The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 02, 1872, Image 3

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    nnrr.n t"!T""" ' i i
t VRY G()0DS- FURNITURE. msutam. I ' rim. , L ' 11
. . " Ikritiiu 1MI.
" They Who Have No thing for Sale
are Farthest from Market"
Are bow keiiin?, anil nlso constantly re
ceiving uilililions to,
The Largest Stock of Goods
Purchasers Shall be Satisfied.
Ii. Blaln. S. E. Young. J. Barrow;.,
& CO.,
Wholesale find Retail
Wliat is a eomuidruni? Souiethlnr
to pie at. Wliat is bonrdliig bum
hash? A conundrum! Krgo?
Beside a Large Stock or
Paints, Die Stuffs, and Oils,
The keep
Yankee Notions,,
Oonfe ctionory
Finest Tobacco & Cigars
(All kinds),
Cabinet Ware,
Corner of
First and Broadalbin St;.,
E vorytliing
First Class
But what is
Guaranteed To Re
Must bo Good.
Arctic Soda!
Agents fur All Kindt of
And tho
Celebrated Bain Wagon!
Mock turtle kUal,.,, h..r-.. ... '
ftV. mill thrill It.r -lt. ..I .
Mr. Partington says she iloSr wish
they would hurry up amipass tho Sil
ver berviee Bill in Washington.
To keep warm on a cold dor, wo
men double up (he rape, and men
double up the horn.
TIte (litlicllltV 111 h-rlno- ThwiJ k-
f.wa New Wk jury u said to be.
hT2B0t fl,,fi a j,,ry worth3' (,r
A .Indite spiiti-in-in., iJin ... i
bung, said he hoped it would prove a
warning to dim. It did-t,e cliup
town t committed a crime since.
8. Peck of nlil h. i... ..
,11, " """ "3 eccen
tricity on the part of Mr.-", p. been
nwde the lather of three simultaneous
fltftt. which is innn il.-.,. I... a u......
Humor ittahM tw n ulj.1
! reiiihiiian is short that when he is
noes not Know wlietlier he has
tile headaciie or corns.
"Have Vim htaahwl l. Ml ...i. i
i . - "wi ", .- rotten a
lilt i V Ot 1 -noun 111..,...:.. ' ...i .-mS.
... ,1 1 "ii mil niiutf mee
iiiiicinswoiicu liv toothache. "N'o
SEiS'!' !r r?nUi1 vm i have a
um-'ito lootnaciie. 7
Tlie telegraph Informs us that the
wuiie structure" of tlie Prince of
r.ww nils injured Oy ,0 means uw)
o save his life a his late Illness. A
tally blend j, very anxious to know
what they did to him.
It Is tlie complaint of tlie eminent
i'r. iil'OWH IJint In. i,.... i. ..I ui... c...;.i.
, - iwini ...i.-, "Minn
tliromdi the ..nil..,. ..,..,. ...
without making her Brown.
Mrs. Partington say that "It is bet
ter to speak nircgorieally 0f a person
than la lu. nil '1... .1..... . i
ttiphs at .Mm." 6 6 v
A teamster wbo trhtl vainly to 1m
pcl his horses ovtr the Los Ga'tosroad,
the other day, l.s reported by the San
lose Patriot to have prayed, "Oh,
Lord, give mc strength and courage
to ait mil own throi.
Alexis was nnitii ................ .., ,i.A
- ., .... , v..,in; Ui, i Ht.
Jloslon committee's im-it-ni,,,, ti,
('onunercial Uulli.Hu . unh.
----- ...w. n.jn, I III
(.rami Duke was so much affected that
ne replied in his native Russian as
ioi lows :
Ori ritolll llllst.lll vnban I.,.,.,..,-
(MILI11UII1I IM I MiiK Itlftlr ILvitAn
, " aimii I'lH'tl.
dityur nmianwiski anlotzi-r citti iwtn-
er. mil, uiiiaii oiecataiy WUU downon
ye lykcii neskemo on a t illakandle.
A clergyman, after publishing a
Ihank-srivimr serviif in lil. .-i,.i.
n -a ... ... vinuvi,,
and nreiarHig a sermon, went at the
aniKintcd hour, anil luiil Imi ,u. I.,,....
er his own rift. Tim ........ .......
a ". --.iiii-'ii
i e I venil. to tlie txlifliutinn r ti. ...
1 - - ... in, .in-
dience. and was published forthe ben
efit of the absent parishioners and the
public generally.
A Rural editor has trut nil fUh l..
the luck of hnrse-sltfv.ii
one over his door recently and tlwt
inoriimg tnere came by mail three
dllllS and seven "staua " mul a n.
called with a revolver to ask "who
wrote tliat article."
