The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 02, 1872, Image 7

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    V. f. OOIrlnl Paper for Oregon.
llarley lias been extensively sown
near Los Angeiea, Cal.
Twelve Swiss miidos lost tlioir
lives on the Als lnt year.
f-'mall-pox is reported as epidem
ic iu Italv.
Tlio Military Division of the
South lias Wen discontinued.
Indians are becoming trouble
some on tlte Texan frontier.
Tins Uritish have a monopoly of
the carrying trade of the Lakes.
A chess club is to be organized in
Tlie separation of Prince Teck
and his wili: is imminent cause, mi
faithfulness of the latter.
Kotlichild's banking-house re
centy offend to take $000,000,000
of the new United States loan.
A Scottish minister refused bap-
ti-m to the child of a man who sells
m;lk on Sunday.
Trenton, X. J., lias one place of
worship for about every nine hun
dred of her population.
The father of Jim Fisk has gone
crazy from the assassination of his
It is refuted that Henry Ward
I)ecclier is arranging tor a trip to
California in the Fpring.
llussian priests of tlie Greek
Church cannot officiate without bc
inn married.
Oregon has 95,274 square miles,
fronts 280 miles on tlie ocean, and
extends inland 340 miles.
The Chiucse of California have
petitioned Congress for a reduction
of the duty on rice.
Gilil.'ord, Conn., has an old lady
of ninety-three, who has cooked
sixty-three Thanksgiving Sinners
under one roof
The receipts of the Government
of Russia during the last year have
exceeded the expenditures by 400,
000 roubles.
A bill before the ' 'alifornia Leg
islature proposes w exempt editors,
reporters and printers of newspap
ers from jury duty.
Washington and Oregon, on the
Pacific coast, have tlie climate of
Southern Virginia, witli more rain
and cooler summer nights.
A Sirs. Davis, wife but five
wecksliving near Gasport, Iud.,
recently blew her brains out in a fit
of jealousy, because her hu-band
went to a spelling school.
The number of passengers that
arrived iu California by overland
railroad during 1871, was 39,817,
and by ocean route was 12,193.
The arrivals exceeded the Depart
ures 10,282.
Three boys, aged 17, 14 and 11,
respsctively, recently murdered an
old man by the name of G. S.Dick
enson, at Oroville, Cal., and then
roblxKl his store of $1,100. They
are under arrest.
- :
The Mexican Revolutionists were
defeated, January 27th, in a fight
between the towns of Camargo and
Mier, and the revolutionary leader
Pcra, killed. His body was bung
on a tree. .
A new religious journal is to be
established at Rome, Italy, which
will oppose the doctrine of infalli
bility. Piere d' Hyachinthe is to
be one of its contributors.
On Jan. 80th, the snow blockade
on the Union Pacifio railroad was
reported worse than ever. A pas
senger train which left Omaha
twelve days preceding was still four
hundred and eighty miles from Og
den. There was no prospect of an
immediate change in the condition
of the road, for tie better.
Spain was quiet on the 29th nit
ImnKlnnUTR Faculty of -
The intellect of the Democracy
seems to have arrived at tltat state
of development in which the imagin
ative bump is most highly cultural.
If to write novels or to indite love
sonnets was its aim, no particular
objection could be urged against
such developments so far as such
sonnets and comjwsitions were in
tended to illustrate truth arid vir
tue; but where such imaginative
effusions arc thrown out in prodigal
extravagance as political facts, in
tended to be read and believed as
such by the people ; intended to
moltl and fashion the minds of men
for political action ; given as sub
stantial food for political digestion,
food upon which the body politic is
to live and grow and flourish, their
unreality and thinness and ialsity
render them too dangerous to be
treated with levity 'f his highly
dcvelooed iraapnatiTO ifarcjrfte
prompted Democratic' jonrfiabAnd'
orators; in 181S to load down the
political atmosphere with di.-e fore
bodings of evil to the country to be
rcalissed in the event of Grant's ele
vation to the Presidency He was
to proclaim himself dictator ; his
injustice and oppression were to
cause the whole nat'on to wither
and sicken, like vegetation before
the simoon's breath, etc., etc. Well,
Grant was elected is not yet dic
tator the nation has not yet with
ered, and the people said in the late
elections that they liked his style,
in tlie main, and wanted more of it.
