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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1872)
Half a dozen younl men wow ;gatli- ,-red in one of ttlOSe iiaiigrroiis ivuiw !., nlaiws whieh are to ix- found al S4 everywhere- a "ff- .. i..,.,. iftiuf article of trade ls tunc kili- Hie reason mil destroys The time Wtm yean since, and at that dav nearly every tboD wbleh deall to nn confectionery and tjAx inii an unnamed dciiartnieiit. ,i..',r im.-i of tin- wrolifc were made. If thf latter trade was not niw with the exMlMf laws tu accord- . those who i,iS .ivix iitiiut of these laws never could lie convinced that tiiey were , violated sufficiently to justify pro-ecu-; tl-lll l", . v. ....... ---- - - Hon. r -r ; Young men gathered at these places ,,r .-..lAit to nasj sorta nnurs, aim oraal were tin- evil results which spread frOUl such gathering at such mpted, even w hen in the midst of , Kut all VOIIUIE men coiuu uoi wi- Midi evil lidiueueos, as our siury is show, i All of the members of this party of which w e have spoken were smok ing, save one. He was a tall well-built young man, decidedly handsome, and iutellhjeut in appearance. The full glow ot early manhood was upon him, and his clear open features poke of honesty and truth of purpose. Beside him. satanower. aiewyeurs older than himself, and very different , 'vcvv fgw days passed over hlshead hut in appearatioe. W'ith a jfew more the social glass passed to his lips, lint years and the culture they would ' the slill young wife was more bring.' it was evident he would degen- ! than ever alarmed, ami as lie was crate into the mere ''return." whose about to leave tlie house for the first natural jiosilioii and otvupitiou would tiUie sllice his injuries she threw her-M- in and around such places as he now j scjt- K.side Mm and pleaded still more trequented. i eamestlv that he would not again Rising to his feet and throwing j yehl to temptation, asid.' the piece of cigar he had been "Try to lie strong try to resist smoking, he remarked : rwir appetite,"' she said, clinging to "t'ome up, A I tx? n. aim nave a gnos j of ale.' " Xo ale for mr thank you,'' the ! yomig man replied. oti ileedn't lie cost'insr vou anything. afraid of it s ' was the in- ; ailting rejoinder. ybn needii t pay for anything, only Step up and hare a glass. The votiusr Hums Lice uiHhki, nut he sisike very calmly when lie awered : I it' y n think me stingy or afraid of my inonev. I will pay tor the cigars, ! though I 'never smoke, or anything else you may call for except drinks. , I never do that." "Come along a glass ot ale won't hurt vou.'- i still Albert Bruce refused. s0 firmly ; yet so kindly, that any one in posses-! sion of his natural lease!) would have j Keen the fbtty Of urging him further. ! But Oalvin ilarwood liad been drink-1 ing pretty freely, and grasping tte l rouns man hv tlie arm he dingged i him toward tlie counter, tevtee: You nse me mean. Albert, and md ! I'll nnnr if von won't drink with me . .1.. ,.:. n m.iic , 'ii. -tingle ensued. Calm nerve- and ft clear heart prowd the better poaaea nion. and Brace was about breaking loose from his antagonist when tlie latter delt him a serious blow full in ine lace. The Young man bad not schooled himself to hear such tivatment very patteotiy, ami lth a single imrtrftil blow . he sent the lialf-druuken fellow. sUmuetl and bleeding, beneath one of the screens at the other end of tlie de partment. llarwoisl was a r.ivorue anioni; in associates, because he hada habit when 011 hi- ilriinkcii sprees, ot whipping them soundly, andtbevdid not nun to sit idle w hen he was in wor-t of a bargain he h ing the iseil had made. Two or three rushed ttioii Albert, but tbev might as well have attacked an enraged lion. Straight