTEii: Jliram smith. Harrisbiirg. U P. Tompkins, lluirlsbnrg. l'cter Hume, Brownsville. W. U. Kirk, Brownsville. K. K. Wheeler, hclo. ' T. II. Itrtnold, Hnlcin. L. V. Fisher, Son Francisco. 1 1. P. Porter. Shcdd' station. Fletcher ft Wells, lliiena Vista, I'olk Co (has. Mckell, Jacksonville. Hanking hours from S A. 51. to ( P. H. Albany, Feb. 1, bj7l-iiv3 BUSINESS UAllDS. MARBLE WORKS. 1IOXROE & StmiOER, Dealers In Monnments, Obelisks, Tombs, Ilcad and Foot Mom-, D. B. RICE, M. ., rhlrlnn and J-nrg. m. Albany, Or. wFFH'K OX THE SOfTII $101 OF MAIN" street. Anru, Wgg 0 . ft. ll ROM HAS ON IIAN1I ANI PONWAXTI.Y recelviuK n tarse stock of Uroeerles mid ProvMos Wood and willow wniv, tolmcco, cigars, con feet lonery, Yunkce not (oils, etc., etc., wholesale and retail, opposiie It. t'. Hill ft Son's dniit mow, Allwny, Oregon. Iv4 i. it. MITI tll'.I.I,. 1. B. DOI.I'II. MITCHELL Ac DOLPII, Attornrj-s nud Votimclora at Ijiw, L'l.ICITOSINaiANt'KHYANIPKOC tiir.i In ndiiilmlty. office over the old IHt office, Front street, Portland, Oregon. , 1 j. r. eoWKMk. u rhiKx. POWELL & I MS, Attorney and CoanaelosMi tl Ins, AND SOMCITORB IN CIIAM'EBY (I.. Fllnn notary public), Albany, Oregon. ( 'olloctloiis niul conveyaMcee iHvmptly at tended to. j. . I California, Executed In Vermont Marble. and Italian SALEM, OREGON". BHAM'II NliOl AT AUUSr. J. DOW. a CBAXIC ROW Sc CRANE, - Dealers In Boots, Shoes, and Finding ALBANY, OKEUON', TXVTTF. THE ATTEXTIOX OF TnE i 1 public to their full stock of the latest in dw tait, nloue. '-Try it; doitWo your stake on threes, triple It on a full, " aakl a pltusant taviKi fellow, who was raking In a hiiMlretMugfor more; SpliMlle ns fneliintr to listen." "Tell von what to do," said the ratmbler. continuing, "go uie lailves for an hour itial see how you conn out."' ' sIIe did so. At fin end of tin hour ' In hud won a "stake" oAseventl thmunnd dollars. Spindle was fascinated. "I will doub le this to-morrow night," said In, mentally, as In left tin gambler's tent. He doubled it. This must be trip-U-sl." said Spindle, as In sought tin tent again; two nights afterwards it was t rippled. Spindle means to break or be brokeu," said tin bystanders one ttiirht, about a week after his original venture. "Look at the dust In U bet ting." He is, indeed, betting heavily. Tin rattlesnake liascliarmcd lilin. Bet after bet, till tin winnings have left him ; bet after bet until his earnings are all gom till tin last "slug" is up, and In has but a single sight for ft. Woe to Mm, for lie wins .' The tide is floating again, and Spindle Is even. "stile, sale, in remarks, nettiuir a hundred slugs as a "blind," oil the strength of 111 confidence. Oin by one the cauls go round to tin players. Spindle does not look at his, but gath ered them under his hand ou the table. "I see your 'Wind" and go you a hun dred better." It was "Kaglenose" who spoke "Kaglenose, tin lucky." Spin dle looks at Ills cards. He has a first class liaml four aces only will beat him. Kaglenose can liave but three ..e.l, . I. . . ..... public to their full mock of the latest oi uiu.i, ior in.'. ki one on me ootioiii styles In gentlemen's anil youth's boot, i of the pack as Itn gambler laid tin cams on tin table; tin-gambler meant v. II. cit.vxon. . n. iirxrtini v. Notary Public. CKAVOK & IIVRPRIIEY, Attorney nnd 'ounsilorm at I.a, ALBANY, OREliOX. Ofnov In ParrUh brick, tip stairs, .let f ' " VDI'ATK OF CINCIX- j imti Dental College. luaieH Nevril Jvctectnff Jut jotiI ii tittiln uf Vlalrtft r Ar hlkhU Teiih. dlao. does AM. work in the line of his pitifesxlun in the liest and most approved met hod. and at as reasonable rates us ran lie had elsewhere. XltroiiKOjiidc administered lor Hie pain less extinct Ion of teeth if desired. Ofllce in Parrlsh brick block, up lalrs. Residence llrsihou.se soul hofCongn-gatloiialelmrch, fronting on court house block. jT-J-ls W. . JIOIES, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC FHTMSUN. OFFICE ON" F1UST STREET. OX K door west of llrou;lalbln, in Rurkhart "s two story brick upstairs), over (ieo. TurrellN sloit!. ItKUiiKxcK -Corner Sixth and Fer ry streets, Albany, Oregon. I6-71 LEFFEL HVERS' WaterWlaoels SrHKRICAL FLl'MKS, And Uenernl Mill Mnehlnery. J. FBAtKEXSTO, Agent, filv J Albany, Oregon. swaea, gaiters, oxford ties, etc., etc., as well as to the very latest thing out In the line of Indies" and misses' gaiters, huluiomls, Newport ties, Antoinette buskins, and ninny otlmr new and fashionable styles, just received at the City Boot Store, which tliey a lii sell as rapidly as they can And purchasers who wish flrst-closs goods at the most reasonable rates. They reweot fnllv Invite you to coip and see their stock. Boot, shoes,ctc.,miror repaired to order, and of work warranlnL CITY BOOT STORE, FIRST STREET, Flint door Went or "eg later Unlldg. 