And now that Grant is likely to be
a candidate again, Democracy lo
gins to draw on her imaginative
faculty with more than usual
vigor. Grant is not aristocratic in
his looks she infers imbecility ;
Grant smokes and loves a fine
horse she infers extravagance ;
Grant goes to Long liranch she in
fers neglect ; Hodge commits a de
falcation Grant is to blame; Grant
appointed seven relatives to ofliee
Democracy drawsup a list of twenty
five ; Grant received some presents
Wore he became President Democ
racy charges them all, and more
too, to his Presidential account ;
Grant asks earnestly for civil ser
vice re'brm Democracy says he is
insincere ; at the same time she holds
him accountable for all its evils, iu
fact, by implication, makes him an
active sympathizer and participant
in many of the mistakes and crimes
committed by Government agents.
In all of this, and much more, De
mocracy is almost entirely controll
ed and guided by the prompting of
her immense imaginative vigor. In
other vernacular, she can out lie
and slander the very father of de
pravity. Republicans In France.
It is now known that a plan ex
isted for a Pepublican uprising over
the whole territory of the south of
France, in case the resignation of
Thiers was accepted, and Duke 'd
Aumale or Marshal McMahon was
appointed to the chief executive au.
thority. The Republicans are de
termined to maintain a Democratic
form of Government in France, and
the peace will keep so long as that is
done; but whenever any authorised
attempt is made to restore monarchy,
they will at once take up arms.
Gambetta's recent voyage to Bor-
deaux was to induce an nnderstaud-
- lit - - t - i ,
fmg with Republican leaders on the
subject of supplies of money, arms, '
ammunition, etc, and to oTain f
pledge that should civil war be de
termined on, the fight would be
contiuued ; also to hold themselves
in preparation for future possibili
ties. -''J.'
The Federal grand jury ofTexas
is reported to have found true bills
against Gov. Davis and Secretary
of State, Newcobers, on account of
irregularities in the late elections.
5,850 Illinois soldiers were killed
during the war of the rcbcllior, and
19,412 died of disease, making the
proportion of deaths to the enlist
ments one to six.
Alderman Bayley, ot Chicago,
was acquitted on the 29th ult,, of
the charge of bribery.
Tlie Vltm.
The Jlfdii Washington special
says a convention of discontented
Republicans will be held at Cincin
nati immediately after the Phila
.l.ilni.i'i Pnitvpiitifin. nnd will lire-
, Hrftli fu-Wt and nlatfbrm for!
the Democratic nartv. 1 his wiu
be followed by a Democratic Con
ventiou late m ttie summer, wnoso
business will consist in ratifying the
work of the disaffected Republicans.
Trumbull wems to lie the most jwh
ular candidate. We are very much
afraid that our chivalric Oregon
. . ..... . t
Democrats will have to vote for a
"sorehead Republican, in spite of
their opposition to the passive
scheme. Prepare to pucker, gentle
men, you must come to it.
A young man who was killed by
the cars at Wilton, Indiana, and
biivied in Chicago, was sent for by
his mother, who lives in California.
On' opejiing tlie grave it was found
empty, and it was suspected that the
body had been stolen for dissection.
Two citizens went to Iowa City,
procured a warrant and searched
the medical college. They found
the body which was fully identified
at Wilton.
