NT ALBANY, OREGON, FKBliUAKY 2, 1171 NO. 22. VOL IV. rTBLlkHED EVEUY BATCKDAT, By COLL. VAJi CLitiVE, IN REGISTER BUILDINGS, Corn r F rty Otxl f'n SlrMt, TKHMS IN ADVANCE. Oiv vcnr six uiuuhs Sai's-ie copies.... .Three do nam.-' .Two dollars. .Ten renin. aivi:i:tcsix; rates. Transient h ii. j- 1 in- MtMior sqtsti-c of ten lines or d-M insertion fS;ncli saiscuient tnv.-ll ?l. LMfW a Iver llsemcnt Inm-ricd on 10 roost liwwiu terms. . ,li ill AWKK. I new l-yrf.stotk of nr.-! Inks. cards, a IJnr.lon Jew r, ;tc we mr mrtmn-'J toSXtscuteall kllfmof print in' in 11 ln-ltcr manner, and lll'i.v l;r row cheancr tluin ever before ottered in tins elty. Ajji'iits lor tlie Beg-lstcr. The li)l!i,vin' T.-n'lemi'n lire authorised to receive and receipt for suleH-riptloiis, Bdvertidlnii, etc., for Hie Kijiisteb: Jliram Smith. Hon-Mmw. it. I'. Tompklmi, llitrribnrg. Peter Jpune. Brownsville. v. l!. Kit. HrownM'nie. K. K. Whec'.ev. Sin. T. II. Ilemnl Is.Su em. L. 1". Fisher, San Francisco. li. i. PriSer. Shnnd'sfStntton. Fletelier .V: Well--, Buenn Vist:i, Polk I 0 Cbiis. N lekell, Jacksonville. BUSINESS CARDS. . B. EIC-CE, SI. B , Physician ftw-failst Albany, Or. OK I K O.N 1 lir.MM llii-n J'.'-r on".. , 'uvft. -. .x. JS. S. BU BV4S M ON BAND ASH CONSTANTLY receivlftst'i larsastpeltof Uroec-rlcs ttutl Provisions. Wood and willow ware, tobacco, KMi confectionery, Yankee notions, efcj wholes-ulr and retiill. owpomto B.C. Hill Stni's d store. A n -a n v. ore -on. h 4 I. It, UITl'itEIX. J- K' BGI.rU, MTrCEiELL ti BOLtVSI, Attorneys -! 4-uusrIors n4.l,aw, Si MMJCTTOBSIN CHANCERY AND ruin - mice over I lie , Portland, ore. inn iflteo. lvl ,1. 1. , IWEl.Ii. J.. n,i.v.i. Attorney mI iijii."lor nt Law, A NH SOEiCITolts IX Oil ANTK.lt Y ,1.. Fdnn iio'.ii' ! -1'nici. Ai'inny. oreitou. Collect Imm and wmvcytvnccs pHuiiptly ut- ten 1 Ho. . ' ! ? . n.ciUKon. K. ii. nrMMHiwr. Notary rublie. : CBAfOR & BflJi3PJ$MBY, j Attoraeyw : t'oauseltori t iaw, I AU)lKY,ORKUOX. om; b brlclt, up stalri 61 1 BAY, D. S. H., A 1IA1I1 VT u,ui riN-.'iN- :il I Millies S f fin- j ( Si ill. qt I'ui' f"f .b-'iil-.i. doe Ai.t. MM 'toHh work in tbe line bet and most aj renoHiil)ie rate Nitrous Oxide ;'. lesse.llr;wili'-! Parrish i'liek b! Ural bousesdtttli fmutlug n eon; if bis profession Hi Hie 'r.ie.l laethod, and :ii :is s m li' biid eisi'wbere. aiiilstered for the imln- eetll il deSllW. Olliccin fk, np ulalm. Itesidcnce f( (Kiaiitta t iomil chnrell, house ban k. je.'-ls w. . -jfoam, m. f., II0KB07ATHI0 FBVSI3IA1M. OKFI0E ON FIRST S'J'IIEKT, OXEdOOf weSt of BtOa bIMll, in llnrkluiri's Iavo Hon brick (np stairs', over i;-o. Tnrrell's slori'. UtMtDEN'li i iii'ncr sixlli and Ker ry streets. ,YUmy,Oit5JWU tiBiB & 1BVBKS' Wrjatr7'lxol3i SlMlKIlii AL FI.I MKS, And Uenernl Mill Hnelilnery. J. F. BACKEXSTO, Asent, Albiiny, Ureifon, 51 vS 20 BOLL..! DCS A BAY TO MAI.K AX II FEMALE AliEXTS, To iniiolitce the celebinted Buckeye lowing MacJsltic. OTITt.'H A1JKF. ON 1IOTH SIDES, AND tlie oiv sbuitie sewin'tf intiebine In tin1 I'nitcd Bat&llcflUiwd tousotbeceiebinted Wilson HwdSold lor less llmn lo, and aek notvlcdjftMl by nil to be the hesi ttitnll) sew- pi;- lliaSlllnO, In:' Hgil or lienvy Wttrthg, in the tnarke'. Out ;it tree. Address MIXER & PEARSON, e. AgtJ 20v3lf .Vllmny, Oregon. AI.BAXV BOOKSTOBE. Eatnblislictl in 1M50. K. A. jpreotani!, 1 NFAt.l.l! IN KVKUY VARIETY OF I IUit'llft0OlH book . seltiMii books. Hooks ImporhM blank bonks. slii'inncry. to order nt suori notice. Albunv. Dee, :!. W70. Tt'KXIl.MW THRKIAO. I AM