out from the shouldrr lie struck, and eveiy blow tent an adversary to the floor, until then.' was none who eared to continue the stritg; Adjusting his hat ami nodding a sergeant; already, and I will be am pleasant good evening tothe bar-keep- titi7iis for your sake, and for the sake t-r. he moved towards the door. , 0f my manhood." I'll have you arrested for this : nts ambition availed not. row," tliat worthy remarked, with a Oua review-at H'rtslibjgtoii, adrimk tlolefifl glance at the bruised and bleed-Ln oitk rly sei-gtant was siripis-d of his big visages of those left behind. ! chevrons in the presence of ten thou- Xo, I do not think you will," win sm,j f his fellow soldiers, and sent the calm answer. " ine revelation- made before a court of justice would j not lie creditable to you." Then with a vow intent wttn meauing. he said : j ...... ...11 T t,,'n ' seen too much, of the evil effects ol uriiiK. ano no man imiiir o i :u: me to touch the DoisOttOUS stuli'.'' Colonel Bliss lad invited lialf a dozen choice friends to spend a social evening at his home. Among the number was Albert Bruce. Colonel Brace was a man of much property, who lived in the best style ills means would allow, and affected a high regard for fasluonable follies. Thi- particular occasion was the bhth dav of his daughter Amanda, a beail titUl and fascinating girl, now just, eighteen, and the belle of the vicinity. The evening passul rapidly with music, cards and conversation, until a ul hustle in and out of the room was followed byrefreshineiits. These, of tours-, from the Colonel's ultra fashionable ideas, consisting of take and wine. When the tempting glass was pre aeuted to Albert, lie refused at in-t. IJut it was tiie jeweled liand of Amanda Which held it. and her sweet voice who spoke in low, persuasive tone-: Vou will wound me, Albert, If you refu e. It is not bad, poisonous stuff, such as they sell at tlie stores. I made this with my own hand. H c a!e. -avs u e it here, it is so beautiful ::! inspiring. All our ineutis ucre have token tneir glasea ami now you will join them for my sake, will you iirt t you know uiey want to wast me. because this is my birtliday." Albert' was more (nan half In love with her already, ami lie mechanically raise 1 the gla-, repeating as be did so : She made It. ami It cannot lie very hurtful. Then, this is only a rare oet a-inu, and no great liann can come lroiu it to my mind." He drank when tiie sentiment was given, drained Hie glass to tlie bottom, and lowered It with delight. "HoW delicious Hat wine was" 1 mused when in his own mom. " I only drank two glimse. and I never felt so rovally in nil mr life. W hy cannot those poor drunkards, if they .... - .1 mud urniK, save uioir inont-i mm i,- cure such lmnnless leverages as those! ; But Ainaiiila loves ine l know u, auu I am bound to Improve niu It, He was right. Tlie love lie felt was I .,,uf --lbn w-iv lelil Imm'U IUU'ihI I. .ha ,', ., t,;, i'.,ii,f in imiimre H Mill M"i l.twv ...HI 1- , upon it. Ule became a frequent visitor at olonel Bliss' house, (Irani; that Uartll- less Wine as Often, ami muni' course of time led the blushing Amanda to the auar. Fonr years of married nassetl. AHa-rt drink life had tliey home-made wines no longer, lor ne nan iouk since aliandoiied Ills scruples, and now drank anything and eveiyihing which could minister to ids terrible appetite. He was a drunkard ! Often, orten had he come home staggering and niaudlln. but the worst Wa vet tocoiiK One niglit he was brought home, badly bruised and wounded from a street tight. For a day or two his life was almost despaired of. but linallv he amended, and was soon well again Amanda had beiated and entitled , him, before this to forsake tlie way ! i., mtmiiiitf Ami Hd.rt hail id- wavs promised to mako tla' ell'ort ; vet if made it wemed a weak one. for m ill, Vmamhl ,vliv iliil VAI1 nnf'lU waj-s tell me so l''' lie askeil In w ild tones. 