Count de Chambord, of France,
has issued a manifesto to the French
ieople, in which he claims, as he
always has done, the rightdivincto
sit upon the French throne. Iuhis
manifesto he says :
"I shall never abdicate my claim
to the throne of France. I shall
never forsake the monarehial prin
ciples which I have preserved intact
tor forty years, and which is the
best hope of France's greatness and
liliertics. Ciesarism is anarchy in
France, lieeause her salvation is
sought in personal questions and
not in principle. I shall ever up.
liokl the flag of I' ranee and aid in
restoring the ancient prestige of her
armies. Time presses, alliances and
recognitions are urgent. The hap
piness of V ranee is my only ambi
tion, and I will never consent to be
come a revolutionist when I am
legitimate King."
The Times publishes seven col
nms of figures derived from the in
vestigation of the Committee of Sev
enty, showing in detail, fraudulent
transactions of the Department of
Public Works when under Tweed's
management, in the purchase of
supplies. It says thousands of dol
lars were thus obtained from the
IJureau of Supplies on fraudulent
vouchers approved by Tweed and
certified to by his subordinates act
ing under his order
Affaire between the United States
and Venezuela are reported to be
in a critical condition. It is alleged
that Venezuela refuses to carry out
treaty stipulations, and is disposed
to violate them. Hie matter now
principally in dispute, is the seizure
by Venezuela of the vessels belong.,
ing to the American Transportation
Company. This act is claimed to
be a wilful disregard of the rights
of this company, which claims pro
tection from our Government.
Venezuela is becoming a ' very ill
natured, unreasonable neighbor.
Schamachi, a town of Asiatic
Russia in Trans-Caucasia, was total
ly destroyed by an earthquake on
the 28th ult. Many lives are re
ported lost.
(publes are reported at Barce-
1 here was a conflict in the
Btte'!id the military wereguard-
jag ;es on the 80th ult.
of thc Xoith ftroR
na Legislature elected General M.
W. Ransom to tlie United States
Senate by a vote of 69 to 13, on
thc 30th ult.
The Congressional Committee to
investigate the troubles in Louisiana,
began their work on the 29th ult.
They occupy the U. S. Court room
iu the custom house.
Richard Duval of .Marion county
has received a letter from Senator
Corbett announcing that a patent
will issue for his improvement on
wagon wheels.
CoL Norman Eddy, Secretary of
State of Indiana, died suddenly at
his residence in Indianapolis, on
thc 29th ult, of heart disease.
Tlie Committee of Seventy have
nearly established the fact that all
supplies furnished the city from
Tweed's department, except in a,
very few instances, were purchased
under his personal direction. The
to,al amonnt ,,f s"Pl'hes furnished
I the exhibit published is CI,
It is reported at London, Kng.,
that the ship Jhm, of St. John,
N. B., was burned at sea, and it is
feared that all on board erished.
Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts,
and James F. Wilson, of Iowa, are
each talked of extensively for Vice
Religious services are being held
in Salem on each evening by the
Methodist ami Christian churches.
Salem church-goers pick up their
hat and stalk out before the doxol
ogy is spoken.
The railiWl company is laying
off an addition to the town of Oak
la ml.
A Mr. Griffin tell on front street,
Portland, last Tuesday, and broke
his ankle.
A young girl was thrown from
a buggy in Portland last Tuesday,
and broke her wrist.
Tlie French Government is in
cubating a lottery scheme to payoff
its public debt.
Whaling is brisk and profitable
in San Diego Hay.
There arc thirty-five men iu Pet
aluma, Cal., who weigh each over
200 wunds.
A Carson, Nevada, man has rais
ed a squash weighing 155 pounds,
and three apples, which turn the
scales at 74, 110 and 155 pounds
It is reported, that the Union Pa
cific Railroad is to pass into the
hands of Vanderbilt.
Snow fell on the 25th ult. in
Xew Orleans, La., and Galveston
and Houston, Texas the first for
years. s'
Tweed's bail is to stand at
000,000 and Connolly's at $500,
000. Dayton is troubled with a gang
of burglars.
Portland market is well supplied
with venison.
The demand for real estate in
Portland is on the increase.