PREPARES) TO DO ALL KINDS of turnllia; keep on hand und make In onler rawhlmHNAftomed clmii-s, ami spin nlnj? wheels. Simp near the " Muxnollii Mills." JOHN ,AI. MET.LEU. Albanj, Nov. 8, c;i. -L BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, B A N K I N G -AND Exchange Office, 'nXoW York, for ml)-ill West rate. Helen to U. W.Corbctt, Henry cvlliug, W. S. Until, nankin-; lioiira from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, MfKivJ ( nlk-ctlons uinu.'iiniiprniuri.vri miici MARBLE WORKS. noxroe &. wtawjeu, Dealers In "Ioniiments, Cbeihks, Tombs, Hind untl Foot iiii-s, Executed in California, Vernimit Mm bit-. and Italian SALEM, OREGON. DBA3HU KHOH AT AI.BAXY. J. ijtr. m. r..(UANi:. ROW & CBAXE, Dealers in Boots, S!!"?, aisd FttldlBgl AI.UAN Y, OB1AK1N, IN VITK TUB ATTKN I ION' OF THE j public to tbeir full Block nf.ibe lalent stjles in Kentletnen's and yotuh boots, slim.-, uuiier-. Oxlbrd ties eie.,ete., USweU BK to tho V'I7 latiwt tlllni? out in Ihe line nf Irntic1 irn'il uio' Kiiltont, bahiKHiila, Xewporl tii-s, Antoutetto bnskius, und imuiv oiin-r neAv and fubioimble :!!.-. lust received nt tbet'iiy (loot Sioiv.wui:-li tUey w ill sell as Hiplttly us Ihey mn Imd puKbanora wno wwh first-clivw gondii ni hie ruol reaona'le rate; Tliey resjjeet t n M v invite you to come mid see ibeif iocU. limilp", shoes.clc. inmleor r.iiiud iij order, and ml aw ' u-i-m'ih ( l i Y BOOT STORE, FIRST STREET, First door West of Ilejrlate BnlliTit. 47vS CIT V MAR K ET, I'IBS STKECT, AI.1L1XV, OIUMJOX, J. L. HARRIS, PROPRIETOR, rll.I. ENDEAYOH TO KEEP COS- stantlvon hiiiidarullsui iIy of AIX mxm ov MEAJSj y Which will be of the very ls quality. TliahlalieM ninrkel iirki-paiilforUvves, iiivtn :iml slieell. 'I'liird dour west of Ferry, on soul! Of First slrcei. ' .1. 1.. HAR1 Albany, Dee. l i, W71-I5r4 sldi J. i:i:Ai.KSTATi:AistKAxEAii:sr, ALDANVi OREtiOS. i i : x tsj ( o i.i. kit i!i a n ; i t a x i :! p t d i t for non-residents and others, iimklnx out niil eslate paiiers, etc. onieeim.- door iibovcteleirrapl) oftlce. $IT$ AUmiiy Ilcgiatc IntitltatO, AMI any, ORKOOS. rpHIS INSTITI'TIOX WILL REOPEN OX X Mominy, September t, ls7t. withn corps : in learners ciiimnic ami euiuei.. insinu j Hon will be liioiiiuib and practical, and ' i he system of order uiisuryiasscit. KoriHir j titulnniaddrtws I U.K. AVARREK. A. M.. Vresldent : or, Rer. K. It. (iEAWY, l. D..AIl)aiiy. Tlie Eyca t 'flic Kurd ! BB. T. I ;om?::, Ocnilst and Aartet, Albany, Ornrom DR. GOLDEN IS A son of tho noted old opirtalinlc uoetor, S.C.tioldu. -' Dr. ( '.olden has had experience in treating tin- viu-iims dlseoaea to wlilch the eve and ear are subject, and fwils conlldent oi firing entire satisfnetion to those u lio may place themselves under his rare. April is. CO. DR. Bi.O. SMITH, BS-LVJriST, I FT AS LOCATED IX At I 1 1 liany, und is now ready lo wait on the ru teens ot A I- iTrA-vVT biiiiyanil vielnilv.wiiha new s 1 1 .1 inventinn In dental work. II consists ill supiKirtlntc the plate to t be month whhoiit eiiverlni; the whole roof, ns heretofore. , I hose wishnisr artlllelal teeib are request ed to call and examine for themselves, ' Also, plates mended, whether purliallv liroken or divide I. Teetb.cxtraeted witli- ; out pnhi. Olllce over Tnrrell's store. All work warranted, 7v4 I'itperdiniiKln, C'ulcrndning, Becoralliig, &o. ! 