'Then I liad not been the thing I am to-day." "Albert) wliat tlo you mean ?" she cnul -t have spoke, and will lim-h now. i,e g, clasping her hand close within his own. "I did not mean to ever Q-laDeak" an accusiim word, hut if. at vonr hirthdav mitherius. von had heed 1 ,y deslj-e to abstidn, yon would vm SUC(i me all tin-. I would have fought rue to the death before I would have yielded. Cut I loved you, Amanda; t did not believe you could do wrong; at your request I drank, Those two gla created an appetite. knew not then its nature but it n il! drag roe down to my grave for aught I know and oh, s'"A a grave.' Amanda, whv did von do it f" The poor womnii tore herself fi-oin her hu-haiid's side, for she knew not wiint she did. and lied to the confines of Ih i- own riKmi. 'fhtowing herself upon her knees, . -lie cried out, In the bitteniega of her ftliguLlL to tliat ioil whom slie nail never bemte approached in prayer. "Oh, l did it all 1 see it now .' It was my work. I have sinned sinned, ami I cannot undo tlie wrong. 0, incrcitui Father: is there no power in Heaven to belli ine ! Albert Iiruce StoDned not in hi- i (lowuward course, 'lhe stroiic man was hut a plaything m the nanus oi tlie demon appetite. The storm of war burst over tlie land. A call was nia'de furvolnnteers, and in a moment of ilritnk.rK patrio tism his nitme was enrolled, lint he j shrank not from the duty, tlmugh j evfrvtliing was left in contusion by ija sudden fJcnarrure. I : i- aiBtlrs Were not and coitld not be suitably j arranged i but he did n it murmur. I Only, as'lie clasped his wife tenderly to his bosom in a final farew ell, he i -aid : In the army I shall be free from temptation. Three years must cine Ihi- dreadful appetite, and if I live. Ammida. I wit! still endeavor to be a i man. I nave oeeu made an onierij mvav, ill disgrace, to the guard-house it u'as Albert. j We pass the degmdatinn and misery ,e endured, j, befbjrti thebtittV of Getty-burg, , . . ...1.. .. ill : ...... n h?ntht ; ,.ni hoSplUl. A furlough could not be obtained, hut he wrote to his wire 01 J V. . ' V his wherealsmt- ; and she sending him "'" PereOUS to temperate a supply of inonev for his eomtort, ll- '- 10 'j arranged her atl'airs to follow It, audi rcmaiii near him till he was obliged 1 A dispatch from ( oriline, t lab, dat again to lvtnrn to duty. edthe2l0tliaay3 Train-are all block- Albert received the money, and It ailed between Miser and lookout. The came to him at a moment when lie i passenger train bound East has la-en was lxilf vrazeil by tlie liipwr he had j lying at .Medicine How since i o clocK Ix en taklng as a medicine. Upon a this morning. Several of tlie engines forged pass he made his way into the I and a large force of men are at the eitv. and for a week remained hidden 1 blockade clearing the track. No in one of the low haunts ot debouch- trains from tlie Last have passed Med cry in a remote (jnarter of tlie town. ', kllK BOAV. Then, his money being gone, he ' .as ' kickcil forth into tiie street, picked up , Chicago raxes foreign Insnrance by tlie provost guards, and woukl have j companies highly, with a view of driv been tried for desertion, had not a J.hlg the business into the hands ofllie higher tribunal summoneu liim. Xext i home companies, ami succeeded im inoi'iiimr he was found to be Miflbrbiff I compllshmg that result. The fire from delirium tremens, and all pos sible attention was given him but In vain. In a few hours the disease bad obtained complete mastery, and then ensued a long night scene of such horror as can tie witnessed nowhere