Cholera has disappeared from
The population of Rome is 250,
000. The Pope is urged to leave
Stokes is to be
tried in this
Tweed had not taken his seat in
the Senate on the 30th ult.
Tlie Colombian Government is
officially announced as bankrupt.
Tlie anecdote often told by Dr.
Chapman, iu regard to himself,
when called to visit a little boy who
had swallowed a silver ve
cent piece, is not bad. "Madam,"
said the renowned joker, in all solem
nity, "was the piece good ?" "In
deed it was, sir," replied the excit
ed but surprised lady ; "1 got it at
themnt." " 1 hen my dear madam,
ho replied, "if the money wasgood
give yourself no further uneasiness,
for it will certainly pass."
Fljj in thk Family. What a
healthful tiling to have one jolly per
son in the house, ready to laugh at any
thing ludicrous, or even able to create
sport at"any time. There are enough
to reflect on the sad side of life, aud its
Irritable side and its sober side. We
need one or more to show tlie mirth
that often trembles just below the
surface of painful things. A real,
impetuous much dissipates many
lliusiciis, sweeps the twilight out of
our imagination, aud Drings nonest
daylight. But it must be real. No
drj-fhacking laugh. It should be
spontalRnuvmitburstlng, irresistible,
infectious. v have seen men full to
laughing, who liad not heard the cause
of mirth, but only had caught the con
tagion of other men's laughing. It is
hard not to laugh with men who are in
earnest about it.
New York lias increased its colored
population over 7,000 since the break
ing out of the rebellion. Over 8,000
were formerly slaves.
Dr. J. B. Yniuur fmlorcdl. is n can
didate for Mayor of Kuoxvlllc.
Long absence makes the heart grow
fonder of some one else.
.Man's greatest enemy Is tlie wine
gass ; woman's is the looking glass,
Forty-one divorces per diem is the
last iiotatUii from Allen county, In
diana. Widowers seldom die of grief. How
ever crushed they may be, If you only
let them alone tfiey will generally re-
Why is a carpenter's wife an unhap
py woman? Because her husband is
always a jawhi' 'er.
A negro girl in Sclma. Alnliama,
skip roes with a pail of Mater
on her head, without spilling a drop.
The immense height of a woman's
coiffure in the present fashion places
her face 08 it were in tlie midst of
The illustrious planet Venus is now
visible in the wee sma' hours, and a
great many young couples plan it to
set up to 'ee her.
"You don't think so highly of the,
hymeneal knot as I do," said a wife to
her husband. ."Yes I do," he replied:
"it is only when you wish to make it a
thnlile, fomi knot that I object to it,"
A gentleman who recently married,
gave his bride as a present otr her Wed
ding day. instwul (' this tntilitloiwry
diamond ear-rings, a sewing niadiine.
A lady who was very anxious that'ee, a young student in college,
should creditably pas ids examina
tion, liad masses' said In church daily
for his success.
"Why," asked a disconsolate widow,
"H venison like nivlateaud never suf-
fieiently- to- be,- lamented huslwiid f""
"Because oh deaf! oh dear I It's
dear departed."'
''Misfortunes never conic single,"
And so, like birds of a feather,
The marriages and tlie deaths
Are always printed togetlier.
A young lady on her way to be mar
ried, was run over and Killed. An el
derly single lady savagely remarked,
"she has eselptsla more lingering and
horrible destiny.''
A pretty, rich young widow was rc
gaiding herself iateiv at a mirror in
her chamber, while for the first time
trying on her widow's cap. "Beliold
she exclaimed, "the real cap of lib
A erustv old bachelor in Concress
rjHfmoses to levy a tax of 25 per cent,
oiicorsets whereupon a down east pa-
per remarks: "Since there is no tax
OH nu n getting tight, why should not
the ladies have the nunc privilege ?"