47vj CITY MARKET, FIRST KTHEET, AI.liAN X, ORaWOX, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, WU.L ENDEAVOR TO KEEP COX slant ly on hand a full supply of AM. KINDS OF NEATH, Which will lie of Ihe very best niiallty. The highest market price paid for beeves, hogs and sliecp. Third door west of Fcrrv, on south side of First alrect. J. L. HARRIS. Albany, Dee. U, ls71-13v4 that In should sec it "I see your bet ami raise you a hun dred better," replied Spindle. Kagle nose is uncertain. He looks wistfully at tin gold, furtively at bis antagonist, and very carefully at the cards m his hand. -He wait, he" weakens, "said Spindle to hltnsclf. "I Untight he nits Mulling."' Spindle does not see tin smile on tin face of tin bystander at the I sick of tin gambler, or he would think very differently. Hising from tin rough stool on whlcli he sits, Kagle nose steps oack in tin tent ami opena JsStflfntv acecnted. The idrt was with S fhsiant rmrtloii of tha trBw. atnittoe dtfettt okee set out to fitalher. In two weeks lie rvtuhnti, accompa- nicuuvii inn, weu-nrmeu young wo man, whom In iBtrothiceii to tin ofli cer as his sister. Tin horse was deliv ered, and tin chief bid the girl remain with Inr proper owner, but by special arrangement sin was allowed to de part with her brother, tin officer say ing In would call for her by and by. lie no doubt thought In had done a meritorious act and gratified tin girl, but tin sequel to the a ffai r proved ntlnr wise. In a few days the chief called to deliver tin beaVer skins and say that his sister "was anxious to set her fu ture husband." To please Inr, and at the same time apologize for his seem ing neglect, tne officer nought at tin sutler's store a large quantity of beads and several yards of squaw cloth and red flannel, and sent them to the In dian girl by her brotlair. So pleased was she by these trifling present that sin sent a special runner to the fort to thank her future lord for his kind thought of Inr. Tin officer now fan cied that In was rid of her, and had discharged all obligations she could possibly have upon hlin. Imagine then his surprise a few evenings after wards, when he was riding near the Indian camp, a tall, tine girl, dressed fat a robe ornamented with a profusion of rod, blue and black beads, suddenly appeared In tin road in front of his horse, and halted him. Adtiingtlnofflcerslnsaidi "For many days I have waited for yen, but you have not come for nn. Accord ing to tin laws of our tribe I am your wife, but I have in husband. My brother tells me tin white man has laws of his own, and that when you are pleased yon will semi for me ; wit tin young women in the village say you think I am deformed or no louger a makU "See," sin said, suddenly re moving Inr robe and drawing it about Inr loins, "they lied ; I am not de formed, and my brother and my whole tribe can testify tlutt I am a maid." Tin sicbt that ureeted his eves was not a modest one, but the child ot tin foret seemed all unconscious of her shame. As she stood tlnre her beauty j glowing in tin ray of tin setting sun, t more lady did not conceal Inr preference in tin matter, ami plainly Indicated tint sin desired to remain With Inr first purchaser, but, as she had no right to object, she had to submit. It is said sin sent her brother twice to remon strate with the white man against selling Iter, ami begged hlni fry the tore me mire mm to Keep inr lor i wire. But the soldier was resolved., ami the warrior became tin possessor of an un willing bride. The II rat Pair of Moot. "O. mother! mayn't I have some bodTs?" exclaimed little Summer li as he bounded Into tin lug cabin where Mrs. H sat sewing, trying so hard to make new clothes out of old. "Do say) may, 'cause I. eland, Ives lata got some, anu