else on ihi- earth. The Kuceeediii" moruintr Amanda reached the city, ami the feelings with 1 whlcli &he hasten! d to lhe hospital may lie iina'dned by those who have Ulet ; very dear friends altera long parting, She hoard the fearful news of bis condition ere she reached his side, but she woukl not M wilhlield. PasbWg j aside tlnise who sou-girt to restrain her she'iirvssefl up to tlii' lone iwich wliere the demon was tearing away tl soul of her beloved husband. ) For minute, she gawd upon the Lnoftwi distorted form, bound with trans roiies at every joint from bead to fwd witnessed In alienee that dreadful scene of death which tne most callous heart cannot Iwhohl wlth- oitt a thrill of horror ; and then, as she uttered a wild. wailing laugli, reason lied Its throne forever! Aim! while the white corpse was sileutly placed In the earth, tlie maniac widow was ahuostas effectually buried in a darksome retreat, from whieh she llMfl hMM i.r-lii. .'..III., f.U'tll lit reUSOlI ,) iniu or to happliieM upon tins enrt n. Youiur ladv, do vou lift Hie social rlas and invite some particular and dear friend to drink? PaiT-e. I be ' seech von : and as vonr eve takes in its iflowlntf colors, reuieiulier that its light is the rellection of tlie internal lire, which, when kindled in the breast of a man, van never he ex tinguished. ., , ., ' ,- . ., . A Kcriuou n "Push." When Cousin WiM "was .home for vacation tlie boys always expected plenty oi i'uu. ThcJasi frolic before lie went hack to his studies was along tramp after hazel nuts. As tliey were hurrying along in high glee they came upon a discouraged loirRiug man and a discouraged look- ing cart. i'he cart was standing full of apples, before an orchard, lhe man was try ing lo pull it up hill to his own house. 'The hoys die) not wait to be invited, but ran to help with a good will. "Push, push,' was the cry. The man brightened up; tne can aloug as last a r manual sm would do it. and In live miuutea tnej all stood nautiiiiT at the lop ot tue i hill. Ohl'tged to ye," s;iid the man ; '-you I Whifa iniiiiile :" and he hurried into .the boose, while two or three pinks aproned children peeped out of the i door. j " Now boy," said Cousin Will, "this is a smait thing, but I wish we 1 could all lake a motto out of it, and keep it for lite. Push-it Is jn-t the ; woitl for a world that is as full of work ' as this is." If any body is in trouble, and yon I see it, doii't stand back ; push.'' 'if there is anything good being ! done in any place where you happen to be, push.' j 'if there is any work going on in the .Sunday School, push.' Don't drag ! buck, I beg of you. You'll do one or ; the other. Whenever tliere is a kind thing, a : Christian thins, a happy thing, a pleasant thing, whether it is your OWU or nor, wnviner n f at uome or m town, at Church or at school, jn-t help With all your might ; push!" At that moment the fanner came out again with a dish cf Ma wife's liest doughnuts, and a dish of his mvu best apples, ami that was the end of the little sermon. Some of the planters tit the sugar district of Louisiana, have been ex perimeuting with white lalwr on the -hare system, and are highly pleased w ith the result. One planter in the parish of St. Mary has twenty-one I Held hand-, all w hite, at work, and they will make over sixty hogsheads of mgRr and fifteen barrels of Mo'as - s to the hand, besides ralslnieuoiiirh corn for I heir own u -e. Wliere white men have worked side by side with negroes they were no more affected by tlie heal than the latter, and ii was found that the negroes lteeoitll)ll!ied more labor than when working by themselves. A Peoria man was attacked and knocked down by n wild steer, which attempted to pin him to the gi id. Luckily, the animal' horns