7; M. WADSWORT-H will give prompt I attention to all orders for lVlsir. nuniriiiK, tlilerintnlna, Decorating, Ae., in tllMClty or vicinity. All work exeemed hit be latest style, in U10 bewt manner, and nt lowest HvhiK rati-s. C-Jr Orders left :it Furnituri' Wnrerooinsof Cluw. Mutiny will receive prompt attention, im 1 i TOUTS HKl'UnWV ro 'ssgjap' 4'Mtnliln. Pan) Smiili av:is a ioor old mnn. Ho Inula back mom in the top of n noisy ltlint httfte. Where he slept nifiiits, ,-imI munchod his meals of bread Riid chee (or lioiogiiawitiga, when In- eould iilVoitl ill, and tioui wlicnue he erept, harmlew and un iKitlctd aa a fly. dow n to the earner of tlie ilinjry street, to (lie little music -hop of V:ii Bert man, a Oermaii Kt tier nomowlH'ro in Sola). Then ue tlidjeretjl all day on liroken violins and other nmiil iustriunents, never absenting himself for a moment, save on Blturday aftenioous, when lie went to llie house of a small trades iiiiui to teach the piano to three or four very stupid irls. Sundays he curled up in his deu. and aiiiu-ctl himself, no one knew how, until .Monday morn ing. TlW-re are a ftir certainties', he neA--cr Aveut to clnirvlt: hut he picked rit"ged eliildivn from the )iavetnent when tliey fell near htm, and gave them lialf-ieiiiiies Avhen he had any ; shared his dinner often with a mangy, dirt v cur, who acted as a sort of esca"ie-valvc for the ill-temper of half the men anil ivonien m the streets ; and he roused Pat llyan from his midnight snooze in the gutter many a cold night, and literally carried him home to Xoah and the 'children.'' As for his honesty, a neighbor re marked : If he round five shillings in the street, hed ivear oat ten shili- ings worth of strength and shoe-leather to liud the owner." One colli night Pnttl waa relflrnluB from his work, with a loaf of brwid under one arm and a violin under the other, Avhen at the street door he stumbled and nearly foil oyer a small object crouched oil the Step. ' Kiess us, Avhat's this?" cried Paul, striving to regain his efjollibrUun. "Only me r!" and the small ob ject stood up. and became a very (vile, thin and ragged child. 'Are you hurt, little girl?" " Xo sir." "What are yon doiug out hero in the cold." "Nothing," ivhy don't you go home ?" 1 am t sot any. Tht lioil. : i winter of ISO come in like a I many a poor wretch well ro itiftinbers. anil with lite first blast came 1'iitil's eueiiiy. He turned one night I a sad face from his waiin comer in I Bertram's shop among the violins, I ami hobbled up tlie cold street, fueling tlie nppiiiaeh of the old rlietnnatlc pains, and wbmlering AVhat would be come of poor little Camilla. Hii excitement curled him up to the last flight of stairs, and bearing OSimHltlTl voiif. be pitUsfitijtd res und listen, ISlie Avas singing in that sweet and exiiri'ssivc manner which made her voice seem to hint the sweetest and pniv-t he had ever heard. At the end nf I be st.'inza she took breath. ami another voice -aid. "Child, you astonish me. Either lam a poor judge of music or else your rotca is : 'ihe ftneft I ever heard. You arc j right in preferring it-s cultivation to anvtiiihg else." 'n electric thrill shot through old I .1 i .1 1 1.1 . 1.1 1 ! l ap s Irani'.' aim uuicnenen tin uiwi to a rapidity that quite carried away bis rbeiimiitlc pains, and in a twink ling he was up tlie stairs and in his little attic. R lie was terri'd at (lie sound of a man's voice, btiillie sight of a hand some ffial polisled gcitticmiUi. with dlumond sltuN lnWs .