t m almost as om as in is. the atiUmi of 185T, tint terrible year lor emigrants. "Money! money! Dear me, I wish I was mailt! of money. Hut can't vou think of any way yon can get some. ?" Poor mother, she had thought until sin was disy-beaded. "Isn't tlnre any way I can earn some?" and the little four-year old straightened himself up proudly. "Yes," sin said, finally ; "You may sell all the eggs yon can And in tin corners of tin fences " He was off before sin could finish the sentence. Three hours afterward In came back flushed with tatigtn, but so happy ! Ho had found a dozen, and had carried them to town a mile across tin prairie, and returned with a dime! "How many of them will it take for a dollar and a half?" "Fifteen." "O. dear ! Well, if the bens don't stop laying, I'll get my boots though!" Fifteen times that little Hawkeye boy t rudged across tin prairie with his down of eggs then In aatne back, 0, how proudly ! for in bis bands were bis tirst pair of boots. He did not wear tlwm for a week, but he carried them wherever In went ; he ate with tlmn ; he played with them ; In show ed them to every neighbor ; they were in his anus when In said his prayers ; tiny were in his arms when he went to sleep. Tin first pair of boots! Will anything in may earn in manhood give him so much pure joy ? Guiding Star. Hvaomiim. An interview wltft a mt tie U assign- eu us nm arose oi a Aiissourutu s death. An exchange inquires "Why is ait Infant like a fish ?'( We suppose It U because It is a sinker. -Horace Greely wrote: "Women manage most of tin public libraries in Massachusetts," and the compositor read it: "Women now worry most of their public babies by mastication-" Christ iansbiirg. Va is in eestacies over a venerable turkey goblber who lias buildod for himself a neat awl U now gravely sitting upon fortr apple. It is presumed that his action is In tended as a grave sattire npou tin wo man's rights business. "Mat m MKL lit S .wnraimn w a i34. A7r2rJZ1m?.' oiiipeition, wfnu he , j"" . r :. .t . ' ,w. ?, -.i saw. i a strong wooden cue, i wo nags ot ; K ttaught he had mver seen .liit Inl'Dii fwm If -mil Hm iMin. I - . . . - . . .v. i - nerieot picture ot lemaie loveliness, bier staggers under the heavy load, as tterbosdm heaving with excitement. In brinpittoward the table. Spindle hler eyeg shining Tike diamonds, tin sees a $10,000 mark ou each of them. mock .mrU Hrml hn nwk aml Bet vou them ere thiuirs," says ' i,.i i. .,:.,. .,,i ,., i,.i .,-,, Kaglenose. as In lays tin two bags mndc uor swln VenH as wlt, with tin other gold. It is now Spin- bluslilng etliontrv sin exposed Inr vo luptuous ligure to tne era or a Jr. c. ni:Mi:ti t.i.i., Notary Public, REAL ESTATE A I VSI BAt'E AUE.VT, AI.BAKY, OREIiON. RESTS ( :OI.I.ECTEDA'DTA XE8 PAID for now rcMdCnt and other, maklmr out i-eal estate paper, etc. Olllee one door almve telegraph offlec. 3Uvt die's turn to hesitate. Om it he that In has tin other ace ? Xo, In will not think It ; but wliat shall he do ? He had not money enough to "call" him. He dins not wish to do this ; it would In cowardlv. "Ila!"' says Spindle, "I have it now ; I will Ixrt my claim and the few thousand l man. Poor child of nature.' She knows no harm, and driven to madness by tin taunts of her companions who told Inr her future husband believed her de formed, took tills extraordinary meth od ot convincing mm that she was a 20 DOLLARS A DAf TO MALE AND FEMALE AOEXTS, To Introduce the celebrated S2S.OO Buckeye Hewing Ituebine. OTITfll ALIKE OX BOTH SIDKS. AND f theory shuttle sewtnic ruafahw In the I n Itnd states licensed to iw t lie celebrated Wilson ftsul Mild for lew titan (to, and m-k-IHWWWM By nil to be the laist fimillv e-. lux nioeliiiie, for lilt or lieu v v sewlnff, in the market. Outfit five. Address E. E. MIN ER ft CO., lien. Agt., MvJtf Allnny, Oregon. Albanjr Collefiate InatltHtc, ALBAXT, OBEUOX. 