Tlie Xew York Evening Post tells
us that "old sailors are never so much
at sea as when they are on shore." In
I his they are somewhat like lieu-peeked
husbands, who are never so much at
home as when they arc abroad.
A lairTeorrcspoiident, in a letter rel
ative to woman sultrage, takes tills
delicate view of one branch of the sub
ject : "Many women who would glad
ly help this movement are bound close
ly by constant recurring cases from any
public part if tilted for it."
"Yon are beautiful and I adore you,"
said a gentleman to the belle of the
evening. "For my part. I hate you,
aud think you are "frightful," she re
torted. "I believe you, yon frank girl.
You do not tell polite talsehoodslike
me." .
It Is common to speak of those whom
a flirt has jilted as her victims. This
is a grave error. Her real victim Is
tlie man she accepts. A happy smile
runs thus : "A coquette is a rose from
which every lover plucks at leaf the
thorn remains for her future husband."
Tlie latest style of ornaments for the
hair are made ot silver ulagree work,
in tlie shape of butterflies and beetles,
with diamond eyes aud wings studded
with small diamonds. They are fast
ened to a silver band by a wire, and
vibrate and glisten with every move
nieut of the wearer's head.
Decidedly the cleverest matron in
all Europe is tlie wife of tlie present
King of Denmark. Just consider tlie
flue "matches" she has managed to
obtain for lier children. One daughter
is the future Empress of Russia, tlie
other the future Queen of England.
One of her sons is tlie Kiug of tlie
. p -
Greeks and now the son-in-law of a
beiieflt of railroads, schools, colleges,
ror sale aiier m uuiiuuuii. jui i ue
A wild goose was shot at Cedar Lake,
in the body of which the head of an In
dian arrow was found, just hack aud
under the wings, tlie ends projecting
on either side. The arrow-head is of
bone, six and a half inches in length.
The wound caused by tlie arrow-head
had entirely healed, and it was firmly
imbedded in the goose. g,
Thc aggregate value of the church
property of New York Cky is stated
at $200,000,000. The Trinity corpetv ,
ation alone is put down at f,000,
000. A consignment of 7,000 salted Kan-
f u-oo skins was lately received hi San
raucisco from Australia, and are to
lie made Into leather at tlie Oakland
tannery. The skin of tlie Kangaroo
is quite thin, but exceedingly tough,
and when tanned into leather Is very
pliable and soft, wearing a long time
without cracking, and turning water
better tlran calf-skin.
In a recent report issued by tlie Oa
telle of India the startling statement is
made that the aggregate number ot
deaths by wild beasts throughout the
provinces of Madras. Bombay, Bengal,
the Northwestern provinces, Pnnjaub,
OikIc, Central provinces, Courg, Hu-
dembad and British Bunnah, fortluve
years, amounts to 12.8M. xne ueatns
from snakebites over the same area
number 85,884 making, a total of 32,
218. Paris has invented a lively political
plaything in tlie shape of a guillotine
a rr, which can decapitate sixty
men an hour. It is in steel and bronze,
thc knife moving up and down with
out ceasing. The body is to fall in a
reservoir of lime, the head in a bath of
The death rate of New York is great
er than tliat of any city iu tlie t nlon
with the exception of New Orleans.
Repnblieaa Mate Coarraltt.
Just as wc go to press a telegram
from Salem readies m, announcing
that the Committee has decided to call
the State Convention to meet In Port
land on the 20th of March nest. The
precbict conventions will meet on
Saturday, March 2d, and the County
Conventions oil Saturday following,
March 9th. We are indebted to the
kind forethought of ,i. Barrows, Esq.,
for the above teleginm.
Judge Fllnu is again happy. It's a
girl tills time.
David Bushy, Es.p, member of tlie
State Central Committee from Doug
las county, called on us Thursday,
T.tVKi.v. Business before the next,
term of Court promises to be unite
Oamk. Ducks and plieasants are
plentiful hut a short distance from tlie
city, in fat and plump condition. Now
Is tlie time for our hiuitists.