-lawy linen, a heavy ring upotv)iLi dainty Avluts hand. uri.'iue?tiouluc brolidcloth upon iiis back, in close tonversalion with his Camilla, whose Vondrouii U'liuty had of late startled evi his dull per ceiilion, was more than l'aul could bear. li.. wiis a very small ihStl hnu been in his voiith and now that time's w iilhing lingers bud touched him, he was shriveled and dried like Avilhered fruit, but in bis virtuous Indignation he pllflkl out to his fullest extent, and in bis f iU tle voice piped, 'Camilla, how dare you invito anyone here ?" Oil, I nclc l'aul ! This is Mr. Clavering, a gentleman, whose i hose Whose mother s!? saved from death, Votir niece, sir, a few days siutv, was passing through our crowd ed thoroughfare, Avhen my mother's caiTlago drew up to the iiaveinent. The liiT-es were restive, and bidding ,thc driver to attend to them, she be gan to a-oend unassisted. Her foot was on tho step, when the animals sprung forward and flung her violent ly from her footliold. lint for the .sudden act of your niece, Who receiv ed my mother in ner strong young j c arms, iie fall might have proven a fatal one. My mother at once entered a show, and keeiiilia A'onr niece bv her, sent for me. I cam to-day, at j IIiymOtlHtrs earnest request, to ex press our heartfelt gratitude and to otter " " You needn't oflbf Camilla a penny, sir. She will never sutler as long as I have a pair of bauds to work forber," said l'aul " Y'ou mistake me. I do not widi to insult you, but would raise this child from" her poverty, and educate her, that she might lie" of use to you and hersclt and become a refined woman. Don't let your selfish love stand iu her light and shut it out trom her. She sings like a prima donna and wishes to study music." The great lustrous eyes of the child turned imploringly to her new guar dian. "Lor", Camilla, A-our Avav, I know I can't stand in I wuiVn avrnv bit 1 a born lady, if your poor forsaken mother did die "in a hovel among wretches who turned Iter child into the eold a soon as the brealh of life ! tla; strange voice broke forth in a tri bal! left Iter body! but dear me, f j mnphant strain, and listeners held can't part W illi von.'' tlicir breath as the W'QnderWW notes And you sliitll not. f.ct me serve I rang out upon the air, and then died little t.aniilla. and she will never leave yon. lait shall prove a blessing to you 111 your out iifrc. l'aul could say nothing, and the strange visitor imparted, with no further injury to ids darling than an clopieiit glance from an expressive pair ot eyes. 'flam from tlie gloomy .lodgtug bouse to the snug set of chambers a few streets olf went l'aul and Camilla, and the poor w retch soon looked like another la-ing, in his cletuier nork elotbes mid Sunday suit, earned from increased number of pupils provided tlirougjh tlie Avilling assistance of tla'ir pliilauthi'onieal friend, Mr. Claver ing. i wj-after day, Camilla Avent Avith her luniks to the teacher so strangely provided ; and altera little time there came days Avian nassers paused to listen to the warbling of tlie rich young voice. Vla'ii she had been there six mouths she entered 01m morning to thai Mrs. Claveritig in the music master's room. ' What do you propose to do with vonr f'liiions limit! said her sweet, voice. " Madam, Camilla is unite capable of doing anything lu a musical way. She avIII le u songstress of ivbom this country will be proud. Ah, here she is r "You have imp: oved AA'ontli rftilly, my child," said the lady, holding out Iter gloved hand. " I "came to bring vou Kiehard's farewell. He leaves for Loudon to-night, and Avill remain abroad many years. Here is a little gift, as a token of remenibcrance." She did not