'Pins IN'STITI TIOX WILL REOPEN" OX L Uoiidny,Heptembor4, ls7l, withaeoriia of teachers ramble and earnest, instruc tion will lie tnoroiiftli and pmeticnl. and t ho s v stem of order unsnrissed. For rar tleuInrHaddross R. K. WARREN", A. M., President; Or, Rev. E. It. UKABV, D. D.. Albany. The Eye I Tb. . Eur j have left 1 ncrlWt u-omnii. (hiii-l.lv lliniulim her against his pile, if it only be large I robe around Inr shoulders, sin darted enough." This to himself, 'linn to 1 to the woods, and a moment after- Lflgienose. "onats jour prier' wards In saw inr black tresses glcam "There are five more bags in tin 1 ing among the trees as she hastened to cnest, sato me gnmoicr ipiicuv , i the village. I'eiliaps she expected her "what do you do?" "Bet my Halm husband to follow lierand claim inr as against your pile," said Spindle, in-1 his brhle, as is olteu doin among tin tensely excited. Indians, who have to catch their wives Tin hot was taken. Spindle threw ; after marriage ; hut, if so, sin was his cards on tin table w itlia half para- doomed to disappointment, for he gnl Ivzed motion ami a 6ce whiter than foped back to the fort deeply perplexed tin tent nlwve him four queens and at tin trouble he had aot himself into. Mrs. Lambert's Demoralized Cow.-uice Mrs. O'Leury's cow got her name in tin jnrs, the whole envi ous bovine family are cutting up di does to secure an equal notoriety. The latest exploits are by a cow belonging to a Mrs. Lambert of Bay city, Michi gan.; Kxploritig the back yard ou a recant evening she put her bead into n barrel which sin couldn't get off, and becoming very much frightened at her condition, sin blindly forced her way into the wood-shed, thence into tin kitclnn, and theuce Into tin diuliur- rooin of tin house, becoming all. the while more furious. From this room she made Inr wav into tin oat-Ior. throwing down and trampling under foot everything that came in Inr way. Mrs. Lambert aroused Inr husband, win arose, but finding be could do nothing, went for help. Tin cow next rushed Into tin bed room where Mrs. Lambert, with a lit tle baby occupied a bed, and another : little child, a crib in front of it. Tin enraged animal mounted the bed, but ' help arrived, and not an instant too ' soon. I In window was raised from Mid, "la; an animal with four legs, ww in cneu cunier. Iln following notice, printed on colored card boards with a nice bow dcr, haiigs up In a place of business In Home, Hew York: "Mebba rnn don't petter had loaf rount here; veil you don't go some peesnlss, ain't Iff" "Yon are beautiful, and I adore you ;,' said a gentleman to the belle of the evening. "For my ram. I hate you and think you frightful ." she re torted. "I believe yon. you frank girl. "You don't tell polite fobehoods like me." The Queen of Madagascar 1 re ported sufficiently civilized to wear hoops. Our own native Indians lev ve hod war whoops for some time, and they've got ou the skirts of dvUiadiou besides. There is no truth in tin report that Horace Greely has' organized n compa ny of iron-founders and protectionists for tin pnrposa of raising monkey wrenches from apes. "You flatter me," said a thfn ex quisite tin other day to a young lady who was praising the beauties of hh moustache. "For Heaven's sake ma' am," Interposed an old skipper, "don't make that nwnkey any flatter tlmn he Is!" Down-east tiny have again caught that shark which lias a gold ring in his stomach only tills time the Down casters ought to decide whether the ring belongs to tin shark, or tin shark, like other sWlcs, belongs to the ring. Some girls will never learn to re strain tin natural impulse of their na ture. A minister was baptising a girl at Kipon, Wis.; and wlnn In hod sub merged Inr, and come out of the wa ter, ne asked Inr how she felt In mind. Her answer was, "Alt turnkey, only a little wet." "Why are you like an annual, my darling?" said a saucy- lover, winding bis arm around Harriet's waist. "I cannot say. Why?" "Because you are handsomely bound." "Indeed!" said Harriet. "Wbv. then, am I like a law book V "1 give it up." "Because I am bound in calf. " At a trial not long since one of tin witnesses, an old lady of some eighty years, was closely questioned by tin opening counsel relative to tin clear ness of her eyesight. "Can you see me?" said lie. "Yes," was answer ed. "How well can yon see me?" persisted tin lawyer. "Well enough," responded the lady, 'to see that you 're the outside, and a neighbor attempted : ueuinra Aegro. an Indian, noragen- bc barrel gave him a j "emau. i nc answer Drought ALBANY BOOK STORE. tMakllahrd In I MM. E. A. Freclaiid, 1 E A I.ER Ut EVERY" VARIETY OF if lnlHccUaiioons books, school hno DB. T. L. GOLDEN, oculist nnd Anrlst, Albany, Oregntai. m old o' GOLDEN" IS A , son of the noted inlhnlmle doctor. S C I1..I.1..,, Dr. (iolden has hud experience in t rent In the various discuses to which t he eye and inr are subject and feel confident of giving entire wtfadhctlon to nunc n nomay place tncmeivo anncr his earo. April 18, 68. blank books, stationery. trM,ivi in noon nonce. Allmny, Dec. J, 1870. Hooks Importe TUBN1NG TVBNING. T AM PREPARED TO DO ALL Kllf IW 1 of turning ; keefroa hand and make to order mwhlde-bettomed chair, and spin nhig wheel. Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." JOIIX M. MKTiri-ii Albany, Nov. 8, ISSfcJ DB. E. O. SMITH, DENTIST, HAB MHJATKO IN AL lny, and i now ready to wait on the citizens of Al bnnyand vlelnlty.wltli a m w Invention In denial work. It eonilxts In suilKortlnu I ho Dlate to the mouth wlthrao covering the whole roof, a heretofore. Those wishing artlflekd teeth an request, od to can and examine for thatnaalvc. Also, plate mended, whether partially broken or divided. Teeth, extracted with out pain. Offlco over TurreUti store. All work warranted. 7v4 Paper-hanglag, leeminlng, Decorotliiff, Ac. I- M. WADSWORTH will give prompt 1 . attention to all orders for Paper hanirliig. Caleemlnlng. Deearathur. Ac. In this city or vicinity. AU -work osnolod I.. .1... ,.., I,, ih. ku . Ill l ill Hllvn. i-ljl". itl lllv WMnwilimijlim at lowest living rate. BfrOrder left at Furniture. Wnrcroomsof CUas. Mettle v will rccelvo prompt ntteiitkin. Ml a king. Kaglenose filed his off, one by one three aces, a king, anu an ace. Not a word was spoken by either, and Eavlcuosc had no reason for so doiiur. A few momenta afterwards tin mined mlinr sniggered to the door of tin tent Kissed out into tin moonlight, and tin earne goes on as ever. Half an hour later, Spindle sat In Ids tent alow. Before him was tin picture of a fair, sweet fcice, that Iwtl won his love a few years back. No Watyitii him weep while he watches tin ploy of light in (hose eloquent eyes. You could step in, and step heavily, too, without startling him. He is lost in reproachful tlnoght, lead ing down to despair. All tliat be had hoped to do was vanished. Last, night rich In gold, to night bankrupt. Why, then, should he live? He (an hear the roar of tin Yuba as It tumbles over Iln cliff only a mile above him. Ifc steps out Into tin omnalr: the cataract irllmmers in the distance, and tin sound of Its waters soothes and fascin ates Mm. Nobody will miss him; why should In hesitate? He moves toward it with eacer bounds and determined purpose. Up the rocky hill nn, nn. nu. till he stands on tin edge of the precipice, far above tin fall. He looks at the white tents in tin distance ; hate Is blazoned on every one of them. He looks at tin white spray, far, far, below him : a hundred pliantouis beseech blm to come to tlnm. A pause, for au instant only, a whispered something was It a prayer? A quick, terriblo lean, tlnn the same moonlight as before shone on the flower-clad hills wound, ou the white tents of tin sleeping camp, ami on the whiter face of the cataract. Oterland Monthly. In a few days the chief called on the officer to learn his intentions toward his sister. Tin chief said his strange conduct had brought disgrace iifnn the whole family, awl in urged the officer to claim Ids bride or give some satis factory explanation ot ins uelay tn a mailer so important. The officer sa hi it was agalust tin rules of tin array for soldiers to nave innuiu wives, ami in could not think of making so line a girl a concubine. Tin latter part of the argumcit Uia not particularly Im press Hie young chief, and In insisted upon delivering tin girl to her proper owinr, saying the officer could do as he pleased with her afterwards. ven as a divorced wife sin could have some honor in her tribe, but in bar present status sin could wit her many uor be given in marriasrc to anv one else. An old frontiersman who was appealed to, finally solved tin matter by declar ing tlmt, under iln rules of tin tribe, the officer could himself sell the girl to anyone he might wish, a Indian wives were an article of merchandise. It was known a young warrior was very fond or tin girl, and the officer ap pealed to him to take his Italia n bride off his hands. ' The warrior was will