"Now. then. eliiliWii M aniil a i.m.
isli school mistress, showing her pu
pils olt on examination dav. "who
ove? an men r 7
"You. missus " was Uu lllln T n,.il
ed answer.
A lady, sitting hi the game box of
an opera home with a French physi
cian was much troubled witli mi mil
and happened to gape. " Excuse me!
ma am, said tlic doetor, "I am glad
you did not S'vollow me,"
"(Jive yourself no uneasiness," said
the lady, "I am a Jewess, and never
eat pork.''
A married lady in Connecticut re
cently tell into a river, and would
laliforma pears fine pears
m.Ih ' . I
j u;u wins eacn.
Wn want tl,n,m c I
-- v. ik.vcii9 oi i niimiiiv
eveuing, going fur quiet Sabbath
w wo t our most beautuui sub
iirba, when a line, manly, hearty
voice, crying with a right hearty
will, "California cars," caused us
to lift our eyes from a copy of the
JrtiV. We beheld, nmviiiir from
seat to seat, bearing his basket of
fruit, a young man of flue, healthy
appearance, graceful action and
wonderful elasticity and courage.
"How do you do, Mrs. S ? Have
a pear ?" And the yountr, man
stopped at the seat just ahead of
onnf ana nei.t up before a beautiful
and finely dressed lady, a ripe lu
ciong specimen of the fruit, which
the lady, acknowledging tlie salute,
smilingly accepted, ami tlie young
man passed on. "Well, I declare,'1
said the lady to her companion, "If
that isn't Jack L. Who would
have expected to see him selling
l.-rs on a iraiu ot cars,"
"No one before the great fire,"
replied the gentleman. "Jack and
his father lost all they had. Too
bad waKii'l. If Al, J
j ........ - - . iiinKj. Um.ll w
luxury. It seems1 Tiartt to be' tlirown
so suddenly hpon the' world."
"I must speak to him again when
ho comes back,'' said the lady.
Soon the young man returned,
preceded by the cheering voice
again crying, "California pears, Cal
ifornia pears."
"Jack, I am glad to sec you so
cheerful. I low you surprise me.
You act as thoufltii vou had served
a long apprenticeship as train boy.
"Cheerful? Why shouldn't I be
cheerful ?-soId fifteen dollars worth
of pears to-dav. Yonno. mwl
... , J- - - o o-
row, guess t can make a living.
Don't worry." And away he went
shouting, "rears, pears, California
lot fire can never sinew tint
young man's good will. He will
find a way to make one. These are
sons of Chicago sufferers.
Still St. Louis and Milwaukee pa
pers will debate whether Chicago
will get her trade back. Don't
worry, friends. Make hay when
the sun shines, and enjoy your brief
hour of advantage. Brief, bo as
sured, it will lie. Chicwjo Mail.
In Danville. 111.. II Vna ft man nn.l
-- . ......... mill
Wife, named Davidson, whn am il...
parents of a child, now overlive weeks
till, which weiL'hs but two nounds.
Its length is seven inches and Its face
about the size of a watch crystal. Its
tiny arms are so slender (hat a small
Auger ring can be slipped on ei
ther of tliem to the slmnli
tie creature Is already making quite a
noise in its part of the world, and hun
dred llSTe called to sen It. Tho nun.
ents are of standard size.
When Prince Napoleon applied to
tlie French Consulate at Geneva to ob
tain a pass-ixirt to re-enter France, he
new Into a towering rage because the
Consul declined to grant one until he
nan rcterred the request to tlie Govern
ment. The Consul hi..,i
sir, you complain because you are ob
liged to wait four and twenty hours to
nM'iiter Fraiiiiy Sir. I urn i,ii,n.,i
under your dynasty to wait ten years
& CO.,
first Street,
1 ( : '
.....t i,.ii nan u nrer, niiii womu ,' i exiio uerore I could return to
V" "w uronneu exi-ept that her nance." Prince Xapoleon cooled at
one attracted tlie attention of her
liii-liand. who. mistablnv U in ii,
dark for another woman, worked like
a oeaver to get Her out.
There is a sign on Nassau strict,
Xeh York, which in the most intie
ing maiinerthvltcs passers by to eu
terand partake of " Puden."
It VOU (lon't StOI) llsinir liili-uvi, lli.i
urst IhlUS von know von will luivntho
amaurosis, anaina. i,( , im-; iiimnoh.
oiidriasis and locomojt'oataxv.