understand that Mrs. Claveritig laid placed a pretty neck lace of coral in her band, aiid then gathered up her shawl aial departed ; but when her teacher siwke she cried out as if in mortal iain, and without a Word, HeAV down the street toward home. As she turned the comer she rushed pell-mell into the arms of a .gentleman, who, on seeing her pale and tearful, said. " Why little Camilla, wliat is the 1 milter ?" "Ob. Mr. Clavering, you are going aivnv !" Uicliard Clavering" flue face grew sad and expressive as the tearful eyes looked into his own. and for the first time he comprehended that he Aias a young man, and that 111 protege was Stealing from childhood Into beautiful girlhood, and undeniably a laanty. "Camilla, I am going away but will you wait for my return ?" " Walt for you? I am not going to rati away." " You do not comprehend me. Well, it is better so. Perhaps two yean? later you may understand me. Good-bye, Camilla. Kiss me good bye. ' It was a very unlet street, and so Camilla lifted her head and kissed j Win, In all 'probability the child 1 Avniilil have kissed (dm in the main j thoronghfiire as readily as there, and I j only mention the fact of the street be- , ing a ijuiet one to silence the startled: pinpri. ty of those who are shocked at tile publicity of it. Well, Jhere they parted ; be to go over the sea : she to remain at home j and improve the opportunities be bad placed before Ikt. Tlie great heart ol tlie music-loving , nnhllc was luritnted with minelod eino-1 lions of joy. pride, astonishment and j awe. A IK'AV songstress iiiin oeeucru icised, picked over piece-meal, ground down to the finest point, ilisseeted, examined through tllfl most perfect musical microscope, and pronounced feet ! And now tab manager of a first class fasbiiiii-iiatroniz -d theatre liad engaged her for a single night at an almost tabulous stun, and the world was to near ner voice The nurht came, i be theatre waa l crowded from pit to roof. The orcbes tm pealed forth a grand oyertwre, the expectant crowd tllliil the air with perfimie, and soft niurunirs of Avhis liering voices and rusofifsj silks arose iu a subdued sound ; and then the bread curtains rolled up and disclosed the elegantly fitted stage. Suddeiilv there was a rush ! 111 the I vast building, and eyes grew bright with eairor anticipation, as from the Wing came theflaOnttMtei A tall, grocefulgirl, witli gleaining shoulders, and white, perlfex'tlj'-shapeu arms; with a eroAvn of purple blink hair upon the regal Ik'.-uI ; with great, dark eves sea nning the croivd, and then Avith almost childish sbyiiess vail Injr themselves beneath the long lasb- j a mouth, soft, tender and beauti ful, and a cheek as tair as the pure while satin of her sweeping relic ; and tbev had seen all the loii!-talked-of and highly praised beauty. V roar like the rushing of distant waters sounded in her cars, and then swelled into a thunder of applause; and coming slowlv down III the splen dor of the footlights her beautiful head erect, her eves glowing with ex citement, her beauty enhanced by I be elegance of her costume, Camilla, the rUe iwor little AA-alf, tlie child of poor old l'aul Smith, the protege of proud lUctinrd Clavering, received the liom ag ol the assembled crowd. '"When the acclamations had censed, the orchestra began a soft symphony ... i .i .1,,.,.?, the Imilillmy echoed ihe clear, mire notes of a voice that j ciimill'd fill IIWIIA- - - , , a ore a nv ini.