ing enough, but objected to tin doubt ful status oi tne gin in inr trim. Jiy and by. lie said, when tin soldier waa tired of Inr, In would bur Inr, but un til sin had been acknowledged as the wife of the soldier he could not Inter fere ; besides he did not have at present any horse to give for her. After much explanation, tin affair was settled by the officer buying a pony and fwesent inir it to aiiothcrofflcer, who presented it to the warrior, win, In turn, gave It to enter, when tin blow which knocked hliu back against tin fence. The children were at last secured and passed through tin wln do'v, and Mrs. Ijimk'it soon followed. Tin door of the bed-room was then closed and tin cow left to herself. She Anally became soothed, and walked out after demolishing all the nice furn iture in tin lower part of tin house. Sjm'njileld J!fj,uJilltvti. A steamer on t he Sacramento recent ly rescued three Chinamen who laid found a tenunrary abiding place in tin top of a big tree which had not been completely covered by the s wool en stream. They were bine with cold and their stomncins were painful con cavities. As the elder of tin trio and possessor of tin most gigantic queue remarked, wlnn warming himself hi front of tin steamer's furnace : "Too muclne heap cold ; too miichee water no tco niuclne glnb. Three day no eotee nothing. Hum !" A few days since a singular fracas took place hi Piinville, Monroe coun ty, Alabama. Enoch Hlley and Jcbi al Cotton, two aged and respected cit izens, at tin bead of two of tin largest and best families of the county, nurs ed a little difficulty till tlnv nnt om day, each armed with a double-barrel ed shot-giin. Mmultainouslv tlnv tired, killing each other instantly. The executors of tin estate of the late Thadcus Htcvens liave at last con tracted for the erection of a handsome granite monument, w ith marble tab lets, over his grave in Lancaster, Pa. It is understood tint their delay In the matter has been occasioned by the ex pectation lint either tin colored peo ple of the United States or the public school children of Pennsylvania would raise a memorial to him. If man or woman wishes to realize tin foil power of personal beauty, It must be by dierishlng noble hopes ami purpose ; by having Something to do and something to lire for, which Is worthy of humanity, atal which by expaiKttng the capacities of the soul, to tlnofflecr, ami In changeirright, elves expansion a, vmmetry to tin deed oik! title to tin Indian girl. The I body which contains Itf-f Mow. down tne house. Our Major, says an old Mexican vol unteer, laid very long feet, and also a horse tint threw every one but tin Major. One evening the Major's serv ant was out ou tin parade ground with the horse, and, as usual, got thrown off. when oneoftheborsspoko tin. and said : "I know n-hv llw Iiok ilon'f thnniir Ilia VI.,!,... " 1... " w nu-" ,ai, , T , , was asked by a down or more. "Well, yon see tin Major's got such long feet that the horse thinks he's in sliafts." A Mrs. Bradley, of Tomah, Wiscon sin, found a baby upon her door-step tin other evening, with a card pinned to its clothes, which read: "I com mend my little darling to your care, Mrs. B. Please call her Madge Ar mlldn. Please never give Inr stimu lating drink of any kind In Inr food, for that came near killing her, and cold water was all that saved Inr life. Please let her food be made of cream, loaf-sugar and boiling water. Moth er." . A mouse In Belfast. Maine, was found recently frozen stiff upon a hammer. Investigation allowed tint In picking up something that lay on tin Iron head of the hammer, the tongue of the mouse had frozen to it, and being unable to get away, it had died. It is understood that Mr. Greeley, If Invited to do so, will soon deliver be fore tin Royal Society au address oft "cryptogamio palingeneees." ' . . i i The quantity of beer maiiu&ctttred in New Jersey last year gives twoaial one-half barrels to every man, woman and child iu the Commonwealth. I I " A MMilgander passes his time In contemplating two tons of honey which be has marketed the past year. . m If yon have a good bnslwss adver tise and keep It. if not advertise and get It. Life Is a maladay which sleep oases every twenty-four hours. The richer a man m ikes his food the poorer In makes his appetite.