Plant. Now is Hie time to set out
your fruit and ornamental trees. For
first-class trees, shrubs or plants, go to
H. W. Settiemeir'H or John Millard's
FlaaiirJal and C ommercial.
Gold in New York, lO!)','.
Legal Tenders, 90 and 91 Uc.
The Orii'imme is advertised to sail
from Portland for San Francisco tills
P. M. Tlie VvJUnrnia mh tar Vle-
forla on the uth Thursday. The
ffusne Telfair sails for Sitka and In-
termediate ports to-morrow Feb 3d.
S. P . markets report wheat dull at
2S2 15 cental. Oats-Market no
minal at SI 60(81 85. Potatoes
Range from 00c to 90c bushel.
Portland market quote eggs at 553
COe p dowm.
Altiany markets remain as last
quoted, with the exception of wheat,
now quoted at 90c $ bushel, with
downward tendency.
Bab for thk Moralists. The
Rochester Dmoerqt savs :
Either strict morality or tobacco
will have to lie abolished. Tlie Fred
ericksburg (Va.) Star records tlie death
of Mrs. Cloc Flatford, aged 11R, who
had smoked and chewralfor 100 years,
and of Abby West (colored), who died
At Dumfries, aged ninety-nine, and
whose "pipe was hereonstant compan
ion." We meet such accounts ahnot
every day ; and they are truly dis
couraging to tlie giea't and good jieo
ple whose lives are demoted to argu
ment against tobacco.
News Items. Cattle are dying by
thousands In the Utah valley.
Peter Benninger, a wealthy old cloth
manufacturer of New York, commit
ted suicide yesterday.
Inquiries are Mug made as to what
became of $20,000 contributed by Salt
Lake City to the Chicago sufteivrs.
Chicago liasu't heard of the amount, v
Madame Oatacazy takes coaconnt
baths for her skin.
Mr. Seward will visit Sweedcn and
Norway next spring.
Empress Augusta has invited Ten
nyson to come to Berlin.
Samuel Hunter of Maine was mar
ried tho other day at the age of 95.
Sunday Headta".
Well begun, lialf done.
He that lives to learn may learn to
Fair dealing is tlie bond and cement
cf society.
Pleasure is precarious, but virtue is
A quiet conscience sleeps during
An hour in tho morning is worth
two In the afternoon.
Tlie virtue that narievs Is near a
Use your wit as a bnckler rather
than a sword.
Nothing beeets confidence sooner
than punctuality.
1. . t ... it. -4
ocvit u uecuiuu wise, mat you may
i,,,,, ber.
However little we may have to do,
let us do that little well.
Evil men speak as tliey wish, rather
than what they know.
He that would enjoy the fruits must
not gather the flowers.
Tlie best way to condemn bad traits,
is to practice good ones.
Dove is like a weapon that will con
quer men when all others fall.
A life of full and constant employ
ment is the only happy one.
A passionate man sconrgeth himself
with his own scorpions.
Never open the door to a little vice,
lest a great one should enter.
The reproaches of a friend should s
frictly just and not too often.
Tlie world is a workshop; none but
the wise know how to use its tools.
It Is easier to suppress the first de
sire than to satisfy allthat follows it.
Early religion lays the foundation
of happiness both hi time and eternity-
No one can puisne solid learning
and frivolous pleasure at tlie same
Praise not the vain chikl if von de
sire his spiritual wcll-lieing or prog-
Tlie rose Its thorns, tlie diamond its
flaws, ami tlie best nieii their fallings.
Tliose are never likely to come to
good wlio are nmhitlml to their par
ents. FVw boys are born with talents tliat
excel, but ail arc capable of living
Act uprightly and fearlessly, as you
would defy the devil and all his works,
Tlicre Is uo joy like that which
springs from a khid actor a pleasant
Tlie rode make enemies of tlieir frl-low-nicn
; the deceptive make angels