passed be tween the man's body and arms, pos sessing great miuenlar jwn'er I lie man seized I he horns and with all his force twisted the -tier's neck and threw him. lie then Jumped up and ran, but his flight was newles, as the steer was found dead the next morning ju-t where be was thrown, his neck hav ing been broken. The woman-women have hit upon a new idea whieh they believe is destios ed to sweep social vice from the face of the earth. I'he plan is to have the General Ooverhihcnt nassa law pro viding I bat all persons who live to gi tliar, even for five minutes, rts man and wife, shall bo deemed to have contracted marriage, and shall be su! jeet to all the duties, liabilities and penalties of the marriage relation. Tfjii'ekasck am Long J-n ;:. i f.ifH liiiinranee statistics nrove that if , 11)6,000 mtepiiperate persons from IS to ill years of age lie COinpired with an equal iiuuilier of temperate. lo.lHiT of die former will die before the age I . , , 5.220 of the latter. came, and the local Insurance compan ies torn id tbemselma with of losses and fc,lWu,00U of assets to meet them with. The will of Ha; late .Major John ShtTtev, of Muscatine county, Iowa, w hich was probated the other day, ui- portions Ittl.'SK) worth of pi-ojierty among his wile and six children, and then provides that the heir that goes to law .over the will sliail get nothing. There is a man ol immense wealth conthied in an insane asylum near Boston, who amuses bimseli mudi of tlie lime by piling tip and knocking over u slack of gold sovereigns, Wendell Phillips says: ' i'ut an ' American baby, six months old. on his feet, and he will immediately say 'Mr. Chairman !' and call tlie MS . crame to ortier." Of iuxo MtAT.-Every fanner should put down a barrel or half barrel of pickled pork. In stewing chickens and in making chicken pies, a few siloes of sweet pork nicely pickled will lie found a great addition. So also in July and August fried pickled pork and fried apples make a most appetizing break fast. And what winter dish Is a more acceptable one than liaked pork and beans or a lwwl of bean soup!' So in various ways it will lie found that a barrel ot pieklisl pork w ill come In ex cellent play, and the good housewife who has it for tlie liri time will soon wonder how she ever got along Without It. How to Pit Down 1'icki.eiiPokk. Select two or three healthy and well fattened hogs (we prefer time whose ages are 10 to 14 months, and whose weight .average 'Jiki pounds to 280 pound nelt. and cut up the clear mid dlings in suitable slued pieces. When propeiiv cooled put a layer of salt at the bottom of the cask, at least one InclP. thick, and then pack tightly one layer ot clear pork, each piece placed on Its edge. Now put salt on again to till up the interstices between the nieces, and to make another layer of salt over the layer ot meat. Then add another layer of pork and auotlier layer of salt successively, till the cask is nearly full, putting over the last layer two inches or so oi sair. .ow lane com waicr and make a brine as strong as salt will ! make it, and pour Ibis brine over the J incut, putting in enough to cover the j upper laver of meat with tlie brine. We have pork in our cellar now-lliat was put tip this way a year ago. and I which is as liard and as perfectly sweet as any one could pwsihjy desire. '1 he moment it is packed and stowed away it needs no more attention or watch ing. The top of the barrel should be made small enough to lie mi! over the meat, with a weight pressing it down. This gives easy access to the pickled pork, and keeps it under the brine. No one need fear using too much salt. Use it lavishly, and, when the meat is all gone, take tlie brine and scatter it over the manure heaps just as