-V Galesblirir flll.i anhanlmlalivua
haVlllff exhansteil llm poanliraoa p
n -" -- "11111.1 vi
earthly punishment, lately gave a pu
pil a foretaste of pit by burning brim
stone under his nose.
A ladv witness said in n Mr t ,,;..
Court, Give me the least grain of
uwu w oasis, and l can rtllll the
character ot any woman in the world. "
Let gossips ponder this remark, and
they will be brought to a realUatlun
of its truth.
ones ami quitleil the olllw.
It is stated that when the late James
Fisk, Jr., wanted to liave one of his
most infamous acts of Erie legislation
Kissed at Albany a year or two ago so
hopeless was it that it had upon its
flrst trial but i yotes to 80 ami odd
against it. But when, a week after
the rebuff, he sent Gould up with a
nan minion ot dollars to spend on
the passage of i he bill, the votes sud
denly shifted iironud to 103 for and 6
The following narrow escape of
a boy from a terrible death, m nar
rsted'in a recent number of the Sao
Francisco Chronicle :
On Friday afternoon a bov about
twelve years of age, residing ou
Third street, near Hrvant.
to the roof of tlie house whwh
was two stories and an attie K,r
the purpose of clearing away some
obstruction in the drain nine. Wliiln
so eugaged he missed his footing
and slipped over the edge of tlie
roof. Grasping at the raised woou".
work runnintr alonar tho edrre. hn
held on with the desiviiifnsiiiiffHi
wiucn iih ioar oi a terrible death
imparted. There he hung,
with nothing but the strength of his
childish fingers on which to depend
for life. The fearful spectacle was
seen by a woman on the mn-w ii,.
side ol tho street, and her screams
of terror attracted tlie notiatr of
some men, three of whom rushed
up stairs. On reaching the second
story two of the men ran up into
the attic and thence to the roof, but
wmj oiner with adrnirablo fore
thought, got out on & narrow porch
projecting from one of the windows,
and under the point where tho little
ellow was holding on with rigid
but rapidly foiling strength. The
edge of the roof, however, projecteiT
beyond tho porch, and on looking
up the mau siw that he could not
catch the boy il he remained inside
the porch railing. Stepping
he grasped with one hand an iron
stauueheon close t, th n--i.ii .1
nun, miifct
bracmir himself firmlir tho .,n.,...
tellow waited. He did not call to
tno boy to let go, for he hoped those
on the roof might be able to devise
some more certain means of tulip'
time, and tho chance of his bem
able to catch the little fellow
with his single disengaged arm
was a hazardous one at I Tho.
hope was futile, however, fin- Ivflmi
any sign of help camp from above
im uouceu mat the
and suddenly with a wihl i .
J j .. ..m DV1 V Oil 1.
of terror he loosed his hold, dtop-
jcu, ami was caiignt by tho mt
stretehed arm of his preserver. For
an instant it seemed to the breath
less crowd now trathprnl mi llio
-- 0 v.i VI IV
street, that man and boy were top
pling from their perilous perch ; but
tho good stout hand retained its .
clutch on the ioru support, and the
ooy was new nrmly m tho right
arm's fold, and in a moment more
both were standing safely on the
porch. Tho terror-stricken Iwy was
at his mother's side again before she
knew what hail lmnneiiPil t.,
- - J J -, IIU
gallant man whose presence of mind'
and heroic couraffe thus saved the
life ofa fellow creature at tho haa-
anl of his OWll. iWprves mi,n
j w. . .... .. V , ,( , I
the passing tribute of a newspaper
cjiv. ti-i . n e ougll 1 10 Jin vc a gi ill I
meddle as big as a soup-plate. 1 lis
name is given as Campbell Williams.
TVew and Elegant
Come and See itt
A lady at the X.ivv ball, wore a
dress, the train of whii-li is ...,..i
,. . WlllJMf-1,-11
entirely ot peai'ock's fcathers, and the
on- nigi, uecKiacc, anu aigrette lor
the liair were comiHised of pendants
m tlie shape ,of a ixsaeock, studded
with diamonds, emeralds mul ..liU
to imitate the plumage of this corne
ous bird. A- ir Ywk iitil,
Pmfessor Agassin, In his voyage on
the i..ver, hiis discovered a h-h in
the Gulf Stream which puiids a est
ill the drift Weeds, mul 1 It.
t leiem, leaving them to float awayat
i r U 1 l,u,l,ence. inrs odd
asn, U Prpfessor Mys, has a fin like
a hand, and walks the water miner
tlian swims. Those who go down to
the sea hi shins im 1
aiilta 1 " wrangu
It is said that the most thoroughly
mixed obituary notice every eomniled
was one in an Knglish patron Dan
cl Wehster, in which he was alluded
to as the "great lexicographer, states
man, the author of a spelling book,
murderer of Dr. Parkman."