-uc voice, lull ot hojie. ot uouiif, oi imiii. viY'i'. still nearer, it sounded, and hope bait droAvnediue uouuxs, oiu yov ft nlaintive sorrow seemeil to remain. It came uearei mm w iiw, -- talfexpectant, trembling glhnnse of something better; and then siKklenly ; awav For a moment a deathly silence reigned, but it was for a moment on ly, and then the building vibrated With a crash ot enthusiasm that came from the muslo-crazed audience. Men arose hi their seats and hundreds flung their floral tributes at her feet. lu one of the boxes atwive the one Avhere the music master and manager sat, an old, otkl looking man waved his handkerchief and cheered with great tears falling tloivn his wrinkled cheeks, mult ainilla looked up to that 0110 box and gavcdiim the only. smile Unit cross ed Iter Hps during the night. But at length the curtains foil, and Camilla, wary and worn, went on to the dressing romir. Sortie ono stood in tlie shadow of a jlde 11118416, and Avlien she asked perniMou to pass caught her by (lie bands and drew her on! into the light. "Camilla, little Camilla, is it yon? Have I been listening to my little girl this glorious evening ? Speak to ine! 1 am bewildered and blind." "Mr. Clavering! When did you come? Oil, lam so glad, so happy!" she cxclamed. "Are you glad? Are you happy? Oh. is this my welcome? Have you waited for me, my love my darling?" She put her hands over Her eyes, mourning: " Y on do not mean your words .' 1 am dreaming .' I am mad !" "You are here, wide awake, Camil la, and I am asking you to love ine, and to be my Wife. ' She drew him away for a brief mo ment, and laid her weary bead within his arm. Then she passed on to her dressldg-room, and when she return ed she put out her baud, saying. "Oh, Itichard, take me away ! 1 am soul sick of all this." "And yon avIII only sing" "in yriir nest. Conn , ive must not forget t'ncie Paul. He is waiting ill the box for me." The box was near at band, and in a nuimeut they stood at tlie door. It Avas ajar, and Richard pushed it open to alloAV Camilla to cuter, and saw the old man sitting in one of the luxurious chairs, his head iylilg back iiiou the soft cushions, anil las bauds peacefully folded. Cnde Paul !" cried i 'amillii. "Why, you naughty boy, you are fast asleep. Come it is time to go home. Ah." She started back nv itii a cry, for the baud silc touched was lev cold, and fell back still' and helples. "Camilla, darling, come away, I AVIII attend to mill.'' "Ob, Klchard!" "blush, love. He Is beyond us now. Those strains of music have carried him to Heaven, from Avhenee they came." The poor old man was dead. With the cousuuiation of his heart's wish, bis quiet, comprehending, tmoftcuding lite had passed out into the new ex istence. There were loud growls iu the music-loving world, bijt nothing ever tame of it ; for ItlchartFCliVeriug re moved their singing bird so deftly that tiiAK knew- the cans,' of her flight ; and now she sings only to him and to her brood of young Waverings. Wondliiill mid luflln in ths Bowel I'miei'iil rroi'.'Nsloti-Beiuni'ks l,y tlie .n.iiis. If YictdHa and Teniiessee AA-cre not ttiulwi( they must be dilllcult crea lures to entertain. Tlie boys invited them to speak, and were particularly happy in their remarks on tbeir i kt sonal appearance. A big tow-headed boy sung out: "Which istneoltl cat they eails the next President ? Oh ! my, ain't (Vshe ugly ! Bay old gal, give usa song and dance, is that your own niur or a j scratch? Open yer nioiilh yer trial to. for fear the boss cars i inniK its the depot and drive iu? "Jehu! Avhat