it is lie ing hauled out to the field. Used in Ibis way. it will be worth to the farm er all thai him; especially if ap plied where early corn or early pota toes are being planted, to be followed by turnips, Land that ha j been dress ed fUh salted manure has been put in grand preparation fora crop of turnips. Fot'SDEK in Houses. Take a table spoonful of pulverized alum, pull the horse's tongue out of his month as far as possible, and throw the alum down his throat ; let go his tongue and hold up his bend until lie swallows. In six hour-' time (no matter how bad the founder) bo will be fit for moderate service. 1 have seen this remedy te-t-ed so often with perfect success that l would not make five dollar- difference in a horse foundered (If done recently) and one that was not. Hoof Hot in Horses. -Hoof rot is I sometimes caused by bruises or wounds 1 sustained by the foot In travellngover hard. roiij;li road-. Among oilier tanis- of this disease is tliat ot permitting the shoe to remain Oil too long, or j keening the Constantly shod, and I also by compelling hm to stand in a ! wet, imwholesome ?tab!e. The dis- ease may be easily recognized by the I appearanceof the feet, which are dry and chalky, and this should ! remov ed by being dug out with a knife or chisel. Asthedlsease progresst'S the j frog oftlie foot becomes (linilllishlHl in I size, and if the horse remaiusnding for any length d time the joints be come swollen. Iltcase both feci are ! diseased the horse will advance first i one foot then the oilier; Ids steps will also be short, plainly indicating the soreness of the feet. To effect a cure the bottom of the feet should he thor oughly cleansed oil, and the chalky matter dug out, the sides f tlie hoof, and also the frog should lie pared down, and then tlio bottom of the foot should be washed w ith e irroiive liniment three or four mornings in Biiccession, di ving it well with a hot iron. This course of treatmeiit should then be omitted for two days, and then con tinued as before until a cure is effect ed. A pullet hatched early in the spring begins to lav at the approach of win ter, and pullets hatched late in sum mer begin to lay in the ensuing spring; and it is by saving a certain proportion of Millet from the early and late broods tliat vou make sore of winter eggs, n tew very early hatched eh!ck ensfor catching the highest .markets, uiida numerous flock of chickens in the warm months, when rearing is least- precarious. SesatobXvk'S Last. Scene in a fir Western State. A village Compos ed mostly of rude mining huts called houses.'-' "oottages," "taverns,"otC., though really they were but sliatitles. An old manVick on his bed. A friend, Governor . I "W. Nye. wclnsr his end was close at hand, showed his many kind attentions and endeavored to easy his suffering in every possible way. One day w hen if was ottlfe etilellt that the poor patient could only last a few hours, the (JoveriKir salil to him: 'Davis, it is nndoiibtially best that you should know the truth ; you are a Very snk man, nnd will in all proba bili'ty live but a short time. Are your aflMra In a condition that you would like to liave iheiu? I should be glad to do anything for vou. you know,, " "Yes, they're "all right." "Well, would you like me to write to any of your folks Bast No, not nowafter ii is over." 