It is announced tliat the Pope will
shortly send his ultimatum to the lio-
m.'in Cnthn ! itii,.,... ...u- i. ' .
, . .. , ";,ve not
Wepted the dogma of Infalibility.
ihe Comrressinnnl I il. ... n- .i
ington eoutains m,H books in tlie
library, besides 411,000 pamphlets.
TliO Cllinesi' nr.. eniil i.
tlieu; holidays by paying their debts.
Xoble county, Ohio, witli a popula-
il ,ia miii . ... . 1 '. ..
iiuu oi zo,wo, is wen wortliy ot the
name It bears. There h not a saloon
111 tne wiiole eoimtrir. t mm la i,..i .,
ease on tlie enittlual diK-ket, and not a
person lias been arrested for a whole
year on a criminal charge. Tlierc
were Oil V tile Imr.nilj biat
.... . ":v - - .......... - i-.n, nun
if it fiRiIii t been for a meddling law-
,ci, inivc ui iiR-se womu not have
wen recorded.
A ('IllenoYl llOAh.hl.Hilr MMmflir an-
lKsired in Detroit and bought a nine-hundreil-dollar
lot, for which he paid
in fractional currency, mostly of the
denominations often cents, IHj whlub
took three Iwurs to eouut. Itc Is only
eleven years old. awl 'says he made
this money in boot-blaekfng In three
A Runaway Esonos. Sometime
since was reconied the unusual ind-
deilt of a rniinu-mr t-i-ii.. . .....
1 ,, u. on. j icry sim
ilar accident has occurred in an Eng
lish road. An engine standing on tla
Moimwuthlhlre railway, near ew
port was tehig cleaned, when the
flRMn.-,,)erivu,ga train approach,
ing from behind, and that a colissi,,,,
.iic.iwuic, imnnea oil. it is con
Jectureil that the force of the blow
oened tlie valve and the loco
motive. Between tlie point of depart
ure ami the Waterloo Juuet.o,,,
it was mmllir n,...! '""ln-
ii, ,,, .in ' ""W( re no less
tlian ilfteeu gates. Through every
one of these the
1, in some cases shivering tlHm t
atoms, hi nili,.,., ,i .!!...?., ' ,w
like paper. In two o7 three Knees
the gates signal posts, telegraph posts
and signal boxes all along It S
course weriW-..i ,
damaged. After run ir elrfft ,Su?
it finally cot off tin, tr,.,.i7 n,T,i i..'
tO an oiiibfliiknw,,., .i ,,'
,j. A, ""liv a was
caught. Stmnw'to nr tho
was verv llttlo i . v . ''nv
, . v j'Mi.-ii, nincu is as-
ite 'vi" '""J w,m
Xeither God nor man expects a wife
to submit to brutality ; but a woman
Will. tliyfllllT'r ..iitimn,,.:.... 1
. uviovh "in"HMill lifr
1 linshamlorilippoliited In him. yet
tikes up tlie cross, ami, fltthw her
L I., ,..1,1..... It- I. t. 1 II " .
piiuwyan w ii, war n m auvrxu WttSt
me semi, iuh joys that the world
Knows not oi, anu reaeliei tlie hiirliet
ll lu.Afl. ,.,.,....1 1 6
President Grant has appointed four
i.oiK-i, Miin; iK- mis oeen in tne u nite
House, to the highest grade of ixvtof-
i: ... , ...... ..i . ia.4. ......
utr.-, n 1 1 u Ntiiincs OI i,UOU JX.T 1111-DMi
A Raleigh dispatch says tliat one
branch of the Legislature has author
ized a reward of 110,000 for tlie arrest
of Henry B. Lowery, and 6,000 for
each of his gang $30,000 In all.
Forty thousand American tourists
are said to spend one hundred and
twenty millions of dollars annually
in Europe.
Smelts are very plenty ou the Mas
sachusetts coast this season.
E.vtixg o ......
tv vears .im , ""-
selves were .is oo., n... ....... ll"-m-
i ,i ."i-v used ( int no
a'lP'ha kitcheH an!
'""'anil eat the cockroaches
This extraordinary habit wis mt
totelteDetl,ne.irtVC tut
cockrate reVnn
on cpimbs why. ha, beeu waLiauT,
lie about In iho L (...i... i, ,utHJ
We tO kwn t hem A , , ''"POpl--
More tluut Too noo no. .
now in ibree in th oom.t y 'SSLC
msuretl for Marly
ireu men aw
thousand ! '"reu 1,3511