ti nose," says a lad w ithin a foot of Victoria ; "1 ItUft't seen such a nose since; I bad the measles, and then (lie doctor had it to pick a bile with." The nasty irulaanccs stood in solid masses ' about the Avouien. Colonel Wood and ! Stenlien Pearl Andrews manfully strove to protect the hrokeresses. lint .1.., i... . I,, know all about matters, and said : 'NoAv his blood's . up" "Say, ('apt ii, it's alt right aac. I are all free lovers.'' When a cheap j transparency made its appearance with : a delegation, bearing the inscription : ! "And they had all things In common," ! then the crowd shouted : "Fetch tlt i banner over here." "Give it to Wood- bull." "Here's the gal for that mot I to." Finally the procession started, I and those un'bappv women, foot-sore and insulted, Avalkod miles through the j mud which covered everything, sup ported by the ereatesr rabble that ever paraded, one weak nanu. iiuriy one weak hand, thirty or fui i i-lower elass French women, and thousands of wild, hungry-looking ' men. It aaus rtdicu oin on the part ol j 1 1 " ii . . . i. ,..i' , ;i!, ii, ci . nil' (iviici; iu nuei inn t.ifcii ni vsfw ; munists, as they did on the. prcccd- ! ing .Sunday, since that act Avas uuuoniy one tlait gave any sort of coiweiiucuce to the whole a flair. A 'ITtKAsnn: LrtttE Prized. Time, the most precious of all posses sions, is commonly the least prized. It is, like health, regretted when gone. but rarelviinproveil Allien present We know it, is Irrccovenible. yet throw it ,.,.,..irt,,i,. ,.-,.,. v,, -,.,,- it j tt.w.r vet fail to catch the current moment w.nmn.v u.i, . "u.".'' .,-..., It is the snare ot life, and wbil Ave I never properly .occupy its limits, ive j neA-ertneless murmur at their narrow-1 ness. It is Ihe field of exertion, AVhicli we continually leave fallow, and yet Ave sorrow oyer otu: sliutcd lian'est. K.XTUEMK COLD IS XEW YORK. The Xew York lie n.v of lieeember 2.1d says : if our Kussian guests had happened to have been in the. city yes terday, tbev nmst liave been aatjsfled Avltl. the Siberian and Kamschafkivlike character of tlie weather. It was de cidedly tls champion "cold snap" of the season, and if that venerable old greybeard, the "eldest inhabitant," caB point out a severer day, let him "trot it out." The average tempera ture in tlie dty yesterday was thirt--t wo decrees" below th.it of 'the -same day last yrar.' Never since Monday, the 8th .wnnary, lsii'i. when tin' ther mometer stood fifteen degrees lielmv zero In this city, luts there been so cold a day as yesterdayi At six o'clock lit the moruing the thermometer stooil at one degree beloAV 7.ero, antl at six hi the evening at seven degrees above. Tn Danville, 111., live a man and wife, named Davidson, wlio are the parents of a child, nowover Ave weeks old, which weighs but two pounds. Its length is seven inches, and its fate about tlie size of a watch crystal. Its tiny arms are so slender that a small linger ring can be slipped on either of t he in to the shoulder. The little crea- lum Id .))