'Would you like too to call In a minister? " 'i'he sick man, by a great effort of will over a weak and shattered hotly, drew himself up in a sitting posture, and sternly, most soberly, and earnestly, said : "Why, Governor, wliiitjshould 1 w ant , a minister for, I never voted the Democratic ticket in my life. Tables have been prewired at Ibo TrWIsiiry Dertraent showing the de falcations of Collectors of Internal Itev emie imder various ailuiiui-tnitioin. From tliefie It appearsthat theamotuit under Uncoln was 6717,746 ; uiiiler Johnson. H,H17,2A and imderGrant, 1 35, 188. DRUGS, ETC. Murder In Albany HASNKVKH YKT11EEN KNOWN, AND no thrcHtoiiing 11 Bl present. Death I n llihitf welt sometimn must hcfnll vry son ami dauxlilvrof tlw human fuiiv ify ; Mid yet, At tlie mid-dny, of vourllfe, If dlSOttSelayi his vile hiinils inxiii von, there issilll "n imlm Int'lletul," by which Mm limy he restored to perfect ; health, ami prolong jour days too mlrae , Ions extent. How ? By calling o r. c. Will, n ftmsnrttit'rHt. whera vnn eim leive ll comiloiuiilMt t one eXperionOGtl in Mint liartieular Ime. Als(,((insi!inliy im nwiei a ffnod abutment of th-sli ilnijts, patent if,TS ;!!!TJlSar UL Celebrated I nk Weed Ilcmcdy, Or.OrMon lthemnatlo Cure; Dr. D.Jayne ,t Skins' nictltclnoa, etc. Speueo's I'ottlttyn anil Negative Powders kept in stock. Alsott)feii: ler I'1" Uome KhHtUe Sow Ins Mrlilnr, One nf the most ireful pieces of lumsoliolcl mmmire e.iiunt. vbiuhki e.umine. K. C. HILL A EON. ,nny, June 10, 7M4V3 ALBANY FOUNDRY Ami Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, 0K1C0ON Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Sbw Mill Machin ery, WOOD IVOBKIXG Ami AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And ail kinds ot IKON A!S BIIASS fASTIXiJS. Pnrtictitar attention raid to rcpoirlnit nil kinds of inaeliinery. avJ Ll l-.KV. LIVERY, FEED AND S.ttLE ALBANY, OBEGOX. BARtGES & MERRICK, TOOPkTCTORS. i ry. VKS PltKPAUED TO Fl'BXISlI i the palille wttli neat turnouts hi lio I way of , Kj llsh UniWles anil Carriages ami , Fart Ktoek, i On the most reammnblo terms. Onrlivrry bi nil now, and of tlie latest ntylcs,nnil we . simii take pri le ill ivin j onr tBlS8 mat and reliable an muilt us can bo ob tnlnw in thuSiata, , , I Horses lioanted at reasonable mtos, by j ; the week or month. I Hacks and carnages rarnisueu ror to I tles,ete. i V share of public iMili'imic;e is solieltct. BAllTlitS & MKHIIICK. I Albany, Dec i". 1870-1.5 M'KSKKV. SETTLEMIRE'S NURSERY, Hlx HiUn SohIIi or Albany, l.lnn Co., NEAR THE RAILROAD. r art 1 ncrsonsdesirlust to paifliasc frnll tceoa to iiill and eimlne my MOCK, wiuen is COmuOsedof (llfl htgvuf and be-I seleelion hi the suite, eonsisiia of apple WaWi ciierries, piuins, mui . rfes enrranrs and HHca, Also, liltu-k and white ttulnnt. Kuirlish walnut, lijclairy, isean, iwli'inl. honey locust. bneUbeiry, iuel n number of oilier varietiesol lives nun plants too iiuuienmM oi iiiemn'ii.iii. w i v, lee I are n Ii'l' I I lo iiov-. HlJXliV W. SKTTLKMll.'E. lli'c. 17, 1S70-I1 ' TMICliS and MEtllOIXK I'AIXTS nnd : XJ oik ulass and rutty. sold by Wheel- .alBHKRH. llvl TiTiii ii. SIHWI.S. lonir and wmniv. iiudd W KiidHtrlncil.for sale by WHKKf.KU, at hbedd. Uvt 1 riANDllCis, Ki;T8, itAlsixs etc., fili inliois. V-; """ tl'rt " .Jll. IIU..HKAI PAP.BK.AIXSIZES, jiot 1 ""wrved add fora!e at tills ofllec, low for wMi. rtm W1UIB. (if.AKS WAIIIC I'ROfKK- 1 ery,Umi,o.,Ac.., so!d by Wheeler, lecle livl at CHfcDI). CLASK IIKKIIS, MORTOAllEft KTI'., oh luuid latest slybw- and for nale low. ot this OftllT. pUF.SH VMOTABtSlS, in milsaigrfjjliy (3 i a' ( old Water Ibciicbini. innl olbei kinds. Soldtiy "".'",', jjv at Hhedil. OVSTKllS AKI1 SAHHINEH, NTTS AXD ( ' indies, and oilier kulvk-kiiucks, sold i. w i.,.li.r.ntSllKlll. Hv4 UATUS. KTU. ALBANY BATH HOUSE. riHIi: I NDKIISKiXIlO W(Hl.t) RH I Hneetfully Inform tbceltteennof Albany uiid vlehiltvthnt he lias taken cliarge of ibis (itnbli'shment, and by kccplna cleiin nxnnsand paylnu strict iitteiitton to btrds nese rct toaoll 'l lb" ho mny fa vor bhn with ibeir pfttroanao. Having heretofore rtiod on nothfng but OTrnt-rlawi Ilnlr Ir ln Vnliran, no cxwets tn nrh e entire t Isfaetlon to I ajl. Children mind lames Hair ncully cut I and idliMlipnued. 1 dept. 10-J-J JOBEl'U WeOOEJU. SPECTACIsKS. MOWEY CAN NOT BI Y IT, TOW 8IOHT IS PRICELESS ! Hut the Diamond MuftiM-lea prewerve it. will WTK NOW OKKKl! A 1 1 1. ASS TO T1IH H'uii'Muii c.l !v ihi; I V public which is i most i-elehmled optlemll) nf the world tn lie the most perfeet, nulmiil, artifletal help to the hninan aye ever kunwii. Thcv nn, 4j;roiunl iinderonr(iwii sunefvtslon. nt our J-own iiumntaellory. In New -Haven, and pro ' ,t i ...MSI I'Mi-llsl lllUl till' . ...... ... tlie lens coniei dll'ectl' 111 front of the i'je, prodnolng u i, axb niMi.v s vision, Aiin lhe niilund. healthy ttartlt, rut) prc vcntitiK nil uiipltH"nnt sensations, nich as KIltumerhiK and wnverlni of sijthi, dlul. ac, etc., necnllar lo U Olliera in nso, Theeofflasecsnre umiiufui liiiwtfroininl nnte crystal pehblcs meltud tnKOtlier, and derivoth61rnino,"Dlaniond,,'on ruvount uf tlieir harilnesjinid MWauey. Tlleyure inimnted In the Hne-l uiannerl t oar own inaiinfiictory, in all styles of ..'old, silver, steel, ntnbcr, and shell I'liitut'S, of the liest qualltv. Their dnrnlillityeiiu not Ik- sur passed, nod I heir finish lif siieh as will stilt the most fastidious. Sono genuine unless uearinK our tnide-uauk, stiuux'd on every fmuie. Forsale ly the pilueiiwl oiiliilans anil jewelers, throuxlmut Die country. Mumi factured by J. H. Stieitcev ft Co., nini'llofll opticians, Sew York. For Nil,, onlv liv TITUS BJtilTHiilW,' Dealers in watches, Hocks, jewelry, sliver ware, etc., Albany, Oregon, Entered neeonlliiff tn act of l 'onsjress, hi the venr 1, by J. E. Spencer ( 'o., hi t bo clerlt's offiiv of the ldstrlct Court of the t'nltod States, for the Sou, hern Dftlrlet of New York. ')0v3 INSl liAM K. PAOIPIO riKA HABINB SAN rUASCISCO, f'AI.. Total Aaiela UoKl sil,77T,3u8.tt3 j. lirvr WM.AI.VOKH A. .1. It ALSTON... A. IIAlltli ...ln',Ment. ... Viis' Pnnldent, . . .Secretary. .,. Marine Secretary, The leading fire tin I marine insuniiH'e company on this const. S3i,000 deposiie 1 in Oreann, l,oss,'s Mntnpflyanil eqaltablyadjnstetl nnd tmid in gold coin. LADD & TILTON, Gen. Agent" for Oregon nnd tVusliliiKfon Tert'y. JOBS 0:'E2:, Agent, AI.llA.1ir, UItUOS. a cum. 'VUE NEW EXDfiASTl Mi Tl'AI, T.tKB 1 liisiir.inetf Ooaipany, ot Koston, is. lit only company on doing business on tills coast governed by tlie nassitehnaptta Son-torMtiirc I.nn . This company was IncoiTioraletl A. UH1, m el lias acauuinlatod araets of over The foilowlii lap' 1 iwPle have been tiai.l oa this coast, tinder tins 1 law : No. of Over M-ie at Amount policy. lime cf .Huh. hi-iire l. i;i.uV4 ii moiiins. ? .t.iNHi S3,lli 4 im. albs. 1 11,009 EiW J nionlln. un" 19,100 in days. 8,500 3;,.vv.i 11 won lbs. &,mKi Had the above polloljs been in ii'iy other eniuisinv tbev would nave been forfeited. The above'lafllfi iwkoU for llieinwlvea, and totbewisenu'l)iin Will further com ment is unnr-eessiry. KVKIISON ,( MiniU.KMISS, Hen. Agont, Sun Francisco. L. PLINN, Local Agent, ALBAKV.OIHKIQS. Feb. 2-, lt)71-i',y 8 ASH FAl.'TOIlV. BI II.DKHS, ATTKN'TION: . j I .stj IJJX) ,X) DOOM 9M lli ! I?1 jV C T O It Y S. H. AtTlloVSK. W J. f. KETCtrCX. ALTHOUHK & CO., lyon Ktreot, ou the Klvcr aank, AI.-V!V,OIIUi0.. Keep en band n full assortment, and an' prepared to rrnxlsrt to orpkr, Doom, fsasli, BliiHls, ntoiidiugs, IIKll Sni'h as (BOWS, rASIX, II.V9iI A SFATIOSi moi.:, Of all sizes. WINDOW AXD m&R FHAMES, Flooriug, Siding, -An,l- Ail ottawrkinds Of llulUHii j SInterlfll. A 1,801 PBEPAIIKO TO DO MUX work, fuftiWi sluiker fans, zijiiW. Hbnkcrs, euctlon ftns, drtvina pulleys nnv our factory on I.yoiistire tio n the river tank), next ln'low Mnrkl in n s wurolimiHo. Al.'l UOl hfc w. Alluiy,'l.105l9e!-U