..iil,' milL-liiiv iitr, n ,,..!.,. I.. "its part of flic world, and hundreds nave called to see it. ine parents are of standard size. A plain and unschooled man, who bad received his education principally beneath the open sky, in the field anil the forest, and w ho wielded the ax more than tlie pen, while speaking of children, remarked with true and beautiful simplicity. "The little chips are nearest tho heart." Beetles. Ham Toast. Chop some lean Iianr fine, put It in a pan. with a littlepep per, a Jump of butter and two eggs beaten: when well wanned, spread it on hot buttered roast, and serve. Sally I.rxx. Seven cups of sifted flour, half a teacup ot butter, Avarmed In a pint of milk, one spoonful of salt and three well-beaten eggs, two table spoonsful of bre Avers yeast ; if the vea-t is home-made, use tAvice as much. Pour this into smiare pans to rise, and then luike it, before it sours. Nick JJiscbJT. Que (mart ol milk. raised; Avhen light, add one cup ot butter, one egg. one tablespoon lid of Avintc sugar, halt teaspoourui oi soua ; raise again; roil thin, and bake illicitly. Sai saoes. Rimviges can 1h made by using mutton instead of pork. Chop lean and fit innlton together very fine. and season with sage, .-alt and pepper. Kat Avitii mustard, and they are not distinguished from genuine pork sau sages. Kau,road Cake. One cupful of sugar, one cupful of flour, tAVo bible spoonsful of melted butter, two table spoonsful of milk, three eggs, one tea spoonful of cream tartar, and one half toaspoont'ttl of soda. Flavor With lemon. Remedy for Fresh Wofxds. Ttintl up the cut or wound with line pulverized earth and renew the earth in the course of a lew hours. This remedy Is simple and within the reach of every one. F.arth is a com plele deodorizer and acts like n charm on fresh wounds. So is Avhite pine turpentine. Spiced Ajti.es. Eight pounds of apples, pared, four jkiuikIs of sugar, one quart of vinegar, one ounce of stick cinnamon, half an ounce of cloves. Iioll the sugar, vinegar, and spice together ; put ill the apples when boiling, and let them remain until tender (about twenty initiates. Take them out. and put them in a jar. Iloil down the syrup until it is lliick, nud pour it orer. An ell'cctual remedy for small pox is said to have beeu recently fount by a surgeon of Ihe British army in bina. The mode of treatment Is as follows t When Ihe preceding fever is at its height, and Just before the eruption ap pears, tlie chest is rubbed Avith croton oil and tartaric ointment. This causes the whole of the eruption to appear on that part of the body, to the relief of the rest. It also secures a complete eruption, and thus prevents the disease from attacking the Internal organs. This Is now the established mode of treatment in the English army in China, and is regarded :u a perfect cure. IIoav to Cook a Ueefste a k. The frying pan being wljati dry. place it upon the stoA'e and let it become very hot. lu the meantime mangle the steak pepper and salt it. then lay it in the hot dry pan, Avhlch Instantly cover as light as possible. When the raw-flesh touches the lien ted pan. of course Itseetlies to itf but in a few seconds it becoro.es loosened and juicy. IH"11'" Even- half minute turn the stettk, but R .," ' " 1 - t", ' b.e iliKk'r cover. M hen nearly douo lay a small piece of butter on it, and if you want much gravy, add a tea spoonful of strong eoft'ee. In three minutes from the time the first steak goes into the pan it 1 ready for the table This mt thod of cooking makes the most delicately broiled steak, full ofjuice, yet retaining tlie healthful beefy flavor, The same method may be applied to mutton chops, only they need a little longer cookinj? lo lnwont them from being too rare. An excel lent gravy iniiy,be made by adding a little cream thickened witli a pinch of flour Into which, when oft' the Are and ' ivurlv eolil stir ill n partly c well tH'ti yolk of an egg, Men. AVIiat cliemleal instrument is like a cutting reply ? The retort. J